Opera singer killed in ATO. Famous opera singer killed sniper in the east of Ukraine

Opera singer killed in ATO. Famous opera singer killed sniper in the east of Ukraine
Opera singer killed in ATO. Famous opera singer killed sniper in the east of Ukraine
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • The Ukrainian opera singer from France became a warrior and volunteer in the ATO zone // Letters. - 2016. - March 15.
  • Copaneva E. "Vasil Slipak loved the Paris Opera, but even more loved Ukraine - so I went to defend her" / Ekaterina Copaneva // Facts. - 2016. - July 01.
  • Corganko S. Between the opera performances of Vasily Slipak fought in the Donbas / Svetlana Korzhenko // Gazeta.ua - 2016. - July 1.
  • "Crimea. The path to the homeland" banned in France thanks to activists from the Ukrainian diaspora // LB.UA. - 2015. - December 12.
  • Lustenko O. How the procession against Russian aggression and the capture of Crimea (photo) was passed in Paris (photo) .LiveJournal. - 2016. - February 28.
  • The famous opera singer from France became a volunteer in ATO (video). Companion. - 2015. - June 25.
  • Selfi T. Died Vasily Slipak: Best Son, Odnoklassnik, Toreador and Warrior (Photo, Video) / Tatiana Samothy // Today. - 2016. - July 01.
  • The Ukrainian opera singer from France became a warrior and volunteer in the ATO zone // Letters. - 2016. - March 15.
  • Bask N. Kazak Vasil goes to war / Natalia Barskaya // WORLD. - 2016. - June 23.
  • Bask N. Kazak Vasil goes to war / Natalia Barskaya // WORLD. - 2016. - June 23.
  • Bask N. Kazak Vasil goes to war / Natalia Barskaya // WORLD. - 2016. - June 23.
  • Togles A. Last Interview of the Ukrainian Opera Singer, who has become the hero of ATO / Anton Togitors // Charty "97. - 2016. - July 10.
  • Togles A. Last Interview of the Ukrainian Opera Singer, who has become the hero of ATO / Anton Togitors // Charty "97. - 2016. - July 10.
  • Togles A. Last Interview of the Ukrainian Opera Singer, who has become the hero of ATO / Anton Togitors // Charty "97. - 2016. - July 10.
  • Togles A. Last Interview of the Ukrainian Opera Singer, who has become the hero of ATO / Anton Togitors // Charty "97. - 2016. - July 10.
  • Togles A. Last Interview of the Ukrainian Opera Singer, who has become the hero of ATO / Anton Togitors // Charty "97. - 2016. - July 10.
  • The Ukrainian opera singer from France became a warrior and volunteer in the ATO zone // Letters. - 2016. - March 15.
  • "I sing little now. I shoot a lot," - Opera singer from France Vasily Slipak left the volunteer to the Donbass to fight against Russian militants. Video // Censor.net. - 2015. - June 24.
  • Copaneva E. "Vasil Slipak loved the Paris Opera, but even more loved Ukraine - so I went to defend her" / Ekaterina Copaneva // Facts. - 2016. - July 01.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Butusov Yu. Volunteer Vasily Slipak, the voice of the Paris Opera, died at the front near Donetsk / Yuri Butusov // Centornet. - 2016. - June 29th.
  • Sandulak I. "He was a solid man, did not heal anything," Vasily Slipaki / Irina Sandulak // Currently buried in Lviv. - 2016. - July 01.
  • The death of the warrior-singer. He came from France to defend Ukraine // Radio Liberty. - 2016. - June 30.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • Bakhava T. Anna Chesovskaya: "Vasil Slipak dreamed of returning to his homeland, buy a house in the village and engage in garden" / Taisiya Bakharev // Facts. - 2016. - August 05.
  • The death of the warrior-singer. He came from France to defend Ukraine // Radio Liberty. - 2016. - June 30.
  • Kanevskaya N. Farewell to the "Myth" / Natalia Kanevskaya // Radio Liberty. - 2016. - July 02.
  • Kanevskaya N. Farewell to the "Myth" / Natalia Kanevskaya // Radio Liberty. - 2016. - July 02.
  • Vasily Yaroslavovich Slipak Born on December 20, 1974 in Lviv. W.krain Opera Singer, Soloist Paris National Opera. He lived in France over 19 years old, made a brilliant career.

