Opera singer Italy blind. Boocles are recognized as the most charming

Opera singer Italy blind. Boocles are recognized as the most charming

Singer Date of birth September 22 (Virgo) 1958 (60) Birthplace Layatiko Instagram @andreaboCelliOfficial

The famous Italian performer of Opera and pop music Andrea Bocelley is the brightest example of the fact that there are no obstacles for music and obstacles. The inspired singer dreamed of the scene from an early age and even serious problems with his eyesight did not interfere with him to fulfill his dream. Today, the famous tenor received this recognition of the public, he is actively invited to tour, festivals and concerts. But the path to glory for the Italian singer was not soaked by rose petals, and only passionate love for music helped overcome all the difficulties and adversity.

Biography Andrea Bocelley

The future famous singer was born in a small village in Tuscany in the distant 1958. Andrea's parents were ordinary farmers, grapes grown. At an early age, the boy was diagnosed with glaucoma. Andrea suffered 27 operations, but in the end still lost sight. It happened when the boy was only 12. Playing football with friends, Andrea got a blow to the ball and blindly finally.

Viosity Loss did not interfere with the young Italian successfully graduate from school and even get a lawyer's diploma at the University of Pisa. However, legal practice has never ever attracted Andrea. Since childhood, he was seriously interested in music and it was with her dreamed of tie his life. As a schoolboy, Andrea Bocelli won in several vocal contests and spoke in school church, and also learned the game on the piano, flute and saxophone.

Soon after the end of the University of Young Bocelle moved to Turin. In this cultural capital of Northern Italy, the future singer had much more opportunities for their dreams - to become the greatest tenor. And luck smiled Andrea - he became a student of the famous Franco Corelli.

The key in the creative life of Andrea was 1992: Bochelli met with the Rock-star Dzuckero and was listened. The resulting record of the Mizerer composition accidentally found itself at the legendary tenor Luciano Povarotti. The unknown singer was fascinated by the unbelievable vocal data, the great tenor began to actively help Andrea to build a professional career. After just two years, Bochelli successfully performed at the festival in San Remo, and a year later began to give concerts throughout Europe.

The new twist in the singer's career was the Bocelli album, which he recorded in 1995, showing himself an excellent performer not only classical, but also popular music. Immediately take off to the top of the European charts, this album has received platinum status many times as the two followers. After that, the popularity of singer Andrea Bocelley reached truly incredible heights, he gained worldwide fame and began to give concerts not only in Europe, but also over the ocean.

Bochelli first arrived in Russia in 2007. The Concert Hall of the Olympic Sport Complex in Moscow and the Palace Square of St. Petersburg collected a colossal number of fans of the art of the Italian tenor. In total, Bocelle was six times in our country. The last two performances of the world famous tenor were held last year in Kaliningrad and at the concert of the popular singer Zara.

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Personal life Andrea Bocelle

The famous Italian tenor, the blind singer Andrea Bocelly was married twice. With the first spouse Enrika Chenzatti, he met even more popularity gained. The wedding ceremony took place in 1992, in the summer. Three years later, Enrik gave birth to the Bocelle of the firstborn. Boy called Amos. After a couple of years, the second son of the famous singer, Mateo appeared.

Spouses lived in marriage for ten years, but Enrik could not come to commemorate with constant tour and her husband's moves. In the end, she filed documents for termination of marriage. The Catholic Union was not canceled in the face of the church at the same time.

However, it did not prevent the singer to marry the second time. Veronica Berti became the elected tenor. Veronica Father - the famous Bariton Ivano Berti - today is the impresario of Bocelle. In 2012, the new spouse gave Andrea Daughter, which was called Virginia.

Fresh news about Andrea Bocelle

In November, the well-known tenor once again visited the capital of our Motherland and took part in the Kremlin concert of the popular singer Zara. The joint speech included popular hits The Prayer and Time to Say Goodbye, as well as a completely new composition of La Grande Storia, which the Italian fulfilled in a duet with charming glow for the first time. Star blowing had an incredible success among the public. The meter itself is a modern opera, admits that fascinated by the talent of young Russians and her excellent voice.

