Spiritual digging of Pierre Bolkonsky. An essay on the topic "Spiritual search for Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Dunzhaov in the novel of the Tolstoy War and the world

Spiritual digging of Pierre Bolkonsky. An essay on the topic
Spiritual digging of Pierre Bolkonsky. An essay on the topic "Spiritual search for Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Dunzhaov in the novel of the Tolstoy War and the world

"Yes, I opened a new happiness, an integral person ... Happiness, located outside the material forces, outside the material external phenomena per person, happiness of one soul, the happiness of love! It can understand him anyone, but to aware and prescribed him only one God "(L. N. Tolstoy)

The characters of the great novel-epic "War and Peace" of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy can be divided into two categories: "Heroes are out of way" and "heroes of the path."
The first is distinguished by the lack of internal nature dynamics, have a steady life position. Such a hero include windy Anatol Kuragin, the brilliant secular helen, Plato Karataev, a representative of the People's Worldview, the Great Strategist Kutuzov.
The heroes of the second category are constantly in moral quest, their internal values \u200b\u200bconstantly evolve. Representatives of "heroes on the road" are Pierre Duchevov, Natasha Rostov and Andrei Bolkonsky.

The internal development of the last hero can be divided into five stages. Each of them will consider in detail in my essay. ABOUT
At the beginning of the novel, Prince Andrew appears in front of us a rather cold and ulcer man. He is disappointed in marriage and in secular life, his goal is to achieve fame in a military field. Kumir Bolkonsky is a brilliant cruel commander, the enemy of Russia, Napoleon.
During the Austrian campaign, the prince showed true heroism, sympathized with Russian soldiers, but did not experience full spiritual unity with them. The fracture in the minds of Bolkonsky took place during Austerlitsky battle. Fearless prince to inspire the army, took the banner and ran ahead of the soldier. For his courage, Bolkonsky was terribly paid - he was wounded. Looking at the sky, the prince realized the falsity of his ideals. He was disappointed in Napoleon: the idol seemed to him with a petty and insignificant. The second stage of the life of the prince is marked by the death of his wife, the desire to live for herself, the upbringing of a small son, the occupation of the economy and the peasant question. Bolkonsky is disappointed in the service in the actual army, it is dissolved in Bogucharov. In his soul, gloomy and empty ...
The third period begins familiarizing with Natasha Rostova, which brought to the life of the prince everyday joy and spiritual update. Bolkonsky now wants to live for the people, he works in the Speransky Commission in order to change the legal position of the peasants. All promising beginnings collapsed. Prince Andrei was disappointed in Speransky. Passion for Natasha Anatolam he counted a betrayal ...
There was one thousand eight hundred twelve year ... The fourth period of your life Blocks began to return to the army by the regiment commander. His attitude Patriotic, he believes in the victory and in Kutuzov.
The last period of the life of the prince is the most tragic, at the same time, he is the peak of the evolution of the personality of Bolkonsky. During the battle on the Borodino field, the prince was mortally wounded. On the operating table, he felt spiritual unity with the people, forgave everyone. The moment of sense of death and return to childhood was the ideal state of the human soul. The true path of Bolkonsky was told by Pierre Little Prince Andrei. Bezukhov was confident that Bolkonsky Idean would be on the side of the Decembrists ...

"Live in God, doing love and good," the views of L. N. Tolstoy on the spiritual world of the man, which he expressed on the slope of the years, appealing to the youth. "Who am I? Why do I live? In the name of what I live? " - Here is a range of issues that make up the moral searches of a person. All the favorite heroes of L. N. Tolstoy are busy with this intense spiritual search. L.N. Tolstoy with sympathy belongs to the prince of Bolkonsky, an extraordinary, thinking looking for a man. "He read everything, I knew everything, I had a concept" - such a high assessment was given by Andrey's prince on the first pages of the novel. It is clear that Prince Andrei is not satisfied with the life of light, lives in other, more sublime and noble rules of life. In a conversation with Pierre, the prince explains his care for war: "I am going because this life I is here, this life is not for me!". And here is Blocks under the sky of Austerlitz. What does he think on the eve of the battle? "I want fame, I want to be famous people, I want to be loved by them." Prince Andrei with pleasure listens whistling bullets, takes the banner and runs to the attack, confident that the entire battalion follows him. In fact, he managed to run only a few meters, was injured and bleeding on Pratcensk Mountain. It is at this moment that a fracture will happen in his soul who will change his life and will determine the future. "How did I see before that of this high sky? - he whispers in delusion. "And as I am happy, I finally recognized him." Yes! All empty, all deception, except for this endless sky ... There is nothing but silence, soothing. " How these thoughts are not similar to the former ambitious desire for glory. A look at the endless and wonderful sky helped the hero to realize the petty and bustle of his desires. Even Napoleon, his idol, it seems small and insignificant. Of course, Prince Andrei does not come to God, but still discardes ambition dreams, understands that a person should look for something eternal in life. But what? This is still a hero knows.

