Table in the story of the captain's daughter. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, "Captain's Daughter": Analysis, Topic, Main Heroes

Table in the story of the captain's daughter. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin,
Table in the story of the captain's daughter. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, "Captain's Daughter": Analysis, Topic, Main Heroes

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IntroductionWhen we read the name of Roman A. S. Pushkin, "Captain's daughter" we thought that the girl's life was described in the novel, who had a father - captain. After reading the novel, we wondered why he was so named. We think, initially Pushkin wanted to write a novel dedicated to only Pugachevsky movement, but censorship would hardly have missed him. Therefore, the main story of the story becomes the service of the young nobleman Peter Greeneva, thanks to his love to the daughter of the captain of the Belogorsk fortress Mironov. The author pays great attention to the reader to Pugacheva, then the question is asked: why Pushkin makes the main heroes of the novel not Pugacheva, and Greenyova calls his captain's daughter? Maybe Pushkin called his novel "Captain's daughter" t. To. It was the captain's daughter - Masha Mironova, the beloved of the main character met with Empress. So she reveals its character of the captain's daughter - a simple Russian girl, insecure in itself, uneducated, but those who have found the strength of the spirit and decisive in themselves to achieve an excuse of his groom. We denote

Object of study - Tale "Captain's daughter". Research base - Heroes of the story "Captain's daughter". The relevance of research It is that the problems of debt, honor and love are revealed in the story. Purpose of the study Examine additional literature and find out what the prototypes of the heroes and their morality were. We put forward a hypothesis aboutThe more we know about the problems of love, the no longer cease to wonder the problems of morality and honor.

We set ourselves tasks

    Examine additional material;

    Identify the characteristics of heroes;

    Identify the prototypes of the data of the heroes;

    Find out both prototypes, affect the inner world of heroes.

Our research work has passed the following stages.

"Captain's daughter" attracts the attention of researchers not only as one of the highest achievements of Pushkin prose. This novel is an extremely important source for determining the socio-political position of Pushkin in the last years of his life. After all, it refers to the peasant "Bunte" and his leader; About the nobleman involved in the anti-refortion struggle of the peasants, i.e., about the problems that Pushkin worried about almost all of his conscious life.

Heroes Tale

Peter Andreevich Grinevaria Ivanovna Mironovalelyan Pugachev Swabrin Savelich Savelyevkapitan Mironov Arkhip Kuzmich Kuzilisa Vasilisa Egorovna Ivan Ignatić Zurin Ivan Ivanovich Bopre Empress Ekaterina II Great Geenell Andrei Karlovich Andrei Petrovich Grnevich Mother Peter Greeneva

Characteristics of the main characters

For our research work, we have chosen three main characters. These are two opposed heroes among themselves - Schvabrin and Grinyov and their "total" love Masha Mironova.

Characteristic of Peter Greens Peter Andreevich Grinev - a person who seeks to self-improvement. He did not give a systematic education, but he received moral education. His mammy loved, but balung in moderation, charging parenting. Andrei Grinev wanted to teach his son to discipline and sent him to serve in the Belogorsa fortress. Savelich, servant, was kind and devoted, helped in a difficult situation. Then, Peter Grinevo will be the same. Peter, breaking over to freedom, marketed in the card, will tear the servant, but he conscientious, so asks for forgiveness and never will be drunk and play. Peter Andreevich knew how to be friends, love, serve, keep the word, help people. He lived a decent life and can be an example. The grove of the father followed the Testament of the Father: Take care of honor. It is not by chance that this proverb is used as an epigraph, and after the head of the father of the chief hero sounds from the mouth.

Characteristic Alexey Shvabrina Swabrin Dan as the direct opposite of Grinevo. It is more formed, maybe even smarter Greeneva. But there are no kindness, nor nobility, no feeling of honor and debt. The transition of it to the service to Pugachev is caused by not high ideological motivations, but low self-support interests. The attitude towards him of the author "notes" and the writer is completely clear, and the reader has a sense of contempt and indignation. In the composition of Roman Shvabrin plays an important role of the Hero of Love and Public Life, without him, the plot line Greeneva and Masha would be difficult to build.

Characteristic of Machine Mironova Masha Mironova - a young girl, the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk Fortress. It was her that was the author, giving the name of his story. This is an ordinary Russian girl, "round, rosy, with light rusia hair." For their kind, she was a cowardly: even a rifle shot was afraid. Masha lived quite closed, lonely; Grooms in their village was not. This image personifies high morality and mental purity. It is interesting to such a detail: there are very few conversations in the story, in general, the words of Masha. It is no coincidence, since the strength of this heroine is not in words, but in the fact that her words and actions are always unmistakable. All this indicates the extraordinary integrity of Masha Mironova. With simplicity, Masha connects a high moral feeling. She immediately correctly appreciated the human qualities of Schwabrina and Grneev. And in the days of the tests that a lot fell onto her share (capturing the fortress of Pugachev, the death of both parents, captivity from Schvabrin), Masha retains the unshakable resistance and the presence of the spirit, loyalty to its principles. Finally, in the final of the story, saving your beloved Greeneva, Masha, as equal to equal, talks with an unrecognized empress and even contradicts her. As a result, the heroine wins, bringing Greennev from prison. Thus, the captain's daughter Masha Mironova is a carrier of the best features of the Russian national character.

What is prototypes? Studying additional literature, we learned that prototypes are usually called those actually existing people, from which the writer went to creating an artistic image.

We cannot fully trace the path of the artist to create a work of art. Around us as an artistic work is located. We can and should know the reality that the artist displaced in general, but should not try to smash it into individual moments, which seem to be geometrically repeated in the artistic work.

Prototypes Greenyov and Swabrin

Approved, for example, that the prototype of Greeneva and Swabrin is the same person - Shvanvich. Meanwhile, the Grinean is not at all like Schvabrin. According to the initial plan, the hero of the novel was the nobleman who voluntarily passed towards Pugacheva. His prototype was a porquet of the 2nd Grenadier Regiment Mikhail Schwanovich (in the plans of Roman Shvanvich), which "preferred a native life - honest death." His name was mentioned in the document "On the punishment of the death of a penizer, a rebellion of Pugachev and his accomplices." Later, Pushkin stopped his choice on the fate of another real member of Pugachev events - Basharine. Basharin was captured by Pugachev, fled from the captivity and entered the service to one of the Usmir to the uprising General Michelson. The name of the main character was changed several times, until Pushkin stopped on the Grinyow named. In a government report on the elimination of Pugachev's uprising and punishment of Pugacheva and his accomplices of January 10, 1775, Greenöhva name was listed among those who were first suspected of "in a message with the villains", but "in the investigation turned out to be innocent" and were released from under arrest. As a result, instead of one hero-nobleman in the novel turned out to be two: Greenwood was opposed to a nobleman, "Gnusy villain" Schvabrin, which could facilitate the holding of a novel through censorship obstacles Prototype Masha Mironova

Much and said was about the prototype of Masha Mironova from the "Captain Daughter". In the "Russian archive" it was even argued that her prototype was one young Georgian (P. A. Klopitton), who fell into the garden of the Tsarist village and talked about statues with the empress; It was also alleged that this very Georgian was called "Captain's Daughter." But it turned out that the image of Masha Mironova A. S. Pushkin wrote from the noble daughter Maryia Vasilyevna Borisova, who met and communicated at the Christmas ball of 1829 in the city of Staritsa Tver province. Pushkin was a connoisseur of female shower and, apparently, a simple, naive and uncomfortable girl made an impression on him with his honesty, openness, pride and hardness of character. All these qualities the poet was given the captain's daughter Masha Mironov.


The results of the study of literary sources, analysis and systematization of materials showed that the hypothesis extended by us turned out to be true. Russian writers always applied in their works to the problem of honor and morality. It seems to us that this problem was and there is one of the central in Russian literature. Honor ranks first in a number of moral symbols. Many troubles and adversity can be survived, but, probably, no people on Earth resigned with the decomposition of morality. Loss of honor is a drop in moral obscures, which should always be punished. The concept of honor is brought up in a man since childhood. So, on the example of the story of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin "The Captain Daughter" is clearly visible, as it happens in life and how results leads. This work taught us that it is necessary to look for your truth in life, your life path, to remain true to your views and principles, to be a persistent and courageous person to the end. But everyone knows that it is difficult. As it was hard to Grinevo, Masha Mironova, her father, captain Mironov, that is, to all those people for whom the honor is above all. And we can confidently say that the epigraph to the story "take care of honor" will be for us and my peers by a guide star.


    Belousov A. F. School folklore. - M, 1998.

    "Captain's daughter"., A.S. Pushkin., 1836.

    Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 1984.

    Suslova A.V., Superanskaya A.V. Modern Russian surnames. - M., 1984.

    Shan N.M. Words born in October. - M., 1980.

Internet resources

    The image and characteristic of Peter Greeneva in the novel "Captain's daughter"

    Peter Grinev - a young man, nobleman, the son of a wealthy landowner who owns 300 fortress peasants:

    "... the father of three hundred souls of the peasants," Easy! "She said," after all, there are rich people in the world! .. ":

    "... I am a natural nobleman ..."

