Matilda Kshesinskaya: biography, personal life, life history. Matilda without embellishment: what ballerina Kshesinskaya was in the life of Matilda Kshesinsky parameters

Matilda Kshesinskaya: biography, personal life, life history. Matilda without embellishment: what ballerina Kshesinskaya was in the life of Matilda Kshesinsky parameters
Matilda Kshesinskaya: biography, personal life, life history. Matilda without embellishment: what ballerina Kshesinskaya was in the life of Matilda Kshesinsky parameters

Her name was "Madame Seventeen". It was His addiction to the game towards the roulette in Casino Monte Carlo and a constant rate for the number 17. At this age, on March 23, 1890, her first meeting was held with the heir of the royal throne Nikolai Alexandrovich or Niki. This meeting identified the entire further fate of Maria-Matilda Adamovna-Felix-Valeryevna Krzhezin or in a more famous option, Matilda Felixes Kshesinsky. The more I read about this famous ballerina, about her life, love, creativity, the more often I ask myself the same question: And by whom and what would she be without supporting Romanov? Who is she more - Kurtizanka or still a rocky woman? The authors of many narches very diligently bypass this topic, as if "lubricating" this facet "Talent" Matilda Kshesinskaya. But in fact, everything is not so simple and this is confirmed by numerous memories of its contemporaries and the actions of the ballerina itself.

Thomson M.N. Portrait of Matilda Kshesinskaya. 1991.

The world of the theater is not so simple, if for ordinary spectators is a holiday, then for the ministers, it is a struggle for life, intrigue, mutual claims and the ability to do everything to notice you to notice the superior world of this. Ballet always loved in the highest estate: the great princes and nobles rank down the lower did not have to patronize this or that ballerina. The patronage often did not go further further, but still some even looked like even in his wife to take these chairs. But there was a minority such, the sad fate to "flash a bright star" on stage and quietly then fade out of it was most prepared. Matilda Kshesinskaya this fate avoided ...

Matilda Felixesna Kshesinskaya in one of the roles in the ballet "Neniugar". 1890 year.

Matilda Felixesna Kshesinskaya was the hereditary "ballet" - she was born on August 31, 1872 in the theater family of Pole, dancer and opera singer Felix Kshesinsky and Ballerina Yulia Dolinsky (in other transcription of Doming) in St. Petersburg. Matilda became the last, thirteenth child in this family and had a tender name - Mal, Malchka. The eldest daughter of Felix Kshesinsky, Julia, danced with his father and often in photographs today is confused with Matilda Felix. Ballet was also the brother Matilda - Joseph. Here in such an atmosphere of the world of the theater and Russia grew up.

At the age of 8, she became a coming student at the Imperial Theater School, and at the age of 15 she took lessons from Christian Johanson, who became her teacher for many years, even after she became a recognized ballet artist. In the spring of 1890, after graduating from the school, she was enrolled in the group of the Mariinsky Theater and in the first of the same session danced in 22 ballets and 21 operas.

It is not bad for the beginning ... and it may seem that only the talent of the blame. But is it? In fact, not at all - on March 23, 1890, during the final exam, the first meeting of the future emperor Nicholas II, the young men of phlegmatic and sluggish, with a cheerful and cheerful poison took place. Everything happened when approving members of the royal family, ranging from Emperor Alexander III, who organized this acquaintance and ending with Empress Maria Fedorovna, who still wanted her son to become ... a man. After the exam was dinner, the mutual flirt of two young people and years later the recording in the memoirs of Kshesinskaya: "When I was forgiven with the heir, in his soul, as in my, the sense of believing to each other was already brought.

The most serious relationships began only two years later, after the heir appeared home to Matilde Kshesinskaya, under the name of Husar Volkova. Notes, letters and ... Gifts, truly royal. The first was the gold bracelet with large sapphires and two diamonds, on which Matilda engraved two dates - 1890 and 1892 - the first meeting and the first arrival to her home. But ... Their love was doomed and after April 7, 1894, when it was officially announced about the engagement of Cesarevich with Alice of Hessian, Nikolai never came to Matilde anymore. However, as you know, I allowed it to contact him in letters to "you" and promised to help her in everything if she needs help.

But ... as they say, holy place is not empty: "In my grief and despair, I did not have a lonely grand prince Sergey Mikhailovich, with whom I became friends with the day when the heir for the first time brought him to me, stayed with me and supported me . I never experienced a feeling for him, which could be compared with my feeling to Nicky, but he won my heart with all his attitude, and I sincerely loved him. "So wrote later in his memories of Matilda Kshesinskaya. She loved ... however quickly and again ... Romanova.

And there is nothing surprising that her career was hung. She became a premix of the Mariinsky Theater and in fact the whole repertoire was built under her. Yes, the contemporaries did not refuse her in recognition of the talent, but we all understood everything that this talent made his way to the top not with the help of a terrible struggle for existence, but somewhat in a different way. But we will give the floor to witnesses, it is especially good about this that Vladimir Arkadyevich Velyakovsky, director of the imperial theaters, in his "memories".

From the memories of V.A.Telkovsky: "M. Kshesinskaya danced perfectly and was also undoubtedly an outstanding Russian ballerina. For (Kshesinskaya) ... Success on stage was a tool: her desires were more ambitious and extensive, and the role of only ballerinas, although Outstanding, did not satisfy her smalod. M. Kshesinskaya already at the thirteenth year of service came out of his own desire from the ballet troupe. Its forces she was shouted for another purpose. M. Kshesinskaya was undoubtedly intelligent. She perfectly took into account both strong, so in particular and especially The weaknesses of men, these ever-seekers of Romeo, who about women say everything they like, and of which women do everything they want. "

From the memories of V.A.Telkovsky: "It would seem like a ballerina, serving in the Directorate, should belong to the repertoire, and then it turned out that the repertoire belongs to M. Kshesinskaya, and both from fifty submissions are forty belonging to balletomans and in the repertoire - from all ballets More than half of the best belong to Kshesin's ballerina. She considered their property and could give or not to give them to others. There were cases that they were discharged from the border of the ballerina. In the contract she was due to ballet tours. So it was with a ballerina Grimaldi, invited In 1900. But when she thought one ballet, marked in a contract, rehearse (this ballet was "vain precautionary"), Kshesinskaya said: "I will not give, this is my ballet." Beginning - phones, conversations, telegrams. Poor director rushed there , here. Finally, the Minister is a cipher telegram in Denmark, where he was at that time under the sovereign. The case was secret, special state importance. And what? Gets such an answer : "Since this kshesinskaya ballet, then he is left behind it."

