Oblomov and Stolz: Comparative Characteristics or Anatomy? Stolz and breakdowns comparative characteristics Comparison of breakdowns and breakdowns table social status.

Oblomov and Stolz: Comparative Characteristics or Anatomy?  Stolz and breakdowns comparative characteristics Comparison of breakdowns and breakdowns table social status.
Oblomov and Stolz: Comparative Characteristics or Anatomy? Stolz and breakdowns comparative characteristics Comparison of breakdowns and breakdowns table social status.

I.A. Goncharov, in his novel, touches upon a very relevant topic of the opposition of labor and laziness, which for centuries has remained the most discussed and controversial. In our time, this topic is very problematic, since in our modern society there is a progress in technology and people stop working, laziness develops into the meaning of life.

The heroes of the novel Oblomov and Stolz are friends from early childhood. Their acquaintance takes place while studying in the house of Stolz's father, who taught the basics of the most important sciences.

Ilya Oblomov comes from a noble family, from early childhood little Ilya is cared for and cherished. Parents and nannies forbid him to show any independent activity. Ilyusha, seeing this to himself, the attitude immediately realized that you can do nothing, since other people will do it all for him. His training took place in the Stolz house, he did not particularly want to study, and his parents indulged him in this. This is how Oblomov's entire youth passed. Adult life was no different from childhood and adolescence, Oblomov continues to lead a calm and lazy lifestyle. His passivity and indolence are reflected in everyday life. He woke up for dinner, slowly climbed out of bed, lazily ate food and was not interested in any business. Laziness, inherent in childhood, did not give Oblomov the slightest chance to strive for science, for knowledge of the world around him. Despite all this, his imagination was very well developed, since due to idleness, Oblomov's imaginary world was very rich. Oblomov was also a very gullible person, and the main whom Ilya trusted was Andrei Stolts. Schtolz is the complete opposite of Oblomov. From early childhood, Andrei was accustomed to order, to work. His parents raised him strictly, but fairly. His father, a German by nationality, instilled in Andrey accuracy, hard work and punctuality. From a young age, Andrei carried out various assignments of his father, tempering his character. He studied together with Ilya, with his father, unlike Oblomov, Andrey was good at science, and he studied them with curiosity. Stolz's transition from childhood to adulthood happened very early, so Andrei was a very active person. He strove for constant replenishment of knowledge, because “learning is light, and ignorance is darkness. He had a sober and practical view of the events taking place, he never did anything hastily without thinking about the issue that he needed to solve. Prudence and punctuality, laid down from childhood, found a place for themselves in Stolz's adult life. Mobility and energy helped him in any endeavors. Considering the life positions of Oblomov and Stolz in relation to Olga Ilyinskaya, the following conclusions can be drawn: Oblomov, living in his own world - "Oblomovshchina", was a romantic who took a long time to decide on concrete steps in real life. Their acquaintance with Olga Ilyinskaya is due to Stolz. Their relationship from the very beginning was not strong. Olga, knowing a lot about Oblomov from Stolz's stories, tries to bring Oblomov back to life by means of her love, but she fails to do this and Oblomovshchina wins. The relationship between Olga and Andrei develops by themselves throughout life, "she laughs at his jokes, and he listens with pleasure to her singing." They had a lot in common, but the most important thing was that they strived for life, this contributed to their rapprochement and the formation of a family.

Be that as it may, the fates of both heroes are relatively successful. Stolz finds his happiness with Olga, and Oblomov finds his Oblomovka in a house on the Vyborg side and lives out his life there with the woman he always dreamed of. This denouement shows that the author's position in relation to both of his characters is positive.

After reading the novel by I.A. Goncharova "Oblomov", I am inclined to think that the events described in this work can be applicable to our time, since in modern society there are many people like Stolz and Oblomov. And their confrontation will be eternal.

Goncharov's novel Oblomov was highly praised by critics of the second half of the 19th century. In particular, Belinsky noted that the work fell on the time and reflected the socio-political thought of the 50-60s of the nineteenth century. Two lifestyles - Oblomov and Stolz - are compared in this article.

