An ideal family in understanding L.N. Tolstoy (on the novel "War and Peace")

An ideal family in understanding L.N. Tolstoy (on the novel "War and Peace")

One of the main thoughts in the novel L. Tolstoy "War and Peace" is the thought of family. All Roman is built on the description of the fate of people, whole families, generic nests. We see the same people in the home atmosphere, in light, in hostilities and we can trace how the heroes of the novel are changing internally and externally. In addition, the viewing of the novel can be distinguished certain features characteristic of a particular family. In the work of L. Tolstoy, we get acquainted with a lot of families, but the author describes the growth, Bologna and Kuragin. In the family of growth reign love, friendship and mutual understanding. Rostov take care of each other and want people around them happy. They are characteristic of economic, kindness, sincerity and latitude of nature.

Natasha Rostov is a bright representative of the Rostov "breed". It is emotional, sensitive, intuitively guess people. Sometimes selfish (as in the case of the loss of Nicholas), but more often is capable of self-sacrifice (remember the episode with the export of wounded from Moscow). Natasha lives in the atmosphere of love and happiness, she is a fond of nature. External urgentness enhances its mental beauty and a living character. One of the bright features of the heroine is the need for love (she needs to be constantly loved). Natasha is full of thirst for life, and this is the secret of her charm. To explain and prove Natasha does not know how, because it understands people not mind, but with a heart. But the heart tells her always true, with the exception of incorrect behavior with Anatola Kuragin. Countess Rostov is proud of friendship and confidence in his children, pampers them, worries about their fate. Nikolai Rostov is very similar to his sister, which is why they understand each other so well. Nikolay is very young, open to people and the whole world. He wants to be useful, everyone likes and, that is important, Nikolai wants to seem an adult, a rude man as Denisov. It was Denisov that embodies that the ideal of the man to whom the younger Rostov seeks.

Nikolay arrives on vacation, to Moscow. To this arrival home Nikolai wants to assert himself, prove to everyone and herself that he is already an adult and he has his own men's affairs: dinner in the English club, Duel Shahov with Pierre, cards, running. And the old Graph Rostov is all the stove of your son: rebels the estates so that Niconey can get a trotter and "the most fashionable rates, special, what no one else in Moscow is, and the boots are the most fashionable, with the most sharp socks and small silver spurs ... "Then the old chance requires a lot of effort to ensure the participation of the Son in Duel left unnoticed. And suddenly, Nicholya loses money, and money is not small. But Nikolai never realizes his guilt, and he is to blame in his inability to think. He did not have enough fat to determine that the share was an evil person, and the mind of this could not realize this. After losing forty three thousand and returning home, Nikolai becomes a boy, although he wants to hide what he has in his soul. And in the soul, he considers himself "Scoundrel, the scoundrel who could not redeem his crime. He would like to kiss his father's hands, kneeling for forgiveness ..." Nikolai - an honest person, he not only painfully survived his loss, but And I found a way out: limit yourself in everything and return the debt to parents. Count Ilya Andreevich Rostov is good-natured, generous and motozat. It is known in Moscow not only as a good family man, but also as a person, better than others can arrange a ball, lunch, and if you need, then attach your money for this. The most vivid example of Rostov generosity is to prepare lunch in honor of Bagration. "The right, papidka, I think, Prince Bagration, when she was preparing for Shenagraben's battle, less troubled than you now ..." said N. Rostov Father on the eve of dinner, and was right. Ilya Andreevich put a lot of strength to ensure that lunch in honor of Bagration was able to fame. What only he ordered: "Golovka, the scallops in the cake ... Put the sterces of large ... ah, my fathers! .. Yes, who will bring flowers to me? .. Downloads you, Mitenka, in the near Moscow ... To me two hundred The pots were here to Friday ... it is necessary because there are still songwriters. "

The features of the "Rostov breed" are manifested in the acts of the graph and when leaving Moscow: it permits the supply under the wounded, thereby applying a difficult damage to its state. Rostovs personify the family structure in which the lengthy traditions are alive. The atmosphere of love, mutual understanding and kindness reigns in their family. The exact opposite of the family of growth is the Bolkonsky family. For the first time, Lisa and Andrei Bolkonsky we celebrate at the evening at Anna Pavlovna Schever, and immediately make some coldness between her husband and his wife. Lisa Bolkonskaya does not understand her husband, nor his aspirations or his character. After leaving Bolkonsky lives in the Bald Mountains, experiencing constant fear and the antipathy to the mother-in-law and friendly fails with a skener, but with an empty and frivolous Mr

Rienen. Lisa dies during childbirth; The expression of her face before the death itself and after as if he says that she did not make evil anyone and cannot understand what he suffers. Her death leaves the sense of irreparable trouble at Prince Andrei and sincere pity at the old prince. Prince Andrei Bolkonsky - formed, discreet, practical, smart, volitional man, sister marks some "pride of thought". Old prince Bolkonsky lives in the village. He does not endure nonsense and idleness, lives on a clear schedule, which he himself installed. Being with all the sharp and demanding, he arms with the daughter of pickles, but in the depths of the soul he loves her very much. Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky Gord, smart and restrained, as well as his son. The main thing for Bolkonsky is the honor of the family.

