Love "disinterested, selfless, not awaiting award. BUT

Love "disinterested, selfless, not awaiting award. BUT

Irina Polyakova
Natalia Kritskaya

Irina Viktorovna Polyakova (1967), Natalya Valeryevna Kritskaya (1971) - Teachers of Russian language and literature Sosh No. 32 of Astrakhan.

"Love disinterested, selfless, not awaiting award ..."

The theme of love in the work of A.I. Kuprina. According to the story "Pomegranate bracelet"

Goals. Expand and deepen the representation of students about A.I. Cookina - the artistic word wizard, transferred in the Word to the power of the rarest gift high love, greatness experienced by a simple person; Show how a writer depicts a man's waking process; help commeasure read with the world of your own soul, think about yourself; To form aesthetic perception using various types of art - literature, music.

Love is Meshsill: No on Earth Not Grief - Her Karas,
Nor happiness - above enjoying to serve her.


During the classes

I. Introduction

Under the sounds of music, George Sviridova, the teacher reads the sonnet (130th) of William Shakespeare.

Her eyes on the stars are not similar
It is impossible to get lost corals,
Not snow white shoulders open skin,
And the black wire is wound strand.

With damask rose, scarlet or white,
You can not compare the shade of these cheeks.
And the body smells like the body smells,
Not like violet gentle petals.

You will not find in it perfect lines,
Special light on the brow.
I do not know how the goddess marvels,
But cute steps on the ground.

And that's why she will give way to those who hardly
Who in comparison with lush rolled out.

Teacher.These words about love belong to the Grand Shakespeare. But how about this feeling is reflecting Vsevolod Christmas.

Love, love - mysterious word,
Who could fully understand him?
Always in all old you or new
Spirit's tomorrow you are grace?

Irrevocable loss
Or enrichment without end?
Hot day, what no sunset
Ile night, devastating hearts?

Or maybe you are just a reminder
What is it inevitably waiting for us?
With nature, with infamous merge
And the eternal world cycle?

Love is one of the most sublime, noble and beautiful human feelings. True love is always disinterested and selfless. "Love, - wrote L.N. Tolstoy, "means to live the life of the one who you love." And Aristotle spoke about this: "Loving - it means to wish to another of what you consider for the benefit, and despite it is not for yourself, but for those who love, and try to deliver this good."

It is such an amazing love and strength of love is depicted in the story of A.I. Cook " Garnet bracelet».

II. Conversation on the content of the story

What is the work of Kupper? Why is it called "pomegranate bracelet"?

(In the story "Pomegranate bracelet" charts the disinterested holy feeling of a "little man", Zheltikov's telegraphist, to the princess of Vera Nikolaevna Shiny. The story is called the main events with this decoration. Yes, and grenades in the bracelet with their trembling inside "bloody lights "- a symbol of love and tragedy in the fate of the hero.)

Story consisting of thirteen chapters begins with landscape sketchy. Read it. What do you think the story opens with a landscape?

(The first chapter is entry, prepares the reader to perceive further events. When reading the landscape there is a feeling of a fading world. Description of nature is recalling the speed of life. Life is going: the summer is replaced in autumn, youth - old age, and the most beautiful flowers are doomed to withering and death. Slice The nature is cold, the prudent existence of the character of the story is the princess of faith Nikolaevna Sheina, the wisest of the granitor.)

Read Description autumn Garden (Second chapter). Why does it follow a description of the feelings of faith to her husband? What purpose pursued the author?

What can be said about her soul? Does she suffer from "heart failure"?

(It is impossible to say that the princess is heartless. She loves the children of the sister, wants to have their own ... It applies to her husband as a friend - "the former passionate love has long gone"; saves him from a complete ruin.)

To be deeper to understand the faith of Nikolaevna, you need to know the environment of Princess. That is why Kubrin describes in detail her relatives.

What depicted the dole of guests of Vera Nikolaevna?

(Students find out in the text "Characteristics" of the guests: and "Tolstoy, ugly a huge" professor Sveshnikov; and with " rotten teeth On the face of the skull "Musha Anna, a stupid man who" did not do anything, but was listed with some charitable institution "; and the pile colonel Ponomarev, "prematurely aged, thin, bile man, exhausted by unbearable stationery.")

Which of the guests is depicted with sympathy? Why?

(This is General Anosov, a friend of the late Father of Faith and Anna. He makes a pleasant impression of a man of a simple, but noble, and most importantly - the wise. His Kuprin endowed the "Russian, Men's features": "Good-natured-fun look at life", "good-faded, naive faith "... It was him that he belongs to the murderer's characteristic of the modern society, in which the interests were made, the interests began, and people had to love. Anosov says:" Love in people accepted such vulgar forms and descended to some everyday amenities, to little entertainment. Men's faults, in twenty years, befended, with chickens and hare souls, incapable of strong desires, to heroic actions, to tenderness and adoration before love. " So begins in the story the topic of real love, love for which "to make a feat, give life, go to torment - not at all work, but one joy.")

What is "happily wonderful" happened on the day of the name of Prinjea faith?

(The faith is presented with a gift and a letter from Yellowkova.)

