School form of countries of the world. School form of different countries of the world: their own style, their traditions

School form of countries of the world. School form of different countries of the world: their own style, their traditions

In many of its former colonies, the form has not been canceled after independence, for example, in India, Ireland, Australia, Singapore, South Africa.

The form in Great Britain It is part of the history of the educational institution. Each school has its own form to which the headdress is attached, tie, outerwear and even socks. Each prestigious school has its own logo.

In Germany There was never a single school form. Some schools introduced a single school clothing that is not a form, since students can participate in its development.

In France The situation is similar, each school has its own form, but a single school form existed only in 1927-1968.

In 1918, the form was canceled. After the revolution, they did not think about it until 1949, when the boys introduced gymnasters with a standing collar, and for girls - brown dresses with a black apron.

In 1962, the boys changed in gray woolen costumes, and in 1973 - in costumes of blue half-walled fabric, with emblem and aluminum buttons. In the 1980s, boys and girls sewed blue jackets. And in 1992, the school form was canceled, from the Law "On Education", excluded the corresponding string.

From September 1, 2013 in Russian schools. In some regions, schools will follow the recommendations of local authorities, in the others - to establish the requirements for students' clothing themselves.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

Every fourth English schoolboy may not worry about what he put on classes. The solution to this problem has long been a school uniform - an approved set of clothes for boys and girls of Western secondary schools.

At different times, the school form in different countries looked differently. Until recently, the well-headed jackets and shirts with closures, bizarre golf and strict length skirts were associated with elite educational institutions for children of wealthy parents. And it is difficult to imagine that initially the school form was intended for poor children who did not go to school at the shelter of Christ. Their coats were blue, because in the 16th century the blue dye was the cheapest. Since then, schools in which students wear blue coats were called BlueCoat Schools - "School of Blue Coat". But even such a conservative Great Britain tend to abandon certain traditions and styles. So, at the end of the 20th century, in many educational institutions, striped blazers changed in monophonic, because the "strips" were too expensive.

And the privileged private school of Yaton (Eton School), where only boys from the richest families or the heirs of the Royal Court can learn, refused school uniforms in the late 60s. School School ITON looked like this: a wide white closure collar, a vest and a short black jacket. Today, this school form is worn in specialized choral schools for boys.

In another private school, Sevenoaks School, which is included in the top three of the oldest schools of England, all students are obliged to wear a form. Boys aged 7 to 11 years old wear blasters and pants, girls - blazers and kilts. Turning to the sixth grade, the guys put on special costumes. The form is also provided for gaming activities. A set of clothes can be bought at the Special School Store or on its website.

American version of school uniform is different for private and public schools. In ordinary secondary schools on girls, rarely see a sundress or a checkered skirt, and on boys - blazers. In US public schools, the boys most often carry sneakers or sneakers, which will not affect most private schools. In many schools, boys and girls wear a t-shirt and the jumper of a certain color with the school logo.

In high schools in Germany, the school form has almost never been introduced. In addition, uniforms here prefer to call "School clothes" (Schulkleidung). For example, in the schools of Hamburg-Sinstorf and Friesenheim, girls and boys wear stylish shirts and sweaters of blue or red. In addition, some German schools produce their branded clothing, wearing both fashionable and honorable.

But the disciples of Italian schools are still forced to dress in long shirts with white collar - GrembiLi, which resemble at the same time a nightdress, tunic and a painter bathrobe. For graduates of Western secondary schools, the form forever remains in memory. Someone wants to re-put the jumper with a female school or proudly tie a tie, and someone many years later in nightmares dream of a terrible, embarrassing movement, terrible color shape.

Perhaps the most fashionable school wardrobe at the Japanese schoolgirls. Young manga lover is in such a delight from short skirts, white golfs, and the main thing is "sailors" (Sir Fuku) that they are ready to wear them even outside the school.

Today, the school form is incredibly popular among adolescents. Heroes of Harry Potter films made a school form with a symbol of chosenness, American comedies showed rebuilding schoolchildren and schoolgirls, and Japanese anime forced girls around the world to take a special place in the closet for skirts, golfikov and tickle. In comfortable and stylish clothes, the learning process becomes even more pleasant, which is why many boys and girls gladly wear school uniforms and go to classes.