Oblomov's characteristic

Ilya Ilyich was distinguished by his striving for peace, inaction. Oblomov cannot be called interesting and varied: he is used to spending most of the day in thought, lying on the couch. Plunging into these thoughts, he often did not get up from his bed, did not go out into the street, did not learn the latest news throughout the day. He did not read newspapers in principle, so as not to bother himself with unnecessary, and most importantly, meaningless information. Oblomov can be called a philosopher, he is worried about other issues: not everyday, not momentary, but eternal, spiritual. He is looking for meaning in everything.

When you look at him, one gets the impression that he is a happy free-thinker, not burdened with the hardships and problems of external life. But life "touches, gets everywhere" Ilya Ilyich, makes him suffer. Dreams remain only dreams, because he does not know how to translate them into real life. Even reading tires him: Oblomov has a lot of started books, but all of them remain unread, not understood. The soul seems to be dormant in him: he avoids unnecessary worries, worries, worries. In addition, Oblomov often compares his calm, secluded existence with the life of other people and finds that the way others live is not good for living: "When should we live?"

This is what Oblomov's ambiguous image is. "Oblomov" (Goncharov I.A.) was created in order to describe the personality of this character - uncommon and extraordinary in its own way. Impulses and deep emotional experiences are not alien to him. Oblomov is a true dreamer with a poetic, sensitive nature.

Stolz characteristic

Oblomov's lifestyle cannot be compared with Stolz's worldview. The reader first meets this character in the second part of the work. Andrey Stolz loves order in everything: his day is scheduled by hours and minutes, dozens of important things are planned that need to be urgently redone. Today he is in Russia, tomorrow, you see, he has suddenly gone abroad. What Oblomov finds boring and meaningless is important and significant for him: trips to cities, villages, intentions to improve the quality of life of those around him.

He opens in his soul such treasures that Oblomov cannot even guess about. Stolz's way of life consists entirely of activity, which feeds his entire being with the energy of vigor. In addition, Stolz is a good friend: more than once he helped Ilya Ilyich in business matters. The lifestyle of Oblomov and Stolz is different from each other.

What is Oblomovism?

As a social phenomenon, the concept denotes a focus on the idle, monotonous, devoid of colors and any changes in life. Andrei Stolts called Oblomov's lifestyle itself, Oblomov's striving for endless peace and lack of any activity. Despite the fact that a friend constantly pushed Oblomov to the possibility of changing the way of existence, he did not budge at all, as if he did not have enough energy to do it. At the same time, we see that Oblomov admits his mistake, uttering the following words: "I have long been ashamed to live in the world." He feels useless, unnecessary and abandoned, and therefore he does not want to dust off the table, take apart books that have been lying around for a month, and leave the apartment once again.

Love in the understanding of Oblomov

Oblomov's lifestyle did not contribute in any way to the acquisition of real, and not fictitious, happiness. He dreamed and made plans more than he really lived. Amazingly, in his life there was a place for quiet rest, philosophical reflections on the essence of life, but there was not enough strength for decisive action and implementation of intentions. Love for Olga Ilyinskaya temporarily pulls Oblomov out of his usual existence, makes him try new things, start taking care of himself. He even forgets old habits and sleeps only at night, and does business during the day. But still, love in Oblomov's worldview is directly related to dreams, thoughts and poetry.

Oblomov considers himself unworthy of love: he doubts whether Olga can love him, whether he suits her enough, whether he is able to make her happiness. Such thoughts lead him to sad thoughts about his useless life.

Love as understood by Stolz

Stolz approaches the question of love more rationally. He does not indulge in ephemeral dreams in vain, as he looks at life soberly, without imagination, without the habit of analyzing. Stolz is a business man. He does not need romantic walks in the moonlight, loud declarations of love and sighs on the bench, because he is not Oblomov. Stolz's lifestyle is very dynamic and pragmatic: he makes an offer to Olga at the moment when he realizes that she is ready to accept him.

