What events are filling the life of Catherine. Family education

What events are filling the life of Catherine. Family education
What events are filling the life of Catherine. Family education

The story "Light breath" was written by I. Bunin in 1916. It reflected the philosophical motives of life and death, beautiful and ugly, which were in the spotlight of the writer. In this story, develops one of the leading problems for his work: love and death. According to the artistic skills, "light breathing" is considered the pearl of the prose of Bunin.
The story is moving in the opposite direction, from the present in the past, the beginning of the story is its final. From the first lines, the author immerses the reader in the sad atmosphere of the cemetery, describes the grave of a beautiful girl, whose life is ridiculous and scared in the heal of forces: "In the cemetery, over his clay mound, there is a new cross from oak, strong, heavy, smooth.
April, gray days; Monuments of the cemetery, spacious county, are still far away through naked trees, and the cold wind rises and rings at the foot of the cross.
In the very same cross, the cross is pretty large, a convex porcelain medallion, and in the medallion - a photographic portrait of a gymnasium with joyful, strikingly alive eyes.
This is Olya Meshcherskaya. "
Bunin makes us penetrate the sorrow at the sight of the grave of the fifteen-year-old girl, bright and beautiful, which died at the very beginning of spring. It was the spring of her life, and she in her - as an unspoken bud of a beautiful flower in the future. But the fabulous summer will never come for her. Young life disappeared, beauty, now over Olya Eternity: "Rings-Ring", not stopping, "cold wind a porcelain wreath" on her grave.
The author introduces us to the life of the story of the story, the gymnasics of Olya Meshcherskaya, in its fourteen and fifteen years. In all her appearance, it is a delightful surprise of the extraordinary change, which happens to it. She swirled rapidly, turning into a girl, his soul was filled with energy and happiness. The heroine is stunned, she still does not know what, new, and so beautiful, do, therefore, it is simply given to the gusts of youth and carefree fun. Nature presented her an unexpected gift by making a light, cheerful, happy. The author writes that heroine distinguished "in the last two years from the whole gymnasium - grace, elegacity, dexterity, clear shine of the eyes." Life is delightfully boiled in it, and she gladly burns in her new beautiful guise, tries his opportunities.
The story of "violets", written by another Bunin and Talented Russian Prosaikov A. I. Kuprin, is unwittingly recall. It is talented by an explosive awakening of the adultery of the Cadet-Semist of Dmitry Kazakov, who cannot prepare for the exam from surpassed feelings, collects violets behind the walls of the educational building. The young man does not understand what is happening to him, but from happiness is ready to hug the whole world and fall in love with the first girlfriend.
Olya Meshcherskaya at Bunin is kind, sincere and direct person. The girl charges his happiness and positive energy all around, attracts people to him. Girls from junior gymnasium classes are running for her, for them she is ideal.
The last winter of life Olya seems to be specifically issued so beautiful: "Winter was snowy, sunny, frosty, early the sun was descended for the high yelnik of a snowy gymnasium garden, invariably, rachish, promising and tomorrow frost and sun, walking on the Cathedral Street; The skating rink in the city garden, pink evening, music and this in all sides sliding on the rink of the crowd, in which Olya Meshcherskaya seemed the most carefree, the worst ". But only it seemed. This psychological detail indicates the nature of each person's peculiar to the nature of the natural forces, when the mind is still sleeping and does not control the feelings. Inexperienced, inexperienced Olya easily flies in life, like a butterfly on fire. And the misfortune is already going on its traces. Bunin managed to fully pass the tragedy of this dizzying flight.
Freedom in judgments, lack of fear, manifestation of stormy joy, the demonstration of happiness is considered to be a defiant behavior. Olya does not understand how annoying it is annoying. Beauty, as a rule, causes envy, misunderstanding, does not know how to protect himself in the world, where everything exceptional is persecuted.
In addition to the main character, four more images are appeared in the story, one way or another associated with the young high school. This is the head of the gymnasium, the cool lady Oli, familiar Father Oli Alexey Mikhailovich Milyutin and a certain Cossack officer.
None of them belongs to the girl in human, does not even attempt to understand her inner world. The boss, in debt of the service, reproaches the Meshchersk for the women's hairstyle, shoes. Elderly already man, Milyutin took advantage of the inexperience of Oli and seduced her. Apparently, a random fan, a Cossack officer, took the behavior of Meshcherskaya for windiness and promiscuity. He shoots the girl at the train station and kills her. A fifteen-year-old girl far from the fatal seducer. She, naive schoolgirl, shows him a sheet made of a notebook diary. As a child, she does not know the exit from the love situation and trying to burn out from the annoying ridiculum with its own children and confused entries, presenting them as a certain document. How could it not be understood? But, having committed a crime, an ugly, plebeian species officer in everything accuses the girl killed by him.
Bunin understood love by the advantage only as a sudden passion suddenly. And the passion is always destructive. Love at Bunin walks next to death. The story "Easy Breath" is no exception. Such was the concept of love a great writer. But Bunin claims: death is not omnipotent. Short, but the bright life of Olya Meshcherskaya left a trace in many souls. "Little woman in mourning", the cool lady of Oli, often comes to the grave, remembers her "pale lyrum in the coffin" and the conversation that once she unwittingly overheard. Olya told his friend that the main thing in a woman was "light breathing": "But I have it," you listen, as I breathe, "because, however, is there?"
The story ends with the words of the author: "Now it is light breathing again scattered in the world, in this cloudy sky, in this cold wind." Beauty can not be destroyed, it will be reborn again.