    The full name of the hero is Pyotr Andreevich Grinev: "The father told me:" Farewell, Peter. Service right ... "" "... Then Peter Andreevich married Marie Ivanovna."

    The age of Peter Greeneva is 16 years old: "Meanwhile, I have passed sixteen years old. Here, my fate changed ..." (at the age of 16 he goes to the service in Orenburg) "... You see that the child does not make sense ..."

    The following is known about the appearance of Peter Greeneva: "... I put a hare Tulup on me, and on top of the fox fur coat ..." ... we removed the uniforms, stayed in some Camzoles and exposed the swords ... "(About Greennev's appearance is nothing more It is not known. Grinevo leads a story on his own behalf and therefore he does not describe his appearance)

    Peter Grinev will receive home education. Unfortunately, his teachers did not fulfill his duties and Peter studied somehow: "At that time, we were brought up with no noise. From the five-year-old age, I was given to the hands of a sterelike Savelich, for the sober behavior of a complachated uncle. Under his I learned the supervision on the twelfth year. I learned Russian literacy and could very well judge about the properties of a greyhound dog. At this time, the Frenchman hired a Frenchman for me, Monsieu Bopre<...> And although under the contract he was obliged to teach me in French, in German and all sciences, but he preferred to learn from me how to chat in Russian, - and then each of us was already engaged in his business ... "

    "... For me, a geographical map was discharged from Moscow. She hung on the wall without any use and had long seduced me with the width and kindness of paper. I decided to make a snake from her ... the more ended my upbringing. I lived a baking dove And playing a leaf with yard boys. Meanwhile, I will have sixteen years old ... "

    Like many nobles of that era, Peter Grinev even before birth was recorded in the prestigious Semenov Regiment in St. Petersburg, "... Mother was still a Blukhat me, as I was already recorded in the Semenov Regiment Sergeant, by the grace of Major Guard Prince B., close to our relative ... "

    However, a strict father suddenly decides to arrange the Son School of Life. He sends a 16-year-old Peter to serve not to Petersburg, but in Orenburg: "... Instead of a funny Petersburg life, I expected me boredom aside and remote ..." "... Why did you learn to go from the guard to the garrison? .. "

    Entering the service, Peter Grinev receives the rank of warranty: "... I was produced in officers. The service did not gather me ..." "... The grief of Grineh was in the service in Orenburg ..."

    Peter Grinev - a kind, responsive person: "... You always wanted to me good and that you will be ready to help any man ..." (Masha Mironova about Grinev

    "... I was too happy to keep a feeling in my heart. I began to ask for Schvabrin ..."

    "... Being from nature is not malicious, I sincerely forgave him and our quarrel, and wound, I received from him ..."

    Grineh is a good officer. Heads are satisfied with his service: "... commanders, heard, they are satisfied ..." (about Grinev

    Peter Grinev - a conscientious person: "... with a restless consistency and with silent repentance I left the symbirsk ..." "... I was ashamed. I turned away and told him:" I don't want to don't want to ... "" ... finally I told him: "Well, well, Savelich! Fully, I will make it guilty; I see what is to blame ..."

    Grinev - a foul person: "... I was sorry for the poor old man; but I wanted to break out to the will and prove that I'm not a child ..." "... I looked at Marwan Ivanovna<...> I became sorry for me, and I hurried to change the conversation ... "

    Peter Grinev - a man of honor: "... just do not require the fact that my and Christian conscience is disgusted ..." "... the debt of honor demanded my presence in the army of the Empress ..."

    Peter Grinev is a grateful man. He tries to thank people for the good, which they do: "... I was annoyed, however, that I could not thank the person who had been keen on me if not from trouble, then at least from a very unpleasant situation ..."

    Grinevo - a proud person: "... wow! A proud poem and a modest lover! - continued Schwabrin, .." "... He stopped and began to fill his phone. The pride of my triumphant ..."

    Peter Grinev - a stubborn person. He remains with his intentions, no matter what: "... the reasoning of the prudent lieutenant did not lay me. I stayed with my intention ..." "... Seeing my stubbornness, left me alone ..." ".. . Do not stubborn! What do you stand? Spit yes a kiss from Zlod ... (pah!) Kiss him handle ... "

    An officer Grinev - a strong and bold man: "... Schvabrin was arterily me, but I am stronger and bold ..." Grinevo - ambitious young man: "... with sadness separations merged<...> Feelings of noble ambition ... "

    Peter Grinev is a proud person. He does not allow to humiliate himself, even when his life stands on his horse: "..." Kiss hand, kiss your hand! " - They spoke about me. But I would prefer the most crowded execution to such a living humiliation ... "(Grinevo refuses to kiss Pugachev's hand)

    Grine-sensitive man. He is able to cry when feelings are overwhelmed: "... I took the hand of a poor girl and kissed her, irrigated by tears ..." "... We remembered the former happy time ... both we were crying ..." Peter Grinev - generous Man: "... generously apologized to his unfortunate opponent ..." "... I did not want to triumph over the enemy destroyed and turned my eyes to the other side ..."

    Grinev - sincere person. He is not afraid to tell the truth: "... I decided to declare the most simple truth before the court, believing this way of justification the simplest, and together and the most reliable ..." "... accusations, with me, I hope to dispel to scatter the truth with a comprehensive explanation ... "" ... I often admitted to Marya Ivanovna and decided, however, writing to the father ... "

    Peter Grinev - Romantic. So, he represents himself a knight, saving girl in trouble: "... I imagined my knight. I was eager to prove that it was worthy of his power of attorney, and I was eager to expect a decisive minute ..." Grinene - a superstitious person: ". .. Caller apologize to me: For, probably, he knows from experience, as akin to a person to indulge to superstition, despite all sorts of contempt for prejudices ... "

    Peter Grynev knows French, like all formed by nobles: "... Schvabrina had several French books. I began to read ..."

    Grinene is fond of literature and composes poems: "... I already told that I was engaged in literal. My experiences, for the then time, were pretty, and Alexander Petrovich Sumarokov, a few years after, very much they praise them. Once I managed to write a song, which I was pleased<...> I took out my notebook from my pocket and read him the following poems ... "" ... Schwabrina had several French books. I began to read, and I was awakened to the literature. In the morning I read, I practiced in translations, and sometimes in writing poems ... "

    Peter Ghenev knows how to fencing well: "... and Monsieur Bopres, the former once soldier, gave me a few lessons in fencing, which I took advantage. Schvabrin did not expect to find such a dangerous opponent in me ..." "... Cursed Musoe It's guilty: he taught you to pumped by iron spit yes, it's like poking yes, I will reveal from an evil person! .. "(Teacher Bopre taught Greeneva fencing)

    Peter Greneva has a servant Savelich - his "uncle" (a peasant-servant), who serves as a child with him: "... to Savelich, who was money, and lingerie, and things of my launder ..."

    When Peter Grinevo arrives in the service in the Belogorsk Fortress, he serves as Captain Mironov. Here the Grineh falls in love with the captain's daughter - Masha Mironov: "... But love strongly advised me to stay at Marya Ivanovna and be her defender and patron ..." "Now I understand: you can see Ivanovna in love. O , The matter is different! Poor small! .. "" ... "Cute Marya Ivanovna! - I finally said. - I read you my wife. Wonderful circumstances connected us insepact: nothing can separated us in the world" ... "

    At the end of the novel, Peter Grinevo marries Marie Mironova: "... Then Peter Andreevich married Marie Ivanovna. The offspring of them are gracious in the Symbirian province ..."

    Masha Mironova (Marya Ivanovna Mironova) - Daughter Captain Mironova and his wife Vasilisa Egorovna: "... the daughter of a deserved warrior who died for the fatherland ..."

    Age of Masha Mironova - 18 years old: "... Girl of the Yearsmanden ..."

    Masha Mironova is a poor nobleman. Masha's family owns only 1 fortress peasant - the Falls (for comparison, the Grinemas own 300 serfs): "... one misfortune: Masha; girl on issuing, and what is the dowry? Fresh crest, yes broom, yes Altyn money (forgive God !), What to go to the bath. Well, if there is a kind man; and then sit in the girls of the New Yellow, ... "

    On the appearance of Masha Mironova, the following is known: "... here the girl of the ozmmadman, a round-blood, blush, with light rusia hair, smoothly combed behind the ears, who had so burned ..." "... and suddenly her sponge touched My cheek ... "" ... dressed was still simple and cute ... "

    Masha cute, "Angel" voice: "... I saw Ivanovna in front of Marre; Angelic voice welcomed me ..." "... Cute voice Marya Ivanovna rang out of the doors ..."

    Masha Mironova - a kind girl: "... Cute, kind of Marya Ivanovna ..." "... Immediately I attached to a good family ..." "Marya Ivanovna is such a good young lady<...> I spend her, the Angel of God<...> Such a bride is not needed and dowry ... "(Savelich about Masha)

    Masha is a prudent and sensitive girl: "... I found a prudent and sensitive girl in her ..." Masha is a smart and generous girl: "... Praise the mind and heart of the daughter of Captain Mironov ..."

