Boris Korchevnikov leaves "direct ether. Boris Korchevnikov: In some sense, with Andrei Malakhov, a common life program is conducted by Boris Korchevnikov

Boris Korchevnikov leaves
Boris Korchevnikov leaves "direct ether. Boris Korchevnikov: In some sense, with Andrei Malakhov, a common life program is conducted by Boris Korchevnikov

Boris Korchevnikov was born on July 20, 1982 in Moscow. The parents of the boy broke up before his birth. Mother, Irina Leonidovna (07/02/1946. Date of birth), brought up his son independently and recorded him on his last name. For a long period, she worked in the moss by the assistant Oleg Efremov, then deputy director of the theater, and later since 2000, director of the MCAT Museum.

early years

Father did not participate in the education of the Son and did not help financially. But Boris was no offense. All Childhood Boris Korchevnikova passed in the walls of the MCAT Theater. Already from one and a half years, the mother constantly took the Son to work, where he was engaged in drawing images of different actors, wandered along the corridors and behind the scenes scenes.

Each counter-male boy asked if he was not his father. She spoke to Boris's questions about the father that he left because of the bad behavior of the Son. The father of the boy was Orlov Vyacheslav Evgenievich (08/30/1946-13.10.2015. Years of life), which for more than 30 years worked as director of the Pushkin Theater. With her father, the boy met when he was 13 years old.

With eight years, Boris began playing children's roles on the scene of the MCAT Theater named after Chekhov, whose supervisor was.

Among the productions in which the boy was participating (there was more than ten), it is possible to name: "Kabala Svyatosh", "Boris Godunov", "my dear, good", "Sailor silence" and others. For Little Boris, the game on the stage of the theater was a kind of game, he did not relate to this.

From children's years, the boy's dream was a journalist, and he tried to do everything to carry out the desired. At the age of 11 at the request of Boris, the mother took him to the television center in Shabolovka, where the boy learned about holding a casting to the TV host. Successfully passing casting, Boris became leading on the channel RTR transmission "There's news". I interviewed different people and even Yuri Luzhkov.

In 1998, after graduating from school, Boris simultaneously submits documents in two universities: to the MCAT Studio School in Oleg Tabakov's workshop at the Faculty of Actor and MSU at the Faculty of Journalism. In both educational institutions, Boris successfully passed the exams, but chose journalism, deciding to engage in his favorite profession.

Study was given to him easily and was very interesting young man. At 16, a young man, being a student, became a reporter and leading youth transmission "Tower" (RTR), in which he worked from 1998 to 2000. Since 2001, he became a freelance officer of the NTV channel, and in 2002 - already a regular employee of the channel in the information service.

Interesting notes:

Cooking reports for many programs, including: "Personal Contribution", "Profession - Reporter", "Today", "Naming", "Country and Peace". In addition, it took part in the shooting of advertising, participated in the creation of documentaries (asked often to religious themes).

In 2003, he successfully graduated from the university, becoming a professional journalist. In the period from 2003 to 2005 passed exams for knowledge of foreign languages: in the USA (English) and in Germany (German).

Professional activity

In 2008, he moved from the NTV channel to the STS. From 2009 to 2013 was the leading several documentary projects, the year worked as a creative producer. 2009-2010 - the author, the leading program "I want to believe" (87 issues about the riddles of civilization). In 2013, the premiere of one of the documentary films Boris "I do not believe", which caused a great resonance. In the film, he raised the question of attacks on the church.

From 2013 to 2017, there was a popular scandalous talk show on the channel Russia-1 "direct ether". Boris lives with her beloved work, completely given to her. After emotional esters often can not fall asleep.

In addition, Boris is removed in films and serials. His debut work was the film "Sailor Silence" in 1997, where the young man played David's schoolboy. Famous actors were filmed in the film: and others.

He received great fame in the role of Cadet Ilya Sinitina in the youth series "Cadet" (2006-2007). An interesting fact was that at the time of shooting the series Boris turned 24 years old, and in the picture he played the young man for 15 years. External data it allowed to do. Also, the comedy film "New Year's tariff" (2008) was also a noticeable filmmaker, where the actor played the role of Pasha, a friend of Alena.

