The most famous theaters of the world. The most beautiful opera theaters of the world

The most famous theaters of the world. The most beautiful opera theaters of the world
The most famous theaters of the world. The most beautiful opera theaters of the world

As William Shakespeare wrote: "The whole world is the theater." But we still find out what theaters in the world are considered the most beautiful and important for history, in which scenes are dreaming of great opera singers and theatrical stars, where there are always no free places and tickets need to be booked at least six months.

Sydney Opera House, Australia

Sydney opera boasts the glory of one of the five most recognizable buildings in the world. Theater, according to the architect, is a sculptural image of a ship with raised sails. It is among the ten outstanding structures of modern architecture and is a Sydney business card. In the harbor, where the theater was built, the tram depot was located before, and even earlier - ancient fort.

Sydney Opera House in 1973 officially opened the British Queen of Elizabeth II. Her Majesty visited the theater five times.

In 2007, it was recognized as the UNESCO facility, in the same year she was among the twenty finalists of the project "Seven New Wonders of the World". In the repertoire of the theater there is an opera dedicated to him by him, called the "eighth miracle." The theater is open 363 days a year, except for Catholic Christmas and a passionate Friday.

Paris Opera, France

Paris Opera, also known as Grand Opera, is one of the most famous and significant theaters of the world. It was built in the middle of the XIX century on the orders of Napoleon III, which was brought to walk on performances in an old building.

It was the Paris Opera inspired by the French writer Gaston Lero to writing one of his most famous novels - the "Ghost of the Opera". At the same time, the theater really has a "underground lake", which is mentioned in the book. In the basement of the building they are stored with water tank, which serves to sustain the foundation.

The theater can be visited daily within the framework of the excursion, except for three holidays - Catholic Christmas, New Year and Holiday of Workers on May 1.

Metropolitan Opera, New York, USA

The Metropolitan Opera, which is abbreviated called met, was founded in 1880, but in its current building, the Lincoln Center, the theater settled only in 1966. The building also stores the sculptures of Lembrook and Maolet, the frescoes of Stegal, as well as portraits of outstanding artists.

Maria Callas, Leonard Warren, Fyodor Shalyapin, Dmitry Khvorostovsky, Placido Domingo, Anna Netrebko and Rene, Anna Netrebko and Rene Fleming.

The theater has been working since September to April, and from May to June leaves for tour. In July, free performances in New York parks, which traditionally enjoy great popularity.

La Scala, Milan, Italy

It was opened in 1778 at the site of the Santa Maria della-Rock church, from where the name of the theater itself went. In his initial look, the building existed to the Second World War, when the theater was completely destroyed.

It is noteworthy that during the excavations of the site for the construction of the theater, an ancient marble block was found depicting the famous Ancient Roman Mima Piland.

La Rock was restored, and subsequently restored more than once. At the same time, more than 60 million euros were spent on the last restoration of the last three years. The first musical work performed on the updated stage on December 7, 2004 was the Opera Salieri "Recognized Europe".

Lake Scene Bregensky Festival, Austria

The scene of the Bregensk festival was built at the Lake Konstanzsky for 200 stamps, and on the shore there are places for more than 6000 spectators. Decorations to performances on this scene are the most outstanding and waterproof in the world.

Every two years, the floating scene is completely rebuilt. Since 1946, in July-August, the famous Opera Festival in Bregense is held on the site. Within the framework of the festival, theatrical representations of various musical genres are put.

Vienna Opera, Austria

The largest Theater of Austria, Vienna Opera, opened in May 1869 by the premiere play "Don Juan" Mozart. In the design of the facade of the building there are fragments of the Opera "Magic Flute".

Today, the repertoire is mainly the works performed by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. The opera is considered to be the keeper of the best traditions of the Vienna Classical School.

In winter, the famous Vienna Ball is held in the building of the Vienna Opera. The tradition of annual balls during the existence of the theater was interrupted only for 10 years - after the theater building was destroyed in bombardment in 1945.

Esplanade Theater, Singapore

The Esplanada Theater became one of the most ambitious projects of Singapore. Inside there are a concert hall for 1600 seats, theater for 2000 seats, several restaurants, a shopping center and another open-air theater. The project simultaneously worked two architectural bureaus.

The fantasy of architects was so rich that the initial project in the people was awarded the nickname "Cutting Much." The final project was amended, after which the residents of Singapore renamed the building in Durian - an exotic fruit, which is similar to the domricment of the complex. However, according to the plan of architects, the dome has the form of shells.