To see with your own eyes, how much time is spent the descendants of conservative English to dress up to physical education and as young goths or Emo will be laid with a dress code in Western schools, you can take a tour of American or English secondary schools. And even better - to sit in one desk with those who managed to abandon the jeans for the sake of high-quality education and interesting pastime.

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In the question, you need a single school uniform, you can argue to hoarseness. Proponents of the dress code believe that it supports discipline in the class, encourages cohesion and equality. Yes, and the parents do not hurt the head, what to wear a child. Opponents argue that such an approach to clothing kills individuality and does little affect the learning process.

website Offers not argue, but just to see what children in different countries of the world go to school. Many options look quite stylish and practical, appreciate themselves.


Japanese school form for girls "Sir-Fuku" It occupies a special place in the cartoons of Anime and comics Manga and is known to the whole world. Blouse in the marine style plus pleated skirt, which in high grades is becoming shorter. Mandatory shoes on low heels and golf, which are even winter. So that they do not slip, schoolgirls glue them to the legs with special glue.

Great Britain

In England with school dress code all strictly. The very first form was blue. It was believed that this color tears children to organize and humility, but it was also the cheapest fabric. Now every institution has its own form and symbolism. Until now, in some schools, everything is so severely that even in the heat is forbidden to walk in shorts. This summer, schoolchildren boys arranged a strike and came in skirts. After that, many schools introduced a gender neutral school form.


Australia's education system borrowed a lot from the UK. School uniform reminds British, only lighter and open. Due to the hot climate and the active Sun in many educational institutions, hats or panamans are included in the form.


In Cuba, the school form is represented in several variations: white top - yellow bottom, blue top - blue bottom. As well as white shirts and burgundy sundresses or pants with a mandatory element - pioneer tiewell familiar to Soviet schoolchildren. True, it can be not only red, but also blue.


In Indonesia, the form of students differs in color at each stage of training. White top remains unchanged, but the bottom can be burgundy, dark blue or gray. But the most interesting supreme finally. After passing the national exams, schoolchildren celebrate their freedom and they paint the shape with the help of markers and canopy. Goodbye, school!


Chinese students have several uniform sets: for festive and ordinary days, for winter and summer. The school uniform for everyday socks is almost the same for boys and girls and often resembles a regular sports suit.


All children in the state must wear a school uniform. At the same time, Ghana, like most African countries, is characterized by low income and high poverty. Buying school uniforms - one of the obstacles to education. In 2010, the Government as part of its educational policy has been distributed free of charge for settlements.


The dress code of the younger and high school is quite common. But the high school students of Vietnam have the right to wear Snow White National Suit AO Dai. In some educational institutions, it is welcomed only for important events or ceremonies, but some requires for everyday socks.


School form in Syria before the start of a protracted military conflict for political reasons it was changed from the boring color of the hacks on bright colors: blue, gray and pink. And symbolized the desire to establish peace in the Middle East, which is now hearing a little sad.


Another country, where students are in school wearing a traditional national costume, - Bhutan. For girls, clothing is called "Kira", and for boys - "GHO" and reminds a bathrobe. Previously, children all textbooks and school supplies worn right in it. Portfolios are now spread, but if you wish, you can stray something on your chest.

South Korea

Children in South Korea study in the morning and until late evening. It is not surprising that many of them consider school the most romantic place, because there is a large part of their lives. The school dress code is obligatory and regulated by the Administration of the Educational Institution. But the form is popular and just on the streets of the city, and even among celebrities.

From this article began my site in the distance 2011 ...

Since then, of course, a lot has changed ....

And - what pleases! - Often for the better ...

Studying the topic, I seriously and responsibly claim

what is a long period of cultural decline -

  • today we live during the amazing and unexpected revival of Russian culture ...

This revival is so noticeable and simmally that I can only wonder ...

I could not even dream about it when I started to lead my site ...


Historic cities of Russia

Beauty that should ... Disappear?

(Note: My site began with this article. in 2011.