Let us dwell on the letter of Zheltkov faith. Read it. What characterization can we give it to the author? How to treat yolk? Sympathize, regret, admire or despise, as a weak spirit of man?

(We can treat the hero of anything, and well, if in the life of each of us there will be no such tragedy, but it is important for us to determine the copyright position, to identify the attitude of the author himself to your hero.)

Let us turn to the episode of the visit to Zheltikov husband and brother Princess faith Nikolaevna. How does the journal of his hero represent? How do the scene participants behave? Who wins in this opposition to moral victory? Why?

(Yolks. Behind his nervousness, confusion lies a huge feeling, killing which can only death. Tuganovsky is not given to neither to experience such feelings. Even Prince Shein said the words talking about sensitivity and the nobility of Yoltkova's soul: "Is he guilty Love and unless you can control such a feeling as love, - a feeling that has not yet found myself interpretation ... I feel sorry for the person. And I do not only feel sorry, but I feel that I am present at some huge soul tragedy ... " )

Find in the words of the author drawing the behavior of Zheltikov, the evidence that his actions drive the very huge feeling that is capable of making a person or immensely happy, or tragically unhappy. What is your impression from last letter YOLTKOV?

(The letter is fine, like poems, convinces us in the sincerity and strength of his feelings. For Ystkova, love faith even without reciprocity - "huge happiness". He is grateful to her for the fact that she was for her eight years for him "the only joy in life, the only consolation , uniform thought. "Saying goodbye to her, he writes:" Leaving, I am delighted with: "Yes, your name is hired." ".)

III. Reading by heart poem A.S. Pushkin "I loved you ..."

What Pushkin's poem is consonant with the story of Kupper?

(In both works, the worship of beloved, and reverence, and self-sacrifice, and pain of the suffering heart are also expressed.)

Is it possible to call a feeling of yolkkova to faith Nikolaevna Madness? ("What is this: love or madness?".)

(Prince Shein: "I will say that he loved you, and not at all was crazy.")

But why does the yolks end the life of suicide?

(Yolks love to truly love by passionate, disinterested. He grateful to the one that caused this beautiful feeling in his heart. " little man". He loves, and therefore happy. Therefore, death is not afraid of the hero.)

The turning point for faith is farewell to the deceased yolk, their only date. Let us turn to this episode and read it according to: "In the room smelled incense ..."

What is experiencing faith of Nikolaevna, peering into the face of who left life because of her?

(Looking at his face, faith recalls the same peaceful expression on the masks of the great sufferers - Pushkin and Napoleon.)

Is this item random? What appears before us yolks?

(Yolks are great for his suffering, with their love. It understood both Vera Nikolaevna, remembering the words of General Amosov: "Maybe your life Path, Verochka, crossed just such a love that women cut into and on which men are no longer capable. ")

We note: the story based on this story is largely real. Prototype Princess Sheina became L.I. Lyubimova, who was in love with a person, wrote anonymous letters for several years. He did not have any hopes, he understood: between him, a "little man", and it is an insurmountable abyss.

The patience of Aristocratic Rodney Lyudmila Ivanovna russed, when the loved dare to send her a gift of a pomestic bracelet as a gift. The indignant husband and Brother Knugini found anonymous, a decisive conversation took place. As a result, the gift was returned, and the yellow (the surname of the Lord) swore more not to write. That is all ended.

Why did the Kuprin understand the "curiosity case" and introduced the tragic finale into his story?

(The tragic finale produces a big impression, gives extraordinary power And the weight of the feeling of yellowkova.)

What do you think the moment of the story is culminating?

(Episode with a pianist: "... Excited by what she saw and heard, faith rushed to her and, kissing her big wonderful hands, shouted ...")

The greatness experienced by a simple person is comprehended under the sounds of the Beethoven Sonata No. 2, as if he had a shock, pain and happiness, and suddenly displaces the Faith from the soul, all the fussy, petty, hesitates a response asking suffering.

(Sonata № 2 Beethoven sounds.)

Why does the yolks "forcing" faith Nikolaevna to listen exactly this is the Beethoven work? Why were the words that were signed in her mind turned out to be so consonant with the mood expressed in Beethoven Music?

(The words seem to come from yolktykova. They really coincide with the music, indeed "it was as if the subjects ended in the words:" Yes, your name will hurt. "".)

Princess Vera is experiencing spiritual unity with a man who gave her soul and her life. What do you think, did the response sense of love in the soul of faith?

(The response sense took place, albeit for an instant, but forever awaken the thirst for the beautiful, worship of spiritual harmony.)

What do you think is the power of love?

(In the transformation of the soul.)

So, the unfortunate yolks are by no means pity, and the depth of his feeling, the ability to self-sacrifice deserve not only sympathy, but also admixions.

Why does the Kuprin, putting on such a hero of his hero, introduces us to him only in the tenth chapter? Does the first chapters differ from the last stupid?

(Language of initial heads leisurely, calm, in them more descriptions, no observation, more ordness.)

Let's find not only a stylistic, but also semantic oppression of two parts of the story.