What did Oblomov come to?

As a result of protective and careful behavior, Oblomov misses the opportunity to build a close relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya. His marriage was upset shortly before the wedding - it took too long to get ready, explained, asked himself, compared, figured out, analyzed Oblomov. The characterization of the image of Oblomov Ilya Ilyich teaches not to repeat the mistakes of an idle, aimless existence, raises the question of what love really is? Is she the subject of sublime, poetic aspirations, or is it the calm joy, peace that Oblomov finds in the house of the widow of Agafya Pshenitsyna?

Why did Oblomov's physical death come?

The result of Ilya Ilyich's philosophical reflections is as follows: he chose to bury in himself former aspirations and even lofty dreams. with Olga, his life focused on everyday life. He knew no greater joy than a delicious meal and an afternoon nap. Gradually, the engine of his life began to stop, subside: ailments and cases became more frequent.Even previous thoughts left him: there was no longer a place for them in a quiet room that looked like a coffin, in all this sluggish life that lulled Oblomov, more and more distanced him from reality. Mentally, this man had been dead for a long time. Physical death was only a confirmation of the falsity of his ideals.

Stolz's achievements

Stolz, unlike Oblomov, did not miss his chance to become happy: he built family well-being with Olga Ilyinskaya. This marriage was accomplished out of love, in which Stolz did not fly into the clouds, did not stay in destructive illusions, but acted more than reasonably and responsibly.

The lifestyles of Oblomov and Stolz are diametrically opposed and opposed to each other. Both characters are unique, inimitable and significant in their own way. This may explain the strength of their friendship over the years.

Each of us is close to either the Stoltz or Oblomov type. There is nothing wrong with that, and the coincidences are likely to be only partial. Those who are deep, loving to reflect on the essence of life, most likely, will understand Oblomov's experiences, his restless mental rushes and searches. Business pragmatists who have left romance and poetry far behind will embody themselves with Stolz.

Comparative characteristics of I. I. Oblomov and Stolz

Oblomov Ilya Ilyich is the protagonist of the novel Oblomov. A landowner, a nobleman living in St. Petersburg. Leads a lazy lifestyle. He does nothing, only dreams and “decomposes” while lying on the couch. A prominent representative of Oblomovism.
Stolts Andrey Ivanovich - Oblomov's childhood friend. Half German, practical and active. The antipode of I. I. Oblomov.
Let's compare the heroes according to the following criteria:
Memories of childhood (including memories of parents).
I. I. Oblomov. From early childhood they did everything for him: “The nanny is waiting for his awakening. She pulls on his stockings; he is not given, plays naughty, dangles his legs; the nanny catches him. " “... She washes him, combs his head and leads him to his mother. He also bathed in parental affection and care from childhood: “Mother showered him with passionate kisses ...” The nanny was everywhere, day and night, like a shadow following him, constant care did not end for a second: “... all the days and nights of the nannies were filled with turmoil, running around: now by an attempt, now by living joy for the child, now by the fear that he will fall and break his nose ... ”.
Stolz. He spent his childhood in useful, but tedious studies: "From the age of eight he sat with his father at a geographical map ... and with his mother he read the sacred history, taught Krylov's fables ..." Mother was constantly worried about her son: "... she would have kept him near her." But his father was completely indifferent and cold-blooded to his son, and often "put his hand": "... and kicked him from behind so that he knocked him off his feet."
Attitude to study and work.
Oblomov. I went to school without much interest and desire, barely sat out in class, to overcome any book for Oblomov was a great success and joy. “Why all these notebooks ... paper, time and ink? Why study books? ... When to live? " Instantly became cold to one or another kind of activity, be it studies, books, hobbies. The same attitude was towards work: “… you study, you read that the time of disasters has come, the person is unhappy; here you are gathering your strength, working, homozy, suffering terribly and working, everything is preparing clear days. "
Stolz. He studied and worked from childhood - the main concern and task of his father. Learning and books fascinated Stolz throughout his life. Labor is the meaning of human existence. "He served, retired, went about his business and actually made a house and money."
Attitude to mental activity.
Oblomov. Despite the lack of love for study and work, Oblomov was far from a stupid person. Some thoughts, pictures were constantly spinning in his nakedness, he was constantly making plans, but for completely incomprehensible reasons all this was put in the debt box. “As soon as he gets out of bed in the morning, after tea he will lie down immediately on the sofa, rest his head with his hand and think it over, sparing no effort, until, finally, his head gets tired ..”
Stolz. Realist to the core. Skeptic in life and in thought. "He was afraid of any dream or, if he entered its area, he entered, as they enter a grotto with an inscription ..., knowing the hour or minute when you will come out of there."
Choice of life goals and ways to achieve them. (Including lifestyle.)
Oblomov. Life is monotonous, devoid of color, every day is similar to the previous one. His problems and concerns are breathtakingly ridiculous and ridiculous, even funnier he solves them, turning from side to side. The author justifies Oblomov with all his might, saying that he has many ideas and goals in his head, but none of them materializes.
Stolz. Skepticism and realism is evident in everything. “He walked firmly, briskly; lived on a budget, trying to spend every day like every ruble. " "And he himself went stubbornly along the chosen path."