But at the inaguraration of the new US president of Donald Trump, the singer refused to speak. The reason for this was numerous appeals on social networks to declare the famous boycott singer if he agrees to a speech. Apparently, Bochelli decided not to risk, although there are no official comments about the reasons for the singer's failure to participate in the ceremony.

The famous Italian tenor Andrea Bocelley was born in September 1958 in a small village of Layatiko, which is located in Tuscany. The boy's family had nothing to do with music. Parents were engaged in their farm, they held a farm with vineyards.

Since childhood, Andrea was diagnosed with eye disease. His eyesight fell rapidly, constantly had to do operations. During the periods of rehabilitation, the boy saved the player with the plates of the Italian opera, which he could listen to the clock. It is imperceptible for himself Andrea began to hum, famous melodies and learn them. Gradually, the boy mastered the game on the piano, flute and even took the lessons of the game on the saxophone.

At 12, during the game in the ball, the future singer was injured by the head. The diagnosis of doctors sounded as a sentence - the complication of glaucoma, which made the child blind. But it did not stop Andrea on the way to the dream. He finally approved in his intention to become a singer. The young man continued to lead a normal lifestyle.

In addition to study at the Law University, he takes lessons from Luciano Bettarini, under the guidance of which acts on local musical competitions. In his youth to pay for their education, Andrea had to combine study with singing in cafes and restaurants. Another teacher who helped Andrea to master the skill of singing, became Franco Corelli.


1992 was a turning point in the biography of Andrea Bocelley: his record of Mizerer's song falls a great tenor, which was amazed by the skill of the singing of Non-Physonal. From this time, Andrea Bocelle's climb on Olympus Glory begins.

A year later, he receives the first premium at the festival in San Remo in the category "Opening of the Year". A year later, it falls into the top Italian performers with the music composition "Il Mare Calmo della Sera", which becomes the hit of the first album of the singer. The collection immediately binds to a million edition in Italy.

The second album called "Bocelli" also became platinum and had a grandiose success across Europe. Bochelli is invited with concerts to Germany, France, the Netherlands. In 1995, he falls the honor to speak in front of the Pope Roman in the Vatican and get his blessing.

If the first albums of the singer represent only opera classic music, then by the time of writing the third disk in the repertoire of the singer, who sings with closed eyes, appeared famous non-recolitan songs.

The fourth column "Romanza" fully consisted of walled pop compositions. With the Single "Time to Say Goodbye", which the young Italian performs together with, he conquers the whole world, after which it is sent in Turn in North America.

Andrea Bocelley has an invariably good taste for beautiful melodies and beautiful voices. In 1999, he sang together with the hit "The Prayer" for which Golden Globe Awards received a reward. Together with the Canadian singer, which all musical critics are called the owner of Angelic Voice, Andrea performed the song "Vivo Per Lei".

Golden tenor participates not only in duets with stars. So the Italian presented his song "Con Te Partiro" to the young French singer, who was sick of fiberglass. Unfortunately, the talented singer died, without surviving up to 24 years. There are many photos and videos of Gregory Lemarchal.

In 2015, Bochelli made a duet with an upward American star, fulfilling with her single "E PIU TI PENSO".

Personal life

While still a student of the Law Academy Andrea met his first wife Enrik Chenzatti. Five years after the first acquaintance in 1992, the couple was married. The birth of two sons of Amos and Matteo coincided with the growth of Bocelle's popularity. The permanent cores of the singer, shooting on television began to interfere with his family happiness, and after a while, Enrik was submitted for divorce. In 2002, the family broke up.

Andrea Bocelle and Enrica Chenzatti with sons

But Andrea Bochelli was not long stayed by a bachelor. In his 33 years, he met a 18-year-old girl Veronica Bertie, daughter of Maestro Ivan Berti. A novel has ringed between young people, after a while they began to live together. Veronica became not only the wife of the famous tenor, but also his director.

After a while, the older children of Bocelle moved to him in a new family. And in 2012, a happy family was waiting for replenishment: Bear of Virginia Bocelley appeared on the world.

Boralley in Russia

In Russia, Italian singers have always taken with delight, and Andrea Bochelli did not exception. Phenomenal tenor immediately loved the Russians, he had many friends in Moscow.

