Where the lion was born Tolstoy. ¶ Lifting and posthumous editions of essays

Where the lion was born Tolstoy. ¶ Lifting and posthumous editions of essays

The land of Russia presented humanity a whole wipers of talented writers. In many corners of the planet, people know and love the works of I. S. Turgenev, F. M. Dostoevsky, N. V. Gogol and many other Russian authors. This publication sets a task in general terms to describe life and creative way Wonderful writer L.N. Tolstoy as one of the most outstanding Russians, its works that covered them with worldwide glory and Fatherland.


In 1828, and, more precisely, August 28, in the labor estate Yasnaya Polyana (At that time, the Tula Province) was born a fourth child in the family, which was called Lv. Despite the ambulance of the mother - she died when he was not also two years old - he would carry her image throughout his life and uses him in the trilogy "War and Peace" as the princess Volkonskaya. Father Tolstoy lost without reaching nine-year-old age and, it would seem that these years he will perceive as personal tragedy. However, raised by relatives who gave him love and new familyThe writer considered the years of childhood themselves. This was reflected in his novel "Childhood".

It is interesting, but to endure your thoughts and feelings on paper Lev began in childhood. One of the first trials of the feather of the future literary classic became small story Kremlin, written under the impression of a visit to the Moscow Kremlin.

Advocacy and Youth

Having gorgeous primary education (He was taught by excellent teachers from France and Germany) and by moving with his family to Kazan, the young Tolstoy in 1844 enters the Kazan University. Study not fascinated. After an incomplete two years, he, allegedly, by the state of health, throws his studies and returns to a generic estate with the thought of graduation in absentia.

Having experienced all the delights of unsuccessful management, which will then affect the story of the "Morning landlord", the lion moves first to Moscow, and later to St. Petersburg with the hope of getting a diploma at the university. The search for yourself during this period led to amazing metamorphosis. Preparation for exams, the desire to become a military, religious asceticism, overnightly replacing with ragble and couments - this is not full list His classes at this time. But it was at this stage of life a serious desire arises.


Renting the Senior Brother, Tolstoy becomes a junker and sent in 1851 to serve in the Caucasus. Here he participates in hostilities, gets closer to the inhabitants cossack Stunny And aware of a huge difference between noble life and everyday reality. During this period, he writes the story "Childhood", which is published under the pseudonym and brings the first success. Supplementing the autobiography to the trilogy of the Affiliates and Youth, Tolstoy receives recognition in the wiring of writers and readers.

Participating in the defense of Sevastopol (1854), Tolstoy was awarded not only by the Order and medals, but also new experiences that became the basis of "Sevastopol stories". This collection finally convinced critics in his talent.

After the war

Having finished with the military adventures in 1855, Tolstoy returns to St. Petersburg, where he immediately becomes a member of the contemporary mug. He enters the company of such people as Turgenev, Ostrovsky, Nekrasov and others. But the secular life did not please him and, having been abroad and finally breaking down with the army, he returned to a clear clearing. Here in 1859, Tolstoy, beating about the contrast between ordinary people and nobles, opened school for peasant children. With his assistance, another 20 such schools were created in the vicinity.

"War and Peace"

After the wedding with the 18-year-old daughter of the doctor Sofy Bers in 1862, a married couple returned to a clear clearing, where he indulged in joy family life And concerns on the housework. But after a year, Tolstoy became interested in a new idea. A trip to the Borodino field, work in the archives, a painstaking study of the correspondence of the people of the era of Alexander I and the mental rise from family happiness led to the publication of the first part of the novel "War and Peace" in 1865. Full version The trilogy saw the light in 1869 and still causes admiration and disputes regarding the novel.

"Anna Karenina"

An iconic romance known to the whole world became the result of a deep analysis of the life of contemporaries Tolstoy and saw the light in 1877. In this decade, the writer lived in a clear clearing, teaching peasant children and defending his own views on pedagogy. Family life, unfolded through the social prism, illustrates the entire spectrum of human emotions. Despite not the best, to put it mildly, the relationship between writers, the work admired even F.M. Dostoevsky.

Dear soul

Contemplating around himself social inequality, now the dogmas of Christianity he considers how the urge to humanity and justice. Tolstoy, understanding the role of God in the lives of people, continues to express the corruption of his ministers. This period of complete denial of the current defendant explains the criticism of the Church and state institutions. It turned up to the point that he was questioned art, denied science, marriage bonds and much more. As a result, he was officially excommunicated from the church in 1901, and also caused dissatisfaction with the authorities. This period of life of the writer gave the world many sharp, sometimes contradictory, works. The result of understanding the views of the author was his last novel "Sunday".


Due to disagreements in the family and incomprehensible secular society, Tolstoy, deciding to leave the clear clearing, but, having taken away from the train due to the deterioration of health, died on the little, the God of the Forgotten Station. It happened in the fall of 1910, and next to him only his doctor who was powerless against the writer's disease.

