Male-Sagittarius married: a horoscope of family life. Happy marriage with a man Sir

Male-Sagittarius married: a horoscope of family life. Happy marriage with a man Sir
Male-Sagittarius married: a horoscope of family life. Happy marriage with a man Sir

Male Sagittarius is an unbridled space energy that is aimed at ruling his arrow and go to his goal. If your choices became a man Sagittarius, you need to know a very important detail: freedom is inherent in him, like a character trait, from birth. You must respect its borders of the personal space and try not to break them. To keep such a man, you don't need much much harder to interest him. If you decide to charm a man of Sagittarius, then the knowledge of his characteristics and behavior in love will certainly serve you in the future.

Men Archers always seem very good and friendly, but at the same time - sharp. Their language is the cause of many misunderstandings between friends and a break of romantic relationships. They are very straightforward and everything about what they think, they say in the forehead, without fearing to wander the feelings of others.

For others - this is a manifestation of nontactivity, for Sagittarius - a free consultation and invaluable advice. If you are able to accept such intolerance towards others, you are still waiting for many pleasant surprises in the personality of Sagittarius:

  • Sagittarius are very dynamic in their perception of the world. They love to travel very much, they constantly need to satisfy their interest with new knowledge and interesting acquaintances.
  • Men Archers are constantly in search of themselves: their calling and role in this world. They love to look for answers to eternal questions and refer themselves to people who have their own point of view on any account.

There is a legend, which explains their impulse to freedom and eternal quest for themselves. Sagittarius came to this world given a half-session to determine who he really is. His eternal struggle with himself in the end should determine who will win this battle: a person or a beast.

  • Sagittarius - very smart, and besides, are the owners of non-standard thinking, sometimes listening to them, it is possible to make a hasty conclusion about their madness, but it is worth listening to him for a couple of minutes, and you will already take advantage of his reflections for the truth.
  • Men of this sign are not very verminated, the main dialogue is happening in the head alone with themselves.
  • Sagittarius have a congenital gift to conviction and often use it for their own purposes.
  • For representatives of this sign, there are two opinions: our and incorrect, so in an attempt to prove something, Sagittarius can silently leave, perceiving you, as something completely not thinking.
  • Strels were lucky to be born a magnet for money. They easily attract energy to themselves, including financial.
  • Older years are secured, wretched and active men who are also known to know the world with interest.

Male Sagittarius in love and marriage

Male sign Sagittarius is a very reliable partner in life, but for long-term relationships, in most cases, it is not worth counting on. These are very pinch semi-semi-seater, which are very appreciated by their freedom. To tighten such a rapid stream of energy is practically not possible.

Such rawful plans immediately leave you from among the worthy contenders on the hot heart of Sagittarius. From whims and reproaches it is necessary to refuse immediately, otherwise you risks so never to hear how a romantic striker confesses to you in love. From representatives of this sign, very good husbands and fathers are obtained:

  • Men Streltsy are very fascinated by flirting and light romantic relationships. He quickly falls in love, but also cools too quickly.
  • Sagittarius very rarely tie a serious long-term relationship. This is due to his restless lifestyle, the second half becomes a burden for him, which will not appreciate his spontaneous travel at any time of the year and anywhere in the world.
  • It is worth sending properly, due to their thorough selectivity in the selection of the satellite of life, marriages have very durable marriage. But the truth is, it is also worth understanding that the decision to marry may come to him not so soon, as you would like to.
  • As life satellites, it is very gentle and affectionate partners. They are reliable and moderately demanding. Sagittars know perfectly well, as freedom is needed, so they are pleased to share with her with their second half.

It is very important not to provoke Sagittarius on jealousy, such games can play a bad joke with you. The man of this sign should trust its second half entirely and completely, and the talked intrigues and low-lying provocations will not bring anything good to your relationship.

  • Freedom is the main condition in the relationship for the Sagittarius, if this holy vow will not be observed in marriage, it is likely that your beloved will begin to look around, or even may start an incinement.
  • Such a protest few people will have to do, therefore it is better not to bring Spear to the sweet temptation. It is much easier to prevent the situation than to resolve. Be free in your relationship together.
  • You should not pour charges in treason to Sagittarius, if this happens, then his abrupt language will not leave it without attention. Most likely, he himself tells you about it, until it happened, you should not panic.
  • Sagittarov are very good fathers. They are very tied to their children and often pokak them with whims. But men of this sign are solved on the continuation of the kind later than any other signs.

Male Sagittarius in Sex

Sagittarius - very attentive and conscientious sexual partners. It is very difficult to say which sex like a man Sagittarius. These are real connoisseurs, which have sex as the most important industry. They are romantic, temperamental, in the measure of depraved and very ardent. These are real fans of different manifestation of carnal love. If your choice fell on the representative of this sign, then surely you will be interested in knowing how you can surprise the gentleman.

  • Sagittarius love various experiments very much. Especially if the stormy passion in your relationship is a little dull, then sex, as an independent process, they do not consider. They need a binding thread between the mechanical process and emotions.
  • Sagittarius is very dangling on highlighted women who are not afraid to declare their desires in bed.
  • They rarely give the brazers of the board of a woman, but its initiative is always welcome. A man is needed to see that the second half wishes him, then the passion in bed increases at times. This is the key to excellent fervent and sensual sex.
  • Male Sagittarus need a variety. As mentioned above, their interest quickly blows up, so it needs to be supported.
  • Role-playing games and new unusual postures in sex - incredibly excite the man of Sagittarius.
  • Representatives of this kind are excited by words pronounced in moments of proximity. Note your feelings, your speech should be appropriate: it may be dirty words or recognition in love, based on the situation.
  • Male Sagittarius - sex amateur in principle, so he either will not give the girl to cool and bother. Representatives of this sign Rado practice hot passionate sex with love classes.
  • You will be pleasantly surprised what kind of shooters are in the classroom. These are very sensual and gentle partners who will cover your body with kisses, but often to count on such feats. They are terribly tired by monotony.

Compatibility in love Men Sir

Sagittarius are very freedom-loving, active and tomimes of monotony. Not every woman will be able to terms with such a nomadic lifestyle. She and the Sagittarius to the selection of the second half treats very scrupulously. He needs smart, moderately temperamental, confident woman with whom they will be self-improvement together. Your horoscope can tell if you will become the love in the life of a Men Sagittarius.