Despite the fact that Boris is not a professional actor, his filmography today has 10 projects in the cinema. Often takes part as a guest in different transmissions. In September 2017, he became the hero of the program "While all at home" with Kizyakov Timur. Often Boris holds various events and concerts.

From May 2017 he headed the "Savior" channel, becoming the general producer and director of the canal. Since October 2017, he has its own transmission of the "Fate of Man" in Russia-1, where the heroes of his program become from ordinary people with a difficult fate to well-known artists and politicians.

Today, Boris Korchevnikov is one of the most discussed journalists of modern domestic television.

Boris is happy, working as a journalist, for many years he travels the world, meeting with a variety of people, makes various interesting reports and prepares an interview.

Personal life

Boris is not married. For some period, he supported relationships with a model and a journalist Odean Anna. Later, Boris met with the actress of Sverdlova Anna Cecil (04.11.1987. Date of birth), but it did not reach the wedding before the wedding. The artist's filmography includes 17 projects in the cinema. Being deeply believing people, they visited one Orthodox Church.

Boris Korchevnikov's wife was born in FranceBut the secondary school graduated from in Moscow. Personal life they thoroughly hid from journalists, but it was known that the girl was spelled out by Boris, where he lived with his mother. In 2016, they broke up, a journalist for a long time was seriously worried about the gap with Anna. Read more about Boris Korchevnikov's wife can be read.

Today, Boris is considered an enviable bachelor of Russia. His personal life has not yet developed, but he dreams of creating his family and become a father. His mother also wants grandchildren. She believes that Boris's personal life will be in the event that his future wife will be incredibly patient to him. It is recognized that the Son is very complex in character. Today Boris lives with mom.

Boris Korchevnikov Now

  • Well speaks English and German. Prefers to dress stylishly, regularly visits a simulator room.
  • In 2015, he made an operation to remove a benign head tumor. Recent years began to closely follow health, trying to eat right, rejoices a free minute spent in silence. Prefers to live today. There is no past for him, and the future has not come. It believes that luxury is an attempt to realize himself in things when there is nothing more to stand out. Dear things he does not need.
  • Boris is a deeply believer man. Came to faith aged 21 years. For a journalist, God is always in the first place, despite the fact that there were no believers in his family.
  • From 2013 to this day, Boris's mother works as director of the Oblast's Doll Theater. She is a well-deserved employee of the culture of the Russian Federation.
  • The growth of Boris Korchevnikova - 176cm, weight - 80kg.
  • In 2015, on the 70th year of life, after a long illness, the father of Boris died, in the last minutes of his life the son was next to him. On his father, a journalist has a step sister, which is older than 12 years. They support relationships. Woman works as a primary classes teacher.
  • Boris is incorporated into the sanctions list of Ukraine because of the support of Eastern Ukraine and the reunification of the Crimea with Russia. It believes that in life there is a chief universal law: everything in life is returned to the Boomerang people.

Many know the journalist, director of the Savior TV channel, leading popular TV shows on the channel "Russia-1" and STS, the actor, which is most famous in the series "Cadet" Boris Kochyevnikova. His biography and personal life is interesting to many who are his wife of this cute and smart man, whether he has children.


Boris Korchevnikova's biography began in July 1982 in the capital. The boy did not know his dad, since the personal life of the parents was not quite successful. His dad, Vyacheslav Orlov, the famous head of the Pushkin Theater, threw his wife with children. And only after 13 years, Boris met with his father.

Since both parents Bori were associated with the theater, the boy spent a lot of time behind the scenes and in the working office of his mother. She first was the assistant of the famous actor Oleg Efremov, was then appointed deputy director of Mkat, and later held the post of Director of the Museum of this Theater.

Boris Korchevnikov in childhood

The boy has known the life of the actor since an early time, which is called, with an inside. He knew that honors and glory would get the people of this profession extremely difficult labor. But I still wanted to become an actor from the small years. At seven years, Mom allowed the Son to go on stage, and at eight years Boris had already played children's parties in the performances of the Academic Theater and the Tabakov Theater.

Especially Bore liked his role in the performance on the work of M. Bulgakov "Kabala Svyatosh", where he was lucky to conduct a dialogue with People's Artist Oleg Efremov.