L. N. Tolstoy was one of the first who risked to describe human life without embellishment. His heroes had everyone, sometimes unsightly, feelings, desires and character traits. Therefore, they remain relevant today, and his works on the right entered the legacy of world literature.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy Brief information.

Lion Tolstoy - a unique writer in Russian literature. Describing the work of Tolstoy is brief very difficult. The large-scale thought of the writer was embodied in 90 volumes of works. Works of L. Tolstoy - these are novels about the life of the Russian nobility, military stories, stories, diary records, letters, articles. Each of them reflects the identity of the Creator. Reading them, we open for yourself a fat - writer and man. Throughout his 82-year-old life, he reflected, what is the purpose of human life, sought spiritual cultivation.

We briefly acquainted with the work of L. Tolstoy, reading His autobiographical stories: "Childhood", "Defense", "Youth" (1852 - 1857). In them, the writer outlined the process of formation of his nature, attitudes towards the surrounding world and herself. The main character Nicholyka IRTENEV - sincere, observant, loving truth human. Mortification, he learns to understand not only in humans, but also in himself. The literary debut was successful and brought recognition to the writer.

Leaving studies at the university, Tolstoy engaged in transformations in the estate. This period is described in the story "Morning landlord" (1857).

Tolstoy in his youth was characteristic and making mistakes (his secular entertainment While studying at the university), and repentance, and the desire to eradicate vices (the program for self-education). There were even flight to the Caucasus from debt, secular life. Caucasian nature, simplicity of the Cossack life contrasted with noble conventions and fixed educated person. The richest impressions of this period were reflected in the story of the "Cossacks" (1852-1963), the stories of the "raid" (1853), "Riding Forest" (1855). Tolstoy hero this period looking manWho is trying to find himself in unity with nature. The story of the "Cossacks" is based on the autobiographical love story. A hero disappointed with a civilized life stretches towards a simple, passionate Cossack. Dmitry Olenin reminds romantic hero, He is looking for happiness in the Cossack environment, but remains alien to her.

1854 - service in Sevastopol, participation in hostilities, new impressions, new plans. At this time, Tolstoy was fascinated by the idea of \u200b\u200bpublication literary journal For soldiers, he worked on the cycle of "Sevastopol stories". These essays became sketching several days leaving among his defenders. Tolstoy used the reception of contrast in the description of the beautiful nature and weekly defenders of the city. The war terrifies its unnatural essence, in this its genuine truth.

B1855 -1856 Tolstoy had loud Slav writer, but did not come close to any of the literary environment. Life in a clear clearing, classes with peasant children were fascinated by her stronger. He even wrote an "alphabet" (1872) for classes in his school. It consisted of out best fairy tales, epics, proverbs, sayings, Bass. Later, 4 volumes of "Russian books for reading" were published.

From 1856 to 1863, Tolstoy worked on the novel about the Decembrists, but analyzing this movement, the origins saw it in the events of 1812. So the writer moved to the description of the spiritual unity of the nobility and the people in the fight against the invaders. So there was a plan of the novel - epic "War and Peace". It is based on the spiritual evolution of heroes. Each of them goes its own way to comprehend the essence of life. The scenes of family life intertwined with the military. The author analyzes the meaning and laws of history through the prism of consciousness simple man. Not the commander, and the people are able to change the story, but the essence of a person's life is a family.

A family Based on the other novel Tolstoy - "Anna Karenina"

(1873 - 1977) Tolstoy described the history of three families whose members relate differently to their loved ones. Anna for the sake of passion ruins and the family, and himself, Dolly tries to preserve their family, Konstantin Levin and Kitty Shcherbatskaya seek a clean and spiritual relationship.

By the 80s, the worldview of the writer himself changed. He is worried about social inequality, poverty of the poor, the idleness of the rich. This is reflected in the "death of Ivan Ilich" (1884-1886), "Father Sergius" (1890-1898,) Drama "Living Corp" (1900), the story "After Bala" (1903).

The last novel writer is "Resurrection" (1899). In the late repentance of Nehludova, who seduced the pupil of his aunt, is the thought of Tolstoy about the need to change the entire Russian society. But the future may not be revolutionary, but in moral, spiritual updating of life.

All my life, the writer conducted a diary, the first record in which was made at the age of 18, and the last 4 days to death in Astapov. Diary entries The writer himself considered the most important of his works. Today, they open us the views of the writer on the world, life, faith. Tolstoy revealed his perception in the articles on the census in Moscow (1882), "So what should we do?" (1906) and in "confession" (1906).

The last novel and the gogling writer writing led to the final discontinuity with the church.

