Card games: Rules and varieties. Play card online

Card games: Rules and varieties. Play card online
Card games: Rules and varieties. Play card online

Who said the maps of children are not a toy? Which of us in childhood did not play with friends in "fool" or in the "shark"? Despite the abundance of all sorts of board games, ordinary playing cards occupy far from last place in a number of favorite children's entertainment.

Children's card games are distinguished by simple rules, to master that even preschoolers. In addition, many of them develop logical thinking, reaction and attention. That is why children can combine pleasant with useful children.


The goal of the game is to get rid of your cards. Maps equally share between the participants. Each player puts a stack of shirt cards up. Watch your cards are not allowed. The participants of the game go in turn, clockwise, and the right of the first turn is determined by drawing. Players in turns open the top card lying in the stack, and put it up with a picture next to a stack. The player is obliged to put his card on an open card of any of the players if his card is as follows in as early as an increase. For example, the second player opened the eight, and the first player lies an open seven. The second player puts his eight on the seven of the first player. Or the player has opened a lady, and his neighbor has an open currency. The lady goes to the valve. Six put on the ace.

Attention! Laying cards in descending order. For example, it is impossible to put the currency at the launch, and on the nine eight. When the player has a choice - immediately from several participants of the game, the cards are open to which he can put his card, then it acts at his discretion and puts the map of that who wants. If the player puts his card on someone else's open stack, then it remains from him. He continues to open his cards and shift them to other participants as long as the cards discover themselves for this. As soon as the player lay out the card, which cannot be put on anyone from other participants in the game, the move goes to the next player. All players carefully follow the game process and the actions of the one who opens cards. If the player had the opportunity to put his open card on someone else's stack, and he did notice this opportunity, he opened the next closed card and put it on his own - such a "zooaku" is fine. Each of the players puts him on one map of his stacks, and the move moves to the next participant. For example, the player lies open nine, and his neighbor lies open eight. Instead of putting your nine neighbor, the player opens the next card. This means that he "yawned".

As soon as the closed stack of the player ends, he is obliged to wait for his turn, turn her shirt up and continue the game. At the same time, the cards cannot be drawn.

The game wins the one who was the first to get rid of his cards. And loses, respectively, that player who has a full deck in his hands at the end of the game. As a rule, the winners are more attentive players. But it also depends on the scenario: very often in "ZEVAKA" it turns out to be the one who has never been mistaken for the whole game!

Akulina (Witch)

An ordinary deck of 36 cards is used for the game, from which the lady TREF is pulling out in advance. It is not used in the game. The game can take part from 2 to 6 people.

The goal of the game: Get rid of your cards and not stay with a peak lady in your arms. The game passes in two stages. Maps equally are distributed between all the participants of the game, although in most cases the last player gets less than one card. At the first stage of the game, participants dump paired cards, strictly two. For example, two six, two kings, two aces. Three identical cards should not be thrown off. At the same time, the matset of the cards does not have the values, in a little exception: the bubnic lady is reset together with the worry lady, and it is impossible to throw out the peak. This is a witch or akulin. After the players have no paired cards left, each of them, in turn, suggests the next player to pull out one of his cards. Of course, your cards cannot be shown to other participants of the game. Usually they are kept in front of a fan, picture to themselves. The player pulls the map and, if there is an opportunity, drops pair cards or - if you have nothing to reset - leaves an elongated card to myself, and the move goes to the next player.

The game is underway until all pair cards are reset from all participants of the game. The loser remains with a single card - a lady of peak. Sometimes the one who stayed with sharul has to be taped on the head of a slam and sit in it throughout the next Kona until a new loser appears. In this game, there is another version of credit cards. If they play a little or they are inconvenient to keep a large number of cards in their hands at the same time, then you can hand over all players for five cards and put a deck in the center of the table. After resetting pair cards, each player gets missing cards from a deck. If the steam cards of the players ended even before the deck is dismantled, then you can go to the second stage of the game. The player who has stretched the map takes the missing card from the deck and, if necessary, resets pair cards during the game. It should be noted that "Akulina" is a well-known game not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Only there it is called "Old Virgo", play it a "long" deck out of 52 cards. No cards from the deck do not pop out in advance, and the role of "shark" performs a joker.

Hi, curren!