    But when the war began in the east, I took myself a call sign "myth" and went to defend the Donbass. When he returned to France, he was engaged in volunteering, collected assistance for the Ukrainian army.

    On June 29, 2016, he died exactly where fierce battles went yesterday. The militants suffered terrible losses. It seems as if the Atovs were avenged for the deceased comrade, the great son of Ukraine.

    "They beat off the attack of Separs, with the participation of art, military equipment. Vasily died from a sniper bullet, with a gun in his hands," Alexander Vasily's commander told the journalist with the call sign "Friendly" about how he died.

    According to his comrades, Vasily was a machine gunner.

    "We fought with him at the forefront in the late spring and in the summer of 2015 under the sands," says the twink of Vasily out of 7 battalions of Duk Grigory Bivovarov. - He participated in the battles, left for concerts and then returned to the front again. And not only fought, But the guys sent a lot of help. It is nothing that Vasya was not a professional military, but an artist - learn to fight when you love my country, it's not difficult, the main thing is desire and faith. He on his example showed what to love his motherland truly . By the way, the warrior from it turned out good. And he also sang us sometimes. "

    Military Medica Yana Zinkevich reports that Slipak received a fatal wound into the lower body. Later, official information appeared: June 18, Vasily went to the Donbass to deliver the collected assistance to volunteer defenders, and planned to stay there for six months. But on June 29, performing a combat task as a machine gunner as part of the 1st assault company of the Volunteer Ukrainian Corps "The Right Sector" (DUK PS), died in battle at around 6:00 from the enemy bullet caliber of 12.7 mm, which was released a sniper from a large-caliber rifle.

    Vasily Slipak at the cost of their own life saved his comrades. Ukrainian defenders beat the attack of Russian armed formations on PGT. Lugansk (Bakhmutsky district Donetsk region) by the city of Debaltsevo and moved to a counteroffensive, pushing the opponent from two fortified positions at altitudes near. Logvinovo.

    Bodybuilding Vasily fell to parents and elder brother Oest. It was the Orest once that she took the little Vasya "to the music" - the child began to sing almost at the same time when and talking. In six years, Vasily climbed onto the table in a rustic wedding and sang "Tell me, do you like or not? And in the eyes shines:" I am forever yours, "and four years later, the older brother was distinguished by Vasily to Choilding Dudarik.

    In 1994, at the International Competition in France, a 20-year-old student of the Lviv Conservatory received the Grand Prix, and in the 96th signed a contract with the "Opera Bastilly". The batch of four devils from the Officon Opera Offenbach "Tales of Hoffmann" he sang so that the audience nicknamed him with Mephistofel.

    But Aria "Toreador", for the execution of which Vasily received the prize "Best Male Speech" at the International Festival of Opera Singers in Armen.

    Vasily lived in France, made an excellent career, but he did not remove it from his homeland. When Maidan began, he, without the opportunity to go to Ukraine (he was signed with a contract with Opera), arranged shares in support of Ukraine in France.

    Parisian Ukrainians gathered at San Michel Fountain. This is where Simon Petlyra had once been killed.

    Vasily was proud of the first volunteer success - "Ford" bought for the "right sector" for funds from one Parisian manifestation.

    I was proud, but it believed that this was not enough. Having lived 19 years in France, he left star European life and came to defend his homeland.

    So Vasily looked while working in Opera in Paris. Impressant man with aristocratic pallor and well-kept hair.

    And so he became in the Donbas, and only in memory of the scene chose a call sign "Mephistofel". Although it was reduced to "Myth" for convenience ... Because "Mephistofel" shout too long for too long.

    Fought as part of the DUK "Right Sector".