Sergey Mikhailovich loved Matilda Kshesin deween 25 years. He pointed her, defended her, saved ... In Strelna, the magnificent cottage was bought in Strelna. Later she would write: "In order for me at least to console and entertain me, the Grand Duzazesurgei Mikhailovich was balled me as he could, I did not refuse me and tried to warn all my desires."

And then the word historian Wigchorad A.B., quotation from the book "Falling Port Arthur": "The question arises: how does the beggar dancer Matilda Kshesinskaya became one of the richest women in Russia? Solochy of the Soloist Mariinsky Theater? Yes, she spent more on the outfits ! Communication in 1890-1894 with the heir to the throne of Zesarevich Nikolai? There were also pennies there. In the late 1890s, Kshesinskaya buys a country palace in Strelna. Ballerina has completely repaired him and even built its own power plant. "Many envied me, because even Palace [winter. - A. III.] There was no electricity, "said Kshesinskaya pride. In the Strelnensky Palace of Kshesinskaya, there were tables for a thousand with more than a person. On the birthday of Matilda even changed the railway timetable of trains.

In the spring of 1906, Kshesinskaya buys a plot of land at the corner of the Kronverk Prospectus and a large noble street and orders the project of the palace architect Alexander von Gauguen. By the end of 1906, the construction of a two-story yard was completed. Its length was 50 meters, and the width is 33 meters. They wrote about the palace - everything was built and furnished at the request and taste of Kshesinsky: the hall - in the style of Russian ampir, the salon - in the style of Louis XVI, a bedroom and a restroom - in English style, etc. Stylish furniture set famous French manufacturer Melzer. Chandeliers, sconces, candelabra and all so many, up to the spivelets, was discharged from Paris. The house with an adjacent garden is a small masterpiece of fantasy Matilda Kshesinskaya. Thighted maids, French cook, Senior janitor - Georgievsky Kavaler, Wine cellar, crews, cars and even a barn with a cow and a woman-cowber. He loved Matilda to drink milk. It was, of course, and the big winter garden. Where did it all? It is not difficult to guess that the source of the welfare of Matilda ... there was a huge military budget of Russia. "

The very budget to which the great princes had access and in particular Sergey Mikhailovich. In all his roles, she "blown": he went on the stage, hovering with real jewels - diamonds, pearls, sapphires ... It was reworked by Faberge himself and made many things by order of great princes. Yes, she dances all this time, but the ballet is not a job for her, but only entertainment, though, we must pay tribute, she is talented and doing everything in order to be in shape. And everything, in order to remove competitors and competitors! On this score there is an interesting entry in the memoirs of the Great Ballerina Tamara Karsavina.

From the memories of Ballerina Tamara Karsavina: "I remember another case with a fine, who had serious consequences. It happened during the Directorate of Volkonsky. Once Matilda Kshesinskaya put on the performance of his own costume, ignoring the order of Volkonsky to reach the stage in a suit specially sewn for the role. The next day she was fined. Kshesinskaya was angry and began to cancel the cancellation, and a few days later the order of the Minister of the courtyard about the cancellation of the fine appeared. Prince Volkonsky immediately resigned. He was deservedly loved, and society with indignation perceived disrespect, A hostile manifestations directed against Kshesinskaya took place in relation to one of its members. In the theater, hostile manifestations, directed against Kshesinskaya, was expensive, she paid for his short-term triumph. At that time, she was on top of her talent. She was not inferior of Lenyani, but on acting qualities Even superior to her.

Matilda herself chose the time for his performances and performed only at the height of the season, allowing himself long breaks, for the time of which he stopped regular classes, and uncomfortable entertainment. Always cheerful and laughing, she adored techniques and cards; Sleepless nights did not affect her appearance, did not spoil her mood. She had an amazing viability and exceptional will. During the month, preceding her appearance on stage, Kshesinsky gave all his time to work - she worked hard for hours, she did not go anywhere and did not take anyone, went to bed at ten in the evening, weighed every morning, always ready to limit himself in a meal, although her diet and Without it was quite strict. Before the play, she remained in bed twenty-four hours, only a dead breakfast eaten at noon. At six o'clock she was already in the theater to have at its disposal two hours for Exercis and Grima. Somehow, in the evening, I knew on the stage at the same time with Kshesinsky and drew attention to how her eyes would be gligretically.

From the very beginning, she showed great kindness to me. One day, in the first season of my work in the theater, she sent me an invitation to spend the weekend in her country house in Strelna. "Do not work with you the elegant dresses," she wrote, "we have a rustic here." I will send you. " The idea of \u200b\u200bthe modesty of my wardrobe was very disturbed by me. Matilda, apparently, guessed it. She thought that I didn't know in the face of her secretary, so I arrived at me myself. She had a small group of friends. The role of Matilde's mistress was at height. She had a large garden near the coast. A few goats lived in the pen, one of them, the favorite, who went on the stage in "Esmeralda," walked behind Matilda like a dog. All day Matilda did not let me go from herself, providing countless signs of attention ... I had the impression that everyone surrounding had fallen under the charm of her cheerful and good-natured nature. But even with all his naivety, I understood that the surrounding lysels surrounded her a lot of stay. And this is quite explained by taking into account the situation that the famous dancer, rich and influential. Envy and gossip constantly followed her. The whole day did not leave me a feeling of bewilderment - did this charming woman really have that the most terrible Kshesinskaya, which was called a shameless intrigue, destroying his rival careers.

