Geographical map of South America close-ups. South America

Geographical map of South America close-ups. South America
Geographical map of South America close-ups. South America

In this in front of youmap of South America in Russianin both the image format and interactive map from the satellite.

Below you will see map of South Americain Russian in JPG format. The image is shown in a reduced form, it can open it with the left mouse button on the entire screen, or save by pressing the right mouse button, and then "Save As".

Below you see what South America looks on on the world map. By the way, dear readers of my blog. I understand that all of us together here gathered with love for tourism and travel, but we will be honest, each of us has a number of other hobbies. So, if you are interested in the sights of Regensburg, the site is your choice! Believe me, my recommendations are not an empty sound.

Below you can take advantage south America map from satellite. Card kindly provided to us by Google Maps. If you do not know how to use them, I will gladly tell me, just go to my article of Google's cards, I'm telling everything in detail. Well, if you briefly, the "+" and "-" buttons you can increase and decrease the map, clamping the left mouse button on the map you can move on it, and in the upper right corner you can change the display modes.

And one more opportunity to show the map of South America is a wonderful program to display the full three-dimensional model of our planet, even the relief of the terrain, the mountains are high, the water in the seas pegs, and the special cultural monuments are presented in the Google Planet mode. If you do not have Google Planet Earth - you will be offered to do it. If you have entered the Opera browser - viewing is impossible. It is best to do this in Firefox and Google Chrome browsers.

Enter the necessary country in the window and click "Forward!":

The peculiarity of the South American continent is that it serves as a recreational source of the entire planet. Therefore, tourists attract the natural peculiarities of the mainland. Here, in addition to the longest mountain ridge, the worlds - the Andes, the greatest waterfall of our planet - Angel. Jungle, which are located in the Amazon Pool, researchers cannot fully describe so far. Some of the tribes living there still live in the Stone Age, it simply cannot but attract fans of jilo-tourism. It has many white spots.

The paradox of the continent is that his pristine nature is well neighboring with megalopolis, which have long become the center of original culture in the new light.

The most popular state in the tourist environment that advises to visit any map of South America -this is undoubtedly Brazil. Her symbol, a kind of stronghold of Christianity in the new world - the statue of Christ the Savior, which is located in Rio de Janeiro, tourists are undoubtedly a thousand come here to look here at how a colossal monument hugs the city.

Many call the Rio de Janeiro cultural capital of Brazil. It is here that the most famous and popular carnival in the world is held. With his scope, according to eyewitnesses, even the celebration of Independence Day in the United States cannot be compared. Among other things, the Kopakabana Beach is located near Rio de Janeiro, which has golden sand and crystal clear sea water.

A fiery land is very attractive in the tourist plan - an island in the south of the continent. He knows his abundance of life.

Beach resorts, which are located on the Venezuelan coast of the Caribbean, are attracted by hot subequatorial sun, winged sand and excellent service.

Though map of South America And keeps some secrets, but the most mysterious and mysterious in this part of the world two places - a Nask Plateau, which has reliefs of incomprehensible origin, and Easter Island, with his stone idols. As tourists say who visited these places, South America should be visited to visit only here, and anywhere else, because there is enough impressions for a very long time.

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South America is the fourth largest continent on Earth. Its length from north to south is more than 7,000 km, from the west to the East - about 5,000, and the total area reaches 17.8 km². Most of the mainland is in the southern hemisphere. The total number of inhabitants - more than 385 million people: on this indicator South America ranks fourth among the continents. But if you discard dry facts, one can say one thing: this is a whole world, unknown, bright, mounted and frightening at the same time. Each country of this continent deserves the closest study, the most curious tourists and the most enthusiastic reviews.

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How to get

The cost of the airfare to the countries of South America differs significantly on ordinary days and during the sales period. If the usual ticket can average 1700-2000 USD, then the sale and promotional can be bought from a discount to 50%. It is most profitable for Russians to purchase a ticket to Venezuela (the cheapest can be bought for 500-810 USD in the days of maximum discounts). Either fly to relatively mass countries of the Caribbean, such as Cuba and Dominican Republic, from where internal airlines move to the mainland.

If there is time and money, you can arrange an unforgettable ocean journey: the path on the ship to Buenos Aires will cost 1500-2000 EUR. Time is such a warhead will take much more than the flight, because most often it is not just swimming through the Atlantic Ocean, but a full cruise with an occasion of the ports of Europe and Central America.

Transport in South America

Inside the continent, there are quite expensive air travel, but the cruise travels around the sea are widespread (the cost depends on the liner class). Railways are used primarily for freight - extremely few passenger trains, but a bus service is very common. Traveling by bus, of course, less comfortable, but very economical (prices vary depending on the country and trends - tourist or internal). In addition, there is a very cheap car rental.


In different parts of South America, the climate is different. In the north - the equatorial zone with the highest temperatures in January, in the south is a frosty polar zone. It is here that you can celebrate the new year in a bikini under the scorching sun, and then go to a more familiar climatic zone on the ski resort in the highland Andes. In the south of the mainland, the fastened royal penguins are walking with might and main - Antarctica is close!


If you find yourself in South America for the first time and are accustomed to the international service class, choose large hotel chains (preferably international). The rooms in them are from 50-90 USD per day. Students and lovers of exotic are often settled in small accommodations or private apartments - the cost can start from 15-20 USD per day. The appearance and convenience of housing will depend on the country, approaching the popular resorts and personal luck. Prices on the page are shown in October 2018.

Waterfalls iguhasu

Countries of South America

Venezuela - The state in the north of South America washed by the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The capital is the city of Caracas. Here there are conditions for the beach holidays - the luxurious beaches of the Caribbean coast, a fashionable secluded vacation on Margarita Island, and for active: Avila National Park near Caracas, Amazon Jungle, the highest waterfall of the planet - Angel, the longest cable car long in the world 12, 6 km and the highest mountain peak of the country - Pico-Bolivar (4981 m).

Guyana - State in the northeast coast of South America. Capital - Georgetown. Almost 90% of the country occupy wet jungle. It is due to the unfavorable conditions for tourism in a traditional understanding, Guyana is visited primarily by ecotourists. They are chosen by the waterfalls of the Guiangic Highlands, Pakaraym Mountains, National Parks Kaietour and Ivocrama, where visitors are comprehended by Rafting's wisdom, and also make hiking and horse rises along the Savannans of Rupunynun.

Guiana (or French Guiana) is the largest overseas of France, located in the north-east of South America. For entry to Guiana requires a French visa. The administrative center is the city of Cayenne. 96% of the territory of the country occupy the tropical forests - this region is one of the most wooded and environmentally friendly in the world. Tourist centers and towns of local residents are concentrated in the coastal strip, the central regions are practically deserted.

Colombia - The state in the north-west of South America, named after the Great Traveler. Capital - Bogota. For Russians, a visa-free entry into the territory of Colombia for up to 90 days is allowed. This country is famous for its historical heritage, many museums and an amazing merger of European culture, brought by Spanish conquistadors in the 15th century, and Indian, still carefully saved in some parts of the country. In Colombia Stunning Nature: National Parks, Sierra Nevada Peaks, Amazon River Pool, Palm Valleys and Coffee Plants.

Paraguay They are called the heart of America, because this country does not have access to the sea. His population has kept his originality: Indian adverbing Guarani is a public language along with Spanish. Capital - Asuncion. "Guiana" translates from Guaran as the "Great River" - refers to the Rio Paraguay (the third largest and length of the continent's river), dividing the country to the arid plain the Grand Character and the wet areas of the Rio Paraguay and Rio-Alta Paranta. The country was chosen by ecotourists and connoisseurs of magnificently preserved architectural monuments of the period of the Jesuit state.

Peru - State on the west coast of South America. Capital - Lima. Fans of antiquities Peru is known as the place of settlement of the Inca - the Incan State of Tauantinsuyu was the largest empire of Decolumbovaya America and still remains a mystery for ethnographers and archaeologists. Here is the famous Machu Picchu, which became one of the new wonders of the world, and landscapes with the mysterious lines of Naska, the origin of which scientists still cannot explain. In total, Peru is more than 180 museums and many archaeological parks, lost in the Andasy Anda valleys.

For Russian tourists, a visa-free entry into Peru is open for up to 90 days.

Suriname - State in the north-east of South America. Capital - Paramaribo. Here come in search of ecotourism in unusual places: rainforests, waterfalls Atabra, Kau, Wonotobo, the Galibi Reserve, Sipalivini area, which occupies most of the territory, the reservation of the Turos Indians, Akurio and Wyan.

Uruguay - State in southeast of South America. Capital - Montevideo. If you want to relax on the beach, come to Uruguay from January to April. The connoisseurs of colonial architecture will probably like the sights of Column and Montevideo. Every year for a month and a half before Easter, two days before the great post in Catholics in Uruguay passes a colorful carnival.

For Russian tourists, visa-free entry into Uruguay for up to 90 days is opened.

Chile - the state in the south-west of South America, which occupies a long strip from the coast of the Pacific to the highland Andes. The capital is Santiago. Balnological tourism (33 sanatorium bases with water and mud), beach holidays (Arika, Ikik, Valparaiso regions), as well as travel to National Parks La Campana, Torres del Paine, San Rafael, in the town Altiplano and San Pedro and, of course, on the famous Easter Island. For lovers of mountain skiing - 15 resorts with descents from the most extreme to ordinary.

Ecuador Located in the north-west of the mainland and got its name from the Spanish "Equator". Capital - Quito. Special attention is paid to the famous not only with their fauna, but also fantastic beaches of the Galapagos Islands, the National Park of Oriente and the journey through Amazon, the region of El Kayas with 200 lakes and lagunies, a monument to the ancient culture of Ingapirk and Museums of the Colonial and Preolonional epoch in Quito.

For Russian tourists, a visa-free regime of Visit Ecuador for up to 90 days has been introduced.

In addition, South America includes the controversial island territories. South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, as well as Fokland (Malvinsky) Islands, which are still arguing with the United Kingdom and Argentina. Tourists arrive at the islands as part of cruise tours. The most common entertainment is mountaineering, hiking and alloys on kayaks and kayayaks. Fokland (Malvinsky) Islands are almost forgotten tourists places. By climate, their territory is close to Iceland: cold, strong winds, and only the coast will be squeezed not only seagulls, but also the replete royal penguins.

Nature of South America

After the breakdown of the mainland, Gondwana at the end of the chalk period in Africa, Australia, Antarctica and South America last remained a separate continent. Panaman's current north and southern America, the Panaman End appeared about three million years ago, significantly affecting the flora and fauna of the continent.

A variety of landscapes and climatic zones amazing the tourist imagination. Andes, the world's longest mountain range in the world, are also called the "ridge" of South America, stretching almost along its entire length of 9 thousand km. The highest peaks - Akonkagua (6960 m) in Argentina and Hosh del Salado (6908 m) covered with snow all year round. The movement of the earth's crust continues to this day in this region causes an earthquake and eruption of existing volcanoes.

Here the famous Amazon leaks, the second largest river on the planet is always full due to numerous tributaries. The endless Amazonian jungle will come out on her shores, so dense that some of their sites still remain unexplored.

Amazon jungle is called "light planets".

At the contrast with wet tropical forests of Amazonia on the mainland, there is one of the most arid places on the planet - the Atakam Desert in the north of Chile. In Argentina and Uruguay, hot and dust steppe pamps are extended.

There are in South America and extensive lakes, and high waterfalls, and rocky islands. From the north, the mainland is washed by the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea, while the southernmost point is the island of fire land - susceptible to the frequent storms of the Cold Atlantic Ocean.