    "It all started with volunteering," DUK PS "were the first of our gods, we call them so much. We helped them all our volunteer organization" Fraternité Ukrainienne / Ukrainian Brotherhood. "The first to whom we helped was the 7th battalion" DUK PS " I knew these people and it happened that I was here, but it could be another battalion. This is how volunteering naturally turned into an active part, "said the" myth "to journalists.

    Since last summer, Vasily changed several divisions, told in the main headquarters of the DUK PS. His last division was the assault company DUK.

    Recent messages on the page of Vasily Slipaka in Facebook - about affairs. Collected money for the twin, for he was not only a fighter, but also a volunteer. I was looking for 50 black beretov. Who knows why. Friends joked, they say, there are fur. Or pink.

    On the morning of June 29, 2016, the jokes were replaced by dozens of questions. "Live?", "Vasily, are you alive?", "What are you, Brantz, handed ..."

    I buried Vasily in his homeland, in Lviv.

    A year later, "Myth" came out on the screens - a new movie authors of the tape

    The singer of the Paris Opera Vasily Slipak, who fought in the ranks of the "right sector forbidden in Russia" in the Donbas, killed a sniper from a large-caliber rifle, report Ukrainian media.

    A member of the Right Sector * forbidden in Russia, about 6.00 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Luganskoye, the Ukrainian TV channel "Gromudsk TV" reports. Officially, the diversion of the slipok is not yet confirmed.

    On Wednesday, Dmitry Kuleba reported on Wednesday, Dmitry Kuleba said that the Ukrainian opera singer Vasily Slipak in the Donbas; Under this media, he fought in the ranks of the Right Sector forbidden in Russia.

    Slipak was born in the Lviv region. Pupil of Lviv Choir Chapel "Dudarik". He graduated from the Lviv Conservatory (now - Music Academy named after Lysenko) in 1997. In 1994 he won the competition in the French city of Clermont. After that, he traveled to France for two years, sang there, while in 1996 he was not suggested to stay in the country forever. After completing studies in Lviv, he was invited to the Paris Opera. He made a serious solo career in Europe. He passed to the final of contests in Budapest, Los Angeles, New York and Paris.

    With the beginning of the revolution in Ukraine, Slipak threw the European career and returned to his homeland. Take part in Maidan. Then came to volunteers. Subsequently, Slipak left to fight as part of the seventh separate battalion of the Volunteer Corps "The Right Sector" joined the military operation of Kiev in the Donbas. I chose myself a call sign "Myth" (this is shrong from Mephistofel from the "Faust" opera).

    Upon completion of hostilities, as Slipak recognized, he would like to return to France.

    "Right Sector" is the Ukrainian association of radical nationalist organizations. In January and February 2014, motion militants participated in clashes with law enforcement officers and the seizure of administrative buildings, and from April - in the suppression of protests in the East of Ukraine. In November 2014, the Supreme Court of Russia acknowledged the right-hand association of an extremist organization and banned its activities in the country. In January 2015, the "right sector" was introduced to the register of organizations prohibited in Russia.

    From mid-April 2014, the Kiev authorities in the East of Ukraine "Special Operation" to suppress protest movement in the Donbas. According to the UN, at the beginning of June 2016, at least 9.3 thousand people and 21.5 thousand were injured since the beginning of the conflict in the Donbas.

    * The organization in respect of which the court adopted a decision on the liquidation or prohibition of activities on the grounds provided for by the Federal Law "On Countering Extremist Activities"

    "I can't not be sad about the Ukrainian singer in the Ukrainian singer Vasily Slipaka," writes about a native of Lviv, the volunteer of the "right sector" Kiev father Alpius Svetny. - Great voice, talent, well-deserved attention. It would seem that everything was in humans. But the Maidan Vorki captured him ... Today, the Ukrainian media will cry over the coffin of the murdered singer, who has taking his name "Myth", from the abbreviated "Mephistofel". But aren't they, the media, are the main killers of the singer and even thousands of decent people who created their myth! Myth, encouraging war! ".

    O. Aliphy wrote it on Friday, July 1, on that day, the funeral of Bariton, the Nazi-machine gunner, shot down by the Donbas Sniper took place in Lviv.

