Letter husband from wife in prison. Letter to your favorite in prison

Letter husband from wife in prison. Letter to your favorite in prison
Letter husband from wife in prison. Letter to your favorite in prison

One of the most important components of such assistance are letters. It is also convenient for the fact that they can be written at least every day ...

How to write a letter to your favorite in prison?

How to write a letter to your favorite person in prison?

Who would you write a letter, whoever you had to recall, need to write meaningfully and necessarily with the words of support.

If you need something important - it is necessary to write so that you understand only the one to whom you appeal to (of course, it should not be a cipher from points and dash).

It is necessary to extremely accurately indicate the name of the institution where the message is sent, the detachment and the recipient data.

Write on ordinary leaves or electronic form. In the last variant, as in the usual mail, sending a letter paid.

Prison letters: samples

Is it possible to attach something?

Can. Photos, beautiful pictures, postcards, poems, drawings - in a word, all that does not contain elements of pornography and other, prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, for example, drugs, or propaganda of homosexuality.

It should be remembered that in any case, your relative will not be the first to open this envelope, first, the letter will fall into the censors. And if something seems to be suspicious, the letter to the addressee may not reach.

The list of nested materials is necessarily indicated at the end of the letter!

What should and what should not write?

How to write a letter to prison and what is standing in it?

Best write to distracted topics - About the affairs in the family, that everything will be fine, how you are all waiting for the return of your loved one.

It is strictly not to write in sharp statements about the political situation in the country, about the government, about the leadership of the colony or the "copyright cops". And in general, it is better to avoid this topic.

If you write not on the zone, but in the detention facility, it is categorically impossible to write anything that is related to a crime, in which your relative suspected - you do not want to complicate it without a difficult situation.

Your close is not yet convicted, but only arrested, that is, the accused. And no one can guarantee that the letter is too frank in terms of details will not make it guaranteed guilty.

Now, if you write to the zone, then you can afford a little more - yes, the letter will still be read, but no one and nothing will affect the sentence.

How to write a letter to prison to do without censors? Through a lawyer. This is what he can at any time be freezing to talk with the wards, and without extra ears and eyes.

So - and convey something bypassing the management of the institution. Not all lawyers are coming, but those who agree, usually take very considerable money for their services.

There are also options. In the zones it is a junior inspector.

They pay on such a post - the dear penny, there are few people refuse to work out. If, of course, you do not pass anything forbidden.

Also you can try through free workers.

But please do not make a mistake - but do not risk at all at all. Among them there may be stukachi.

Black zones

The so-called "black" zones are those in which power actually focused on thievesand it is considered normal. About such people say - you can write anything.

Red zones

These are such correctional institutions where the power is entirely in the hands of the administrationAnd all the prisoners "know their seals". When sending letters, if your close is sitting in such a zone, you should be extremely attentive.

As already mentioned, all the correspondence will be permitted. The slightest suspicious hint and - and the letter will fly into the urn, and this is still far from the worst option, looking about what you write.

But in whatever institution you wrote - no matter what "color" this same colony, write text competent, cultural speechAll letters and words should be wringly written. Of course, no Slang or Mata. Not in all institutions to it are loyal.

Electronic Message

Write an email to prison using a FSIN-letter server.

To do this, you need to enter the page and fill in the following fields:

  • who is written - Passport information, region, name of the institution;
  • from whom;
  • letter text (stupid to even warn that all letters are read - in this case it is more than ever);
  • payment card data.

Many questions causes exactly the last item. Indeed with help special payment cards "FSIN-Letter"you can significantly save time and money - you already guessed that any letter paid. They can periodically replenish the balance - depending on the nominal.

Cards are available on amounts from 330 to 5,500 rubles. If you still do not have such, you can order it on the same site by filling out the sections provided. To authorize the site, use the card number and special code.

So, write letters to a prison with her husband and other expensive people. Do not leave your loved one without your support - after all, life in captivity implies harsh tests, especially for the faster.

It is not by chance even in a remnant insulator on the number of letters there are no restrictions - you can write at least daily - and for the recipient it will be like a breath of air.

Want a romantic man - Write letters to prison. As it turned out, Zeks are the most touching men in the world. And the lives, they were rethought, and they repent, and the love they still wait. In general, something, and the ears of romance on you will definitely turn out. True, it's not a fact that it is limited only to romance.

There is such a Svidanok.net website - prisoners from all over the country leave there their detailed questionnaires in order to find a friend or even his wife. Effolding love fill the questionnaires in detail, pointing all: name, place of rejection, biography and date of expiration. Many on the site and Karelian prisoners: turn the pages under their intently-sad glances and involuntarily drive away from the contents of the questionnaire.