Writer, philosopher, Tolstoy preacher was firm in his position. Some admired them, others criticized his teaching. But no one remained calm: he set questions that worried all of humanity.

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Biography of Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Performed: Firan Anastasia


Leader: Bondarenko Victoria




1. Biography

1.1 Origin

1.2 Childhood

1.3 Education

1.4 Beginning of Literary Activities

1.5 Military Career

1.6 Traveling in Europe

1.7 Pedagogical Activities

1.8 family and offspring

1.9 Flowering of creativity

1.10 Other works

2. Religious searches

2.1 Relief from the Church

2.2 Moscow census of 1882. L. N. Tolstoy - Census Participant

2.3 Last years Life. Death and funeral

2.4 World recognition. Memory


1. Biography

1.1 Origin

There was from the noble family known to the legendary sources since 1353. His ancestor in the father's line, Count Peter Andreevich Tolstoy, is known for his role as a result of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, for which he was raised at the head of the secret office. The features of the great-grandfather of Peter Andreevich, Ilya Andreevich, are given in the "war and the world" a good-forming, impractical old Count Rostov. Son Ilya Andreevich, Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy (1794-1837), was the father of Leo Nikolayevich. Some of the character properties and facts of biography, he looked like a father Nicholya in the "childhood" and "adolescence" and partly to Nikolai Rostov in the "War and the World". However B. real life Nikolai Ilyich was distinguished from Nikolai Rostov not only good formationBut also beliefs that did not allow to serve under Nicolae. A participant in the overseas campaign of the Russian army, including participated in the "Battle of Peoples" at Leipzig and visited the French, after the conclusion of the world, he retired in the rank of lieutenant colonel of Pavlograd Gusar Region. Soon after the resignation was forced to go to the official service, so as not to be in a debt prison because of the debts of the Father, the Kazan governor who deceased under investigation for official abuses. Negative example of the Father helped to develop Nicholas Ilyich his life ideal - Private independent life with family joy. To bring your upset affairs in order, Nikolai Ilyich, like Nikolai Rostov, married no longer very young princes from the kind of Volkonsky; Marriage was happy. They had four sons: Nikolai, Sergey, Dmitry and Leo and daughter Maria.

Grandfather of Tolstoy Mother, Catherine General, Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky, had some similarity with a harsh Rigorist - the old prince Bologkoe in the "War and the World". The mother of Leo Nikolayevich, similar to the Princess Mari, who depicted in the "war and the world", owned the wonderful gift of the story, for which, with his grocery, the shyness was to be blocked with the collected about her in big number listeners in the dark room.

In addition to Volkonsky, L. N. Tolstoy consisted of close relationship with some other aristocratic childbirth: princes of Gorchakovy, Trubeta and others.

1.2 Childhood

On August 28, 1828, in the Krapvensky district of the Tula Province, in the hereditary estate of the mother - Casual Polyana. Was the 4th child; Its three older brothers: Nikolai (1823-1860), Sergey (1826-1904) and Dmitry (1827-1856). In 1830, sister Maria (1830-1912) was born. His mother died when he was not 2 years old.

The rapid relative of T. A. Yergolskaya was engaged in the upbringing of orphaned children. In 1837, the family moved to Moscow, settled on the spoken, because the eldest son had to prepare for admission to the university, but soon a father died suddenly, leaving the affairs (including some of the property of liberty) in an unfinished state, and three younger Children settled again in a clear Polyana under the supervision of Ergolskaya and aunt for the Father, Countess A. M. Osten-Saken, appointed by the guardian of children. Here, Lev Nikolayevich remained until 1840, when Countess Osten-Saken died and the children moved to Kazan, to the new guardian-sister of Father P. I. Yushkova.

Yushkov's house belonged to the number of fun in Kazan; All family members highly appreciated the external shine. "My goodwood is mine," says Tolstoy, "the purest creature, always said that she would not want anything to me so that I had a connection with married woman"(" Confession ").

He wanted to shine in society, but he prevented natural shyness. The diverse, as they determine the tolstoy, "clarification" about the main matters Our Being is happiness, death, God, love, eternity - painfully tormented him in that era of life. Temptified by him in "adolescence" and "adolescence" about the aspirations of IRTENEV and Nehludov to self-improvement was taken by Tolstoy from the history of his own ascetic attempts to this time. All this led to the fact that Tolstoy was created "habit to constant moral analysis", As it seemed to him," destroyed the freshness of feelings and clarity of reason "(" Youth ").

1.3 Education

His formation was first under the leadership of the Gootner-French Saint-Tom (Mr. Zerom "Advocacy"), who replaced his good-natured German Deselman, whom he portrayed in the "childhood" under the name of Karl Ivanovich.