A year and a half, Prince Andrei will recover from the wound and return to the Bald Mountains. But the spiritual illusion under Austerlitz will not give up to the Blocking domestic forces, it will not save from disappointment and pessimism, by the way, it will find Pierre, having arrived at him in the estate: "He was struck by a change in Prince Andrei. Words were affectionate, the smile was on the lips and the face of Prince Andrew, but the glance was extinct, dead ... "Pierre's meeting and Prince Andrei Stomi - no more important point in the spiritual biography of the latter. Prince Andrei skeptically listens to Pierre's slogans about the need to make people good. He himself defends another, to live in order not to do another evil, live for himself. And yet, "a date with Pierre was for Prince Andrei Epoch, with which he began although in appearance and the same, but in the inner world of his new life." And in this new life, Prince Andrei will list his peasants into free blades, replaces the barbecue by the lifting, in the Bogucharovo peasant and courtyard children will be led by a diploma. So Bolkonsky will begin to overcome his despair, again will strive for good, truth, justice. But ahead is still many hopes and disappointments, takeoffs and falls. Prince Andrei will closely follow the events, think, analyze. True, he is still convinced that he will never rise to happiness, joy, love. Therefore, seeing the old Corywood Oak in the midst of the flowering spring forest, he will treat him sad: "Yes, he is right, a thousand times right this oak ... let others, young, again givend to this deception, and we know life, - Our life is over! " However, the meeting with Natasha will turn his look at the world, he will raise the soul, and the old oak, the truth is already covered with a gentle greens, tell him about a friend. "It is necessary that everyone knows me so that not for one thing I was my life ... so that on all she reflected and that they all live with me together!" - tells himself Bolkonsky. However, on this complex moral path of the hero did not end. Personal drama will plunge him into apathy, moreover, he gives the hatred in the shower to the anatoly Kuragin. Prince Andrei goes to war, he lives only with this vital, he loses himself. The true revival of the hero will occur in the army: the prince will cure communication with ordinary soldiers, with the people, with their regiment. Borodino battle, blood and suffering of people who saw them, the appearance of the wounded Kuragin, who will take the leg, - all this will finally return him to the thought of forgiveness, to the desire to "be quite good", to the desire to live for people: "Prince Andrey remembered everything , and enthusiastic pity and the love of this man filled his happy heart. Prince Andrei could not be kept more and cried with gentle, love tears over people, over himself and over his delusions. " Thus, the fate of Andrei Bolkonsky is a complex path of moral losses and discoveries. It is important that on this path he retained the true human dignity is not by chance Kutuzov will say the hero: "Your road is the expense of honor." Of course, the Tolstoy in the souls are extraordinary people like the prince of Bolkonsky, people who try to live inxistently, creating love and good.

The meaning of spiritual quest is that heroes are capable of spiritual evolution, which, in Tolstoy, is the most important criterion for the moral assessment of the person. Heroes are looking for the meaning of life (gaining depth spiritual relations with other people) and personal happiness. Tolstoy shows this process in its dialectical contradictions (disappointment, acquiring and losing happiness). At the same time, the heroes retain their own face and their own dignity. The general and most important thing in the spiritual quest of Pierre and Andrei is that in the end both come to rapprochement with the people.