If anyone offends you, come straight to me. I stuck up for you, "she said later, she later kept the word: she had the opportunity to intervene and entered for me. I began to get significantly fewer roles, it turned out that the director inspired, as if I had too much work. One famous ballerina who did not belong to the number of my benevolences, unexpectedly showed excessive care of my health, asking the director did not overload me, as I am sick with a consume. The director introduced in this way misleading this intake care, showing a true sympathy, began to gradually reduce my repertoire. "

On February 13, 1900, theatrical Petersburg celebrated the decade of the creative life of Kshesin on the imperial scene. For lunch after the anniversary performance, the sons of the Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich - Kirill, Boris and Andrei were invited. With the last ballerina and began a stormy novel. She was older than the Grand Prince Andrei Vladimirovich for six years. At the same time, Matilda officially lived with Great Prince Sergey Mikhailovich. In June 1902, Matilda Felixes have a son born. The boy was named Vladimir in honor of the Father of the Grand Duke Andrey. Only here, from whom from the Romanov, this child was born, it is not known so far. Grand Duke Sergey Mikhailovich, until the end of his life, considered him his son. And again the word V.A.Telkovsky.

Matilda Kshesinskaya with his son Vladimir. 1916.

From the diary of Vladimir Telikovsky: "Is this theater really, and really I manage it? Everyone is pleased, all the glad and glorify an extraordinary, technically strong, moral, cynical, cynical, brazen ballerina, living simultaneously with two great princes and not only that does not hide, but , on the contrary, it is fruitful and this art in your smelly cynical wreath of human fell and debauchery. LAPPA informed me that Kshesinskaya herself says that she is pregnant; Wanting to continue to dance, she has some parts of the ballet rejected to avoid risky movements. Who will be assigned The child is still unknown. Who speaks to the Great Prince Sergey Mikhailovich, and who the great prince Andrei Vladimirovich, others talk about the ballet goat. "

In 1904, she leaves the stage, but retains the right to role in performances and does not allow them to dance to them anyone. In 1908, Matilda Kshesinsky successfully touches the Grand Opera in the Paris and amazes the public with its 32 Foute! And at the same time, a novel with his partner Peter Vladimirov, who is younger than it for 21 years, which ends with a duel in the forest near Paris between the last and grand prince Andrei Vladimirovich.

Matilda Kshesinskaya in his ballet school

And then there was a revolution and everything went to the rush. Her chic mansion was looted, Grand Duke Sergey Mikhailovich died in Alapaevsk: Dying in an abandoned mine, he squeezed a small gold medallion in his hand with a portrait of Matilda Kshesinsky and the inscription "Mal". On February 19, 1920 she sailed to Constantinople on the Italian liner "Semiramid". In January 1921, in France, they marked with the Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich, and Matilde received the title of the bright princess Romanovskaya. In 1929, Kseshinskaya opened his ballet studio in Paris, where she took her student lessons even from England, USA, Spain.

Matilda Kshesinsky in the last years of life. 1954.

"In 1958, the Balt Troupe of the Bolshoi Theater came to Paris. Although I don't go anywhere, making my time between the house and the dance studio, where I earn to live, I made an exception and went to the opera to see the Russians. I cried from happiness. This There was the same ballet that I saw more than forty years ago, the owner of the same spirit and the same traditions ... "" So she wrote in his memoirs.

Matilds of Matilda Kshesinskaya in the graveyard of Saint-Geneviev de Bou

She died at the age of 99 in 1971 and found the rest in the Russian cemetery of Saint-Geneva de-boo in France.

In 2010, the history of the relationship between Matilda Kshesinskaya and Prince Andrei Romanova was prepared by television transmission from the cycle "More than love."

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Who was she: a curtisan or great talent? Hometer or smart adaptation? Probably all together, but one clearly of its role in the art of the Russian theater and the "art" of Russian life was far from the last ... but such is Russia.

Over 13 years before the death of Matilda Felix, saw sleep. The bells called, the church singing was heard, and suddenly appeared in her huge, majestic and amiable Alexander III. He smiled and stretching his hand for a kiss, said: "Mademoiselle, you will be the red and pride of our ballet ..." Matilda Felixna woke up in tears: it happened more than seventy years ago, at the final exam in the theater school, the emperor allocated her among All, and during the solemn dinner sat next to the heir to the throne, Zesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich. This morning, 86-year-old Kshesinsky and decided to write his famous memoirs, but the secrets of her charm could not even reveal even.

There are women to whom not applicable to the word "sin": men say goodbye to them. They manage to preserve the dignity, reputation and flicker in the most incredible situations, smiling pass through public opinion - and Malya Kshesinskaya was from their number. The friend of the heir to the Russian throne and his mistress of his uncle, a permanent mistress of the imperial ballet, who changed the directors of theaters as gloves, Mal has achieved everything that she wanted: she became a legitimate wife of one of the great princes and turned into a bright princess Romanov-Krasinskaya. In Paris of the fifties of the fifties, this has already mean, but Matilda Felix is \u200b\u200bdesperately clinging to his title: to breed with the house of Romanov, she spent his life.

And at first there was a father's estate, a big light log house and a forest where she collected mushrooms, fireworks on holidays and a light flirt with young guests. The girl grew shrine, the shroud and not particularly pretty: little growth, with a sharp nose and a squirrel chin - old photos are unable to pass her living charm.

According to legend, Pradedd Mali was still in his youth lost the state, the County title and the noble last name Krasinsky: Running to France from the murderers hired by the villain-uncle, who dreamed of to take possession of title and wealth, losing paper, certified his name, the former graph went to the actors - and became Subsequently, one of the stars of the Polish opera. He lived to a hundred six years old and died, the eelies because of the wrong drowning stove. Mali's father, Felix Yanovich, Honored Dancer Imperial Ballet and the Best In St. Petersburg, the artist Mazurki did not reach eighty-five. Malya went to his grandfather - she also turned out to be a long-liver, and she, like her grandfather, was also not to occupy vitality, will and grip. Soon after the prom in the diary of the young ballerina of the imperial scene, an entry appeared: "And he will be mine!"

These words that had a direct attitude towards the heir of the Russian throne were prophetic ...

