"Vitruvian man": engineering project or high art. Leonardo da Vinci

"Vitruvian man": engineering project or high art. Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci is a symbol of the Renaissance. He left a rich collection of drawings, technical inventions, research. Drawings Leonardo da Vinci are special scientific and historical value. One of them is "Vitruvian Man" - still causes a mystical reverence. Let's figure out what the message of the great artist is encoded in it.

"Vitruvian man" Leonardo da Vinci: Description

Leonardo da Vinci, whose works became the embodiment of the worldview of the Renaissance era, was not only a great artist and architect, but also an engineer, designer. His studies were ahead of the development of science and technology for several centuries ahead.

Sometimes it seems that many drawings and Drawings Leonardo da Vinci were a mystical insight or manifestation of the influence of the Higher Forces. How could the XV century man construct an aircraft or parachute, aqualang, car? Namely, these drawings were discovered in the diaries of Leonardo da Vinci.

No less mysterious and its picturesque works. Already more than five hundred years old art criticism fights over the mystery of the smile of Joconds, they solve the message captured in the "Last Supper" picture. Many are convinced that in all the creations of Leonardo there are cryptograms.

"Vitruvian man" da Vinci is one of these drawings. Supporters of conspiracy believe that a secret message is encoded about some esoteric knowledge. It was this guessed that was used by the American writer Dan Brown in the best-selling "Da Vinci Code".

According to the story of the book, Professor Langdon discovered the curator of Jacques Sonter in the Museum of the Louvre, who in the last few minutes of life outlined with the help of a marker around him a circle: "The clarity of Sonter's intentions cannot be denyed. In the last minutes of life, the curator ripped off his clothes and settled down in a circle, consciously copying the famous drawing Leonardo da Vinci 'Vitruvian man'.

This picture of the Great Artist, according to Dan Brown, a message in which the unity of male and female began.

How really the little man looks like, whose drawing is now surprising the world, and what does it mean?

Mysterious sketch is an illustration for the works of the Roman city planner and the engineer of Vitruvia, whose records of the Italian painter and the scientist used in practical activities.

The drawing consists of two images that are superimposed by one to another: the square and circle, the centers of which are inscribed silhouettes of men with open hands and legs. In one position, his hands form 90 degrees, and the feet stand straight, and in the second - hands and legs form 45 degrees.

The picture was originally intended for universal ferris. It was a working sketch by which Leonardo da Vinci calculated the proportions of the human body to correctly depict people on their canvases. Therefore, the entire sketch is designed barely with noticeable straight lines.

It is very skillfully performed in ink. All proportions that are resistant to the painter of the Renaissance, correspond to the calculations of Vitruvia.

Leonardo da Vinci believed that there is an ideal number "FI" - the number of God. It is it that provides harmony and a clear compliance of proportions to everything that is created by nature. This number was the sign and for the "Vitruvian man" da Vinci. In fact, this sketch represents the perfect creature, since the ratio of parts of its body determines the number "FI".

Thus, a special riddle in the picture Leonardo da Vinci is not. This is the talented sketch of the artist, who sought to find harmony in nature and man, wanted to know its laws and principles.

Leonardo da Vinci man: little-known facts

What is the mysterious in the "Vitruvian man" and Vinci? Here are some interesting facts associated with this sketch:

  • Leonardo was not the first one who depicted a person according to the proportions calculated by Vitruviye. Before him did it also talented, but less famous architect Jacomo Andrea de Ferrara;

  • the drawing, on the idea of \u200b\u200bLeonardo da Vinci, was a symbol of the unity of two starts - material (square) and the spiritual (circle). In the center of the Universe - a man. It consists of water, fire, earth and air, so embodies the harmony of the world order;
  • it is not known who was a fitter for this sketch. It is assumed that this was either the author himself, or a modeled perfect man, created by the calculated Leonardo da Vinci mathematical proportions;

  • a double image of a man in the figure of an Italian scientist and painter simultaneously demonstrates 16 poses;
  • Vitruvian man is a cultural symbol of the era of modernism and postmodern. According to the model, created by Leonardo, the French architect Le Corbusier created his proportion scale, which became a benchmark in the art of the twentieth century;
  • sketch Yes Vinci is recreated by an Irish artist on the ice of the Ice Ocean. It was a cry-reminder to humanity, which is responsible for the state of the planet.

