The main thought of Platon is a hidden person. Analysis of the story of Platonova Halfed man

The main thought of Platon is a hidden person. Analysis of the story of Platonova Halfed man
The main thought of Platon is a hidden person. Analysis of the story of Platonova Halfed man

Artistic world A. P. Platonova. Faith A. P. Platov by virtue of good, in the light of the human soul could not not find his incarnation on the pages of the works of the Pisa-Tel. Heroes of Platonov are people-converters, boldly submitting themselves to the nature asked in a bright future. Search for answers to the eternal questions and the construction of the new often is often associated with the motive of the strangeness, orphanhood. These constantly doubting and thirsting truths people, favorite heroes A. P. Platonov, are looking for "meaning of life in the heart." The saturation of the narration, the philosophicity and university of generalizations are distinguished by the works of A. P. Platov, the writer determined its method as follows: "The essence, dry jet, directly to write. This is my new way. "

The story "inextric man" (1928). The work is devoted to the events associated with the revolution and the citizens. The main character, the driver of Fomu Pukhov, after the death of his wife hits the front and participates in the Novorossiysk-Skome desant. He does not understand the meaning of his existence, Balagurit and provokes people to a dispute, in everything doubts, and itself, and the name of the hero causes an association with the foma unbelievers. It carries on the ground in the general human stream for the "Crafts of the Revolution". The hero is trying to not pay attention to the complex vitality, but the co-blood inner world takes the top over all external. The 20s, "transfiguration" of the hero's consciousness under the influence of the revolution with Pukhov does not occur in the "new" literature. Against the background of the hidden degeneration of the good ideas of "Natural Durak" Puhov acutely feels inconsistency of expectations and reality and is experiencing disappointment, and therefore some of his jokes provoke readership. Indicatively, a bright episode of the exam, which gives Thomas Pukhov: "What is religion? - Not uni-little exam. - Prejudice of Karl Marx and the people's moonshine. - What is the religion of the bourgeoisie? - In order for the people not grieving. - Do you love, Comrade Pu-Hov, proletariate as a whole and do the life of polo live for him? "I love, Comrade Commissioner," Pukhov replied, to stand the exam, "and I agree to pour blood, I just would not be in vain and not Durik!"

The feeling of disappointment in the late 1920s. It becomes sharp, painful for Platonov. The element, which was supposed to transform society, was obeyed by the Ovi-Owl Renovation. The joy of life born by the revolution and anxiety for its future is reflected in the story.

The whole composition of the story is subordinated to the decision of the author's plan, reflected in the title: go with the hero of his way, on which Pukhov is trying to understand everything happening. In the way and there is a self-development of the per-slot. "Inadvertent sympathy for people, lonely worked-PHIM against the substance of the whole world, was clarified in the soul of Pukhov's overgrown life. Revolution - just the best fate for people, you will not think of anything more than anything. It was hard, sharply and immediately easily like a water. " The reasons for which the hero goes down, the author does not openly call, but the reader understands them on its own. "The innermost man-age" is a person, with an unusual, hidden in the depths of the world, seeking to know the surrounding and not under-giving up the generally accepted representation of life.

In modern civilization, in the opinion of the writer, the sweat-gang of human souls, the relationship between man and the world of nature. The long way of gaining truth in yourself, something to change something around, makes Fomu Pukhov. He is on a lot of "builders of the future" honest. "Natural fool" does not seek to take advantage of the possibility of career growth. The hero goes to Novoros Siysk, defining its solution for itself to internal necessity: "Horic horizons will see; And honest somehow will be! And I saw a prudy typhosic echelons, and we get Si-Dim - we get soldering! .. The revolution will pass, and we will not be left! " It is indicative in this plan another Perso-click the story that embodies the other truth of time, the sailor of the balls. Foma does not tolerate the sloganness, empty B. Tovni, the balls perfectly understood the spirit of the times, found a "warm" place and to the advice of Pukhov to personally "strengthen the revolution" case ("Take the hammer and latai ships") answering a real owner: "Chudak You, I'm the leader of the Kas Pius! Who will then refill here with the entire Krasnoy Flotilla? "

It is significant that the spiritual search does not lead to external changes to the main character: at the beginning of the story we see it by a snow-cleaner driver, and at the end of the oil engine engine. The train (and in the works of A. P. Platonova, this is a symbol of the revolution, the writer himself was noted: "The words about Pa-Rolozo Revolution turned the locomotive for me in the senses of revolution"), in which the hero sits down, goes in the unknown direction ( This symbol acquires an epic character). There was an interest in his own future ("Where is he [the train] rides?"), Quickly replaces in Pukhov, humility ("The train was touched somewhere further. From his moves calmed down and fell asleep, feeling warmth in exactly raying the heart. "). Fome needs to go along the roads of the country himself, to see all with their own eyes, feel their hearts (affects the unbelieving nature). Novoros-Siysk, the liberation of the Crimea from Wrangel (Mechanic on the ship "Shan"), a trip to Baku and a meeting with a sailor of Sharicov, constitute certain stages of the Hero's life and gaining the meaning of their existence. The road itself, the movement becomes the plot-forming start, and as only a hero stops somewhere, his life loses sharpness, the spiritual search is lost. Starry and balls, an example, in their frozen state of such development do not receive.