    Masha is so nice that it can not be not loved: "... Soon they were famous for her, because it was impossible to learn it and not to love ..." "... Mother only wished, so that her Petrusha married her Captain's daughter ... "

    Masha Mironova - a gentle girl: "... Marya Ivanovna with tenderness ignited me for anxiety, causing all my sorry with a pinch ..." "... Potted the feelings of a gentle heart ..."

    Masha is a simple, natural girl, not a fancut and not a pretender: "... She confessed to me without any herames," ... "Marya Ivanovna listened to me simply, without preliminary shyness, without intricate excuses ... "

    Masha Mironova - modest and cautious young lady: "... Marya Ivanovna<...> extremely gifted by modesty and caution ... "

    Masha is a trusty girl: "... with all the gullibleness of youth and love ..." Masha Mironova is a generous girl: "... if you find yourself a narrowed one, if you will love another - God with you, Peter Andreich; and I have both for you ... "Then she cried and left me ..." (Masha wishes happiness in the Grinevo with another girl)

    Masha is a true, loyal girl: "... Do we have to see, or not, God one knows it; but the century will not forget you; before the grave you will stay in my heart ..." (Masha tells Grinevo)

    Masha - Course: "... Did Masha dare? - answered her mother. - No, Masha Couteria. Until now, he can not hear a shot from a gun: it is still being fed. And what two years Ivan Kuzmich invented in my named after Our cannon, so she, my goal, a little from fear for the light did not go ... "

    During the uprising of Pugachev, Masha remains orply, when Emelyan Pugachev captures the Belogorsk fortress and kills her parents: "... the state of the poor defenseless orphan, left in the midst of angry rebels ..." "It didn't have any native person in the world. ... "" ... shelter and having a poor sirot ... "

    The captain's daughter Masha Mironova and the young officer Peter Grynev fall in love with each other: "... Goodbye, my angel, - I said, - Goodbye, my sweetheart, my desired! Whatever I would be, believe that my last thought and Last prayer will be about you! " Masha sobbed, sniffing to my chest ... "" ... Cute Marya Ivanovna! - I finally said. - I read you my wife. Wonderful circumstances connected us inextricably: Nothing in the world can separated us ... "

    Emelyan Pugachev - Don Cossack: "... Don Cossack and Raskolnik * Emelyan Pugachev ..." (* Raskolnik - a person who does not recognize the official Orthodox Church)

    Pugacheva's age - about 40 years: "... he was forty years ..." (in fact, Pugachev died at the age of about 33 years)

    Emelyan Pugachev - an impostor, a drunkard and a tramp, outstanding himself for the emperor Peter III: "... a drunkard, staggering by alone, besieged the fortress and shook the state! .." "... Lady of the unforgivable audacity by the name of the late emperor Peter III ... "" ... I again led to the impostor ... "" ... to admit the foreman was not able to ... "

    On the appearance of Emelyan Pugachev, the following is known: "... The appearance of it seemed remarkable to me: he was about forty, the growth of the average, thin and broadcaster. In his black beard, he was sent to him; Living big eyes were running. The face was quite pleasant. But the Plutovskoye. The hair was evicted in the circle; it was a broken Armyak and Tatar harenari ... "" ... Pugachev<...> Sat, leaning on the table and backing the black beard with its wide fist. The features of his face, the correct and pretty pleasant, did not express anything fierce ... "" ... Why do you need a Barsky Tuluochik? You and do not hit him on your punk shoulder ... "" ... On a white horse, a man was driving in red caftane, with a naked saber in his hand: it was Pugachev himself ... "" ... there was a red Cossack caftan , trimmed by the galuna. High Sable Hat with Golden Brushes was thrown on his sparkling eyes ... "" ... Pugachev handed me a housing hand ... "" ... Pugachev and a man ten Cossack elders sat, in hats and colored shirts, rooted wine , with red ries and shine eyes ... "Pugacheva has big sparkling eyes:" ... Live big eyes running around ... "" ... Pugachev rushed his eyes on me ... "" ... His sparkling eyes ... "Emelyan Pugachev is worn by black beard:" ... a man with a black beard, having fun at me with ... "" ... I looked at the flats and saw a black beard and two sparkling eyes ... "

    Emelyan Pugachev - Monster, the villain and the robber: "... Parting with this terrible person, the monster, the villain for everyone, except for me ..." "... Thank you by the villain" "... I gathered a villainous whip, made a perturbation in Yaitsky villages have already taken and ruined a few fortresses, producing robberies and mortal murders everywhere ... "" ... take appropriate measures to reflect a rejoiced villain and impostor ... "" ... you are not afraid of God, the robber! - answered He Savelich ... "" ... killed from a runaway charco! .. "

    Pugachev - Plut and fraudster: "... Pugachev looked at me intently, occasionally squinting his left eye with an amazing expression of rugging and mockery ..." "... The question of the fraudster and his audacity seemed so funny ..." Emelyan Pugachev - Mute, intelligent man: "... His humility and the subtlety of frightened me ..." "... you are smart ..." "... I have to keep your ear elder; With the first failure, they will redeem my head ..." (About Me)

    Pugachev - Cooling Man: "... His cold-blooded encouraged me ..."

    Emelyan Pugachev is a small man. He does not know how to write and read: "... Pass, signed by Karakulk Pugachev ..." "... Pugachev took the paper and long considered with the type of significant." What are you writing so wonder? - He finally said. - Our bright eyes You can not disassemble anything here. Where is my ober secretary? ".." (Pugachev pretends to read, but in fact he does not know how to read) "... gentlemen Ynaral! - Proclaimed Pugachev ..." (Pugachev Expresses in popular, he says "Enarala" instead of "generals")

    Pugachev - a man with a harsh soul: "... it seemed that the harsh soul of Pugachev was touched ..."

    Emelyan Pugachev - a rough man: "... The appeal was written in coarse, but strong expressions and should have done a dangerous impression on the minds of ordinary people ..."

    Pugachev is a cruel, bloodthirsty man: "... I remembered the rawful cruelty, about the bloodthirsty habits of the one who was called to be a delightful of my kind! .."

    Pugachev is a brave man: "... but isn't it good luck to delete? .." "... I'm fighting at least ..."

    Pugachev - a man of the word. He tries to restrain his promises: "... Pugachev, faithful to his promise, approached Orenburg ..."

    Emelyan Pugachev behaves important and mysteriously: "... there is nothing to say: all the techniques are such important ..." "... He took the view of an important and mysterious ..." "... Proclaimed IMPORTANT PUGACHEV ... "

    Pugachev - a proud person: "... The face of the impostor depicted satisfied with pride ..."

    Pugachev's robber - a boastful man: "... the boastfulness of the robber seemed to me funny ..."

    Pugachev is a freezing person: "... God is news. My Tesne Street; the will to me little ..."

    Emelyan Pugachev - a stubborn person: "... execute so to execute, praise so much ..." (Pugacheva's words)

    Pugachev's robber loves to drink: "... Orders to bring a glass of wine; tea is not our Cossack drink ..." "... why doesn't your hare Tulupe drink him, a dog, in the first kabac ..." "... And it would be good to whom, and then the drunkard barely! .. "" ... You forgotten that drunkard who lured Tulup on your courtyard? .. "Emelyan Pugachev eats a lot. At lunch, he is able to eat two piglets: "... At dinner it was erupted two fried piglets ..." Pugachev loves to bathe in the bath: "... and it's so hot that Tarac Kurochkin has not suffered ..."

    Pugachev on the body there are scars that he calls "royal signs" (as if he were a real king): "... And in the bath, heard, showed the royal signs on the breasts: on one two-headed eagle with a magnitude with a pile, and to another person his ... "

    Pugachev understands that he is a villain, but he can no longer stop: "... late me to repent. For me there will be no pardon. I will continue how I started ..."

    In the end, Emelyan Pugachev is executed for his bloody riot: "... he was present at the execution of Pugachev ..."

    Shvabrin - Young officer, colleague Peter Greens. The full name of the hero - Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin: "... Shvabrin Alexey Ivanovich ..." Schvabrin - nobleman from a good wealthy family: "... Alexey Ivanich, of course<...> good surname, and has a condition ... "

    Once Schvabrin served in the guard (elite division of the army). A few years ago, Shvabrin killed her friend during the game on the swords. For this, he was "demoted", drove to serve in the Belogorsk Fortress: "... it was an officer, discharged from the guard for a fight ..." (Guard was considered a prestigious place of service) "... He is discharged for a shower and from the guard .. . "" ... That's the fifth year, how we are transferred to death. God knows what sin it took; He, they will have to see, went beyond the city with one guarantor, yes, they took a sword with him, and well in each other dirty ; And Alexey Ivanovich and the broof of the lieutenant, and even with two witnesses! .. "

    The following is known about the appearance of Schvabrin: "... a young officer of low growth, with the face of dark and canceled ugly, but extremely alive ..." "... he was dressed in the Cossack and reflected his beard ..." (Schwabrin appearance, when He becomes the side of Pugacheva) "... I am amazed his change. He was terribly thin and pale. His hair, recently black as Smin, completely saddled; the long beard was unworn ..." (Schwabrin's appearance, when he is arrested for the service Pugacheva)

    Schvabrin is a clever, witty man: "... We immediately met. Schvabrin was very not stupid. The conversation was Oster and entertained. He with a big cheerfulness described me a family of commandant, his society and the region, where the fate of me ..." "... Alexey Ivanovich, of course, a smart man ..."