Since then, everything seriously changed for the better)

Instead of preface

Once I was interested in an article title on the site "Forbs"

"Six sights of Russia, which should disappear."

I read "Frescoes of Andrei Rublev in Vladimir and Zvenigorod"
I do not know how you, but it shocked me. This is too much.

Every day, you can certainly read the message that the architectural monument is demolished and another temple that the frescoes and ancient iconostasis are destroyed, the invaluable icons will be found in foreign collections that another unique historic wooden house is proposed, another wonderful beauty landscape and erased with Faces of the Earth Unique Temple Complex under the onslaught of modern development ... According to the Parliamentary Forum "Historical and Cultural Heritage of Russia", country annually loses 300-400 monuments only architecture . One monument per day . Only architectural monuments. And how many others? They have no number. Historic cities lose their appearance ... Step by step, Russia deprives the architectural and artistic heritage created by many deer ...

The invalid and saved through many dozen wars, the invaluable treasures of artistic Russian culture are ready to collapse from crazy activities or a criminal indifference of their own people.

And meanwhile, the historical cities of Russia rightfully occupy an honorable place among the European cities rich in architectural and artistic monuments of world importance.

With her radozar, joyful beauty, Rostov and Suzdal, Novgorod and Vladimir - and many other original Russians are not inferior to, for example, Florence and Verona. Their architectural ensembles sometimes are also perfect as the highest achievements of the architects of all times and peoples. Shining azure, gold and silver domes, decorated with masterpieces of painting and sculptures, who were inscribed in the surrounding landscape, they also please the eyes and fill the soul with delight and pride, like Taj Mahal and Parfenon.

In this beauty, created into the glory of Russia, triumphant over worldly sophors, our ancestors sought consolation from their alarms and adversity. As an ancient icon, turning out of the genus, all these architectural and art masterpieces are the blessing of the ancestors to the next generations.

From the temple to the temple, from the fortress to the fortress, under the ringing of bells. Such has long been the path through the forests and expanses of the Russian Earth. The path uniting the country into one.

Is it really a beauty that is destined to disappear?

photo by Peter Ushanov

Reality is as follows:

We not only lose irretrievably 300-400 only architectural monuments per year. All this is accompanied by a slow and loyal destruction of the remaining.

Even those architectural and artistic ensembles and monuments that

we are protected by UNESCO, too particularly causing concerns for their preservation due to insufficient financing. The frescoes of Andrei Rubleva Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir is an example.

According to expert estimates, the contents allocated for the content and restoration of the monuments of federal significance is not more than 15% of the necessary. And this is despite the fact that about two thirds of the heritage of federal significance need restoration. If we are talking about local objects - the situation is even worse.

And what to talk about numerous, sometimes no less excellent monuments that do not have the status of cultural (or historical) heritage, which means that are not subject to restoration! They are simply doomed to destruction. Inevitably.

Causes concerns and selection from the list of historical cities of Russia, even those cities whose monuments are part of the cultural heritage of UNESCO -

Even such as Moscow, Zvenigorod and Sergiev Posad.

One of the most important reasons for this failed -

the lack of understanding the value of all this wealth.

Residents of unique historical cities sometimes sincerely suspect that McDonald's McDonalds and New Bowling are not extinct in their hometown.

Meanwhile, only the tourist potential provided to all this architectural and artistic heritage, - as a burden of an invaluable treasure - an inexhaustible source of possible prosperity of provincial Russian cities (How is all the historical attractive city in the world flourish. After all, tourism has long become in many countries one of the most profitable species of business, comparable for profitability only with the oil market. For example, 50% of the French budget - revenues from tourism).

Ignorance makes it possible to destructive, barbaric activities of the authorities.

You will not believe, but here is the statement of the mayor of one of the historic cities of Russia with more than a thousand-year history: "Architectural monuments is a painful, resonant topic. It should be understood that age does not determine the value of the building. If the building is 100 years old - this means just that it is old. Such houses urgent city center. " It was spoke in front of representatives of the city's business. It is worth wondering the scale and pace of destruction of historical monuments in this city.

I do not pass for the accuracy of the quotation, but Hitler, before sending troops to the USSR, said: "If you destroy the culture, you destroy the nation ..."

