Opera singer Anna Netrebko. Opera singer Anna Netrebko: Biography, Career and Family

Opera singer Anna Netrebko. Opera singer Anna Netrebko: Biography, Career and Family
Opera singer Anna Netrebko. Opera singer Anna Netrebko: Biography, Career and Family

Anna Netrebko is one of the most famous stars of the opera scene. She actively performs worldwide. Often, the artist comes to Russia, without giving fans to miss. The performer often appears in the clips of the most famous Russian and world stars. But the TV shows our heroine ignores. She believes that there is no truthful information here. Rumors are brought to incredible sizes and are spacked on TV viewers, while it is argued that this is true.

Currently, the opera diva is happy in marriage. She together with his spouse lives in Vienna and New York, raising her son. Anna Netrebckka hopes what time will become a mother. She dreams of giving a son's wife or daughter.

Growth, weight, age. How old is Anna Netrebko

Hearing the striking voice of the Opera Singer for the first time, people immediately become admirers of her talent. They wish to learn everything about the woman, including their question, what kind of opera diva growth, weight, age. How many years Anne Netrebko find out easy, as the date of her birth is known.

In 2018, the star of Opera Art will celebrate its 47th anniversary. It is characterized by creativity, friendly and incredible talent. Anna Netrebko, a photo in youth and now which is invariably cause interest, good-natured, sociable, inquisitive, simple, beautiful and loving. With an increase in 173 cm, the artist weighs about 67-68 kg.

Biography and personal life Anna Netrebko

Anya was born in the 70s of the last century in the Kuban. Father - Yuri Netrebko - Professional geologist engineer. Mother - Larisa Netrebko worked as a communication engineer. Our heroine has an older sister Natalia, with which she is very friendly.

From the young age, the girl hit the surrounding vocal data. She felt perfectly with music, close and friends liked her singing and skill to play musical instruments.

At school, our heroine studied perfectly, but he managed and engaged in music by visiting teachers at the music school. The girl was engaged in the Kuban Cossack choir. Anna became the participant of the beauty contest in the late 80s of the last century, in which the founder of the game KVN Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov acted as the lead. The jury noted the beauty and talent of the girl who became the second. She was awarded a new TV.

Having received a cherished certificate, the future star of the opera scene becomes a conservatory student in the city on the Neva, which was famous for the whole world. To live in an expensive city, Anna had to look for work. She began to remove the placement of the Mariinsky Theater.

At this time, the biography and personal life of Anna Netrebko begin to acquire the outlines of success. Soon, our star takes part in a prestigious competition, after the victory in which he begins to perform on the Mariinsky stage, hitting his vocals of listeners. In the mid-90s of the last century, Anna begins to perform on the best European and American scenes. Latvians, Americans, Italians, Germans, Czechs and many others admired the art of Opera Diva.

The girl was invited to shoot movies and promotional videos, her performances caused delight at concerts. Anna was decorated with clips of many popular performers of the Russian Federation and the world. Netrebko entrusted the extension of the hymn, with which she coped perfectly, at the opening ceremony of the Olympiad in Sochi.

The opera diva is actively engaged in charity. It helps sick people who have fallen into a difficult life and financial situation. The artist is not afraid to defend its opinion. She helped to restore the building of the Opera House in Donbas, which caused the dissatisfaction of the Ukrainian government.

The beauty does not like to talk about his personal life, although she began in school years. Currently, a happy woman in marriage with Azerbaijani Opera Tenor Yusif Evazov. They raise the son born Anna Netrebko in a civil marriage with Erwin meal.

Anna Netrebko family and children

The family and children Anna Netrebko are surrounded by the attention and care of the opera diva, despite its incredible workload and a dense touring schedule.

Father stars came from the Cossack Kuban kind. All his life, a man gave the geological research of earthly immortals.

Mom svitsy was a connection. A woman managed to perfectly combine work with the upbringing of two daughters: Anna and Natalia. Parents Netrebko went away. Anna, when it happens in his homeland, and this happens very rarely, invariably visits their graves.