In the performances: "Sailor Silence" and "Boris Godunov" The boy spoke on stage along with Evgeny Mironov. It would seem that the path is already pretended, the beginning of success is put.

But, despite the early start of the acting biography, when Boris had not yet had education, the boy suddenly decided to become an actor, but a journalist. When he was 11 years old, Mom took him to television casting. There were taken by the young leader for the transfer "There's news". Boris was lucky, and he was chosen by the leading program that went on a RTR.

For three years, Boris worked on this field, and then he was appointed the leading Tower program on the same channel.

In the photo of the young B. Korchevnikov

Journalistic Career

After graduating from high school before the young man, the question arose about the choice of profession, and Boris decided to enter at once in two universities. He was taken to Moscow State University for the Journalist of the Faculty and to the MHAT Studio School. However, Boris overestimated his strength, break on two fronts for him turned out to be an unbearable burden.

I had to make a choice, and the young man chose journalism. In 2003, he graduated from the university, and then brought to perfection his knowledge of German and English, passing exams in Germany and the United States.

Even during study, Boris begins work in TV presenter on the NTV channel. In his arsenal turned out to be reports for gear:

  • "Naming";
  • "Today";
  • "The main character";
  • "Personal contribution";
  • "Profession - Reporter";
  • "Country and World".

Further, in the creative biography of Korchevnikov was a job in cinema. In 2009, he appeared on the CTC channel, he was entrusted to lead the transfer "I want to believe!". This is a fascinating program about the riddles of our planet.

The transfer "I want to believe"

Of great importance in Boris's life has Orthodoxy, he increasingly devotes his works in this particular topic. In 2008, the documentary film "Romania" came out on the Russia channel. Albania. Two destinies ", the lead and the screenwriter of which the Korchevnikov became. He then became the leading six-party documentary "Concentration camp. Road to hell".

This is a terrible truth about the wives of Soviet soldiers and children during the Great Patriotic War. Boris returned to the Orthodox theme of Boris in the film "I do not believe!", Released in 2013 on the NTV channel.

B. Korchevnikov

In 2010, Boris are prescribed by the CTC channel producer. In the same year, together with a scandalous-famous cord, a journalist becomes the project "History of the Russian Show Business". The transmissions included in this project disassembled the work of many well-known domestic stars, their rise and decline in popularity.

A similar project "The History of the Russian Humor", which Boris prepared and led with Vasily Utkin was continued. The same number of episodes (20), the same temporary principle (since 1987).

Boris Korchevnikov

In the idea there was still a film "Soviet stage. From Gopnik to Rockers. " Twenty-episodes have already been filmed, however, something went wrong, and did not come out on the ether.

In 2010, Boris fulfilled his dream - to play in a documentary film for the younger generation. He was called "guys and paragraph." Cochevnikov starred as a paragraph, who told the children about the history, culture and traditions of the native land.

On the shooting of the transfer "Direct Ether"

In May 2013, Korchevnikov changed Mikhail Zelensky in the "Direct Ether" show. Boris led this popular talk show on the channel "Russia-1" four years. Those who look at him understand that this work requires a large voltage of nervous and mental.

The sharp questions of the Company rises in the show, a hot discussion is being conducted, which should be guided by the leading program, to direct in the right direction. Therefore, it takes from the leading talent of communication, as well as a great patience, love for people and understanding problems.

Such a show exists on the first channel ("Let them say"). One day, Korchevnikov had even calm the participants who were ready to joke into a fight. Then the case has already acquired a dangerous turn (we recall that the studio then attended Jigurda, about whose cycling character knows the whole country).

Scandal with jigurda on the transfer "Direct Ether"

The presenter and Jigurda had to be divided into direct air to other participants. The journalist was accused of gathered false, "yellow" information. And actor Sergey Bezrukov even sued the channel for the disclosure of confidential information.

In 2013, the country excited the new film "I do not believe!" Boris Korchevnikova, in which he raised the problems of the modern Orthodox church. The bold judgments of the journalist led to the confusion of many viewers. The journalist collected the opinions about the present state of the Church and the attitude towards it of many well-known personalities (Posner, Parfenova et al.). Boris accused many of his colleagues in the desire to blame the modern Orthodox Church. Many of them admitted that the Korchevnikov acted too intrusively literally broke into the apartments of journalists in order to interview the film.