    "Vasily Slipak died under strange circumstances, which should be further explored. Many ambiguities, - writes about. Alpius in Facebook. "However, I would like you to listen to in the performance of the deceased song" Oh, Zіsla Zorya Calvor over soy. " It is believed that the words and music of the song People. The story is about the time of St. Iova Pochayevsky, who in the song is called nicknamed - iron. The Turks and the Crimean Tatars attacked the Monastery of Pochaevsky, and the Mother of God defended him with prayers of Rev. Ieova. The song is beautiful, touching and reflects real historical events. But! It does not bother anyone that it is fulfilled in the Ukrainian Uni-Paris Church, as a matter of course. For uniats, a mixture of beliefs is not something abnormal. They do not care that the Rev. Job was an Orthodox monk that the icon of the Virgin Pochaevskaya is the blessing of the Orthodox Patriarch. They easily refuse to Orthodox Saints in Orthodoxy, recording in their supporters. And the Baptist of Russia, Prince Vladimir, for them to equally "their baptist." They are not completely confused that they renounced the faith of the fathers and the same equal to the Apostles Vladimir, which was betrayed by Orthodoxy! Loud names are important for them, they steal history to defame her with their unprincipledness. The Ukrainianity itself is a religion, in which they look like a nodules in the embroidery, and Christ and the Virgin, and the saints, and historical individuals.

    For the nationalist, Christianity is only forced episode of Ukraine. And sometimes a clearly annoying episode, therefore, they want to replace humble Christianity, which does not fit into the media, "demands" and orders for murder, on the grave paganism.

    And the transition to this is a frank treason, under the larvae of the uniate and "Philaretovshchina".

    To betray Christ in any kind, Ubayukov Ukrainian heart with nationalism! This is the task of the new world of talented Mephistofila.

    Beautifully sings Vasily. Touching. About the Crimean Tatars and Painted Turks taken by the Most Holy Theotok. About Orthodox Saint Jew. Sings as if everything is fine. Conscience of Chista, Ubajukan, in Drema and Sweet Nege. No cognitive dissonance feels. Not in vain, because this song now in some performers is called - "Ukrainian People Ubailukwaln." Sorry singer. It is sad that he died and without silent. Laughing false ideas. Without the true Lord of Christ. "

    The spiritual father speaks of the historical betrayal of the uniate, about the accommodation of five hundred years ago, substitutions, relevant and today, and can be seen what they led to: to personal and social tragedies.

    But we'll think about the fact that "Oh, Zіyshla Zory Calodov" is not an opera aria, but spiritual verse. Opera manner is absolutely alien to the stylistics of spiritual poems. And it would be better to listen to this song performed by some blind line, the calikes of the transition, and not the false spher of the slipaka. Founding with her bright vocals is most adequately here, see his "Opera singing" at the Eiffel Basi. In the credit titers, it is called culturally, even in Russian: "Flashmob, Paris, conductor Vasily Slipak". However, listen that exactly and how exactly this spiper sings ...

    Eva Mercuryeva's publicist, who called his note "Provocation Operation", "is inclined to the conclusion that" Singer Vaslya Slipak killed "singer", because it was very popular with such a victim. "First, directly calculated on the reaction of Europeans. The singer himself blurted out in an interview that the pro-Russian moods were mounted in Europe (in France), and there is a need to relieve Europeans. The soloist of the Paris Opera, in 1997, left to make a career in France, killed by the "Russian-terrorist sniper" during the "attack of militants", is just a way to convey to Europe the Ukrainian picture of the conflict in the Donbas. Moreover, in the same France, "Ukrainian patriots", even at the level of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Parliament, was not able to prevent the release of the TV Scandalous film "Revolution Masks".

    Secondly, Galicia is a Ukrainian known in Europe - the "deceased hero" from the series of creative intelligentsia. Which, as it were, Materializes two conclusions at once: 1) These Russian and pro-Russian forces kill the "Ukrainian European Dream"; 2) For the sake of Ukraine, creative intellectuals are dying from the hands of Donetsk miners and Pskov car wash boosters. Both of these "deep" thoughts have already rummaged on networks to drag.