Before us is a 18-year-old girl and a 20-year-old young man, she is alive, Boyhead, flirting, he is perfectly raised, delicate and mil: Huge blue eyes, a charming smile and a mind incomprehensible blend of softness and stubbornness. Cesarevich is unusually charming, but make him do what he does not want, impossible. Male performs in the Krasnoselsky Theater - the summer camps are broken nearby, and the hall fill the officers of the Guards regiments. After the performance, she flirtates with crowing in front of her dressing room Guardsmen, and one day there is Cesarevich among them: he is serving in the Life-Gusar regiment, a red doloman is cleverly sitting on it and embroidered with gold. Malya shoots eyes, joking with everyone, but it is addressed only to him.

Decades will be held, his diaries will be published, and Matilda Felixna will be completed in them with a magnifying glass in his hands: "Today was the baby Kshesinskaya ... Baby Kshesinskaya is very sweet ... Baby Kshesinskaya occupies me positively ... I said goodbye to the theater with memories ".

It aged, life came to an end, but she still wanted to believe that the future emperor was in love with her.

Best days

She was only a year old with Zesarevich, but he helped her all his life - since Nikolai turned into a beautiful, perfect memory. Malja escaped on the road, according to which the imperial carriage was supposed to drive, and delighted and delighted, noticing him in the theater bed. However, all this was ahead; In the meantime, he built her eyes behind the scenes of the Krasnoselsky Theater, and she wanted to make him his lover by anything.

What Tsearevich thought and felt left unknown: he never frank himself with friends and numerous relatives and did not even trusted his diary. Nikolai began to be at Kshesin's house, then he bought her a mansion, put it back with his brothers and units - and he gained the mercy of the Grand Princes to Male. Soon Mall has become a soul of the Romanovsky mug - friends said that champagne flows in her veins. The most dull from her guests was the heir (his former colleagues were told that during the regulatory holidays, Nicky managed, all night seems to see the head of the table, do not say a word). However, it was not at all grieving with small, she just could not be in a sense, why does he constantly tell her about his love for the princess Alis Hessian?

Their connection was doomed from the very beginning: Cesarevich would never have insulted his wife with communication on the side. For goodbate, they met outside the city. Mal has long been preparing for a conversation, but it never managed to say anything important. She only asked permission to still be with him on "You", call "Niki" and if you seek help. With this precious right of Matilda Felixna, it was rarely used, moreover, she was not to special privileges at first: having lost her first lover, the Malya fell into the hardest depression.

Cesarevich was married with his Alice, and the Moscow streets were driving Kavaleargard and horse hungary women in gold and silver lats, red hussars, blue dragoons and grenadiers in high fur hats, walked dressed in gilded ribs, rolled upward carriages. When the crown was on the head, the Kremlin flashed with thousands of electric light bulbs. Malya did not see anything: it seemed to her that happiness was left forever and no longer worth living. And all of the way, it was just that: next to her there was already a person who will take care of her twenty years. After parting with Ksheshinskaya, Nikolai requested his cousin, the Grand Duke Sergey Mikhailovich, to look after the Male (the detractors said that he simply handed her brother), and he immediately agreed: an expert and a big ballet connoisseur, he was in love with Kshesin. The fact that he is destined to become her squire and shadow that because of her he will not get a family and will be glad to give it all (including his name), and she would prefer to him another, no poor Sergey Mikhailovich suspected.

In the meantime, it was a taste of secular life and quickly made a career in the ballet: the former friend of the emperor, and now the mistress of his brother, she certainly became a soloist and chose only the roles that she liked. "The Fizhma Case", when, due to the dispute about the unsalted Male, the director of the imperial theaters, the Almighty Prince Volkonsky, strengthened her authority even more. Reviews in which it was discussed by its honed technique, artistry and rare stage chain, Mal carefully cut out and pasted into a special album - he will be her consolation during emigration.

Benefis believed those who served in the theater at least twenty years old, Mali, he took place on the tenth year of service - the scene was littered with flowers, the audience carried it to a carriage in her arms. The ministry of the courtyard gave her a wonderful platinum eagle with diamonds on a gold chain - Mal asked to convey nicknames that the usual diamond ring would very upset her.

On tour to Moscow, Kshesinskaya traveled in a separate car, its jewels cost about two million rubles. Having worked about fifteen years old, Malya left the scene. Lucky marked his care for a farewell benefit, and then returned - but not to the state and without concluding a contract ... She danced only what she wanted and when she wanted. By that time, it was already called Matilda Felix.

Along with the century, the old life was completed - before the revolution was still quite far away, but the smell of heaven was already carried in the air: there was a suicide club in St. Petersburg, group marriages became commonplace. Matilda Felixesna, a woman of impeccable reputation and an unshakable public situation, managed to extract considerable benefits from this.

She was allowed to all: nikolay's Platonic Love for Emperor, to live with his cousin, Grand Duke Sergey Mikhailovich, and, by rumors (most likely they were true), to consist in love with the other Grand Duke - Vladimir Alexandrovich, who was coming to her fathers .

His son is young Andrei Vladimirovich, pretty like a doll and painfully shy, became the second (after Nikolai) the great love of Matilda Felixes.

It all started during one of the techniques in her new mansion built on the money that was sitting at the head of the Wall of Sergei Mikhailovich, there were few such houses in St. Petersburg. Andrei Robing Andrei Nenarok overturned on the luxurious dress of the hostess a glass of red wine. Malya felt her head again goes around ...

They walked around the park, evenings were sitting in the porch of her dacha for a long time, and life was so beautiful that it made sense to die here and now - the future could only spoil the unfolding idyll. All her men were with the case: Sergey Mikhailovich paid the raspberries of the bill and defended her interests before the ballet boss, Vladimir Alexandrovich secured her a durable position in society, Andrei reported, when the emperor went to walk from his summer residence - Malya immediately ordered to lay horses, approached To the road, and adored nickname prevented her honor ...

Soon she became pregnant; The childbirth was successful, and four raw men showed a touching care for a small Volodya: Niki gave him the title of hereditary nobleman, Sergey Mikhailovich offered to adopt the boy. He felt happy and sixty-year-old Vladimir Alexandrovich - the child was similar to the Grand Duke as two drops of water. Very worried about the wife of Vladimir Alexandrovich: Andrei, her pure boy, completely lost his head because of this liberator. But Mary of Maria Pavlovna carried his mountain as it was like a lady of royal blood: both men (and her husband, and son) did not hear a single reproach from her.