Ove woman

These are two temperamental fiery signs that perfectly understand each other, but the behavior of Sagittarius with such a woman can be unpredictable, often it changes and, alas, not for the better:

  • Aries woman in a relationship with Sagittarius feels his strength and takes her cool knife. Only for representatives of this sign, such humility is not a guide to a happy and strong union. Male Sagittarius tends to abuse the revelation of his second half.
  • Aries - a very stubborn sign, such women will always be "beating" into the closed door, even if the gate will open in front of them. It is very typical for women of this sign. They can never be satisfied. Male Sagittarius can offer her the whole world, but what if she wants wildflowers in February.
  • A Owan woman loves to capricious, this is insanely like a man of fire, but only if such behavior is caused by playability, and not by the usual state.
  • Aries - family women. Of these, good mothers and wives are obtained, but it is unlikely that the representatives of the fiery sign will be patient to wait for the proposals from the Men Sagittarius.

Compatibility Men Sagittarius with Woman Ove 62%

Woman Taurus

Women of Taurles can often be found in the circle of friends Men Sagittarius, which cannot be said about the number of their fans. These are very difficult relationships for both sides. They often have to put up with the lack of each other, because they are not able to notice anything else:

  • Male Sagittarius is not conflict and is able to compromise, but provided that his half will appreciate the indulgent gesture. In tandem such relations, a man goes to the principle.
  • This is a real confrontation between two strong personalities. The Sagittarius is under pressure and mental violence when something requires something in an order tone, so with such behavior you can predict their ambulance separation.
  • These are very powerful women, warriors for whom love is expressed in submission. They are prone to reckless actions to prove or make a hundredth on evil.
  • Men Sagittarius amuse and attract such relationships, but only the first time. Good and positive they experience incredible pressure from a woman's woman, which their relationship is capable of turning into a real war.

Compatibility Men Silver with Woman Taurus 47%

Woman twins

Women Gemini can count on beautiful, passionate and romantic relations with Sagittarius. But marriage such relationships do not end almost never. The reason for this lies in their incredible similarity:

  • Women twins are very windy. They never feel relieved or satisfaction when they are in relationships. These are women who are always in search of an ideal partner.
  • The same can be said about the man who was born under the constellation Sagittarius. They are not constant in their choice and forever are in search of sharpness and novelty of sensations.
  • Such couples are able to give each other unforgettable days, passionate and hot nights, but will never go to divide the rest of their lives. Such marriages often end with mutual treason.
  • In women of this sign there is one very remarkable feature that it is impossible not to notice: these are double small hand. Such a feature is characteristic of them from birth. Straight Sagittarius does not accept such behavior, noticing such a feature of his second half, he will immediately stop communicating.

Men Compatibility Salt with Woman Gemini 67%

Woman cancer

In such pairs, complete confidence reigns to each other. They are very harmoniously soldered and almost never conflict, but the representatives of this sign are too calm for the gustful and unreasonable Sagittarius:

  • Woman cancer is very filler and non-conflict. It serves more than a minus than a plus for a man Sir.
  • A man always receives understanding and support in such relations, but does not satisfy its true essence. Active and temperamental archers, begin to wake, when there are no adventures in their lifetime.
  • Woman cancer always seeks to start a strong and friendly family. Claims that it is time for them to legalize relations, destroy idyll and harmony in their relationship.
  • The marriage is possible in case a cancer woman had the opportunity to meet a mature and adult representative of the fire sign, but even if the difference in their temperament could play a torn joke in relationships.

Compatibility Men Sagittarius with Woman Cancer 44%

Woman Lev.

This is a very successful option for a man Sir. With such women, we definitely do not get bored, so such relationships are very harmonious and rapid in their development. When a lioness appears on the horizon of life a lioness, their unearthly attraction can not only feel, but even taste for taste:

  • The lionesses are very active, they are always ready for the knowledge of the new. Their life, like a series of funny adventure. With such women, a man Sagittarius is ready to tie himself to romantic relationships, or even the bonds of marriage.
  • The lionesses are very ingenious in bed, which can not but please the man of Sagittarius. All quarrels and troubles, they are glad to decide with sex.
  • A woman born under the constellation lion is able to create an intrigue to warm the feelings and interest of a Men Sagittarius. This is exactly what is needed by the representative of this sign so as not to bother in their relationship.
  • The lioness love attention to her person, but the man's archer is not from those who might in their second half. He often needs to be in the company of friends or make new interesting acquaintances. There are serious scandals on this soil, because it wounds the pride of the lioness. But, nevertheless, mutual aspiration and goals, help them support relations.

Compatibility Men Sagittarius with a woman Lioness 81%

Woman Deva.

Virgin is very romantic and sensitive people who seek for family values, which cannot be said about Sagittarius. Such an alliance is inevitably doomed to failure, and the reason for this is the bottomless abyss in the views on the world:

  • Virgin came to this world to realize themselves as good mothers and stopped faithful wives. Any other man will easily appreciate their feminine nature, but not the Sagittarius.
  • Open and vulnerable, they painfully perceive the freedom of Sagittarius. Frequent gatherings in a circle of friends and personal train, Virgin perceive, as disregarding their feelings.
  • These are beautiful unearthly women who seek to make their man special, but the Sagittarius is more inclined to look for a like-minded man and a good friend in relationships than the custodian of the hearth.
  • Despite their quiet temper, Virgo are able to be decisive and tough in decision-making: they will never play second roles in the life of a loved one.

Compatibility Men Sagittarius with Woman Virny 47%

Woman scales

This is a very good company union, which may be quite possible. They are fine with each other, and the feeling of jealousy is unfamiliar. Scales and fittings are much like similar, but still there are some aspects of their joint pastime, with which a man will hardly come true:

  • Scales give full freedom to a man. It is very binding it. In gratitude, he is capable of unusual romantic deeds.
  • Such couples rarely quarrel and always try to find a compromise. These are two like-minded people who are able to put up with the lack of each other.
  • Women scales are very pedantic, and the spontaneity of solutions is not characteristic. They are not so gusty, like Sagittarius, but their incompatibility does not affect their relationship, if not only one thing!
  • Men Sagittarius often prefer anyone, but not the second half. They will gladly prefer their beloved trip to the sea or hike in the mountains, so as not to feel despondency from calm, which reigns in their stable and even relationships.

