House 2 What makes Andrei Chuev. Biography Chueva Andrei

House 2 What makes Andrei Chuev. Biography Chueva Andrei
House 2 What makes Andrei Chuev. Biography Chueva Andrei

In the first coming on the Chii show, he established himself as a talented actor and cynic, assumed the role of the "independent" leader of the creative team "House-2" and made a proposal to Lere, a girl with whom he met for several years after the perimeter. During the wedding ceremony, Valery decided to raise a very exciting question: would they leave after the marriage from the project or not? Ambitions went to the fore, Andrei refused to leave the "Dom-2": he saw himself in this show. Hearing his answer, Lera burst out and ran out of the registry office.

In the second arrival, after the final parting with Leroy Andrei became interested in New Yana, went with her in a cruise in Europe, during which a couple in the rustling of feelings signed. Then the period of apathy came when Chuv simply did not want to get out of bed. Soon Andrei wanted to leave the project and, by coincidence, the same evening came up with Roma Tretyakov. The next day, Andrei brought his apologies for sharpness and incontinence, but the rules of "House-2" for all some - the braving a fight should leave ... At the bridge, Andrei put on the gate of Andrei to Yana himself behind his back and left the show.

Massack-claying, an animator, an actor of small forms and a broad soul, Andrei Chuev came to the project already for the third time in order to take into his hands office cafe House-2. And what about love? And his love has already found in the face of a dark-haired girl with a simple Russian name Tatyana. And not only found, but also led to the project with him to once appear to her in the image of angel and give a thousand roses and a wedding ring. Andrei wanted to turn the life of his chosen in a fairy tale ...

Andrei and Tanya lived together for 7 years, they had a daughter who was now 5 years old. After parting with his wife, who, according to Andrei, betrayed him once, Chuev returned to "Dom-2" and stated that "Dad can build new relationships"!

Andrei Chuev photo

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Biography, Life Story Chueva Andrei

Andrei Chuev is a TV person, a member of the show "Dom-2".

To the project

In the hometown of Chuev engaged in entrepreneurship - he had his own point in the market. He sold shoes.

"House 2"

In February 2008, Chuyev got on the set of "House-2". Andrey showed himself on the project as a rather hard man. At first, he frankly sank over the young ambitious participants (for example, above Nastya Glushchenko), constantly repeated with Bravada, which he didn't give a damn at all, and was quinic in his statements. On the other hand, in his face, the creative team "House-2" found another talented actor and Showman: Chuv took over the role of an independent leader, began to participate in the scenic productions ... Girls went to Andrei: Even a DVD came out, The name of which speaks for itself: "Ten women Andrei Chiuye".

But Andrei did not reciprocate and did not try to build relationships (with the exception of him refused). And then the girl came to him from whom he met for several years: it was myriad, it parted. Lovers reunited in front of all participants, and then settled in the VIP-house. So Chuv from the full-fledged creative unit of the project became an exemplary boyfriend. Suddenly, Andrei announced that he wanted to make a ler offer. And did. The wedding was supposed to take place in one Moscow registry office. During the ceremony, Lera decided to raise a very exciting question: would they leave after the wedding from the project or not? Ambitions went to the fore and Andrei refused to leave the "Dom-2": he saw himself in this show. Hearing his answer, Lera burst out and ran away from the registry office - since she sat in a limousine and left, no one saw her on the project. This series has become one of the most discussed episodes: many were confident that the quarrel of Chuev and Lera is the production, and their relationship is the acting game.

Continued below

Since Lera left, Chuev had to accept the role of a bachelor, and he again became the most enviable fiance of the project. True, no one liked him so much to start to communicate closely. After several tough failures, he once again tried to establish relations with Lero (this time in the perimeter). After they finally decided to part, Andrei became interested in New. As he shared with the guys, this is the second girl, which he "feels". And "feel" your half is for Chief, the most important criterion in the relationship. At first, impregnable and restrained finally answered him with reciprocity. They and Andrei have already moved into a cruise in Europe, in the rustling of feelings signed on the ship and arrived back. A new round of relationship has come in their pair, and the plans appeared familiar with his parents.

But Europe, unfortunately, did not benefit Andrei Chiuye's mental state - he was pursued by depression and breakdowns. Then the period of apathy came when he just did not want to get out of bed. Merry draws and clowns in the "house" were dressed. Stayed nearby. As a result, Andrei decided to talk to the guys and gathered a frontal place for this. What did he want to say?

Here can be any versions. It is possible that I wanted to say exactly what I said. What scrupulously considers money and gets off the project, and he, Andrei, disinterestedly playing the public ... or easier: everything around idiots, and I am incomprehensible to the "Artagnan ... or with such a nuance: I - D" Artanyan, not understood Nick, and above all the organizers of the show, who gave the opportunity and wad a broadcast on the radio, and my talents are dying in the evening, and in general - I don't need anyone ...