The film "I do not believe" B. Korchevnekova led to the confusion of many viewers

In addition, its activities, according to some, aims to embroider colleagues. Although the Chairman of the Synodinal Department of Patriarchate noted that the truth about the attacks on the modern church is presented in the film as it is impossible.

TV host in church

In 2013, the journalist was appointed leading festive concerts on Red Square: "Day of Slavic writing and culture" and "1025 years of baptism of Russia." From 2015 to 2017, May 9, Boris was one of the leading "immortal regiment." In 2015, he participated in the production "The heirs of Prince Vladimir: the line of time is the countdown."

Next year, a journalist together with Ramzan Kadyrov led the project on the channel "Russia-1" "team."

With Ramzan Kadyrov

In May 2017, Patriarch Kirill blessed Korchevnikova to take the position of the Pospector and the producer of the channel "Savior". Earlier in this post was Boris Kostenko.

From October of this year, a journalist leads the show "The Fate of Man", which comes out on the "Russia-1" channel and is dedicated to the real stories of interesting human destinies. He no longer leads the "live broadcast" by giving way to Andrei Malakhov.

Work in cinema

In addition to working on documentary projects, Korchevnikov was engaged in the filming of many artistic moviestin. He showed himself as a rather game movie.

In the series "CadetSvo"

His debut was the role in the film "Sailor Silence", where he played a schoolboy. It was in 1997, in five years he starred in the TV series "Vorovka-2. For a hire", playing also a secondary role. Then there was another inconspicuous role in the television series "Other Life".

Popularity as actor Boris Korchevnikov received, starring in the popular television series "County". He finally got one of the main roles, where the actor applied all his personal charm. Interestingly, the hero, whom Boris played, was under the actor under the script for ten years. But Boris, thanks to his boyhood, logically fit into the action of the series, who is dedicated to the fate of the Children of Suvorov. His partner on the set was actress Olga Lukyanenko. She also became famous after the release of the series.

During the filming of "Kanktvo" and now

Many attributed to young people with romantic relations and in life, expected that she would soon be his wife. However, this did not happen, the actors did not comment on these rumors.

In the series "Cadet" Boris starred two years. Then in his creative biography had the role of a friend of the main character in the fantastic comedy "New Year's tariff. Then there were two more minor roles in the series "Amateur" and the film "Black Baran".

With Olga Lukyanenko

Boris was awarded the Order "For Merit Before the Fatherland" of the first degree for working in the coverage of events related to the Crimea. He was also a laureate of many premiums for documentary films.

The journalist was included in the sanction list for his attitude to the events in Ukraine and in the Crimea.

Oncological disease

In 2015, the journalist felt the deterioration of the physical condition, asked for medical care. Doctors have found a benign tumor in the brain. Despite the lack of a malignant process, he was advised to make an operation.

Boris talked about his illness

Boris agreed, but the operation was not quite successful. A hearing nerve was led, as a result of which the journalist now suffers from the deterioration of hearing.

Boris told about his trouble suddenly during the "Direct Ether" program, where it was about oncology. The journalist said that when he was diagnosed, he experienced shock and fear. They helped him to stand only prayers of loved ones and friends.

Recently, rumors went about the fact that the tumor returned, this time a malignant. Allegedly for this reason, the journalist left the "direct ether". However, Boris himself refuses these rumors to somehow comment.

Now the presenter feels great

Personal life Boris.

Boris Korchevnikov is always in sight, so probably he so carefully hides his personal life. Meanwhile, fans want to know everything about his biography, does he have a wife, children?

There were rumors that the journalist consists in a romantic relationship with the model and a journalist Anna Odean. However, it did not end with any serious, young people broke up.

Boris with Anna Odego

The next Passion of Boris became the famous actress Anna-Cecil Sverdlov. Many know her by film: "If you are not with me", "New Year's marriage" and others. Young people met for a long time, many were waiting for a fast wedding. On the Internet there were many of their joint photos. However, the wife of the journalist actress never became. They broke up a year ago, and Boris hard worried a break.

Anna-Cecil Sverdlova and Boris Korchevnikov

Now the Korchevnikov lives alone, in any case, he does not apply to his personal life. He never had children. But the journalist is still young, he only 35 years old, may still be change in his biography.