Compatibility Men Silver with Woman Scales 88%

Scorpion woman

Woman Scorpio is a colossal energy that can make a man of Sagittarius admire her, opening his mouth wide. It is very rapid, ardent and passionate relations that put them in the whirlwind of intrigues and the adventure, but to keep such a union you need to try to very much:

  • Scorpion Woman is a purposeful, temperamental and self-sufficient person. Such a cocktail incredibly fascinates a man of Sir. Their total pastime can be called mad and exciting. Such relationships are very heated by Sagittarius.
  • Unpredictability and hot scorpion knob will not make Silver bored. These are crazy couples who live spontaneous solutions and actions.
  • But hypocrisy, the egoism and the despotic of a scorpion woman are able to destroy such relationships. Sagittarius does not accept such qualities even in a random counterfeit, not to mention the second half.
  • If such couples open a common cause, it is likely that after a dozen years it will turn into a whole empire, because The purposefulness of them does not occupy. Common plans and mutual desire are able to preserve their relationship.

Compatibility Men Silver with a scorpion woman 86%

Woman Sagittarius

Who can still understand the Sagittarius better than the other Sagittarius. These are very durable pairs that are built on mutual understanding, trust and support. They are incredibly attractive for each other, but not only makes them a pair of durable:

  • The pair of Streltsov reigns absolute equality. They do not aim to make a decision for their partner and always accept each other's actions.
  • They are absolutely not demanding to each other and are always treated with understanding to any stupidity of the partner.
  • Such marriages are more similar to a strong friendly union, but this is what is looking for a man Sagittarius.
  • Representatives of this sign are very jealous, although in every way suppress this feeling. In this pair, the manifestation of such features is completely unusual. Their relationship is pretty cold to experience such emotions.

Compatibility Men Sagittarius with Female Square 82%

Woman Capricorn.

The female Capricorn is very drooling, purposeful and strong nature, which all his species shows its independence and the independence of a man to the Silver. Such behavior greatly attracts a man of this sign, but in the behavior of Capricorn, there are also not very acceptable moments that are detaining the ego of Sagittarius:

  • Capricorn, as well as Sagittarius, very straightforward. Sometimes they do not think at all over what they can hurt someone. It would seem that this is a fair payroll for Sagittarius, but to speak and listen to the truth is not the same thing.
  • Women Capricorn can be very cold. It is completely unnecessarily related to their attitude towards a beloved man, they are simply too busy with absolutely everyone except Him.
  • Representatives of this sign has its own author's vital philosophy with which they are in life: they are not acceptable when they are told that they are good and bad; They will never make them do what they do not want; They understand that life is too short to spend it on actions that do not bring pleasure.
  • Such a cold and alienated behavior of a female Capricorn often causes jealousy in a man.

Compatibility Men Silver with Woman Capricorn 47%

Woman Aquarius

Aquarius woman is a very versatile personality, which is capable of a man of Sagittarius with their multipoint masks. Their tandem of fire and air is a great atmosphere to fire a bright spark:

  • Aquarius woman changes his appearance as the spontaneity of her mood. Today she is a sweet and downtry wife, and tomorrow is a depraved and ardent mistress. Such a contrast in the relationship is heated by the interest of Sagittarius and does not let him get bored.
  • Aquarius feel the need for loneliness, which is only in favor of such non-standard relations. Women of this sign will never begged in freedom of their chosen one, because they themselves need enough in it.
  • Representatives of this sign have a lot of interests and reflections. These are eternal dreamers and perfect intellectuals that feel the need for constant development and self-improvement. Such couples always have something to talk about.
  • About the union of such pairs is considered to say that their marriages are created in heaven. Maybe, because it is a rare phenomenon, because a woman of Aquarius is also very hard to convince that marriage is not slavery and not a burden. Such couples are very attached and true to each other, because in their relationship the complete and unquestioned harmony reigns.

Compatibility Men Silver with Woman Aquaround 80%

Fish woman

Fishes are calm and peaceful creatures, the same features are observed in media of this sign. These are unsurpassed mistresses and good mothers, but the interest of Sagittarius they are not enough than they can satisfy:

  • Undoubtedly, this is a very calm sign for the stroke Sagittarius. In such respects, he becomes boring and very soon, he will feel the despondency, which will lead to immediate rupture of relations.
  • Fish women are very submissive, which cannot but bribe a strong man, but over time, their humility is considered as absolute misinterpretability and a complete lack of interest in their relationship.
  • Fish is very sensitive and vulnerable. They are able to do too much to do relationships, but the agricultural nature is unlikely to appreciate such a gust and self-sacrifice.
  • In relations with Sagittarius, alienation and lack of interest will be felt, which is capable of hard to hurt such timid women.

Compatibility Men Sagittarius with Fish Woman 53%

If you intend to link your life with a representative of this sign, you should be prepared for his lifestyle, attitude to marriage and the issue of priorities, the preference of which will often be out of your favor. To do this, you must be a self-sufficient woman with your own interests and treasure to know the new. Save relationships and conquer the shooter you will not be difficult if you give him freedom. For your understanding of his principle of life, he will definitely thank you with his attachment and love.

Video: "Love horoscope Men Sagittarius. Marriage compatibility with a man Saglot "

People who were born from November 22 to December 21, commands fire. Their life position is so active, and the desire for freedom is so great that it is often frightened by the alleged partners in the marriage union.

People born under the constellation Sagittarius

The ninth zodiac sign is the most active in the horoscope. Who does not sit still - so this is a shooter. The characteristic of this sign is a direct confirmation. His active nature is full of creative ideas and entrepreneurial ideas. Sagittarius love fun and noisily resting, traveling and having fun, they know how to make money and also easily with them.

Often, the surroundings are offended from their straightness. They, without thinking about the consequences, express their point of view, for which they are considered not honest and open, and rude and uncompatible.

The archers are inherent in the thirst for knowledge and new discoveries. They are easy to rise, do not like monotony and boredom. They are always ready for risky adventures and adventures.

Do not limit the freedom of man born under such constellation as the Sagittarius. This sign is strong and energetically powerful, but in this case its representatives are often closed in themselves, succumb to depression and melancholy.

Sagittarius girl: characteristic signs of sign

Independent, strong, passionate and freedom-loving woman - you can describe the representative of this constellation through which zodiac passes. Sagittarius - a leader in the family and at work, full of ideas, but more inspires others to implement them, which makes himself. Does not tolerate control and overall, always honestly indicates disadvantages to others and requires the same honest attitude towards himself.

A woman who was born under the constellation Sagittarius differs in openness and society. How to detect her in the crowd? There are many friends around her, it easily finds new topics for conversation, sometimes it seems that the girl-Sagittarius knows everything. But next to it will be only with a strong and self-sufficient man who is able to be with her on an equal footing. Dress up brightly, loves catchy decorations and skillfully combines them with a selected style.