Self-portrait Mikhail Lermontov. 1837-1838

Georgians on the roof of Sakley. Figure Mikhail Lermontov. 1837 yearPushkin House (Irly RAS) / Getty Images

1. Collect a novel from individual novel - Especially if you do not like to write a big thing in prose for a long time. Do not despair; In the end, maybe a historic novel about demonic humpbar - is it just not yours? A series of short stories, united by the history of the mysterious and at the same time recognizable Hero-contemporary, is, in essence, the same novel, no worse.

2. Talk not to the history of the Hero's life, but the history of his soul. You know ourselves: "The history of the soul of human, at least the smallest soul, is hardly curious and not more good than the history of the whole people ..."

3. Incide the reader with your character - for this, discover it gradually. Let someone who else will tell about him the first of him, the person of another generation and other spiritual warehouse, good, honest and, of course, who does not understand the secret motives of spectacular and extraordinary actions of your hero. Further give the floor to someone who is on social, peaceful and other qualities is much closer to him - for example, for yourself. But let your meeting be fleeting and in its own way. And only after all this, let him say herself about himself. Notes now writes anyone - so let your hero also lead the diary.

4. Let the reader leave no feeling of non-identity: the hero must still be a mystery. Let his intention, character and actions try to interpret the old servants who saw the old servants, a lovely girl, an insightful friend, a long-standing beloved and, finally, he himself, but still no one can explain to the end. After all, "the soul can I tell"?

5. Make the hero at the same time both intellectual-attractive, and cynical terrible. Deliver it with a tendency to self-analysis and reflection (than they will be mercilessly, the more more more), the ability to see the female heart, Sherlock-Holmovskoy deduction and the ability to calculate other people's actions. Let, despite all adventures, he will retain the memory of the "one woman who loved in ancient", and feeling to her. But all this should not interfere with the same hero to kill his buddy's duel, destroy the life of the past beloved, destroyed a whole seven of the Gorski Prince, arsalo-live peace of the peaceful circle of smugglers and multiply offend the elderly and "simple" familiar friend.

6. Install the chronology of events to the impossibility. The earliest incident can be safely told at the beginning of the second part, and the events that occurred in one place (for example, in the fortress for Terek) can be divided between the first and last novels. And then let the philologists, inventing dividing the plot and Stabul, will be happy to use your novel as an example.

7. Fill your romance with the most desperate and dizzying adventures, which may occur with the Russian man following the treasury need, in the main exotic space of the national literature of the XIX century - in the Caucasus. Let your hero face wild and cunning mountaineers, "honest smugglers", dishonest officers and junkers, mysterious foreigners. Let it be many times on the hairs from death - from the Circassian rifle or dagger, from the hands of the delightless abandon, from the checkers of a drunk Cossack, from a duel you-booster, but let him get out of every alteration, fleeing the danger in the climax . Such superposses eclipses in the eyes of the Chit-Teleas news about the death of the hero (if you want to exercise it), especially if you report it to the scoop, in one phrase, in some fragment fragment.