The hero's attempt to figure out how the life of people under the influence of the "historical storm" changed, leads the character to the thought that the true goal, genuine feelings are lost. The behavior of death, sounding on the pages, is closely connected with the motive of universal orphanhood. (And the other becomes central in the work of A. P. Platonov.) The theme of death is introduced into the story is not accidental. The revolution was not only able to resurrect the dead (the philosophical idea of \u200b\u200bN. Fedo-Rove was perceived by A. P. Platonov himself), but brought-la, and the author constantly draws the reader's attention to it, new deaths.

Some insensitiveness of the heart of the main character at the beginning of the path (cuts the sausage on the coffin of his wife) is replaced by a sense of deep unity with the world, which is understood as the meaning of life. In the final of the story there is a prose: "Pukhov walked with pleasure, feeling like a long time ago, the relativeness of all bodies to her body. He gradually daughter-washed about the most important and painful. He even remained, putting his eyes, - the inadvertent in his soul returned to him. Desperate nature has moved into people and in the courage of re-volution. " Material from site.

The originality of the language. In the work finds its own refinement of the author's idea of \u200b\u200bthe unprofitability of the world of external and internal, material and intangible. In the story "The innermost person" the image of life is carried out in the unity of the comic and tragic principle. The Language of Platonic Work reflected the search for a new language, the beginning of the XX century passed under the sign. Symbols, which in a number of works of the writer are reassigned, begin to perform a leatelemic function. "Strange" Language of Platonic Assessment uses the hero to express the inner world that does not have words to transfer its experiences and conclusions. In the Outline of Platonov, there is a book speech with an abundance of a distinguished vocabulary (on the walls of the station hung a manufactory with campaign words), the displacement of the usual language connections, when the subsequent word is difficult to predict, coagulation and deployment of proposals (finally driving away, shooting in Air - for frightening greedy to the trans-port of bags), intended to use tautologic repetitions, etc.

A. P. Platonov creates works in which it is shown not things, not objects, but their meaning, the writer is not interested in life, but being, the essence of things. The image of Thukhov's Thoma, connecting "high tragic and laughing culture", becomes one of the whole gallery of seeking and doubting Platonian heroes.

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On this page, material on the themes:

  • hydrone Review Man
  • searches for the meaning of a separate and general existence in the work of A.P.Platonova
  • the image of Foma Pukhov
  • honesty Man Influence Production
  • the world of Heroes Platonov

Andrei Platonov - the author who is recognized in the domestic literature the Word Master. In this article we will tell you about the work will introduce you to this story. She saw the light in 1928. The story came out with a separate publication ("the" secret man "Platonova). The summary of the events described in the work.

Fomu Pukhov, the main character, was not good sensitivity. For example, he cut the boiled sausage on the coffin of his wife, as he was hung out due to the lack of mistress. After making it, after her burial down pohos, she was stacked. Someone loudly knocks onto the door. This is the guard office of his chief who brings the hero a ticket to clean from the snow of the railway tracks. Puhows at the station signs in this order - try not silent at that time!

Puhov cleans the path from snow drifts

Together with other workers who serve the snowplow driven by two steam locomotives, the main character begins to clear the path from so that the Krasnoarmeic armored trains and the echelons can pass. In 60 versts from this place there is a front. The snowpressure on one snowstorm slowly slows down. Breaking heads, fall workers. It is raised to death surrounds the workers of the equestrian detachment of the Cossacks, ordering them to deliver a snowmock and steam locomotives to the station, occupied by white. The red armored train arrived at the scene shoots the Cossacks scorn in the snow, and frees his comrades.

Holidays at the Lisci Station

They rest at the leaves station for three days. Puhow on the wall of the barrack reads an announcement that the South Front, in technical parts, a set of mechanics is being conducted. He offers strely, to his friend, go to the south, explaining this to what to do on a snowmock is nothing to do: spring is approaching. A revolution will pass, and the workers will not remain anything. Strogless agreed, since it does not want to leave his wife with her son.