  1. Stages of spiritual quest Andrei Bolkonsky.
    1. Orientation on the ideas of Napoleon, a brilliant commander, superfluidity (conversation with Pierre in Shero's salon, departure to the current army, military actions 1805).
    2. The wound under Austerlitz, the crisis of consciousness (the sky of the Austerlitz, Napoleon, the passing battlefield).
    3. The death of his wife and the birth of a child, the decision to "live for themselves and their loved ones."
    4. Meeting with Pierre, conversation on the crossing, conversion in the estate.
    5. Meeting with Natasha in Otradnaya (revival to a new life, allegorically depicted in the image of an old DRB).
    6. Communication with Speransky, love for Natasha, awareness of the meaninglessness of "state" activities.
    7. Gap with Natasha, spiritual crisis.
    8. Borodino. The final fracture in consciousness, rapprochement with the people (the soldiers of the regiment name is His "Our Prince").
    9. Before the death of Bolkonsky takes God (forgives the enemy, asks the Gospel), the feeling of universal love, harmony with life.
  2. The stages of spiritual quest Pierre Zuhovova.
    1. Orientation on Napoleon's ideas, "Public Agreement" Rousseau, the ideas of the French Revolution.
    2. Getting the inheritance, marriage to Helen, spiritual crisis, Duel with Doolokhov.
    3. Masonry. A trip to Kiev and its southern estates, an unsuccessful attempt to introduce transformation, alleviate the fate of the peasants.
    4. Dissatisfaction with the activities of Masons, a break with St. Petersburg Masons.
    5. Scattered, meaningless life, spiritual crisis, which is interrupted by a feeling of feeling to Natasha.
    6. Organization of militia, Borodino, Battery Raevsky, reflections on the role of the people in the war.
    7. Pierre's sleep about the conjugation of the worlds after Borodin (Bazdeev tells him about the need to "connect all" knowledge about the world, Pierre is trying to understand the meaning of these words and finds the desired: "Do not connect, and match").
    8. Failure to leave Moscow, the intention to kill Napoleon and the price of their own life to save Fatherland. The girl saved during a fire, a woman, delivered from abuse.
    1. Captivity. Unrighteous court Davu, communication with Plato Karataev, spiritual revival.
    2. Marriage with Natasha, spiritual harmony.
    3. The end of the 10th year. Remarking, protest against the social system, the call "to unite good people" (conversation with Nikolai about the intention to create a legal or secret society). The eve of the Decembrism (initially the novel was conceived thick as a story about the modern reality. However, it was understood that the origins of the modern liberation movement lie in the Decembrism, Tolstoy starts a novel about the Decembrists. Reflecting on the causes of the birth of the Decembrism, Tolstoy comes to the conclusion that they lie in Tom spiritual ascent, which has experienced the Russian people during the Patriotic War of 12 years).

"Live in God, doing love and good," the views of L. N. Tolstoy on the spiritual world of the man, which he expressed on the slope of the years, appealing to the youth. "Who am I? Why do I live? In the name of what I live? " - Here is a range of issues that make up the moral searches of a person. All the favorite heroes of L. N. Tolstoy are busy with this intense spiritual search. L.N. Tolstoy with sympathy belongs to the prince of Bolkonsky, an extraordinary, thinking looking for a man. "He read everything, I knew everything, I had a concept" - such a high assessment was given by Andrey's prince on the first pages of the novel. It is clear that Prince Andrei is not satisfied with the life of light, lives in other, more sublime and noble rules of life. In a conversation with Pierre, the prince explains his care for war: "I am going because this life I is here, this life is not for me!". And here is Blocks under the sky of Austerlitz. What does he think on the eve of the battle? "I want fame, I want to be famous people, I want to be loved by them." Prince Andrei with pleasure listens whistling bullets, takes the banner and runs to the attack, confident that the entire battalion follows him. In fact, he managed to run only a few meters, was injured and bleeding on Pratcensk Mountain. It is at this moment that a fracture will happen in his soul who will change his life and will determine the future. "How did I see before that of this high sky? - he whispers in delusion. "And as I am happy, I finally recognized him." Yes! All empty, all deception, except for this endless sky ... There is nothing but silence, soothing. " How these thoughts are not similar to the former ambitious desire for glory. A look at the endless and wonderful sky helped the hero to realize the petty and bustle of his desires. Even Napoleon, his idol, it seems small and insignificant. Of course, Prince Andrei does not come to God, but still discardes ambition dreams, understands that a person should look for something eternal in life. But what? This is still a hero knows.