(Lyric landscape, festive evening is opposed to "the burned staircase of the house in which he lives yolks, the wretched atmosphere of his room, similar to the cabin company of the cargo steamer.")

The means of opposing the heroes are the names: insignificant and even some kind of laid "yolks" and exaggeratedly loud, Triple "Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky". There are in the story and opposition items. What kind?

(Exquisite notebook, decorated with a "filigined gold pattern of rare complexity, subtlety and beauty", and a pomegranate gold bracelet with poorly polished grenades.)

What is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of A.I. Cooker? What is the point of opposing the first and second part of the story? What tradition of Russian literature of the XIX century continued the writer in this work?

(Meaning of the story - show the nobility of the soul simple man, his ability to deep, elevated feelings By opposing the hero of the Higher Society. The author shows the psychological contrast: it cannot be strong, disinterested feeling in the world, where only well-being, calm, beautiful things and words are appreciated, but disappeared such concepts as the beauty of the soul, spirituality, sensitivity and sincerity. "Little man" rises, becomes great with his sacrificial love.)

IV. Conclusion

K. Poystovsky said that "Kubrin cried over the manuscript of the" pomegranate bracelet ", cried with facilitating tears ... He said that nothing more chased was writing." The same feeling of cleansing and enlightenment leaves the story of Kupper and here, readers. It helps to understand what we can lose, if you do not see, do not hear, do not notice a lot, present in life.

V. Homework(reply writing)

How do you understand the words Kaprin from the letter to the FD. Batyushkov (1906): "Not in force, not in agility, not in the mind, not in talent, individuality is expressed in creativity. But in love! "

Application of research elements in literature lessons
Musatova G.V.

Humanization of the learning process requires creative approach Teacher to design training sessions. Since, the role of education in modern society not only comes down to a simple message defined number Knowledge, education should turn these knowledge into a creative development tool for the surrounding world, and at the same time there is not only the increment of knowledge, skills, skills, but also the development of the person itself. Therefore, the turn of pedagogical practice to research, search methods of training, when the student is set in a situation of gaining knowledge in the process of active knowledge.

Study literary work - This is a serious work for a student. And the task of the teacher is to make this work attractive, to organize it in such a way that communication with the book has become a discovery for a student life values, delivered the joy of the process of knowledge, and not disappointment. Therefore, the material proposed by the student must be built on the basis of personality-semantic and emotional and psychological significance. The involvement of a student in the process of cognition, studies of the problem under study occurs on a dialogue basis, namely the question of the teacher causes a student not only and not so much the answer as in turn the question. Therefore, the value of such a dialogue is not only that the learning process becomes personally significant, but also in the fact that the learning process is implemented both in the sphere of valued and moral-ethical, based on the enrichment of the subject matter of the student's personality.

The research method is organized on the basis of joint activity Students, which responds not only to their increased interpersonal communication needs, but also creates conditions for their personal growth.

Applied research elements on training lesson Students develop the ability to structure information, communicative abilities, group interaction skills, increase the cognitive motivation in students to studied material. Since from the very beginning of the lesson, their independent search activity is stimulated, and at the end of the lessons will certainly occur total feeling Promotion forward on the path of knowledge, self-enlightenment, joyful awareness of success.

For teacher the main task The ability to create an appropriate emotional and intellectual situation in the lesson, the atmosphere of psychological support, the situation of success. Group study turns each student and all training group in the subjects of self-study.

SPO, specialty "Product technology catering", 2 course.


Subject: Love disinterested, selfless, not awaiting award.

Tale A.I. Cook "Pomegranate Bracelet"

Type of lesson:Studying a new material.

Methods:lesson study.

Objectives lesson:

  1. Create conditions for forming students of interest in the subject of love in the story of A.I. Kuprin "Pomegranate bracelet", cause a feeling of admiration for clean, sublime love, which "will never pass and not forgive, for which life sacrifice,", help mend the read with the world of your own soul, think about yourself.

  2. Promote the development of the ability to analytical reading text artistic work, To mobile work with the text.

  3. Promote the formation of love for classic literature, reverent attitude to such a high concept as love.
Equipment:Potret A.I. Kompanov, exhibition of books A. Kompanov, recording The second Sonata L.V. Beethoven.

Preparatory stage : Students are offered a leading task:

  1. Read the story A.I. Cook "Pomegranate Bracelet"

  2. Retelling (or expressive reading) Episodes (individual tasks):
1st student: Zholkova Letter to Vera Nikolaevna (Chapter V.)

2nd Student: Last Letter Yellowkova (Chapter XI.)

Basic Stage: Epigraph.

Love ... One more expensive than wealth, fame and wisdom ... more than life itself, because even life she does not value and is not afraid of death.

A.I. Kubrin

During the classes

I. Organizational stage.

  • Greeting.

  • Checking students present and readiness to lesson.
II. Motivation.

        • introduction Teacher: (Sviridov's music sounds, creating an emotional attitude to the lesson).
Today's lesson I would like to start the words Sonet 130 William Shakespeare: her eyes on the stars are not like,

It is impossible to get lost corals,

Not snow white shoulders open skin,

And the black wire will strand.
With damask rose, scarlet or white,

You can not compare the shade of these cheeks.