In 1841, P. I. Yushkova, taking on the role of guardian of his minor nephews (only the eldest - Nikolai was adults) and the niece, brought them to Kazan. Following the brothers, Nikolai, Dmitry and Sergey Lev decided to enter the Imperial Kazan University, where Lobachevsky worked on the Mathematical Faculty, and on East - Kovalevsky. On October 3, 1844, Lion Tolstoy was enrolled by a student of the category of Eastern Literature as a silent. On the entrance exams In particular, he showed excellent results on the obligatory "Turkish Tatar language".

Due to the conflict of his home with a teacher russian history And the German, some Ivanov, according to the results of the year, had no avail in relevant subjects and should re-pass the first course program. In order to avoid full repetition of the course, he switched to the Faculty of Law, where his problems with estimates on Russian history and German continued. At the Law Faculty of Lev Tolstoy spent less than two years: "It was always difficult for him to be all implied by other education, and everything that he learned in life, he learned himself, suddenly, quickly, strengthened labor," writes fat in his "materials to Biographies L. N. Tolstoy. " In 1904, he recalled: "... I am the first year ... I did nothing. For the second year I began to engage ... There was a professor Meyer, who ... gave me a job - a comparison of Catherine with "Esprit des Lois" Montcape. ... This work was carried away, I went to the village, began to read Montcape, this reading opened to me endless horizons; I began to read Rousseau and threw the university, precisely because I wanted to do. "

While in the Kazan hospital, began to lead a diary, where, imitating Franklin, puts the goals and rules for self-improvement and notes the successes and failures in the fulfillment of these tasks, analyzes its shortcomings and the course of thoughts and the motives of their actions.

1.4 Beginning of Literary Activities

Clear Polyana, where the writer lived most own life

Throwing the University, Tolstoy since the spring of 1847 settled in a clear Polyana; His activity there is partly described in the "Morning landlord": Tolstoy tried to establish a new relationship with peasants.

His attempt to smooth out the blame of Baria with something in front of the people, besides the same year, when "Anton Gorryka" Grigorovich and the beginning of the "Hunter's notes" of Turgenev appeared.

In his diary, Tolstoy puts himself great amount goals and rules; It was possible to follow only a small number of them. Among those who have passed - serious classes english language, music, jurisprudence. In addition, nor in the diary, nor in letters did not affect the beginning of the classes in thick pedagogy and charity - in 1849, for the first time, he opens a school for peasant children. The main teacher was the focus of Demidich, serf, but L. N. himself often conducted classes.

Having left for St. Petersburg, in the spring of 1848 began to keep the exam for a candidate of rights; Two exams, from criminal law and criminal proceedings, passed safely, but he did not pass the third exam and went to the village.

Later, he drove into Moscow, where he often succumbed to the game, a lot upseting his money affairs. During this period of life, Tolstoy was especially passionately interested in music (he played well on the piano and loved very much classic composers). An exaggerated with respect to most people is a description of the action that produces "passionate" music, the author of Crazero Sonatata learned from the sensations excited by the world of sounds in his own soul.

The favorite composers of Tolstoy were Bach, Handel and Chopin. In the late 1840s, Tolstoy in collaboration with his acquaintances, I composed Waltz, who at the beginning of the 1900s performed with the composer Taneyev, who made a note record of this musical Work (the only, painted thick).

The development of the love of Tolstoy to music was assisted that during a trip to Petersburg in 1848, he met in a very little suitable setting of the danceclass with the Darovyt, but the German-musician who came down on the way, who later described in Albert. Tolstoy came the idea to save him: he was in withdrawing him to a clear glade and playing a lot with him. Much time went on the couments, the game and hunt.

In winter, 1850-1851. Began to write "Childhood". In March 1851 he wrote a "history of yesterday."

So after leaving the university for 4 years, when the brother of Tolstoy, Nikolai, who served in the Caucasus, arrived in the Caucasus, and became his call. Tolstoy did not give up to the call of his brother, until a major loss in Moscow helped the decision. To pay, it was necessary to reduce their expenses to a minimum - and in the spring of 1851, thick thoroughly went from Moscow to the Caucasus without a certain goal. Soon he decided to enter military serviceBut there were obstacles in the form of a lack of necessary securities, which were difficult to get, and Tolstoy lived for about 5 months in full privacy in Pyatigorsk, in a simple hut. He spent a significant part of the time on the hunt, in the society of the Cossack Bishk, the prototype of one of the heroes of the story of "Cossacks", which appears under the name of the Eroshki.

Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy is one of the most famous and great writers in the world. During his lifetime, he was recognized as a classic of Russian literature, his work paved the bridge between the current two centuries.

Tolstoy showed himself not just as a writer, he was an enlightenment and humanist, reflected on religion, took direct participation in the defense of Sevastopol. The legacy of the writer is so great, and his life itself is so ambiguous that he continues to study and try to understand.