This famous drawing of a famous painter and inventor is in the treasury of the Venetian Museum. It practically does not demonstrate to the public. Yes, and the author himself did not count on such an excitement around his creation.

Despite the subtext that there is in this sketch, the "Vitruvian man" da Vinci is the embodiment of the worldview of the Renaissance era, the worship of the culture of the Renaissance before antiquity, the desire to know the nature, its harmony, laws, to know a person who embodied the essence of the world order.

Vitruvian man is a drawing, made by Leonardo da Vinci around 1490-1492, as an illustration for a book dedicated to the works of Vitruvia. The drawing is accompanied by explanatory inscriptions in one of its magazines. It depicts the figure of a naked man in two superimposed one on another positions: with sodes divorced by hand, describing a circle and square. Figure and text are sometimes called canonical proportions.

1. Leonardo has never been going to expose his "Vitruvian man"

The sketch was discovered in one of the personal record books of the Master of the Renaissance. In fact, Leonardo drew a sketch for his own studies and did not even suspect that they would once be admired. Nevertheless, today "Vitruvian man" is one of the most famous works of the artist, along with the "Secret Supper" and "Mona Lisa".

2. Combination of art and science

Being a true representative of the Renaissance, Leonardo was not only a painter, sculptor and writer, but also inventor, architect, engineer, mathematician and anatomy. This drawing, made in ink, became the result of the study of Leonardo theories about the human proportions described by the ancient Roman architect Vitruviem.

3. Leonardo was not the first tried to illustrate the theories of Vitruvia

As modern scientists believes, in the 15th century, and in the following decades there were many people who tried to reflect this idea in visual form.

4. Perhaps the drawing was made not only by Leonardo

In 2012, the Italian historian of the architecture of Claudio Sgarbi published the conclusions that the study of Leonardo regarding the proportions of the human body was caused by a similar study made by his friend and the Architect of Jacomo Andrea de Ferrara. It is still unclear whether they worked together. Even if this theory is incorrect, historians agree that Leonardo has improved the shortcomings of Giacomo.

5. Circle and square have their own hidden meaning.

In their mathematical studies, Vitruvius and Leonardo described not only the proportions of a person, but also the proportions of all creation. In the notebook of 1492, Leonardo was found: "An ancient man was a world in a miniature. As a person consists of land, water, air and fire, his body resembles a microcosm of the Universe."

6. "Vitruvian man" - only one of many sketches

In order to improve your art and it is better to understand how the world is arranged around him, Leonardo drew a lot of people to fold the idea of \u200b\u200bideal proportions.

7. Vitruvian man - the ideal of a man

Who served as a model and will remain mystery, but art historians believe that Leonardo made some liberty in his drawing. This work was not as a portrait as a conscientious image of the ideal male forms in terms of mathematics.

8. It may be a self-portrait

Since the descriptions of the model were not preserved with which this sketch was drawn, some art historians believe that Leonardo painted the "Vitruvian man" with himself.

9. Vitruvian man had hernia

The surgeon of the Imperial College of London Hutan Ashrafian 521 years after the creation of the famous drawing found that the person depicted on the sketch was a girlish hernia that could lead to his death.

10. To understand the full meaning of the drawing, you need to read notes to it.

When the sketch was originally discovered in the Lernardo record book, there were notes of the artist about the proportions of the person who said: "The architect Vitruvius claims in his work on the architecture that the measurements of the human body are distributed according to the following principle: the width of 4 fingers is 1 palm, foot It is 4 palms, the elbow is 6 palms, a full human height - 4 elbows or 24 palms ... The same measurements of Vitruvius used in the construction of its buildings. "

11. The body is drawn by dimensional lines.

If you carefully look at the chest, the hands and face of a person in the picture, then you can see straight lines that mark the proportions that Leonardo wrote in their notes. For example, a part of the face from the nasal nose to the eyebrows is one third of the person, as well as part of the face from the nasal nose to the chin and from eyebrows to the line where the hair begin to grow.