8. Mouse over "bridges" between different plots. Let some episodes and phrases from some of the stakes "remove" in others, and the actors of different novels relate to each other. Here, for example, says your hero in the first novel, that "... Love Dicarka is a little better than love of a notable lantern ...", - Show love Heroine of both types; That gloomy throws: "... maybe somewhere die on the road," so let him die on the way from Persia.

9. Generously use poetic techniques, Since you are not only a prose, but also a poet. They will use you in creating tense internal monologues of the hero, in the descriptions of exotic mountain and sea landscapes, in the spectacular allegorical endings of individual novel. Do not forget about rhetorical techniques and deposited aphorisms - they will be remembered not worse than poetic quotes.

10. Watch for readers' response - and react in response. Of course, you blame you that you painted your portrait and portraits of your friends that you defend your immoral hero. But you do not pay attention to it, but better write a witty preface to the second edition, where to even more for readers, say that "the hero of our time ... Exactly a portrait, but not one person: this is a portrait made up of vices of everything ... generation , in full development. " Yes, and in general, an acute controversy about the hero you only on hand: the hotter the reviewers will argue, the more readers will pay attention to your essay.

11. Instruct the publication of the novel to a pilot participant of the book-selling business and the skillful editor. Very valuable if he also publishes the magazine, in which the temperamental critic sympathizes you is printed. In such hands, your book is probably not disappearing, and if it does not have time to enrich you yourself, then some income will bring some income to your distant elderly relatives.

Sections: Literature

Objectives lesson:


  • Check the knowledge of students of the actual material, their ability to evaluate the read and state their thoughts, draw conclusions, generalizations.


  • Reveal the essence of the moral beauty of a person in understanding L.N. Tolstoy.
  • Educating the desire for spiritual beauty and the inner wealth of personality.
  • Forming the ability to appreciate the beautiful.


    again the creative abilities of students, monologue.
  • The ability to highlight the main one of the secondary.
  • Develop a culture of communication.
  • Develop interest in theatrical art.

Type of lesson: Lesson study.

Methods: Teacher's word, heuristic conversation, creating a problem situation.

Equipment: Roman L. Tolstoy "War and Peace", the stand "Tolstoy is a whole world", illustration of D.Shmarinov, students; Opera audio recordings

S. Prokofiev "War and Peace", L.V. Bethoven "Moon Sonata".

During the classes

The lesson begins with reading by heart Sonet No. 130 William Shakespeare. (Reads a student to the music of L.V. Bethoven)

Her eyes on the stars are not similar
It is impossible to get lost corals,
Not snow white shoulders open skin,
And the black wire goes strand.
With damask rose, scarlet or white,
You can not compare the shade of these shoes,
And the body smells like the body smells,
Not like violet gentle petals.
You will not find modern lines in it,
Special light on the brow ...

This is a sonnet of the Great Shakespeare. He was called a singer of love. But not with a smaller base, it is possible to call the singer of sublime love with a smaller base. Today, at the lesson, together with the author of the "War and Peace", we will go to Moscow, we will take a visit to the uncle, we will visit the names of Rosty, in the Waltz Vortex, we will be tightened on the first ball, we will test the tightness and adversity of wartime 1812. And this is all we will see the eyes of the beloved Heroine L. Tolstoy - Natasha Rostova.

"Poetic, filled with life, a charming girl" called Natasha Prince Andrei. "The wizard" she seemed to Denisov.

"She is charming," Pierre spoke about her. So why Natasha Rostov is the ideal of a woman in Tolstoy? Why is she a favorite heroine of a writer?