And the body smells like the body smells,

Not like violet gentle petals.
You will not find in it perfect lines,

Special light on the brow.

I do not know how the goddess marvels,

But cute steps on the ground.
And all that she will give way to those who hardly

Who in comparison with lush rolled out.

These lines are dedicated to the most sensitive, beautiful, eternal love. Shakespeare dedicated a lot of works, like many poets and writers. With no smaller base, you can also call the singer sublime love.

        • Goal.
Lecturer: Let's spend a small study of the topic of love in the story of A.I. Cook "Pomegranate bracelet" and try to determine semantic meaning The concepts of "love", think about the semantic shades of this word and look at the new one, seemed familiar to us the word "love".

III. Actualization of the subject experience of students.

The teacher offers students to explain the meaning of statements A.I. Kuprika "Love ... one more expensive than wealth, fame and wisdom ... more than life itself, because even life she does not value and is not afraid of death," based on the plots of his works.

Estimated answer: Love in the works of Kuprin is always disinterested, selfless; She does not wait for rewards and is often stronger than even death. For many heroes of the writer, she forever remained the greatest secret in the world and at the same time tragedy. In the works of Kurpric Love, for which to make any feat, it is not difficult to go on torment, but joy. No vitality, calculations and compromises should not touch it. It was this love that was touched by the Half's "Witches" of Olesi, who loved the "good, but only weak" Ivan Timofeevich. "Clean and kind" Romashov, the hero of the story "duel", sacrifices with himself for the sake of an exclusive shurochka Nikolaeva. Such is the knight, and romantic love Zheltikova to the princess of faith Nikolaevna (the story "Pomegranate bracelet"), which swallowed all his being.

Despite the tragic junction, the heroes of the joy of happy. They believe that fostering their life love is truly a great feeling. Olesya regrets only that she has no child from his beloved person. Yolks dying, blessing a beloved woman. So describes the love of Kurin. You read and think: probably, it does not happen in life, but contrary to common sense, I want it to be.

Teacher:And now, suggests with the author to look into the closet of the poor official to look at the amazing on beauty and strength examples perfect love. At home you read the story A.I. Kepper "Pomegranate bracelet". This touching work tells about the hopeless love of a small batkov official to a very respected secular lady. It is once again drawn to the reader not easy life "Little Man." She is full of small joys and related big emotions, modest desires and tremendous sincere feelings. Yolks - Bright representative This class of people. But, unfortunately, the immense love of a "little man" is already initially doomed to failure. So far we will not delve into the main conflict. Trying to transfer the story to the story.
The student retells the story story: A small official, a lonely and timid dreamer, falls in love with a young secular lady, a representative of the so-called "highest class". Eight years continues unrequited and hopeless love. Love letters serve as a subject of ridicule and bullying members family Clan. Princes of Shiny and Bulat-Tuganovsky. Does not perceive them seriously and the princes faith of Nikolaevna, addressee of these love revelations. A gift sent by an unknown gift - a pomegranate bracelet - causes a storm of brother Knyagini, Comrade Prosecutor Bulat-Tuganovsky. He is ready to complete, destroy the "plebay", daring to have the sign of attention to the hereditary nobility. People close to Princess, people consider poor telegraphist abnormal, maniac. Only old general Anosov, with whom he loves to frank the princess, guesses the true motives as risky actions of an unknown in love: "How do you know? Maybe your life path, Veroch, crossed precisely such love that women cut about and for which men are more unable. " Love "little man" ends tragically. Without withstanding the collision with the world of cruelty and indifference, with the ambulation, outlined shower, the hero of the story dies.

Teacher:I was remembered by the poem of the Austrian poet of the first halves XIX. A century Nikolay Lenau, which has a connection with the content of the story "Pomegranate bracelet":

Silence and die ... but mile,

What is life, magic shackles?

Its own best Son. in her eyes

Search, not saying a word!

Like light shy lampad

Trembles before the face of Madonna

And, dying, catching a look

Heavenly look at her bottomless! ..

"Silent and die" - here is the spiritual vow of the in love of the telegraphist. Nevertheless, he violates him, reminding himself the only and inaccessible Madonna. It supports hope in his soul, gives him the strength to endure the suffering of love, passionate, sewing, which he is willing to carry with him the other world. Death is not afraid of the hero. Love stronger death. He is grateful to the one who causes this beautiful feeling in his heart, the "small" man, over a huge fussy world, the world of injustice and malice. That is why, leaving about life, he blesses his beloved: "Yes, your name will hurt."

Student:Could such love really be? "Pomegranate bracelet" - a pure fiction or Kuprin managed to find a plot in his life that answers his author's idea?

Teacher: The work is based on a real fact - the story of the love of a modest official to a secular lady, the mother of the writer L. Lubimova. (read excerpt)

Teacher:As you know, Kuprin is not so. Why do you think he retreated from real events? (The tragic outcome of the story "acts more effect on the nerves," makes a greater impression, attaches extraordinary strength and weights of the feeling of yolkov).