    It was very necessary to motivate the Galicians to exacerbate the conflict in the Donbass, since even this region already "floated" - from there the voices are heard that the main enemies of Ukraine are not in the Donbass and not even in Moscow, but in Kiev, and some of them are their homegrown, that It's time to look for ways to the world that Lviv garbage in the literal sense continues to poison the life that Maidan was Zrade (especially if you look at the pictures of the joyful Yatsenyuk in Washington). Etc".

    The analyst develops a deserving thought: "There is another imperceptible moment - the promotion of the" right sector ", where Slipak fought. Allegedly it is "PS" and reflected the "attack of militants" in the Donbas front at that fatal morning on June 29, 2016. Fight "Volunteers". Noteworthy and the fact that the Ukrainian media is desperately confused in the question, where Slipak died: some claim that under Lugansk, others - that under Debaltseve. Strange, yes?

    It is possible that both of the tasks of the insane Ukrainian "offensive" on the night of June 29, according to its organizers, it was to ensure the scenery for the murder of Vasyl Slipaka.

    Of course, the task of this one has not posted this - it was necessary to create an epic picture of the "Africa of the militants" which heroically reflected the "right sector", but the long hand of the sniper struck the singer-fighter, famous for the entire Paris Opera. "

    The idea of \u200b\u200ba provocative and tendentious (directed against the implementation of Minsk agreements) the promotion of the death of Pan Slipak confirms the nature and content of the replica of Ukrainian media, in which a single source is clearly guessed, up to verbal coincidences.

    Analysts lead examples.

    Victor Tregubov, a journalist: "One of the most unpleasant properties of this particular war is that the soloists of the Paris Opera on Carryrs of Ryazan district centers are going on.

    Lyudmila Dobrovolskaya, the leading news of the TV channel "1 + 1": "Listen to his tooreador. What voice and what heart! He died from the hands of primitive guivipped, on which the generous land of Donbass was so generous. And we will smash his murderers and let these people and their unicellic descendants live with us in one country, because "we are one people"? I have no smile, nor living nearby have the slightest desire. I don't apologize for the language of hatred - I do not have another for genetic garbage. "

    Arkady Babchenko, a journalist: "One of the main abuse of this frightened war is that the Russian world loses its declared segments of the population, and Ukraine is forced to lose the entire slice of society. The Russian world loses car wash washers. Ukraine - Opera singers, journalists, IT, businessmen ... Russia grinds the Ukrainian gene pool. Makes with Ukraine the same thing that the centuries did with them. The name of Slipaka today I heard for the first time, but the fact of losing this life itself is a tragedy for me. "

    This is a manipulation, but also an idiotic self-study: the name of the singer journalist hears for the first time, but calls him in the high register of the "colors of the nation", as opposed to the "Genetic Musor of Bydlo", "Moers of Ryazan car wash". Like all Russian hated them! What a "european" fast, however! Where did she come from? What kind of heights of "Ukrainian aristocracy" and blue Aryan clause broadcast these registered smokers?

    Here you will surely think that the organized farewell with the slims in Lviv is a clearly propaganda promotion, a classic provocation in the spirit of the bastard and "Mephistofel" Henri Levi, because in Kiev Maidan and in Dnepropetrovsk, where they also said goodbye to him, the events took dull, without Lviv resonance.

    Kiev publicist Maxim Raisaba sarcastically, even vividly wrote in Facebook about the Lviv Panhid and about the "culprit" of a sorrowful event: "The modest funeral of a simple opera soldier. Lemberg. Today. Not a gift about the civil war in Ukraine, the word "lap" was told. The leafy revolution, the ledge war and the leafy soldiers. It is clear that I say now that's concretely about this Pozoon and Pijon, which was not at all a soloist and bass baritone of the Paris Opera House (by the way, what exactly? Opera de Paris, Opera Garnier or Grand Opera?), And so - the Opera Gastarbier Galitsui from Lweva in search of a long Oir. And in fact, the neo-Nazis, psychopath, racist, maniac and Akhtung, who brought himself a singing Kozak Rambanko and slyly to conceive her photos with automation and rizbushki in the future of his migrant worker biography. But now is not about it. He has already received his award, the biography ended with a taught shot of the Soviet rebel. Sabzh never sings anymore, but calmly lies in a very expensive car-orphanage, and after creation over it, the proper spells will be devoted to the earth and forgotten forever, as if it was not on our affectionate planet. So always happens. But I am - about the modest funeral of Sabez in Lemberg. To whom the war, and who is a mother of relatives: to whom the common pit under Zaporizhia or Odessa in the place of burdens of surgical waste, and to whom and the Catafalk of the company "MERSEDES-BEMS". Maja justice on earth, but believe me - it is above! It is worth thinking. "

    If you see a selection of photos of this singer, it can be seen how the features of his face were distorted. And the last photo is just terrible. It can be seen that this is a breathtaking person. And the nickname, derivative of the devil, probably corresponded to his last state of mind. Alas.

    Some pour tears about the deceased talent. And the fact that he went to kill people probably forget. You are going to kill - remember that you can kill you. Want to sing - sing. Want to kill - you can be killed yourself.

    "Today, any citizen of any country in the world can come to Ukraine to Ukraine today, to get a weapon and uncontrollably shoot anything else," the Kiev publicist Miroslava Berdnik writes.

    Surprisingly read in social networks Private opinions of some commentators from the Donetsk republics who claim that if you abstract, then you still have to respect the killed, because the man, warrior, made the choice, took the weapon, "so to speak," he left the hut, I went to fight ... ", and, they say that it is condemned! This is an amazing relativism showing that some of our comrades spiritually immaturely perceive reality - almost like a role-playing game, where good lines shared on two teams and simply play our and naughty. In the case with the slim (this surname is translated as "blind"), we are dealing with the killer who came to Novorosiya to "cut Muscovites", a free false idea. Yes, the Spiper of the Paris Opera himself made his choice (or the demon, in him the one) - but in favor of the murder, as part of the Nazi battalion "Azov".

    Odessa Antimyadanist Alexander Vasiliev leads a common line to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe sacred victims of the "Revolution of Wizard": "The slogan of the marginal Ukrainian nationalist" Raviv to Paradise is not allowed "during the" Euromaidan "turned into a guide to action. Under the slaves they understood the law-abiding citizens, loyal to the current regime, and under paradise the European Union was understood. Contrary to concrete practice and common sense, the feeling that the kingdom of free consumption can be laid a breast. In the same way, this conviction contradicted the Christian teaching about the paradise and methods in it. To greater extent, this imperative corresponded to any warlike paganism on the Master of Scandinavian, in which Paradise - Valchalla - is the place of collecting warriors in battle. It is not surprising that people who took death in street clashes with law enforcement agencies were instantly canonized in this picture of the world. The Heavenly Sota turned out to be an advanced squad of Ukrainians who managed to European integrated. Is it worthwhile to be surrounding that people who came to power on the blood of these people who came to the sky of fighters, under the promises of European integration, unleashed the war in his country? "

    You can remember the fashion trend of Svidomites, which preceded "Euromaidan": "My Toby God, I am not a moskal!". What god did they thank? Obviously not that, nor Ellin, nor Judah.

    And did not have time to have been killed, what is called, to omit into the grave, like the website of the Lviv city council was registered a petition for renaming Tchaikovsky Street to Vasily Slipaka. "To properly celebrate the memory of the modern Ukrainian hero, the fighter of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the opera singer with a world name, Lvivina Vasily Slipaka Mephistofel, who tragically died on June 29 near the village of Lugansk Donetsk region from the Pulley of the Russian Sniper proposed: to change the name of Tchaikovsky (" Russian composer with Ukrainian roots "- so in the text. - L. Z.) On the street Hero of Ukraine Vasily Slipaka, "the text of the petition said.

    Vaslya Slipak went after the "heavenly hundred". "Let the Spivak now sleep Sasha Bell and Bandera!" - soberly concludes a commentator of social networks.