12. Sketch has others, less esoteric names

The sketch is also called the "canon of proportions" or "the proportion of a man."

13. Vitruvian man simultaneously depicts 16 poses

At first glance, you can see only two postures: a standing person who moved his legs and spread his hands, and standing man with divorced legs and arms raised. But part of the genius of the image Leonardo is that in one figure shows at the same time 16 pos.

14. The creation of Leonardo da Vinci was used to display the problems of modernity.

Irish artist John Quigley used a sign image to illustrate the problem of global warming. To do this, he portrayed a repeatedly enlarged copy of the Vitruvian man on the ice in the Arctic Ocean.

15. The original sketch is rarely appearing in public.

Copies can be found literally everywhere, but the original is too fragile so that it can be arranged in public. "Vitruvian man" is usually stored under the castle in the Gallery of the Academy in Venice.

"Vitruvian man" is one of the most famous Lonardo Da Vinci drawings, which in about 1490 was placed in one of his magazine. In this figure shows the nude figure of a man in two positions imposed on each other. The figure of a man with hands and legs, divorced to the sides, is included in the circumference, and with the divorced hands and the legs unfolded together - in the square. Vitruvian man Leonardo symbolizes canonical proportions.

The drawing in the journal is accompanied by explanatory inscriptions. If you explore it, you can actually notice that the position of the hands and legs is not two postures, as it seems at first glance, and four.

Vitruvian man as a work of art and as a scientific job

When changing poses it seems that the figure in the center is moving. But in reality the PUP of the figure remains fixed, and the center of the square is the genitals. In the future, it was this technique of Corbusier used to create a scale of proportions, which influenced the architectural aesthetics of the XX century. In accordance with the accompanying text, the drawing was created in order to determine the proportions of the male body. The basis for the drawing da Vinci "Man Vitruvian" became the treatise "Male" architect of an ancient Rome Vitruvia, the name of which and the image of the figure is called. This ancient Roman applied the proportions of the human body for their research in architecture.

Human body symmetry symbol

Vitruvian man Leonardo da Vinci is the image of the agreed state of life, in the center of which is a person. The figure shows the ideal position from the point of view of proportions - in a circle and square in the figure - displays the dynamics and peace. The center of the body, fixed by the square, is a phallus, the center of the moving figure - solar plexus. Thus, the Great Artist transmits the contradiction of the spirit (circle) and matter (square).

If you add a picture by the parties by the parties of the Chetver Hydegger, then the symbolic image of the true state of the person, the divine half, mortal half, which rests on the legs to the ground and his head is in heaven.

Vitruvian man is not only a hidden symbol of the inner symmetry of the human body, but also the symbol of the symmetry of the Universe as a whole.

Interesting information

In the modern world, the Doodle da Vinci is no longer perceived by humanity as a symbol of the ideal proportions of human, in particular, the male body. This image rather symbolizes the finding of a person in the universe.

There is one interesting theory according to which the Vitruvian man da Vinci is an image of Christ. The artist was engaged in the restoration of the shroud at the request of her custodians. Allegedly inspired by the image of Christ on the shrine, he transfers the impeccable proportions of his body to his drawing. So, he depicts the divine proportions of the human body. Yes Vinci, by placing a male figure in the center of the Universe, depicted a man in the image of God.

Vitruvian man.