Male Sagittarius: Character Features

A man born under the constellation Sagittarius is easy to see in the company. This is exactly the person who is always in the center of attention, tells funny stories and jokes, and it seems that the flow will never run out. It is open and sociable. Its pockets are often empty. But not because the man-striker does not know how to earn, but due to the fact that it easily breaks up with money.

The representative of this sign of the zodiac is always generous, his gifts are expensive, and the signs of attention do not remain unnoticed. He is in love, sexy, passionate, his emotions are bright and genuine. Sagittarius is easy to remove slowness and humility. It happens aggressive, to its goal goes across. Thanks to this quality, as well as because of the inability to sit at the site of the Sagittarius often high climbing the career ladder.

Sagittarius compatibility in love and marriage

Of all the signs of the zodiac, the most inconsistent and unreliable partner is the Sagittarius. Compatibility with other signs is rather complicated, which is explained by in love and frequent change of partners.

Sagittarius-man appreciates freedom. Sexy and passionate, he likes to experience new emotions and feelings. It is easy for him to bother, so his second half must have an outstanding ingenuity to avoid betrayal in the Union. Sagittarius late comes into marriage. He is afraid of limiting his freedom and avoids duties.

Partners, one of which was born under the sign of the Sagittarius, it is very difficult to maintain a long relationship. As soon as the fire starts to fluff, they break up. Therefore, men of this sign are difficult to force to marry, and women, on the contrary, often get married. Lightness and in love are distinguished by representatives of such a sign like Sagittarius. The characteristic of them can be set forth in literally a few words: the desire for independence and thirst for change. But life with such a person will be rich and interesting, so therefore it always makes sense to risk and enter into relations with him.

Sagittar compatibility with earth element signs

It is not easy to make up the relationship with Sagittarius with the signs of the zodiac elements of the Earth. And this has its explanations. Serious and balanced representatives of earthly elements are for a fiery temperamental sign of a real wall, through which he will try to break through the whole joint life.

Sagittarius and Taurus rarely boast long and high-quality relationships. They are absolutely different. Taurus wants measured life, and the Sagittarus is looking for bright impressions. The latter annoys the calm temperament and the predictability of the partner, he wants a holiday, edit and command. Despite this, passion often flashes between signs. But for a long time - it depends on whether partners will listen to each other and to give way to conflict situations, which will be quite a lot in their livelihood.

A difficult alliance adds to Sagittarius with the Virgin. Marriage between them rarely happens long, quarrels and cold in relationships are almost immediately after the wedding. Patient and restrained in the senses of the virgin annoys the unpredictability and straightness of the Sagittarius. Combines partners only inherent in both sense of humor. Relations, doomed to break, can save only big love. If the Sagittarius and Virgo learns to listen to each other, the life of both in marriage will become an interesting and fun.

A good union may turn out with Capricorn. Relations between them are not easy. Capricorn needs to be conquered what a certain time can go. But then the Sagittarius will get full material and spiritual well-being. Of course, there are contradictions between partners in such a union. Capricorn is balanced and stable, spending little and earns a lot. Sagittarius - active started with eternally empty pocket. But together they are interested, and no cash issues will prevent their union.

Sagittarius and air signs

Between the shooters and air element signs a lot in common. They are also freedom-loving and frivolous. Representatives of these signs complement each other in relationships.

Sagittarius and twins - signs are opposite, but despite this, partners trust each other. They are united by the same attitude to work, but remove different views on monetary and domestic issues. The union between the director and the twin rarely happens long, it becomes boring together, their freedom-loving nature is eager for change and new relationships.

Long and harmonious relationships can work out with weights. Partners in such a marriage understand each other with a half-sleep, they are equally frivolous, they love to dream more than to do. The leader in this pair - scales. Sagittarius is a sign of fiery element, but is ready to give up the palm of the championship to a balanced partner. At first glance, it may seem that this is the perfect marriage: they are divided by their fantasies and dreams, discuss the emerging issues and jointly solve problems. But in fact, a good and stable union is possible only if the scales will not qualify for the restriction of Freedom of Sagittarius.

Nicely folded relationships with water. There are many in their character in common: easy to rise, freedom-loving, travelers, adventurers and philosophers. Sagittarius and Aquarius look in one way in life. Difficulties in relationships may arise after the marriage, which implies the emergence of obligations and restriction of freedom.

Agriculture relationship with representatives of water element

Compatibility Sagittarius with the signs of the zodiac of their element

They are similar to their irrepressible energy, driving the key, and the rapid pace of life. Sagittarius compatibility with other fire element signs has a good. By the way, with long and harmonious relations in marriage.

Good perspectives for further cooperation in the pair of Sagittarius and Aries. They are united by love for travel and risky projects. Such a couple is good to have their own business, the development of which they will direct their knowledge and energy. At the same time, the leading in it is Aries, and the Sagittarius, without understanding, only helps the partner in the realization of his ambitions, although it seeks excellent results. Both passionate, Sagittarius and Aries become good sexual partners. There are close confidence relations between them. On temperament, they are very similar, so each of them knows that the partner wants to get in sex, love and marriage.

The only sign of the zodiac, to which the freedom-loving shooter is ready to obey - this is the lion. As in the Union with Ovny, a joint work is important for this couple. Together, the Sagittarius and the Lion will reach such heights, more than ever one. This is a harmonious union of two bold, strong, energetic people. Lion attracts a bright sexuality that the Sagittarius has. Compatibility with other signs in sexual terms will no longer be so favorable as with Lv.

The marriage union in which both partners were born under the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius, it is extremely rare. The similarity of characters not only does not give them the opportunity to be together, but also repels each other. These are two leaders, an adventurist, freedom-loving person with an active life position. Marriage between them is a real volcano with bright outbreaks of passion, replacing the stormy clarifications of relations. Boring together they will definitely not be, the main thing in this union is not to go crazy.

Perfect couple for Sir

An independent adventurer and a merrystone, who so costs his freedom, among all numerous novels still seeks to find their second half. Usually searches continue for quite a long time, so representatives of this zodiac constellation are often marrying in adulthood. Who will become the perfect pair for such a sign, like the Sagittarius?

Compatibility with other signs folds differently. The conclusion of marriage with representatives of the water element will bring some difficulties. It will not be possible to avoid conflicts and with earthly signs. In this case, the most stable can be an alliance with Capricorn.

Harmonious relationships fold with weights and aquarius. Levity, freedom, dreaminess and passion for travel - this is what unites them.

How no other will understand the director of his element. The optimal option is Aries, but the relationship with a similar sign is better to avoid. Two so active and energetic sign will not be able to stay nearby.