Meanwhile, Mal with Andrei went abroad: the Grand Duke prevented her at the Cap "D" Ah (a few years ago she received a house from Sergey Mikhailovich in Paris). The main inspector of artillery took care of her career, Nursing Volodya and went out more and more to the background: Malia fell in love with her young friend; She moved to Andrei those feelings that once experienced to his father. Vladimir Alexandrovich died in 1909. Mal and Andrey grieved together (Maria Pavlovna redesigned when she saw a whirlwind in perfectly sewn, beautiful her mourning dress). By 1914, Kshesinskaya was an unbelled wife Andrei: he appeared with her in the world, she accompanied him into foreign sanatoriums (the Grand Duke suffered with weak lungs). But also, Matilda Felixna did not forget about Sergey Mikhailovich - A few years before the war, the prince was arriving for one of the great princesses, and then Mala politely, but persistently asked him to stop the disgrace - first, he compromises her, secondly, it was unpleasant To look at it. Sergey Mikhailovich never married: brought up a little Volodya and did not complain about fate. A few years ago, Malle took him away from the crowd, but he still continued to hope for something.

World War II did not harm it to men: Sergey Mikhailovich had too big ranks to get to the forefront, and Andrew because of weak health served in the headquarters of the Western Front. But after the February Revolution, she lost everything: the headquarters of Bolsheviks were located in her mansion - and Matilda Felix was left of the house what was. Part of the jewels that they managed to save, she put in the bank, stitching the receipt in the hem of her beloved dress. It did not help - after 1917, the Bolsheviks nationalized all bank deposits. Several pudders of table silver, precious things from Faberge, the diamond baubles dared by fans - everything went around the hands of the sailors settled down in an abandoned house. Even her dresses disappeared - later in them, Alexander Kollondtai flavored.

But Matilda Felix is \u200b\u200bnever gone without a fight. She submitted to the Bolsheviks to the court, and he ordered uninvited guests to clear the property owners as soon as possible. However, the Bolsheviks from the mansion did not move away ... The October Revolution was approaching, and a friend of the former emperor, and now a citizen Romanova fled to the south, in the far from the Bolshevik distrapping Kislovodsk, where Andrei Vladimirovich was moved a little earlier.

Before leaving Sergey Mikhailovich made her an offer, but she rejected him. The prince could leave with her, but chose to stay - it was necessary to settle the deal with her contribution and look after the mansion.

The train moved, Mal was leaned out the coupe window and washed his hand - Sergey, not like himself in a long baggy rant, hastily took off his hat. So she remembered him - they will never see anymore.

Maria Pavlovna with her son settled in Kislovodsk by that time. The power of the Bolsheviks was almost never felt here - until the detachment of Krasnogvardeans arrived from Moscow. Immediately the requisitions and searches began, but they did not touch the great princes - they were not terrible than new power and not need her opponents.

Andrei Milo chatted with the commissars, and they kissed small handles. The Bolsheviks turned out to be quite friendly people: when the city council of Pyatigorsk was arrested by Andrei and his brothers, one of the commissioners beat off the great princes with the help of the Highlanders and sent from the city with plates. (They said that the great princes travel on the task of the local committee of the party.) They returned when the Cossacks of the Shkuro entered the city: Andrei drove up to the house riding, in Cherkess, surrounded by security from Kabardian nobility. He had a beard in the mountains, and Mal had almost broke through: Andrei like two drops of water looked like a late emperor.

What happened next was like a prolonged nightmare: the family ran from the Bolsheviks in Anapa, then returned to Kislovodsk, then she was started again in the run - and everywhere they were catching up with the letters of Sergei Mikhailovich sent from Alapaevsk, who was killed a few months ago. In the first he congratulated Malina Son Volodya Happy Birthday - the letter came three weeks after they celebrated him, on the very day when she became aware of the death of the Grand Prince. The Bolsheviks dropped all members of the Romanov members who were in Alapaevsk at the coal mine - they died several days. When white and the bodies were entered into the city, in the hand of Sergei Mikhailovich, a small gold medallion with a portrait of Matilda Felixes and the inscription "Male" was covered.

And then the emigration began: a small dirty ship, an Istanbul entrance and a long journey to France, at the Villa "Yamal". Mal and Andrei arrived there without a penny and immediately laid her real estate - it was necessary to like and pay a gardener.

After Maria Pavlovna did not, they married. The location of the Russian throne, the Grand Duke of Kirill, gave Male title of the bright princess Romanova-Krasinskaya - So she came across the Bulgarian, Yugoslav and Greek kings, the Kings of Romanian, Danish and Swedish - Romanovs were related to all European monarchs, and Matilda Felixus could have happened to be invited To royal lunch. With Andrey, by Andrey, by this time moved to the tiny two-room apartment in the poor Passy Passion district.

The house and villa took Roulette: Matilda Felixna played a large and always put on 17 - his lucky number. But it did not bring her good luck: money received at home and land, as well as funds that managed to help Maria Pavlovna's diamonds, went to the crosses from Monte Carlo casino. But Kshesinsky, of course, did not surrender.

Ballet Studio Matilda Felixes was famous across Europe - her students were the best ballerinas of Russian emigration. After classes, the Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich, dressed in the worn, wipe on the elbows of the jacket, went around the rehearsal hall and watered the flowers standing in the corners - it was his home duty, nothing else was trusted. And Matilda Felixna worked as an ox and did not leave a ballet machine even after the Paris doctors found the inflammation of the foot joints. She continued to engage, overcome terrible pain, and the disease retreated.

Kshesinskaya was much survived her husband, friends and enemies - if fate had released her another year, Matilda Felixna would mark the centenary anniversary.

Shortly before the death, she again saw a strange dream: theatrical school, a crowd of pupils in white dresses, raging behind the shower windows.

There were "Christ's resurrected from the dead," the doors were swollen, and Alexander III and her nicknie entered the hall. Malya fell on her knees, grabbed them by arms - and woke up in tears. Life passed, she got everything she wanted - and everything lost, in the end, that all this did not matter.

Nothing but records that many years ago made a strange closed weakweight young man in his diary:

"I saw the baby M. again"

"Was in the theater - Baby Kshesinskaya I positively like."