It is a world famous pattern created by Leonardo da Vinci in 1487. His work is based on Witruvia. Man named Marcus Vitruviy Pollyion (r. p. 80-70 BC, died after p. 15 G. BC),roman writer, architect and engineer, active in the 1st century BC. J.yves was still in the birth and life of Jesus Christ. It is known that yes Vinci, called his drawing of a man inscribed in a square and a circle in honor of an ancient scientist ". Most people do not know that 2,000 years ago existed a brilliant scientist, Vitruvious, who, like yes Vinci in his time, created drawings and drawings of the mechanisms, but he still tried to withdraw the mathematical code or a universal mathematical formula on the basis of which the creator worked man, which by his Representations undoubtedly existed.

That's how the vet described the human body.

  1. The distance from the tip of the middle finger, the longest, to the base of four fingers, the lowest is the width of the palm.
  2. The length of the feet consists of three palms.
  3. the elbow consists of six palms.
  4. four elbow is a human height or 24 of his palm.
  5. step width corresponds to a distance of four palms.
  6. the distance between the tips of the fingers of divorced human hands is height.
  7. 1/10 of its height is the distance from the chin to the hair line.
  8. 1/8 of its height is the distance from the chin to the top.
  9. 1/4 of its height is the distance from the nipples to the top.
  10. 1/4 of its height is maximum shoulders widths.
  11. 1/4 of its height is the distance from the tip of the hand to the elbow.
  12. 1/8 of its height is the distance from the armpit to the elbow.
  13. 2/5 of its height is the length of the hand.
  14. 1/3 of his face length is the distance from the nose to the chin.
  15. 1/3 of the length of his face is the distance from the eyebrows to the hair line.
  16. 1/3 of the face length is the length of the ears.
  17. The center of the circle is the navel of man.

In the figure made by the pen and ink and watercolor with a metal pencil on paper, a naked male figure is depicted in two imposed positions with divorced hands, with their legs, followed into the square and retractive each other with their hands and legs and at the same time inscribed in the circle. With a careful consideration of the figure, it turns out that the center of the circle is the PUP of man, and the center of the square is its genitals. The drawing is sometimes called the canon of proportions, or less often, the proportion of man. It is stored in the Dell Gallery "Accademia in Venice, Italy, and, like most of the work of Da Vinci performed on paper, is set to universal ferris only from time to time.

Leonardo da Vinci, Vitruvian man, 1487, 34.4? 25.5 cm (13,5? 10.0 V)

The works of the Roman architect Vitruvia (Marcus Vitruviy Pollyion), describing the perfection of the human form in geometric terms, was a source of inspiration for many of the Renaissance Age. Only one of them, incomparable and ingenious Leonardo da Vinci, was successful in the image of the correct proportion of the work " Vitruvian man", And as a result of which this figure later became the most famous pattern in the world, recognized by the Canon of the proportions of the physical body of man and beauty. Only extensive knowledge in the anatomy and geometry allowed Leonardo da Vinci to solve this task, perform this unique drawing.

The drawing is based on the correlation of ideal human proportions with geometry that were described by the ancient Roman architect Vitruvie in the third book of his treatise de architectura. Vitruvius described the human figure as the source having a major share among classical orders for artists. Other artists tried to portray it on canvas, with less success. The drawing is traditionally named after its creator, who developed the idea and made a description of mathematical and geometric proportions.

The image has become an example of a combination of art and the science of the Renaissance and ensured the great interest of Leonardo to the proportion. In addition, this picture is the cornerstone of Leonardo attempts to attribute a person to nature. In the British Encyclopedia says: "Leonardo provided for a large image of a human body scheme, he created as an anatomical pattern and at the same time as Cosmografia-Dell-Minor Mondo (microcosm cosmography). He believed that if you understand the mathematical principles for which human The body will be possible by analogy to understand the mathematical principles of the creation of the universe. "In addition, according to some, Leonardo symbolized material existence as a square, and spiritual life as a circle. [Source: Wikipedia.org]

Vitruvius, de Architectura: Planning of temples, book 3, Chapter I

1. The planning of temples depends on symmetry: and the method of this architects must be diligently remember. It arises from the proportion (which is in Greek called Analogia). The share is to accept a fixed module, in each case, as for a part of the building and for everything, with which the symmetry method is created in practice. For without symmetry and proportion in the plan, it is impossible to build a temple, that is, it should have a precise developed plan with the calculated symmetry, as you can see on a smaller model, this is a model of building a perfect human body.