The main character goes to Crimea

Puhov a week later, together with five locks, sent to Novorossiysk. On three ships, the Reds are equipped with a landing landing, consisting of 500 people, in the rear of Wrangel, in the Crimea. Puhov goes on a ship called "Shanya", serves a landing of a non-cold night passes through however, the ships lose each other because of the storm. The swelling element does not allow to land as the coast of the Crimea. People are forced to return to the city of Novorossiysk.

Life in Novorossiysk

It comes to news that the red troops took Simferopol. Puhov four months spends in the city as a senior Montera base related to Azov-Black Sea Shipping Company. From a lack of work, he misses: the steamers arrive a little, and the protagonist is mainly engaged in the fact that constitutes reports on the breakdowns of the mechanisms. Often he walks around the surrounding area, enjoying nature. The main character, remembering the deceased spouse, sad, bolding into the ground heated with his breath, his face. Wakes up its reluctant, rare drops of Pukhov Pukhov - the "secret man" Platonov. The summary of the story allows only casual to mention its mental state.

Puhov in Baku, meeting with ball

We will continue our story. Andrei Platonov further writes that after some time the Puhow leaves the city of Novorossiysk, but he is not going home, but in Baku, in order to walk along the coast of the Caspian, and then along the Volga to Motherland. In Baku, he meets with a ball, a sailor that establishes the shipping company in the Caspiana. This person provides him with a business trip to the city of Tsaritsyn in order to attract a qualified proletariat in Baku. Arriving there, the main character shows some kind of mechanics who matured him from the office of the plant, the mandate of Sharicikov. This man reads him, after which, smearing saliva, sticks the piece of paper to the fence - an interesting piece that Andrei Platon introduces. "The innermost man" pohos looks at the piece of paper and drives a nail so that the wind does not break the document. After that, he goes to the station where the train sits down. Puhov asks passengers, where they go. The meek voice of one person answers that they also do not know. "Rides, and we with him," he says.

Life in Motherland

Pukhov returns to his homeland, settles in the house of the story, who worked as secretary of the workshop cell, and serves here on the mechanic. He goes to live in a week to his apartment, which calls the "alienation band", because Pukhov is boring here. The main character often goes to visit his companion story and tells him the various stories about the Black Sea - to drink tea is not a task. Thomas, returning home, remembers that the human dwelling is called a hearth. He complains that his house is not at all like a focus: no fire, no women. The thoughts of the main character, which was created by Platonov ("hidden man") was very interesting. The analysis of them, unfortunately, is not the subject of our article. However, the transformation that he ultimately undergoes, we will continue to briefly describe.

Failed at the end of Pukhov

White approach the city. Having gathered in the detachments, workers defend. Hurricane fire shells the city of white armored train. Thomas proposes to organize several sand platforms in order to put them on the armored train from the slope. But they smitherente wake up without harming him. Workers who rushed into the attack, fall under the machine-gun fire. Two armored trains of red-Armenians in the morning come working to the rescue: the city is saved.

After these events, a cell is disassembled: Isn't the Puhow traitor? Or maybe he came up with this stupid venture because it simply is a fearful man? On that and shaped. Fomu Pukhov agar of work in the workshop - despondency, not heaviness. Remembering Sharikov, he writes that letter.

Puhov again in Baku

The answer comes in a month. Comrade invites him to work in Baku on oil peculiarities. Thomas goes there, serves as a machinist on one of the engines, pumping oil into the petroleum oil. Time goes, the main character becomes good. He regretted only about one thing: that he raised a little and no longer in his soul of something desperate, as it was before.

Awareness of Foma Pukhov

Somehow once the main character, about whose life tells us the story of Platonov "inextriced man", went to the fishery from Baku. He spent at his friend Sharicikov, who returned brother from captivity. Unexpectedly awakened sympathy for people suddenly clarifies in the soul of Pukhov. He walks with pleasure, feeling relatives to his body of all other bodies, luxury of life, as well as the frenzy of nature, bold, incredible and in action, and in silence. Gradually, the protagonist guessed about the most painful and important: in people, the desperate nature was switched to the revolutionary courage. The mental Alien leaves Pukhov, and he feels familiar warmth of the Motherland, as if he returned to his mother from an unnecessary wife. Heat and light strained over the world around the world, turned gradually into human strength. He meets the driver he says: "Good morning!" He answers: "revolutionary quite".

So the "secret man" Platonova ends. A brief content introduces the reader only with basic events. After reading the original of the work, you will get a closer to the main character and better understand why Platonov used to use such an unusual definition - "inextric man." Heroes of the story are very interesting. Their characters deserve more detailed consideration.

Thomas Pukhov, namely, the name of Platonov's hero is really not inclined to the sublimation. And he has a special vision of what is happening. What is happening? Revolution, civil war. Before presenting the summary of the "secret person" of Platonov, it is worth bringing several facts from the biography of the Soviet writer. He, like many, suffered from post-revolutionary events. And reflected his experiences in the books.