What is characteristic, almost every one is a catchy and touching headline. Just listen: "Love or not to love? That's what is the question "," There are two types of people: those who are going to do something and those who do "," a lot of free, young statute dies, not love ... "," for you, the only, beloved, swollen I am the mountains of the Ural ridges, "" In the sky, the angels are fighting, and I suffer on Earth, "I am writing out of the place where there is no bride, and the guys go under escort ... and wait for their dream."

There are concise statements: "You will not regret!", "Lonely Pigeon", "And who is easy now?". There are almost slogans, after which women probably let a tear and grab about the pen: "Let's light the lights of love!", "Don't look in good bad, but look in bad good", "You are a woman and that's you right, you are in our abnumbs. The image of a deity. " Well, everything is clear: the zeks are those still manipulators. They know what and how to press, so that lonely women wanted to save them. But how else will they want!

"I finally found the meaning in my life," one of the "brides" writes on the forum. "And let us consider us crazy, I don't care." Yes, maybe we really do not care about yourself! But I found you, my love, and I will wait for you these four years, no matter what! " In the line of another girl, the challenge is also read by society: "Everyone is mistaken, but not all this recognize. I know, we will succeed with Kali. "

If, in the meantime, they put forward specific requirements for their "free" girlfriends. Someone is limited to standard "cute, tender, caring", someone strict: "My future girl should not drink, smoke and unleash himself." And some fantasies at all: "I imagine my future girlfriend, as cooking from the TV series" Interns ", which goes on TNT."

And only some of them frankly talk about their fault. Most often, romantics are complained: "I stepped on a slippery path," "I once contacted a bad company," "Fate substituted the footrest" and all that such. The reasons for staying in prison, as a rule, are also silent, limited to short: "I want to say that I'm not for killing or rape." Well, and on how they say, thanks.

The most interesting thing is that even in these situations "Savior" manage to suffer. What stories do not read on the forum for beloved prisoners! It turns out that the Zeks lead almost a full-fledged personal life: not only get acquainted and marry (according to statistics, on average in Russia every year more than ten thousand marriages are held with prisoners), but they manage to throw their "narrowed", and sometimes even change:

"With my young man familiar to six months. I went to "short": I wanted to talk and discuss how to sign. We were all seriously, at least until yesterday. It's not a call from him, nothing! And here from the networks, his friends took, girlfriends - and let me write to me, to burn about its women and so on. I'm shocked, I have hair on end. "

Of course, in prisons, as nor sadly, sometimes innocent people are sitting. Yes, and I also want to believe in fairy tales. As in the "Train Station for Two": Winter, Purga, he and Accordion, she is with cutlets, pies and female caress. But does such happieses often come in life? And do not oversee our own forces of our women? I want to believe, they are good. More precisely, despite the fact that everything is bad, they are still good. Or is it just an extreme degree of despair?

For a snack here's a few "letters of happiness" for women (spelling and punctuation are preserved):

Chursinov 82.

Up to thirty years, I was not going to link my life with a concrete girl and, especially to make children, as he believed that he was not ready for it. And now, when I was in conclusion and with a considerable term, and besides, I begin to doubt the correctness of the decision taken earlier, as I think that I would be easier to get to the freedom of getting more easily than from here, and now maybe I can and Do not have time, because years go, but there is also a plus - the term is also not in place. Therefore, I make another attempt to find your half and wait for the letter from a serious girl (up to 25 years old), who knows how to wait, which is able to support at a difficult moment, as well as was able to become a faithful wife and a good, caring mom for our future child, dedicating himself us.

Odintsov 79.

The prison was for a serious crime, while he was serving a sentence, lost his relatives: Mother, aunt, uncle, grandmother. There were only two sisters - native and cousins. Released on parole in 2001 and stayed at the freedom of almost 3 years and here again came to the place of imprisonment for a particularly serious crime. I am 33 years old, I smoke, calm, kind, I love children, economic. I would like to find a second half of 30-40 years, good, responsive, homemade. Children are not a hindrance. I want to love and be loved. The place of residence does not have the value, since I am not looking for material benefits, I want to love and take care of my family. If there is such that will not be afraid of such a term and will be waiting, I will answer reciprocity.

NailTev 73.