IV. Studying a new material.

  • Analysis of the story "Pomegranate bracelet".
The teacher offers students questions and organizes a conversation on the content of the story:

  • Where is the action?

  • What pictures of nature describe the author, how do they affect the mood of the princes faith of Nikolaevna?

  • What do you think the story opens with a landscape?

  • How does the princess perceive his name day?

  • How does Faith Nikolaevna relate to her husband?

  • How does the princess of her portrait characterizes?

  • Will she be capable of dusty, passionate love?

  • What is the meaning of the initial heads of the story, in which the names of the faith of Nikolaevna are described?

  • What event violates the calm name?

  • Read the bracelet description. ( The student reads the chapter 5- description of the bracelet)

  • What did the princess felt when he saw him?

  • And what thought Vera Nikolaevna when he saw a letter?

  • Consider a letter (reading letters chapter5) What properties has a green grenade?

  • What feelings is experiencing GSG?

  • Are there in the story and opposition items. What do you think, what?

  • What gift got faith from your sister?

  • What episode of the nameman made an unpleasant impression on you?

  • What is included in the homemade humorous album of Prince Shein?

  • Which of the guests is depicted with sympathy?

  • What is the story of General Anosov and why does it give so detailed?

  • What is the drama of this person? (Retelling a student of chapter 8).

Teacher: So begins in the story the topic of real love, love for which, according to Anosov, "Make a feat, give life, go to torment - not at all work, and one joy." According to the writer, "love must be a tragedy. The greatest mystery in the world! No vitality, calculations and compromises should not touch it. " Such love Kuprin tried to find in real life And sick in his story. And when the faith tells the "grandfather" about the pomegranate bracelet and a reverent adoration of her some GSG, Alosov utters a phrase, which became a prophetic faith: "Maybe your life path ... I crossed exactly the love that men cut out and on which men are no longer capable of "

"Each woman dreams of love," Unified, all-friendly, on all the finished, modest and selfless. " This is the ideal of love on Cook.
The teacher offers questions to students:

  • Remember how the brother of Vera Nikolai Mirza behaves - Bulat-Tuganovsky, having learned about the bracelet?

  • Find a word in his replicas, testifying to his estate spelling, about deep contempt for people below its circle.
The teacher concludes: Kuprin satirically depicts the assistant prosecutor. Interesting the surname of heroes: Minor and even laid yolks and exaggeratedly loud, Triple Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky is also a means of opposing heroes.

Prince Shein and Brother Knyagini decide to find Yolterkova and return his bracelet, in order to keep the good name of faith and her husband. The look of the telegraphist is unusual: "A very pale, gentle girl, with blue eyes and a stubborn children's chin with a patch in the middle." He is very excited, looking at Vasily Lvovich by pleading eyes. Seven years of "hopeless and quick-tempered love" passed, but it is impossible to drown out feelings. Yolks sees the only way out - death. The "huge tragedy of the soul" is resolved suicide.

(The teacher offers students to answer the questions of the dialogue)

  • How does the Mirza-Bulat -Tuganovsky meet behaved?

  • And how does yolks behave?

  • Who wins in this opposition to moral victory? Why?

  • Find in the words of the author drawing the behavior of yolktykova, the evidence that his actions drive the most huge feeling that is able to make a person or immensely happy, or tragically unhappy?

  • What does Fair think about, having learned about the death of yolkkova?

  • What is your impression from the last letter of Yellowkova? (reading by heart a student of the chapterXI)

  • What is the fate of the pomegranate bracelet? What did Vera Nikolaevna understand in the farewell scene with Yolkovoy?

  • Determine the climax of the story? ( After the death of Yolkova, Pianist Zhenya Reuters plays for the faith of Nikolaevna the immortal Beethoven Sonatu, the one that he wrote to her in his last letter. The epigraph to the story is the name of this sonata).

  • Why? (Apparently, this music revealed the faith of Nikolaevna the beauty of his love and helped her to understand everything and feel farewell).

Music Beethoven sounds " Moonlight Sonata", The student reads the end of the XIII chapter, where the writer conveys the components in the imagination of faith Nikolaevna under the influence of the words of the word, which, as it were, come from yolktykova."

  • Have you forgave the princess? ( Faith feels that the in love forgave her. I could not help but forgive, for in the sorrowful hour of parting, on the verge of death, still sang the glory of his goddess?)

  • And would you forgave the man who was passionately loved, and who did not answer you with reciprocity?

  • What sees a writer true love? ( True love according to Kuprin - the basis of the whole earthly. It should not be isolated, unrequited. Love should be based on high sincere feelings, strive for the ideal. This holy tragedy in a person's life. Love is stronger than death and elevates a small man over the vulnerable world of injustice and malice).

  • Why did Kurrun call the story "Pomegranate bracelet"? ( The main events are associated with this decoration. Yes, and grenades on the bracelet with their trembling inside the "bloody lights" - a symbol of love and tragedy in the fate of the hero).

  • What mood will the story finals imbued? ( Gollar dies, but awakens faith, she opened something inaccessible earlier, the same " big lovewhich repeats once in a thousand years. The heroes loved each other only an instant, but forever).
V. Fastening.