    Schvabrin is a smart, a raciferous man: "... In case of ordinary swelling, he, of course, guessed that Pugachev was dissatisfied with them ..."

    Officer Schvabrin is a slander and fifteentifier: "... I saw him in slander, I saw the annoyance of an offended pride ..." "... I understood the stubborn eloquence, which Schvabrin pursued her ..." (eloquence - that is, slander) ".. . Svabrin described me Masha, the captain's daughter, breathing in a fool ... "(in fact, Masha Mironova is a smart girl)

    Officer Schvabrin behaves important: "... Vasilisa Egorovna PRECAYMENT LADE," Schvabrin said importantly ... "" ... I could not not laugh. Schvabrin retained his importance ... "

    Schvabrin is a mocking person: "... instead of coarse and obscene ridicule, I saw in them a deliberate slander ..." "I didn't like the ever jokes about the competent family, especially the pricky comments about Mary Ivanovna. Another society in The fortress was not, but I did not want another ... "" ... He was colded with the expression of sincere malice and pretended mockery ... "

    Officer Schvabrin - a false bastard, shelm: "... You are lying, the barefoot! - I cried in rabies, - you lie to the most shameless way ..." "... oh, this shvabrin is great Schelm * ..." (* shelf)

    Schvabrin - a shameless man: "... Shamelessness of Schwabrina slightly did not bother me ..."

    Officer Shvabrin is a bold man: "... the desire to punish the bold energone was in me even stronger ..."

    Schvabrin does not believe in God: "... Good Alexey Ivanovich: He is discharged for a mowing and from the guard, he does not believe in the Lord; and what are you climbing?"

    Officer Schvabrin - a prompt, dexterous man: "... agreed, nothing to say! .."

    Schvabrin is a cruel person: "... he costs me very cruel ..." (Shvabrin is cruel to Marya, when he becomes the head of the fortress)

    Schvabrin - a sneaky man: "... In the sublimate expressions, revealing his joy and diligence ..."

    Schvabrin - a vile man: "... All the trials to whom it subjected her vile Schvabrin ..." "... From the hands of a vile Swabrin ..." "... The name of Marya Ivanovna was not uttered by vile villain ..."

    Alexey Shvabrin - an evil person: "... I saw standing by Swabrin. The face was depicted by a dark angry ..." "... He grinned the evil smile and, raising his chains, ahead of me ..."

    Officer Shvabrin knows how to fench well: "... Schvabrin was arterily me, but I am stronger and bold ..." (Schvabrin is a skillful fencer)

    Schvabrin knows French, like all formed nobles. At leisure, he reads books in French: "... excuse me," he said in French ... "" ... Schwabrina had several French books ... "

    When Pugachevsky Riot happens, Schvabrin betrays the Russian army and goes to the side of the impostor Pugacheva: "... the traitor helped Pugachev to get out of the kibita ..." "... then, to an indescribed my amazement, I saw among the rebellious elders of Schvabrina, constructed in A circle and in the Cossack Kaftan. He came up to Pugachev and told him a few words in the ear ... "" ... And what is Schvabrin, Alexey Ivanch? After all, it's squeezed into a circle and now we have to drink with them! Stead, nothing to say ! .. "

    After that, Pugachev's robber appoints Schwabrin by the head of the Belogorsk Fortress: "... I heard the words with horror: Schvabrin was chosen by the head of the fortress; Marya Ivanovna remained in his power! God, that he will be!" ... Alexey Ivanovich who commands We are on the site of the late father ... "

    Using his strength, Schwabrin crashes the captain's daughter Marjo Mironov and Morit Her Hunger. He hopes that the girl will finally agree to become his wife. Fortunately, the girl is saved in time and the plans of Schvabrin are crumbling: "... it seems to me - she said, - I think I like me<...> Because he walked for me<...> Last year. Two months before your arrival<...> As I think that it will be necessary under the crown at all with him to kiss ... nothing! For any well-being! .. "" ... Alexey Ivanovich forces me to marry him<...> He goes with me very cruel ... "

    In the end, Schvabrin is arrested for treason: "... General ordered to click yesterday's villain<...> raised the chains, the doors opened, and entered - Schvabrin ... "

    Old man Savelich - The faithful servant of the main character of the novel - Peter Greeneva. Savelich - an elderly fortress peasant. He serves his young Barina Peter Grinevo from the very childhood: "From the five-year-old age I was given to the hands of a sterepiece * Savelych, for sober behavior of a granted uncle **. Under his supervision on the twelfth year I learned Russian literacy ... "" ... Savelich, who was and the money, and lingerie, and the deeds of my launder ... "" ... Thank God, "he grumbled to herself, - it seems the child washed, combed, fed ..."

    The full name of Savelich is the archite Savelyev: "... Savelyev's archite ..." ", .. friend you are mine, Savelich's archup! - I told him ..."

    Savelich - an elderly man, "old man": "... Light You are mine! Listen to me, old man ..." "... God sees, I fought to obey you with my breasts from the swords Alexei Ivanycha! Oldness damned prevented ..." "... lived to gray hair ..."

    Savelich - a dedicated servant: "... You will feel angry with me, the slave of yours ..." "... I, not an old dog, and the faithful of your servant, the Lord's orders heard and diligently served you and lived to the gray hair .. . "" ... Your Boyarskaya Will. For the sim I bow slave ... "" ... The faithful coolant is yours ... "

    Savelich - Good old man: "... a diploma of a good old man ..." "... Petr Andreich Petr! - said good uncle with a trembling voice ..."

    Savelich is a non-drinking peasant (which was rare). He leads a sober lifestyle: "... for sober behavior of a granted uncle ..."

    Savelich is an economic man: "... to Simbirsk, where a day was to buy for the purchase of necessary things, which was entrusted to Savelich. I stayed at the restaurant. Savelich went on the beings ..." "... I went to Apartment, I was allocated, where Savelich is already shopping ... "

    Savelich loves to read the instructions to his Barina Peter Grinove: "... Savelich wisely was to learn when, it happened, she will take care of the sermon ..." "... Savelich met me with an ordinary guarantee." Hunting to you, sir, translate with drunk Rogue! .. "

    Savelich is a stubborn person: "If in this decisive moment I will not reptile the stubborn old man ..." "... I knew that there was nothing to argue with Savelich, and allowed him to be prepared on the road ..." "... He was decorated. "What are you, sir? How do I leave you? Who will go for you? What will your parents say?" .. "" ... Knowing the stubbornness of my uncle, I have to convince him caressing and sincerity .. . "

    Savelich is a grumbling old man: "... still occasionally grumbled about herself, shaking her head ..." "... Savelich looked at him Kosos and grumbled ..."

    Savelich - an incredulous person: "... Savelich listened with a view of great displeasure. He looked with suspicion of the owner, then on the Went ..." Savelich loves to argue and bargain: "... with the owner who took such a moderate fee that even Savelich did not hook with him and did not bargain according to his usual ... "

    Old man Savelich is a caring servant. He always worries that his Barin Peter Grine is fed: "... I moved away from the window and went to sleep without dinner, despite the guarantee of Savelich, who repeated with the crushing:" Lord Vladyko! Nothing free! What a lady says, Koly Child will laugh? ".." "... Do you want to eat? - asked Savelich, constricted in his habits. - There is nothing at home; I will go to the moay. Yes, you will make you ..." "... I have something to you Preparing; attempt ka, father, and you will sohere yourself until the morning, like Christ behind the sinus ... "

    Savelich is a responsible servant. He carefully monitors anything from the Bar Outdoor property: "... as you will be expected," Savelich answered, - and I should answer a man to the Barskoye ... "

    Savelich is a faithful servant. He is always next to his Barin, Peter Grinev: "... with faithful Savelich, who, forcibly separated from me ..." "... If you decided to go, then I'm on foot and I'll go after you, and you are not Powder. So that I began to sit behind the Stone Stone! Yes, did I crash my mind? Will Your, Sudar, and I will not leave you ... "

    The old man Savelich believes Peter Greenva's still "Date", a child: "..." Marry! - He repeated. - The child wants to marry! And what will the father say, and Mother will think? ".."