About Boris Korchevnikov, that was until recently the leading "direct ether", in recent months there is a lot.

About Boris Korchevnikov, that was until recently the leading "direct ether", in recent months there is a lot. At one time they circulated rumors that he would leave from the second channel ("Russia 1") because of the scandal, which happened when shooting the plot with Nikita Jigurda. Then this story was dull, this spring Boris remained in a talk show.

But then it became known that in the new season he exactly passes to the TV channel "Savior", and in his place "at the helm" of the program "Direct Ether" will arise Andrei Malakhov. It was said that the leadership of "Russia 1" was not ready to part-time Boris and put the condition: or "saved", or we. But there is another version of change in his life.

A few years ago, Boris suffered a serious illness. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Fortunately, it turned out to be a benign, but suffered stress and surgery, which had to go in 2015, turned out to be a serious test for the TV presenter.

For a while, because of this, Boris, as his people telling him, were hearing problems. According to representatives of information publications insiders, when there was an exacerbation of the disease, "Boris almost Fires, and it was necessary to listen to the director and producers teams, which during the shooting of the program sounds in the ear monitor. Then Boris himself was going to leave because of illness, but he was not released. Now he is best, as they say. "

The Korchevnikov himself usually does not apply to health about their health, and if they are very announted, it is limited to the fact statement: yes, the tumor was benign. How true information about his hearing problems is difficult to check.

It is clear that now he heads the Orthodox Channel "Savior". In part, thanks to the disease, Boris made a reassessment of values, sincerely came to faith. "I did not always know the temple. And in God did not always believed. But it can be seen, and it is necessary to live. Live yourself without God. To, having learned it once, never want to return. "

He and in everyday life, herself behave differently. Began to search for relatives that did not know before. He himself grew up without his father, met him only at the age of 13th. And already adults, when the Father went away from life, Boris found out that he had a sophisticated sister. Then I also found a cousin that lives in Siberia.

TV presenters talked to souls. Andrei Malakhov and Boris Korchevnikov told about the successes over the past year, and also revealed some secrets of new projects. The program "Andrei Malakhov. Direct Ether "on the TV channel" Russia 1 "also collected a huge number of views on the Internet.

"That broadcast a year ago was incredible. Every evening my mother is discussing the program "Andrei Malakhov. Live ether, "I will find her looking at your program," Korchevnikov Malakhov admitted.

The leaders remembered that the very first issue of an updated current show looked over a million people on the Internet. They recognized that then they spoke very frankly on a variety of topics that were never affected before. Boris recalled how he met Pope, who did not see for a long time, spoke about the tumor, with which he lived for many years.

Korchevnikov noted that he still revealed Malakhov, the biggest secret. For the first time in the studio, the wife of TV host Natalia Shkuleva, who was pregnant at that time. Andrew admitted that the spouse was very imbued with the personal history of Boris and now belongs to him very tremble.

"I do not remember what we talked and discussed, but I know one thing - when you see a person on the screen and meet him in life, there is a stereotype of perception," said Malakhov. "Natasha has accepted your story so closely that when he comes to church and leaves for health notes, always writes your name."

After leaving the "Direct Ether" program, Korchevnikov began working on the transfer of the "Fate of Man". Despite the fact that usually celebrities open the soul in front of him, there was one ether when Boris himself had to answer uncomfortable questions. In a conversation with actress Anna Kovalchuk, they touched upon the topic of family and marriage. The artist began to ask the leading about his personal life - Boris was embarrassed and replied that he was not married. Kovalchuk dashed Korchevnikov, at that time he was 35 years old, and noted that he should be more initiative in finding the bride if he dreams of a family.

Boris sang in the heart of this conversation, he considers Anna a stunning woman, whose belief is worth listening to. He also admired her as a mother of two children. "She will open a new season on the" Savior "TV channel, will read fairy tales. Anna makes it amazing. She is an amazing mother! " - Opened the secret of the Korchevnikov.

Andrei Malakhov became interested in a new colleague project and admitted that perhaps it would be interested in his child.

"My son Sasha will be able to listen to him nine months. He never saw the TV, but listening to music and fairy tales. We try to protect him from any gadgets. Perhaps the fairy tales in the performance of Anna Kovalchuk will like it, "Andrei suggested.