The novel by Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov "Oblomov" rightfully occupies an important place in the luggage of Russian classical literature of the nineteenth century. A work that reveals the characters of people living at the same time and in the same society cannot but attract attention, and the biographies of two friends, Ilya Oblomov and Andrey Stolz, deserve special attention.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is an ambiguous and very curious character. He spends his days on his beloved couch, being in eternal half-asleep and a kind of state of relaxed apathy. He is not interested in either active work, or the economy, or self-development - his whole life is like a sluggish flow of a river, measured and unhurried. It can be noted that this way of life was also encouraged by the parents of Ilya Ilyich - he was brought up in love and tenderness, and sometimes he was too much taken care of, which led to the formation of a frankly infantile attitude towards life at a conscious age. Dreams, dreams and memories of a happy childhood - this is what Oblomov's world consists of.

Oblomov's childhood friend, Andrei Ivanovich Stolz, is the complete opposite of the main character of the novel. Stolz is hardworking, and this trait was instilled in him from the earliest years of life. Parents of Andrei Ivanovich, by their example, showed the hero how important it is to be an economic and active person, so as not to simply live your life in vain. But, in my opinion, there are a number of misconceptions in Stolz's style of life - the character literally "lives" by work, his whole life is planned by the hour and minute, there is no place for surprises and simple human joys, not clouded by the constant oppression of the need to work and it is banal to keep Everything's under control.

Despite the fact that Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolts are completely different, their friendship lasts more than one decade. Stolz respects Oblomov for his kindness and honesty, and Oblomov values ​​high moral qualities and decency in a friend. Observing the history of their friendship, you begin to think about how minor character traits, life guidelines and goals can be, if the main thing lives in the soul of people - goodness, justice, openness and willingness to help and support.

In my opinion, in the novel Oblomov, Goncharov shows readers how important it is to respect and appreciate each other, even if we are talking about completely different people. Neither Stolz nor Oblomov can be called ideal people, but they are able to demonstrate their best qualities and be loyal friends, and this is worth a lot.

Option 2

Goncharov, creating a novel called Oblomov, showed readers two specific types of people. Such different people. And both are inherently unhappy ... Drawing the images of Oblomov and Stolz, the author captured in them qualities that were different from each other. It cannot be argued that the qualities of any of the heroes presented are negative. No, these are some kind of flaws that sometimes you don't pay attention to. And often habits are too difficult to get rid of ...

Ilya Oblomov ... A real dreamer, a true romantic. Since childhood, he grew up carefree. The child did not know what commitment and curiosity were. All his life he was away from fame and luxury. The hero grew up at home, completely unprepared for life's circumstances.