    Once Savelich rescues Peter Greeneva from death. When Emelyan Pugachev's robber executes officers of the Belogorsk Fortress, the queue comes to Peter Greens. Suddenly, the old man Savelich rushes to Pugachev. He begs to pardon "child" and offers his life in return. Fortunately, Pugachev leaves alive and Greeneva, and Savelich: "... Savelich lies in the legs of Pugachev." My father! - spoke a poor uncle. - What do you have to go to the death of the Barsky Demacy? Let him give a redemption; And for example and fear, I wondered to hang me the old man! " Pugachev gave a sign, and immediately unleashed and left ... "

    Peter Grinev in turn speaks well to the Savelych's servant: "... I was sorry for the poor old man ..." "... to console the poor Savelyach, I gave him the word in no way without his consent not to have a penny ..."

    Captain Ivan Kuzmich Mironov - This is the commandant of the Belogorsk Fortress. It is here that the main character of the novel comes here - the young nobleman Peter Grinev: "... Mr. Komentantant of the Belogorsk fortress Captain Mironov ..." "... in the Belogorsk fortress, where you will be in the team of Captain Mironov ..." "... In *** The regiment and in the deaf fortress on the border of Kyrgyz Kaisak steppes! .. "

    The full name of Captain Mironova - Ivan Kuzmich Mironov: "... that this is my Ivan Kuzmich today I learned so much! - said Commandanth ..."

    The age of Captain Mironov in the novel is not specified. It is known that by age he - "old man": "... the old man is cheerful ..." "... Picked up the old captain ..."

    Captain Mironov is a poor nobleman. He has a daughter, Mary Mironova, a girlfriend: "... one misfortune: Masha; girl on the issuance, and what is the dowry? Fresh crest, yes broom, yes Altyn money (forgive God!), With which in the bath Go. Well, if there is a kind man; and then sit in the girls in the girls of the New Yellow, ... "" ... Tell Barina: de Wait ... "

    The following is known about the appearance of Captain Mironov: "... The commandant, an old man's cheerful and high growth, in the cap and in the Chinese coaster ..." Captain Mironov has been served in the army for 40 years: "... Doesn't he know that we Already forty years in service and everything, thank God, did you see? .. "

    Mironov consists in the service in the Belogorsk Fortress for about 22 years: "... What is Belogorskaya unreliable? Thank God, twenty-second year they live in it. We saw Bashkirts and Kyrgyz ..."

    Family Captain Mironova Poor. They have only one fortress peasant: "... and we have, my father, all that shower one girl is a Palash, yes, thank God, we live with littleness ..."

    The captain of Mironov is a kind and honest person: "... Captain Mironova, a good and honest person ..." "... Immediately I was attached to a good family ..." "... Good Commander ..." ". ..on approached us, I told me a few tender words and began to command again ... "" Ivan Kuzmich answered, - I was busy with the service: Soldatushek learned ... "

    Mironov officer is a simple, uneducated person. His father was an ordinary soldier: "... Ivan Kuzmich, who came to officers from the soldiers' children, was a man uneducated and simple, but the most honest and kind ..."

    The captain of Mironov participated in the battles with Prussia and Turkey: "... Neither the Prussian bayonets nor the bullets of Turkish ..." Captain Mironov - an experienced officer: "... Poor Mironov!<...> It is a sorry: a good officer was ... "" ... the proximity of the danger of the animation of the old warrior is a cheerfulness of extraordinary ... "" ... Light You are mine, Ivan Kuzmich, removing a soldier's head! You have not touched nor Prussian bayonets nor Turkish bullets; Not in honest battle put your stomach, but killed from a runaway challenge! .. "" ... Ivan Kuzmich, though he very much respected his spouse, but for nothing in the world would have opened her secrets entrusted to him. . "

    The captain of Mironov is a bad leader, because he has too soft character: "Only the glory that the soldiers teach: no service is given to them, nor you know it in it. I would have been sitting at home and God would have prayed; so it would be better ... "Mironov officer is an indecisive person:" ... Ivan Kuzmich! What do you yawning? Now they are seeding them at different angles on bread and on the water, so that they have a fool<...> Ivan Kuzmich did not know what to decide ... "

    Mironov - an careless man. He is not engaged in his position seriously: "... consisted with his carelessness ..." "There was no reviews, nor teachings, nor Karaulov. The commandant taught his soldiers in his own hunt; but he could not yet To achieve that they all know, which is the right side right, which is left ... "

    The captain of Mironov loves to drink: "... the poets need a listener, like Ivan Kuzmich, a charter of vodka before dinner ..."

    The officer of the Mironov is a hospitable person: "... In the House of Commandant I was adopted as my dear. Husband and wife were people the most respectable ..." "... Dinked almost always from Commandant, where it ordered the rest of the day and where evening was sometimes Father Gerasim with the wife of Akulina Pamfilovna ... "

    Mironov Officer is a straightforward, truthful person: "... Ivan Kuzmich was the most straightforward and truthful ..."

    The captain of Mironov is a frequency man. He does not know how to sick: "... then that, my father, - she answered, - I would not be trembling ..." (wife about captain Mironov)

    Captain Mironov - "Podkinnik". His wife, Vasilisa Egorovna, manages them, like the whole fortress as a whole: "... his wife managed to them, which was consistent with his carelessness. Vasilisa Egorovna and on the affairs of the service looked like her master, and managed the fortress so accurately As with his homes ... "" ... Ivan Kuzmich quite agreed with his spouse and sentenced: "And you hear, Vasilis Egorovna tells the truth ..." "... with the consent of his wife, decided to free it ... "

    Captain Mironov respects and loves his wife: "... Ivan Kuzmich, though he very much respected his spouse ..." "... God forbid you love yes advice. Live how I lived with Vasilisa Egorovnaya ..." Queen of Vasilis Egorovna loves her husband: "... the light you are mine, Ivan Kuzmich ..." (words of Vasilisa Egorovna)

    When the Pugachev riot happens, the captain of Mironov refuses to swear to Emelyan Pugachev as King: "... The commandant, exhausted from the wound, gathered the last forces and answered a hard voice:" You are not a sovereign to me, you are a thief and an impostor, you hear you! ".." Pugachev executed Captain Mironov for refused to speak to him: "... several Cossacks picked up the old captain and dragged to the gallows<...> A minute later I saw the poor Ivan Kuzmich, spoken into the air ... "

    Vasilisa Egorovna Mironova - Captain Mironov's wife. Her husband serves as the head of the Belogorsk Fortress under Orenburg. Vasilisa Egorovna lives with her husband and her daughter in the Belogorsk fortress for more than 20 years: "... For a year twenty, it was translated from the regiment ..." "... Thank God, twenty-second year they live in it. Speak and Bashkirts and Kyrgyz ... "

    Vasilisa Egorovna - an old woman, an elderly woman: "... My father! - Screamed the poor old woman ..." On the appearance of Vasilisa Egorovna, the following is known: "... the window sat the old woman in the tag and with a scarf on the head ..." ... One of them managed to stay in her shower ... "

    Vasilisa Egorovna - a poor noblewoman: "... After all, there are rich people in the world! And we have, my father, all that shower one girl is a Palash, yes, thank God, we live with littleness ..."

    Vasilisa Egorovna and her husband have a daughter for granting - Masha Mironova: "... Masha; girl on issuing, and what is the dowry? Fresh comb, yes broom, yes Altyn of money (God forgive!), With what to go to the bath ... "

    Vasilisa Egorovna - a kind woman: "... and Madame Mironov kind was the lady and what Misty Mushi shed! .." "... Immediately I attached to a good family ..." "... you see, young man with The roads are tired; he is not up to you ... "(words of the captains)" ... Commanders, heard, they are satisfied; and Vasilisa Egorovna is like a native son ... "(about Peter Grinev

    Vasilisa Egorovna - a smart woman: "... she guessed that she was deceived by her husband, and began him with the interrogation ..." "... Vasilisa Egorovna made him a few comments regarding the economy, like a prison, who starts a consequence of outsiders, in order to First put the defendant caution ... "

    The captain of Vasilisa Egorovna - a spoken, a decent woman: "... husband and wife were people the most respectable ..."

    Vasilisa Egorovna - Good Mistress: "... What Maister Mushrooms Solish! .." "... I entered the clean room, cleaned according to the old ..." (she has purity in the house)

    Captain Mironova - a hospitable hostess: "... Vasilisa Egorovna took us easier and welcome and cost me as if the age was familiar ..." "... Dear guests, pleasure asking for the table ..." "... The house of the commandant was I was adopted as a native ... "

    Vasilisa Egorovna - Needlewoman: "... She wrapped the threads, who kept, squeezed in her arms, an old man's curve in the officer uniform ..."

    The captain of Vasilis Egorovna manages his husband, as well as the whole Belogorsk fortress: "... His wife managed to him, that he agreed with his carelessness ..." "Ivan Kuzmich quite agreed with his spouse and sentenced:" And he also hear you, Vasilisa Egorovna truth says ... "" ... Vasilisa Egorovna and looked at the affairs of the service, as his hosts, and managed the fortress as exactly as his homes ... "" ... Vasilis Egorovna launched everything from me. She all ordered without the knowledge of the commandant. However, thank God that everything ended ... "(about the disclosure of Duel Greeneva and Swabrin)

    Vasilisa Egorovna - a brave woman: "... Vasilisa Egorovna Prashrai Lada," said Schvabrin ... "" ... Yes, I heard you, "said Ivan Kuzmich, - Baba is not a timid ..."