Still, the perfect couple for such a sign, like Sagittarius, is a lion. Only the king of the beast will send his irrepressive energy into the right channel. And strengthens the relationship between the signs jointly organized family business. This will achieve maximum material and spiritual well-being in the marriage union.

How do you like the shooter?

To attract the attention of the girl who was born under the sign of Sagittarius will be easy to open and sociable person. She will quickly be bored with a conservative and strict man who is alien to change in life. Those who want to tie their fate with Archel, you need to love her hobbies, passion for new discoveries and travels. You need to be prepared for the fact that it can offer to organize a joint business. A man who is an opponent of risky operations is better not to disturb such a woman.

Life for a Sagittar Male is a hunt. No wonder it is depicted with a bow in hands. By nature, he is a conqueror and take the first steps to relationships will be independently. But how to attract his attention? To be open and sociable, ask to tell about travel, about which he can speak forever. In no case should not hint for long relations and possible marriage. This will definitely scare the representative of this constellation through which Zodiac passes. Sagittarius - a man for whom in the first place is freedom, on the second - travel, and only on the third - a woman.

Sagittarius-man is a born lover of flirting and a seducer, a connoisseur of women's charms, which passes through the many novels before the altar is suitable.

Sagittarius falls in love quickly, but even faster shelters. It is possible that it turns out that because he quickly loses his head when a girl with admiration in his eyes and passion in his voice shares his views - regardless of whether it is about globalization, the protection of flies or the secrets of religious faith.

Nevertheless, women love Sagittarov, because they are never aggressive, may be responsive, friendly and fun, interesting, rarely complain about the lack of success.

Sagittarius-man married: What is he in family, home life when he marries?

If you put on the Unnamed finger of a Male-Sagittarius Wedding Ring, do not take themselves the illusion that this was followed by turning it into a virtuous spouse. He will still feel a bachelor, sometimes even before the end of his life. Sagittarius-man in marriage - a cheerful, heartfelt, friendly, sociable partner, which will experience a lot of happy moments - provided that you will be very tolerant to his interests, colleagues, friends, frequent independent colleagues for the city, etc.

The house for Sagittarius is the concept of relative. It would be a nomadic lifestyle in the Gypsy Weight or holding permanent "open days", when the arrival of the guests is welcomed around the clock. Male-Sagittarius in marriage feels almost congenital disgust for the household. The warmth of the home focus begins to seem attractive to him only in old age, and mainly due to the disturbing rheumatism.

How does the Sagittarius-husband ensures a family?

Sagittarius-husband often lucky in finances. In addition, this is a hardworking zodiac sign. If he has professional problems, then, as a rule, only because of its inherent independence or lack of motivation. The husband of the Sagittarine takes care of the earth's global benefits, but at the same time very wasteful, prone to reckless spending. In order to achieve the stabilization of the material sphere, he needs a guard of wise, practical and firmly standing on Earth's spouse. It often happens that the companions of the life of Archerters-husbands travel with him around the world, because often the people of this sign are looking for a suitable job somewhere abroad, after which a family is transported to themselves.

Does the husband eagerly change or not, jealous or not?

In marriage, Sagittari-husbands are not very jealous and try to be loyal, although they are being tempted. Very attached to the very institution of marriage. Many people of this sign of the zodiac in the soul of religious, and, of course, do not like the divorce. But to parting with a husband-agone, it can sometimes bring his own too flirty and direct character. Often, the archers of men deviate from the direct and right path in life and are looking for a consolation in a glass. And on the path of the true female hand, it takes fortunately, because the male striker cannot exist in free status for a long time.

Male-Sagittarius: How to behave with him, how to live, how to be together and keep the archelor husband?

For the man of this sign of the zodiac, the so-called men's friendship with comrades in arms are very important. A spouse, which forced her husband-Sagittarius to choose among themselves and friends may be disappointed with his preferences. Sagittarius has a social nature, likes to participate in all sorts of societies, committees, associations, often to the detriment of the family and the time spent with it. His story, religion, politics or ecology, and not the prospect for hours to make the shelves for the bathroom or garage.

The sign of the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius is not too striving for marriage, and sometimes even avoids him, looking at the fan, planning to make a passionate offer.

If it comes out in early youth married, then closer to 30 Sagittarius-Woman divorces and associates itself with permanent relationships, at middle age. She should enjoy independent, full adventure life. Boredom is a grave for her love, and the need to have a calm home and family occurs only with time.

Wife-Sagittarius - Life in marriage: the attitude of Sagittarius to her husband, family life, house

Only on one love woman Sagittarius marriage, the family will not build. After all, except poetry, this is still a prose of life: accounts, scored water pipes, pea soup for lunch, and this most often in young years is deadly boring for the thirst for a variety of experiences of the shooting. But if she decides to the wedding, it tries to be faithful and loving companion, because it is very serious about the words of a married oath.

Such a lady is able to have love relationships at a large distance, moreover - frequent trips and work outside the house, no matter how paradoxically strengthens the marriage of a woman. It is most often a very charming, beautiful woman with severe social advantages.

It is noteworthy that the women of this sign very much like men with the "strict" mind, dropping three sentences at an hour having the nature of a purely thinker. And their girlfriend, and then wife-Sagittarius - this woman is incredibly eloquent. The lady of this sign can publicly talk about your experience and difficulties, because then it becomes easier in the soul. Often it has sports, literary talents and love for journalism. Having a social nature, it often participates in various organizations or all the heart is given to any passion. Her knowledge, curiosity, openness for the world is doing an unbalance in her society. In marriage, the Sagittarius woman understands the interests of her husband, and sometimes even shares them.

The circle of friends Sagittarius is impressive, because Often these are uncommon people - talented in sports and art, clergymen, representatives of the intelligentsia that arrange techniques with a big sweep. Most often they give her money, because she has a generous nature and generous heart, it helps the poor, finances animal shelters. In a word, a well-wired husband a shooter is very welcome.

Sagittarius woman married: problems, quarrels, parting, divorce

Rarely the spouse of this sign shows the nature of the household, although the situation changes with age. As a rule, under the influence of family life, the Sagittarius woman in marriage is becoming increasingly calmer over the course. And it happens that it turns out of the hippie to the conservative matron, for which his favorite sports becomes reading with their household notations, tone that does not tolerate objections. However, in many cases, the characteristic of a married Sagittarius is such that she is in marriage retains the liveliness, independence and unpredictability of nature.

Compatibility horoscope: Zodiac sign Sagittarius in marriage - the most complete description, only proved theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

This lady is extremely difficult to force to be a banal housewife. Too much social activity does not give her opportunities and forces to focus on the thoughts of the dining menu and timely general cleaning. However, sometimes the family still becomes its essence, but in this case the female striker is again not limited to the preparation of dinners, but turns into a pillar and a focus for the rest of the family. But in any case, the household will be adapted to her needs than it is to their need.