Tolstoy himself complex personWhat is the evidence of at least his family relationships. So numerous myths appear, both about the personal qualities of the thick, its actions and the creativity and the ideas invested in it. A lot of books are written about the writer, we will try to debunk at least the most popular myths about him.

Tolstoy's flight. The well-known fact - 10 days before his death, Tolstoy ran away from his house, which was in a clear clearing. There are several versions about what the writer did it. Immediately began to say that so older was already a man tried to commit suicide. Communists developed the theory that Tolstoy expressed his protest against the royal regime. In fact, the causes of the writer's flight from their native and beloved house were quite household. Through three months before that, he wrote a secret testament, according to which all the copyrights to their work was not to his wife, Sophia Andreevna, and his daughter Alexander and his friend Chertkov. But the secret became obvious - the wife learned about everything from the stolen diary. The scandal immediately broke out, and the life of the thick thing became a real hell. The hysteries of his wife promoted the writer to the act, which he conceived 25 years ago - on the escape. In these hard days, Tolstoy wrote in the diary, which could no longer endure it and hates his spouse. Sophia Andreevna herself, having learned about the flight of Leo Nikolayevich, whisked even more - she ran to the pond, beat herself into the chest with thick objects, rushed somewhere to escape and threatened to continue to completely never let fat.

Tolstoy had a very evil wife. From the previous myth, many it becomes clear that in the death of the genius is to blame only his evil and wrinkled wife. In fact, the family life of Tolstoy was so complicated that numerous studies are trying in it today. And the spouse itself felt unhappy himself. One of the chapters of her autobiography is so called - "Martyr and Martyrs." It was known about the talents of Sophia Andreevna in general, she turned out to be completely in the shadow of her powerful husband. But the recent publication of its leaders allowed us to understand the depth of her victim. And Natasha Rostov from the "war and the world" came to a thick straight from the young manuscript of his wife. In addition, Sophia Andreevna received a great education, she knew a couple foreign languages And even herself translated the complex works of her husband. Energetic woman managed to still lead all the economy, the estate accounting, as well as to sow and tie all the considerable family. Despite all the burden, the wife of Tolstoy understood that she lived with the genius. After his death, she noted that almost for half a century life together She could not understand what he was per person.

Tolstoy was excommunicated from the church and was betrayed by Anathema. Indeed, in 1910, Tolstoy was buried without funeral, which gave rise to the reference myth. But in a commemorative act of the Synod of 1901, the words "excommunication" are not in principle. Officials from the church wrote that their views and false teachings the writer had long set himself out of the church and was not perceived by her more as a member. But a complex bureaucratic document with a suitive language has understood the society in its own way - everyone decided that this church was abandoned from Tolstoy. And this story with the definition of the Synod was actually a political order. So dismissed the writer Ober-Prosecutor of the victorious for his image of a person car in "Resurrection".

Lion Tolstoy founded the movement of the hoodies. The writer itself is very careful, and sometimes even with squeamishness belonged to the numerous associations of his followers and fans. Even after the escape from the clear Polyana, the Tolstovsky community was not the place where Tolstoy wanted to find a shelter.

Tolstoy was a sober. As you know, in the adulthood, the writer refused alcohol. But he did not understand the creation throughout the country, he did not understand. Why are people going if they are not going to drink? After all, large companies imply a drink.

Tolstoy fanatically adhered to its own principles. Ivan Bunin in his book about the Tolstoy wrote that the genius himself sometimes treated very cool to the provisions of his own teachings. One day a writer with his family and a family friend Vladimir Chetkov (he was the main follower of the ideas of Tolstoy) ate on the terrace. There was a hot summer, mosquitoes flew everywhere. One particularly annoyed sat down on Lysin Chetkov, where he killed his palm writer. Everyone laughed, and only an offended victim noted that Lev Nikolayevich deprived the living of a living being, stuck it.

Tolstoy was a big womanist. About the sexual adventures of the writer are known from his own records. Tolstoy told that in his youth led a very bad life. But the most of all is embarrassed by two events since that time. The first is a connection with the peasant to marriage, and the second is a crime with the maid of his aunt. Tolstoy seduced an innocent girl, which was then driven from the yard. That peasant was Aksinya Basykin. Tolstoy wrote that she loved her, as never in his life. Two years before his marriage, the writer appeared the son of Timofey, who over the years has become a huge peasant, like a father. In Casual Polyana, everyone knew about the illegitory son Barin, about the fact that he was drunk, and about his mother. Sofya Andreevna even walked to look at the former husband's passion, not finding anything interesting in it. And the intimate plots of Tolstoy - part of his diaries of young years. He wrote about the tormenting of his voluptuary, about the desire of women. But something like was the usual case for Russian nobility of that time. And repentance for the former communications never tormented them. For Sophia Andreevna physical aspect Love was not important at all, unlike her husband. But she managed to give birth to Tolstoy 13 children, losing five. Lev Nikolayevich was her first and the only man. And he was faithful to her for all 48 years of marriage.