    Captain Mironova is a curious woman. It is important for her to know everything that happens in the fortress, etc.: "... Vasilis Egorovna returned home, did not have time to share anything from the poplay ..." "... cheerfully answered his curious cohabitant ..." " I clicked Ivan Ignatich, with a firm intention to bring the mystery from him, who tormented her loman curiosity ... "Vasilisa Egorovna can not store secrets:" ... Vasilisa Egorovna kept his promise and did not tell anyone any words except Popel And then because the cow went back in the steppe and could be captured by villains ... "

    Vasilisa Egorovna loves her husband - Captain Mironova: "... Light You are mine, Ivan Kuzmich, a removal soldier's head! You didn't tell you the bayonets of Prussian nor the bullets of Turkish; not in honest battle, you put your belly ..."

    At leisure, the captain of Mironova goes on the maps: "... Commandant, which in the corner gadal in the card ..."

    Parents of Peter Grneev are wealthy landlords. They own 300 fortress peasants.

    Peter Grinev - the only child of his parents: "... We were nine people of children. All my brothers and sisters died in infancy ..."

    Father Peter Greneva name is Andrey Petrovich Grinev: "... My father, Andrei Petrovich Grinev ..."

    Andrei Petrovich - a retired officer: "... In his youth, he served with the column of miniha and retired Premier Major in 17 ... year. Since then, he lived in his symbirsk village, where he married ..."

    Father Petra Grneev - an honest nobleman: "... not the execution of terrible<...> But the nobleman change its oath, connect with the robbers, with the murderers, with the raged hops! .. "(words of Andrei Greeneva about honor of the nobleman)

    Andrei Petrovich Grinevich does not like to drink: "... neither father, nor grandparents have never been ..." (about father and grandfather Peter Greens)

    Andrei Petrovich - strict, severe person: "... complained to the father. He had a short<...> Battyushka raised him from the bed, pushed out of the door and on the same day he drove from the yard ... "" ... what kind of nonsense! - I answered the father frowning. - What is the start I will write to the prince b.? .. "" ... knowing the temper and the image of the father's thoughts, I felt that my love would not be too touched and that he would look at her as a fault of a young man .. . "

    Andrei Petrovich Grinev - a person with a firm character: "... he lost his ordinary hardness, and the bitterness of him (ordinary) was poured in bitter complaints ..."

    Andrei Petrovich Grinevich - a decisive and stubborn man: "... The father did not like to change his intentions, neither to postpone their execution ..." "... but there was nothing to argue! .."

    Mr. Grinev - a man discrepaned in his feelings: "... Commonly letters wrote a mother to me, and he attributed a few lines at the end ..."

    Andrei Petrovich is cruel in expressions: "... The brutal expressions, for which the father did not stumble, deeply insulted me. Male, with which he mentioned Marie Ivanovna, seemed to me as obscene as unfair ..."

    Mr. Grineh is a proud person: "... The crucial pride ..." Despite its connections and money, Andrei Petrovich does not indulge his son, as many wealthy parents do.

    Andrei Petrovich wants to teach the Son of Life, so he sends him to serve not in St. Petersburg, but in Orenburg: "... Good," Batyushka interrupted, "it's time for him. Fully to run on the girl yes to climb on the pigeon." .. What will not go to St. Petersburg. What will he learn, serving in St. Petersburg? To wind and hang it out? No, let him serve in the army, and it pulls the strap, yes I'll sniff, and there will be a soldier, and not Shamaton ... "

    Andrei Petrovich advises the Son to fulfill his duties well, but at the same time not to lose his dignity and honor: "... the father told me:" Farewell, Peter. Serve, who will swear; Listen to the bosses; for their caress, do not chase; Let's not care; From the service do not discharge; and remember the proverb: Take care of the dress dream, and the honor of the Smalod "..."

    Mother Peter Greeneva is called Avdota Vasilyevny Grinema: "... married the Device Avdotie Vasilyevna Yu ..." (Maiden name - Yu.)

    By the origin of Avdota Vasilyevna Poor noblewoman: "... Daughters of the poor Lvlantine ..."

    Avdoty Vasilyevna Greeneva - Shopping landlord: "... Once in the fall, Mother cooked in the living room honey jam, and I, licking, looked at kipheny foam ..."

    Avdota Vasilyevna - Gentle, loving mother: "... In the tenderness of Matushkaya I did not squeeze ..."

    Avdota Vasilyevna never drinks alcohol: "... there is nothing about Mother and talking about: the father, except for Kvas, did not know anything in her mouth ..."

    At leisure, Peter Greenyev's mother is engaged in needlework: "... Mother silently knitted a woolen swelling, and tears occasionally dripped her job ..."

    Grinev Peter Andreevich - the protagonist of Pushkin's leading "Captain's daughter". The Russian provincialist nobleman, on behalf of whose narration about the Epoch of Pugachevsky Bunt.

    Emelyan Pugachev is one of the main characters of the Tale of Pushkin "Captain's daughter", the leader of the Anti-Davranic uprising, the invader of the fortress in which the main characters of the story are.

    Schvabrin Alexey Ivanovich is a secondary hero of the story of Pushkin "Captain's daughter", antagonist of the main character.

    Masha, Maria Kuzmichnna Mironov - the main female character of the story, the most captain's daughter, because of which the story is wearing such a name.

    Ivan Kuzmich Mironov - the captain of the fortress in which the events of the story of Pushkin "Captain's daughter" are unfolded. This is a secondary character, the father of the main character. According to the plot, his fortress is captured by the ribs under the leadership of Pugachev.

    The main characters of the "Captain Daughter"

    The main character of the "Captain Daughter" - Petr Andreevich Greenovev. Honest, decent, to the end of a young man faithful to his duty. He is 17 years old, he is Russian nobleman, who has just entered military service. One of the main qualities of Greenyev is sincerity. He is sincere with the heroes of the novel and readers. Talking and his life, he did not seek to embellish her. On the eve of a duel with a pinch, he is excited and does not hide it: "I confess, I did not have that cold-blooded, which was almost always those who were in my position." Also directly and simply speaks his condition before conversation with Pugachev on the day of capturing the Belogorsk Fortress: "The reader can easily imagine that I was not completely cold-blooded." Grinev does not hide the negative actions (the case in the restaurant, during Burana, in a conversation with the Orenburg General). Gross mistakes are redefining his repentance (case with Savelich). Grinev was not a coward. He without hesitation takes a call to a duel. He one of the few acts on the defense of the Belogorsk fortress, when, despite the command of the commandant, "the or-making garrison does not move from the place." He returns to the resigned Savelich. These actions also characterize Grneev as a person who can love. Grineh is not malicious, he sincerely put up with the Swabrine. He is not taller than gloating. Leaving from the Belogorsk Fortress, with Masha liberated by order, he sees Schwabrin and turns away, not wanting to "triumph over the humiliated enemy." The distinctive feature of Greeneva - the habit of paying good for the good skill to be grateful. Gives Pugachev his Tulup, thanks for saving Masha. Pugachev Emelyan Ivanovich - the leader of the anti-Davranian uprising, calling himself the "Great State Superior" Peter III. Pugachev is one of the main characters of the story of Pushkin "Captain's daughter", the invader of the fortress in which the main characters of the story are. This image in the novel is multifaceted: Pugachev and malicious, and generous, and boastful, and wise, and disgusting, and Vsevlusten, and dependent on the opinions of the environment. The image of Pugacheva Dan in the novel through the eyes of Grneeva - a disinterested person. According to the author, it should ensure the objectivity of the hero. With the first meeting of Greeneva, with Pugachev, the appearance of the rebellion is not remarkable to the Buntar: this is a 40-year-old man of medium height, thin, broadcaster, with a smart beard, with running eyes, a pleasant, but attacious facial expression. The second meeting with Pugachev, in the precipitated fortress, gives a different image. The impostor sits in chairs, then Garsets on horseback surrounded by Cossacks. Here he is cruel and mercilessly disappearing with the defenders of the fortress, who did not fit him on loyalty. It seems that Pugachev plays, portraying the "present sovereign". He, from the royal hand, "execute so executing, is pretty solee." And only during the third meeting with Grinev, Pugachev reveals completely. The ferocity of the leader disappears on the Cossack Pir. Pugachev sings his favorite song ("Not Shumi, Mati Green Dubrovushka") and tells the fairy tale about Eagle and the Rope, which reflect the philosophy of the impostor. Pugachev understands which dangerous game he started, and what is the price in case of losing. He does not trust anyone, even his closest associates. But still hopes for the best: "But isn't it good luck to delete? "But Nadezhda Pugachev is not justified. He is arrested and executed: "and nodded to him the head, which is later, dead and bloody, was shown by the people." Pugachev is inseparable from the folk element, he leads her by him, but at the same time depends on it. It is no coincidence that the first time in the story he appears during the Snow Burana, among which he easily finds the road. But at the same time, he can no longer collapse from this path. The doubt of the rebellion is equivalent to the death of Pugachev, which happens in the final of the novel. Schvabrin Alexey Ivanovich - yard

    Heroes of the novel "Captain's daughter" brief description

    Peter Grinev - Peter Andreevich Grinev. 16-year-old nobleman. Grinevo comes to the service in the Belogorsk Fortress under Orenburg. Here he falls in love with the daughter of the head - the captain's daughter Masha Mironov.