Marya Bolkonskaya is very religious, she hosts the wanderers in secret from the Father, but in all the rest clearly fulfills his will. She is a smart, educated woman, the same as a brother and father, but, unlike them, meek and God-fearing. Blocks are smart, educated, love each other, but the relationship in their family is pretty dry, they do not like to expose their feelings. In their family, no noisy festivals and celebrations are satisfied, they are not at that fun, which is in growth; Bolkonsky live not feelings, and mind. Also in the novel "War and Peace" is a great place on the family of Kuragin. Prince Vasily takes care of his children, wants to organize their life or therefore considers himself an exemplary father. His son Anatol brazen, stupid, corrupted, self-confident, but eloquent. He wants to marry an ugly princess Marya for the sake of money, trying to seduce Natasha Rostov. Hippolit Kuragin Stupid and does not even try to hide his stupidity: in his appearance, the features of the moral degeneration of the entire kind of crust are clearly noticeable. Elene-Svetkaya Beauty, she is stupid, but her beauty reaches a lot. In society, she does not notice her nonsense, it seems to everyone that Helen always behaves in the world very adequate and has a reputation as a smart and tactful woman. The Kuragin family is distinguished by stupidity and compassion. They do not experience sincere feelings not only in relation to others, but also in relation to each other. In children there is no need to go to the Father; And the prince of Vasily himself calls his sons "fools": Ippolita - "calm", and Anatol - "Restless", whom all the time has to be out. Curagin has no joint ventures and worries, there is no need to meet and talk. Everyone is busy with their problems. All Kuragins strive to get closer to people who are richer than them, from communicating with which you can benefit.

In the epilogue, we see how two will be reunited, it would seem, absolutely different families - the family of growth and family of Blocks. Nicholas Rostov marries the princess Marya Bologkoe. Nikolai and Marya are an ideal pair, they harmoniously complement each other: in this family, the aspiration of the princes Marya will be connected and then the earthly, material, which represents Nikolai. In the final of the "War and Peace" of Natasha and Pierre after the "baptism", the suffering and contact with death are resurrected to life. This happens naturally - as the spring of the dead of the dropped leaves make their way the green needles of grass make their way, as the order in the destroyed anthill is restored, as the blood sticks to the heart, as rejected after the destruction of Moscow. The life order is restored, in which each of the heroes finds its place. December 5, 1820 - the last scene of the epilogue of the novel. Tolstoy builds it as a picture of family happiness in the Bald Mountains; The old family of growth broke out (the old graph died), there were two new families, in each of which - new, "fresh" children. New Natasha Rostov, black-eyed Father's favorite, Count Nicholas, the new Pierre Duhov, who is still three months old and whom the mother-Natasha feeds, arise on the last pages of the Tolstaya Book. An image of an organic viability (Natasha - a strong and passionate mother) is supplemented in the final by other images: this is the princess of Marya, who has a motherhood associated with the tension of spiritual life, aspiration to infinite, and this is especially fifth-dedicated Nikolek Bolkonsky. His appearance manifested the features of the Father.

The novel ends with a dream of Nikolenika, in which Pierre and Prince Andrew are connected and where the motives of glory, heroism, thenign and honor arise again. The son of Prince Andrei is the heir of his qualities, the symbol of the eternal continuation of life. Life enters a new round, and the new generation again will re-look for answers to her questions. On this new twist of life, peace and war - harmony and struggle, integrity, unity and explosion of their contradictions will meet again. The final "War and Mira" is an open, opened in the moving, forever living life. Thus, the "family nests" of Rostova and Bolkonsky continued their life together, in harmony and happiness, and the "nest" of Kuraginian ceased to exist ...

The main thought in the novel L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", along with the thought of People, "is the" Family Thought ", which was expressed in thought about families. The writer believed that the family is the basis of the whole society, and it reflects those processes that occur in society. "According to Tolstoy, the family is the soil for the formation of the human soul. And at the same time, each family is a whole world, special, Nothing similar, filled with complex relationships. The atmosphere of the generic nest determines the characters, fate and the views of the heroes of the work.

1.What is the Tolstovsky ideal sevenand? This is a patriarchal family, with her holy kindness, with the care of younger and elders about each other, with the ability to give more than to take, with the relationship built on good and truth. According to Tolstoy, the family makes the family constant work of the soul of all family members.

2. All families are different, but the spiritual community of people writer indicates the word "breed" . Hasinonym the world in Tolstoy, her spiritual charter. The main thing, without which there can be no real family is sincerity. Tolstoy believes: "There is no beauty where there is no truth."

3.In the novel we see the families of Rostov and Blocks.