This will be a mystery of our lesson, which we have to solve. After all, L. Tolstoy had a heroine much smarter, more beautiful. Let us remember Katyush Maslov from the novel "Sunday"; Smart, with "radiant eyes" Mary Bolkonoe; Anna Karenina, a beautiful woman with a tragic destiny, which we could regret. But neither Anna Karenina nor Marya Bolkonskaya became the most beloved for the writer. Why? After all, Natasha is not so beautiful, not so smart. Why is she the favorite Hero of Tolstoy? So, there is some mystery in it, the mystery, which we must solve and understand.

Topic of the lesson: Natasha Rostov - Favorite heroine L.N. Tolstoy.

Before moving to the topic, we will conduct a literary workshop:

Beautiful in art
Ugly in art

What does Natasha mean? (On the Optional, we have repeatedly conducted research work).

In the book of Asspensky "You and your name" we read: "Natalia (Natalia) - from Lat. "Natalist" - native, but also from the Latin Name of Christmas Day: Dies Natalie - Christmas Day, Birthday. There is a different interpretation that takes this name to the same European root as the name of Nathan (gift). "

And who served as a prototype for Natasha Rostova? (message


Using the algorithm "The image of the hero in the literary work", we see that the study of the literary hero begins with portrait characteristics:

    1. The name of the hero ("talking surnames")
    2. Possible prototype of heroes
    3. Portrait characteristic:
    4. The integrity of the portrait or inconsistency;
      -typologism of the portrait;
      -Social portrait;

    5. Self-characteristics of the hero
    6. Author's characteristic of the hero
    7. Characteristic by other characters
    8. Art details characterizing the hero of the literary work
    9. Speech features character
    10. Landscape (emotional coloring of the inner state of the hero)
    11. The value of the image for the disclosure of the idea and the problems of the work

Remember what Natasha-girl appears before us? Read, please. ("Running ... a few men's and female feet, the roar of the hooked and the squeezed chair," and here it is: "a thirteen-year-old girl, a black-eyed girl, with a big mouth, ugly, but a live girl ...").

Lion Tolstoy inexhaustible. Many artists illustrated the works of the Great Master. Please name, please, who from the great painters addressed the works of Tolstoy? (A.N.N.Nikolaev, N.G., D. Karkdovsky, M.S. Bashilov, I. Rupin, L.O.Pasternak, I.N. Kramskaya, V.A.Serov, P.M. Bokvsky).

Today we turn to the work of Dementia Alekseevich Schmarinov, the people's artist who managed to uncover the images of the immortal epic L.N. Tolstoy, historically faithfully recreate the color of the era. (Message of students).

One of the most poetic images of Russian literature is the image of Natasha Rostova - also recreated D.A.Shmarinov with great skill. D.A.Shmarinov illustrates the image of the beloved Heroine of Tolstoy in individual portraits and in genre scenes, highlighting not a situation on the fore, and the inner world of heroine.

Here is a group portrait: the youth of the houses of growth runs out of the rear rooms in the living room. (Picture 1) Let us dwell only on the portrait of Natasha to show the evolution of the character of the heroine.

Look carefully on the drawing, in the picture there is a slight retreat from the text. What? Please name. ( No doll Mimi).

Natasha is depicted by a thirteen-year-old "black-eyed, with a big mouth, ugly, but a living girl, with children's open her shoulders, jumped out of a rapid running, with black curls, thin bare hands and small legs in lace pantalones ..." This drawing allows you to present an external Natasha's appearance, her bright mental world, her living bearer. As we see, the portraits of the artist are saturated with a deep psychological content and reveal the inner world of acting persons.

L.N. Tolstoy mercilessly emphasizes that Natasha is not always beautiful; She is not helen; It is simply bad, almost ugly, and it happens, beautiful, because its beauty from the inner fire of revival, from spiritual overcrowding, which is not always open to an outsider. In general, there is some kind of life in it, and the light of this inner life falls on Sonya and Boris, Nicholas and Petya. At the age of 13, Natasha wants to be adult, like all the girls at the age of 13. She is afraid to miss something from the male and inaccessible life of adults; She needs to be easily decided to decide everything and determine, she wants to love.