Creativity Platonov

"The innermost person", the summary of which is set out below, the story "Markun", the collection "Blue Depth", "Epifanian gateways", "Ether tract", "Yamskaya Sloboda" - all this was published in the twenties. Platonov was then widely known. But at the beginning of the thirties, he increasingly began to expose attacks of critics.

In 1918, Platonov entered the Voronezh Technical School. Then he served in the revolutionary railway committee. During the civil war, he worked as a correspondent. In 1922, a collection "Blue Depth" came out. And three years later, Platonov wrote such works as the "Ether Tract", "Epifanic Gateways", "City of Grads".

The most significant stories were created at the end of the thirties: "Kotlovan", "Cheving". None of these works was published during the author's life. After all, they are talking about the construction of a communist society in the utopian spirit.

Stalin appreciated the creature of Platonov ("secret man", the brief content of which we consider is not an exception), as you appreciated the books of many writers who have been repressions. In 1931, Platonov wrote a story "Trick". This work caused a sharp criticism of Fadeeyev - Prosaika, who wrote badly, but "right." Then in the life of Platonov and problems began. His works stopped typing.

In 1934, in the "Pravda" printed a crushing article, after which the publisher did not publish Platonic works for a long time. In 1938, the Son of the Writer arrested. Soon he was released. But in prison, the young man fell ill with tuberculosis, soon died. Platonov infected with the son of an incurable ailment. Sit from life in 1951.

In the early works of Platonov, faith felt in revolutionary ideas. But by the beginning of the thirties, he more and more doubt that it is easy to see when reading the ages of those years. "The innermost person" was published for the first time in 1927. Today it is difficult to understand that Soviet critics could not like in this story. The fact is that the heroes are, although representatives of the proletariat, the personality is dubious. And most importantly, doubting. During the construction of communism, such characters were unpopular.

"Caught man" Platonova: summary

The text consists of nine chapters. But to present a summary of the work of Platonov "The innermost man" is better according to the following plan:

  1. A ticket to work.
  2. Accident.
  3. Station Liski.
  4. On the ship.
  5. Homecoming.
  6. Unsuccessful plan.
  7. Baku.

Powder on work

Puhov buried his wife. Returning from the cemetery, he burned a bit. Suddenly knocked on the door. The main character, shouting in the hearts: "Do not mess!" - The door still opened. On the threshold stood the watchman office of the distance - brought a ticket to snowy work.

Thomas came to the station. Here signed in the order. Platonov supplemented the text with its remarks. So, he says: "At that time, try not silent." Puhov, along with other workers, it is sent to clear the path for the Red Army. The front is very close - in sixty kilometers.


Is it worth reading the "secret person" of Platonov in summary? The reading of the abbreviated version will leave five minutes. But, of course, the presentation will not give the colorful, juicy language of the Soviet classics. The characteristic of its Hero of Platonov gives as if between the rows. Thomas Pukhov at the beginning of the work creates the impression of man indifferent. An accident occurs. The snowpressure stops the Cossack squad. The machine slows down, as a result, workers get injuries, and the driver dies. "How did he run into the pin, a fool?" - Give down the downs, seeing the disadvantaged body of the deceased. It would seem that his tragic death of a young man at all touches him. Perhaps a little surprising.

At the station Liski

Workers liberate "red". At the same time, the Cossacks scorn in the snow are shot. Even on the short content of the story, the "secret man" Platonov can be understood as severe and cruel the years of the civil war. People seemed not to notice grief, deaths.

On the sad events of the pokhu immediately forgets. At the Liski station he sees the ad: "There are mechanics on the southern front." Soon spring, there is nothing to do on a snowpressure. We are already known from the summary of the "secret person": Platonov in this story tells about a lonely person, who after the death of his wife is ready to wander around the country. Comrade Pukhova remains. He himself will be recovered south.

On the ship

From the summary of the "secret man" A. Platonov, you can learn what historical events are reflected in this book. Puhov is arranged by the work on a steamer, which is heading to the Crimea - in the rear to Wrangel. But due to the assault, the Crimean Coast cannot succeed.

Meanwhile, it comes to the news of the "red" Simferopol. For several months, Thomas spends in Novorossiysk. Here he works as a senior monter on the coastal base. Remembers a deceased wife, sad ...


The main hero of the story of Platonova is sent to Baku, where it meets with a sailor by the name of the balls. This person takes part in the restoration of the Caspian shipping company. Sharikov sends a fomet on a business trip, where he should engage in the involvement of a local proletariat.