Esplanade is working all year round. There are performances, and also conduct various annual festivals. At the same time, some submissions are free for everyone.

Arena di Verona, Italy

Arena di Verona, which was built in about 30s of our era, may rightfully claim the title of the world's oldest existing theater. In addition, the amphitheater is truly huge - it can simultaneously accommodate up to 16,000 spectators, for which no classic theater is capable of. The amphitheater is the third largest and entered into the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Arena at different times was a platform for gladiator fighting, marine battles, circus performances, tournaments, battles with bulls and burning heretics. After an earthquake of 1117, which almost completely destroyed the external ring of the amphitheater, it was used as a source of stone for other buildings. Now he is open from June to August, when the best opera performers come to Verona. In addition, the theater can be visited within the framework of excursions - from Tuesday to Sunday.

It is said that it is in Verona that you can see the best productions of the immortal work of Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet", the events of which developed in this city.

Theater "Globus", London, United Kingdom

The original Theater "Globus" was founded in 1599 to the means of actors of the Lord Chamberlain's Men, to which Shakespeare belonged. However, the building of this theater existed not long - it burned down in the fire in 1613. In the whole history, the building was rebuilt three times. In 1997, the theater was restored under the name ". At the same time, a new building was built only 200 meters from the initial location.

The building "Globe" was recreated as close as possible to the original. This was facilitated by the excavation of the original theater, which influenced the final plans about the construction site.

Since a new building in accordance with historical realities is built without a roof, the performances in it are held only from May to October. However, excursions in the oldest London Theater are held all year round. Next to the Globus, a thematic park-museum dedicated to Shakespeare is opened. Here you can personally participate in the setting of one of the Classic Pieces.

Albert Hall, London, United Kingdom

London Royal Hall of Arts and Sciences named after Albert, or Albert Hall, is the most prestigious British concert hall. He was built in memory of Prince Albert by order of his widow - Queen Victoria.

In different years, they performed the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Abba, Depeche Mode. Here the culminating scene of the film Albert Hitchkoka "The man who knew too much" was removed. The first Russian musician who spent in Albert Hall, in 2007, became Boris Grebenchikov and his group "Aquarium".

Nowadays, the hall is still used for concerts and other events. Albert Hall can also be visited within the framework of a tourist excursion.


Opera theaters occupy a special place among all architectural structures. According to the current tradition, during the construction of opera theaters, architects tried not only to create the necessary acoustics, but also decorate the building as a fit. Rich stucco on the facade, antique statues and columns are as beautiful as the theater corridors, scene and lodges. The best world opera theaters are not only cultural, attractions, but also amazing architecture samples. Here are the top 10 from the best.

The Bolshoi Theater began its history in 1776, and in 1780 he drove into his first building, stood up 25 years old. A modern building with columns and bronze quadriga, Peter Klodt, was solemnly open at the beginning of 1825. The first performance is "Celebration of Mus." Since then, the theater has undergone several large-scale renovations. In 2005, the theater was closed for reconstruction and opened only after 6.5 years. Today it is one of the largest theaters of Russia and one of the most significant in the world!

The wonderful palace in the Neenessian style is among the most beautiful opera theaters of the world. It was created by the Hungarian architect Miklos Ibl, and the building is considered the crown of his work. The theater is standing statues of Ferinets Sheet and Ferenc Erkel, and the building itself is richly decorated inside and outside ornaments, paintings and sculptural elements.

In the theater world, his name is simply "Met", despite the fact that it is considered almost the most prestigious and influential opera theater in the world. At different times, the best world performers were shone at different times, including Plasido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti, Maria Callas and even Fedor Shalyapin. The theater began with a small troupe gathered in 1880. The old building no longer exists, and the new appeared in 1966. It is famous for wonderful acoustics and a stunning huge curtain, manually embroidered with sparkles and real silk. Translations from this theater are conducted online via the Internet.

He was opened in 1908, and the first opera on the new stage was "Aida" Verdi. There are almost 2.5 thousand seats and a thousand standing places. Before the appearance of the Sydney Opera House, he was the most capacious, and Maestro Pavarotti himself appreciated the ideal acoustics of the hall. Several times the theater was rebuilt and updated. The last large-scale reconstruction ended in 2010.

The oldest European Opera House was opened in 1737. Theater in different years managed Joakkino Rossini and Gaetano Donizetti. The building was burning, subjected to bombardments during the war and survived several large-scale reconstructions. It was on this scene that the young cargo of the ridiculous to the public was played and had never looked at the stage in Naples. Many famous Italian opera singers began their career here, also this scene saw a lot of prime minister.