Andrei also did not particularly successfully started in the competition "Superman" House-2 ", which also did not add good mood to him ... Unlike whose performance in a pair of CO was the most ridiculous and gathered the most votes in the audience SMS-voting . As you can see, there is from what to choose ...

Let us dwell on the following version: Chuv wanted to say that I am ready to leave if everyone vote against him. It was a Va-Bank. He just reminded his words: "I'm ready to go at any time". And I wanted an open, but legitimate battle. But ... But the conversation spontaneously converted into a quarrel with, and then in a fight. Andrei and immediately left home. The next day, returning, Andrei brought his apologies for sharpness and incontinence. But on his soul he became noticeably easier, like every person who was tormented by an incomprehensible decision, but suddenly everything fell into place in its place ... "I love you", "He said in front of the frontal one lips ... nodded. She was always reliable and calm.

He listened to Chueva ... but the rules of the project for all alone - the starting brawl should leave. The leading only gathered to ask a question ... I took the microphone and said: "Of course, we go together". No one doubted this.

At the bridge behind the gate, Andrei put himself behind his back, so they left. Love they built, for them the game ended. No one shouted to them after "We are happy!". On the other side of the slammed gate wept, closing the face with a hood.

Massack-core, animator, actor of small forms and broad souls Andrei Chuev came to the project already for the third time. This time is not for relationships, but in order to take in your hands the management of the cafe "House-2". And what about love? And his love has already found in the face of a dark-haired girl with a simple Russian name Tatyana. And not only found, but also brought with him to the project, to once appear to her in the image of angel and give a thousand roses and the engagement ring. Andrei threatened to turn the life of his chosen in a fairy tale. The lovers moved to America, and soon Andrei and Tatiana was born daughter Lisa.

On May 19, 2015, Chuv once again returned to the project. Andrei stated that he was a free person who came to the perimeter in search of true love. It was noteworthy, the official confirmation of the divorce Andrei and Tatiana was never.


After Andrei and Tatiana left the project, a long time about charismatic guy from Old Oskol was not heard. Then rumors began to appear in the press that Chuv was seriously sick. As it turned out, the rumors were true - Andrei had the hardest intervertebral hernia. Fortunately, after several operations and a long period of rehabilitation, Andrei was able to return to normal life.

Photos of Chiui Andrey

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This member of the show is one of the old projects of the project, who did and Sobchak as the lead, and Vodonaev with Buzova as a participation. Andrei left Telestroyku, married, his daughter was born. But after the marriage broke up, Churev returned to reality to find his love again. Soon he began to meet with an equally bright participant of the project - Marina Africaanta. Relationships went to the wedding, but suddenly the blonde refused to leave the project with Andrei. Chuev left alone and is now found with a girl whose name does not call. But the photo of the beloved in Instagram he already published.

Catherine came to the project, as left, together with his sister-twin Julia. The latter married on the project and from the spouse of Tigran Salibekov, also the participant of "House-2", gave birth to two sons. Katya also married after leaving reality, but her marriage with Nikita Kapelus, whose surname she took, collapsed. Now the girl meets with an athlete, the owner of the network of fitness clubs Alexander Shepel. She met him while relaxing in Turkey. Lovers share kilometers - Sasha lives in Ukraine, Katya - in Russia. But maybe soon young people will be eaten.

Olga came to the project as a legitimate wife of Gleb Zhamchugov, one of the oldest participants of the reality show. Moreover, they came threesome, with the little son of Misha, whom the wind gave birth from Gleb. But on the project, the relations of the spouses were smashed - the pearls flirted with other girls, Olga Journal, the quarrels did not stop. As a result, the girl decided to leave Telestroyka and divorce her husband. Gleb, realizing the loss, tried to correct the situation, but it was too late. Now Olga, the wind is in the status of a free woman and already tied a novel with a kind of man, which still does not tell anything to fans. Together with him and son, she recently traveled to relax on the sea.

Evgeny on the TV project became famous for his relationship with one of the most striking participants "House-2" - Liber Kpadon. Young people played a wedding on the project, but their marriage lasted hard for more than a month. Infinite swearing and challenges took their own, and the pair broke up. Zhenya left the project first, Liberg, which divorce was given hard, - a little later. The perimeter Rudnev was not long stayed in the Status of the Bachelor and already a year after the divorce with Kpadona issued a new relationship. Evgeny's chosen was the girl named Elena, with whom he met in the gym. The girl was engaged in Rudneva fitness. According to him, the wife is aware of everything that was with him on the "House-2" and calmly applies to this.