Tolstoy preached asceticism. This myth appeared thanks to the thesis of the writer, that a person needs a little about life. But the Tolstoy Asket himself was not - he just welcomed the sense of measure. Lev Nikolayevich himself completely enjoyed life, just saw joy and light in simple and accessible things.

Tolstoy was an opponent of medicine and science. The writer was not at all a member. He, on the contrary, said that it was impossible to return to the hustle, about the inevitability of progress. Houses at Tolstoy was Dean their first Edison phonograph, an electric pencil. And the writer rejoiced like a child, such achievements of science. Tolstoy was a very civilized person, realizing that humanity was paying for hundreds of thousands of lives for progress. And here is such a development associated with violence and blood, the writer has not fundamentally accepted. Tolstoy was not cruel to human weaknessesHe was indignant that the vices were justified by the doctors themselves.

Tolstoy hated art. Tolstoy in art was understood, it was simply used to evaluate its criteria. And didn't he have rights to it? It is difficult to disagree with the writer that a simple man is unlikely to understand the Symphony of Beethoven. For unprepared listeners, much of classical music Sounds like torture. But there is such an art that is excellent perceived by simple rural residents and sophisticated gourmets.

Tolstoy motion pride. Say that this is interior quality Manifested in the author's philosophy, and even in everyday life. But is it worth considering pride non-stop search for truth? Many people believe that much easier to join some teaching and serve him. But Tolstoy could not change himself. A B. everyday life The writer was very attentive - he taught his children mathematics, astronomy, conducted physical education classes. Little Tolstoy took children to the Samara province that they learned better and fell in nature. Just in the second half of the life of the genius was concerned about the mass of affairs. This is creativity, philosophy, work with letters. So I could not get fat for yourself as before, my family. But it was a conflict of creativity and family, and not the manifestation of pride.

Because of Tolstoy, a revolution occurred in Russia. This statement appeared thanks to the article Lenin "Lion Tolstoy, like a mirror of the Russian revolution." In fact, one person is guilty in the revolution, be it Tolstoy or Lenin, just can not be. There were a lot of reasons - the behavior of the intelligentsia, church, king and courtyard, nobility. It was all them and gave the old Russia to the Bolsheviks, including Tolstoy. To his opinion, as a thinker, listened. But he denied the state, and the army. True, he acted against the revolution. The writer generally made a lot to mitigate the morals, calling people to be kinder, serve as Christian values.

Tolstoy was unbelieving, denied faith and taught it the others. Applications that Tolstoy disgusts people from faith, he was very annoyed and offended. On the contrary, he stated that the main thing in his work was understanding that not life without faith in God. Tolstoy did not take the form of faith that the church imposed. And there are many people who believe in God, but do not perceive modern religious institutions. For them, the search for thickness is not terrible at all. Many people at all come to the church after they are immersed in the reflection of the writer. Especially often it was observed in soviet times. Yes, and before, the hoodies turned towards the church.

Tolstoy constantly affected everyone. Thanks to this inset myth, Tolstoy appears, as a self-confident preacher, telling who and how to live. But when studying the writer's diaries, it becomes clear that he all understood himself with himself. So where did he have to teach others? Tolstoy expressed his thoughts, but never imposed them to anyone. Another thing is that a community of followers, tolders who tried to make the views of their leader absolutely around the writer. But for the very genius of his ideas were not fixed. He considered the absolute presence of God, and everything else was the result of samples, torment, searches.

Tolstoy was a fanatical vegetarian. IN certain moment The writer completely refused meat and fish, not wanting to eat disfigured corpses of living beings. But his wife, taking care of him, poured him into the mushroom broth meat. Seeing this, Tolstoy was not angry, but only joked that it was ready to drink every day meat broth, if only his wife did not lie to him. Someone else's beliefs, including in choosing a meal, were for the writer above all. They always had those who eaten meat, the same Sophia Andreevna. But terrible quarrels did not occur because of this.

For understanding Tolstoy, it is enough to read his works and not to study his personality. This myth interferes with the real reading of the works of Tolstoy. Not understanding what he lived, not to understand his creativity. There are writers who tell them all their texts. And you can only understand thick understanding if you know his worldview, his personal features, relations with the state, the church, close. The life of Tolstoy is a breathtaking romance itself, which sometimes flowed into a paper form. An example of this is "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina". On the other hand, the writer's work influenced his life, including family. So it is not anywhere from studying the personality of the fat and interesting aspects of his biography.