A year and a half, Prince Andrei will recover from the wound and return to the Bald Mountains. But the spiritual illusion under Austerlitz will not give up to the Blocking domestic forces, it will not save from disappointment and pessimism, by the way, it will find Pierre, having arrived at him in the estate: "He was struck by a change in Prince Andrei. Words were affectionate, the smile was on the lips and the face of Prince Andrew, but the glance was extinct, dead ... "Pierre's meeting and Prince Andrei Stomi - no more important point in the spiritual biography of the latter. Prince Andrei skeptically listens to Pierre's slogans about the need to make people good. He himself defends another, to live in order not to do another evil, live for himself. And yet, "a date with Pierre was for Prince Andrei Epoch, with which he began although in appearance and the same, but in the inner world of his new life." And in this new life, Prince Andrei will list his peasants into free blades, replaces the barbecue by the lifting, in the Bogucharovo peasant and courtyard children will be led by a diploma. So Bolkonsky will begin to overcome his despair, again will strive for good, truth, justice. But ahead is still many hopes and disappointments, takeoffs and falls. Prince Andrei will closely follow the events, think, analyze. True, he is still convinced that he will never rise to happiness, joy, love. Therefore, seeing the old Corywood Oak in the midst of the flowering spring forest, he will treat him sad: "Yes, he is right, a thousand times right this oak ... let others, young, again givend to this deception, and we know life, - Our life is over! " However, the meeting with Natasha will turn his look at the world, he will raise the soul, and the old oak, the truth is already covered with a gentle greens, tell him about a friend. "It is necessary that everyone knows me so that not for one thing I was my life ... so that on all she reflected and that they all live with me together!" - tells himself Bolkonsky. However, on this complex moral path of the hero did not end. Personal drama will plunge him into apathy, moreover, he gives the hatred in the shower to the anatoly Kuragin. Prince Andrei goes to war, he lives only with this vital, he loses himself. The true revival of the hero will occur in the army: the prince will cure communication with ordinary soldiers, with the people, with their regiment. Borodino battle, blood and suffering of people who saw them, the appearance of the wounded Kuragin, who will take the leg, - all this will finally return him to the thought of forgiveness, to the desire to "be quite good", to the desire to live for people: "Prince Andrey remembered everything , and enthusiastic pity and the love of this man filled his happy heart. Prince Andrei could not be kept more and cried with gentle, love tears over people, over himself and over his delusions. " Thus, the fate of Andrei Bolkonsky is a complex path of moral losses and discoveries. It is important that on this path he retained the true human dignity is not by chance Kutuzov will say the hero: "Your road is the expense of honor." Of course, the Tolstoy in the souls are extraordinary people like the prince of Bolkonsky, people who try to live inxistently, creating love and good.

In this lesson, we will continue the conversation about the Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Let us analyze the nature of one of the main characters of the novel - Prince Andrei Bolkonsky.

You remember the phrase from the letter of Tolstoy to his cousin Alexandra Tolstoy:

"To live honestly, you need to rush, confuse, fight, mistaken, start and throwing, and starting again, and throw again, and forever fight and deprive."

All his life Tolstoy was looking for and talked about the "error energy", which is necessary for creativity.

"Everything seems to be ready to write - to fulfill your earthly duty, and the impulse of faith in oneself, the importance of affairs, lacking the error energy, earthly natural energy that cannot be invented. And it is impossible to start. "

From the letter Tolstoy to N.N. Strahov

Without this energy it is impossible to work, and for thick it is important: "The artist in order to act on others should be looking for his work to be a quest. If he found everything and knows everything and teaches or deliberately sweats, he does not work. Only if he is looking for, the audience, a listener, the reader merges with him in the search. "

It is important that, according to the author, there are no ultimate truth in these searches and can not be. All that now seems true, later will be another mistake. And the search comes due to the pair of their personal space with the whole world. It is necessary to find such a form of conjugation so that it was harmony, and not by opposition. Constantly in the search are located the favorite heroes of Leo Tolstoy - Prince Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Duhov.