The teacher offers students to discuss issues:

  1. What is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of A.I. Cook "Pomegranate bracelet"?
(The meaning of the story is to show the nobility of the soul of a simple person, his ability to deep, elevated feelings by opposing the hero to the Higher Society).

The teacher reads the words of K. Powetsky that "Kubrin cried over his manuscript" Pomegranate bracelet ", cried with pie and facilitating tears, said that he did not write anything more chashed."

  1. What feelings leave in the soul the story of Kupper and you?
Vi. Summarizing.

  • the teacher evaluates the work of each student in the lesson.

  • task at home : Write an essay on the topic: "Mad love or madness?" (By works I. Bunin and A. Kurin).
VII. Reflection.

Continue the phrase: love is ....

Thus, the elements of the study used in the literature lessons activate cognitive activity Students, develop the logic of thinking, form the ability to work with the text of fiction, read and listen into a separate word, analyze, make their own conclusions, argue their point of view. The research method contributes to the productive, creative learning of knowledge and skills, creating a positive emotional background, and thereby initiate an active dialogue through the analysis problem situations, resolution contradictions, independent work.

Kuprin a. and. - love disinterested dedicated not waiting award

Love disinterested, selfless, not waiting for the award (according to the story I.A. Kurin "Pomegranate bracelet")
Sometimes we are so far from reality in our dreams that another return By reality, it brings us pain and disappointment. And we run from the slightest troubles of life, from her coldness and ingenuity. In their pink dreams, we see a bright future, in Gresses - again try to build crystal castles on the cloudless sky. But there is a feeling in our lives, so close to our dreams, which almost comes into contact with them. This is Love. With him, we feel protected from the vaginity of fate. Since childhood, the foundations of love and affection are laid in the minds of each. And every person will sweep them through his whole life, dividing the world with the outside world, thereby making it wider and lighter. Thereby making it wider and lighter. But sometimes it seems that people are increasingly landing their own interests, and even feelings become victims of such a landing. They are worn, turn into ice, minor. Happy and sincere love has to worry, alas, not everyone. And even she has her ups and downs. And some are asked as a question: whether it exists in the world. And yet, so I want to believe that this is a magical feeling, in whose name for a beloved person you can donate the most valuable thing. own life. It is about such, disinterested and long-faced love, writes Kubrin in his story "Pomegranate bracelet".
The first page pages are devoted to the description of nature. As if all events occur on their miraculous bright background, comes true beautiful fairy tale love. Cold autumn landscape The fading nature is similar in essence with the mood of the faith of Nikolaevna Shiny. On him, we are predicting her calm, impregnable character. Nothing attracts her in this life, perhaps, therefore, the brightness of its being enslavested by ordness and seriousness. Even with a conversation with his sister, Anna, in which the latter admires the beauty of the sea, she replies that at first her beauty also worries her, and then "begins to put pressure on his flat void ...". Faith could not penetrate the feeling of excellent to the world around. She was not from nature a romantic. And, having seen something out of a number of outgoing, which is some feature, tried (let it involuntarily) land it, compare with the outside world. Her life flowed slowly, measured, quietly, and seemingly satisfied life principleswithout going beyond their frames. Faith married Prince, yes, but the same exemplary, quiet person, which was herself. Just came time, although there was no speech about hot, passionate love. And here Vera Nikolaevna receives a bracelet from Yolterkova, whose grenade glitter turns her into horror, the brain immediately pierces the thought of "exactly blood", and now it is already a clear feeling about the upcoming misfortune, and this time it is not empty at all. From now on, its calm is destroyed. Together with the bracelet, having received a letter in which yolks is recognized to her in love, there is no limit to all the increasing clearance. Faith countered Yolkova "Unhappy", she could not understand the entire tragedy of this love. A somewhat controversial was the expression "happy unfortunate man." After all, in his feeling to faith of yolks, happiness experienced. He broke his life on the orders of Tuganovsky, thereby blessing the most beloved woman. Leaving forever, he thought that the path of faith would be free, her life would work out and would go to the old one. But there are no roads back. Farewell to Yolkolkov's body was a climax of her life. At this point, the power of love reached the maximum value, it became equal to death. Eight years of bad, selfless love, which does not require anything in return, eight years of devotion to a cute ideal, dedication from its own principles. For one short moment of happiness to sacrifice everything accumulated for such a long time - it is not for everyone. But Zholkova's love for faith did not obey any samples, she was above them. And even if the end turned out to be tragic, the forgiveness of Zheltkova was rewarded. The Crystal Palace in which Vera lived, crashed, missed a lot of light, warmth, sincerity to life. Merging in the final with the music of Beethoven, she merges with the love of Zheltkova, and with eternal memory about him.
So I would like to penetrate this tale about all-friendly and strong love, Created by I. A. Kupin. So I would like to never cruel reality It was not able to defeat our sincere feelings, our love. We must multiply her, be proud of it. Love true loveIt is necessary to learn hard as the most painstaking science. However, love does not come if you expect her appearance every minute, and at the same time, it does not flare up from nothing, but also to put out strong, true love It is impossible. She, different in all manifestations, is not a sample of life traditions, but rather an exception to the rules. Nevertheless, love needs a person to purify, to acquire the meaning of life. A person lovingly capable of sacrificing for the peace of mind and happiness of a beloved person. And at the same time he is happy. We must bring in love all the best that we feel what we are proud of. And then bright sun It will definitely light it, and even the most common love will be sacred, merging into one whole with eternity. Forever and ever…