    Vasily Slipak. High Note Life

    A Party of Mephistople in the "Faust" opera Charles Guno, this opera singer considered his beloved, so the nickname he had a consonant myth. But life has lived, though short, but the same heroic, like mythological characters. He gave the spectators to the rarest and exceptional singing art. He was considered a real vocal miracle, and many teachers just dreamed of working with Vasily in their class.

    Dream of teachers

    He was an extremely gifted opera singer, he possessed a subtle and unlimited vibratory vibrato who reduced the public crazy. It was impossible to understand how such a powerful voice is placed in such a slim and young performer. Eminent teachers did not even want to classify his voice, calling unique. In his forty with a small opera singer in all of Europe, performed the leading parties in many productions, had stunning prospects, but when the war began in his homeland, he could not stay aside ...

    Lviv Talent

    Born in Lviv in 1974. Parents attracted him respect and love for their native land, for him were not empty the words "honor" and "dignity." He grew up responsible, fair, purposeful and not at all hooligan young men. In the family, no one was engaged in professional music, but the grandfather had vocals of amazing purity and power. Therefore, Talent Vasily was from whom to inherit. The elder brother Orest affected his creative development. It was he who was distinguished by nine-year-old Vasily to the famous Lviv Academic Choir Chapel "Dudarik". The founder and head of the team Nikolai Katsal became a sign figure in the work of a novice singer. The repertoire works of Capella formed the taste and worldview Vasily Slipaka. He performed the works of Ukrainian composers of the Golden era of the choir concert a Capella. Also as part of Dudarika Vasily participated in records records and joint concerts with the famous Ukrainian performers. Guys visited with performances, even in the famous New York Carnegie-Hall.

    Not all and not immediately

    Surprisingly, having a rather rare voice (counterattor), Vasilia did not manage to enter the Lviv Music Institute (now this is the Lviv National Music Academy). Slipak did not lose faith in himself, he performed a lot, began to tour, met many musicians, composers and conduirs. In 1992, a stubborn young man proved his right to be among the students of the institute and entered the course of Professor Maria Baiko. Under her leadership, Vasily replenished his repertoire with works by Ukrainian and European composers. He always participated in student concerts, demonstrated his gorgeous voice, thanks to which teachers left him a dizzying career.

    French chance Vasily Slipaka

    Soon creative fate Vasily Slipaka Made a steep turn. This time it was not without the help of the eldest brother of Orest. In 1994, he went to France at the Cardiology Congress. In Paris, he was lucky to get acquainted with the staff of the Ukrainian Word Editorial staff. He headed the weekly Doctor of Medicine, Professor Yaroslav Mushainovich. He presented Oresta to the composer Maryan Kuzan and persistently recommended to leave the cassette with the junior record brother. A month later Vasily Slipaka Invited to one of the largest music festivals in Clermont Ferran.

    In addition to his program, the singer also prepared Cantatha Handel, "Passion for Matthew" and "Passion in John". The young man performed French, German songs and Italian Arias in the original language and was awarded the Grand Prix of the Competition and the Grand Prix of Spectatical Sympathies. In addition, he turned out to be the only contestant who performed the compositions in his native language. His debut in France became a real sensation. Critics wrote in newspapers enthusiastic reviews about Ukrainian Opera Giving, his vocal data fascinated the public, and the famous teachers of the Paris Academy organized him listening. Everyone unanimously recognized the originality of Vasily's voice, than put an end to the dispute about whether it was worth simultaneously singing by baritone and counterpart. So one contest became a milestone in the creative life of Slipaka.

    Testing contests

    After that, he had the opportunity to present his program to the Parisian public. In 1994, the young singer gave a solo concert in the French "Vichy Opera". That evening, the scene sounded the works of Ukrainian folk music.

    At the International Music Festival "Kiev Music Fest", in the same year, accompanied by a chamber orchestra performed Kantatu Alexander Kozarenko "Piero Deetemetle". Spectators were delighted and caused Vasily to bis. At the concert of modern chamber music, this happened for the first time. A few months later, in the framework of the International Festival of Contemporary Art in Odessa Slipak again performed this chamber canta. And again success, the work and here it sounded twice.