Prince Andrei at the beginning of the novel - the carrier of the Napoleonic idea. In the salon, Anna Pavlovna, he sympathically quotes Napoleon, and his house Pierre takes the first book with the shelves - "Caesar's notes" (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Edition of 1783. Notes about the Gallic War ()

These two people (Napoleon and Caesar) are something similar in their values, morality. After the departure of his wife, the prince says Pierra:

"- Never, never marry my friend; here's my advice, do not marry until you tell you what you did everything that could, and until you stop loveing \u200b\u200bthe woman you chose, while you won't see her clearly, but then you will make a mistake brutally and irreparable.<...>
"You don't understand why I say it," he continued. - After all, this is a whole story of life. You say, Bonaparte and his career, - he said, although Pierre did not speak about Bonaparte. - You say, Bonaparte; But Bonaparte, when he worked, step by step went to his goal, he was free, he had nothing, besides his goal, - and he reached her. But you can connect yourself with a woman - and, as a fastened fluid, lose all freedom "

In other words, the wife prevents Andrew's prince on the way to his glory.

"... He had the kind of a man who had no time to think about the impression that he made on others and busy pleasant and interesting."

"Prince Andrei was one of those rare officers in the headquarters, which believed his main interest in the general course of war.<...>he was afraid of the genius of Bonaparte, who could be stronger than the entire courage of Russian troops, and at the same time could not allow a shame for his hero ".

Next occurs one very important episode. Zherekov, Nesvitsky and Prince Andrei are located in the corridor of Kutuzov's headquarters, there is an Austrian general, and the stump comes to him and declares himself with the Schutovsky: "I have the honor to congratulate, General Mak came, well, well, only a little bit here," he added, shining a smile and pointing to his head. " General Mc Together with all his armies surrendered to Napoleon. And then Prince Andrei says: "If you, the gracious sovereign, he spoke piercingly, with a light shake of the lower jaw, - want to be a joke, I can't prevent you about it; But I declare you that if you dare another time to be crushed in my presence, then I will teach you how to behave. " Nesvitsky, in turn, is perplexed why the prince responded so and then an explanation follows.

"- Like what? - said Prince Andrei, stopping from excitement. - Yes, you understand that we are - or officers who serve their king and the Fatherland and rejoice in shared success and pepper about the overall failure, or we are a lackey, which are no case to the Lord. "

We see, on the one hand, a high understanding of your future, about your debt and roles of Prince Andrey, and on the other hand, the jungle of GERKOV, which reduces this high presentation and thus causes a splash of indignation from Bolkonsky.

When Prince Andrei returns from the Austrians, knowing about the defeats of the Russians, then he thinks about what is going for the rescue of the army.

Let us turn to another episode. That night, when Princess Bolkonskaya gives birth, Prince Andrei appears. And here we are watching a favorite Tolsta situation: a person in the face of two sacraments, namely the emergence of the new life and the sacrament of death. It is important that the prince Andrei is not just crying, and he appears a feeling of guilt before the late wife.

Bolkonsky decides to never serve anymore, he lives in his estate, is engaged in his son, thereby changing roles with his father. His father is active, drives the militia. And here, Pierre comes to visit Bolkonsky, who recently been dedicated to Masons and gladly enlightenment.

"I lived for fame. (After all, what is the glory? The same love for others, the desire to make something for them, the desire of their praise.) So I lived for others and not almost, but completely destroyed my life. And since then has become calm, as I live for one yourself.
- Yes, how to live for one yourself? - Fasting, asked Pierre. - And son, sister, father?
- Yes, this is all the same, this is not the others, "said Prince Andrei, and others, near, Le Prochain, as you with Prince Marya call, is the main source of delusion and evil. Le Prochain is those who are your Kiev men who you want to do good. "

And this is very important: for the Bolkonsky "I" is an extensive concept, he perceives his family as a whole with him.

Next should be conversation about the peasants. Prince Andrei says that they need to be released, but not for the sake of them, but for the nobility, because the habit of owning other people is developing power, cruelty and egoism. Then Pierre understands that the prince speaks of his father. This question for modern Tolstoy Russia was relevant: the reform of 1861 was passed, and he cannot but think about relations with peasants.