This Opera House was opened in 1869 by the production of Don Juan Mozart. The building of the Opera House of the Neenessance was created by the project of August Sicarda, the background of Sikardhouseburg and Eduard van der Nyulla. During the bombing of Vienna in World War II, the theater suffered a lot and worried about decline. Only in 1955 the building was renovated and at the same time a tradition was restored to conduct annual balls. Interestingly, the Austria is quite popular by the Metal-group Angizia, all the participants in which are the existing artists of the Vienna State Opera.

It is difficult to imagine the Opera House in the very heart of tropical jungle, especially if it is created according to the sample of the best European theaters - with stucco, Italian marble, lumpy velvet furniture. This is how the Amazonas Theater looks like. He was opened in 1896 and struggled contemporaries with an unprecedented scale. Only one dome of the building from the outside is covered with ceramic tiles for the color of the national flag, for which it took 36 thousand tiles. Anna Pavlova danced here and sang Enrico Caruso. In the period when Manaus lost huge revenues from the production of rubber, the city was experiencing decline and the theater was closed. Only 90 years later in 1990, the theater doors revealed again.

The best and large opera theaters of the world are shocked by their magnificence and beauty. The famous American photographer and traveler David Leventi has photographed these architectural masterpieces for five years. He called "portraits of theaters" to his project.

Let us enjoy his amazing photos that transmit all the greatness and beauty of the inner luxurious decoration of theatrical halls.

In the interiors of theaters, stucco, gilding, velvet seats, sophisticated lodges and huge candelabra chandeliers prevail.

Big Theater, Moscow, Russia

The Big Theater is one of the largest Russian and world theaters of the opera and ballet. The complex of buildings is located in the center of Moscow on theatrical square.

Initially, it was a state-owned theater, which was together with a small uniform Moscow troupe of the imperial theaters. Periodically, it changed him: he was subordinate to the Moscow Governor General, then the Petersburg Directorate. This continued until the revolution of 1917 - after nationalization there was a complete separation of small and large theaters.

Mariinsky Theater, St. Petersburg, Russia

The famous Russian Opera and Ballet Theater of St. Petersburg, his branch is in Vladivostok. It was founded in 1783 by Empress Catherine Great. He was part of the imperial theaters of Russia.

The corresponding decree stateed that the theater serves "to manage spectacles and music."

Opera Garnier, Paris, France

Garnier Paris Opera is one of the most famous theaters of the opera and ballet of the world.

It is located in the Garnier Palace in one of the districts of the city, near the metro station of the same name. The construction is a sample of eclectic architecture in the style of Boz-AR.

At one time the theater was called the Paris Opera.

Monte Carlo Opera, Monte Carlo, Monaco

Opera in Monaco was elevated by the project of Architect Charles Garnier in the 1870s by order of Prince Charles III. The favorable geographical location (Mediterranean seashore), as well as the railway, has become priority factors that influenced the decision on the construction of the theater.

The theater hall is designed for 524 places. It can enjoy instrumental music, opera, ballet, and earlier and artistic reading performed by the actress Sarah Bernard.

Theater La Phenic, Venice, Italy

This Venetian Opera House opened in May 1792 by the premiere of Phazzielo Opera "Agrigent Games".

The name of the opera occurred from the following circumstance - the theater was reborn twice as Phoenix from the ashes. The first time after the fire of 1774 and the second - after the courts. The theater was burning back in 1837 and 1996, but each time he was restored, the last restoration lasted 8 years.

During the First World War, the opera was closed.

La Scala, Milan, Italy

The famous Milan La Scala Opera House was founded in 1778. Designed building architect Giuseppe Piermarini in 1776-1778. At the site of the Church of Santa Maria della Rock - hence the name.

Opera House San Carlo, Naples, Italy

Opera House San Carlo is one of the oldest European opera theaters. He was built by order of Charles III on the site of the old building of the Opera San Bartolomeo. The discovery took place in November 1737 by the formulation of the opera of the Neapolitan composer Domenico Sarro "Achilles on Skiros".

In 1816, a fire occurred in the theater. Architect Antonio Nikkolini was engaged in the restoration of the structure.

The building was restored in 1845 and 1854, as well as after bombing 1943. In the theater 1386 visual sites.

Municipal Theater, Piacenza, Italy

One of the local masterpieces Italy is the building of the municipal theater in Piacenza. Since its opening, the Opera presented to the audience to the court almost all the classical main works of the world opera repertoire.