Pooh suddenly returns home. Here he again aroused sadness. Returning and crossing the threshold of his house, he recalls that this dwelling is called a focus. But what kind of home the hearth without a woman and fire?

Unfortunate plan

"White" attack the city. In order to eliminate the enemy, Puhov offers the following plan: to put several sand platforms on the armored train. However, the idea is unsuccessful.

"Red" come and save the city. After Pukhov, many accused of betrayal. After all, the implementation of the plan with platforms led to the death of workers. However, many still understand that Puhov is just a "dyed man." After this, Foma writes a letter to the ball, he sends it to Baku. The main character leaves for oil peppers.


Sharikov appoints Pukhov by a machinist on the oil engine. This work is my soul. Although here he has no apartment, he will spend the night on the instrument box in the barn. One day, the balls invites him to become a communist. Pooh refuses. Refusal explained as follows: "I am a natural fool." Increasingly, he is sad, misses the dead wife. This is a summary of the story of Platonova "The innermost person".


The Heroes of Platonov are tonasked, their speech is originally, may seem illiterate. But this is the feature of the prose of the Soviet writer. Puhov is trying to understand the revolution. This is expressed in his peculiar reflections.

In the Soviet artistic literature of pre-war years there are more often heroes of proletarian origin. On their background, Thomas Pukhov looks a bit strange. Unlike the characters of Ostrovsky, Fadeev, Foma does not believe in the revolution. He doubts communist ideas. In the soul of Platonovsky Hero, an irrepresenting desire to know the world is rooted, the desire to make sure of the truth of revolutionary ideas. He resembles a foma unbeliever. This biblical character was not with the apostles when the resurrection of Jesus Christ took place. So he refused to believe in a miracle. As long as did not touch the wounds of Christ. However, according to one of the versions, Thomas was the only apostle that managed to comprehend the intimate, the secret meaning of the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Puhov has something in common and with men from the poem "Who lives well in Russia." Nekrasovsky heroes are also trying to comprehend the riddle of happiness. Poohov is not interested in life as being. And its dissimilarity, the difference from other people is noticeable in the first scene, which was mentioned above.

The main character of the story "The innermost man" is an eternal wanderer. It may seem that Puhov travels completely aimlessly. Everyone is busy in any case, have strict judgments regarding a particular question. And Pukhova, the revolution does not find a response in the soul. He is looking for confirmation of the idea of \u200b\u200buniversal happiness. At the same time, during their wandering around the country, death sees more. The reality seen generates new doubts about revolutionary ideas.

What is the meaning of the name of the story? It is known that the word "intimate" traditionally, following the definition in the dictionary V. I. Daly, - "hidden, hidden, hidden, secret, hidden or caught by someone" - indicates something opposite to the concepts of "frank", "external" , "Visual." In modern Russian, the definition of "intimate" - "undeveloped, holy stored" is often added "sincere", "intimate", "hearty". However, in connection with the Foma Pukhov Platonov, a frank crossbar, subjected to severely analyzing the holiness and sinlessness of the revolution itself, seeking this revolution not in posters and slogans, and in the other - in characters, in the structures of the new government, the concept of "intimate", as always, sharply Modifies, enriched. What is it secret, "capened", "closed" this downs, if the downs at every step reveals, swallowed, literally provokes dangerous suspicions regarding himself in a circle of primitive political admissions He does not want to record: "Screaming brains, and I want to live a fresh live " On the proposal of some workers - "You would now lead the leader, what do you work?

"- He mockingly answers:" The leaders and so much. And there are no locomotives! In the Darmonds I will not be! " And on the offer to become a hero, to be in the forefront, he answers even more frankly: "I am a natural fool!

"In addition to the concept of" intimate ", Andrei Platonov very loved the word" uneacle. " "I NecriminallyBegan, I go alone and think, "says, for example, a boy in the story" Clay house in the county garden. " And in the "secret man" there is identifying the concepts of "uneacle" and "intimate": " NecriminatedPeople sympathy manifested itself in the soul of Pukhov's overgrown life. " We are hardly mistaken if on the basis of many stories of Platonov for children, his fairy tales, in general "signs of abandoned childhood" say that children or people with an open, childish natural soul and there are the most "intimate", leading themselves extremely naturally without pretending, hiding, especially hypocrisy. Children are the most open, undisputed, they are the most "intimate".

All their actions are "unknown", that is, not prescribed by anyone, sincere, "careless". Fome Pukhovo, then they say: "You will achieve my way, pooh! You are whining somewhere!

"; "Why are you grumbled and a dumb floor, not the hero of the era?" etc. And he continues his way of a free contemporance, an ironic beastned, which does not fit into any bureaucratic system, hierarchy of posts and slogans.