Sometimes we are so far from reality in our dreams, that another return to reality brings us pain and disappointment. And we run from the slightest troubles of life, from her coldness and ingenuity. In their pink dreams, we see a bright future, in Gresses - again try to build crystal castles on the cloudless sky. But there is a feeling in our lives, so close to our dreams, which almost comes into contact with them. This is Love. With him, we feel protected from the vaginity of fate. Since childhood, the foundations of love and affection are laid in the minds of each. And every person will sweep them through all his life, dividing the world with the outside world, thereby making it wider and lighter. But sometimes it seems that people are increasingly landing their own interests, and even feelings become victims of such a landing. They are worn, turn into ice, minor. Happy and sincere love has to worry, alas, not everyone. And even she has her ups and downs. And some are asked as a question: whether it exists in the world. And yet, so I want to believe that this is a magical feeling, in the name of which for the sake of a beloved person you can sacrifice the most valuable - even your own life. It is about such, disinterested and long-faced love, writes Kubrin in his story "Pomegranate bracelet".

The first page pages are devoted to the description of nature. As if all events occur on their miraculous bright background, the beautiful fairy tale of love comes true. Cold autumn landscape of fading nature is similar in essence with the mood of the faith of Nikolaevna Shiny. On him, we are predicting her calm, impregnable character. Nothing attracts her in this life, perhaps, therefore, the brightness of its being enslavested by ordness and seriousness. Even with a conversation with his sister, Anna, in which the latter admires the beauty of the sea, she replies that at first her beauty also worries her, and then "begins to put pressure on his flat void ...". Faith could not penetrate the feeling of excellent to the world around. She was not from nature a romantic. And, having seen something out of a number of outgoing, which is some feature, tried (let it involuntarily) land it, compare with the outside world. Her life flowed slowly, measured, quietly, and, it would seem, satisfied the life principles without going beyond their framework. Faith married Prince, yes, but the same exemplary, quiet person, which was herself. Just came time, although there was no speech about hot, passionate love. And here Vera Nikolaevna receives a bracelet from Yolterkova, whose grenade glitter turns her into horror, the brain immediately pierces the thought of "exactly blood", and now it is already a clear feeling about the upcoming misfortune, and this time it is not empty at all. From now on, its calm is destroyed. Together with the bracelet, having received a letter in which yolks is recognized to her in love, there is no limit to all the increasing clearance. Faith countered Yolkova "Unhappy", she could not understand the entire tragedy of this love. A somewhat controversial was the expression "happy unfortunate man." After all, in his feeling to faith of yolks, happiness experienced. He broke his life on the orders of Tuganovsky, thereby blessing the most beloved woman. Leaving forever, he thought that the path of faith would be free, her life would work out and would go to the old one. But there are no roads back. Farewell to Yolkolkov's body was a climax of her life. At this point, the power of love reached the maximum value, it became equal to death. Eight years of bad, selfless love, which does not require anything in return, eight years of devotion to a cute ideal, dedication from its own principles. For one short moment of happiness to sacrifice everything accumulated for such a long time - it is not for everyone. But Zholkova's love for faith did not obey any samples, she was above them. And even if the end turned out to be tragic, the forgiveness of Zheltkova was rewarded. The Crystal Palace in which Vera lived, crashed, missed a lot of light, warmth, sincerity to life. Merging in the final with the music of Beethoven, she merges with the love of Zheltkova, and with eternal memory about him.

So I would like to have in our monotonous life this fairy tale about all-friendly and strong love, created by I. A. Kuprin. So I would like to ever cruel reality could defeat our sincere feelings, our love. We must multiply her, be proud of it. Love, true love, it is necessary to learn hard as the most painstaking science. However, love does not come if you expect her appearance every minute, and at the same time, it does not flauntar from nothing, but also to put out strong, real love is impossible. She, different in all manifestations, is not a sample of life traditions, but rather an exception to the rules. Nevertheless, love needs a person to purify, to acquire the meaning of life. A person lovingly capable of sacrificing for the peace of mind and happiness of a beloved person. And at the same time he is happy. We must bring in love all the best that we feel what we are proud of. And then the bright sun will surely light it, and even the most common love will be sacred, merging into one whole with eternity. Forever and ever…

Allows you to reveal the problem from the point of view of the author of the story or contact your personal understanding of love. Your choice should be reflected in the entry:
  • Classic works are often dedicated eternal themes: Love, death, friendship, war and others. It is not surprising that such a thinly feeling and attentive person, like Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin, wrote some of the most successful works of his love. This is the "fight", and "Olesya", and, of course, the story "Pomegranate bracelet", in which it is impossible to look at the author to this great feeling better.
  • The topic of love refers to the category of those that can be clearly or implicitly detected absolutely in any product. For each reader, it reveals in its own way, somehow especially responds in the shower. When the topic of love is assigned a central place in the work, as in the story I.A. Kuprin "Pomegranate bracelet", reading not just getting acquainted with the story told by the writer, but feels it.