Teleproject "House-2" won the love of many viewers and chained them to screens for a long time. The project was going to repeatedly close. However, as you can see, he continues to exist until today. Many fans closely following the events occurring, become participants in "House-2". The brightest personalities from ordinary participants turn into mega-stars. They are already talking about them not just as ex-participants, but what about TV presenters, show men, artists, singers, secular people, and so on. He remembered to many and purposeful Andrei Chuev. It will be discussed in this article.

Andrei Chuev as a participant of the TV project "Dom-2"

In February 2008, an extraordinary Andrew appeared on the project, and became a member of the "House-2" show. Everyone knows that the main goal of the project sounds like this: "Build your love." However, many come not behind her, but in popularity, money and glory. Not an exception was Andrei Chuev. He said that I came to the participant of Krishkanas Marina, but I did not see these relationship promising. At that time he wanted to become a famous showman. He is from those people who "for the word in a pocket will not climb." It always distinguished directness, sharp mind and tricky questions. Chui (as often called participants, and he himself) boldly expressed his personal opinion, for which he became famous for a difficult interlocutor. But in addition to a difficult nature, he had many positive qualities, for which he enjoyed great success in the female.

Andrei Chiuye girls on "House-2" and after the project

He built a serious relationship on the project with Valeria Shevtsova. The case almost reached the wedding. However, a disappointed girl could not commemorate with Andrei ambitions, as he learned that he did not plan to leave the "House-2" even after the wedding ceremony. Attempts by Andrei to return Valery was not crowned with success, and he was forced to look for another girl.

The new Passion of Chuyev on the project was the burning brunette Yana Grout. Their relationship developed quite rapidly. After a joint cruise in Europe, they were going to get acquainted with their parents. However, as they say, not fate. The resulting fight did not allow him to be on the project "Dom-2". Andrei Chuev was forced to leave. Yana followed him, but afterwards they broke up.

After a series of these events, Chuv began to meet with Tatiana Kiosa. His return to the project took place as a cafe manager at the invitation of the organizers of the show. The history of the development of relations with the audience could observe on their screens.

Andrei Chuev after the project consolidated relations with Tatiana marriage, after which they had a wonderful daughter of Lisa.

The life of Andrei Chueva before and after the project "House-2"

Before participating in the most popular TV project, Andrei Chuev was an entrepreneur in his native city for him by Stary Oskol. If specifically, the entrepreneurship was associated with footwear trade. Perhaps the entrepreneurial veil made his tongue more suspended, which allowed him to firmly entrenched on the project.

After leaving the "House-2", there was no absolute news about him, which caused the relevant questions from many fans about where Andrei Chuev and how is his life develop? Andrei leaving the project with ambitious plans for the future and the inspired desire to create a beautiful life. However, he was postgraduated, which was delayed for a long time.

Sudden disease after leaving the TV project

After leaving the project "Dom-2" it turned out that Andrei Chuev is sick. destroyed all beautiful dreams and ambitious plans for the future. Instead, a lot of pain was tested and a lot of tears was shed. Suddenly emerged illness chained a guy to bed for a long time.

Doctors have diagnosed - this disease is distinguished by strong pain and dangerous consequences. The appearance of Andrei on the talk show "Let them say" plunged into the shock of many viewers and "House-2" fans. The guy was brought to the catal. Then Andryusha kept his fans in the course of all the events taking place with him, it was shared by the unpleasant sensations he experienced, and was not shy to talk about his experiences and fears.

Operations of Andrei Chuvev

Chuev suffered five operations. After transferred four, he could neither stand nor sit. It was unsuccessful to him the first operation, after which I had to do the second on the spine, at which the infection was brought. The worst thing is that two operations did not do that vertebra. Hernia, as it turned out later, was on the other side. The third intervention was necessary, since he had an abscess that represented a serious threat to his life.

The fifth operation drastically changed the situation, and in the literal sense, Andrei put on his feet. She took place in the Israeli clinic, from Dr. Ilya Pekarsky. The name of the doctor is very famous in Russia. The same doctor did an operation of the famous figure skateman Evgenia Plushenko.

Operation in Israel was very expensive, but effective. According to Andrey himself, she cost him 40 thousand dollars. Participants and organizers of the project "Dom-2" were helped to collect money on it.

Bright light at the end of the tunnel and a white stripe in the life of Andrey

Now, you can say, Andrei Light Day Day after the prolonged has come a certain rehabilitation period. With the fifth operation in Israel, Dr. Ilya Pekarsky inped him in his back two titanium plates. Now he is engaged in strengthening the muscles of the back, makes special exercises.