The fact that I was not young, says the date of my birth, but full of strength and energy. My height is 166 cm, weight 62 kg. I love sports, from music I like the retro 80 years, what sounds mainly on auto-radio. Sometimes I am writing poetry, but only when a good mood and when you want to make a pleasant to your beloved person. I love to make gifts, any, except for colors, - Even if it is March 8, there will be no colors (why, I will explain in personal correspondence). I do not like betrayals, nor on my part, whether it is a wife or friend nor against me. I consider such actions devoid of ethical behaviors. To betray anyone, it means to cross over yourself, and I can not. Accordingly, I do not communicate with such people. Just raised in old traditions. As a child, your favorite books were about partisans and underground workers in the civil and great Patriotic Wars.

They say that from Sumy and Prison should not be shown. After all, our life is too unpredictable so that everything can be provided. And if today you are on the crest of the wave, tomorrow you can lose everything. It's like a roulette. When an unforeseen still happened, you should not panic immediately, on the contrary, it is necessary to morally support a person who has fallen in but how to write a letter to the prison of beloved? Where to begin? And what to devote him?

Words of love, grief and sympathy

If you miss and sympathize with your beloved person, do not keep all emotions in yourself. According to family psychologists, paper is the best tool for transmitting any images and thoughts. For example, in your address you can write the following: "My dear and the only person! By the will of the case, we had to part with you. It is a pity that we did not have time to say goodbye. On this day, I would say much. Regarding to realize that you are so far, you can not hug me and cuddle to the chest. I miss so much. Each morning I get up with thoughts about you. We are not just a friend without a friend. But I believe that the moment will come when we meet, we will rise and, as before, just wrap, looking into your eyes I love you and really wait! "

This letter to the prison is a favorite can be written. It will be worthwhile and put in it your joint photo.

Mental experiences and longing for her husband

It happens that the prison is not just a favorite person, but a legitimate spouse. In this case, his wife is simply obliged to support his soul mate with warm and gentle words. In writing this can be reflected as follows: "Hello, cute! Today I woke up with a sad thought that you are not there. You do not warm up and do not stick me, your strong hands will not make me embrace. But I remember about our love and endless happiness. I look at our wedding photo. Everything was like yesterday. Not so long ago, there was no limit to your love. We thought only about each other and did not notice anything around. Now you are where I would not wish to find yourself anyone. How are you there? I worry about you very much. Hold on! I mentally with you. There will be a holiday on our street. You know, I am strong and exhale so long separation with you. I believe, we will soon meet. "

You can write another letter (in prison you can either be attributed personally or send by mail). As an example, consider the message of the following nature: "Dear and gentle (name)! I represented our meeting so many times, but never decided to come to you. Therefore, I am writing a letter. Prison is a terrible place where you can not bring the Lord to someone. Hope you do not fall in spirit. I have a strong and patient. I'm just sure that this is a harsh test sent over. I believe that you will stand everything and overpay, and I will help you with this. Love and miss!"

Message with a slight notice of humor

When writing his message, rely on the taste preferences and the characteristics of your cute nature. So, if he loves humor, this should be used by making a letter to a prison with a beloved. It looks like this: "Hi, Sun! Well, how do you feel on vacation? After all, he has a long and unpaid. And I'm looking at the sea sand here, I dwell cocktails and remember you. To say that he really missed, I can not. Yes, and once for me: you understand yourself - clubs, parties, the sea. Although not. Of course, I miss. I would rise from the longing, yes the mascara afraid to smear. I love. Smoky.

Letter about the upcoming event in the future

Sometimes in prison (from the beloved girl) can contain and joyful news. For example: "Cute cat! I missed it so much. I consider the days before our meeting. When you come back, you will be waiting for two: I and your child. Help you firmly and kiss! "

What is the letter to send?

If you want not just to support your beloved and loved one in such a difficult moment for him, email him from hand. And let the printed computer text look a lot more advantageous. That's just there is no the raisin that is present in ordinary paper. In addition, it is believed that manually writing a letter (his favorite husband to prison should be sent to his beautiful envelope) helps in the literal sense to invest in words all his soul and emotions.

How long should the letter should be?

The length of the letter, in general, does not matter much. Everything will depend on your thoughts, as well as from what you want to tell your beloved. It may be a message containing only three sentences and even a few words, or a real "petition" on three album sheets. However, psychologists strongly recommend writing so long "sheets". According to them, too much messages to the end almost no one takes. Consequently, choose the golden middle.

What form of writing?

If you are just going to write a letter to your favorite to prison, in your own words, sketch a few lines on paper and read them carefully. It does not necessarily have a poem or text created strictly according to the standard. Choose an arbitrary shape.