Every ideas can be developed in different ways, confirming it different examples From the text of the story. The first option can also be supplemented by the details of the author's biography.

Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin lived saturated life. Probably, so in his stories he talks about eternal valuesand not chases popular plots and heroes. "Pomegranate bracelet" is difficult to call in life-like, but Kubrin always claimed that his best, in his opinion, the story is a friend. The story, indeed, is based on real events, but the basis of the plot was rather funny than a tragic episode. This is unique talent The author is to notice something unusual in everyday routine and create literary masterpieces.

A character whom the will of the author was destined to experience the "disinterested, selfless, not requiring awards" love, not in the foreground: he is hidden for letters to the princess faith, as if never existed at all. Even his name is unknown to the reader: In the final of the story we will only learn what "P.ZH" hidden by the Abbreviation is a telegraph yolks. But for the junk does not matter whether its status nor the name. All the unrest on this occasion, he transmits to another hero of the story - the brother of faith. Nikolai Nikolayevich and partly husband of faith, Prince Vasily Lvovich, express public position. These heroes are needed to the author, since its own point of view differs from generally accepted.

Kuprin, contrary to the first impression, shows that the most happy hero of the story was yolks. He is the only one who could experience a strong feeling, albeit unrequited. And the princess faith could only come closer to love, which happens only once in life. Faith Nikolaevna was "cold", "coarly calm", "a little bit of amazing", but still it is impossible to exclude its ability to feel. "Leave me, - I know that this man will kill himself," she says to her husband, realizing that she missed what was subconsciously looking for conversations with Anosov, in thought alone with him: "You see, such love for which any Feat, give life, go to torment - not at all work, and one joy. "

Yolks over time no longer needed in reciprocity: his love itself nourishes him. At that moment, when Nikolai Nikolayevich and Vasily Lvovich deprive him of his very possibility to love, yolks do not see the meaning of living on. last hope To love with his death disappears from the faith of Nikolaevna: "This second, she realized that the love that every woman dreams was hung past her."

Own perception of love in the story "Pomegranate bracelet" requires at the same time a deeper text analysis.

Each person understands and perceives love in different ways. Choice case: Believe in it or consider it possible only in artistic literature. Alexander Ivanovich's story Kupina "Pomegranate Bracelet" is not only talented, has an interesting plot, but also universal in perception. It is difficult to say, in whose appearance is hidden the soul of the author, although sympathy and sympathy of Kuprin in relation to yolk is obvious.

The hero, to whom the author entrusts a great feeling is a small and imperceptible, hidden from the world. In a rather awkward conversation with her husband, the faith of Nikolaevna Zharkov, perhaps the first and last time It can openly talk about his experiences. This complexity is close to each of us, because we often hide our own feelings from the world and others, fearing to be rejected, but hoping for reciprocity.

Yolks at first vinit himself for an imperfect feeling, but later aware that he was confirmed to cope with love, and takes her as the greatest gift: "I checked myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is a love that God was pleased for something to reward me." He is not afraid to be funny or ridiculous, he loves - and in this his happiness.

The feelings of Zheltikov find a response even in the soul of Prince Shein, although he absolutely justified should be offended and covered by jealousy: "The main thing is that I see his face, and I feel that this person is not able to deceive and lie knowingly. And the truth, think, Kolya, isn't it to blame for love and can it be able to control such a feeling as love, "a feeling that still has not yet found an interpreter. "Thinking, the prince said:" I feel sorry for this person. " And I'm not just a pity to me, but I feel that I am present at some huge tragedy of the soul, and I can't find out here. " The power of Love Yolktykova gives repulsory with all possible opposing forces and even after his death he is heard by the sounds of the Beethoven Sonatata and a quiet whisper "yes will hurt your name."

In the final part of the essay you can draw conclusions that correspond to the selected idea of \u200b\u200bthe essay:

  • Alexander Ivanovich's story Kupina "Pomegranate Bracelet" is a reflection of the author's understanding of the feeling of love and the option of disclosing this topic in the work of the writer. Many of his works are devoted to the most valuable for his heroes and, probably, for the author himself - love.
  • Vera Nikolaevna, as an object of love, with awe touching her - the greatest miracle in her understanding - and with bitter regret it realizes that he later realized his loss. However, because love and named by the author of "disinterested, selfless, not requiring award," the princess believes that she forgave her.
  • The author does not mean great Love - He shows it. To the final of the story, the reader certainly believes in the feelings of Yolkolkov, penetrating faith in the same way as the characters of the story.
  • The sense of love described by Cuprine is close to any reader - a worm or sensitive, careful to detail or superficial. The author of the story managed to create a universal system of characters, each of which reflects different views on the raised problem. Kubrin shows that love may not see, can understand and accept, but only the happiest and in exceptional cases it is possible to truly experience a great sense of love.

Mashkina V., student of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University

Material for preparing for essays on other topics.