An important episode is a conversation on the ferry, and the answer of Prince Pierre is important.

"Do I don't feel in my soul that I make part of this huge, harmonious whole? Do I don't feel that I am in this countless number of creatures in which the deity is manifested - the highest strength - as you wish, - that I make one link, one step from the lower beings to the higher? If I see, I see this staircase, which leads from the plant to a person, then why I assume that this staircase, which I do not see the end below, it is lost in plants. Why do I assume that this staircase is interrupted with me, and not leads further to higher beings? I feel that I not only can not disappear, as nothing disappears in the world, but that I will always be and always. I feel that, besides me, spirits you need and that there is truth in this world.

"Yes, this is the teachings of Gerder," said Prince Andrei, "but my soul, my soul, convince me, and life and death, that's what convinces." It is convinced that you see the most expensive creature that you are connected with you, before which you were to blame and hoped to justify (Prince Andrei trembled his voice and turned away), and suddenly this creature suffers, suffer and ceases to be ... Why? It may not be that there is no answer! And I believe that he is ... That's what I convince, this is what he convinced me, "said Prince Andrei."

The prince does not want to believe that in the next life he will not be able to atone for the blame that he feels before the dead wife.

Death of Prince Andrey.

Chulya Natasha noticed that something happened to the prince of Andrei.

"In words, in the tone of it, especially in the look of this - a cold, almost hostile look - a terrible alienation was felt for a living person from all worldly." Prince torments alienation. Another important point is the last dream of the prince (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Last dream Prince Andrei ()

"He saw in a dream that he lies in the same room in which he was in reality, but that he was not injured, but healthy. Many different persons, insignificant, indifferent, are in front of the prince Andrey. He speaks with them, argues about something unnecessary. They are going to go somewhere. Prince Andrei vaguely recalls that all this is negligible and that he has other, essential care, but continues to speak, surprising them, some empty, witty words. We gradually, unnoticed all these persons begin to disappear, and everything is replaced with one question about the released door. He gets up and goes to the door to push the valve and lock it. Because he would have time or could not lock it, everything depends. He goes, hurry, his feet do not move, and he knows that he will not have time to lock the door, but still painfully strains all his strength. And the painful fear covers it. And this fear is the fear of death: it stands behind the door. But at the same time, as he is powerless, awkwards to the door, this is something terrible, on the other hand, pressed, break into it. Something is not human - death - break on the door, and it is necessary to keep it. He grabbed the door, strains the last effort - it is impossible to lock it - even though to hold it; But his forces of his weak, awkwards, and, pressed by terrible, the door will be replete and rejected again.
Once again, it pressed from there. The last, supernatural efforts are vain, and both halves opened silently. It entered and it is death. And Prince Andrew died.
But at the same moment, as he died, Prince Andrei remembered that he was sleeping, and at the same moment, as he died, he, having made an effort over his way, woke up.
"Yes, it was death. I died - I woke up. Yes, death - awakening! " - Suddenly hen brightened in his soul, and the curtain who hid it still unknown, was raised before his spiritual gaze. He felt the release of the forces before the strengthened in him and the strange ease, which since then did not leave him. When he, waking in a cold sweat, moved on the sofa, Natasha approached him and asked what he was. He did not answer her and, without understanding her, looked at her with a strange look. "

Stunningly described, as Prince Andrei mechanically answers Natasha and Princess, says goodbye to her son. There is something that Tolstoy calls awakening from life. And when the prince dies, Natasha and Marya ask himself where he left. This is not the ultimate death, but the transition to another world. Not by chance, Prince Andrew will appear in the dream of the Son.

On the one hand, in the prince there is too much egoism and, perhaps, the impossibility of his happiness with Natasha Rostova and death is connected with this, and on the other hand, this is also a merger with the world. Moreover, in thick, not disappearance, and the transition to another state.

In this conversation, the prince promised never to serve, says another interesting phrase.

"If Bonaparte stood here, Smolensk, threatening the mountains, and then I would not serve in the Russian army." And this prince speaks in the second volume, and in the third he serves again.