And what is Natasha on the lunar night in Otradnaya? ( In this episode, L. Tolstoy shows the different attitude of people to nature: the admiration of Natasha and indifference to Sony. Natasha hurts that Sonya does not understand the delights of the night, even tears are heard in her voice. She delicately feels the beauty of nature, alone perceives the beauty of the world. The same bright, the happy poetic world of Natasha will feel in the opposite Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. He is not ready to love, he is only perplexed: "What is she so happy?" And it is upset: "There is no business to my existence." The first peculiar duet of these heroes occurs when they are united, it is exactly the same, bright feeling caused by lunar at night).

Let's turn to the portrait of the artist D.A.Shmarinov. (Figure 2)

Natasha is depicted sitting on the window on the lunar night in Otradnaya. She looks into the garden illuminated by the moon. A smile of happiness was frozen on her face, she dreams. We see the poetry of the heroine, her love for nature.

Literary critic and teacher N.G. Dolinina writing a book about the novel

L.N. Tolstoy "on the pages of" War and Peace ", finishes it like this:" And again I open the "war and peace" - and reread the purchased pages many times ... But every time they open the new, unknown, they can not be exhausted, they can only read them. again and again…"

So let's try to survive once again, feel the lunar night in Otradnaya. (Dramatization). (Appendix 1, Appendix 2, Appendix 3)

So great in Natasha love for life, to nature, that Prince Andrei was in power of her faith in life. "No, life at 31 years has not yet been over," finally solves Prince Andrei. Faith appeared in his need for people, the desire to communicate with them - it is obliged to Natasha.

What did the prince andrei Natasha like?

Why Prince Andrei wanted to see Natasha once again, not to lose her, find her ? (In St. Petersburg on the ball, he meets the second time with Natasha. Natasha attracted Andrei to his vitality, cleanliness, poetry, full of life. The desire of other people's strength laid down in it. It is amazed by Natashin, understand everything with Polushlov. And Natasha loved Prince Andrew, seeing a wonderful man in him, feeling his inner purity, strength and nobility. And the words of Prince Andrei: "The whole world is divided into two half: one - she, and there is all happiness, hope, light ; another half - all where it is not, there is all the despondency and darkness ... "- and Natasha:" ... But there was never such a thing with me, "convinced the strength and seriousness of this feeling. Naturalness, immediacy, sensitivity, more and more Prince Andrew's prince: "Her charms hit him in his head." Her smile told him: "I have long been waiting for you").

So this big love began, which I could never understand the old prince Bolkonsky and I understood so well Pierre Duhov. So it began this strange love of two very, very different people, - maybe they fell in love with each other that such different. The whole life of Natasha before the meeting with Prince Andrey was only the expectation of the miracle of love. All his light, all the joy, everything is good, all the sensitivity she copied for him. She took responsibility for a person who loved.

Why then Natasha changed Andrew if she loved him so much? What can be explained by her passion by Anatoly? (In one of his letter, L. Tolstoy said that "just as you know, living with them, so the writer recognizes his heroes, living with him." L. N. Tolstoy wrote these pages "War and Peace" with excitement, Valited them and worried that they were understandable. L. Tolstoy said even that here "Node of the whole novel" ). (The main thing for Natasha is a feeling. She needs happiness now, immediately, so that he is always near. Prince Andrei leaves abroad, the wedding is postponed for a year. For Natasha, this condition is terrible. Who is to blame what happened ? Natasha, who did not wait; Old prince with her cruel stubbornness; Andrei, who obeyed the Father? It's nobody's fault - everyone lived, according to their characters, and this could not be conveyed safely. If the prince Andrew did not leave ... if the princess Marya and the old prince were friendly accepted Natasha! If helen had not intervened and did not bring brothers with Natasha. If it were not for anatole ... and they don't know anything, these "if": Prince Andrei chose this girl with his thirst for life, this girl, who understood him, like no one, - and he did not understand that it is impossible to wait and suffer).