Sagittarius woman is very demanding of his fans. She wants to receive not just signs of attention, but original compliments, unusual gifts, etc. The spouse of such a woman should also not let themselves relax. Losing her interest and affection is easy, here to return them back to be considerable effort. You can keep this lady only a non-bank person, with a wide range of interests and constantly moving forward in all respects - career, personal improvement, acquiring new skills.

Sagittarius woman knows how to distinguish love and friendship. Not in all men, she sees potential sexual partners. If one of them suddenly decides to move the face of the established relationship, it will be immediately without the bias put in place.

What men like a woman Sagittar

Woman Sagittarius will love a man who does not want to be limited to everyday life. He has great idealistic plans, to the implementation of which he seeks and involves a girlfriend in it. With such a man never bored, his versatile interests will diversify family life. Female-Sagittarius - emotional and independent. So that she did - I was happy, I was upset or loved - she does everything from the soul, without hiding. She loves freedom and needs relations that would not be limited.

Sagittarius woman is a sort of energy source, it is alive and optimistic, the state of depression is alien to her. Missimist's man and melancholic with her not on the way. She loves sex, she does not need preliminary caress, and they do not need to do it at all in bed. The woman of this sign is attractive for male and her many have no attention signs, and she knows how to take it perfectly. That's just choosing your own it will do carefully. Exceptional love for freedom makes it look for such a man who will just be nearby, without controlling it and not jealous.

Characteristics of a woman in marriage

Unlike representatives of many other signs, Sagittari women do not seek marriage, they value their personal independence. The title of old Virgin does not scare them and does not inspire horror, they love to live with pleasure, while not taking any negative to the male floor. The character of the Sagittarius is such that it will have to try a lot to lead her under the crown. Before it is important to convey the idea that no one is going to subordinate her will, deprive the right to dispose of her fate and the opportunity to engage in loved ones.

In family relations, the Sagittarius seeks to fully clarify, frankness, irrelevant, trying to quickly stop conflicts and allow misunderstanding at the stage of their occurrence. The spouse can fully trust her, although she can more than once can surprise him very extravagant for a married woman actions.

Woman Sagittarius - Mistress

Coming out married, the female Sagittarius directs its rapid energy in the row of the creation of family life. Routine work on house does not inspire her, and, even to somehow brighten it, the woman-Sagittarius tries to give the household setting new, brighter paints, applying a creative approach to ordinary home affairs and experimenting. Women of this sign of the zodiac often change the interior. Sagittarius love to spend money, and marriage does not eradicate this habit, only their priorities become different - aimed at home and family.

Woman Sagittarius - Mother

Sagittarius never ceases to be interesting for communication with man, she is cheerful, more often in a good mood, she has excellent fantasy, she is wise and dirty, so children with her very comfortable. Meanwhile, such mothers can be very demanding, always find a lot of classes for their children, in order to fully reveal their potential, however, it is often taken for the landmark's own unrealized dreams. If the graceful child draws up against the occupations imposed on him, such a mother will not be able to persist, but will be asked for compromise options.

Woman Sagittarius with other zodiac signs

Sagittarius in marriage - how he behaves

In principle, the Sagittarius are not inclined to limit themselves with marriage, especially men. Women, although more conservative in this matter, but are also far from always capable of family happiness with one regular partner. Sagittarius in marriage is not a very typical case.

What is the shooter in marriage

Sagittari women begin family life no earlier than in 25 years, and men even later - sometimes they are waiting to 35 years or more. Both women and men born under the sign of Sagittarius may marry twice or three times during their lives.

The first marriage of Streltsov is rarely successful. He acts as a peculiar trial stone. But subsequent marriages may well be very successful, both morally and materially.

In this case, if the disintegration of the family occurs, the Sagittarius himself is rarely to blame, since he will keep his best to maintain a family hearth and surrendered only when it really can not do anything.

Ideal fit the timing of Lions, Aquarius and Scorpions. Marriages with representatives of these signs, if they are enforced, will continue for a long time and bring joy to both sides.

How to marry Sagittarius

In the family, Sagittarius can be quite despotic. They do not suffer objections, tend to establish their rules and force all family members to comply with them. This is especially true of women who are often inclined to establish a matriarchate in the family, although in words and advocate the equality of spouses.

Being loyal spouses, Sagittarius is very jealous. For them, the possibility of treason partner itself is unbearable, so the Archers are trying to establish constant control over them. However, over time, making sure the spouse, they can loosen their grip a little. True, by this time the partner of the Sagittarius can already be exhausted by unreasonable jealousy and groundless suspicions.

Sagittarov attracts family life, but they are not fully aware of all responsibility, which imposes marriage on them. Therefore, the beginning of family life is a difficult period for them. However, over time, they can turn into caring and attentive spouses.

This is especially characteristic of Women-Sagittarius, the men also apply to marriage more calmly, but also more irresponsible. However, with age, all the flaws of both women and men are smoothed, and the Sagittarius in marriage turns hardly in the best spouses among representatives of all zodiac signs.

Zodiac signs suitable for love and marriage

Sagittarius - people are friendly and fondant. They enthusiastically give love and want to find mutual understanding and happiness. However, representatives of not all the signs of the zodiac will be able to respond to the feelings of the Centaur so that everyone is satisfied. From this article, you will learn about the signs of the zodiac, suitable former.

What sign of fire fits forth

Astrologers believe that the best is compatible with the signs of their elements. In such pairs it does not matter what kind of zodiac sign in a man, and what a woman is. In any case, this is a wonderful couple. By the way, read the article about the first love of Sagittarius.

  • Partner Lev. - Before us two signs. Both partners are endowed with hot and bright temperament. They respect and support each other, can make creativity together. And take guests in your home - great pleasure and for lion, and for Sagittarius.
  • Oven Partner also belongs to the elements of fire. In this pair, the explosive temperament of the Aries harmoniously gets along with optimism and love for the adventures of the Centaur. They will always find what to talk about, as intelligent conversations prefer. For these partners there will be a natural focus on the active lifestyle or sport. Without a doubt, Aries is a sign of the zodiac, suitable for a firm.
  • Two Sagittarius - Like twin brothers. They are so similar that they understand each other with a half-clow and semi-suck. Adore entertainment and events. If the increased love of independence and freedom will not lead to parting, the lovers will be able to create an exemplary cell of society.