A). Female p osters - the perfect harmonious whole where the heart prevails over the mind. Love binds all family members . It manifests itself in sensitivity, attention, cardiac proximity. Rostic all sincerely comes from the soul. Greeting, hospitality, hospitality, preserved traditions and customs of Russian life are preserved in this family.

Parents raised their children, giving them all their love, they can understand, forgive and help. For example, when Nicholenka Rostov lost to Dolohov a huge amount of money, he did not hear a word of reproach from his father and was able to pay card debt.

B). Children of this family have absorbed all the best qualities of the "Rostov breed". Natasha - the personification of cardiac sensitivity, poeticity, musicality and intuitiveness. She knows how to childishly enjoy life and people. Heart life, honesty, natural, moral purity and decency Determine their relationships in the family and behavior in the circle of people.

IN). Unlike growth, Bologkoelive by mind, not a heart . This is an old aristocratic genus. In addition to the blood, the members of this family also binds spiritual proximity. At first glance, the relationship in this family is difficult, deprived of heartiness. However, internally these people are close to each other. They are not inclined to manifest their feelings.

D). Star Prince Bolkonsky embodies the best features of the servant (nobility devoted to the one who "sworn". The concept of honor and debt officer was in the first place. He served under Catherine II, participated in the hikes of Suvorov. He considered the main virtue of the mind and activities, and the vices are laziness and idleness. Life of Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky - Continuing Activities. He either writes memoirs about past campaigns, or manages the estate. Prince Andrei Bolkonsky very respects and honors his father, who was able to raise a high concept of honor in it. "Your road is expensive," he says to his son. And the prince Andrei performs a farewell of his father and during the 1806 campaign, in Schangbang and Austerlitsky battles, and during the war of 1812.

Marya Bolkonskaya loves his father and brother. She is ready to give all of himself for their relatives to her. Princess Marya completely obeys the will of the Father. His word for her is the law. At first glance, it seems weak and indecisive, but at the right moment it shows the firmness of the will and strength of the Spirit.

E). These are very different families, but in them, as in any wonderful families, a lot in common. And Rostov, and Blocks - patriots, their feelings Especially brightly manifested during the Patriotic War of 1812. They express the People's Spirit of War. Prince Nikolai Andreevich dies, because his heart could not stand the shame of the retreat of the Russian troops and passing Smolensk. Marya Bologna rejects the proposal of the French General about the patronage and leaves Bogucharova. Rostov gives their veins wounded on the Borodino field to soldiers and pay the most expensive - Petit's death.

4. It is on the example of these families Tolstoy draws his family ideal. For beloved Heroes of Tolstoy characteristic:

-thered work of the soul;


-Brootten attitude to relatives;

- Patriarchal life lifestyle;


-Shipping of what is the house, family-support in difficult moments of life;

- "Childness of the Soul";

- Proximity to the people.

It is for these qualities that we learn the perfect, from the point of view of the writer, family.

5.In the epilogue of the novel, two more families were shown, surprisingly connecting the favorite families of Tolstoy. This is the family of bellows (Pierre and Natasha), which embodies the author's ideal family based on mutual understanding and trust, And the family of growth - Marya and Nicholas. Marya introduced in the family of growth kindness and tenderness, high spirituality, and Nicholas manifests peace of mind in relations with the most close people.

"All people like rivers, each have their own source: their own home, family, her traditions .." - so considered Tolstoy. Therefore, such great importance attached to the fat question about the family. That is why "Family's thought" in the novel "War and the World" was important for him not less than "the thought of people"

2. The theme of loneliness as the leading motive of creativity M.Yu. Lermontov. Reading by heart of one of the poems of the poet (by choosing a student).

M. Yu. Lermontov lived and created in the years of the most severe political response, coming in Russia after the defeat of the Decembrists' uprising. The loss of mother at an early age and the person's personality itself accompanied the exacerbation in his consciousness of the tragic imperfection of the world. Throughout his short, but fruitful life, he was alone.

1. Therefore, therefore loneliness is the central theme of its poetry.

BUT). Larine hero Lermontov is a proud lonely personality, opposed to peace and society. He does not find his heads in a secular society, nor in love and friendship, nor in the debris.

B). His loneliness B. svetleit was reflected in the "Duma" poem. Here he showed how modern generation was lagging behind in spiritual development. The farewell of a secular society, who undertakes to rampant despotism, caused an angry contempt from Lermontov, but the poet does not separate himself from this generation: "We" constantly meet in the poem. His involvement in the spiritually bankrupt generation allows him to express the tragity of the globility of his contemporaries and at the same time make them a harsh sentence from the position of future generations.

The same thought of Lermontov expressed both in the poem "How often, the Motion Tolpo is surrounded." Here he feels lonely among the "Maiden Masks", it is unpleasant to touch "Beauty urban". He alone confronts this crowd, He would like to "bother to throw them in the face of iron verse, indulged in bitterness and anger."

IN). Lermontov wrapped in real life. He regrets the generation lost for this life, he envies the great past, the full glory of great cases.