The leaders remembered how many famous artists revealed the soul before Boris during his program. However, Korchevnikov is waiting for the guests of Andrei Malakhov. "I really hope that very soon we will meet in the studio" The Fate of Man ". I am grateful that you agreed to come and tell about your way, "Boris told.

Korchevnikov admitted that he would like to remember those great people who are no longer with us - that is why in the new season he launches the program "distant close."

On the same channel.

Biography Boris Korchevnikova

Boris Korchevnikov Born in the Moscow family, was brought up by the mother of Irina Leonidovna, who worked in Mkate by the Deputy Chief Engineer, Assistant Oleg Efremova, then deputy director of Mkat and director of the Mchat Museum. Boris Korchevnikov - the Son of the TV presenter Vladimir Berezina. When popularity has come to his son, the family council decided that the manager of Boris Korchevnikov would be a mother.

"Dads we didn't have, and after school stayed late in my mother's office, painted the portraits of artists and the staff of the theater, walked around the workshops, climbed onto the trembles. And when he was gone, they began to occupy me in all children. Speaks in twelve, probably went on stage. The warmer to remember the role in the play "Kabala Svyatosh" - I half the act lay in the Clavesis, standing on the stage. It was great: lying there in the dark, listen to the performance and look through the slit to look at the auditorium. In the place, I got out, and I had a small dialogue with Oleg Efremov. The whole period of life is now a ball of absolute happiness. "

Creative Way Boris Korchevnikova

Since 1990 Boris Korchevnikov participated in the performance of MCAT them. A.P. Chekhov and theater studio under the leadership of Oleg Tabakov. At the age of 7, played the first performance in Mkate - "Tattooed Rose". In the play "Boris Godunov" in the first act read a prayer in the house of Shuisky, and in the second, he took the coin from the Yurody - the hero of Stanislav Lyubin. In the play "Dear mine, good" was Sergey Yesenin in childhood. In Kabal, Svyatosh - an episodic role with a dialogue with Oleg Efremov. The play "Sailor Silence" on the play of Galich in the Tabakov Theater: Boris Korchevnikov went out in the first act, and in the second act of the hero of David, already adult, played Eugene Mironov.

"Zhenya Mironov all joked:" We teach my role, you grow up. " But in childishness still manages to hold out, and then the profession begins, like any, with its technique. And I do not know her. As in journalism, I was, and here - the next step in the profession is doing only after you come to a feeling of complete dissent. "

Already in childhood, the boy was interested in the profession of a journalist. Mom Boris saw the announcement of the set of children to a new television project and took the son to Shabolovka. So since 1993, Boris Korchevnikov got on television - was a leading and reporter in the program for children " There's news there»TV channel RTR. Since 1998 - a leading and reporter in the program for youth " Tower"(RTR). In 1998 he entered the acting department of the MCAT Studio and the Faculty of MSU journalism at the same time. In 2003, Boris Korchevnikov graduated from the Faculty of Journalism MSU. Lomonosov.

"I'm not an actor. Well, played in childhood in Mkate and at the Tabakov Theater. At the same time I made reports in "there, there are news. So this is some kind of children's reflex: both theater, and television is in life. I entered the MHAT school studio, and at the Faculty of Journalism MSU. Study became at the university. Then I thought: what to learn to play, if it was a long time ago. Now I understand how I was wrong. Then he grown out of all children's roles, and the work of the reporter on NTV began, but the children's reflex, apparently, remained: I wanted to play. "

Since 2001, he worked freely, and from 2002 - a correspondent of the NTV television channel information correspondent. Over the years of work Boris Korchevnikov Preparing reports for the programs "Today", "Naming", "Personal Contribution", "Country and Peace", "Profession - Reporter" and many others. He played movies and commercials. In 2003-2005, in Germany and America passed the exams for knowledge of German and English languages. He worked as a NTV information correspondent.

  • In 2006, Boris Korchevnikov passes Casting for the role in the series "Cadet" at the insistence of its agent. The young man approved the role of a positive character - Kadet Sinitsyn. Boris Korchevnikov took over from the NTV leadership in a long vacation. The difference between the ages of the actors was essential, the 24-year-old Boris Korchevnikov was to play a 15-year-old mischievous guy.