Ideally: sit in a convenient place, relax, Gather with thoughts (you can even put a neutral melody) and write what your heart. But remember that your text should go from the soul, and only then your beloved will be able to catch the message for the text.

Adhere to a clear plan: five simple rules

Before you write a favorite letter to prison, make a clear action plan. Such an approach will help you to cope with the huge influx of feelings and emotions, and also puts all your words in the correct logical sequence. So, first determine the subject of the letter. For example, it may be recognition in love, farewell, forgiveness, etc.

At the second stage, consider your further actions. Do not immediately after greeting to spill all your feelings and emotions on paper. Good all weighing and write the reason for which the message decided to create. For example: "I have not decided to write you for a long time, but still gathered with thoughts and write. The fact is that I went through our old albums and found a wedding photo. We are so happy on it. I remembered how it all started. And then I understood how I miss you endlessly. Favorite. When will our separation end? "

Another example of a good start to indicate the reason for the appeal: "Favorite Sasha! So lay today in bed and could not fall asleep for a long time. I remembered you and our unforgettable novel. The hand itself reached the handle, and here I am writing you a letter. "

The third important moment: Do not describe all kinds of problems and complain about life. Your beloved and so hard to stay away from your home. Therefore, tell him that you are fine.

Fourth Rule: Create an intrigue in your letter and write a letter to your favorite. For example, in his message, you can mention that after the return of your cute, a pleasant gift is waiting for him. Tell us about joint plans for the future. Remember: your spouse or guy is obliged to know that he is waiting for him, he believes in him and he has the prospect of developing your relationship.

And finally, more often call your beloved affectionate words (but only those you called him and earlier). And also mention the name of the opponent in the text. Your second half is obliged to represent you near and mentally embody everything written in reality.

How to make a letter and is it worth doing this?

It will be much more interesting if you don't just write a letter to your favorite person to prison, but also place beautifully. Let it be not a conventional paper sheet, but, for example, a collage of colored paper, hearts, traces of lipstick and your joint photo.

How to write a message in poetic form?

Sometimes, especially for the transfer of a special point, write a letter to your favorite man in jail in verses. At the same time, the rhyme may be present in certain areas of the dialogue (to give the value to specific words), and in all the message as a whole (i.e. the letter will be fully written in the poetic form). For example: "My dear, Seryozha! I miss you so much. I think about you every night, and in the afternoon there is a wave of new memories. I remember, you were going to go to relatives and accidentally met me. I immediately realized that you were my fate. I think you understood it. Remember how we were with you well. We literally glowed with joy. In your eyes, I read "love", and my eyes answered you with reciprocity. "

Cute, beloved, native!

I appeal to you with longing.

I believe, I hope I love.

Night come back, pray.

Letter beloved in prison: sample

The most ideal letter is a message created spontaneously and without any blanks. In order for you in your record, you have not forgotten anything, just imagine that your favorite is near. Try to write as if you are talking to him personally. For example: "Hi! Today, for some reason I remembered our first meeting. This sweet and I never forget. I feel it on the lips again and again. And then I understood how I love you. Miss so much. I just can not live without you. For the sake of your response "love" is ready to flee to you even on the edge of the world. I am not terrible obstacles and obstacles. I rupt any shackles. Cute, my beloved man, rather return. I will really wait for you. "

This is what a letter to a loved one in the feelings can be written, yielding to the stream of your endless feelings.

If you have not seen yourself for a long time with a guy, then the letter is beloved in the separation in your own words will help to regret the feelings. With it, you can even brighten up long parting. This method of maintaining the fire of love since ancient times.

How to start a letter to your beloved in separation?

The beginning of your message can be approximately so.

My good ... I am writing to you my news. Read it until the very end, and try to understand me and all my inner world ...

I do not know where to start with me ... This whole situation and my silence in the phone pushed me to this message. I will not look for myself an excuse or some excuses, I just want to try to explain to you what is going on in me inside.

My good, you are my boyfriend, and I hope you stay them. Because at the slightest hint, or the phrase about parting me all overlapping me. I can not imagine myself without you, without your kisses.

I can't imagine without your smile. Especially when you start talking about love or very pleasant words when I start to embarrass, such moments remain forever, and you still have a special smile. And our walks, although forever with some adventures and misunderstandings, but they are remembered. And personally, I really like to remember them.

Romantic continuation of the letter in your own words

We have a bunch of pleasant moments. I would like to list them all. But it will take a lot of time. I don't even speak about the photo on the wall in my apartment ... my hand will not raise them to remove, after I saw your facial expression when you first noticed them.