Sister singer lives in Danish Copenhagen. Sisters are friends, Natalia often calls Anna, supporting it. Recently, the woman married, but so far there are no children in the family. Natalia pays attention to his beloved nephew, brings him gifts.

The most popular opera singer loves his spouse and son. She hopes to become a mom again.

Anna Netrebko's son - Thiago Arua Slott

The first time the star of the world scene became a mother in early 2008. She gave birth to a sown from the civilian wife Erwin Slott.

The son of Anna Netrebko - Thiago Arua Schontt had health problems. At 3 years old, it was diagnosed that the boy suffers autistic. Thanks to the American specialists, who practically silent to 4 years old, Thiago, whom a woman herself calls silence, began to talk.

The boy knows how to speak Russian and in English, goes to a special school. Currently, autism in the behavior of Thiago is almost not visible. The boy is experiencing love for calm games and classes. He knows how to play a guitar, sing, draw perfectly. Most of all, in the world, Thiago loves to watch opera performances with his beloved mommy.

Former Civil husband Anna Nalrebko - Erwin Slott

The acquaintance of young people happened in early 2007. Anna Netrebko's former civilian husband - Erwin Slott is the world famous baritone from Uruguay. The opera diva immediately declared a man about his attitude to love and children. They began to live together without registering the marriage officially. After a few months, Anna realized that the child was waiting. After the birth of the son, the engagement of civilian spouses took place. Fans were announced that a wedding will be held soon.

Suddenly the lovers went out and began to declare the cessation of relations. What was the reason for this is unknown. In the press is called one of the possible causes - the illness of the son of Thiago.

Currently, former civilian spouses normally communicate. Erwin sometimes visits the Son, pays great alimony for its content.

Anna Netrebko's husband - Yusif Eyvazov

Meeting of future spouses occurred in Italy. Neither his nor from her part was confident that this is true love. Anna Netrebko was sure that it was an intrigue. The woman paid great attention to the little son and his career.

But the tenor of Azerbaijan's loved in her tenor showed incredible perseverance, assuring the star of the world scene in his feelings. Anna Netrebko's husband - Yusif Euvazov convinced the opera's artist that he loved her and this feeling for the century. She soon realized that he could answer his feelings.

Celebrations took place in Vienna. Currently, the couple lives into two countries: Austria and states. Spouses are actively toured. Fans hopes that soon the family will be replenished, and the artist will give a saint's wife or daughter.

The opera singer, possessing a unique soprano and who conquered not one country of the world with his excellent singing and amazing beauty. Today it will go about the People's Artist of Russia Anna Netrebko.

Ordinary girl Anya

Opera singer Anna Yuryevna Netrebko was born on September 18, 1971 in the Kuban capital - Sunny Krasnodar. By nationality, she is Russian, but it has Cossack and Gypsy blood.

Parents of the opera diva did not have any attitude to the art and scene, but at the same time the family was quite musical. Dad, Yuri Nikolaevich, Kuban Cossack, worked as a geologist, and Mom, Larisa Ivanovna, was a communication engineer. In the family there is another daughter - Natalia Yurievna, she is married and now lives in Denmark. Natalia and Anna are very tied to each other, the sister often visits the concerts of the famous singer.

The future star studied perfectly, from the earliest childhood, the girl had pronounced abilities to singing. While as a schoolgirl, Anna began to study in the Kuban Pioneer's Choir. Soon the netre made a soloist of this choir.

In childhood, the career of the singer Anya did not dreamed. She had a lot of hobbies: she was painting, mild athletics, horse riding, and also had a discharge of a candidate master of sports on acrobatics. Like many children, dreamed of a doctor's profession, an artist and even Cascadera.

In 1988, Kuban Beauty took part in the Miss Kuban show program and became the owner of the honorable second place. As a prize, she was given a TV. The contest was more like the game KVN, recalls the star of the world opera, and his leading was famous by A. Mellakov.

Student weekdays

After graduating from school, Anna entered the music school in Leningrad. A fitted student herself contained himself, working around the cleaner in the theater. After two years of study in the school, the student decided to pick up documents and experience fate - try to enroll in the St. Petersburg Conservatory. Despite the big contest, she easily passed the entrance exams.