"I, hitting the Wednesday of Suvorov, saw that they were better than us - sincere, kinder, easier. From our world, where so much apparent, it seems that Sinitsyn is drowned. But in Suvorov's such tits enough. I learned this "True" during filming. And he became somehow disciplined, recently noticed that even the handwriting was somehow adjusted. And now I do not like home mess at all. "

The shooting process was akin to the real army: the guys worked on the site for 12-15 hours a day. Unprofessional actor Boris Korchevniki fought with uncertainty in herself, consulted with Alexander Porokhovshchikov and Vladimir Plokhlov. Korchevnikov opened a lot of new things for themselves and received a tremendous experience:

"Only now, starting to play, I understand how it is to be yourself. In the reporting, almost all just killed you in this: the requirement of the format, not always close to you themes, the choice of suitable, and not your personal intonation. And the buses also outlines the soul. And here, in actor, it is impossible to pretend. It may sound paradoxically, but just here you need to be only yourself. I immediately decided: if I want to learn something in the actor, then I have to turn off the journalist in myself. Sometimes the replicas and script actions do not really go to me. But the more difficult acting task: you need to make your what at first I am completely someone else. "

In 2009, Boris Korchevnikov acts as the author and the leading program "I want to believe! »On the CTC TV channel. The shooting of the program was tight and intense: every day the flights, different points of the world, constant communication with people. Boris Korchevnikov put the experiments on himself and their interlocutors, followed routes of secret cards, with a sperm blade or metal detector, with aqualling or in a protective suit, it was necessary in each program to be achieved before the assumed truth.

"The topic is revealed at least four - maximum in eight different points. We take global secrets of our story. Why is the transfer called "I want to believe!"? Because in today's stream of information, when you are typing on the Internet, for example, the word "Atlantis" falls so many versions that, after reading 20-30 pages or sites, you are lost, because many versions oppose each other. And you can only say: I want to believe that it is somehow or else. Our transfer is a journalistic investigation, research report, and we are conducting a vehicle on a dramatic canvas: the tie, junction, climax and all the time sharp turns. "

  • The topics of the program were the most diverse and incredible, but there were always rejected stories related to mysticism. It was necessary to choose information that would be a discovery, surprise for modern spectators.
  • Since 2010, Boris has become one of the leading programs "History of Russian Show Business" on the CTC TV channel. Boris Korchevnikov And Sergey Shnurov released a 20-serial documentary project "The History of the Russian Show Business. 1987-2009, which showed the last 20 years of Russian culture. The authors and leading programs immediately decided that they do not want to use the usual shooting system - stand-APA, when the presenter speaks in advance prepared text. They emphasize on the dialogues, behind which the viewer is always more interesting to observe. It turned out that Sergey Shnurov is a leading, and Boris Korchevnikov - slave.
  • "When we are on the site of any events and he tells about them, then it seems to me that there is no more in the country of such a subtle, a sensitive chronicler of this environment. Sergey cords in it understands everything, he is a very clever and wise man. "

  • In 2010, Boris Korchevnikov is removed in the 8-serial document and historical children's TV series " Guys and paragraph" The series tells about the sixth grader of the costha and his friend "Paragraph" (Boris Korchevnikov). The smart and well-read "paragraph" introduces a boy with one of the oldest cities of Russia, where the boy first finds out about the Boyar Republic and the Orthodox culture of the ancient city.
  • From 2013 led the program "The history of the Russian humor" Together with Vasily, Utkin on the CTC TV channel. There were 20 releases, but only four came to the air.

"In life should not be, probably, the concepts of" little "or" a lot. " There is "now" - and it must be filled. The cult of success is today's religion, but he is against the law of life, so it is crazy. The goal is anyway something else. All these visible achievements can not at all correspond to your main task, why are you generally here. And then you feel bad, then you suffer, you are looking for, because God leads and takes away from everything that is not yours. Sometimes it is painful. While I have a feeling that I do what I should. Maybe it will change tomorrow. "

In 2004, he became a winner of the Award of the Union of Journalists "New Name in Journalism". In 2014, he received the order for merits to the first-country degree for coverage of events in the Crimea.