In the poem "and boring and sad" the whole life is reduced to "empty and stupid joke." And indeed, it does not make sense when "a certain hand shake in a minute of spiritual adversity." This poem shows not only loneliness Lermontova B. society, but also in love and friendship. It is clearly traced his disbelief in love:

Love ... But who?., At time - it's not worth working,

And forever love is impossible.

In the poem "Gratitude" there is still the same motive of loneliness . The lyrical hero thanks, apparently, his beloved "for bitterness of tears, poison a kiss, for the revenge of enemies, for slander friends," but in this gratitude hears the reproach in the insincerity of feelings, he considers "poison", and friends - hypocrites slandered his.

D). In the poem "Rock" Lermontov allegorically talks about the fragility of human relations . The cliff suffers from loneliness, so he is so expensive to visit the Tuchka, who was silent in the morning, "there is a fun playing on the lazuries."

The poem "in the north wild" is told about the pine worth "lonely on a bare vertex". She dreams of a palm tree, which "in the desert is distant, in the region, where the sunrise", like a pine, "one and sad". This pine dreams of a relative soul located in distant warm edges.

IN the poem "Leaf" we see the motives of loneliness and finding the native land. Oak leaf is looking for a refuge. He "pressed the root of chinars high", but she drove him. And he again alone on white light. Lermontov, like this piece, was looking for a shelter, but did not find it.

E). Lyrical hero - an exile not only society, but also his homeland, at the same time, his attitude towards the depth of two:without loving his homelandnevertheless, fearlessly alone in it. So, in the poem "clouds", Lermontov first compares his lyrical hero with clouds ("Try you, as if I am, exiles ..."), and then opposes it to them ("Alien to you and alien to suffering"). The poet shows the clouds of "Eternal Wanderers" - this eternal wanderer often carries the shade of the Skalism, the characteristic feature of the Lermontov Hero becomes attenuating .

The concept of the Motherland is connected with Lermontov primarily with the concept of people, labor, with nature ("Motherland"), however, the lyrical hero, a free and proud person, cannot live in the "country of slaves, the country of the Lord", he does not accept Russia a bad, submissive, In which the arbitrariness and lawlessness reign ("Goodbye, unwashed Russia ...").

2. How does the lyrical hero of Lermontov perceive his loneliness?:

BUT ) In some cases, the perfection for loneliness is typing sad, sad mood. Lyrian hero Lermontov and would like to "feed the hand" to someone who will understand and save him from loneliness, so no one . In such works, as "in the north, the wilderness is lonely ...", "Rock", "No, I'm not so dusty I love ..." And others, loneliness acts as the eternal goet of all creatures and above all - man. Such poems - longing, awareness of the tragedy of life.

B) However, more often, loneliness is perceived by the lyrical hero of Lermontov as a sign of chief . This feeling can be called gordy loneliness . Lyric hero Lermontov is alone because it is above people who not only do not want, but cannot understand it. In a secular crowd, in general there is no one in human society who would be worthy of the poet. He is alone because he is an extraordinary person, and such loneliness really can Proud. This thought passes through such poems as "No, I'm not Byron, I am another ...", "death of the poet", "Prophet", "How often, the Motion Tip is surrounded ...", "Sail".

Completing the topic of loneliness in Lyrinka Lermontov, I must say that the poet has several wonderful works, full energy and noble indignation, the desire to change the existing reality. In his lyrics, the whole complex spiritual world of the poet was reflected.