Prince Andrei in 1812 G.

Prince Andrei is a professional military, and to create his image to the Tolstoy, you need a military view. And again, the author gives his thoughts to the mouth of the hero.

"... no and there can be no military science and therefore there can be no so-called military genius<...>Sometimes, when there is no coward ahead, which shouts: "We are cut off!" - And run, and there is a cheerful, bold man ahead, which is crying: "Hurray!" - a detachment of five thousand worth thirty thousand, like under Shanburg, and sometimes fifty thousand run before eight, like under Austerlitz ".

This is the beginning of the war of 1812. Fire Smolensk is a very important scene. It is here that the new sense of angration of the enemy appears. Tolstoy writes that this fire was an era for the prince. Berg does not understand what is happening, he is ready to complain and reproach Prince Andrei is that residents ignite at home and create a fire, and he is inactive.

The prince reflects about the war, he considers it a dirty case, which is not worth the inquiry. And this is the Tolstaya Pravda, to which, in his opinion, each participant of the war comes.

« I know your road is the expensive way. "

On the eve of Borodin, the prince Andrew clarifies Pierre, why was Kutuzov needed, and not Barclay, why will they win the battle tomorrow and what it differs from the battle with Austerlice. At the same time, Prince Andrei says that he began to understand too much that he sighs his death. Prince has three grief: love for a woman, death of the father and the French invasion.

«<...>i love life, I love this grass, the earth, the air ... "

It was at that moment when the hero acutely perceives the whole world around, a bomb falls and Prince Andrei receives fatal injuries. In the hospital he sees Anatol Kuragin.

It turns out that Prince Andrei carries out everything that Pierre conceived. Translated peasants in free blades, built schools, hospitals. I wonder how the prince himself objected to them:

"Well, let's argue," said Prince Andrei. - You are talking to the school, "he continued, bending the finger, - the teachings and so on, that is, you want to withdraw him, - he said, pointing to the man who took the hat and passing by them, - from his animal state and give it moral needs . And it seems to me that the only possible happiness is the animal happiness, and you want to deprive him. I envy him, and you want to do it with me, but not giving him any mind, nor my feelings or my means.<...>

- Oh yes. Hospitals, medicines. He has a blow, he dies, and you will let him down, cure him, he will walk ten years old, everyone in a burden. It is much more fading and easier for him to die. Others Rail, and so many of them. Would you feel sorry for you that you have an extra worker disappeared, - as I look at him, otherwise you want to treat him from love. And he does not need it. And then, that for imagination, that medicine has cured someone ... kill! - So! He said, frowningly frowning and turning away from Pierre. "

The joyful moment was a trip to Otradnaya, the case when he hears the conversation of Natasha and Sony. Recall the description of the oak, the first time dry and dying, and later the green, who returned to life. And the prince Andrei begins to seem to seem that his life is not finished:

"In the soul, he suddenly rose such an unexpected confusion of young thoughts and hopes, contrary to his life, that he, feeling unable to understand his condition, immediately fell asleep."

Bolkonsky arrives in Petersburg. And Napoleon's place in his thoughts now took Speransky (Fig. 4):

"He became funny, as he could wait for something from Speransky and from all his activities related to him<...>

one embarrassed Prince Andrei: It was a cold, mirror, who doesn't miss the Speransky's breath, and his white, gentle hand, which was involuntarily watched by Prince Andrei, as they look at the hands of people who have power. A mirror look and a gentle hand for some reason I was annoyed by Prince Andrew. "

Fig. 4. M. Speransky ()

"It was seen that Never Speransky could not come to mind that ordinary for Prince Andrei thought that it was still not to express all the things that you think, and never had a doubt that not uncomfortable is everything that I think And all that I believe? And this particular warehouse of Speransky's mind attracted Prince Andrei to himself. "

These thoughts of Prince Andrei literally coincide with the records in the Tolstoy Diary about the Druzhinin (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. A.V. Druzhinin

"I read the second article of the friend. His weakness is that he will never be doubtful if it's all that's all. "

From the diary of L.N. Tolstoy

For thick, the ability to put their views is very important.