"Softness" Pukhov - in this FreedomSelf-development, freedom of judgments and evaluations of the revolution itself, its saints and angels in the context of the revolution who stopped in a bureaucratic severity. "What are the features of the scene deployment of the character of Pukhov and what are they determined?

"- Teacher asks at class. Andrei Platonov does not explain the reasons for continuous, endless wardings of Pukhov through the revolution (this is 1919-1920), his desire to look for good thoughts (that is, confidence in the truth of the revolution) "Not in the comfort, but from the crossing with people and events." He did not explain the deep autobiogram of the whole story (it was created in 1928 and precedes his story "The doubted Makar", which caused a sharp rejection by the official position of Platonov). The story begins with a demonstratively stated, visual theme of movement, the hero break with peace, with a homely comfort, with the theme of the onslaught on his soul of the counter life; With wind blows, storms.

He is part of the world, where "Wind, wind on all white light" and "There is no man on the legs" (A. Block). Thomas Pukhov, still an unknown reader, not just goes to the depot, on the locomotive to brush the path from the snow for red echelons, - he is part of the space, in the universe, where "the blizzard was terribly deployed over the head of Pukhov," where "he met Snow in the face and noise of the storm. " And it pleases him: the revolution entered nature, lives in it. In the future, in the story more than once arises - and not at all in the function of a passive background of events, a picturesque landscape - an incredibly moving world of nature, rapidly moving human masses.

"The blizzard rode exactly and stubbornly, Stripping with huge tensionSomewhere in the steppes of the south-east. " "Cold night PassedStorm, and lonely people felt longing and fierce. " "At night, Against the strengthened wind, the squad went to the port for landing. " " The wind is toldAnd robbed a huge space, rushing somewhere for hundreds of the mile.

Water drops, Rotted from the sea, rushed in shaking air and beat in the face like pebbles. " "Sometimes" Shanny "(the ship with the nautical landing of red. - V. Ch.) Whole water pillars, embraced by Vortex Nord-Osta. After yourself, they bare Deep abyss, Almost showing the bottom of the sea" "The train was all night, - rod, tormenting and Punching nightmareIn the bone heads forgotten people, the wind moved iron on the roof of the car, and Puhov thought about the dreary life of this wind and regretted him. " Please note that among all the feelings of the Thoma Pukhov prevailing dominates: if only the storm would not stop, the magty of contact with people in the heart did not disappear, did not come stagnation, the "parade and order", the kingdom of prosened! And if only he himself, Pukhov, did not place, as the Hero of the Civil War Maxim Pashintsev in Chevengur, in a peculiar aquarium, "Revolution Reserve"! Platonov himself, by 1927-1928, felt his own romance of the revolution (see

its collection of poems in 1922 "Blue Depth"), scary offended, offended era of bureaucracy, era of "ink darkness", kingdom of desk and meetings. He, like Thomas Pukhov, asked himself: those bureaucrats from his satirical story "City of Hands" (1926) are really right, which "philosophically" deny the idea of \u200b\u200bmovement, updates, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe way, saying: "What flows will flow And - stop "? In the "secret man", many contemporaries Pukhov - and the balls, and story - already "stopped", they sat down in bureaucratic chairs, believed with the benefit for themselves in the "Cathedral of the Revolution", that is, in the dogma of the new Bible. The character of Pukhov, the Skaltar, the righteous, the carrier of the idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom, "non-expansion" (i.e.

the natural, unpredictance of thoughts and actions, human naturalness) is difficult to deploy precisely in his movements, meetings with people. He is not afraid of dangers, inconvenience, he is always barbed, the outstanding, mocking, carelessly. Hardly ended a dangerous trip with a snowpressure, as Puhov immediately offers his new friend Peter Streakful: "We are going, Peter! .. We are going, Petrush! ..

The revolution will pass, and we will not have anything! "He needs hot spots of the revolution, without the guardianship of the bureaucrats.

In the future, restless Pukhov, Thomas, a unbeliever, mischief, a man of game behavior, falls into Novorossiysk, participates (as a mechanic on the landing ship "Shanya") in the liberation of the Crimea from Wrangel, moves to Baku (on an empty oil tank), where it is found with the adulsive character - Sailor Sharicov. This hero does not want to return to his pre-revolutionary working profession. And on the proposal of Pukhov "Take the hammer and latai ships personally," he, "who became scribe" being actually illiterate, proudly says: "Chudak you, I am the general leader of the Caspian Sea!" Meeting with Sharicov did not stop Poohov on the spot, did not "sewed to business," although the balls suggested him to command: "Become a commander of the oil flotilla." "Like through the smoke, Puhov pierced in the stream of unfortunate people to Tsaritsyn. It always happened to him - almost unconsciously, he chased his life for all the gorges of the Earth, sometimes in the oblivion of himself, "says Platonov, reproducing the confusion of road meetings, Pukhov's conversations, finally, arrives in his native Parkharinsk (definitely, Native Platonov Voronezh) . Finally, his participation in the battle with a kind of white general Lyoslavsky ("He has an end to the darkness").