2. Nature so planned the human body that the face from the chin to the top of the forehead and the roots of the hair is the tenth of the human body, and the palm from the wrist to the top of the middle finger to the same extent, the head from the chin to the crown, the eighth of the top, from the top Breasts from the bottom of the neck to the roots of the hair, the sixth part, from the middle of the chest to the crown, the fourth part, the third part of the face of the face from the bottom of the chin to the bottom of the nostrils, the nose from the bottom of the nostrils to the line between the eyebrows, as much from this Lines to hair roots, forehead is given as a third part. Leg 1/6 body height; Elbow1 / 4, chest and 1/4. Other members also have their own proportional measurements. And with the help of these knowledge, the ancient artists and famous sculptors reached great and unlimited opportunities to arrive their masterpieces.

3. In accordance with such a scheme for building a human body, parts of the planned temples should be calculated in the same proportions so that the size of their individual parts corresponds to the total amount of the church. Now, as for the center, the navel naturally, exactly in the center of the body. For if the person lies on his back, his hands and legs spread, then in the center of the circle his navel, his body, hands and legs will be inscribed in a circle. The same is the case with a square shape, the square is included in the figure, the same round figure is obtained. For, if we measure from the soles of the legs to the top of the head, as well as the distance between the stretched hands, the latitude will be found equal to height, as well as the buildings that are elevated in the square according to the same rules.

4. Therefore, if nature planned the human body so that the parts of it corresponds to their proportion to its complete configuration, then the ancients seem to have had all the grounds to comply with the proportions in the process of performing their work, they had to comply with the exact setting of several parts to the overall structure of the plan. . Therefore, since in all its works they adhered to the plan, they did, especially when creating a temple, superiority and disadvantages of which are usually extolled in subsequent centuries. [Source: aiwaz.net]

Geometric buildings Vitruvian man Leonardo da Vinci.

It is assumed that in the proportion of the circle and the square reflects the golden cross section. Here we present an analysis that shows that this assumption is incorrect.

If the circle has a radius \u003d 1 contour, the square side is equal to:

1,656 for Vitruvian man

1,618 Permanent Golden Section

1,571 We take for the condition: circle circumference \u003d perimeter square

1,772 We take for the condition: Circle Square \u003d Square Square

Fig. 1 Comparison of a true rectangle in a golden section with a rectangle in the drawing of a Vitruvian man.

Fig. 2 Circle and square based on the proportion of the golden section.

Circle quadrature is a problem proposed by ancient geometers. This is the task of building a square in the same area of \u200b\u200bthis circle using only a finite number of steps with a circular and a ruler.

Fig. 2b Circle quadrature.

Image of the right: Circle square. Areas of this area and this circle are equal

Image on the left: circle circumference is equal to the perimeter of the square.

Fig. 2B The left shows a circle with a radius \u003d 1 and a square with a side \u003d 1,571.Wability of the circle \u003d 6.28 ... Square with a side of 1,571 perimeter has equal to 6.28.

Vitruvian man - this is exactly the name of a graphic image of a naked man on the famous sketch of Leonardo da Vinci. It has been studying for centuries. However, scientists are confident that there are still not all the secrets of the drawing.

Leonardo da Vinci: Vitruvian man (academic gallery, Venice, Italy)

Being one of the most mysterious and ambiguous figures of your era, Leonardo da Vinci left behind the many secrets. Their meaning is still disturbing scientists of the minds of the whole world. One of these riddles is a Vitruvian man, a pencil sketch of which is gentle by centuries. And although it knows a lot about him, but experts in the field of art are confident that large discoveries are still ahead.