Romanian Ateneum, Bucharest, Romania

The building of the Romanian opera was built in the center of Bucharest on the project of a famous architect from France - Albert Galleron. The main construction work was completed in 1888.
On the first floor of the building there is a beautiful conference room with excellent scenery. Above him - an audience of 650 seats. The hall is decorated with a fresco-high height of 75 m with historical plots. Romanian Ateneum is the main concert hall of Bucharest.

Opera House DrotningHolm, Stockholm, Sweden

The theater was built in 1766 by the project of Karl Adelkranz. The main tones of the building - light yellow, columns or balconies are not here. Opera House resembles an administrative building. Such an external simplicity is more than compensated by the internal content of the theater.

Opera House "Colon", Buenos Aires, Argentina

Famous Argentine Opera House. In the mid-1850s, in this country, the opera was at the peak of his popularity and heyday. In April 1857, the solemn discovery of the theater formation of the opera Giuseppe Verdi "Traviata" took place. The building accommodates about 2,500 spectators.

Metropolitan Opera, New York, USA

This American opera troupe was founded in 1880 as an alternative to the Music Academy. Metropolitan opera is one of the most famous and prestigious opera theaters of the world.

Oslo Opera House, Oslo, Norway

The Norwegian National Opera House is located on the banks of Oslo-Fjord (Peninsula Bjorvik). It is a state institution that is managed by the Norwegian government. Oslo Opera House is one of the large public buildings in the country.

Opera House Four Seasons Center, Toronto, Canada

Opera House in Toronto is the main stage platform of the Canadian opera and the national ballet of Canada. The opening of the opera took place in 2006.

Royal Opera House Covent Garden, London, United Kingdom

In the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden can enjoy the opera and ballet performances.

This theater building is the third in a row, which was built in this place. The theater was erected in 1858 and reconstructed in the 1990s. The hall is designed for 2268 viewers.

Royal Opera House, Stockholm, Sweden

This Swedish Opera House was built in 1782. Today the repertoire of the theater consists of opera performances and ballets.

Also in the theater there is a symphony orchestra.

Bavarian State Opera, Munich, Germany

German Opera House built in 1653. Together with the Bavarian State Ballet, the Bavarian Opera gives 350 opera and ballet representations per year.

Hungarian State Opera House, Budapest, Hungary

The largest Theater of Hungary was founded in 1884, at that time, the opera troupe separated from the National Theater. The first director of the theater was the composer and conductor Ferrenz Erkel - author of the Hungarian anthem.

Municipal Opera House, Bologna, Italy

The Communal Opera House Bologna was built on the site of the Palace of Benetivo - the last Signora Bologna.

Palace of Catalan Music, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain

The Palace of Catalan Music was built by architect Luis Domainek-I-Montaner in the style of Catalan Modern. The opening of the theater took place in 1908. In 1997, the Palace of Catalan music included a UNESCO World Heritage List.

Spectators can see musical performances here, listen to concerts of symphonic and chamber music, jazz and Catalan song.

The 12 most beautiful and majestic world opera theaters. Opera theaters have always been considered a symbol of wealth, enlightenment and greatness. The place where arts, luxury, power, intrigue and secrets lived, and that is why the rulers of all European states tried to overlook each other in the monumentality of buildings and interior interior. At the moment, the significance of the opera performances did not lose their popularity, but in most cases the theaters of the opera and ballet are more perceived as a kind of attraction than the leisure site. La Scala.
Milan, Italy

In the history of the opera, there is no other opera theater, just as revered, as often copied, as often mentioned as a reference for comparison as "La Scala". But "La Scala" is not only a beautiful place for opera performances, this is the most symbol of the opera - the Italian opera.

The theater building was built in 1776-1778 on the site of the Church of Santa Maria Della Rock, from where the theater got its name "La Scala" - Opera House in Milan. It is curious that during the excavation site for the construction of the theater, a large marble block was found, on which the Pill was depicted - the famous mum of ancient Rome. It was perceived as a good sign.

The theater building built by architect J. Piermarini is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. It is withstanding in a strict neoclassical style and is distinguished by impeccable acoustics. During World War II, the theater was destroyed and restored in the original form engineer L. Ski, which was reopened in 1946. The "rock" (as the Italians theater is called) opened in August 1778 by two operas, including specially written to this case by Opera A. Salieri "Recognized Europe". Opra de Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo, Monaco

Monte Carlo Opera House stands on the shores of the Mediterranean, it is connected to the casino lobby from red marble. The construction of a building took only six months, and as a result, it turned out an extremely whimsical facade in the style of the second empire with unusually richly richly decorated towers and sculptures, the authors of which were Gustav Dore and Sara Bernard. By the way, the author of the architectural project of the Opera House, Charles Garnier shortly before that completed the construction of the Grand Opera building in Paris.