Which air sign fits

In addition to the elements of fire, Sagittarius also find love and mutual understanding with representatives of the related element of air are twins, scales and aquarius. Such pairs of astrologers are also considered successful.

  • Gemini partner . You could hear that these signs of the zodiac are opposite to each other, so compatibility between them is not too good. However, the practice shows that there are many happy marriages between the Archers and the twin. Both partners are sociable, intellectual and very versatile. They love everything new, so there is no place in their relationship. The main problem is stability. However, if this love is united, then for this union you can not worry. Therefore, twins are a sign of the zodiac, suitable for a firm.
  • Partner Scaig - Common interests and hobbies. The equilibrium and the neutrality of the scales soothes the fiery nature of the Centaur, helping to come to equilibrium. A wide range, love for adventure and optimism Sagittariussend weights, bringing bright paints into their lives.
  • Partner of Aquarius - This is not only an union of love, but also friendship. And for the Sagittarius, and it is important for Aquarius to have a close friend and comrades, a person who shares their interests and a look at the world. Surely in this pair love travels and experiments of various kinds. Between them is born spiritual relationship.

What zodiac sign fits a fiction woman?

Beautiful pair will become representatives of air elements - Gemini and Aquarius . But a sign of scales - in question. It often happens that man scales - a man indecisive, not solid.

It is worth him once not to hold back the promise or to prove himself in a difficult situation not on male, as a woman-a centaur disappointed in it. Therefore, marriage is possible only in the case when a man's scales have developed confidence and is ready to take responsibility.

What sign of the zodiac is suitable for a man?

Among representatives of the air element male Sagittarius Breaks Choosing Any Zodiac Sign . All of them will become magnificent companions of life. If the zodiac sign is not always suitable for women archers, then men, on the contrary, are encouraged to join a serious relationship with weights.

After all, a woman's scales even decorate some indecision and hesitation in choosing. And a man-centaur is always ready to express his courage and help choices to make a decision.

To choose zodiac signs suitable for fits , you can and among representatives of other elements is water and earth. Of course, mutual understanding between such a different temperament will be difficult. Harmony in such respects needs to deserve and conquer. Read about why many tanks, crayfish, virgins or other zodiac signs are found in life.

It would seem that choose a partner among related signs and enjoy. But no. According to statistics, there is a huge number of marriages with a combination of elements of fire-earth and fire-water. And many of these marriages find themselves happy and strong. So what is the secret? About this below.

Which water sign fits

Representatives of the water element - cancer, scorpion and fish - attract Centaurus with their deep and intense feelings, tenderness and care.

  • Cancer . Better, if in this pair woman cancer and man Sagittarius. Then the distribution of roles in the family will become apparent. Sagittarius - minider, strong and courageous. Cancer - affectionate and caring wife, beautiful mistress and mother for children. If a man is cancer, and the woman is a centaur, then it is likely that the question will rise to who is the main one. As it is solved in a pair, depends on the characteristics of temperament and individual characteristics.
  • Partner Scorpion. - Pretty common couple for marriage. Scorpion likes the optimistic and open character of Sagittarius. And Centaur admires the depth of the scorpion person, his passionate and emotional nature. Sex plays an important role in such a family. About a couple with scorpion I have already written in the article Love with neighboring signs.
  • Partner Fish - more rare union. For representatives of these signs of the zodiac, the question of truth is relevant. It is known that the Sagittarius - Pravdvubube, a sincere and frank man who hates a lie. And the fish are romance, they love to leave the answers, leave a light shortness, they like to keep in secret some events of their lives. Centaur, causing fish in lies, can be disappointed. However, this is not a banal lie, but a peculiarity of nature. Therefore, a tolerance will be needed from the centaur, and from fish - willingness more often talk to the truth. A more successful union for marriage: Male Sagittarius - Female Fish.

Which land sign fits

Representatives of the earthly element - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - attract the Sagittarius of their thoroughness, stability and ability to create a comfortable material life.

  • Partner Tel. - A common union for marriage. Both partners are practical romance, quickly fall in love with each other. Sagittarius charges the Taurus optimism, successfulness and gives the pulse to action. Taurus contributes the dimension, stability and creates all the conditions for material well-being and comfort in the family.
  • Partner of Deva. . This is a common couple, but at the same time very difficult. Painfully different signs of the zodiac agreed together. But this does not prevent the registry offices every year to register a large number of marriages between representatives of these signs. Sagittarius annoys the pettyness of the Virgin, her manic love for order and purity. The virgin dismisses the creative mess in the life of Sagittarius, his incontinence and freedomism. At the initial stage of relations with the Virgin flarelves the spark of physical attraction. And if the partners learn to love each other, despite the huge difference in temperament, their marriage promises to become happy.
  • Partner Capricorn. - Very different people. Capricorn - stubborn, hardworking and economical. Sagittarius - sociable, cheerful and slightly frivolous. If the representatives of these signs of the zodiac will be able to find a common language and keep love, their ambitious union is able to achieve high achievements and position in society. About a couple with Capricorn, I already wrote in the article Love with neighboring signs.

Sagittarius and Friendship with Zodiac signs - Hit Parade

Zodiac sign Sagittarius: Characteristic, compatibility in love and married

Zodiac sign woman Sagittarius (23.11 – 21.12 ) - This is not just a hunter, she is a professional, and rather gambling and purposeful.

Such a gift for fate to keep nearby does not manage to all men. If the second half remarks that its chosen one is lying, then the relationship will stop immediately. The main feature of Streltsov is no diplomacy. Everything should be clear and clear. The candidate bakery period with women of Sagittars is more reminiscent of the Knight's tournament, where the Code of honor is observed, in particular, the commandment when the defeated enemy is offered to rise from the ground. For her, the opponent is entitled to cling to the heart of the same beautiful woman as the winner. Punch in the back is prohibited, so the woman Sagittarius will destroy anyone who dares even just to look in the direction of her hero or squeeze the swear when he turns away.

Sagittari women rarely go to compromises, but it is justified by the fact that they are willing to accept the conditions of the opponent if he is more deft. Negotiations with such professionals often end with shocks, because the zodiac sign acute in the tongue will always be in a winning position. For strong natures, this is excellent quality if you need to establish a business, and not to crumble in words of gratitude, when there is no prospects for the development of at least one direction. Having a woman Sagittarius in the village of enemies is dangerous. The instinct of self-preservation is inherent in Capricorn, but not a firing, so choose words and expressions so that the bow with arrows does not end up in the hands of the one who seems to be scored with a pair. The appearance of the Sagittarius is deceptive: under a slight dress there may be a charged revolver, which that pulls out if it feels danger. But with such a girlfriend, you can go to the club or make an adventurous face. She will cover even when it is necessary to smooth jeans to walk the whip on the rounded buttocks.