"Prince Andrei did not understand what it means each time for Natasha "- wrote V. Yermilov. But for a whole year is filled with such moments. Minutes pass without excuse, without purposefulness, empty, for nothing. But it was Natasha that distinguishes life in minutes, each of which in itself, has a unique price and must be fully lived, the most saturated. All the fault is that Prince Andrei thought a lot about her love and little about what she feels. And in love it is impossible to think only about yourself, this is an indisputable law. The feelings prevailed in Natasha, she needs to love someone, someone likes. To the question of the mother: "What do you go like snapshot?" Natasha, brightly eyes and not smiling, said: "I need it ... Now, I need it to you for now." At the same time, his voice was cut off, the tears spilled out of the eyes. "

As always, L. Tolstoy, a genuine mirror of his heroes serve her eyes. It was the eyes of Natasha made it unrecognizable.

Russian composer Sergey Prokofiev created the opera "War and Peace". Now a fragment of this opera will sound. Your task is to write down what appears in love with Natasha Rostov. ( Tender, excited, dreamy, turbulent, passionate, uncontrollable). You can use this material in writing.

L.N. Tolstoy wrote: "People like rivers, water in all the same and everywhere one and the same, but each river is a narrow, then fast, then wide, then quiet, then clean, then cold, then muddy, then warm. So people . Each person carries the primitive properties of people and sometimes shows one, sometimes others, and it happens at all like themselves, leaving everything between those and himself. " The skill of the artist-psychologist, noted by N.G. Chernyshevsky, in the appearance of the first works of L. Tolstoy, in the novel "War and Peace" reached perfection. The image of the psychological process and the barefot phenomena of internal life - the "dialectic of the soul" with a special brightness manifested itself in the disclosure of the characters. Favorite heroes L.N. Tolstoy is looking for their way in life, her deep meaning, confused, mistaken and begin first. And there is no limit on this path.

Is Natasha always have it? Please name the episodes from the life of Natasha Rostova, where do we see another Natasha? (The death of Andrei, the death of Brother Petit, the war of 1812). Life testing death is a favorite plot situation in L. Tolstoy. "But the same wound, which half killed a countess, this wound is a loss of his beloved brother for Natasha - caused her to life." Only a new wound - the news of the death of Petit and care for the mother, distraught from this, - returned Natasha for life. "Suddenly, love for mother showed her that the essence of her life is love - still alive in it. Love woke up, and life awoke. "

Illustrating III Tom Roman, D. Shmarinov reveals the image of Natasha against the background of the Terrible events of the Patriotic War. In the appearance of the heroine, new parties appear: compassion and hot, disinterested love for people. In the picture "Natasha puts the wounded into the yard of his house," the heroine is shown in the new setting. Others became Natasha's eyes: if you used to see children's pads and revival, and in the scene on the lunar night in the middle day, now they are full of pain and compassion. Natasha looks like one in the other enter the carts with wounded into the courtyard. It seems the impression of continuous movement. (Figure 3)

Why L.N. Natasha's thick deed during the war of 1812 considers the same important as the actions of the soldiers? (From pity for soldiers, from the desire to help people, she gives the veil. In this episode we see Patriotism Natasha. The war of 1812 demanded from Natasha, as from other people, huge tension, moral and physical forces. "We will donate everything and nothing I regret. "All this filled the heart of Natasha with a new deep and strong sense of anxiety for their homeland, for the fate of people fighting with the enemy, such a feeling that felt the experienced personal adversities. Tailing of spiritual forces, the vital activity of Natasha is connected by the author with her patriotic feeling that filling it Life with a new large content). Very characteristic of the mental state of Natasha, the rethinking of the words of the prayer, which she heard in the church. "The world is all together, without the difference in classes, without hostility, and the United Labor, we will pray," thought Natasha.)

What do we see Natasha in the epilogue of the novel? Did she find their happiness? (Spring 1813 Natasha married Pierre. The last time she appears in the novel in the new role - wives and mother. Meeting with Pierre after returning it from captivity, his attention and love finally healed Natasha. In the epilogue she is Pierre's wife, mother of four Children. She lost his maiden charm. But Natasha's natura did not change. Love still made up for her meaning of life, she gives all the interests of the family . "The features of her face had an expression of calm softness and clarity"). And isn't that the happiness that the Natasha is experiencing in marriage, I meant L.N. Tolstoy, when he wrote in one of the letters about his own family life: "There is such happiness, and I live in it 3 - a year. And every day it is done evenly and deeper ... and materials, of which this happiness is built the most ugly - children who scream and lary; A wife who feeds one drives the other ... ". L. Tolstoy his special view on the role of a woman in society; He believes that the happiness of a woman is to be highly appointed to be a wife and mother. (Limited to the views on the role of a woman in society, but the era did not give more).