Family for Tolstoy is the soil for the formation of a human soul, and at the same time in the "war and the world" the introduction of a family topic is one of the ways to organize text. The atmosphere of the house, generic nest, according to the writer, determines the warehouse of psychology, views and even the fate of heroes. That is why in the system of all major images of Roman L. N. Tolstoy allocates several families, on the example of which the copyright attitude to the ideal of a homely hearth is pronounced, is Bolkon, Rostov and Kuragin.
At the same time, Bolkonsky and Rostov are not just a family, this is a whole life line, an entry based on Russian national traditions. Probably, these features are most fully manifested in the life of the growth - noble-naive family living with feelings and impulse gusts, combining and seriously attaching to family honor (Nikolai Rostov does not refuse the debts of the Father), and the heartiness, and the warmth of the intrameal relationship, and Harvesting, and hospitality, always characteristic of Russian people.
The kindness and carelessness of the family of growth apply not only to its members; Even outsiders for them, Andrei Bolkonsky, being in an apologist, affected by the naturalness and cheerfulness of Natasha Rostova, seeks to change his life. And, probably, the most bright and most characteristic representative of the Rostov breed is Natasha. In its naturalness, dustiness, naivety and some superficiality - the essence of the family.
Similar purity of relationships, high morality relate to growth with representatives of another noble family in the novel - with Bolkonski. But this breed has basic qualities opposite to Rostov. Everything is subordinate to the mind, honor and debt. It is these principles that probably cannot accept and understand sensual Rostov.
The feeling of family superiority and actually the dignity are pronounced in Marya - after all, she, more than all Blocks, prone to hide their feelings, considered the marriage of brother and Natasha Rostova inappropriate.
But along with this it is impossible not to note the role of debt before the fatherland in the life of this family - the protection of the interests of the state for them is even even personal happiness. Andrei Bolkonsky is leaving at a time when the wife should give birth; The old prince in the rustling of patriotism, forgetting about his daughter, rushes on the defense of the fraud.
And at the same time it must be said that in the relationship of Bolkonsky, let the deeply hidden, the love is natural and sincere, hidden under the mask of coldness and arrogance.
Straight, proud Blocks are not at all like cozy and home-old, and that is why the unity of the two of these births, in the view of Tolstoy, perhaps only between the most uncharacteristic representatives of families (marriage between Nicholas Rostov and Prince Marya), so the meeting of Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky in Mytishchi serves as not to connect and correct their relationship, but to fill and clarify them. It is in this that the reason for the solemnity and the patheaux of their relationship in the last days of the life of Andrei Bolkonsky in the last days of life.
It is not at all similar to these two families are low, "Salad" breed of kuragin; They can even be called their family: there is no love between them, there is only a envy of Mother to his daughter, the contempt of Prince Vasily to her sons: "Calm Fool" Ippolit and "Restless Fool" Anatol. Their proximity is a patch of selfish people, their appearance, often in a romantic halo, causes crises in other families.
Anatole, a symbol of freedom for Natasha, freedom from the restrictions of the patriarchal world and at the same time from the boundaries of the permitted, from the moral framework of the allowed ...
In this "breed", in contrast to the growth and Bolkonsky, there is no cult of the child, there is no relative attitude towards him.
But this family of Inrigan-Napoleonov disappears on the fire of 1812, like an unsuccessful global adventure of the Great Emperor, all the intrigues of Helen - confused in them, she dies.
But by the end of the novel, new families appear, embodying the best features of both kinders, - the pride of Nikolai Rostov is inferior to the needs of the family and the fastening feeling, and Natasha Rostov and Pierre Duchevs create that home comfort, that atmosphere they both were looking for.
Nikolai and Princess Marya are likely to be happy - after all, they are those representatives of the families of Bologkoe and growth, which are capable of finding something in common; "Ice and the flame", Prince Andrei and Natasha, were not able to tie their lives - even loving, they could not fully understand each other.
It is interesting to add that the condition for the connection of Nikolai Rostov and a much deepest Mary of Mary Bolkonskaya became the lack of relationship between Andrey Bolkonsky and Natasha Rostova, so this love line is activated only at the end of the epic.
But, despite the entire external completion of the novel, one can note such a composite feature as the openness of the final - after all, the last scene is not random, the scene with Nicholya, which made it all the best and most pure, which was in Bolkonsky, in Roshovaya and Bezuhov. He is the future ...

The theme of the family in the novel "War and Peace" L. N. Tolstoy (2 options)

Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy - Great Writer of the 19th century. In his works, he managed to put many important issues, as well as give an answer to them. Therefore, his work occupies one of the first places in world artistic literature. The top of his creativity is the Roman-epic "War and Peace". In it, Tolstoy turns to the indigenous issues of human being. In his understanding, one of such important issues that determine the essence of a person is the family. Tolstoy almost does not represent their heroes alone. The most bright and multifaceted this topic is displayed in those parts of the work that is narrated by the world.

In the novel, different family lines intersect, reveal the stories of different families. His views on the relationship of loved ones, the Lion Nikolayevich shows on the example of growth and Bologkoe.

In a large family, the growth chapter is Ilya Andreyevich, the Moscow Barin, the kinderic man who fell on his wife, who adores children, is pretty generous and gullible. Despite the fact that his material affairs are in a dilated state, as he does not know how to lead the economy, Ilya Andreevich could not limit himself and all his family in the usual luxury. Forty-three thousand, lost by the son of Nikolai, he paid, no matter how hard it was to do it, because he is very noble: his own honor and honor of his children for him is above all.

The family of growth is distinguished by kindness, sincere responsiveness, sincerity, willingness to help, than attracts to themselves. It is in such a family that patriots grow, recklessly reaching death as Peter Rostov. Parents were hard to let him go to the operating army, so they were troubled for her son so that he would fall into the headquarters, and not in the operating regiment.

The family of growth is not inherent in hypocrisy and a hypocrisy, so everyone here loves each other, children trust their parents, and they respect their desires, opinions on various issues. Therefore, Natasha still managed to persuade parents to take away from the besieged Moscow, and luxury objects: paintings, carpets, dishes, and wounded soldiers. Thus, the family of growth remained true to his ideals, that for what to live. Let them finally ruined the family, but still did not allow them to bear the laws of conscience.