The first concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg he took place in 2007. And after a few years, Bochelli with joy accepted the invitation from Gazprom to speak at the festive evening, which was arranged in honor of the anniversary of a large company.

In addition, the singer performs on the 60th anniversary of the composer with whom they became big friends.

Andrea Bocelley now

In early 2016, Andrea Bochelli again visited Russia and met the star of the Russian pop-singer. The Italian musician rated the professionalism of the young artist and offered at its Kremlin concert to fulfill three duets. In addition to the world-famous singles "The Prayer" and "Time to Say Goodbye", Andrea Bocelly sang with the glow of a new duet "La Grande Storia".

To date, the best-selling performer of classical music and the hits of Italian pop lives in his estate near the town in which he was born. In addition to the music of Maestro engaged in horses: there is a small household on his farm. His loved ones is Veronica's beloved wife and the little daughter of Virginia, which most of all loves to sing in the world, the infinitely pleased with his father.


  • "Il Mare Calmo Della Sera" - (1994)
  • "Bocelli" - (1995)
  • "Viaggio ITALIANO" - (1997)
  • "Aria - The Opera Album" - (1998)
  • "Sogno" - (1999)
  • "ARIE SACRE" - (1999)
  • "Verdi" - (2000)
  • CIELI DI TOSCANA - (2001)
  • "Sentimento" - (2002)
  • "Andrea" - (2004)
  • "AMORE" - (2006)
  • "Incanto" - (2006)
  • "My Christmas" - (2009)
  • "Notte Illuminata" - (2011)
  • "Passione" - (2013)
  • "Cinema" - (2015)

The Italian opera singer Andrea Bocelly was born in 1958 in Lajathe in the province of Tuscany. Despite the blindness, he became one of the most memorable votes. Modern opera and pop music. Boocles are equally well able to fulfill the classical repertoire, and pop ballad. He recorded duets from Celine Dion, Sarah Brightman, Eros Razzqqotti and El hot. The last one who fought with him "The Night Of Proms" in November 1995, said about Bocelle: "I had the honor to sing with the most beautiful voice in the world."

Andrea Bocelley grew up on a farm in a small village of Lajathico. At 6 years old began to learn to play the piano, and later mastered the flute and saxophone. Suffering from insufficient vision, he became completely blind at 12 years after an accident. Despite the obvious musical talents, Bochelli did not consider music as his further career, until he finished the Faculty of Faculty of University in Pisa, and did not receive the title of Doctor. Only then, Bochelli began to seriously engage in his voice with the famous tenor Franco Corelli, after the time earning money for the lessons by playing the piano in various groups.

The first breakthrough of the boocle as a singer occurred in 1992, when Zukeko Fornachiari was looking for a tenor to record a demo with the song "Miserere", which he wrote with Boni from U2. Successfully passed the selection, Bocelles recorded the composition in a duet from Pavarotti. After the World Tour with Fornaciary in 1993, Bochelli performed at the charitable "Pavarotti International Festival", which was held in Modena in September 1994. In addition to Pavarotti, Bochielli also sang with Brian Adams, Andreas Voltenwider and Nancy Gustavon. In November 1995, Bochelli visited the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Spain and France with "Night of Proms", which also participated in Brian Ferry, Al Hotramp, Roger Hldgson from Supertramp and John Mys.

The first two album of Bocelle "Andrea Bocelli" (1994) and "Bocelli" (1996) presented only its opera singing, and the third disc "Viaggio Italiano" famous opera arias and traditional Napletinian songs. Although CD has been released only in Italy, he has developed a circulation there more than 300 thousand copies. At the fourth album "Romanza" (1997), pop material was presented, including hit "Time to Say Goodbye", recorded in a duet with Sarah Brightman, who had a great success. After that, Bochelli continued to develop a profitable pop direction, released in 1999 the fifth album "Sogno", which turned on the duet from Celine Dion "The Prayer". This song released on the single was separated only in the United States with a 10 millionth edition and Golden Globe Awards received her execution, and was nominated for Grammy in the "Best New Artist" category. The last album "Ciele di Toscana" came out in 2001.