Before you support abstract. Voiced it.

In the center of Natasha. She as a sprinkler of clean water in a swamp - all the rotten unhealthy repels to the shore: Berg immediately; Anatole Kuragin for a while invades her fate, but he is doomed ... Boris Drubetskaya, Brother Nicholas, Princess Marya do not make the weather in her life, but they are next to her, they are good near her. Boris wanted to forget Natasha, but saw after separation - and could not; Brother Nicholas admires her Russian life all his life; She is pleasant Mary, later they will connect strong friendship. The dependence of the princes from Natasha is stronger, therefore the orbit of the arrow denoting it is supposed to be more, Nicholas - less, Boris generally loses in comparison with everyone ... Andrei and Pierre with Natasha are reborn, firmly stand up on their feet, helping and its springs to grow hard. This is true Natasha happy with Andrei, Pierre. Her path with Andrei is not so long, mutually influence interrupts his death, so the bending of the arrows is shorter than the Pierre line, which goes with her in life to the end.

So why Natasha Rostov is a favorite heroine L.N. Tolstoy? "The essence of her life is love," L. N. Tolstoy wrote. It is she who brings the prince of Andrei out of the heavy spiritual crisis and elevates the killed grief - after the death of Petit - mother, she is all filled with "passionate desire to give themselves all to help the dying Andrei and his sister, and after marriage with the same endless passion give yourself to the interests of the family. "

Love helps her find his place in life, her love resurrects the soul of other people, helps them believe in their strength, find themselves.

The image of Natasha expresses the ideal of a woman who worshiped the great writer all his life.

What is love? How do you understand the meaning of this word? At home I asked you to find the meaning of this word in the dictionaries. Read, please.

Quotes recorded on the board, read, please, the quote that will serve as an epigraph to the lesson

  • The essence of her life is love.

L.N. Tough

  • This girl is a treasure ...

This is a rare girl.

  • All admired her ...

L.N. Tough

  • She has a bad character, and there is no mind, and a kind of ...

Homework: write a letter

"Ah, Natasha Rostov, Natasha Rostov ..."

The results of the lesson.

  • Why does Natasha Rostov like today?
  • Why do she love her today?
  • Why is the image of Natasha Rostova is classic?
  • Is there Natasha Rostov today?

Against the background of the music of L.V. Bethoven "Moon Sonata" sounds the final word of the teacher.

Live, multiply, continue their own thousand living beings, but only a person loves! This is the eternal beauty and power of human. People generations replace each other. Each of us will bring to turn into a handful of dust, but a lively, not flowing linking of the human race remains! And, in fact, when a person knows how to love humanly, he and man!

If you do not know how to love, I could not be elevated to this top of human beauty, it means that he only a creature capable of becoming a person, but not yet becoming so.

Walks dark alley
Pensive, pale.
Natasha Rostova
Scratched at midnight window.
And no one bothers
The bell on the tree of the poor
Like a graph - Pravdolub
From the estate left for a long time ...
Together with the sun gets up
This Pakhacker is
Writer of Russia,
And, like the sun, carries us
And light
And warm
And good.


Female images in the life of the Hero of Roman I.A. Thomsharov "Oblomov"

Work at the XIII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference

"Scientific creativity of youth"

Performed work:

Nekrasova A.G.

10 B class.


Cherkashin G. G.,

literature teacher and Russian

MOU "SOSH №2" in P.G.T. Yaya.


2. Task.

II. The source.

1. First meeting.

2. Similarities and differences between two heroines of the novel.

3. Olga Ilin's knowledge

4. Recognition of the Agafia Wheat

5. Matters in the work

III. Translude


The striking property of classical literature is that every time, rereading it again, you open something new and surprise: "How did I not see? Why not responded? "

So with the broom and same. After reading it, only because they go to school, you understand a little delicate meaning hidden between the lines, a caring author. Only after reading it again in the second, you start to delve into the third and understand the impact of the work.