    Vasily's talent and unique voice appreciated the guests and guests of the International Festival of Music Arts "Virtuosos", which was held in Lviv in 1995. Together with his native Kapella "Dudarik" and soprano Bogdani Hidchenko performed at once two parties in the famous Cantate of the German composer Karl Orfa "Carmina Burana".

    Leading parties

    He easily performed both folk music and the most complex opera parties. Obtained leading parties in the "Figaro wedding" and "Don Juan", Boris Godunov, Modest Musorgsky, "Prince Igor" Alexander Borodina and. But more than others he liked the image of Mephistople from the opera "Faust".

    As part of a concert tour of Europe, in 2008, he spoke with chamber works in the cathedrals and the old palaces, the opera and dramatic theaters, the largest concert halls and cultural centers. He collaborated with famous orchestras and conduirs.

    What scene would be left, he fascinated by the audience with his wonderful vocal culture and a peculiar voice. It seemed that from the first seconds he concentrates the attention of the public, strikes it, causing a wide range of emotions. Of course, helped him in this, appearance and unchanged gallarium. He was inherent in naturalness, artistry and expressiveness. Despite the fact that he sounded harmoniously in the choir, still a soloist in it prevailed. He skillfully owned the special technique of vocal performance "Mezza Voce" (quiet, incomplete sound), which demanded high professionalism and technical skills.

    Personal example

    Almost twenty years lived in France, where he spoke at the Paris National Opera. Rare vocal data allowed the singer to make a successful solo career in Europe. He had everything to become a real opera star: unique voice timbre, attractiveness and aristocracy in manners. He performed on the best scenes of France, Italy, Poland and the United States. But when fighting began in the motherland, solid decided that the opera career could wait. Natives know that he could not and did not want to live half, abstract from what was happening was unthinkable for him. And all the rest still can not understand - that I forgot the brilliant opera artist in the donbassy trenches. It was his personal example of self-sacrifice in the name of the country, which he was infinitely loved, and his people.

    Front Lights Vasily Slipaka

    During the revolution, the dignity could not come to Ukraine - in France he was signed a contract with an opera house. But he also did everything that was in his power - organized shares in support of his country, gave charitable concerts to collect funds, was a volunteer, helped fighters, and then he himself joined one of the volunteer battalions. Vasily went to the Donbass, to know about war not from newspapers and the Internet. He took himself a call sign "Myth", and many soldiers did not even know that the opera star was fighting next to them, because Slipak did not like to talk about himself. On the page on the social network, he asked to help the wounded and families of the victims, only for this he turned to people. Vasily did not exhibit the appearance of everything that he was doing for the fighters.

    Returning from Donbass, he continued his charity concerts, together with the Ukrainian diaspora in France, assisted with children who had a war to take his parents. And in the summer of 2016, he again drove to the east of the country.

    "Myth" and reality

    When journalists have learned that there is a opera singer on the front, immediately began to shoot all sorts of plots. I did not refuse an interview, but always said that it gives them not for her own PR. So he wanted to convey to people his position, support those who lost faith, attract help for fighters.

    2016 Sniper bullet broke the life Vasily Slipaka. The voice of the singer was silent forever, but will sound in the memory of the connoisseurs of his talent.


    In 2011, the singer decided to try his hand at the International Opera Competition Armel, whose jury should have selected several candidates for leading roles in the five productions on the best theatrical scenes of the cities of New York, Krakow, SEGED, Plzen and Pain. After several round tours Received the right to participate in the final of the prestigious opera "Competition". At the concert of the winners, he performed Aria Toreador from the opera and won the prize for the best male performance.

    In times when Vasily Slipaka Only a unique counterpart began to manifest itself, he with Yuri Koloma on one of the rehearsals of Capella "Dudarik" imitated and, who performed the famous composition "Barcelona". It was so much liked the rest of the singers of the chapel, that with each convenient case, they asked the guys sing again.

    Updated: April 7, 2019 by the author: Elena