Andrea Bochelli is the only singer who managed to merge pop music and opera: "He sings the songs like a opera, and opera, like a song." It may sound offensive, but the result is completely the opposite - a huge number of adorable fans. And among them, not only the teenagers dressed in rummed T-shirts, but also endless rank of business women and housewives and unsatisfied with the existence of employees and managers in double-breasted jackets, which drive in the subway with a laptop computer on the lap and with the Bocelle CD. Twenty-four million CDs sold on five continents are not a joke even for those who are used to counting in billions of dollars.

Italian, whose voice is able to mix melodrama with a song from San Remo, like everyone. In Germany, a country that opened it in 1996, he is constantly present in the charts. In the US, he is a goal of cult: President Bill Clinton, who knows the music for the film "Kansas City", calls himself among the fans of Bocelle. And he wished to sang Bocelle in the White House and at the meeting of Democrats.

Soon on a talented musician drew the attention of Pope. The Holy Father recently accepted the boocles in his summer residence Castell Gandolfo to listen to his jubilee-2000 anthem. And released this anthem into light with a blessing.

But the real phenomenon of Bocelle flourishes not in Italy, where singers who perform easily dyeing songs and romances, apparently invisible, but in the United States. "Dream", his new CD, which has already become a bestseller in Europe, in the first place in popularity over the ocean. Tickets for the concerts of his last tour of the stadiums (22 thousand places) were all sold in advance. SOLD OUT. Because Bochelli knows his audience well. The repertoire, which he presented, was tested for a long time: Rossini, Verdi, Aria Puccini (from "Che Gelida Manina" from "Bohemia" to "Vincero '" from "Turandot"). The last thanks to Bochelli replaced the song "My Way" on all Congresses of American Dentists. After a short appearance in the exercise of Nororino ("Love Drink" Gaetano Donizetti) He is the exchangeless songs Enrico Caruso: "O Sole Mio" and "Core 'ngrato". In general, he brazily faithful to the official iconography of the Italian in music.

And let them say that Bocelle's success is obliged to be a common good nature and the desire to protect him caused by his blindness. Of course, the fact of being unrelated plays a role in this story. But the fact remains a fact: I like his voice. "He has a very beautiful timbre. And since Bochelli sings in Italian, the public has a sense of attachment to culture. Culture for masses. This is what encourages them well to feel, "the vice-president of Philips Lisa Altman explained to himself. Boocles - Italian and especially Tuscan. This is one of his strengths: he presents a popular culture and refined at the same time. Sounds of the voice of Bocelles, such gentle, cause every American room with a beautiful view, the hills of Fiezol, the hero of the film "English Patient", the stories of Henry James,

In the free time, the boralley is removed in a secluded corner and reads "War and World" using your computer with a BRAILLE keyboard. He wrote autobiography. Temporary title - "Music of Silence" (copyrights sold by the publishing house Warner Italian Publishing House Mondadori for 500 thousand dollars).

Success is more determined by the identity of the boralley than his voice. It is endowed with an extraordinary courage: walks on skis, engaged in horseback sports, and won the most important battle: despite the blindness and unexpected success (it may also be a shortset), he managed to lead a normal lifestyle. He is happily married, he has two children and behind him is a strong family with peasant traditions.

As for the voice, now everyone already knows that he has a very beautiful timbre, "but his technique still does not allow him to make the necessary jerk, in order to win the audience from the Opera House scene. Its technique is intended by a microphone, "the Music critic of the newspaper" La Repubblica "Angelo Ficletti is determined by the boocles. On the other hand, singing into the microphone seems already becoming a tendency if New York City Opera decided to resort to microphones from the future season to strengthen the sound of singers. For boocle, it could be luck. But he does not want it. "In football, it would be equivalent to expanding the gate to score more goals," he says. The musicologist Enrico Stinkelli explains: "Bochelli challenges the Arenam, the Opera public, when sings without a microphone, which causes huge harm. He could live income from a song, giving concerts at stadiums. But does not want. He wants to sing in the opera. "

Andrea managed to fill the abyss that shares the middle public and opera.

But boocles are not satisfied. "When I sing to Opera," the boralley admits, "then I earn much less and losing a lot of opportunities. In my discographic company Universal, I say that I am a madman, that I could live, like Nabob, performing a song. But for me it does not matter. From the moment when I believed in anything, I am pursuing it to the end. Pop music was important. The best way to make the general public recognize me. No success in the field of pop music, no one would recognize the tenor in me. From now on, I will devote pop music only the necessary time. All the rest of the time I will give Opera, lessons with my maestro Franco Corelli, the development of my gift. "

Without a doubt, Boocles will not stop until he persuades the most stubborn skeptics that he can sing Opera.

Andrea Bocelley. The biography of the Great Italian Tenor begins on September 22nd, 1958When in the commune Lyatiko (Province of Pisa), a little barrel was born. Already at the 6th age, Andrea learned to play the piano. Unfortunately, medicine could not win glaucoma, after 27 transferred operations, all the hopes killed a random blow to the ball in the face during the children's games. Boocles at that time turned 12 years old, and he remained blind for the rest of his life. As a result, the boy began to better bother the world around.

To learn the blind boy in high school helped his friend Amos Martelaccha. This friendship helped Boocles to get rid of denial and maximalism, he stopped perceiving reality in black and white colors. Later he will name his first son's friend.

At the end of the secondary school, Bocelle entered the University of Pisa at the Legal University. Then he begins to play often in the evenings in the bars and restaurants of Pisa, it is perfectly owning a saxophone and flute. So the young student earns life and food. But hereby the talent of Andrea became his ringing, a soft voice, thanks to which the young men begin to appear fans. Then Bochelli began to take the lessons of singing from Franco Corelli and learn the art of the voice of such great tenors as Benjamino Chilli, Mario Lance, Mario del Monaco and Caruso.

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Andrea Bocelle's creative path is the ascent of the legendary tenor to the top of the glory.

In 1992, a competitive selection was organized to participate in the preparation of the song "Mizerer", recognized as an expert in which Luciano Pavarotti became. It was then that Pavarotti heard audio recording of Bocelle. After that, Luciano performed this sound recording, but Adrea began to replace it in the European tour.

In 1993, Bochelli won the festival of San Remo, and next year spoke at this festival in the group of leaders, fulfilling the song L Mare Calmo Della Sera. After that, Andrea recorded his first album, which has become platinum after several months later. A year later, tenor again took part in the festival, then his song "I will go with you" became a real bestseller. Thanks to this, the singer Andrea Bocelley discovered European horizons for himself.. Its platinum discs became incredibly popular in Europe, he began to participate in grand concerts on the same stage with great stars. Duet Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelleincluded in the Sogno album, ascended the talented singer even higher. The voice of the tenor is simply magical, he is perfectly combined with other voices, but it is highlighted by calling, a special string.

Blind Italian singer Andrea Boocles today.

Surely nothing can stop the climb of Andrea Bocelle. Photo and interviews with a singer everywhere appear on the Internet and magazines, his discs diverge with amazing success, his songs are listening to millions. After the tenor debuted on the stage of the Verona opera in front of a very influential and picky public, his talent began to unfold in two worlds. To date, the audience recognized the voice of Bocelle Divine, he is the best in the Italian opera.

The singer is pretty rich, but the material well-being is little taken by the Adrea Bocelle, he seeks to other targets. He himself says that he fully implemented himself as an artist, embodying his dreams to life and earning a lot of money. More borals do not care for superficial, unnecessary things. He also called money extremely dangerous, compared them with a useful medicine, which at large doses can lead to death.

In October, the concert of Andrea Bocelle's tenor in St. Petersburg took place in October. The world famous tenor sang for everyone who was at the Palace Square at this time. By chance or no coincidence it was on the day of music.

Although Andrea also spoke at a press conference that the open-air concerts for him were not news, it was seen that St. Petersburg weather had delivered a tenor of inconvenience. After all, he, as it should be at the concert, was in a light suit. True, after each vocal party left the scenes. Obviously, there was warmer. In his absence on stage played the Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theater. VIP-Internet in the forefronts did not shy rapidly express their emotions. So, if the climate and seemed to the musician harsh, they took it very warmly. Applauded standing, which is called rushing palm. Palace Square was clogged to failure. Many did not believe that the concert would take place on the appointed day, after all, the capricious St. Petersburg weather is not amenable to forecasts.