"Farewell to M. - stood at the theater tormented by memories ..."

Source of information: Alexey Chufaron, magazine "Caravan Stories", April 2000.

Olga 22.03.2006 04:43:42

Matilda is the true love of great men. There are such women to be afraid, they are ready to love all their life - but at a distance, thereby tormented by themselves and her. Great fools that have stolen a lot ...

Matilda Felixesna Kshesinskaya (August 19, 1872 - December 6, 1971), Russian ballerina.
The figure of Matilda Kshesinsky is so tightly shrouded in a cocoon legend, gossip and rumors, which is already almost impossible to see the present, living person .. complete irresistible charm woman. Passionate, fondant nature. The first Russian Fuete and Ballerina's first executive, which could manage his repertoire herself. Brilliant, virtuoso dancer, who has provided with the Russian scene of foreign tour ...
Matilda Kshesinskaya was miniature, just 1 meter 53 centimeters. But, despite the growth, the name Kshesinskaya for many decades has not seen from the pages of the secular chronicle, where it was presented in the row of heroines of scandals and "fatal women."
Kshesinskaya was born in a hereditary artistic environment, which for several generations was associated with ballet. Matilda's father was a famous dancer, he was the leading artist of the imperial theaters.

Father and became the first teacher of his youngest daughter. From the very early age, she discovered the ability and love of ballet - which is not surprising in the family, where almost everyone is dancing. At eight years, she was given to the Imperial Theater School - her mother finished it, and now her brother Joseph and sister Julia studied there.
At first, Malia did not do particularly diligently - the basics of ballet art, she long studied at home. Only at the age of fifteen, when she fell into a class to Christian Petrovich Johansk, Malya not only felt the taste for teaching, but began to deal with real passion. Kshesinskaya discovered an outstanding talent and a huge creative potential. In the spring of 1890, she graduated from the School Exteronic and was enrolled in the troupe of the Mariinsky Theater. Already in the first season, Kshesinskaya danced in twenty two ballets and twenty one opera. The roles were small, but responsible, and allowed Male to shine with their talent. But one talent for obtaining such a number of parties was little - one important circumstance was played: the heir to the throne was in love with Matilda.
With the Grand Duke, Nikolai Alexandrovich - the future emperor Nikolai II - Malya met at the dinner after the graduation performance, held on March 23, 1890. Almost immediately they began the novel, which flowed with the full approval of Nicholas's parents. The most serious relationships began only two years later, after the heir appeared home to Matilde Kshesinskaya, under the name of Husar Volkova. Notes, letters and ... Gifts, truly royal. The first was the gold bracelet with large sapphires and two diamonds, on which Matilda engraved two dates - 1890 and 1892 - the first meeting and the first arrival to her home. But ... Their love was doomed and after April 7, 1894, when it was officially announced about the engagement of Cesarevich with Alice of Hessian, Nikolai never came to Matilde anymore. However, as you know, I allowed it to contact him in letters to "you" and promised to help her in everything if she needs help.
On October 20, 1894, Emperor Alexander III died in Livadia - he was only 49 years old. The next day, Alice adopted Orthodoxy and became the great prince Alexander Fedorovna. A week after the funeral of the emperor, Nikolai and Alexander were married in the Winter Palace - for this purpose, Mourning, imposed on the courtyard for the year.

Matilda was very worried about parting with Nikolai. Not wanting someone to see her suffering, she locked at home and almost did not go out. But ... as they say, the sacred place is not empty: "In my grief and despair I did not stay lonely. Grand Duke Sergey Mikhailovich, with whom I became friends with the day when the heir for the first time brought him to me, stayed with me and supported me Me. I never experienced a feeling for him, which could be compared with my feeling to Nika, but he won my heart with all his attitude, and I sincerely loved him, "so wrote later in his memories of Matilda Kshesinskaya. She loved ... however quickly and again ... Romanova.

Because of the mourning of performances in Marinka, there was practically no, and Kshesinskaya took the invitation of Raul Günzburg's entrepreneur to go on tour in Monte Carlo. She acted together with Brother Joseph, Olga Preobrazhenskaya, Alfred Bekefi and Georgy Käksht. Tours went with great success. In April, Matilde with his father performed in Warsaw. Here I perfectly remembered Felix Kshesinsky, and the audience literally raised the public on the speeches of the family duet. She returned to Petersburg only in the season of 1895 and spoke in the new ballet R. Drigo "Pearl", which Petipa put it specifically to the weighing on the throne of Nicholas II.

And there is nothing surprising that her career was hung. She became a premix of the Mariinsky Theater and in fact the whole repertoire was built under her. Yes, the contemporaries did not refuse her in recognition of the talent, but we all understood everything that this talent made his way to the top not with the help of a terrible struggle for existence, but somewhat in a different way. The world of the theater is not so simple, if for ordinary spectators is a holiday, then for the ministers, it is a struggle for life, intrigue, mutual claims and the ability to do everything to notice you to notice the superior world of this. Ballet always loved in the highest estate: the great princes and nobles rank down the lower did not have to patronize this or that ballerina. The patronage often did not go further further, but still some even looked like even in his wife to take these chairs. But there was a minority such, the sad fate to "flash a bright star" on stage and quietly then fade out of it was most prepared. Matilda Kshesinskaya this fate avoided ...
The beginning of Kshesinsky was associated with a speech in classical ballets supplied by the famous balletmaster M. Petipa. They not only revealed its virtuoso technique, but also an outstanding dramatic talent was manifested. Already after the debut of Kshesinsky in the ballet P. Tchaikovsky "Sleeping Beauty" Petipa began to put the choreographic parties specifically based on her "coloratura" dance. Only a long mourning after the death of Alexander III prevented their joint work.
Ballerina was distinguished not only by talent, but also tremendous hardworking. She first after Italian virtuosos began to perform a rare room for that time ballet number - thirty-two Fuete. As one of the reviewers noted, "Having performed thirty-two Fuette, without going from a place, literally degrees to the point of support, she, having answered the bows, again went to the middle of the scene and unscrew twenty-eight Foute."