    Masha Mironova - Marya Ivanovna Mironova, Captain's daughter. 18-year-old daughter Captain Mironova. Smart and kind girl, poor noble. Masha and Peter Grynev fall in love with each other. They overcome many difficulties on the way to happiness.

    Emelyan Pugachev - Don Cossack. Rises an uprising and gives himself to the late emperor Peter III (Catherine II's husband). He attacks the Belogorsk Fortress, where the Grineal is. Pugachev has a friendly relationship with grine, despite the fact that Pugachev is a cruel robber.

    Schvabrin Alexey Ivanovich - Schvabrin - a young officer, nobleman from a good family. It serves with grine in the Belogorsk Fortress. Slip and false man. During Pugachev Bunta, he passes to the side of the impostor Pugachev.

    Savelich - Savelyev archite, or Savelich - the old servant Peter Greeneva. Economic and kind old man. Loves Greeneva and ready to give life for him. Grumble and loves to read the sermons Grinevo, but always wishes to him.

    Captain Mironov - Ivan Kuzmich Mironov - an old officer, commandant (chief) of the Belogorsk Fortress. A kind and hospitable person. An experienced warrior, about 40 years in military service. "Podkinnik" and bad leader.

    The captain of Vasilisa Egorovna - Vasilisa Egorovna Mironova - the old woman-wife Captain Mironova, "Captain", "Commandantsh". Good, hospitable mistress. Boy and brave woman. Manages both her husband and the whole fortress.

    Ivan Ignatich - the old "curve" officer, Lieutenant. Serves in the Belogorsk Fortress. Friends with the family of Mironovy. Experienced warrior. In battles, he lost one eye. Good lonely old man.

    Zirin - Ivan Ivanovich Zurin, 35-year-old officer, friend Grynev. Zurin meets Grinevo in Simbirsk for playing billiards. Zyrin loves to drink, play cards and billiards. At the same time, he is a good, honest officer.

    Bopre - Teacher of Young Petrushi Greens. Former hairdresser from France, served as a soldier in Germany. Bad teacher, fan of drinking and women. He taught Greeneva fencing.

    Catherine II - Empress Catherine II Great. Masha Mironova once gets acquainted with the Empress personally in the garden. Catherine II helps Masha. The Empress decides to pardon Greeneva, arrested for "friendship" with Pugachev.

    General Andrei Karlovich - Andrei Karlovich R. - Old buddy Andrei Greenieva (Father Peter Greens). The general manages the troops of the Orenburg province. He is a German by origin. Old lone officer. Good and clever man. Loves order and savings.

    Petra Grneeva's father - Andrei Petrovich Grinev - a former officer, Premier Major retired. Wealthy nobleman. Strict, solid and proud person. Does not indulge the son and wants to raise in it.

    Mother Peter Greeneva - Avdota Vasilyevna Yu. - A kind woman, left the poor noble family. Peter Grinev is her only son. Good mistress, patient and understanding wife.

    There are cases when you need to quickly get acquainted with the book, but there is no time to read. For such cases there is a brief retelling (briefing). "Captain's daughter" is a tale from the school program, which, of course, deserves attention, at least in brief retelling.

    In contact with

    The main characters of the "Captain Daughter"

    Before you familiarize yourself with the story "Captain's daughter" in reducing, it is necessary to get acquainted with the main characters.

    In the "Captain Daughter" tells about several months from the life of Peter Andreevich Greenyov - the hereditary nobleman. He passes military service in the Belogorodsk fortress during the times of peasant unrest under the leadership of Emelyan Pugacheva. This story tells the Peter Grinyov himself with the help of records in his diary.

    Main characters

    Minor characters

    Chapter I.

    Peter Greenöva's father was recorded before birth to the ranks of the sergeants of Semenovsky regiment, since he himself was a retired officer.

    At the age of five, he put the son of a personal servant named Arkhip Savelich. His task was to raise the present Barin from him. The archite Savelich taught Little Peter a lot, for example, to deal with the breeds of hunting dogs, Russian diploma and a lot.

    Four years later, his father sends a sixteen-year-old Peter to his good friend in Orenburg. Savelich's servant rides Peter. In Symbirsk, Grinyov meets the man by the surname Zurin. He teaches Peter game billiards. Wroughtting, Grinevo loses a hundred rubles to the military.

    Chapter II.

    Grinyov and Savelich got lost on the way to the place of service, but the random passer-by showed them the road to a parlorian yard. There Peter considers the spent "He's on the appearance of the years forty, he has a black beard, a strong physique, and in general it looks like a robber. Having joined the conversation with the owner of the inn, they discussed something in a foreign language.

    Walking almost spreads, and therefore Grinyov decides to give him a holy Tulup. Tulupe was so small, which literally cracked on the seams, but despite this, he was glad to give a gift and promised never to forget this good act. A day later, the young Peter, arriving in Orenburg, is represented by General, and he sends him to the Belgorod Fortress - serve under the start of Captain Mironov. Not without the help of Father Peter, of course.

    Chapter III

    Grinyov arrives in the Belgorod fortress, which is a village, an obscured high wall and one cannon. Captain Mironov, under whose guide came to serve Peter, was a gray old old man, and under his beginning they serve two officers and approximately hundreds of soldiers. One of the officers is one-eyed old lieutenant Ivan Ignatich, the second name is Alexei Shvabrin - he was extended to this place in punishment for the duel.

    With Alexey Shvabrin, the newcomer Peter met the same evening. Schvabrin told about each of the captain's family: Wife Vasilis Egorovna and their daughter Masha. Vasilisa commands both husband and all garrison. And the daughter of Masha is a very coward girl. Later Grinyov and himself gets acquainted with Vasilisa and Masha, and more with a suction Maxi . He is very scared bythat the upcoming service will be bored and from this very long.

    Chapter IV.

    I liked the grine in the fortress, despite the experiences of Maxim. Soldiers here are related without much severity, despite the fact that the captain at least occasionally and suits the exercises, but they cannot distinguish the "left" and "right". In the house of Captain Mironova Peter Grineev, it becomes almost a member of the family, and also falls in love with his daughter Masha.

    In one of the grooves of the feelings, Grinyov is devoted to Masha poems and reads them the only one in the castle, who understands poetry, - Shvabrin. Schvabrin in a very rough manner rises his feelings and says that earrings - this is a more useful gift.. Greenyowa offends this too sharp criticism in his direction, and he calls his liar in response, and Alexey on emotions causes him to duel.

    The excited Peter wants to call the second of Ivan Ignatich, but the old man believes that this clarification of relations is too. After dinner, Petr says Shvabrin that Ivan Ignatich did not agree to be a second. Schwabrin proposes to spend a duel without secrets.

    Having met early in the morning, they did not have time to find out the relationship in the duel, because they were immediately twisted and they took the arrest of soldiers under the command of the lieutenant. Vasilisa Egorovna forces them to pretend that they came down, and after that they were released from custody. From Masha Peter learns - the thing is that Alexey has already received a refusal from her, that's why he behaved so aggressively.

    It all did not cooled their fervor, and they are found the next day by the river to bring the case to the end. Petr almost defeated the officer in an honest battle, but disgusting to the call. It was Savelich. Wrapped on a familiar voice, Grinyov gets wound in the field of chest.

    Chapter V.

    The wound turned out to be so serious that Peter woke up only for the fourth day. Schvabrin decides to make up with Peter, they apologize to each other. Taking advantage of the moment that Masha carries for patients with Peter, he confesses to her love and gets reciprocity in response.

    Love and inspired Green He writes a letter to home asking for a wedding blessing. In response, a strict letter comes with the refusal and sad news about the death of the mother. Peter thinks that the mother died when he learned about the duel, and suspects Savelich's den.

    The offended servant shows the proof of Peter: a letter of his father, where he reports and scolds him, because he did not tell about the wound. After a suspicion, Peter's suspicion is brought to the thought that Shvabrin did, to prevent them from Masha happiness and disrupt the wedding. Having learned that parents do not give blessings, Maria refuses the wedding.

    Chapter VI

    In October 1773, very quickly established ear About Pugachev Bunte, despite the fact that Mironov tried to leave it secret. The captain decides to send Maxim's intelligence. Maximich is returning in two days and reports that the excitement of tremendous strength rises among the Cossacks.