As the Tamara Novichenko, Anna, remembers the mentor, Anna at the beginning of her studies. Three years later, Netrebko performed at the Glinka vocalists contest and became the winner there. She struck the members of the jury with their unique vocal data.

Rehearsal, tour, performances

In 1993, Khukruk Mariinsky Theater Valery Gergiev invited Anna Yuryevna to audition. Talented actress immediately got a job in the theater. From this point on, endless concerts and foreign tour began in the life of our heroine.

Already in the first years of its work on a large stage, Netrebko visited France, Germany, America, she was invited to Vienna, Riga and a number of other cities. Career quickly went uphill. Shortly after her debut role in the opera "Wedding Figaro" Anna made the leading soloist of the theater.

In the 2000s, the creative biography of the opera singer began to develop rapidly. Her speeches conquered not only the domestic viewer - Big Furior, famous artist made abroad. Many Western theaters dreamed of concluding a contract with an opera star from Russia.

  • In 2003, Anna Netrebko's debut musical album appeared on sale, recorded in the studio.
  • In 2004, Anna appeared in front of the audience in a new role for himself: she took part in the filming of the American Diaries of Princess.
  • In 2006, the second citizenship was received - Austrian - in addition to the Russian.
  • In 2008, awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. In addition, the singer is the owner of such awards and awards, as "Castadiva", "Golden Sofit", "Musician of the Year", etc. He has the title of "Hero of Labor Cuban".
  • In 2012, Anna Yuryevna Netrebko became the trustee of Vladimir Putin - the presidential candidate of Russia.

Family life

Nickolai Zubkovsky (grandson of the famous ballerina), Italian Simone Albergini, was worried at different times. But the civil husband of the star was lucky to become Erwin Slotta - the singer from Uruguay. For a long time, young people did not want to legitimize the relationship, while they lived in the same apartment. 5 years later, they announced their parting.

A couple had a son of Thiago. A few years after birth, the boy was diagnosed with autism. A young mother did not refuse the long-awaited firstborn, she put every effort to save a singer from severe ailment.

Anna moved to the United States, and it was American doctors and psychologists who could do everything necessary to improve the condition of the child. Now the boy is developing in accordance with its age. He is studying at school, playing the guitar, sings, draws and loves to visit the Opera House very much.

In 2015, Azerbaijani Yusif Eyvazov broke into the privacy of the Russian singer - also the opera singer, tenor. The man offered his hand and his heart, at the same time, when he was going to make his welfare herself. Yusif loved the little son Anna, the boy also attached to him. Thanks to love and harmony, reigning in the family of singers, Thiago managed to overcome autism.

Euvazov and Netrebko played a luxury wedding in Vienna. Russian stars attended marriage. Anna's head decorated the crown of precious stones, the approximate value of about 2 million euros. Now the family lives in Austria, but the singer regularly comes to Russia.

To date

From the last news, you can find out that Anna gave birth or prepares for the emergence of the second child. In his interview, the singer jokes that such rumors appear in the press after its dense dinners. Although, as Anna Yurevna admits, about the second child, they and his spouse think.

The growth of the famous artist - 171 cm, age is 47 years old, the sign of the zodiac - Virgo.

Now the opera singer is a permanent party of Russian and foreign programs and charitable shares. As an organizer and curator of the project "Anna", Netrebko provides help for children's homes.

She regularly gives concerts in the Vienna Opera, the Bolshoi Theater and on other famous world scenes. He has its own page in "Instagram", where regularly lays out its photos. Wikipedia contains a lot of information about Anna and her photos with their loved husband and son. Author: Sophia Maleeva

Anna Netrebko and Yusif Euvazov became her husband and his wife. PHOTO

44-year-old Opera Singer Anna Netrebko married 38-year-old Yusif Evazov.

The star of the Russian opera Anna Netrebko and Baku Tenor Yusif Eyvazov got married in Vienna.

Wedding took place in the Vienna Town Hall.