From this time, the ten-year period of the domination of Kshesinsky on the Russian ballet scene begins. He ended in 1903, when M. Petipa resigned. At this time, at the request of Emperor Nikolai Kshesinsky, the Grand Duke Sergey Mikhailovich. In his house she met with the cousin of the king, the Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich. Many believed that their connection would not last long, but soon they had a son Vladimir, and Kshesinskaya became the civil wife of the Grand Duke. True, they marked many years later, in 1921, when they were in emigration.

Kshesinskaya hardly accustomed to innovations in choreographic art. She could not find a suitable balletmaster suitable for himself, and only a joint work with M. Fokin helped her overcome the crisis situation. Their relationship has repeatedly changed. Kshesinskaya then Fokina's bastvine, then she had trouble remove it from the St. Petersburg scene. However, Fokina's popularity could not leave her indifferent, and, in spite of everything, they continued to work together.

In general, Kshesinskaya has always differed sharpness and often came to the correct solution only after making many mistakes. So developed, for example, its relationship with S. Dyagilev. He appealed to her in 1911 asking to become the main soloist in the program of ballet performances conceived by him. At first, Kshesinsky rejected his proposal, because shortly before that, with the Triumph, he performed in Paris and London in several performances, arranged by the influential French newspaper "Figaro". However, thinking, and maybe simply learning that the largest dancers of the time agreed in Dyagilev Troupe - M. Fokin and V. Nizhinsky, she gave their consent. After that, specifically for Kshesinsky Dyagilev bought at the Directorate of the Imperial Decoration theaters and costumes to the ballet "Swan Lake", made according to the sketches of A. Golovin and K. Korovin.
The performances of Dyagilyev troupes in Vienna and Monte Charles turned into a real triumph of Kshesinsky, the collaboration itself continued for many years.

Only after the start of World War II, the ballerina stopped playing abroad, and on the second February 1917 she last went on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater.

Kshesinskaya understood that after the February Revolution, she needs to disappear for several months from the field of view of journalists. Therefore, along with her son, she went to Kislovodsk to her husband. After joining the Bolsheviks, they left in Constantinople, and then for several years settled at Villa Alam on the Mediterranean coast of France. Soon Kshesinsky realized that she did not have to count on to return to the stage, and it was necessary to look for another way for earning. She moves to Paris and the "Monitor" villa opens a ballet studio.
At first she had only a few student, but after visiting the studio Dyagilev, as well as A. Pavlova, their number had increased rapidly, and soon Kshesin was engaged in more than a hundred student. Among them were the daughters of F. Shalyapin Marina and Dassia. Later, Kshesinsky was engaged in such ballerinas later, as partner R. Nureyev M. Fontaine and I. Chovir.

The beginning of the Second World War turned over its established life. Fearing bombing, she moves into a suburb, and with the approach of the German army, together with his family, goes to Biarritz, on the border with Spain. But soon the German troops came there. The position of Kshesinsky was complicated by the fact that her son was soon arrested for anti-fascist activities. And only a few months later he was able to escape from the camp, and then from France.
After the liberation of France in 1944, Kshesinsky returned to Paris and with the help of his student Ninet de Valua and Margo Fontein organized a mobile ballet troupe, which spoke with concerts in front of soldiers. Simultaneously resumed classes in her studio. In 1950, Kshesinskaya went to England, where he began to lead the federation of the Russian classic ballet, which included fifteen choreographic schools.

During the first tour of the Bolshoi Theater in France, Kshesinsky specifically went to Paris to visit the performances on the Grand Opera stage, in which G. Ulanova was performed.

Kshesinskaya released several books. The greatest fame used her memoirs, which were simultaneously printed in France and the United States.
Matilda Felixin lived a long life and died on December 5, 1971 a few months before his century. He was buried on the Cemetery of St. Geneviev de Boua under Paris in one grave with her husband and son. At the epitaph monument: "The bright Princess Maria Felixesna Romanovskaya-Krasinskaya, Honored Artist of Imperial Theaters Kshesinskaya."

Seductive heart, cunning intrigue, technical ballerina and a woman dancing almost to death - all this can be said about the Great Ballerina of the XX century Kshesinskaya. Her life was full of love for the scene and to men, but not always this love brought happiness.

Factrum He introduces the reader with the history of the Great Ballerina, capable of meanness and cunning for the achievement of its goals.

Matilda Kshesinskaya

Career ballerina

Matilda was born in 1872 in the family of ballet artists of the Mariinsky Theater. From the earliest years, the girl dreamed of going at the footsteps of his parents, so at eight years they gave her ballet to the Imperial Theater School, which she graduated with honors.

Marius Petipa

After graduation, Matilda took Mariinsky Theater. The depot technician, soft hands and grace allowed the ballerina to quickly become a recent. In addition, she studied at the best foreign mentors, took lessons from the Italian balletmaster Enrique Chekketi. I managed to install and professional record: she was the first of the Russian ballerinas to scroll through 32 Fuete. Before that, such a trick was able to only Italian dancers.

Becoming the Ballerina's Ballerina Imperial Theaters, Kshesinsky began to dictate its conditions. He demanded from the balletmaster Marius Petips to put the performances for it. So, especially for Kshesinsky, the Ballets "Seasons" and "Arquiniada" were revived, and forgotten for a long time "Bayadek". Kshesinskaya danced to the most advanced years: for example, at the age of 64, she spoke in the London theater "Covent Garden", thoring violent ovations.

Intrigue against their own colleagues

Pierina Lenyani

During the heyday of his career in the Mariinsky Theater, Matilda prohibited other ballerinas to participate in their performances. In particular, it was delivered to foreigners, in particular Italian Pierin Lenyani. Kshesinsky was openly lied, stating that she does not have a talent.

In addition, his scandalous behavior of the ballerina watched the fact that the theater was leaving the director-out. Prince Volkonsky, director of the imperial theaters, was forced to leave his post because of an unacceptable, in his opinion, the behavior of Kshesin. Matilda did not like the suitable costume for a performance, and she replaced him with his own. For this, the ballerina was fined, but she appealed the decision and inflated the terrible scandal who forced the prince to leave.