At an early age, his son's mother took too much care of him, which is why Oblomov left the family as a sloppy and inexperienced person. The character loves to be in the fantasy world so much that he forgets about reality. That is why his pastime is often in dreams, the hero rarely wanders the streets. Oblomov is not able to work, he is too gentle and weak for work. However, the character is notable for the fact that in any situation, his feelings are above all. Not the material in priority, but the spiritual component!

What can I say about Stolz? This character is the complete opposite of Oblomov. He dresses brilliantly, well-educated, hard-working man. Since childhood, he showed curiosity about all the oddities in this world. From an early age, his mother managed to bring art into Stolz's life, to introduce the boy to music and books. The father did not infringe upon the freedom of his own child. He knew that if a person is interested, then in no case should this curiosity be ruled out. Otherwise, the child will lose all attachment to the world. Therefore, the hero often left home for the night in order to explore new areas and outskirts. He himself was responsible for his own life. He himself took on the punishment for disobedience. Already in the early period of childhood, the child learned the important qualities of adults. Responsibility, integrity, striving for excellence. That is why Stolz was known as a successful person. He has an excellent job that brings in huge income. His wardrobe is gorgeous. However, the hero does not care about family relationships. It is tied in numbers and calculations. His calling is to work like a machine. But behind this, Stolz has nothing ... Feelings do not come out ...

Comparing the two heroes of Goncharov's novel, it should be noted that Stolz and Oblomov are completely different personalities. If the first is a hard worker, then the other is a real dreamer. It is important for Stolz to set goals and achieve them. For Oblomov to draw a heavenly life in his head. But, remarkably, Stolz's beloved initially longed to be with Oblomov. Why? The answer is simple: Oblomov had real feelings. Sincere smile, beautiful eyes, childish slovenliness. All this attracted. However, due to the fear of Ilya, the beloved doves could not find each other. But even with Stolz, the heroine was not happy. They didn't even have children. So understand where the right choice is!

Composition of Oblomov and Stolz

One of the topics touched upon by Alexander Goncharov in the novel Oblomov is friendship between completely different people and how it is capable of changing a person in one direction or another.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is the son of hereditary nobles. He grew up a cheerful, cheerful, active boy, but his parents, with their excessive care, made him a lazy, passive, not purposeful, unable to express himself. He was spoiled. I did not strive for knowledge either at the boarding school or at the university. He was always overweight, often complained of health.

After graduating, he entered the service, where he received the rank of collegiate secretary. But his career does not work out due to simple stupidity, Ilya sends documents to the wrong address.

In his thirty-two years, Oblomov only lies on the couch, not trying to find something to do. He is a dreamy couch potato. The parents' estate brings only losses, since Ilya does not want to deal with it, and he is not strong in financial matters either.

In dealing with women, he is always tactful. He was in love with Olga Ilyinskaya, whom he caused a lot of suffering. As a result, he tied the knot with the widow Pshenitsyna, she did not demand anything from him and this completely suited him.

Andrei Ivanovich Stolz, on the contrary, was brought up in severity, he was always an inquisitive, intelligent boy. He strove for knowledge. He is quite hardworking and not a bit spoiled. He grew up as a strong, courageous, self-confident person. Andrey is thin, there are no cheeks at all, his skin is dark. Travels a lot, reads books, loves life as it is. From him comes masculinity and health.

Thanks to dedication and hard work, Stolz becomes a wealthy person. He is respected in society.

In a relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya, she behaves like a real man and achieves her goal - to marry her beloved woman.

Andrei has always been a realist, so dreams are meaningless for him. There are always clearly defined goals in his head, and he knows exactly how to achieve them.

Oblomov and Stolz are best friends since childhood. Whenever possible, they always came to each other's aid. Andrei helped Ilya in life, everyday problems, and Ilya to Andrei just with emotional conversations that helped to restore peace of mind.

The life of a teenager is very difficult. This is a difficult age in which many problems can be expected. It is very difficult to cope with them alone. Most adults say teenage life is easy because they live in their parents' house.

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    Comparative characteristics of Oblomov and Stolz

    The lazy are always going to do something.

    Luc de Clapier Vovenargue.