Sagittarius woman in love and married

Unlike a man, Sagittarius, women strive for marriage in any way. They have no difference that the second half is not enough to firmly on the legs, there is no own housing and financial resources so that the family does not need anything. If the Sagittarius woman conceived to keep the fire in the hearth, then she will do it even when her chosen is in the run.

In unfortunate marriage, she never admits, so, remaining with young children in her arms, it will begin to independently produce livelihoods. Male Sagittarius would never allow this.

Often, jealousy becomes an obstacle to family life, but Sagittari women will be able to overcome this obstacle. Sincere repentant, they for some time remove the rings with arrows and, putting the apron, spend all day in the kitchen. The ability to cook the food is innate, so that the husband and children will never remain hungry, and the fact that the Sagittarians entered the menu is always distinguished by the excellent taste.

Malders of the women of Sagittarius are rare, although some adventurism is inherent in young girls. Running in a love adventure, they quickly lose interest in the object caught in the network, letting him go to all four sides and not remembering evil. For men, distinguished by constancy, it is quite difficult to stay indifferent to the colleagues of the wife or girlfriend, but to preserve harmony in relationships it is worthwhile to take their ladies to parties. The short flirt under the supervision of a non-primary eye operates, as the "Teraflu", relieving the symptoms of a slight cold in a couple of hours.

Goroscope Compatibility Women Sagittar

In addition to his sign of the zodiac, the women of Saglots are well added to relationships with lions and Aries, since the temperament of all three characters is surprisingly similar. Life views are the same as the attitude towards marriage and children.

However, the perfect marriage can only be with the twin: a man who can live in a black and white world, not just mining, but also that balances the concepts of good and evil, in which the Sagittarius really believes.

Health women Sagittarius

Jupiter awarded Sagittarius with excellent health, so you can support yourself in a form and simple exercises. The only thing they should be avoided is a long voltage. Physical and mental forces are a weak link of any Sagittarius, so several cases can immediately subjected to health even those who look at the sports.

It is important for a woman to make sure that not all the fights end with victories, so there should be a defeat with humor. Otherwise, the nervous system will have to be treated, and long, so stroke at a young age is a disease that found surprise not one representative of the beautiful half of humanity born under this sign of the zodiac.

If you do not follow shoes, you can pick up chronic tonsillitis. The hunter with a constantly laid nose will not seem such an attractive prey even a bear, who got out of his burgold.

Still, a woman Sagittarius often becomes the object of hunting from men. There is too many positive qualities in it so that this is not noticed. And therefore, sometimes the hunter allows himself a little bit - not a thrill, no, this is not allowed! - a tamed noble lanya, removing soft lips a treat with an open palm. But - only until the flames in this situation feel.

And then - the weapon is repaired again, and the beautiful Amazon reiterates its own sign: sign of the zodiac woman Sagittarius.

It seems that many men mentally presented the image of an excellent hunter, and those who have in Sagittarians' wives, even proudly drove: here I am what a treasure is possessing! Yes, and the women of Sagittarius themselves do not mind putting themselves in such a winning light, isn't it? Just do not forget that the horoscope is just a predisposition, and not the real features of all without exception women born under the sign of Sagittarius! Will your character fully comply with the type described, depends only on you, dear ladies with arrows! Or maybe without arrows, like this smarter hunter in a picture in a puzzle. By the way, maybe she is also a horoscope - Sagittarius?

Male Sagittarius married: family life horoscope

Sagittarius-man is a born lover of flirting and a seducer, a connoisseur of women's charms, which passes through the many novels before the altar is suitable. Sagittarius falls in love quickly, but even faster shelters. It is possible that it turns out that because he quickly loses his head when a girl with admiration in his eyes and passion in his voice shares his views - regardless of whether it is about globalization, the protection of flies or the secrets of religious faith.

Nevertheless, women love Sagittarov, because they are never aggressive, may be responsive, friendly and fun, interesting, rarely complain about the lack of success.

Sagittarius-man married: What is he in family, home life when he marries?

If you put on the Unnamed finger of a Male-Sagittarius Wedding Ring, do not take themselves the illusion that this was followed by turning it into a virtuous spouse. He will still feel a bachelor, sometimes even before the end of his life. Sagittarius-man in marriage - a cheerful, heartfelt, friendly, sociable partner, which will experience a lot of happy moments - provided that you will be very tolerant to his interests, colleagues, friends, frequent independent colleagues for the city, etc.

The house for Sagittarius is the concept of relative. It would be a nomadic lifestyle in the Gypsy Weight or holding permanent "open days", when the arrival of the guests is welcomed around the clock. Male-Sagittarius in marriage feels almost congenital disgust for the household. The warmth of the home focus begins to seem attractive to him only in old age, and mainly due to the disturbing rheumatism.

How does the Sagittarius-husband ensures a family?

Sagittarius-husband often lucky in finances. In addition, this is a hardworking zodiac sign. If he has professional problems, then, as a rule, only because of its inherent independence or lack of motivation. The husband of the Sagittarine takes care of the earth's global benefits, but at the same time very wasteful, prone to reckless spending. In order to achieve the stabilization of the material sphere, he needs a guard of wise, practical and firmly standing on Earth's spouse. It often happens that the companions of the life of Archerters-husbands travel with him around the world, because often the people of this sign are looking for a suitable job somewhere abroad, after which a family is transported to themselves.

Does the husband eagerly change or not, jealous or not?

In marriage, Sagittari-husbands are not very jealous and try to be loyal, although they are being tempted. Very attached to the very institution of marriage. Many people of this sign of the zodiac in the soul of religious, and, of course, do not like the divorce. But to parting with a husband-agone, it can sometimes bring his own too flirty and direct character. Often, the archers of men deviate from the direct and right path in life and are looking for a consolation in a glass. And on the path of the true female hand, it takes fortunately, because the male striker cannot exist in free status for a long time.

Male-Sagittarius: How to behave with him, how to live, how to be together and keep the archelor husband?

For the man of this sign of the zodiac, the so-called men's friendship with comrades in arms are very important. A spouse, which forced her husband-Sagittarius to choose among themselves and friends may be disappointed with his preferences. Sagittarius has a social nature, likes to participate in all sorts of societies, committees, associations, often to the detriment of the family and the time spent with it. His story, religion, politics or ecology, and not the prospect for hours to make the shelves for the bathroom or garage.