Currently Chuev is full of vital energy and strength. He with a smile on his face talks about experienced hard operations and about his weight loss for 31 kilograms.

It can not affect this person. Another would have been broken in his place for a long time and lowered his hands. But Andrei not from the category of weak people. Although with the strongest internal experiences, but with a radiant smile on the face, he comments on the events that happened to him.

His plans include the appeal to the court on where he did the first operations "not in the place", after which he miraculously stayed alive and barely got on his feet.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the story of Andrei Chiuye can serve as many people with a visual example. You should never lower your hands, even in the most difficult situations. The main thing is to believe that everything will be fine.

All participants in the sensational show hid or they did not know what Andrei Chuev sick from home-2. All attention was drawn to the contest "Man of the Year". But, the young man left the project not so long ago and reported on the whole world that his life is in danger.

Andrei Chuev to participate in the project

A bright person, confident man and just a loving guy twice came to the Dom-2 project. Spectators and participants immediately noticed that he was confident and an entrepreneurial veil is present in it. Andrei admitted that in his city, Stary Oskol, he is a famous person. He owns several shoe stores.

The best friend and close man Andrei is his mother. He tries to help her financially and always supports it morally.

There were rumors and about the fact that Andrei Chuev "Enviable Bridegroom", he has several own apartments, including in Moscow. It is not surprising that a successful businessman has always had many girls, but in all he saw the shortcomings. The purpose of his arrival to the project is a desire to finally find your second half. However, the participants did not believe him and decided that he needed PR for his business.

Life Chuv on the project "Dom-2"

For the first time, Andrei Chuev appeared on the screen in 2008. The guy came to the project, stating that he was sympathy for Marina Crycrus. For a long time, he tried to conquer the heart of this girl, after which she stated that this relationship was not promising for him. Such a decision caused a wave of discontent among participants.

They believed that the young entrepreneur wants to become famous at the expense of the project, and he does not feel about the Girl of interest.

For all the time of his stay in the meadow, many conflicts with his participation were observed. They were associated with the fact that Andrei Chuev was always a direct person, he could ask the tricky questions, and expressed his own opinion. But, many girls still considered him as a strong person and sought his location to themselves. After an unsuccessful relationship with Valeria Shevtsova and Jana, he voluntarily left the project.

Look at the video with a fight Katomenchuk and Andrei on the project:

Andrei Chuev returned to the Polyana only in 2015. At that time, the project was prepared for the contest "Man of the Year". Despite the fact that Andrei was suspected that he was at an unequal game, he won and won an apartment in Moscow. For a long time, he continued relations with the sexual blonde Marina Africaanta, but soon Andrei Chuev left the project.

Andrey's disease

The participants were watched by Andrei Chuhev, they were admired, they were envied, he was loved. It is not surprising that after he disappeared from sight, all his fans scored alarm. Someone thought he was married, rumored that he was seriously engaged in a career. But, all this arguments were erroneous. A young man said about his illness by writing in a social network about severe pain in the back area. He told his fans that it was not so important for him, the only dream of his dream is a return to a full-fledged life.

The show has passed a long survey in Moscow. It was found that he has intervertebral hernia. Because of this disease, he suffered severe pain, and a huge amount of tears was praised.

In the life of Andrei, as if a black stripe came, all his dreams about the happy future were collapsed in one moment.

In one of the releases of the show "Let them talk" On the first channel, he was brought to the hall on the wheelchair. He sincerely told all the audience about what was happening in his life, about all his fears and experiences. Spectators even organized their own support fund to their idol, they provided financial assistance for him, poems composed and spoke of good words to support him.

Operations and condition

To cure Andrei could only be a surgical method. The first operation of Andre came unsuccessful. With the second attempt, specialists still managed to eliminate herriation, but they brought an infection in his body. A few months later, Chuv noticed that his back pain was still bother. After a re-examination, it turned out that he was at all did not remove the vertebra.

At this time, the health of Andrei Chueva deteriorated even more, an open threat was observed for his life. He was still done three operationsAfter which he was finally able to stand on his feet. It is worth noting that the treatment participant in the project was not in the ordinary hospital, but in an elite clinic. The operation was performed by the same doctors who put on the feet of Evgeny Plushenko.

Life of Andrei Chuye now

Andrei Chuev admits that now in his life there was a white strip. His disease no longer bothers and its condition has normal. However, the discussion of the audience continues, they still find out what Andrei Chuev sick from home-2. There is an opinion that he performed too much on TV channels and spoke of his condition. However, that this is a PR or a truly threat to life, only the participant in the most sensible rating show is known.

Video: Andrey in the hospital

On the video history of the disease and recovery Andrei Chuye, who has undergone 5 operations: