State Academic Mariinsky Theater: description, repertoire and reviews. The Mariinsky Theater: the history of the creation of the Mariinsky Theater past and present

State Academic Mariinsky Theater: description, repertoire and reviews.  The Mariinsky Theater: the history of the creation of the Mariinsky Theater past and present
State Academic Mariinsky Theater: description, repertoire and reviews. The Mariinsky Theater: the history of the creation of the Mariinsky Theater past and present

The State Academic Mariinsky Theater has existed for over two centuries. His repertoire includes classical and contemporary operas and ballets.

Theater history

The Mariinsky State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater was opened in 1783. Over the years, such great artists as Fyodor Chaliapin, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Vaclav Nijinsky, Nikolai Figner, Ivan Ershov, Rudolf Nureyev, and many others have served here. The repertoire included not only ballets, operas and concerts, but also dramatic performances.

The theater building was designed by an architect. In the 19th century, it underwent reconstruction. The major reconstruction of the Mariinsky was carried out by the architect and draftsman Tom de Thomon. In 1818, the theater was badly damaged by fire and underwent a new reconstruction.

At that time, three troupes performed on its stage: Russian, Italian and French.

In 1936 the auditorium was rebuilt in order to achieve better acoustics and visibility. In 1859, the building burned down, and a new one was built in its place, in which the Academic Mariinsky Theater is still located. Its project was developed by Alberto Cavos. The theater received its name in honor of Empress Maria - wife of Alexander II.

In 1869 the great Marius Petipa headed the ballet troupe.

In 1885 the theater had to go through another reconstruction. A three-storey annex was made to the left wing of the building, which housed workshops, rehearsal rooms, a boiler room and a power station. After another 10 years, the foyer was expanded and the main façade was rebuilt.

In 1917, the Mariinsky Theater received state status, in 1920 - academic, and in 1935 it was named after S.M. Kirov.

In those years, in addition to classical works, the repertoire included operas and ballets by Soviet composers.

In the post-war years the theater presented the following performances to the audience: "The Legend of Love", "Spartacus", "Stone Flower", "Twelve", "Leningrad Symphony". In addition to G. Verdi, P.I. Tchaikovsky, J. Bizet, M. Mussorgsky, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov's repertoire includes works by such composers as Dmitry Shostakovich, Sergei Prokofiev, Tikhon Khrennikov and so on.

In 1968-1970 the theater was reconstructed again. The project of the renovated building was developed by the architect Salome Gelfer. After this reconstruction, the theater became what we see it now.

In the 1980s, a new generation of opera artists came to the Mariinsky Theater. They vividly declared themselves in the productions of The Queen of Spades and Eugene Onegin. The director of these performances was Yuri Temirkanov.

In 1988, he was appointed chief conductor, who soon became the artistic director. Thanks to his efforts, in 1992 the theater was renamed the Mariinsky Theater again.

Several years ago the Mariinsky-2 was opened. The technical equipment of his stage allows him to create modern innovative productions that could only be dreamed of before. This unique complex will make it possible to bring to life the most daring projects. Hall "Mariinsky-2" is designed for 2000 spectators. The total area of ​​the building is almost 80 thousand square meters.

Opera repertoire

The Mariinsky Academic Theater offers its audience the following opera performances:

  • "Idomeneo, King of Crete";
  • "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District";
  • "Christmas Eve";
  • Pelléas and Melisande;
  • "Mermaid";
  • "Sister Angelica";
  • "Khovanshchina";
  • "Spanish Hour";
  • "Flying Dutchman";
  • "Betrothal in a Monastery";
  • "Turning the Screw";
  • "The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh";
  • Tristan and Isolde;
  • Lohengrin;
  • "The Enchanted Wanderer";
  • "Journey to Reims";
  • "Trojans";
  • "Electra".


Ballet repertoire

The Mariinsky Academic Theater has included the following ballet performances in its repertoire:

  • "Apollo";
  • "In the jungle";
  • "Jewelry";
  • "The Little Humpbacked Horse";
  • "The Magic Nut";
  • "Leningrad Symphony";
  • "Five Tangos";
  • "The Young Lady and the Bully";
  • "Sylphide";
  • "Infra";
  • "Shurale";
  • "Margarita and Arman";
  • "Where golden cherries hang";
  • Flora Awakening;
  • "Adagio Hammerklavier";
  • "Clay";
  • "Romeo and Juliet";
  • "Symphony in three movements".

One of the oldest and leading musical theaters in Russia. The history of the theater dates back to 1783, when the Stone Theater was opened, in which drama, opera and ballet companies performed. Department of opera (singers P.V. Zlov, A.M. Krutitsky, E.S. Sandunova and others) and ballet (dancers E.I. A.I.Istomin, E.I.Kolosova and others) of troupes from the drama took place in 1803. Foreign operas were staged on the stage, as well as the first works of Russian composers. In 1836, the opera Life for the Tsar by MI Glinka was staged, which opened the classical period of Russian opera art. Outstanding Russian singers O.A. Petrov, A.Ya. Petrova, as well as M.M.Stepanova, E.A. Semyonova, S.S. Gulak-Artemovsky sang in the opera troupe. In the 1840s. the Russian opera troupe was pushed aside by the Italian one, which was under the auspices of the court, and transferred to Moscow. Her performances were resumed in St. Petersburg only in the mid-1850s. on the stage of the Circus Theater, which was rebuilt after a fire in 1859 (architect A.K. Kavos) and opened in 1860 under the name of the Mariinsky Theater (in 1883-1896, the building was reconstructed under the direction of architect V.A. Schroeter). The creative development and formation of the theater are associated with the performance of operas (as well as ballets) by A.P. Borodin, A.S. Dargomyzhsky, M.P. Mussorgsky, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, P.I. Tchaikovsky (many works for the first time) ... The high musical culture of the orchestra was promoted by the activities of the conductor and composer EF Napravnik (in 1863-1916). The ballet masters M.I. Petipa and L.I. Ivanov made a great contribution to the development of ballet art. Singers E.A. Lavrovskaya, D.M. Leonova, I.A.Melnikov, E.K. Mravina, Yu.F. Platonova, F.I. Stravinsky, M.I. and N.N.Figners, F.I.Shalyapin, dancers T.P. Karsavina, M.F.Kshesinskaya, V.F.Nizhinsky, A.P. Pavlova, M.M. Fokin and others. The performances were designed by the largest artists , including A.Ya. Golovin, K.A. Korovin.

After the October Revolution, the theater became a state theater, from 1919 - an academic theater. Since 1920, it has been called the State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, since 1935 - named after Kirov. Along with the classics, the theater staged operas and ballets by Soviet composers. Singers I.V. Ershov, S.I. Migai, S.P. Preobrazhenskaya, N.K. Pechkovsky, ballet dancers T.M. Vecheslova, N.M. Dudinskaya, A. Lopukhov, K.M. Sergeev, G.S. Ulanova, V.M. Chabukiani, A.Ya. Shelest, conductors V.A. Dranishnikov, A.M. Pazovsky, B.E. Khaikin, directors V.A. A. Lossky, S.E. Radlov, N.V. Smolich, I.Yu.Shlepyanov, choreographers A.Ya. Vaganova, L.M. Lavrovsky, F.V. Lopukhov. During the Great Patriotic War, the theater was located in Perm, continuing to work actively (several premieres took place, including the opera "Emelyan Pugachev" by MV Koval, 1942). Some theater artists who remained in besieged Leningrad, including Preobrazhenskaya, PZ Andreev, performed in concerts, on the radio, and participated in opera performances. In the postwar years, the theater paid much attention to Soviet music. The artistic achievements of the theater are associated with the activities of the chief conductors S.V. Yeltsin, E.P. Grikurov, A.I.Klimov, K.A. Simeonov, Yu.H. Temirkanov, directors E.N. Sokovnin, R.I. Tikhomirov , choreographers I.A.Belsky, K.M.Sergeev, B.A.Fenster, L.V. Yakobson, artists V.V.Dmitriev, I.V.Sevastyanov, S. B. Virsaladze and others. 1990): chief conductor V.A.Gergiev, chief choreographer O.I. Vinogradov, singers I.P. Bogacheva, E.E. Gorokhovskaya, G.A. Kovaleva, S.P. Leiferkus, Y.M. Marusin, V.M.Morozov, N.P. Okhotnikov, K.I.Pluzhnikov, L.P. Filatova, B.G. Shtokolov, ballet dancers S.V. Vikulov, V.N. Gulyaev, I.A.Kolpakova, G.T.Komleva, N.A.Kurgapkin, A.I.Sizov and others. Awarded the Order of Lenin (1939), the October Revolution (1983). Large-circulation newspaper "For Soviet Art" (since 1933).

One of the most important musical theaters; the most famous opera and ballet theater. Since the reign of Catherine II it has been an imperial theater. It is included in the version of our site.

The history of the Mariinsky Theater began in 1783, when the Bolshoi Theater was erected in St. Petersburg by order of the Empress. During the reign of Alexander II, the theater was renamed in honor of his wife, Maria Alexandrovna. In October 1860, the premiere of M. Glinka's opera took place in the new theater. The old building was set aside for the conservatory.

It is not for nothing that the Mariinsky is considered one of the most important theaters in the world of opera and ballet. In the second half of the 19th century, the most important premieres in the history of Russian opera took place on its stage: Boris Godunov by Mussorgsky, Iolanta by Tchaikovsky and many other famous productions.

In 1920, with the change of power, the theater was renamed Kirovsky. The previous name was returned in 1992. The internal premises of the theater were reconstructed twice. Today, this is one of the most beautiful halls in the world, and the unique curtain, created in 1914, has long been the hallmark of the theater. Not far from the theater in 2013, the building of the second stage of the Mariinsky was built,.

The main building of the theater is located on the Theater Square in St. Petersburg. You can get to the square by public transport, or walking 15-20 minutes from the Sadovaya / Sennaya Ploshchad / Spasskaya metro stations.

In between the theatrical seasons, other groups perform on the main stage.

Attraction photo: Mariinsky Theater

The Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg is part of the galaxy of world-class stage venues. His visit is an important point of the tourist program of stay in the Northern capital of Russia. The official website of the Mariinsky Theater helps to get acquainted with the theater's repertoire and to book tickets for performances in advance.

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  • Osip Petrov
  • Fyodor Chaliapin
  • Medea and Nikolai Figner
  • Sophia Preobrazhenskaya
  • Leonid Sobinov

The troupes include artists with the titles of Honored and People's, laureates of national and international competitions.


The artistic collective of the Mariinsky Theater takes an active part in cultural events organized in the city on the Neva. Since 1993, at the initiative of V. Gergiev, the Stars of the White Nights arts festival is regularly held in the northern capital. It has international status, highly recommended itself at the world level and is included in the Top 10 musical concert programs of the classical genre.

During the festival, the most famous performers and groups perform on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater, presenting novelties in the field of symphonic and chamber music, opera and ballet. Stars of the White Nights help to reveal new talents and establish close partnerships between theater companies. Residents and guests of the city have the opportunity, within the framework of the festival, to get acquainted with the national art and cultural heritage of other countries.

Theater stages host a number of genre festivals:

  • ballet "Mariinsky"
  • orchestral brass music "Brass Evening at the Mariinsky"
  • contemporary music "New Horizons"

Theatrical performances from the Mariinsky's repertoire are constantly included in the Moscow Easter and Maslenitsa festival programs. The management of the theater pays great attention to familiarizing the younger generation with the masterpieces of world classics. Especially for children and young people at the Mariinsky Theater they arrange.