A very fun game for the smallest, which develops a quick response and attention. The game is designed for a large number of players (minimum 3). If players are a bit, then you can use a deck of 36 cards. Also for the game fits and a deck of 52 cards, without jokers.

Maps equally are distributed between the participants of the game. Each player puts his stack in front of himself, shirt up. It is impossible to watch your cards. Then players in turn (clockwise) open their cards and lay them on the table. Cards advantage from six o'clock (or from twos on nine, if the "long deck" is used) do not require any actions from players and stay on the table. But the cards from dozens to the ace require from other participants in the game, except for who opens a map, certain actions.

If a dozen appears - whistle!

If the curren appears - say: "Hi, curren!"

If a lady appears - say: "Hi, lady!"

If the king appears - "take a visor" or "give honor" (army greeting).

If ace appears - slammed with palms on the table.

The player who completed the task is incorrectly takes itself all the cards lying on the table (including those that were posted earlier). If all the players did everything right, then the card takes on the player who fulfilled the task last. If the players cannot decide who was the last (all completed the required action at the same time), then the cards remain on the table, and the move goes to the next player. In another case, the move goes to the one who took the cards. Wins the one who was the first to get rid of his cards. Of course, a list of actions that are required from players when certain cards appear, it is possible to change. But you need to discuss them before the start of the game.


One of the first card games that children are mastered. For the game uses a deck of 36 cards. Usually the game is designed for 2 players, but they can be more.

The goal of the game is to collect a full deck of cards. Maps equally are distributed between the participants of the game. It is impossible to watch your cards. Each of the players takes his stack, shirt up, and opens up the top card. That of the participants of the game, who had a map of older than the other player (other players), takes a bribe and puts it into a separate stack. For example, one player has a lady, a second currency, and the third eight. Cards picks up the player who has fallen a lady. The youngest map is the six, and the most senior is ace. But the six is \u200b\u200bthe only card that takes the ace.

If the participants are laying at the same time the cards of the same dignity (two ladies, two dozen, two aces and so on), there is a dispute between them. Each of them puts on one closed map to his "arguing" card ("surprise"), and from above - another open card. In the dispute wins the one whose top open map older. If more than two players take part in the game, only those players who have had the cards of one dignity participate in the dispute. The remaining players skip the move. When the stack of cards, which is in the hands of the player, ends, he takes from the map card scored during the game, turns the stack with a shirt up and continues the game. Players must agree in advance whether it is possible to put cards in this stack or you need to lay out them in the sequence in which they were scored.

Wins, respectively, the player who took himself all the cards. And he plays the one who has no cards in their hands. He is a "drinker", which "propyl" all his cards. In this game, no mental process is required from the participants, and the winnings or losses depend solely on the sampling of cards. But for children this game usually likes.

Children's Solitaire "Four Aces"

For solitaire, a deck of 36 cards is taken. Maps are folded into 4 equal stacks, shirt up. The player takes the first stack, turns her picture up, takes off and puts away with any cards from the six to the king, until the appearance of the first ace. Cards lying under ace can not be removed. As soon as the ace appears, the player takes the next stack, turns it over, puts over the first pile and continues to take cards before the appearance of the ace. The same is done with the third and fourth stack. Then the remaining maps turn over the shirt up and laid out on three stacks. It is impossible to interfere with the card. When all the cards lying on top of aces are taken out of all three stacks, cards are folded into two stacks. The process is repeated. The remaining cards are put in one pile and turn over. All cards lying on top of the aces are also removed. Solitaire fell asleep if only four aces remained in the stack, and there are no other cards under them between them.

This type of game is intended only for two participants. Play with an incomplete deck in 24 cards from the ace before nine inclusive. Heart seniority: ace, ten, king, lady, currency, nine. Having distributes to himself and partner for 10 cards, 4 cards are demolished in a bona. Cards in the package are not put in the first and not least. Coupon must be stopped in the middle of the table, the cards are closed.

Alerts are announced in which players prescribe so many points as they could take in the process of drawing with their cards. Appointments are made from 60 to 120 points. You need to prescribe dozens, when counting points, they should also be rounded up to 10.

The one who does the highest appointment takes a bite. At your request, he can take or two last grazing cards, or two first. The cards remaining on the table has no right to watch none of the game before the end of the game. A bought a player demolides his unnecessary cards on the table closed and makes the first move. He also assigns a trump card to the game.