Thick novels in school can not be studied - they are simply incomprehensible to high school students. Modern schoolchildren are generally difficult to read long works, and "war and world" are also filled with historical retreats. Our high school students submit abbreviated versions of novels adapted to their intelligence. It is difficult to say, it is bad or good, but in any case, at least they will receive an idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of Tolstoy. Think the same thing that it is better to read Tolstoy after school - dangerous. After all, if you do not start reading it at that age, then the children will not want to dive into the work of the writer. So the school works at the right, knowingly giving more complex and smart things than the child's intellect can perceive. Perhaps, then a desire will appear to return to this and understand to the end. And without studying at school, this "temptation" will not appear accurately.

Pedagogy Tolstoy lost its relevance. Tolstoy-teacher is ambiguous. His learning ideas were perceived as a fun Barin, who decided to teach children by his original technique. Actually spiritual development The child directly affects his intelligence. The soul develops the mind, and not the opposite. And pedagogy thick works in modern conditions. The results of the experiment speak, during which 90% of children achieved excellent results. Children learn to read on the "Alphabet of Tolstoy", which is built on a set of parable with their secrets and archetypes of behavior that reveal the nature of man. Gradually, the program is complicated. From the walls of the school comes out harmonious man, with a strong moral beginning. And on such a technique and today in Russia, about a hundred schools are engaged in Russia.

Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born on August 28, 1828 in the estate of his father with a clear clearing, in the Tula province. Thick - old Russian noble surname; One representative of this family, head of the Petrovsky Mystery Police Peter Tolstoywas produced in graphs. Tolstoy mother - nee princess Volkonskaya. His father and mother served as best practices for Nikolai Rostov and Princess Maryi in War and the world (see a summary and analysis of this novel). They belonged to the highest Russian aristocracy, and generic affiliation to the highest layer ruling class Abruptly distinguishes thick from other writers of his time. He never forgot about her (even when his awareness became completely negative), always remained an aristocrat and kept aside from the intelligentsia.

Childhood and adolescence of Lion Tolstoy passed between Moscow and the clear clearing, in big familywhere there were several brothers. He left unusually living memories of his early environment, about his relatives and servants, in wonderful autobiographics notes that P. I. Biryukov wrote for his biographer. His mother died when he was two years old, his father - when he was nine years old. His further education was the aunt, Madmoiselle Yergolskaya, allegedly served by the sony's prototype in War and the world.

Lion Tolstoy in youth. Photo 1848

In 1844, Tolstoy entered the Kazan University, where he first studied oriental languages, and then right, but in 1847 he left the university without receiving a diploma. In 1849, he settled in a clear clearing, where he tried to become useful to his peasants, but soon realized that his efforts did not benefit, because he lacks knowledge. IN student years And after leaving the university, he, as was found among young people of his class, led a messy life, filled with a chase for pleasures - wine, cards, women, - a little similar to that life, which Pushkin led before reference to the south. But Tolstoy was unable to make life as it eaten with a light heart. From the very beginning, his diary (existing since 1847) testifies to the incompletent thirst for mental and moral justification of life, thirst, which forever remained the guide of his thoughts. The same diary was the first experience of producing the technique of psychological analysis, which was subsequently the chief literary weapons of Tolstoy. The first attempt to try itself in a more purposeful and creative kind of writing belongs to 1851.

Tolstoy lion tragedy. Documentary

In the same year, experiencing disgust to his empty and useless Moscow life, he went to the Caucasus to the Terek Cossacks, where he entered the Junker to the garrison artillery (Juncher means a volunteer, solid-definite, but noble origin). The following year (1852) he graduated from his first story ( Childhood) and sent it to Nekrasov to publish in Contemporary. Negrasov immediately accepted it and wrote about this thick in very encouraging colors. The story had immediate success, and Tolstoy immediately moved to a noticeable place in the literature.

On the battery, the Lion Tolstoy led the rather light and high-life of the Junker with the means; The place for it was also pleasant. He had a lot of free time, most of whom he spent on hunting. In those few battles in which he had to participate, he showed himself very well. In 1854, he received an officer rank and at his request was translated into the army, fought with the Turks in Valahia (see the Crimean War), where he took part in the siege of the sylistria. In the autumn of the same year, he joined the Sevastopol garrison. There, Tolstoy saw a real war. He participated in the defense of the famous fourth bastion and in the battle on a black river and ridiculous a bad command in a satirical song - the only one known for us in verses. In Sevastopol they were written by the famous Sevastopol stories who appeared in ContemporaryWhen the siege of Sevastopol still continued, which was very strengthened the interest in their author. Shortly after the restoration of Sevastopol, Tolstoy went on vacation to St. Petersburg and Moscow, and the next year came out of the army.