Teatro di San Carlo
Naples, Italy

San Carlo (Teatro San Carlo - Opera House in Naples was opened in 1737. In 1816, he was again restored after the fire. The theater building developed by the architects Giovanni Antonio Medrano (Angelo Carasale) for the monarch from the Burbon Dynasty of Carlos III Neapolitan.

The largest dawn Theater survived in 1809-40, when his head was the famous Impresario Barbayia. The new theater admired not only thanks to the works of art, which were put in the theater, but also thanks to his architecture, golden decoration, and luxurious blue upholstery (blue and gold colors are official colors of Bourbon). On the stage of the theater, the world premieres of the series of Rossini Donizetti and Giuseppe Verdi were held. Mariinsky Theatre
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Mariinsky Theater is a symbol of Russian culture. Souluscript Its troupe has been conducted since 1783, when a large theater was opened in St. Petersburg, where the St. Petersburg Conservatory is located now. By order of Catherine, the Great at the site of this building was erected by a large (stone) theater, splendor and magnificity exceeding the largest theaters of Europe. It opened in 1783 by the submission of Phazielo's opera "on the moon."

In 1802, the theater rebuilt the architect of Tom de Tomon, in 1836 he reconstructed Albert Kavos. The magnificent decorative decoration of the visual hall is mainly preserved to the present day. Dazzling white sculptures, soft gilding gilding, blue upholstery and drapery tone - such a festive colorsistic hall sound. A bright picturesque flaf is made by E. Frachioli according to the sketches of Professor K. Duzi. Hasive, three-tiered bronze chandelier with crystal suspension and candelabra are made on the donations of the merchant K. Plock, awarded the gold medal "In consideration to such a special artistic merit." Palais Garnier
Paris, France

For two hundred years of existence, Paris opera changed thirteen different halls. And none of them corresponded to the role that Opera played in the highest French light. In 1852, Napoleon III came to power. In the same year, he decided to start the cardinal renewal of the capital.

The works were assigned to a person, by no means Parisan in spirit, which only thought about the economic development of the city and did not experience any nostalgia in the old Paris. Competition for the creation of the opera theater collected 171 project. All Matters of Architecture, including Viol-le-Duke himself, presented their work. However, a little-known young man came out the winner, Charles Garnier, in whose asset there was only the Roman Grand Prix at 1848.

In the decoration of the interior of the Theater Garnier used many rococo style elements. Despite the entire Nausea and a variety of techniques, often not friends with each other, the building as a whole produces the impression of harmonious and monumental. Apparently, therefore in 1923 he was counted among the architectural monuments protected by the state. Bavarian State Opera
Munich, Germany

Bavarian State Opera (Bayerische Staatsoper) is one of the leading opera scenes of Germany. Located in Munich (2,100 places). Founded in 1818. In 1963, he was opened after restoration by the play "Woman without shadow" R. Strauss. The prototype of this building was theater "Odeon" in Paris.

The building of the Bavarian Opera was built on the site of the former Franciscan monastery. In 1818, the theater opened the doors to visitors, but the last and a year later burned down her dwarf. Residents of the city believed that this one was punished over. But already in 1825, the Bavarian opera reopened, and the presentations in it go to this day. Mikhailovsky Theater.
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

The brilliant history of the Mikhailovsky Theater began with the choice of the architect of the building. The subtle connoisseur of art, Alexander Bullylov builds the building of the first city musical theater, entering it into the already established ensemble of the Art Square, and therefore the facades of the theater are carried out on the projects of Karl Rossi for the "rhyme" with the building of the Mikhailovsky Palace.

Bryullov created a magic box: that the theater is hidden behind the modest facade, it is possible to guess only on the roof, where a high box of scene is visible over the auditorium. The entire glitter of the Imperial Theater is concluded inside: silver and velvet, mirrors and crystal, painting and modeling.