Search in the tracks of the Spacelism, Pukhov Strangest (although extremely active, active, full dangers) of some compliance with the specific historical situations, to seek sequences of civil war events, of course, should not. The entire space in which the downs are moving is largely conditional, as well as time 1919-1920. Other from contemporaries and eyewitnesses of real events of those years, like a friend and patron of Platonov, editor of the "Voronezh commune" G. Z. Litvina-Molotov, even reproached the writer in "retreats from the truth of history": Wrangel was expelled in 1920, then what White general could postpone Parkharinsk (Voronezh)?

After all, the raid of the buildings of the White Denikin generals of the Schucuro and Mamontov (they really were the cavalry), who took Voronezh, happened in 1919! "What pleased Pukhov in the revolution and what was immensely grieving, strengthened the flow of ironic judgments? "- a teacher with the question of class. Once in the youth of Andrei Platonov, the leaving from the large family of the railway master in the Yamsk Sloboda, admitted: "The words about the locomotive revolution turned the locomotive for me in the feeling of revolution." With all his doubts, Thomas Pukhov, although this is not a heroic character and not a cold sage, not a conditional squeeze, still retained the same youthful line, the romanticism of the author's life. Platonov invested in the life of Pukhov much from his perception of the revolution as the grand event of the 20th century, who has changed the whole history that graduated from the former, spoiled, the history of history (or rather, the prehistory).

"Time around the circle stood like light-consumption", "deep times breathed over these mountains" - such estimates of the time, all events that changed the story, the fate of the former little man, a lot in the story. From the early lyrics of Platonov, from the Blue Depth book, the most important motive of the eternal secret was moved into the story (freedom) of the human soul: myself was still unknown, nobody lit to me. In the story of such "unlit", that is, not in need of the "light" (directives, orders, agitoes), which are not in need of the "light" (directives, orders, agitoes), are young redarmeys on a steamer "Shan": "They have not yet known the values \u200b\u200bof life, and therefore They were unknown cowardice - they were pity for their body, they were unknown to themselves. Therefore, the Red Armyians did not have in the soul of chains that chained them to their own personality.

Therefore, they lived with a full life with nature and with history, and the story ran in those years as a steam locomotive, a burden for himself on the rise of the world's cargo, despair and humble cosiness. " "What does Poohov upset in the events, in the very atmosphere of time?" - asks the teacher from the guys. He, like the author himself, saw in the epoch of the celebration of the bureaucratic forces, the nomenclature, the corps of the omnipotent officials, signs of obvious braking, cooling, even "observation", and the all-souls, acts, the general enthusiasm, extermination or worship of the Great Dream. The engineer, sending Pukhov to the flight, is a solid fright: "He put it twice for the wall, he quickly saddled and obeyed everything - without a complaint and without reproach. But but it was silent forever and only orders said. " In Novorossiysk, as Pukhov noted, the arrests and the defeat of "prosperous people" were already walked, and his new friend sailor balls, already known to himself, who realized his right to proletarian benefits, the benefits of the "ascending class", triggers turning and Pukhov on the careerism path.

If you are working, then "- then why are you not in the forefront of the revolution?" "Two Sharicikov: What do you think, what is their similarity and difference?" - Teacher as a matter class. Fortunately for Platonov, it was not observed that in the "secret man" already appeared his Platonov's balls (after, but independently of the Bulgakovskaya groteskaya story "The dog's heart", 1925).

This summer sailor, also the second "I" of Platonov, does not yet give rise to the so-called "fear-laughter" (laughter after a forbidden joke, a terrible allegory, ridicule over official text, etc.). The balls are no longer award to increasing the rhythm, he does not want to stay in those snotty, without which it will cost Wrangelem, he does not enter, but will be in power! As a result, it is not a fantastic operation with a cute dog ball! - Already with visible pleasure, she brings his surname on papers, orders for flour packs, a piece of manufactory, a cheeter of firewood and even like a puppet: "It is so famous and figure that the reader of his surname said: Comrade Sharikov is an intelligent person! " There is no idle question: what the difference between Platonovsky Sharicikov and his "Sharikovshchina" from the corresponding hero in the story of M.