In some companies, the seaflet is put in two stacks of two cards. The bought has the right to take advantage of any coupon. Two remaining cards can not look. Sometimes four types of bake are included in the points counting points. This is happening when the winning trade declares 120 glasses without the announcement of Majazy and takes all the bribes to one.

If the older hand leaves in the first round of trading, the second has the right not to make an appointment, the bite still belongs to him. On the call map you should lay out or the card of the same suit, or to interrupt the goat. Bribe takes the highest card. The second and all subsequent moves belong to those who took the previous bribe.

After graduating from the game, points are counted. A player who has a bribe is the king and a lady of one suit, writes himself for the Marezh: A trump card - 80, unique-40 points. Points declared in the trading process are attributed to the player in the event that he scored no less appointed. Otherwise, they are written off from the counting account. Upon reaching the player in his record 850 points, he has the right not to participate in the auction, his opponent is not allowed to pass.

If, after a troops, the player sees that he will simply not be able to take declared points, he is allowed to "leave" - \u200b\u200bto record the declared points for yourself as a penalty, and the enemy has shoves 60 points to his record. This variety of thousands can be accommodated for four players. In this case, there are already 5 cards, and the player who takes a bite, demolitions on one of his unnecessary cards to opponents in a closed form.

So it's time to get acquainted with another cool game. This is a card game 1000 (thousand). How much I remember her, it was always very popular, because very gambling and the rules are simple. Easy to remember. By the way, the game "Thousand" is a kind of ancient French Mareja!

Buy corpural cards for the game in 1000 can

Rules of the game in 1000

So, let's make the rules of the game 1000.

So how to play a thousand? The game can participate from two to four people. For the game you need to get a deck of 32 cards.

Let's immediately figure out with the maps themselves. More precisely with their nominal value.


Ace - 11 0

Dozen - 10 points

King - 4 points

Lady - 3 points

Curlee - 2 points

Nine - 0 points

ATTENTION: I advise you to study my cheerry course dishonest advantage

Special value in the game is the so-called markets. Mariazh is the king and lady of one suit. Each marketing has its value. Chervoy-100 points, Bubnov-80 glasses, Trephic-60 points and peak-40 points. Also present in the game ace Marezh (when all 4 aces on hand) - 200 points

The game itself is to quickly score 1000 points or more. So what are the rules of the game 1000?

How to play? Classifieds of glasses.

Now let's look in detail the rules of the game. Fortunately, they are lungs.

We will disassemble the rules of the game for three people. By the drawing, the disintegration is determined. He distributes cards on one to each player, but in the process of delivery it must postpone 3 cards in the bunch. Important! It is impossible to put the first or last map of the deck.

Players look at their cards and pretend how many points they can take them. Starts player sitting on the left of the distribution. It is possible to declare only in digits of multiple 5.

The minimum number of points is negotiated immediately. Everywhere happens in different ways. Someone has a minimum number 50, and someone has 100.

So friends, then consider. Add the next player can 5 points, regardless how good it is good or bad cards.

The player who is obliged to gain more points takes the bite.


The player who took the bite should show his rivals, and then throw two any cards. These two cards he can throw off or closed or open. These cards on one come to rivals. After such a replacement, it can even increase the number of points, but not to reduce.

If it gains more declared numbers, only declared points are recorded, and if less, then the declared points are written with a minus. That is, deducted from previously typed. Player glasses are rounded. For example, the player scored 37 points, then rounded up to the smaller side, i.e. will be recorded, if I scored 38, then in a large one, there are 40 points.

If I scored 31, then 30, if 33, then 35 points. I think the point is clear.

Who goes first and how to beat the card?

The game begins the player with the greatest application or playing a mandatory game (Golden Kon). He comes in any of his cards, and the rest also go to their cards.

The player who posted the most senior card or a trump card, takes a bribe. At first, the game goes without a trump card before the announcement of the first Majaja.

Also, this player begins the next move. You need to answer exactly the same to the chastity that they went well and it is desirable that the maps be more dignity. If the player has no need, he must beat the visa. If there is no trump card - beat any card.


The card game 1000 is characterized by another "chip". Extremely important in the game Majaja (King + Lady of one suit). If the player is on the hand of Mariazh, he has the right to declare them only after he takes a bribe.