Bochelli came already in St. Petersburg 10 years ago, then he recorded an album with Vladimir Fedoseev, he was configured to record Verdi with the orchestra under the control of Valery Gergiev. The singer also noted his cooperation with Olga Borodina and Yulia Herteva. "You have a wonderful school with long traditions," says Bocelle.

It turned out that tenor knows and loves Russian literature: "Once I started reading to fight insomnia. So I tried to take myself, because I did not want to sleep. But I was so fascinated by reading that insomnia only aggravated. I read Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Gogol, Chekhov. I loved Russian classics very much. " Andrea's dream to visit Russia came true, now he hopes to visit someday in a clear glade, bowed to Tolstoy. He does not lose hope to come to Russia just a tourist. By the way, the famous tenor shared that Rakhmaninov was sure to listen to the road to listen on the road.

Bochelli admits that he would really like to sing the Opera "Eugene Onegin", but prevents the language barrier, and he is sure that the opera must strive to perform perfectly.

But today, Andrea Bocelley is a famous opera singer, tenor. For the place under the sun, he had to fight stronger than others: as a result of an accident at 12, he was completely blind. He wonders when someone considers him blindness with the advantage of other colleagues: they say, from respect to pass forward. Colleagues, on the contrary, work more diligently elbows ...

He is not no, but he will remember what he started with pop music. Bocelle himself does not find anything galloping. He only rejoices that people who previously listened only to the "light" genre come to listen to him in Opera. Perhaps come for the first time.

Andrea was born in the small village of Lajatiko, which is in the province of Tuscany. He was always absorbed by opera music. He always loved to sing. Bocelle's teenager even won several songs contests, was a soloist in school chore. From six years he began to learn to play the piano, then mastered the flute and saxophone. "When I was young, then all the money earned spent on the tools. But over time, I realized that I had a unique tool, moreover, I do not require additional costs - a voice, "says the singer. He and now in the free minute tries to play the tools. It is recognized that it turns out best on the piano, she studied longer.

Over time, the dreams of young boocles about a musical career faced reality. Andrea went to study in Pisa. After graduating from the university, he had to receive a lawyer's diploma. But he did not forget about his long-standing dream - to become a famous musician. In Turin, he meets with his idol of Franco Corelli, specially arrived for this listening. Career of the lawyer was discontinued. Now in the afternoon he studied music, and at night performed in restaurants. The courts of Pisa did not wait for a young lawyer. But he got a diploma yet.

They say fate on the stove will find. 1994 is becoming for boocle fateful. His debut at the Music Festival in San Remo can be called enormous success. Andrea got the highest rating that ever was given to the singers in the "New Contractor" category. He performed there with the song "Il Mare Calmo Della Sera". In the same year, Andrea was personally invited by Luciano Pavarotti to participate in a concert in Modena. He performed both solo and duet with Luciano himself. Later, Andrea sang Pavarotti at the wedding. And on the eve of Christmas 1994, he even spoke to Pope Roman. Bill Clinton invited Bocelle to perform in the White House at a meeting with Democrats.

According to the survey, PEOPLE journal survey was recognized as one of the most charming men. Its discs are sold by millionic circulations on all continents.

The personal life of the musician also developed successfully. He is married, he has two sons - Amos and Mateo. "First of all, they are part of the public that happens at concerts. They are my first critics and freezing the salt on the wounds. At home, they have been listening to Opera since childhood. Every day they hear how dad sings. For them, there is nothing surprising for them, "says Bocelle.

Of course, the main place in the life of Bocelle is the music, but he has a lot of other hobbies. Since childhood, he loved horses. Andrea loves these beautiful and endless animals. His blindness did not prevent him from becoming a good rider. Andrea plays well in chess and skiing, can make any descent and wondering why it is so surprising the rest. He even walked with his friends in the mountains! Not to prove something to someone, but because I wanted to be close to them. He could not wait at the hotel until they return. He also cooks well, despite his ailment. During his visit to Peter, he highly appreciated Russian cuisine and even asked the recipe for some dishes from the chef.

Boocles claims not afraid of difficulties. "I behave like Kutuzov," he says. - "Always"…