Vitruvian man is the official name of Leonardo sketch. He was made by him in 1492 and was intended to illustrate a handwritten book. The drawing is a naked man whose body is written in a circle and square. In addition, the image has duality - a person's body is depicted in two poses imposed on each other.

As you can see in the study of the picture, the combination of arrangements of the arms and legs in reality gives two different positions. POSSION WITH CONSTRUCED HANDS AND COMMUNICED FROM FOOD WILL POSSIBLE IN THE SQUARE. On the other hand, the posture with starmented on the sides and hands and legs is inscribed in a circle. With more detailed research it turns out that the center of the circle is the PUP of the figure, and the center of the square is the genitals.

Diary Da Vinci, for which the drawing was intended, referred to the "canon of proportions". The fact is that the artist believed in a kind of "fi", calling him the divine. He was confident in the presence of this number in all creative in the wildlife. However, Da Vinci tried to achieve the "divine proportion" with the architecture. But this remains one of the unpolished ideas of Leonardo. But the Vitruvian man is completely depicted in accordance with "FI", that is, in the figure - the model of an ideal being.

In accordance with Leonardo accompanying records, it was created to determine the proportions (male) of the human body, as described in the treatises of the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius; To which Leonardo wrote the following explanations:

  • length from the tip of the longest to the lowest base of four fingers is palm
  • foot is four palms
  • elbow is six palms
  • the height of a person is four elbows from fingertips (and 24 palm, respectively)
  • the step is equal to four palms
  • the scope of human hands is equal to its growth
  • the distance from the hair line to the chin is 1/10 of its height
  • the distance from the macushkin to the chin is 1/8 of its height
  • the distance from the macushku to the nipples is 1/4 of its height
  • maximum width of the shoulder is 1/4 of its height
  • the distance from the elbow to the tip of the hand is 1/4 of its height
  • the distance from the elbow to the armpit is 1/8 of its height
  • hand length is 2/5 of its height
  • the distance from the chin to nose is 1/3 of the length of his face
  • distance from hair line to eyebrows 1/3 of his face
  • length 1/3 Face length
  • the navel is the center of the circle

The re-discovery of the mathematical proportions of the human body in the XV century, made da Vinci and other scientists, was one of the great achievements preceding the Italian Renaissance.

Subsequently, on the same technique, Corbusier was the proportion scale - a modulor that influenced the aesthetics of the XX century architecture.

The drawing appeared as a result of the study by the Italian master of Vitruvia, an outstanding architect ancient Rome. In his treatises, the body of man was identified with architecture. However, denying this idea, Da Vinci developed the idea of \u200b\u200bcombining three elements in a person - art, science and divine began, that is, the mapping of the universe.

In addition to the deep philosophical promise, Vitruvian man has a certain symbolic meaning. The square is interpreted as a material sphere, the circle is spiritual. The opposition of the same figures with the body of the man depicted is a kind of intersection in the center of the Universe.

At the moment, the sketch is kept in the Venetian Museum. There is no free access to the relic - the exhibit is extremely rare. Those who wish have the opportunity to take a look at it every six months, as moving and finding with direct light are destructive for a manuscript, which is almost 500 years old. Most of the appraisers made on the exciseities of Da Vinci structures are preserved to this day. You can see old projects and today's incarnation of those who wish in Milan, in the Museum of Science Leonardo da Vinci, located at the subway Sant Ambrodhio.

Interesting Facts:

  • The drawing itself is often used as an implicit symbol of the internal symmetry of the human body and, further, the universe as a whole.
  • In 2011, the Irish Aero Archprik John Quigley portrayed on the ice of the Northern Ocean Ocean a giant copy of the famous drawing "Vitruvian man" in order to attract the attention of humanity to the problems of ecological equilibrium.
  • In 2012, reports were published that the first visual image of the "Witruvian man" did not paint Leonardo, and his friend Dzhacomo Andrea da Ferrara, in detail the works of Witruvia, - although his drawing and incommensurately inferior to the Leonardo drawing in relation to artistic advantages.