    The novel "Oblomov" was written by I.A. Goncharov in 1859. When the work was published, it captured all the attention of society. Critics and writers called the novel "a sign of the times" (N. Dobrolyubov), "the most fundamental thing that has not existed for a long time" (LN Tolstoy), a new word appeared in everyday life: "Oblomovism". I.S. Turgenev once remarked: "As long as there is at least one Russian left, then Oblomov will be remembered."

    When I started reading this book, to be honest, I was a little annoyed. From the first chapters, the image of Oblomov was incomprehensible to me, and even ... I had a certain dislike for this character. Not to the work itself, but to it. I can explain - my namesake greatly outraged me with his laziness and apathy. It was unbearable. And how glad I was to learn in the process of reading this novel that Oblomov has, as Dobrolyubov puts it, an "antidote" - his friend, Andrei Stolts. Strange, but for some reason I was very happy. I noticed that Goncharov used this antithesis for a reason - he shows two opposites, originally conceived as an opposition between the West and Russia. But I learned about this a little later, at a literature lesson ...

    What about comparing these characters? Take, for example, the image of Oblomov in the novel. He is drawn not with a satirical, but rather with a soft, sad humor, although his laziness and inertia often appear grotesque, for example, in the first part of the novel, Oblomov's day is described, during which the hero for a long time and painfully cannot muster the strength to get off the couch ... This is how the main character appears before us. Why be surprised? Everything comes from childhood! Let's remember Oblomovka, the village where Ilya lived as a child ... Oblomovka is a village of peace, blessing, sleep, laziness, illiteracy, stupidity. Everyone lived in it for their own pleasure, without experiencing any mental, moral and spiritual needs. The Oblomovites had no goals, no troubles; no one thought about why man, the world was created. And it was in this atmosphere that Ilya Ilyich Oblomov grew up and, I'm not afraid of this word ... Ilya Ilyich Oblomov was "brought up" ... Further, in the process of reading, we learn about his studies at the boarding school, where he "... listened to what the teachers said, because there was nothing else to do it was impossible, and with difficulty, with sweat, with sighs, he learned the lessons that were asked to him ... ”About the same later he related to the service. True, at the very beginning he dreamed of serving Russia, "while he became strong." But laziness and indifference to life were so deep that all his noble dreams remained unfulfilled. He turns into a sloth and a lazybones. The people around are used to it. But do not think that Oblomov is completely hopeless. All his strength and all his positive qualities are revealed in his romance with Olga Ilyinskaya, which, however, is torn apart by Oblomov's inability to radically change his lifestyle and take serious practical steps.

    What about Stolz? Stolz is the complete antipode to Oblomov. Half German by nationality, he grew up in an atmosphere of mental and physical labor. Stolz has been accustomed to order since childhood and knows for sure that everything in life can be achieved only through work. He repeated this thought to Oblomov tirelessly. This is natural, because Ilya Ilyich was raised like an "exotic flower in a greenhouse." Stolz grew as a "cactus accustomed to drought." And all this was also the basis for the further way of life of the friend of Ilya Ilyich. Andrey is energetic, not devoid of charm, gives the impression of a reliable person. As for me, but I see a strong and straightforward personality in Stolz, I don't understand why Chekhov said differently about him. Stolz is a super-energetic, muscular, active, firmly on his feet, amassed a lot of capital, a scientist, who travels a lot. He has friends everywhere, he is respected as a strong person. He is one of the main representatives of the trading company. He is cheerful, cheerful, hardworking ... This is the difference from Oblomov, which is evident.

    Behind the antithesis of Stolz and Oblomov, one can see the opposition between the West and Russia. Stolz is portrayed by Goncharov as a harmonious, comprehensively developed personality, combining German pragmatism and Russian spirituality. He is clearly idealized by the author, who sees behind Stolz and those like him the future of Russia, the possibility of its progressive development, this is emphasized in the plot by the fact that Olga Ilyinskaya gives her hand to Stolz. This, in my opinion, is the main comparison between Andrey Stolz and Ilya Oblomov.