Bulgakov "Dog's Heart" (1925)? Essentially, two balls arose in the literature of the 20s. Platonova did not have to look for the services of the Professor of the Preobrazhensky and his assistant Bormental (the heroes of the "Dog Heart") to create a phenomenon of Sharicikov - a self-satisfied, even robust demagogue, a carrier of primitive proletarian cv. I didn't need a "material" in the form of a unlocked homeless ps ball. Platonov's balls are not an extraordinary, not speculative and exceptional (like Bulgakov) phenomenon: it is easier, habitual, everybody, autobiographical, and those probably worse. And it is more painful for Platonov: he grows in Chevengur in Copenkina, and in the "pit" - in Zhacheva. It is not laboratory, and time.

He prepares a landing in the Crimea and tries somehow to teach fighters. At first, he just "happily rushing on the ship and said to everyone anything." It is curious that he no longer said, but continuously agitated, not noticing the poverty of his lectures. Platonovsky balls, having learned to paint "big paper on the road", becoming the "universal head of the Caspian Sea", very soon will learn to "burst", shred in any field. The final of the "secret person" is generally optimistic: behind the Pukhov there are also episodes of dying - Assistant Machinist, Workers' Afonina, and Ghosts "Sharikovshchina", and the threats in their address "he saw the luxury of life and the fury of the bold nature", "Necross The soul returned to him. " However, these episodes of reconciliation, a kind of harmony between the hero-seeker and the hero-philosopher (the first names of the story "Country of philosophers"), very fragile, are dissolved.

After a year later, the next sneaker, just more desperately, "doubted Makar", coming to Moscow, the Supreme, Governing City will call: "We are not a road - we will put the little things - we will give the soul to the soul, once you are the inventor" . This is perhaps the main, dominant note in the entire Orchestra Platonova: "Everything is possible - and everything is possible, but the main thing is to sow a soul in people." Thomas Pukhov - the first of the heralds of this Platonic Dream pain. Questions and Topics for Repeat 1. How did the platony mean the meaning of the word "intimate"? 2. Why did Platonic chosen the story of the Spacelism, the strangeness for disclosure of character? 3. What was the autobiographer image of Poohov? Was not Platonic himself in the same Skaltole, full of nostalgia on the revolution? 4. What is the difference between Sharicikov from the character of the same name from the "Dog Heart" M. A. Bulgakov? Which writers stood closer to her hero? 5. Is it possible to say that Puhov is partly specifically historical, and in part "floating point of view" (E. Thick-Segal) Platonov himself on a revolution, her ups and decline? Recommended literature Andrei Platonov: Memories of contemporaries.

Biographies / Sost materials. N. Kornienko, E.

Schubin. - M., 1994. Vasilyev V.

V. Andrei Platonov: Sketch of Life and Creativity. - M., 1990.

Kornienko N. V.

The history of the text and biographies A. P. Platonova (1926-1946). - M.

Explain to me the meaning of the work of Platon's hidden person in an affordable language ... If you help, I recognize the best ... and got the best answer

Answer from Pawel [Guru]
Analysis of the story "The innermost person" Platonova A. P.
The hero of the story of the "secret man" of Foma Pukhov and in mature years did not lose the naive perception of the world.
At the beginning of the story, he simply disds from all complex issues. One only appreciates the mechanic poahov: his own business. But on the other hand, he appears as a spontaneous philosopher, in something misornik, in something of the moralizer.
The party cell is even concluded, "that Pukhov is not a traitor, but just a fearful man."
The effort of the "foolish man" to understand the revolution is expressed by the special individual language of Platonovskaya prose - sometimes oblique, as if illiterate, but always accurate and expressive. The speech of the narrator and heroes bears the seal of a special humor, manifested in the most unexpected fragments of the text: "Athanas, you are not a whole person, but a defective! - spoke pooh with regret. "
"The innermost person" for a story as it would collect in one entire hungry flesh, a practical surpection, mind and soul: "If only thinking, too, they will not leave, it is necessary to have a feeling! "
Fomu Pukhov not only likes nature, but also understands her. Unity with nature causes a whole range of feelings: "On one day, during sunshine, Pukhov walked around the city and thought - how much vicious dullness in people, how much inattention to such a single lesson, as life and the whole natural situation."
The understanding of the events of the Civil War in his consciousness takes a fantastic character. However, mostly, in the main thing he does not lie, but by contrast - seeks truth.
In a difficult, confused time, when the illiterate poorness rose against the Scholars of the "White Guard" and the impossible unimaginable feat - and the thirst for the Epision! - defeated the enemy, from the man of "external", thoughtless, empty frog pouche, checking everything on his experience, turns into a "hidden person."
Milana Tyz, you know, about it more accessible!

Answer from Maria Saitova[active]

Answer from 3 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with the answers to your question: explain to me the meaning of the work of Platonic people in an affordable language ... if you help, I recognize the best ...