The theater hosts ballet master classes of leading teachers in Europe and America. At the invitation of Faruha Ruzimatov, Natalia Makarova, Jennifer Gube, Zhilberas, Siril Atanasoff, Mikhail Messer worked with the ballet troupe of the Mikhailovsky Theater. Among other things, the Mikhailovsky Theater participates in the Festival "Art Square" and is one of the cultural sites of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Teatro Amazonas.
Manus, Brazil

The Amazonian Opera House - the second largest theater in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, in the city of Manaus. Designed in 1881, opened in 1896, in the midst of the so-called rubber fever in Brazil, becoming one of the characters of the luxurious and serene life of the time of the beautiful era of Western civilization. Hit contemporaries with his pompous. After the end of rubber boom came to the launch, but in the early 1990s was renovated again. Capacity 701 people. There is a partner, a burner and an amphitheater.

Romanian athenaeum
Bucharest, Romania

Romanian Ateney is a concert hall, built in neoclassical style and opened in 1888. A small park is broken in front of the building with the statue of the Romanian poet Micah Eming. The inner dome of the building is painted by frescoes depicting key points of Romanian history. A declared symbol of Romanian culture, Ateney in 2007 was included in the list of European cultural heritage.

Metropolitan Opera House.
New York, USA

One of the largest theaters of the world - the Metropolitan Opera opened on October 22, 1883 by the Schell Opera Presentation of the Faust opera. In the first years, the theater preferred Wagner Operators, and the German Tarpery was led by conductor Leopold Damros. In the old building, the Metropolitan Opera was held the premieres of the works of Giacomo Pucchini: "Girl from the West" in December 1910 and, in December 1918, Triptych "Cloak", "Angelica's sister" and "Gianni Skisci". In October 1958, the premiere of the opera "Vanessa" Samuel Barbara, awarded the Pulitzer Prize for an outstanding musical work took place.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the Metropolitan Opera was considered, along with the Vienna Opera House and the La Scala Theater in Milan, the leading opera scene of the world.

Abbreviated it is often called "Met". Theater is open seven months a year: from September to April. The performances go daily. From May to June the theater goes to tour. In addition, in July, theater gives free performances in New York parks, collecting a huge number of viewers. OSLO OPERA HOUSE.
Oslo, Norway

The new opera house is the largest cultural institution in modern Norway. In addition, the opera building is the first example in world architectural practice, when visitors can vouch in intermission freely on the roof of the theater having a smooth gathering towards the sea. White, similar to Iceberg, the opera building rises straight from Oslo Fjord. The attached roof, trimmed with plates of white Karars marble, descends to water and can also be used as a platform for recreation.

The building was designed by the Norwegian architectural bureau Snoehetta, on the project of which the library in Alexandria was previously built. The main scene of the opera is designed for 1.365 viewers, two small scenes - at 640. The orchestral pit of the main scene is located below the water level. Drottningholm Palace Theatre.
Stockholm, Sweden

Kopoil Kapl XVI HYCTAV and EGO CEMNY live in Drotningholm Palace C 1981 RODA, ZAYAYA EGO NEWOPE POES. Etho Fedset NaChalii in 1662 MODY for KOPLEs Davagep X EleoNOPs PO PPOEMTY APXITEKTOPA Hydigameca Teccina Taken in Ceple "Bapokko", typical for all.

Faults PACPLES NA WITH LOVEEN, NEADKO CEntpa City. The Palace is a court theater, one of the oldest existing theaters in the world. He was founded in 1766 the Queen of Walgar Falika, and built architect K.F. Delkranz. The theater ballet troupe revives the 17th century. The palace is surrounded by a luxurious park with a regular French part, decorated with arbors and labyrinths, and landscape English part with picturesque lawns and ponds. B 1991 MODY DPTNETINGXILM DICE FEDICS, CO COVIA PAINT, TEATPOM AND KITAKIA PAYNOEMA, was included in the help of UNESCO.

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Do you like the theater? This is a sacred place that transfers the audience in one moment in a completely different world. What is it - magic, fantasy, travel time? Theater is always a living art, both for spectators and for actors, musicians, dancers. Thousands of lives live, a thousand feelings and emotions transfer to the audience, carrying them into a completely different reality. Almost in any average city of Russia there is a theater. The inhabitants of large cities were lucky enough to acquire a whole set, this is at least a dramatic, puppet or theater of the young viewer, possibly theater operetta or opera and ballet, philharmonic or youth theater. Why then travel through other cities and countries, if dozens of theaters wait for your attention very night? The fact is that there are such scenes, performances and performers who do not see which at least once - it is to miss an important part of this life, which is completely unforgivable to anyone, and for real theatrium at all the mortal sin! Theater is not only a scene and actors, the theater is part of the history and culture of any country, all mankind. The whole world speaks different languages, and only one language is understandable to everyone - the language of art, the language of the theater. Let's try to make a travel map through the most famous world theaters.

Big Theater, Russia, Moscow.

The Big Theater has long been a symbol of not only the Russian capital, but all of our country. The history of the theater began with Ekaterina Great, and this is not surprisingly - the Empress was, as they would have said, by an avid theater and even herself wrote the play. Initially, the building of the theater was rebuilt on Petrovka, which completely burned in 1805, and the theater was moved to Arbat Square. Alas, he suffered the same fate - the theater died in a fire of the Patriotic War of 1812. In January 1825, a new theater building was rebuilt already at the current place, but ... In 1853, the fire again destroyed the construction, leaving only the external walls and colonnades. After a long restoration, the large theater opened only at the end of the 19th century. The theater includes ballet and opera pipes, the Bolshoi Theater orchestra and the oven orchestra. The theater troupe from the moment of creation grew from several dozen actors and musicians to a thousandth creative team.

Recently, the last reconstruction and restoration of the building of the Bolshoi Theater, which caused many disputes was completed. Thanks to the reconstruction, the entire theater square was doubled, a new underground scene appeared, and the orchestral pit could now accommodate up to 130 musicians. The historical appearance of the theater, its auditorium and anti-sealant, as well as the legendary acoustics of a large one is restored. Restored premises The main lobby, white foyer, choral, exposition, round and Beethoven halls,the symbol of the Big Apollo Quadrig Theater, created by the sculptor Peter Klodtoma, was updated. Initial beauty returned to the auditorium, and now every viewer of the Bolshoi Theater can be transferred to the time of the performance as an 19th time car, striving in the fabulous palace of art.

Mikhail Shpkin and Pavel Mochalov, Irina Arkhipova, Yuri Grigorovich, Elena Exellowova, Ivan Kozlovsky, Evgeny Nesterenko, Maya Plisetskaya, Evgeny Svetlanov, Marina Semenova, Galina Ulanova - Names, forever connected with the history of the Bolshoi Theater.

Paris Grand Opera, France, Paris.

The famous Grand Opera by his birth is obliged by Napoleon to build a theater worthy of the Parisian authorities to build the theater worthy of the capital of France. However, the construction of the Palace of Art was delayed for the whole of 15 years and managed to survive and war, and the revolution. Today, the Paris Grand Opera (or Opera Garnier) is considered the most visited world theater, each performance in which passes with an unchanging all-wheelhanger. For the first time, the Grand opera opened on January 15, 1875. The lobby is laid out by multi-colored marble, the lobby of the main staircase leading to theatrical lobby and the floors of the theater hall, not the first century meets the chosen public. The magnificence of the big foyer admires and fascinates with its parade, the game of mirrors and light. The action of the performance begins long before it started on the stage - everywhere the plots of musical history. The huge scene of the theater is 174 meters long and 125 meters wide illuminates the 8th ton crystal chandelier. The auditorium curved red and gold horseshoe and accommodates 1900 spectator chairs. Another minute and a magnificent curtain, decorated with golden galoon and brushes, quietly shush, opens and ...

Each theater has its own mystery, legend, history or secret. In the basements of the Palace, Garnier stored a message to the future, invaluable treasures of world culture sealed in hermetic urns back in 1907 and supplemented in 1912: 24 discs with records of the greatest singers of the beginning of the 20th century Enrico Caruso, Emma Calvel, Nellie Melba, Adeline Patti and Francesco Tamano . After 100 years, the urns were opened, and the collection of preserved records was already released on CDs.

Vienna Opera, Vienna, Austria.

It is impossible to even imagine Vienna, this musical capital, Tsaritsa Waltz, without the Opera House. The building of the Vienna Opera was laid in 1863, and in 1869, on May 25, the first premier was held - the Opera Mozart "Don Juan". Destroyed during the bombardment in March 1945, the State Vienna Opera could stop his existence at all, because most of the building, and scenery died in fire, and costumes to more than 100 opera performances. Despite the numerous disputes, whether it is necessary to restore it in a priority form, after 10 years the theater was completely restored in his historical appearance, and beautiful music again sounded again. Not only the manuscripts are not burning, music does not burn!

The exquisite and elegant rear of the Vienna Opera seems to be a magic palace, when the muses on his facade fall on the sculptures on his facade, the rays of the light are falling like rays of a magic ramp, lighting the "Magic Flute" opera fragments.