After the announcement of Majaja (the word "she", "praise", "visor") his points value is written with a plus sign. And the owner of Mareja is determined by the trump card. That is, before the first Mareja, there is a game without a trump card.

I think it is clear that the trump card with each marketing changes. And may change even four times behind the con. For example, a worm market was declared. This means that the trump card will be a cherry until someone will declare the next marketing.

After drawing the Kona, points are calculated, and another 10 points for the last bribe are attributed to the last bribe. This amount adds the amount of markets, if any.

The player who declared the greatest bribe must reach the announced quantity, or receive a minus, and rivals rounded their bribes to the nearest top five.


Well, according to the rules, everything seemed to write. Card game 1000 contains several nuances.

  1. When the cards are mixed in front of the horse, they must be shifted.
  2. Difference has the right to see the latest card. She as you understand will get to him.
  3. If there is nine, he has the right to ask to move the maps. In the case of a three-time loss of these cards, 120 penalty points shifted mercilessly.
  4. If the last card drops down, then it is allowed to remove into a deck and then it is impossible to shift the card.
  5. During the distribution of cards, it is forbidden to put the first and last map in the bon.

So everything seemed to tell everything that I knew. If you are add-ons, write, with joy will add text. Good luck and success in hard card battles.

I advise: ,

Card games with children familyr_papa. wrote in july 31st, 2012

text: Dmitry Gingerbread

We have a grand journey - we are going on vacation, to relatives in Feodosia. We will almost two days on the road. Even adults to withstand such a move is not easy, which is to talk about the steady stepper. What to take it on the road? We take with you a few mini-board games, but you will not play a day in them!

I thought the position would save the card. In the Stepkin Aged, I very much loved to play with my grandmother in Akulin, and with my grandfather - I do not believe in "I believe." I tried to remember all the children's card games, and I got a good list.

Bonjour, Madame!

This game has two options. The first: Maps one throws the host. The second: all cards distribute players in an equal number and each in their turn lay out one on the table.

Each card corresponds to a certain movement or word:

Ace - clap your palm on the table
King - give honor
Lady - shout "Bonzhur Madame!"
Valts - shout "Pardon, Monsieur!"
Dozen - shout "Hurray!"
Nine - clap your hands
Eight - Meak
Seven - to proceed
Six - Gry

The player who confused the word or movement is dropped out of the game.

I believe - I do not believe

If players are more than six, then two decks mix. Cards are handed over two (and one player may have fewer cards than the rest - it does not matter).

Begins the game the one who sits to the left of the surrender card. He puts three cards cover up and calls the advantage of cards. The game begins with the aces. That is, the player can really put the aces and call them, or can put any other cards, but also call them aces. The second player lay out kings (again also - either puts the correct cards, or deceives). The third player lays out the ladies and so on the downward.

If someone has doubts about someone during the game, he says: "I doubt." Then all the cards posted on the table turn the pictures up. If at least one map "Povered" (that is, it was not called, and she was on the table), the player takes all the cards. If there was no deception, then the card takes the player who deceived.

The party wins the one who is the first to get rid of his cards.


The game can play from four to ten people. At the beginning, choose one wash - it will become the main one.

Each player is handed over three cards. One of them he puts on the table with a picture down and changing her with another player. Continuing the game in such a way, you need to collect three cards of one suit, expressed at the beginning of the game. He who gave out the game.

The player remaining the latter is considered to be a loser and gets the nickname of Eroska.


If players are over six, then take a deck in 52 cards. All cards distribute to the players equally left.

Each player considers his cards. If there are paired (two twos, two currencies ...), then he resets them. The rest of the card holds in the hands of the fan so that no one can spit, what cards he remained.

Players in turn, right-left, start pulling each other on one map. Again come in the same way if paired cards come across - they are reset. It is impossible only to drop acouhin - peak lady. During the exchange of cards, it moves from one player to another and one who at the end it will remain in their hands, is considered to be a loser.


This game is like shark. Leading at random pulls out one card from a deck and hides it. The rest of the cards are then distributed to all participants of the game. They reveal their cards and dump pair. Then in turn of each other on the right-left pull cards. As soon as paired cards come across - they are reset again. The game goes until one of the players remains the last card, in a couple of the one that hid the lead.