In such a friendly and friendly family, Natasha rose. It looks like a mother and externally, and in character - as well as the mother shows the same caring and economic activity. But there is in it and the features of the father - kindness, the latitude of nature, the desire to combine and make it possible to make everyone. She is the favorite of the Father. Very important quality Natasha is natural. She is not able to play a predetermined role, does not depend on the opinions of foreign people, does not live according to the laws of light. The heroine is endowed with love for people, the talent of communication, the openness of the soul. She can love and surrender to love completely, namely in this Tolstoy saw the main purpose of the woman. The origins of devotion and kindness, unmaturity and devotion he saw in family upbringing.

Another family member is Nikolai Rostov. It is not distinguished by neither the depth of the mind nor the ability to deeply think and experience pain of people. But his soul is simple, honest and decent.

In the image of growth, Tolstoy embodied his ideal about the fortress of the family, the inviolability of the generic nest, at home. But not all young generation of this family went in the footsteps of the parents. As a result of the marriage of faith on Berg, a family was formed, not similar to the growth, nor in Bologna, nor on Kuragin. In Berg itself there is a lot in common with Griboedovsky silence (moderation, execution and accuracy). According to the thoughts of Tolstoy Berg, not only the mothers in itself, but also a particle of the universal boss (mania of acquisition in any situation takes the top, which shifting the manifestations of a normal feeling, the episode with the purchase of furniture during the evacuation from the majority of residents). Berg "exploits" the war of 1812, "squeezes" from it maximum benefits for himself. Bergs are trying with all their mights to resemble the samples of pleasant in society: the evening, which is arranged by a borgic copy of many other evenings with candles and tea. As a result of the influence of her husband, faith, even in the greatness, despite his pleasant appearance and development, good manners, putting it, pushes people from themselves with their indifference to others and extreme egoism.

Such a family, according to Tolstoy, can not be the basis of society, because the "foundation", laid on its basis - material acquisitions, which, rather, empty the soul, contribute to the destruction of human relations, and not to unification.

Some other family of Bolkonsky - serving nobles. All of them characterizes special talentedness, uncommonness, spirituality. Each of them is notable in its own way. The head of the family, Prince Nikolai, with all the surrounding people was cutting, and therefore, without being cruel, he excited in himself fear and respect. Most of all he appreciates in people mind and activity. Therefore, raising your daughter, he is trying to develop these qualities in it. The high concept of honor, pride, independence, the nobility and the uncertainty of the mind of the old prince passed the inheritance to his son. Both the Son and the Father Bologkoe are versatile, educated, gifted people who know how to keep themselves with others. Andrei is an arrogant person, confident in his superiority over others, who knows that he has a high purpose in this life. He understands that happiness in the family, in it itself, but this happiness is not easy for Andrei.

His sister, Princess Marya, is shown to us as a perfect, absolutely whole psychologically, physically and morally human type. She lives in a constant unconscious expectation of family happiness and love. Princess smart, romantic, religious. She submoldly tolerates all father's mock, settles with everything, but never ceases to love him deeply. Maria loves everyone, but loves with love forcing those who are nearby to obey her rhythms and movements and dissolve in it.

Brother and sister Bolkonsky inherited the oddity and depth of the father of the Father, but without its authority and intolerance. They are insightful, deeply understand people, like father, but not to despise them, but in order to compare.

Bologkoe is not alien to the fate of the people, they are honest and decent people who try to live in justice and in Lada with conscience.

The exact opposite of previous families Tolstoy depicts the family of kuragic. The head of the family - Prince Vasily. He has children: Helen, Anatole and Hippolyte. Vasily Kuragin is a typical representative of St. Petersburg: a smart, Galanten, dressed in the last fashion. But for all this brightness and beauty, the person is hidden through the false, unnatural, greedy and rude. Prince Vasily lives in the atmosphere of lies, secular intrigues and gossip. The most important thing in his life is money and position in society.

He is ready even for a crime for the sake of money. This is confirmed by his behavior on the day of his death of the old Graph of Laughter. Prince Vasily is ready for everything, just to get the inheritance. He belongs to Pierre with contempt, bordering hate, but it is worthwheel to get the inheritance, as everything changes. Pierre becomes a profitable party for Helen, because the debts of Prince Vasily can pay. Knowing it, Kuragin is started on any tricks, just to bring the rich, but inexperienced heir.

We now turn to Helen Kuragin. In the light, everyone admire its statitivity, beauty, causing outfits and rich decorations. She is one of the most enviable brides of St. Petersburg. But for this beauty and brilliance of diamonds there is no soul. She is empty, drawn and heartless. For Helen, family happiness consists not in love of her husband or children, but in the waste of money the spouse, in the device balls and salons. It is only a pierre to start a conversation about the offspring, as she rustles him in his face.

Anatole and Ippolit are not inferior to no father nor sister. The first holds life in festivities and couments, in card games and various kinds of entertainment. Prince Vasily admits that "this anatole is forty thousand a year." The second son is stupid and quinic. Prince Vasily says he is "Restless Fool."