It was in the Vienna Opera for the first time, many operas of glitch, Mozart, Beethoven were sounded, the names of the outstanding musicians and performers - Male, Karayan, G. Malera, R. Straus ...

Once a year, the state opera veins turns into a ballroom. Under the charming sounds of the Waltz on a brilliant parquet, a couple slide in the waltz, circling in the vortex of the Opera Ball.

La Scala, Italy, Milan.

At the site of the Church of Santa Maria, the rocks in 1776, by decree of the Empress of Austria Maria Teresia, the construction of the theater building began. In just two years on August 3, 1778, the first premiere was held in the walls of the future world celebrity - the Opera "Recognized Europe" Antonio Salieri. So began the brilliant path of the La Scala Theater, on the stage of which spring, summer, autumn and carnival opera seasons, interrupted by dramatic productions, began. In the repertoire of the theater of the palette of the best works of Italian composers, world classics and modern authors - Wagner, Debussy, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich, Prokofiev ...

Only the best voices of the world sounded in the walls of La Scala, which the theater had a great honor and who entered the Great Pages in the history of the theater with their high art - Enrique Caruso, Mario del Monaco, Titt Ruffo, Maria Callas, Tebaldi, Chaliapin, Sobinov.

During World War II, the La Scala Theater was completely destroyed, but in 1946 it was waiting for his audience in the original appearance. Theater scene is one of the largest in Italy (its depth is 30 meters), and the auditorium accommodates about 2 thousand seats. The building of the La Scala Theater is not so long ago completely renovated.

Metropolitan Opera, USA, New York.

A little more than 15 years for the theater is not yet an age, but the Metro Opera, despite its historical youth, can compete with such famous theaters as La Scala and Vienna Opera. This can be judged by the architecture of the building of the theater, and on the repertoire, executable on his scene and the decent list of performers. The first time on the stage of the theater was held only thematic seasons, but since the beginning of the 20th century, the scene of the theater broke around and their own productions on scope and entertainment, which was ahead of the famous theaters of Italy, France, Austria. Since 1966, the Metropolitan opera is located in the center of Lincoln in the Upper West Side. At her stage today, the votes of Placido Domingo and Anna Netrebko, Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Rene Fleming. New opera, new voices, new story.

Covent Garden, United Kingdom, London.

All over the world, for several centuries, the name of the Great Theater, born after the largest disclaimer in the famous Royal Theater of Dryuri Lane in 1714, and received his present name in 1732.

Covent Garden - The main theater of the UK, whose fame not only does not fade, but only decorates with new star productions, new names of famous actors, musicians, performers. The scene of the theater heard the greatest voices of the world - Boris Shalyapin in the production of "Boris Godunov", Maria Callas in the "Norma", Galina Vishnevskaya, who performed the Aida party. Opera Oberon was written by Weber specifically for performing Covent Garden. The magnificent views of the ballet troupe "Sadlers-Wells Ball" lit another star in the magnificent crown of the main theater of Great Britain.

Sydney Opera House, Australia, Sydney.

Sydney Opera House can be called one of the wonders of the theatrical world, because it can take 5 ideas at the same time! The Miracle of Architecture and the Australian Business Card, which is among the top ten modern architecture creations included in the UNESCO Heritage List. The author of the project was the Danish architect Yorn Uton. For the construction of an architecture miracle, more than 14 years (instead of the planned 4) and more than 100 million Australian dollars (with the initial budget of 7 million) were left. Opened Sydney Theater Complex in October 1973 Queen of England Elizabeth Second. Sydney Opera House This: Opera Hall for 1.5 thousand spectators and concert hall for more than 2.5 thousand, Hall of the Dramatic Theater for 500 people, theaters of drama and comedy, theater studio and a few more halls, one of which is in the open sky . The real theater-palace and the miracle of the entire theatrical world.

Palace of Catalan music, Spain, Barcelona.

In the center of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bat the beginning of the last century, one of the most famous concert halls of the world was created on the project of architect Luis Domaseca - Palau de la Musica Catalana,i became one of the characters of the excellent Catalonia and the most striking representative of modernism in architecture. Maybe this is not the theater in a pure understanding, but not to say at least a few words about it, it is simply impossible. The main feature of the Palace of Music is amazing stained glass windows and sculptural composition "Catalan People's Song", created by Mighel Bell. The stained domain, the crowned concert hall creates a charming lighting of the scene and the entire hall, giving an incomparable uniqueness of its beauty. Especially there is a hall in the twilight clock, when light and shadow inhale life in statues and bas-reliefs ....