For Anna and Yusif, this is the first marriage. With the father of his son Thiago - Uruguayan opera singer Erwin Schrottt - Anna Netrebko lived in a civil marriage.

The wedding ceremony prepared large-scale and more resembles a luxurious opera stage.

At first they went to the Vienna Town Hall, where they were officially called husband and wife. And then under the cloak of graceful horses, newlyweds and their guests in the Renice Karet rushed to the Bard's Bard, in which the most solemn part of the holiday passes.

About 200 people were invited to the wedding. Among them, Philip Kirkorov, composer Igor Cool with his wife, legendary tenor Placido Domingo, conductor Valery Gergiev and many others.

For the identity ceremony, Anna Netrebko chose a wedding outfit of pearl color, which she sewed Russian designer Irina Vityaz, living in Vienna.

The head of the bride was decorated with a precious crown, which was specially made for Nesrebko, the Chopard jewelry house made. According to independent jewelers, a precious crown of white gold and diamonds of fantasy cut can cost about 2 million euros.

Wedding Crown Anna Netrebko

And the first photo from the celebration, which Anna laid out in his instagram was in the form of traditional wedding dolls.

First wedding photo

Recall. At one time, Yusif and Anna sang in the Roman Teatro Dell'Opera Di. That meeting ended with today's wedding.

The unique voice of Anna Netrebko - the lyric-dramatic soprano - today millions of people are admired in dozens of countries of the world. Opera Diva is one of the greatest executivers of Russia XXI century. Its luxurious stage parties are forced to love the opera singing even those who have previously perceived this musical genre.

List all the singer awards possible, but it will take a lot of time. The speeches of the Russian star applauded the listeners of the world's best concert halls. Among the fans of Netrebko prominent politicians, businessmen and cultural figures, people of all age categories and generations.

Childhood and youth

Anna Netrebko was born in September 1971 in Krasnodar. Anne's ancestors - Don Cossacks, Russians by nationality. Parents loved to sing, but did not professionally engaged in this, for pleasure: Mom worked as an engineer of communication, and his father was a geologist. Ani's childhood was held in Krasnodar, and her passion for music was also manifested here.

The girl began to develop vocal abilities at an early age. At school, she was taken to the "Kuban Pioneeria" ensemble. Soon she became his soloist. This famous choir spoke with popular children's and youthful songs in the local Poland of Pioneers and toured around the country.

Already in the middle classes of the school, Anna Netrebko realized that her whole further life would be associated with music and vocals. Having received a maturity certificate, the girl went to the city on the Neva. Here she easily entered the music school and was credited to the course of Tatiana Borisovna Swan.

After 2 years, Anna left this educational institution and, not wanting to lose precious time, decided to continue their studies at the St. Petersburg State Conservatory named. Despite the impressive contest, she did. Already at the entrance exams, teachers understood that the future star of the opera before them.

In 1990, Anna Netrebko was credited to the teacher of Tamara Dmitrievna Novichenko. Soon the student won on the All-Russian Workalist Competition named, which was held in Smolensk. Anna his singing, which is called, struck by the jury headed by the famous opera singer and the folk artist of the USSR. Members of the jury without disputes gave the first award to the young performer. This victory played a great importance in the further biography of Anna Netrebko.

A talented student before the end of the conservatory received an invitation from the very artistic director of the famous Mariinsky Theater. Anna, completely confident in his abilities, easily passed the audition and began to perform on the legendary frames of the Mariins.


It is noteworthy that the first batch Netrebko received immediately after listening. Valery Gergiev was so struck by a strong and unique voice of the girl in his voice, which immediately entrusted her main role in the musical play "Wedding Figaro".

The debut turned out to be successful. Since 1994, the actress regularly appears on the stage. She trusts key parties in performances. She quickly acquires the status of the leading soloist of the Mariinsky Theater. Among the most striking works - roles in the "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "Boris Godunov", "Seville Barber", "Tsarist Bride", "Don Juan", "Rigoletto", "Bohemia" and many others.

With theatrical troupe, Mariinsky Anna Netrebko touches a lot. She often leaves abroad. Her concerts with anchlage are held in Finland, Germany, Israel, Latvia and other countries.

They saw and heard Russian nightingale and in America. On the scene in San Francisco, the singer was drowning in applause. Her glory becomes world, and success is international.

The creative biography of Anna Netrebko developed rapidly. The iconic in her career was 2002, when the singer from the well-known turned into a reception of the global opera. Speech in the Mariinsky Theater on the scene of the famous "Metropolitan Opera" in the "War of War" produced a real extension. In the same year, she sang at Don Juan opera at the Salzburg Festival, which also many times increased its popularity. And in 2004, Anna played himself in the American film "Princess Diaries 2".

Anna Netrebko in "Princess Diaries 2"

Starting from the 2000s Anna Netrebko produces its first albums. In 2003, music lovers welcomed her Debut Studio Album "Opera Arias". He becomes one of the best-selling. And in 2004, the singer gives its admirers to the second disk - "Sempe Libera". He is also in the top of sales.

The triumph was crowned with the output of the play "Romeo and Juliet", where the star performs in a duet with Rolando Villazon. Soon she comes out again to the stage in the Opera "Love Drink" Gaetano Donizetti.

Opera Superstar decides to change the place of residence and in 2006 receives Austrian citizenship, while maintaining Russian. She tours worldwide with the best orchestras and musicians of the planet. She standing hands up London, St. Petersburg, Washington, New York and Vienna.

Anna Netrebko manifests itself as a true actress not only in scenic productions, but also in solo concerts. So, by performing in Baden-Baden, Aria Juditta from the Operette of Franz Lemira, the singer was pretty surprised by the public. The room even got the name "Hooligan". Being in the image of the fatal beauty of Juditta, Anna threw roses into the hall of men, and then, throwing off his shoes, performed several dance passes.

At the end of the speech, the artist approached the concertmaster of the first violins and paused him on his head and hugged. From a nontrivial behavior on stage, the public was delighted.

Anna Netrebko - Aria Juditta

Significant and generous on awards for Russians is becoming 2008. Anna Netrebko performs with the legendary conductors of the world. In the named year, she starred in the lead role in Robert Dornholm's "Bohemia" film. The unique voice of the Opera Diva and its concerts are popular with Melomanians, lovers of classical execution.

In the summer of 2010, Anna Netrebko and performed the song "Voice" on the "New Wave". And in February 2012, the singer was registered as a trustee of the presidential candidate. Her soprano opened the Olympics in Sochi: Opera Diva performed the anthem of Russia.

Anna - the leader of the top 10 world-famous Russian artists, which was forbes magazine in 2011. The income of the singers were measured by the amount of $ 3.75 million. For one speech, the Golden Soprano receives at least $ 50 thousand.

In 2014, Anna Netrebko, whose patriotism, active civil position and love for the Motherland was never questioned, handed over a million rubles for the restoration of the "Donbass Opera" theater damaged in Donetsk. Foreign Ministry of Austria negatively estimated this act. A flurry critics hit the Austrian Airlines airline, the "face" of which the singer was under the terms of the contract from May to November 2014.

In the summer of 2015, Anna Netrebko, together with his colleagues, Bass Ildar Abdarzakov, Tenor Alexander Antonenko and Metzo-soprano Ekaterina Gubanova - went on tour to Europe, which Matra devoted memory. In the final of the tour at a concert at the Moscow Conservatory, all participants arranged a costume flashmob to support the course of treatment held at the time in London.

Personal life

In 2007, Netrebko was engaged to the singer from Uruguay (Bariton) Erwin Slott. In September 2008, the son of Tiago Arua was born in a couple. Lovers were going to arrange relationships, but because of permanent employment did not do it. Over time, the relationship has turned into formal. In November 2013, Anna Netrebko and Erwin Schontt broke up.

And in mid-2015, Anna Netrebko's personal life appeared in the top of the news. It became known about the plans of the Opera Diva marriage for Azerbaijani tenor. The wedding ceremony was large-scale and reminded the luxurious opera stage.

There were rumors that the woman is pregnant for the second time and is going to give her husband to her child. But Anna herself perceived these speculations with a smile, although he did not deny that they plan to appear in the family of another kid. But at the same time it says that rumors about pregnancy appear every time it is tightly.

In 2016, a video appeared, which shows that the son of Thiago inherited from Mom's ability to sing. The boy plays the guitar. Recall that a few years ago, Tiago discovered the disease spread recently among children - autism. The famous mother quickly coped with shock and took up treatment. Looks like the problem is already behind. In 2016, the boy together with his mother and stepfather participated in the "Evening Urgant".

In October 2016, the premiere of the opera ingenious "Manon Lesko" took place in the Bolshoi Theater. The main parties in the performance were performed by Anna Netrebko and her husband Yusif Evazov. The premiere has become a real event for art lovers. They say that speculators sold tickets to the opera in 150 thousand rubles.

Anna Netrebko herself admitted that participation in the famous opera was worth her worthwhile. After all, this work requires a lot of strength, physical and spiritual. It is not for frequent execution, because, as Anna reported in an interview, "destroys everything in the body, starting with the voice and ending with sincere equilibrium."

The singer participates in charitable promotions and programs in Russia, as well as abroad. It helps the Rericho Heritage Charitable International Foundation, children - the patients of the Turner Orthopedic Institute, which is located in the city of Pushkino, participates in the Special Project "Anna", aimed at assisting the orphanages of Kaliningrad, as well as the Kaliningrad region.

Anna Netrebko now

In 2017, Anna Netrebko came to the scene of the New York Theater Metropolitan-Opera in the restored production of 2013 opera play of Evgeny Onegin to music. The main parties on the tradition were distributed between the Russian vocalists. Performed, and - Alexey Dolgov. Anna Netrebko appeared in the image.

Documentary film about the life of Anna Netrebko

Opera Diva for several years along with his family lives in Austria, where in 2006 received citizenship. In 2018, Anna Netrebko, together with his spouse, left for large-scale tour. The couple has already performed in Monaco, ahead of concerts in Miami, Moscow, Austrian Graz.

Anna Netrebko continues to surprise the subscribers "Instagram". Together with the finalist "Eurovision-2014" Thomas Noyvirt, who protrudes under the pseudonym, the Russian woman made a producer with a comment: "Oh, Copter! Sinful you! ". Anna appeared in front of the camera in the image of a Catholic nun, while the Austrian artist is in a bride suit. Publication caused ambiguous assessments of fans of the opera diva. Later, the actress appeared from the pages of his "instagram" with green hair, which was also surprised by the connoisseurs of opera creativity.

Anna Netrebko is considered one of the most attractive opera singers of modernity, but the artist and now, and in his youth was not considered a slindish. Leaning to the fullness of her mom. To lose weight or stick the star The star one time did not strive, because the weight helps her to fulfill the opera parties and "maintain" a voice. According to her, extra kilograms do not interfere in life and work. In addition, Netrebko likes to demonstrate its own pictures, on which it appears in a swimsuit.

However, the last time the actress still has to be sitting on a diet. Anna lost weight to the Olympiad-2014, where he performed at the opening ceremony. Extra kilograms Opera Diva threw out in 2017. Netrebko does not resort to grueling training and starvation. Carefully selected diet and hiking give their results - with a height of 168 cm its weight is usually 63 kg.


  • Pamin in the "Magic Flute" Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Rosina in the "Seville Barber" Joakkino Rossini
  • Lyudmila in "Ruslana and Lyudmila" Mikhail Glinka
  • Natasha in "War and the World" Sergey Probleva
  • Louise in the "hoop in the monastery" Sergey Prokofiev
  • Marfa in the "tsarist bride" Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
  • Gilda in Rigoletto Giuseppe Verdi
  • Mimi in "Boheme" Gacomo Puccini
  • Juliet in Kapulenti and Montecci Vincenzo Bellini
  • Donna Anna in the Opera "Don Juan" Wolfgang Amadeya Mozart
  • Violetts in the opera "Traviata" Giuseppe Verdi