You really like my friends. And every time they ask about you. I don't always say it. But it is so. They are always interested in how we are doing with you ... And now, remembering all this, I understand that you are expensive for me. You are for me as a member of my family.

Today, three times revised your photos and know what? Yes, you are insanely handsome guy! I do not understand at all, for what such things I was lucky for me? You are so cute, straight such mimi. Your eyes are big, tender sponges ...

Such as I never knew, and I would probably not know. I'm very toured and appreciate you! I do not know what happens to me now why I behave this way. But I am very sorry for this, I am crazy for myself. I am ashamed when you say that you are bored with me, I am ashamed when I deceive you, and not even in front of you is ashamed, but before myself ...

And I think later, what I idiot, what I do it ... I guess I thought that you were not going anywhere from me that would always be there. But today I saw me as a current. Yes, you can throw me at any time without explaining the reasons, and you will be completely right. And no one will reproach you. My native, I do not want to lose you! I love you insane! You can not believe me, but I can prove that this is exactly what! And you will definitely trust me, you will see.

Come to completion

The result of the letter to your favorite guy in the separation can be a mention of difficulties and overcoming them. For example, you can write the following text:

Unfortunately, we are now far from each other, but I will definitely wait for you! Every day I remembered, and I will remember you. If I wipe you somehow, I will never forgive it. You always think about us, not about yourself, but about us. You do not see yourself and me separately, for you only we, and I really like it.

Yes, it comes to me for a long time, sometimes too long, but it will necessarily come. And we will no longer be bored, I do not want this household, and this is not because you told me, but because I want it myself.

I want you to experience happiness when you see me. I want you to always be next to me smiling at all your teeth. I will try to make you the happiest!

So he was heard in Russia that often our husbands and loved ones are imprisoned for a bag of potatoes or small misconduct, and the oligarchs and officials arrange chaos and remain unpunished. And so, ordinary Russian women and girls have to be sad and griely when a favorite in prison, asking for a question: how to wait for a loved one from prison. In general, we are not entitled to condemn people who have been solved by such life for crimes, and later undergo a harsh school of life in prison, aware of their mistakes. Remember one if your favorite is in prison, then do not stick all the mortal sins on his already beaten ridge. We are all people and in the right wrong, and perhaps suffering for others. The most important thing is not despair if your favorite is in prison.

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Photo Gallery: Favorite in Prison

Life situations are different, but when a favorite is in prison - you are for him the only person who can support. History has many examples of dating girls and women with future husbands when they came on dates after a long correspondence with them, and waiting for normal families. Perhaps your favorite person in prison, realizing your loyalty and love for the time of waiting, will never forget this ever, but free to freedom all my life will wear you on your hands, blowing the dust with you.

Letters beloved in prison so when your favorite is in prison, you need to gain patience. Remember the great people of our country, who also visited prison. To you with your loved one, who is now in places are not so remote, you need to survive, rethink and reinerate the separation for the time of the conclusion of your loved in prison.

Believe that reading your letter, a favorite in prison will be happy to at least the fact that you do not forget about it. Therefore, as often as possible, write letters, and tell them about everything that you have in the soul and your feelings, love. Write the truth without exacerbating the situation when your favorite is in prison. Do not add lies to discharge a complex position in which you pleased your favorite. False has a property to return. Remember that a person's beloved in prison is not crazy and not thirsty of a ragged life after the liberation of a person. For the time he spent in prison, perhaps will revise his attitude to life. Favorite in prison, most likely, from the boy will turn into a man with his views on life. And you need to make a chance to remember this. The option is not excluded that he will return from prison with a completely different person, and you can not live with him under one roof. Be prepared for such a turn of events.

However, trust the promises of a loved one in prison that after his release from the places of conclusion your life to get better. I will give an example of how it happens to other people who have suffered this trouble when a person's favorite is in prison, and a vital turn is inevitable.

One woman, her name and surname for us not to which roles do not play, since the phenomenon is widespread, put her husband for theft of slate slate. She desperately, then heavily in justice of the Russian Femis. Beloved in prison man was for her the only close man, as the native son died 2 years ago in Chechnya. But the court condemned her husband throughout the rigor of the law, and 3 long years spent a favorite in prison. During this time, he fell fifteen years and looked at sixty years after liberation. She cried a lot at night in a pillow after hard work, on which she was rejected for her husband - thief. In spite of everything she managed to preserve the love of him.

When a favorite in prison wrote letters with a request not to wait from there, she had complete despair. She arrived then to him. Talked. And now, 4 years have passed since its release from the colony. They live together by confirming the time that their love is strong and eternal for centuries.