The author does not hide his aversion to this "family." It has no place for good promptings and aspirations. The world of Kuragin is the world of "secular mobile", dirt and debauchery. Egoism reigning there, careful and low-lying instincts do not allow you to call these people a full-fledged family. The main vices are carelessness, selfishness and irrepressible thirst for money.

The foundations of the family in Tolstoy are built on love, work, beauty. When they rushes, the family becomes unhappy, disintegrates. And yet, the main thing that Lion Nikolayevich wanted to say about the inner life of the family, is connected with the warmth, comfort, the poetry of the present house, where all of you are expensive, and you are dear to everyone where you are waiting. The closer people to natural life, the stronger the intremal relationship, the more happiness and joy in the life of each family member. It is this point of view that rolls Tolstoy on the pages of his novel.

The theme of the family in the novel "War and Peace" L. N. Tolstoy (3 options)

What a family should be in understanding Tolstoy, we will only learn at the very end of the novel. Roman begins with the description of an unsuccessful marriage. We are talking about Prince Bolkonsky and a little princess. We encounter them both in the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler. At Prince Andrei it is impossible not to pay attention - so he unlike the rest: "He, apparently, all the former in the living room were not only familiar, but he was tired of him so that he was very boring to listen to them." Everything else is interested in this living room, because here, in these conversations, the gossip all their life. And for the wife of Prince Andrew, an adorable little woman, here - all life. And for Prince Andrew? "The face of his pretty wife boring his face, seemed to be very tired of his face. With a grimace, a stretch of his beautiful face, he turned away from her. " And when she turned to him by a flirty tone, he even "clogged and turned away." When they returned home, they did not become warmer. Prince Andrei does not become gentle, but we already understand that the matter is not in his bad character. He was too soft and charming he was in communicating with Pierre, whom he sincerely loved. With his wife, he draws "with cold courtesy." He advises her early to go to bed, allegedly worrying about her health, but in fact wanting only one thing: so that she left and let him calmly talk to Pierre. Before she retired, he got up and "Participating, like an outsider, kissed his hand." Why is he so cold with his wife waiting for a child from him? He tries to be courteous, but we feel that he is rude to her. The wife tells him that he changed to her, it means that he used to be different. In the Schever's living room, when everyone was admired, "a pretty future mother, so easily enduring his position," it was difficult to understand that the prince of Andrei annoys. But everything becomes clear when it continues to talk at home with her husband, "the same flirty tone as she turned to an outsider." Prince Andrei was filled with this flirty tone, this light chatter, unwillingness to think over her own words. I want to even step up for the princess - after all, she is not to blame, she was always like that he did not notice this before? No, Tolstoy is to blame. It's to blame because it does not feel. Only a sensitive and understanding person can approach happiness, because happiness is a reward for the tireless work of the soul. A little princess does not make an effort on himself, does not make himself understand why the husband has changed to her. But everything is so obvious. She needed to become just more closely - to look at, listen and understand: With the prince, Andrey can not behave this way. But her heart did not tell her anything, and she continued to suffer from the tricky of her husband. However, Tolstoy does not fall on the side of Bolkonsky: in relations with his wife it looks not too attractive. Tolstoy does not give an unequivocal answer to the question of why the life of a young family of Bolkonsky was so much, - both are to blame, and no one can change anything. Prince Andrei says sister: "But if you want to know the truth ... Do you want to know if I am happy? Not. Is it happy? Not. Why is it? I do not know ... "One can only guess - why. Because different, because they did not understand: family happiness is work, permanent labor of two people.

Tolstoy helps her hero, freeing it from this painful marriage. Later, he also will "save" Pierre, also busting adversity in family life with Helen. But nothing in life is in vain. Probably, Piear needed to get this terrible experience of life with a pioneer and depraved woman to experience complete happiness in the second marriage. No one knows, would be happy Natasha, I get married to Prince Andrew, or not. But Tolstoy felt - she will be better with Pierre. Asks why he did not connect them before? Why was it forced to go through so much suffering, temptations and deprivation? After all, it is obvious that they are created for each other. However, the Tolstoy was important to trace the formation of their personalities. And Natasha, and Pierre fulfilled a huge spiritual work, which prepared them for family happiness. Pierre was carried by the love of Natasha in many years, and over the years so much spiritual wealth has accumulated in it as his love has become even more serious and deeper. He passed the captivity, the horror of death, terrible deprivation, but his soul was only strengthened and became even richer. Natasha, who survived the personal tragedy - a gap with Prince Andrey, then his death, and then the death of his younger brother Petit and Mother's disease, - also grown spiritually and was able to look at Pierre, to evaluate his love with other eyes.