In 2013, on the NTV channel, Boris Korchevnikov released his documentary film - " I do not believe! ", In which the reeded of all public people who are trying to defile the church. Vladimir Pozner and Leonid Parfen were mentioned in the film. From October to November 2016, Boris was the leading program "Team" together with Ramzan Kadyrov. The winners of the show were able to become part of the team of strategic development of the Republic of Chechnya.

3 May 2017 His Holiness Patriarch Moscow and All Russia Kirill blessed appointment Boris Korchevnikova For the post of general producer of the public Orthodox Channel "Savior". Before him, this post occupied Boris Kostenko.

From 2 October 2017, Boris Korchevnikov became the leading author's project "Fate of Man" on the TV channel "Russia 1". The Russian Show Business Stars and Numerous Media Persons participate in the program "Fate of Man". So, the actress told about how in his youth fought with a tumor and hid in Bulgaria from the gangsters trying to pick up the business of the Father. He told about the relationship with and the birth of Son Elisha. The singer in a frank conversation spoke about his childhood spent in the boarding school.

In the autumn of 2018, Korchevnikov presented the viewers of the channel "Russia 1" his own author's project "Farm close." The first issue of the Saturday program dedicated to the stars of the USSR and Russia who left the life of the stars was broadcast on October 6, 2018.

Work Boris Korchevnikova in a current show direct ether

However, at the beginning of May 2013, there were reports of rational on the Internet that Zelensky left the project to return to the usual role for himself - news "Local time. Vesti-Moscow.

The main producer of the studio of special and linear projects of the Russian channel "Russia 1" Natalia Nikonova in an interview with the newspaper Izvestia: "Boris Korchevnikov has a mass of qualities that suggest success. In addition to pure technological abilities, which are important in order for a person in principle to become a leading such a large complex project, he has something that it seems to be relevant to be called light energy. And he also has a rare property for today's media space: he is a young, progressive person who is aware of modern trends can speak in one language with a young audience. But at the same time the story of our country for him is the same living topic, as well as for people of older generations. It is thanks to this combination that he will be able to attract the most different audience onto the "direct ether". In addition, Boris has an excellent reporter school and reporter experience, and we plan to use these abilities in a special way. "

In addition to the new lead, the talk show also got a new studio for filming. According to Natalia Nikonova, Producer "Russia 1", "Together with Boris Korchevnikovwe will add new techniques, new items that will enrich the form of a documentary studio drama, which has already become classic. "

In August 2017, the post of lead "Direct Ether" occupied Andrei Malakhov Leaving work on the first channel. Korchevnikov left the program without comment on the causes. There is a version that this decision is associated with personal reasons, as well as the assumption that Boris is preparing for the maintenance of a new program with a political context on the channel "Russia 1".

Boris Korchevnikov. Personal life

Despite the fact that the TV host Boris Korchevnikov, constantly under the sight of cameras, a little known about his personal life. At one time, the media wrote about the novel Korchevnikov with a model and a journalist Anna OdessovaHowever, it did not reach the pair of passage.

According to rumors, in 2013, Boris Korchevnikov married Actress Anne-Cecil Sverdlova ("Moscow. Three Stations", "Rosehovnik's aroma" and "if you are not with me"). It is just known that in 2016 the couple broke up, and the TV presenter was hardly worried about the gap with his beloved woman, which was talking about and on the air of his talk show.

In 2015, Boris Korchevnikov shocked the viewers with recognition that was sick with cancer. During the release of "direct ether" on the channel "Russia-1", the guests of which were the singer Dmitry Khvorostovsky and the actor Andrei Gaidulan, who told about his struggle with oncology, at the end of the program of the Korchevnikov said that he was also seriously ill. This the period of his life Boris called the "state of powerlessness, nocticious monstrous" and frankly said that, having learned about his illness, began to prepare for death.

Boris Korchevnikova filmography

  • 2011 - Paragraph and Guys - Paragraph
    2009 - Black Baran - Bear
    2008 - Amounting Bath - Private Ryabushkin
  • 2008 - New Year's fare - Pasha
    2006-2007 - Cadet - Suvorovets Sinitsyn
    2003 - Other Life - Episode, Seva
    2002 - thief-2. Happens - Maxim Makeev
    2000-2007 - Turkish March - Episode, Guy Gay