Prince Andrei and Natasha Rostov

Everyone remembers the scene of the ball in Ekaterininsky Velmazby in St. Petersburg. At this ball, Pierre draws the attention of Prince Andrei to Natasha and the prince invites her to the dance (Fig. 6)

Fig. 6. Prince Andrei and Natasha Rostov on the ball ()

"... Her charms hit him in the head: he felt a revived and smoking ..."

Natasha is a measure of truth that opens the eye by the princess and leads to disappointment in Speransky.

"What do I care<...>before the sovereign to say in the Senate? Does all this can make me happier and better "?

"... he was visited by Boguchakovo, his classes in the village, his trip to Ryazan, remembered the men, Drona-Old Town, and, putting the rights of persons who distributed to paragraphs, he became amazing how he could do so long Such idle work. "

Curious lining and mistakes thick. For example, Princess Marya puts on a brother of silver samples, and the French with seriously wounded Andrey take off the golden. Here is another interesting mistake of the author.

"After dinner, Natasha, at the request of Prince Andrew, went to the keycorder and began to sing. Prince Andrei stood by the window, talking to the ladies, and listened to her. In the middle of the phrase, Prince Andrew fell silent and felt unexpectedly, tears approach his throat, whose opportunity he did not know. "

We know that Prince Andrei has already cried when his wife died, but at that moment it was very important for Tolstoy to emphasize that the prince had never experienced such feelings.

"He looked at Natasha, and in his soul there was something new and happy. He was happy, and he was sad at the same time. He is resolutely nothing to cry, but he was ready to cry? About what? About former love? About the little princess? About your disappointments? .. About your hopes for the future? Yes and no. The main thing that he wanted to cry was suddenly the worst of the terrible contrast to them between something endlessly great and indefinable, formerly in him and something narrow and bodily, which he himself was and even she was. This opposite of Tomila and pleased him during her singing. "

For Prince Andrei, the meeting with Natasha was decisive.

"The whole world is divided into two halves for me: one - she, and there all happiness, hope, light; Another half is all where it is not, there is all the despondency and darkness ... "

Next, we see how the Father of Bolkonsky is angry, he would not want to let go of his daughter, nor a son, he is against the wedding and requires an annual delay. But Natasha is a living life, and it is impossible to stop it for a year. And then the emergence of the catastrophe begins, the beginning of the situation, which will then happen to Natasha with Anatola. Then Pierre reminds the prince about their conversation and about his words that the fallen woman can and you need to forgive, but Andrei says that you cannot forgive Natasha. And again, the Egoism of the Prince does not allow him to follow the heart, does not allow for forgiveness.

Prince Andrei is looking for Kuragin in order to cause him to duel. It was just the cause of the journey of the prince to war, he does not experience any patriotism. Before his departure, he visits a family, we show the episode of his quarrel with his father, a conversation with Prince.

"If you think that someone is to blame for you, forget it and sorry. We have no right to punish. And you will understand the happiness to forgive. "

Then the prince Andrei rides the front, and only the Fire Smolensk turns his trip to participation in the People's War. It is no coincidence of his collision with Berg, it is no closer to his meeting with Anatola, who takes his leg and to which he feels Christian love and forgiveness. And of course, it is no closer to his last meeting with Natasha, when it seems to him that the building from the needles is erected and he feels the whole bitterness of the gap with Natasha and says:

"I love you more, better than before ..."


  1. Lebedev Yu.V. Literature. Grade 10. A basic level of. In 2 hours, enlightenment, 2012
  2. Maarten M. Family problem in the work of L.N. Tolstoy, 1850-1870s. - M.: MSU, 2000. - P. 211. V.B. Shklovsky.
  3. Material and style in the novel Lion Tolstoy "War and Peace", 1928
  1. Internet portal "Levtolstoy.ru" ()
  2. Internet portal "russkay-literatura.ru" ()
  3. Internet portal "Gold-liter.org.ua" ()


1. Write an essay on the topic (optional):

  • "The spiritual appearance of Prince Andrei"
  • "The attitude of Prince Andrei to the family"

2. Draw an illustration to one of the episodes of the novel.
3. Make the analysis of the last dream of the prince Andrei Bolkonsky, think about what hidden meaning puts in it thick.