It is scary when the power of greed and sadness does what even enemies did not do.

Obviously All this lawless must be put

The loss of historical heritage inevitably leads to the fact that society loses support and roots, without which development is impossible. Outside this environment, the Russian people loses their intellectual and creative potential, turning into a faceless raw material appendage of developed countries. Meanwhile, in difficult modern world, along with education, high standards of life and high technologies, cultural heritage becomes the key to the prosperity of the country.

friday Paraskeva Church in Veliky Novgorod. The beginning of the XII century

As part of our project we will acquaint youwith the most wonderful historical cities of Russia and outstanding phenomena of Russian artistic (and not only) culture. In order for you to be interested, the author's materials will complement the music, video, interesting photo reports, spherical panoramas of cities; In a word, to all that will help you get the most complete idea about them.

We will pay special attention to Lighting the successful experience of restoration and restoration of architectural - artistic monuments, preserving the appearance of historical cities.

We are also interested in how historic cities live today,and therefore we will keep track of the most interesting town planning projects of our days.

We will tell on the development of domestic tourism in Russia.

We will try to introduce you with the most interesting news of Russian culture.

AND with the most outstanding phenomena of Russian culture, which are the subject of our national pride!

We will be glad if our virtual travels continue to you with real travel in the most beautiful cities of Russia, will become a source of energy, bright discoveries and unforgettable impressions! And they will make other eyes look at your hometown.

And if we manage to convey your love for Russian culture and concern about her fate - we will be happy.

I want to remind the words of the famous icon painter Simon Ushakov:

"The life of memory, a monument for those who lived -

evidence of the past, the head of virtue, the expression of the force, the revival of the dead, immortal praise and glory,

memories of the past cases and the excitement of living on the imitation ... "

Like a Phoenix bird, Russian culture - through the eyelids and war - always comumed from the ash.

And, as the whole world in Russia, the temples were built, so the whole world should be united to save all this disappearing beauty.

And revive interest in native culture.

And what is loved and in demand, doomed to immortality.

P.S. Below - the famous frescoes of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir's work Andrei Rublev.

The very you need to disappear.

In Russia and other post-Soviet countries, a very ambiguous attitude towards the American system of secondary education. Some believe that it largely surpasses Russian, while others are confident that schools in the United States have a lot of deficiencies, therefore the American rating system is criticized, the lack of school uniforms and other distinctive features.

In the US, there are no strict uniform standards for all educational institutions, and it all depends on the local government. School in California may differ from school in Virginia or Illinois. Nevertheless, common aspects are the same everywhere.

As for the Russian and American education systems, there can be quite a lot of differences between them.

American estimates

If a five-point scale was adopted in Russia (virtually four-point, since in practice the unit is usually not exhibited) the assessment of knowledge, where the highest result is "5", then in the US, everything is somewhat different in the US. Estimates in American schools are the first letters of the Latin alphabet from "A" to "F".

An excellent result is the letter "A", and the worst, respectively, "F". According to statistics, most students manage to "in" and "C", that is, "above average" and "medium".

It is also sometimes used three letters: "p" - the offset, "s" - satisfactory, "n" is "non-post."

Lack of school uniform

In addition to American estimates, another difference is the lack of school uniforms and any official style of clothing in most educational institutions.

In Russia, the first thing comes to mind with the word "school" is a form: traditional "black top, white bottom", lush bows in girls and other attributes. In the US, this is not accepted, and even on the first day of the school year, the disciples come in what they want. All that is required from schoolchildren is observing some rules: not very short skirts, lack of obscene inscriptions and prints on clothing, closed shoulders. Most students dress simply and comfortable: jeans, T-shirts, free sweaters and sports shoes.

Ability to select objects

For the Russian school it sounds unreal, because each student should obligatory Attend all items established by the program. But in America, a different system. At the beginning of the year, schoolchildren have the right to choose which items they want to study. Of course, there are mandatory disciplines - this is mathematics, English, natural sciences. The rest of the items and the level of their complexity of the student choose independently and, based on this, forms its own schedule of classes.