Men Matilda Kshesinskaya

The girl from the earliest began to be interested in men. One day, at the cottage of the Kshesinsky family, the Scot MacPherson was located with his young bride. Matilde liked the young man so that she invited him to collect mushrooms into the forest. Macherson could not refuse and went on a fateful walk, during which he fell in love with a fourteen-year-old Matilda. Soon after that, the Scotland broke his engagement and began to fall asleep the future receipt of gifts and love letters. But she rejected all his courtship.

Nikolai Sveta

The most famous love of Matilda Kshesinskaya became the heir to the Russian throne Nikolai second. For the first time, he met a girl after her graduation performance and then he drew attention to her. But their novel rose only two years later and lasted as much.

Alice (Great Duchess Hessian)

For meetings with the heir, whom Matilda called simply "Niki", she took off the house in Moscow. The relationship of young people was purely Platonic, the young ballerina was innocent, and the future king was a man of honor and could not deprive her innocence, knowing that he could not marry her. Despite the obvious love for Matilde, Cesarevich had to break the relationship with her after the announcement of his engagement with Alice Hessian.

However, Kshesinskaya did not heat for a long time. She managed to quickly charm the Grand Duke Sergey Mikhailovich and began to live with him. In marriage they had a son Vladimir. Mituing with Sergey Mikhailovich, Matilda spun a novel with another Grand Duke - Andrei Vladimirovich and later admitted that the son was precisely from him. Once the revolution in France, Kshesinskaya and Andrei Vladimirovich played a wedding. And in 1935, Matilda and her descendants were awarded the names of Romanovsky-Krasinsky and the titles of the bright princes and Princess.

Last years Kshesinsky

Matilda Kshesinskaya

After the revolution of 1917, Matilde, together with his son, was forced to flee from Petrograd. At first she went to Kislovodsk, after many times moved from place to place, until he could go to France. There, the ballerina had its own luxury mansion.

Nine years after his emigration to France, Kshesinskaya opened his own ballet school, which immediately became incredibly popular. The most famous graduates of the Kshesian school were Alicia Markov, Margo Fontaine and Tatiana Ryabushinsky.

Matilda Kshesinsky died in France in 1971. She did not live in just a few months before her age anniversary. After death, several books were written about Kshesinskaya, including her own memoirs of "Memories", in 2007 the series "Star of the Empire" was released, and in 2017 the film "Matilda" Alexei Master who caused a lot of noise.

By no means a beauty, the growth of only 153 centimeters, with short, plump for the ballerina with feet - there was such a main heart feather of pre-revolutionary Russia, in whose networks were two Great Prince and Zesarevich Nikolai. Ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya took the special charm that does not leave a single man indifferent. August 31, the Great Dancer turned 145 years old. Recall 11 little-known facts from Matilda's biography.

1. Thirteenth Child

Kshesin's mother Julia Doming also once was a ballerina, but left the scene, dedicated himself to the family. In two marriages (the first husband of Julia died) she gave birth to 13 children. Matilda was the youngest - thirteenth.

2. Commanded directors

In the Mariinsky Theater Matilda began as Kshesinskaya 2nd. "Kshesinsky 1st" called her older sister Julia. But soon Matilda became the most influential ballerina of the country. She herself declared who would come to her on the stage, easily could pick up someone else's role, expelled the dancer discharged from abroad with the words: "I will not give, this is my ballet!"

Once Matilda, without permission, changed an uncomfortable costume for their own. Here the leadership could not stand - the ballerina was fined. However, it was not possible to find the board on the ballerina.

"Is this theater really, and really I manage? - wrote in the diary director of Imperial theaters Vladimir Telikovsky. "Everyone is satisfied, all are happy and glorify an extraordinary, technically strong, moral, cynical, cynical, brazen ballerina."

3. Put the record

Matilda The first among Russian ballerinas performed on stage 32 Foute in a row. Only the Italian ballerinas Emma Veson and Pierin Lenyani, who speaking on the scenes of St. Petersburg could be spinning. Since then, 32 Fuete in a row is considered a trademark of classical ballet.

4. With Nikolai, the emperor Alexander

With Zesarevich, Nikolai Ballerina met at his graduation concert. He was 22 years old, she was only 18. Historians believe that it was the father of Nicholas who pushed the future emperor to the ballerina then. Nikolai at that time suffered from love for the German princess Alix. However, Alexander III was against marriage and, in order to somehow distract her son from spiritual torments, invited Matilda to the table.

"The sovereign turned to me:" And you sit next to me. " He pointed out the place near and, smiling, told us: "Look just not flirting too." I do not remember what we talked about, but I immediately fell in love ... ", - wrote Matilda. In his diaries, Ballerina called Zesarevich "Niki" and exclusively on "you".

However, in 1894, Nikolai's father still gave good to the wedding of his son with a German princess, and Roman and Matilda approached the end. However, after parting, former lovers remained good friends.

5. twisted the novel immediately with two

After a break with Nikolai Matilde, Sergey Mikhailovich and Andrei Vladimirovich and Andrei Vladimirovich were comforting in the arms of the great princes. At this time she will give birth to the son of Vladimir. The boy was given by the midst of Sergeevich, but some of the princes were actually the father of the child, it is unknown.

6. Prince died with a portrait of Matilda

Mal - so affectionately called Kshesin Prince Sergey Mikhailovich. They tell, in 1918 during the execution by the Bolsheviks, the Grand Duke squeezed in his hand a medallion with a portrait of Matilda.

7. Served Faberge himself

Kshesinskaya was the richest woman of Russia. Her beloved, Sergey Mikhailovich, having access to the military budget, did not bother on the outfits and decoration of the ballerina. Decorations to order Matilda did Faberge himself.

In her treasury was a unique comb. He, according to legend, is made of gold 1000 sample, which does not exist in nature. Found a decoration in one of the expeditions on the White Sea Nikolai Gumilev. And soon the thing hit the ballerina. Many believed that it was thanks to the fabulous ridge all the desires of Kshesinsky come true. Unfortunately, during the revolution, the decoration disappeared without a trace.

8. Her palaces envied even in winter

It is clearly not at the salary of the ballerina at the end of the 1890s, Kshesinskaya bought a country palace in Strelna, where he built its own power plant. But then the electricity was not even in the Winter Palace.