When you read about how Natasha changed after marriage, first becomes a shame. "Purchased and sewn-la," rejoices a baby diaper "With yellow instead of a green spot," jealous, buying, singing abandoned - what is it? However, it is necessary to figure out - why: "She felt that those glamors who instinct her teach to use before, now they would only be funny in the eyes of her husband, to whom she from the first minute was given all - that is, without leaving no corner not Open for him. She felt that her connection with her husband was not the poetic feelings that attracted him to her, but kept something else, uncertain, but solid, as the connection of her own soul with her body. " Well, how not to remember the poor Little Princess Bolkonskaya, which was not given to understand what was opened by Natasha. She considered it natural to contact her husband with a flirty tone, as a stranger, and Natasha seemed stupid "beat curls, put on the Robrons and sing the romance in order to attract her husband to themselves." Natasha was much more important to feel the soul of Pierre, to understand that he worries him, and guess his desires. Staying with him alone, she talked to him so, "as soon as a wife is talking to her husband, that is, with an extraordinary clarity and speed, knowing and telling each other's thoughts, by opposing all the rules of logic, without judgment, conclusions and conclusions, and completely special way ". What is this method? If you trace their conversation, it may even seem funny: sometimes their replicas look completely incoherent. But it is from the side. And they do not need long, finished phrases, they understand each other, because their souls say instead.

What is the difference between the Family of Mary and Nicholas Rostova from the family of beans? Perhaps it is based on the constant spiritual work of the Countess of Marya alone. Her "eternal mental tension, aimed at only moral good children," admires and surprises Nicholas, but he himself is not capable of it. However, his admiration and worship before his wife also make their seven. Nikolai is proud of his wife, understands that she is smarter than him and more considerable, but does not envy, but rejoices, considering his wife part of himself. The Countess of Marya just gently and submissively loves her husband: for too long she waited for her happiness and no longer believed that it would ever come.

Tolstoy shows the life of these two families, and we can completely conclude on whose side of his sympathy. Of course, the family of Natasha and Pierre is ideal in his presentation.

That family, where husband and wife are one whole, where there is no place to conventions and unnecessary chemicals, where the radiance of the eyes and a smile can say much more than long, intricate phrases. We do not know how in the future their lives will work, but we understand: wherever the fate threw Pierre, Natasha always and everywhere will follow him, no matter how troops and deprivations it threatened.

It is in such a family as Rostov, honest, decent people were born - True patriots, like Nicholas and Pethe. However, each family had exceptions. An example of the Rostov family is the egoism of faith, which from mercenary motives marry Berg. They see their values \u200b\u200bin enrichment and profit. Only such family relations do not have spirituality, which means their family road is predefined, and leads to nowhere.

The Bolkonsky family is another genus, which can be a role model, but unlike Rostovaya, Bolkonoe build their family not in feelings. All their actions are dictated by reason, debt and honor. In their house, the order, restraint, rigor, severity. As a result, in the family of Bolkonsky love everyone, each of the family members are ready to support, but at the same time their feelings are not shown.

All their representatives are strong personality, noble and honest. Bolkonsky do not exchange life on immoral acts, and try to meet the status in such families, patriots are born, people with a rigid character who do not forgive weaknesses to others. But at the same time we see that the good spirit can reign here, which personifies Marya. She believes in love, in a quiet family happiness, which will necessarily wait.

(375 words)

The novel "War and the World" of Tolstoy was written in 1869. Despite the fact that the scene of the battles and war with Napoleon, the main storyline is the history of families. The author describes Russian society in a military period, and through pedigree bonds it is best to show the behavior and feelings of people during historical shocks. The thought of the family in the Roman-Epopea "War and Peace" also reveals the philosophical and moral credo of the writer.

We are shown the lives of three different families of secular type. They are absolutely not similar to each other, but their lives are closely intertwined. These are homes of Bolkonsky, growth and kuraggic, on their examples the author represents the names of several generations.

The reader comes to visit Bolkna. The most important member of the kind - Prince Nikolai, he believed that everything and all in his family should obey strict order. The hero independently taught his daughter with sciences, and also brought up such qualities in it as the mind and character activity.

Princess Marya loved his father, she had listened to him and cared for him with diligence. Her brother Andrei also loved Nikolay Bolkonsky and respected him, but he could not tolerate his despotic morals for a long time.

Relations between them were calm, everyone was busy with what he shoulded, and had his place. They were honest and decent people and besides the true patriots, but did not like light and fellowships to the Higher Society.

Unlike the previous family, Rostov was close to tender love, sincerity, mutual understanding and support. They actively participated in each other's fate, helped even when the actions of the defendants turned out to be represented. Patriotism, which manifests itself in growth, proves the importance of "family thought" in "War and the World". The eldest son became Gusar, Natasha gave a cart for mutilated, parents donated their home to the shelter of the victims, and the younger son Peter's heroic died in partisan battle.

Kuragin - family, absolutely opposite to two first. In this family, no one can love and worry over each other. Prince Vasily lives only for the sake of benefits and always knows with whom to make the engagement of children with whom you should be friends to make a profitable in life. It is adjusted to the situation, but about devotion to the homeland and speech can not be in their family.

At the end of the novel, the family of Bolkonsky and Rostovy Raman. They always connected spiritual relationship. Tolstoy showed each genus as an individual and unique cell of society, where all members actively live and raise new generations in the best traditions of the ancestors.

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