This is a game for attentiveness. Because you need to watch not only for your cards, but also for the behavior of other players.

So, from the deck choose the aces, kings, ladies, currencies and dozens.

The presenter is hanging cards and distributes to all players equally. The presenter begins the game - it exchanges one card with a neighbor (they will exchange at random, do not show each other). The goal is to collect four cards (aces, or kings, or ladies ...)

The game passes in complete silence. A player who will collect four cards, raises the thumb. As soon as other players notice, they also raise the thumb. The one who will notice and raise the finger of the latter becomes donkey. He must squeeze "IA-IA" three times.


This is a game for two. Cards are taushat and lay down on two decks (pictures down).

On one players lay out their cards on the table. If the first player has an older card, he takes both cards to himself and puts them down his deck.

If both players are laid out the same card seniority, or one Ace, and the other, the six, then the cards argue. This means that each player on his card puts one more (picture down), and from above another - picture up. And already on the third map, judge who won the dispute. Woning (that is, the one whose third card will be older) takes all the most participating in the dispute card.

The game continues until one of the players remain a single card. He loses and call him a drunkard.


The game takes part from three players and more.

Each player is given seven cards. The rest of the cards lie in the deck from which the host takes the top card and puts the picture on the table.

On this map, the second player lay out three cards from his cards - either by descending or by increasing. For example, the driving lady laid out. The second player puts the valve, dozen and nine. Either the king, ace and twice. Neither does not matter.

When all the possibilities are exhausted and there is no longer possible to put cards from those in hand, the player can take the top card from the deck. If it is suitable for making another three cards, then the game continues. If not, the move goes to the third player.

When the deck is exhausted, players continue the game. The one who does not make up the top three cards (says "PAS" and skips the move).

The goal of the game is the first to free from all of your cards.

In the old days, this game was extremely relevant. Today, it is no less popular. Adults and children, and even old men play it. She can occupy an hour, and can last all night. This is a game of cards. It is about her, we will tell you today. A card game is a game based on a deck of cards that are laid out in a certain sequence. The sequence depends on the type of game. There are decks in 52 cards, and there are 36 cards.

Historical reference

There are several versions of the maps. One of them claims that the maps were created in Christian calculus and appeared for the first time in China, and only later in Europe. According to another version, the cards were known in Ancient Egypt. After another attack, the wisdom council was convened, deciding how to defend himself from the enemy, and after long meetings, they decided to invest their wisdom in drawings. It was a kind of bridge between God, the Universe and Man. So the Tarot cards appeared. They consisted of 78 cards and were used in fortune-in-four elements: fire, water, air, earth.

In Russia, the cards began to be used in the 17th century. It is believed that they were brought to us the Cossacks from Ukraine. Card games in the 19th century were insanely popular. Over time, they began to put prohibitions, allegedly saw in unclean effect. Today, there are no obvious prohibitions, and after all, they look at the lovers of cards with suspicion. Types of card games are a whole epoch. It is believed that on games you can understand what a player is and what place is in the social staircase of life.

Games People Play

What are the games in the card? - From the simplest to the most difficult. From amateur and commercial. All kinds of card games imply a large company of people, often money and excellent mood. And of course, the dexterity of the hands. What are there card games:

  • Commercial
  • Gambling
  • Intellectual

Games in cards, what are there:

  • one thousand
  • bridge
  • preference

This group of games belongs to the commercial and most difficult. There are huge directories on them, training programs are carried out. Gambling are divided into:

  • Poker
  • Black Jack
  • Tryna
  • Baccarat
  • Drunkard
  • Ecarta
  • Macau
  • Pharaoh

In such games, your ability is few people useful. Success and luck is important here. And our last group of intellectual games is divided into:

  • King (Lady Preference)
  • Domino
  • Chestnuts
  • 101 point

Intelligent games are rarely accompanied by commercial transactions, because they are easy and predictable. Commercial games can last all night, so they can pass your long trip, and gambling and intellectuals are quick and multiple games. They are suitable at any time. To this day, the card is stored in almost every home, and waiting for their cherished evening, in order to go out. But it is not necessary to get involved, otherwise you can get into the captivity of gambling and lose your head, and for her all your life. After all, cards still keep in themselves many secrets. And who knows what joke they can play with a man.