    At the same time, Maksimich comes that he moved to the side of Pugacheva and bought the Cossacks to arrange a riot. Maximsch are arrested, and in his place they put a man who has been donating to him - Yulya's baptist Kalmyk.

    Further events are held very quickly: Maksimych's leaving runs down from custody, one of the people of Pugacheva captured, but he does not turn out about something, because he has no language. The neighboring fortress is captured, and very soon the rugs will be under the walls and this fortress. Vasilisa along with her daughter go to Orenburg.

    Chapter VII

    Neutro to Greenoyeva reaches the ohaper of fresh news: the Cossacks left the fortress, took captivity Yelany; Masha did not have time to get to Orenburg and the road was blocked. On the orders of the captain from the cannons are shot by pediatric ruffers.

    Soon there is also the main army of Pugacheva led by the Emelyan himself, elegantly dressed in a red caftan and jumping on a white horse. Four Cossacks-traitor offer to surrender, recognizing Pugacheva ruler. They throw the head of the head of the YOULY head through the fence, which falls to the legs of Mironov. Mironov gives an order to shootAnd one of the negotiators kill, the rest manage to escape.

    The fortress is beginning to storm, and Mironov says goodbye to the family and gives the blessing of Masha. Vasilisa takes a frightened daughter to horror. The commandant shoots once out of the gun, gives an order to open the gate, and then rushes into battle.

    Soldiers are in no hurry to run behind the commander, and the attackers can break into the fortress. Greenva take captivity. On the square build a big gallows. A crowd is going around, many meet with the joy of rioters. The impostor, sitting on the chair in the Commandant house, takes the oath from the prisoners. Ignatic and Mironov hang for refusing to give oath.

    The queue comes to Graineva, and he notices among the rebels of Schvabrin. When Peter escape to the gallows to execute, Savelich falls at Pugachev's feet. Somehow he managed to pour pardon for Grineeva. When Vasilisa was taken out of the house, she, having seen his dead her husband, calls Pugacheva on emotions - "Furious convict." It is killed immediately for it.

    Chapter VIII.

    Peter began to look for Masha. The news was disappointing - she lies unconscious from his wife, who tells everyone that it is her seriously ill relative. Peter returns to the old plundered apartment and finds out from Savelich, as he managed to persuade Pugacheva to let Peter.

    Pugachev is the same random passerin, whom they met when they got lost and presented a holy Tulup. Pugachev invites Peter to the Commandant's house, and he traps there with rebels at one table.

    During the dinner, he managed to overhear how the Military Council makes plans to go to Orenburg. After lunch, Greeneva and Pugacheva talks a conversation, where Pugachev again demands to give oath. Petr again refuses him, arguing that he is the officer and orders of his commanders - for him the law. Such honesty falls on the instrument of Pugacheva, and he again lets Peter.

    Chapter IX.

    In the morning, before leaving Pugacheva, Savelich is suitable for him and brings things from Greennev during capture in captivity. At the very end of the list - a holy Tulup. Pugachev is angry and throws a sheet of paper with this list. Leaning, he leaves Swabrin as a commandant.

    Grineh rushes to his wife's wife to learn how Masha's health is, but it is waiting for very disappointing news - she is rapping and in hot. He can't take her, but he also cannot stay. Therefore, he has to temporarily leave it.

    Worried, Grinevo with Savelich go slow a step into Orenburg. Suddenly, unexpectedly, the former Maximych District, which jumps on the Bashkir horse rolling down. It turned out that this Pugachev said to give to the officer of the horse and barractions of Tulup. Petr with gratitude takes this gift.

    Chapter H.

    Arriving in OrenburgPeter reports to general about everything in the fortress. The Council decides not to attack, but only defend. After some time, the siege of Orenburg's army of Pugacheva begins. Thanks to the fast horse and the luck of Grinyov remains intact and unharmed.

    In one of these collections, he intersects with Maxim. Maximich gives him a letter from Masha, which says that Schvabrin stole her and forced her to marry him. Grinyow runs to the general and asks the company a soldier to liberate the Belgorod fortress, but the general refuses him.


    Grinev and Savelich decide to escape from Orenburg and ride without problems towards the Bermuda Slobody, which Pugacheva people took. Having waited for the night, they decide to drive around the lobody in the dark, but they catch a detachment of sentinals. He miraculously manage to flee, and Savelich, unfortunately, no.

    Therefore, Peter returns after him and follows. Pugachev learns why he fled from Orenburg. Peter informs him about the tricks of Schvabrin. Pugachev begins to be angry and threatens that he hangs him.

    The adviser to Pugacheva does not believe in the history of Greeneva, arguing that Peter is a spy. Suddenly, the second adviser on the name of clapping begins to bear behind Peter. They barely begin the fight, but the impostor soothes them. Pugachev decides to take the wedding of Peter and Masha in his hands.

    Chapter XII.

    When Pugachev arrived in Belgorod FortressHe began to demand to show the girl who Kidnapped Shvabrin. He leads Pugacheva and Grneeva to the room, where Masha sits on the floor.

    Pugachev, deciding to figure out the situation, asks Masha, for which her husband beats her. Masha exclaims with indignation, which will never be his wife. Pugachev is very disappointed in the Swabrine and tells him immediately let go of a young couple.


    Masha with Peter Go on the road. When they enter the town, where there should be a big squash detachment, they see that the city is already released. Greeneva want to arrest, he comes into an officer room and sees heading his old acquaintance - Zurin.

    He remains in Zirin's squad, and Masha sends to his parents. Soon the siege was removed from Orenburg, and comes to news about the victory and ending of the war, as the impostor grasped. At the time while Peter was going home, Zurin received an order about his arrest.

    Chapter XIV

    In court, Petr Grinevo is accused of betrayal and espionage. Witness - Shvabrin. In order not to pull into this business Masha, Peter does not justify himself, and they want to hang him. Empress Ekaterina, squeezing over his elderly, changes the execution of a lifetime execution in the Siberian settlement. Masha decides what will be wallowed in the legs of the Empress, which stacked his pardon.

    Having drove into St. Petersburg, she stops at the inn of the courtyard and finds out that the hostess is a nephew of a furnace furnace in the palace. She helps Masha penetrate the garden of the royal village, there she meets a lady, which promises to help her. After a time from the palace behind Masha comes carriage. Going into the chambers of Catherine, she sees a woman with surprise with whom he spoke in the garden. She declares that Grinyov is justified. Read in our article.


    It was a brief retelling. "Captain's daughter" is a rather interesting story from the school program. A summary of chapters need for.

    The captain's daughter is the main characters and their characteristics (table) - briefly about each acting person with a description of the character and literary biography. Thanks to this table, "Captain's daughter" Pushkin can not even read, it is suitable for writing and quick analysis of each hero.

    External details


    Peter Andreevich Grinev

    The main acting person. 16-year-old son of a wealthy landowner, a former military, nobleman.

    It has kindness, honesty, courage, clean soul, but because of young years, very inexperienced in life situations. In principle, although he loves to bargain and sang.

    Masha Mironova

    Captain's daughter (hence the name of the novel), beautiful, but poor. In all likelihood, a virgin.

    Modest, shameful, kind and generous. Very nice, emotional, ambitious.

    Savelich, he same archite Savelyev

    Old urgent grine. Mentor Peter Greenieva. Scaring elderly chaloon.

    Effective, economic, but kind and loving. For Peter Savelich is ready to give life, but also for junk it too.

    Emelyan Pugachev

    The main revolutionary, the Don Cossack, the impostor, the gangster, the Socialist.

    Cruel, but with generosity signs. Extremely vain. He loves honesty and sincerity in people.

    Well done officer, male, a rich traitor, a hunter to the machine pilot.

    Slip and low man, cowardly, short-escaver, loser, trocheratino.

    Captain Mironov

    Padasa Masha. Experienced military, but old.

    Podkin, but a bold and kind person, not afraid of death and did not renounce the Fatherland and service.

    Vasilisa Egorovna

    Wife Captain Mironova, Mom Masha.

    Good, but powerful woman. Economic.

    Ivan Zurin

    35-year-old officer, a new buddy Greeneva, with whom he met for the game of billiards.

    A walk, tricky, loves to drink and whims. But - an honest hussar, did not put in the head of Greeneva, and helped him.

    These are the main characters of the "Captain Daughter", and there are also secondary:

    • Andrei Petrovich Grinev- Father Peter, a very strict former military, but a departure comrade. Very firm character, but strongly hot, a person is constantly engaged in his concerns, so sometimes makes mistakes and is not going to the details.
    • Avdota Vasilyevna - The wife of Senior Greenieva and the mother of Peter. From the poor family, kind and humane.
    • Bopre. - Eternally drunk Frenchman, who hired to teach Peter. Francenik and Rolling. As soon as Andrei Petrovich found Bopre in an unexpected form, he drove him with blades, and Savelich appointed instead.

    In the main characters of the "Captain daughter" Pushkin embodied his best quality prosaic, despite the tragity of history, it causes surprisingly good feelings, and some places are permeated with light irony.