Only during these years, after Crimean war, Tolstoy communicated with literary peace. The writers of St. Petersburg and Moscow met him as an outstanding masters and a fellow. As he confessed later, the success was very praised by his vanity and Gordin. But he did not come down with the writers. He was too aristocrat, so that he could face this semi-hydrain intelligentsia. For him, they were too awkward plebeans, they were indignant that they clearly prefers to their company. On this occasion, they with Turgenev exchanged prolit epigram. On the other hand, his most his mind warehouse was not the heart of progressive Westerns. He did not believe in no progress or culture. In addition, his displeasure literary world increased due to the fact that their new works disappointed them. All he wrote after Childhood, no movement to innovations and development has not shown, and the criticism of Tolstoy failed to understand the experimental value of these imperfect works (see more detail in the article, the early creativity of Tolstoy). All this contributed to its cessation of relations with the literary world. The culmination was a noisy quarrel with Turgenev (1861), which he called on a duel, and then brought his apologies for it. All this story is very typical, and the character of Lion Tolstoy appeared in it, with his coded confusion and sensitivity to the offended, with his intolerance to the imaginary superiority of other people. The only writers with whom he retained friendly relationsthere were a reactionary and "land lord" fet (in the house of which a quarrel with Turgenev) and Democrat-Slavophil Strahov - People who do not sympathize with the main direction of the then progressive thought of the main direction.

Years 1856-1861 Tolstoy spent between Petersburg, Moscow, clear clearing and abroad. He traveled abroad in 1857 (and again - in 1860-1861) and made out there disgust to egoism and materialism of the European bourgeois Civilization. In 1859, he opened a school in a clear Poland for peasant children and in 1862 began to publish a pedagogical journal Yasnaya Polyanawhere the progressive world was surprised by the statement that non-intellectuals should teach the peasants, but rather the peasants of the intellectuals. In 1861, he accepted the post of world mediator, the post introduced to monitor the liberation of peasants. But unsatisfied thirst for moral strength continued to torment him. He threw rampant his youth and began to think about marriage. In 1856, he made the first unsuccessful attempt to marry (on Arsenyeva). In 1860, he was deeply shocked by the death of his brother Nikolai - it was his first meeting with the inevitable reality of death. Finally, in 1862, after a long fluctuations (he was convinced that since he was old - thirty-four years old! - and ugly, no woman will love him) Tolstoy made the proposal Sofa Andreevna Bers, and it was accepted. They got married in September of the same year.

Marriage is one of the two main milestones of Tolstoy's life; the second milestone was his appeal. He was always pursued by one concern - how to justify her life before her conscience and to achieve persistent moral well-being. When he was a bachelor, he hesitated between two opposite desires. The first was a passionate and hopeless aspiration to the one-piece and ungraining, "natural" state, which he found among the peasants and especially among the Cossacks, in whose village he lived in the Caucasus: this condition does not seek self-defining, for it is free from self-consciousness, this excuse requiring. He tried to find such not asked by the state in conscious submission to animal impulses, in the life of his friends and (and then he was closest to his achievement) in his beloved lesson - hunt. But he was unable to be satisfied with this forever, and another as a passionate desire - to find a rational justification of life - he widdled him aside every time he seemed to him that he had already reached his satisfaction. The marriage was for him the gates into a more stable and prolonged "natural state". It was a self-defense of life and permission to the painful problem. Family life, who does not like her acceptance and subordination to it from now on, has become his religion.

The first fifteen years of his marriage life of Tolstoy lived in the blissful state of satisfied predominance, with a peaceful conscience and who defined the need for a higher rational excuse. The philosophy of this vegetable conservatism is expressed with a huge creative force in War and the world (see a summary and analysis of this novel). In family life, he was extremely happy. Sofya Andreevna, almost yet a girl when he married her, without difficulty, was what he wanted to do it; He explained her his new philosophyAnd she was her disadvantaged hard and unchanged custodian, which led in the end to the decay of the family. The writer's spouse turned out to be an ideal wife, mother and hostess at home. In addition, she became a loyal husband's assistant in literary work - Everyone knows that she rewritten seven times War and Mir from the beginning to the end. She gave birth to a thickness of the many sons and daughters. She did not have a personal life: the whole she was dissolved in the life of the family.

Thanks to the Tolstovsky reasonable management of estates (Clear Polyana was just a place of residence; income brought a large Valvian estate) and selling his works The condition of the family increased, as the family itself. But Tolstoy, though absorbed and satisfied with his self-elevant life, although glorifying it with unsurpassed artistic power In the best of his novel, nevertheless was not able to completely dissolve in family life, as his wife dissolved. "Life in art" also did not absorb him as his fellow. The worm of moral thirst, though brought to tiny sizes, never died. Tolstoy constantly worried about the questions and requirements of morality. In 1866 he defended (unsuccessfully) before the soldier's military court, accused of hitting the officer. In 1873, he published articles about folk education, on the basis of which insightful critic Mikhailovsky managed to predict further development His ideas.