Singer has Maxim health problems. Maksim returned to the scene after severe illness

Singer has Maxim health problems. Maksim returned to the scene after severe illness
Singer has Maxim health problems. Maksim returned to the scene after severe illness

The Russian singer Maxim was surprised because of the news, which recently walked over the Internet. The press wrote about the serious state of the star, that she was hospitalized in Turkey or hiding at home, contradict each other in the race for the most original article, attributing that sharp gastritis, then rubella. Therefore, the artist decided to independently tell the whole truth about his own health ..

All right

In the microblog of the artist, a new photo appeared, in the signature to which the star told how everything really happened.

"I want to assure everyone that I'm fine, in good health, not hiding in the country, I did not lie and did not lie in any hospitals of Turkey" (ORF and item. The author was preserved, approx. Ed.), Marina Maksimova said.

Immediately, the singer noted that she really had some problems: "Yes, health led me a little bit, and I was forced to cancel two concerts" (ORF. And item. The author was preserved, approx. Ed.), - assured the fans of the singer, adding What is already like two days she returned to the working mode and is ready to go according to the schedule.

Reaction of fans

Relaxed fans have delighted good news from the favorite, netting on the conscience of the Mountain of Pisac-Zhtobushnikov.

"Thanks to the huge marisha that reported, otherwise I was very worried", "thank God, that everything is good! And then we were already scared!", "Marina, maybe it will sound trite, but you are not indifferent to us, and I just pray for you "," It is written that the sharp gastritis. Do not have the conscience. "," yes with health it is impossible for marina! Can a chart intense too? " (ORF. And item. Authors are preserved, approx. Ed.), - wrote users in the comments.

Joinfo Anna Ash journalist reminds that Dana Borisov admitted in his problems with alcohol and drugs, but. And the TV show "Let them say", in turn, want to hand the TV presenter million rubles so that it does not prevent complaints.

The famous Russian singer Maxim said to his fans, which leaves the scene due to illness. She does not explain and does not call the disease from which suffers, informs the site Representatives of the singers also do not comment on her care. They only encouraged fans, which perhaps Maxim later will return to the scene.

The singer's statements began to appear in the press, which has recently been very tired and works "wear". Maxim said that she had serious health problems. Even the planned concerts and speeches were canceled. Poppar disease remains a mystery. It remains only to guess what time Maxim leaves, and how soon she will cure a silence.

Maxim has repeatedly spoke about the fact that he pays a little time to his family, especially daughters. That she does not have enough time to rest and restore forces. Perhaps the star really wants to relax and takes the timeout, and the disease is just a PR-move. Especially she talked to their fans so that they would not worry and that soon Maxim would reach the scene in another image.

Another assumption - the singer is sick, some kind of stomach disease. Since last year, when Maxim rested in Turkey, it was urgently transported to the hospital, to Moscow due to problems with the stomach.

Also, last year, Maxim visited the studio of the New Radio. After that visit, the video was laid out from the studio, which shocked the stars in shock. All the time of your stay, Maxim did not shoot glasses. Points were visible to the swelling of the whole face of the singer - perhaps it is somehow connected with its illness.

What kind of singer Maxim: Premiere

As already labeled, the release date of the singer is not known to the scene again. As a farewell chord, after leaving the sick leave, the new song Maxim and the clip will be released. This song with the symbolic name "here and now", like almost all the songs of Maxim, about love.

Fans are looking forward to her exit and hope that maybe the song will make at least some clarity in all this, shrouded secret, the situation.

What kind of singer Maxim: Career

Marina Maksimova - such a real name of the singer. On the scene she appeared twelve years ago. Popularity brought her 2003. At first, Maxim performed in his native Kazan, where she deserved love and respect for the public. Only she needed worldwide fame. And Maxim, which brother called the brother with his friends, rides Moscow.

However, there was much harder, the Ros-Registr site writes. She was not missing at either the studio on the radio. She spoke in transitions and on the streets. Then the girl begins cooperation with Gala Rebonds and about Maxim will learn everything. The first hits were the song "Tenderness" and "difficult age".

At the end of June, the native of Kazan singer Maksim made a public statement about what goes into a permanent creative vacation. For fans, this message thundered like a thunder among the clear sky. As at the peak of his popularity and heyday, the singer decided to leave the scene, because on June 10, the singer celebrated his 35th anniversary and prepared a new material for fans.

"Specify the exact dates is not possible" ...

The reason for the decision taken by the native of Kazan by Marina Abrosimova (this is the real name of the singer), it became a worsening of her health.

Creative path McSim has 12 years. How much the permanent creative vacation of the singer will last - it is unknown, but the actress does not say goodbye to his fans forever. In the appeal, published in Instagram singer, it is said that, perhaps, in the future, the actress will appear before the public in the new capacity and will again conquer the hearts of fans. However, "specify the exact dates is not possible."

"Marina, I will definitely put a candle in the church for your health, because I worry about you" ...

"Marinochka, in no case, not to launch, only the diagnosis, only not havant and superficial, and relax, at this stage, and there will be recommendations from doctors. I kiss you, be healthy "...

"Marinochka, be treated until late, recover and come back on the stage. Very waiting for returns, " wrote alarmed fans.

Despite the aspirations of fans, Marina confirmed information about his indefinite leave.

"The news that I am leaving for a creative vacation is true. I ask you to consider this, do not invent and not speculate. The reason is simple and banal - Recently, because of the overwork, I began to have health problems, and I want to allocate some time to restore myself. " Explained the performer to his fans.

Insidious disease

Recently, the singer had to cancel the concerts several times due to poor well-being - in Vologda, Anapa, Krasnodar. In addition, she could not attend the day of birth, which on June 10, organized a fan club.

The reason for the illness was the problems with the brain vessels, which caused serious concerns from doctors for the life of the artist. It was the specialists who insisted that the Maksim urgently need rest.

According to the relatives of the singer, about food with health at Marina began long enough. A few months ago, before the performance, it became bad: severe dizziness began, pain, noise in the ears. Prior to that, this has already happened, but usually at home, the singer could fly away. Before the concert, the help of physicians has already needed. Returning to Moscow, the performer was examined. Then there were also serious problems with vessels caused by, most likely, overwork and inappropriate. Familiar singers tell that she did not bother himself at all, tried to have time to spend everywhere: and with her daughters time to spend, and work with music, and the night installation of the clip is to check. At the same time, there was no time for sleep and rest at all. The rise, as a rule, was early, since the youngest daughter Masha - Lark and refuses to have breakfast without mom.

Maksim often became a member of charitable concerts at the Small Motherland. Last year, the artist performed for the mothers of "special children" in Kazan. Together with her on the scene came out Stars of Tatar pop - Gusel and Ilnaz Bach, Als Abelkhanova, Ferdinand Salahov, Guselia and others. Artists performed songs in Russian and Tatar. In a duet with them, the compositions of children with disabilities were performed.


Maksim shared in detail with fans about their plans. On his page in the social network she told that long postponed the moment of the campaign to the clinic, did not give the symptoms of meanings, but now intends to do health tightly, and spend all the free time with daughters Alexandra and Maria. Now girls are 9 years old and 3 years, respectively. Also, Maksim loves horses from a young age and is engaged in horseback. Perhaps shereturn to this hobby. In addition, Marina is engaged in boxing and considers thesesports are extremely important, especially in childhood. Now the singer continues to engage in boxing.

Recently, the artist admitted that she dreams to go to Altai. She was already there earlier and remained under a great impression of the beauty of nature. It is possible that the young mother of two daughters will find time to fulfill their plans.

"Traveled there a few years ago - these mountains can not be compared with any other. The beauty is incredible. I miss. In general, I love to travel across Russia, I adore active, even extreme rest, "said the star.

Finally, McSim made his listeners a long-awaited gift - on July 5, the singer presented a clip on the song "here and now." It shows the real story of love with Happi-end. Starring starred a real couple in love - Eugene Zhuk and Nastya Belochkin. According to the intention of the clip, Maksim plays the role of a third-party observer of the beautiful history of love. At the moment, the artist works on the clip to the composition "Dura".

Financial Question

The financial question does not bother at all. During the years of permanent work, Maxim appeared several apartments in the center of Moscow and the country house. Marina also has an art school, which is still on vacation.

Maksim was born on June 10, 1983 in Kazan. During the creative activity, numerous ranks and awards were awarded: in 2007, she was recognized as the most commercially successful singer of Russia for the album "Difficult Age", which exceeded 1.5 million copies; In 2008, Maksim received four MUZ-TV awards at once, becoming a record holder; In 2011, the singer entered the rating of the "One of the most influential women of Russia"; In 2013, Maksim became the Honored Artist of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, in 2016 - the Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan. Awarded in Moscow.

The famous Russian singer Maxim said to his fans, which leaves the scene due to illness .. Representatives of the singer also do not comment on her care. They only encouraged fans, which perhaps Maxim later will return to the scene.

The singer's statements began to appear in the press, which has recently been very tired and works "wear". Maxim said that she had serious health problems. Even the planned concerts and speeches were canceled. Poppar disease remains a mystery. It remains only to guess what time Maxim leaves, and how soon she will cure a silence.

What kind of singer Maxim: assumptions

Maxim has repeatedly spoke about the fact that he pays a little time to his family, especially daughters. That she does not have enough time to rest and restore forces. Perhaps the star really wants to relax and takes the timeout, and the disease is just a PR-move. Especially she talked to their fans so that they would not worry and that soon Maxim would reach the scene in another image.

Another assumption - the singer is sick, some kind of stomach disease. Since last year, when Maxim rested in Turkey, it was urgently transported to the hospital, to Moscow due to problems with the stomach.

Also, last year, Maxim visited the studio of the New Radio. After that visit, the video was laid out from the studio, which shocked the stars in shock. All the time of your stay, Maxim did not shoot glasses. Points were visible to the swelling of the whole face of the singer - perhaps it is somehow connected with its illness.

What kind of singer Maxim: Premiere

As already labeled, the release date of the singer is not known to the scene again. As a farewell chord, after leaving the sick leave, the new song Maxim and the clip will be released. This song with the symbolic name "here and now", like almost all the songs of Maxim, about love.

Fans are looking forward to her exit and hope that maybe the song will make at least some clarity in all this, shrouded secret, the situation.

What kind of singer Maxim: Career

Marina Maksimova - such a real name of the singer. On the scene she appeared twelve years ago. Popularity brought her 2003. At first, Maxim performed in his native Kazan, where she deserved love and respect for the public. Only she needed worldwide fame. And Maxim, which brother called the brother with his friends, rides Moscow.

However, there was much harder, the Ros-Registr site writes. She was not missing at either the studio on the radio. She spoke in transitions and on the streets. Then the girl begins cooperation with Gala Rebonds and about Maxim will learn everything. The first hits were the song "Tenderness" and "difficult age".

Maksim made an official statement that the time leaves the stage to fix his health. How long will leave a vacation and what kind of illness struck the singer is not known. The press secretary of the artist refuses any comments. At the same time, Maksim asks his fans not to worry and that as soon as well-being improved, it will immediately resume work.

"The plans of the singer do not mean the final and irrevocable farewell to the scene. Maksim intends to use creative vacation to restore forces and reflections on future plans. It is possible that in the future, the actress will appear before the public in the new capacity and will again win the hearts of fans. Specify the exact dates, however, it is not possible, "is reported on the official page of Maksim in the social network.

For a farewell, McSim plans to present a new video for the song "here and now." The video should soon appear on the network. The idea of \u200b\u200ba roller is a real story of love with a happy finale, in which the singer performs the role of a third-party observer.

This year Maksim, she also Marina Abrosimova turned 35 years old. The artist was married to his sound engineer Alexei Lugovtsov. Their wedding took place in October 2008, in March after the next year, the spouses had a girl who decided to call Alexander. However, the family life of Marina and Alexey did not ask, two years after the birth of the daughter they divorced.

The second chief of the singer was the businessman Anton Petrov, from whom she in October 2014 was born the second daughter of Maria. But with him, McSim did not have a relationship, a year later they broke up.

I wonder what is still going with Maxim, if she decided to leave his favorite job?