Of course, in the history of the "Dobryak-Leniv Oblomov, Russian life was reflected, a living modern Russian type appears in it." Holding this definition, I mean not the XIX century, but our present, our era.

Yes, Oblomov is contemporary, because he, in my opinion, expression one of the national traits of Russian. It still lives faith in fairy tales about what a wonderful life is waiting for us in the future. But it is worth encountering with reality, social apathy comes, fear of change, that is, the Oblomovskoye lying, as a way to care from reality.

Oblomov helps us understand yourself. Therefore, the feeling that covers us when the last page is read, - pity. And this is not a sorry for us, and yourself. The author of the book on "Oblomov" is arguing about this: "Goncharov encroacted the weaknesses and ailments of every person, each of us, weaknesses of the apologies, mothful or inevired. In the calcareous image, organically combined with them and many good deposits, cute and pretty properties, also inherent in any person. And therefore, the bugs touch, bothers and disturbing every person. "

Most of all in the life of this hero I was interested in his childhood and episodes from personal life. Nothing reveals a man as the test of love. It is very interesting in this case of his actions, actions, words, sensations of experience, and much more, which accompanies the hero in this difficult test. That is why I took this topic for research.

purposemy work is a comparison of the images of Olga Ilinskaya and Agafa Wing and their role in the life of Oblomov.


Analyze 1 chapter 4 of part and 6 chapter 2 of the part of Roman Goncharova I. A. "Oblomov";

Match the images of Heroine Goncharova Olga Ilinskaya and Agafa Wing;

Make conclusions about the role of heroines and their participation in the fate of Ilya Oblomov.

In my work, I was guided by a comparative comparative method.

The main part (comparison).

It is well known that Goncharov attached great importance to the feeling of love. With the mouth of the gallez in the novel, he talked about the fact that "the love of the force of Archimedean lever moves the world." Under the influence of love, a person may change internally, to gain a goal in life, in love he draws energy. Without love, life loses its meaning, love fills her poetry 6. The significance of this topic into the work and determined the choice of two subsequent episodes: explanations with Olga Ilinskaya and an explanation with Agafey Pshetitsky. An analysis of episodes helps to comprehend artistic features, a symbolism of the novel, to understand the hero and evaluate its nature.

So, beginnight, first of all, with the moment of the meeting of Oblomov and two heroines. First, the bugs meet with Olga Ilinskaya-in-law of active and dynamic. The friend of childhood is galleries, leaving, instructs her to follow the friend so that he does not lay all day long. Olga was inspired by this and already anticipating his victory over the tape of Ilya. She saw the undoubted change of the hero when he was with her near: Apathy was replaced by activity, and she may have understood that such a change comes from the misfortune of Oblomov to her. Olga sings "Casta Diva" and in the broom under the influence of the song awakens the deep, spiritual sense of love. The hero admires Olga and is looking for an excellent soul in it: "..on looked at her as if not my eyes, but the thought, all the will ..., but watched unwittingly, not having the strength not to look" God, how pretty her good! There are those in the world! - he thought, looking at her with almost frightened eyes "4. Suddenly, for the heroine and for himself after singing, Olga, Oblomov confessed in love: "Her gaze met with his gaze, as directed to her: this look was fixed, almost insane; They looked no bug, but passion. Olga realized that he had a word that he was not dominated in him and that ono-truth "4.

As for the Agafa Wentycina, it also gets acquainted with it by means of another person, and this is already Kum Agaferants, the man is unceremonious and untidy, which for the fee promises to change the apartment for a fee. Agafya sees a pleasant Barin to the hero and is trying to improve his life with all possible ways. She saw that obcomments in everything was opposed to her late husband - the college secretary of Pshetitsyn; It looks at all "boldly and freely, as if he needs humility"; his face is white and gentle; hands white and small; His manners are deceived and beautiful; The conversation is clever and beautiful; Lingerie he wears a slim, changes it every day; Washed with fragrant soap, nails cleans. In the Heroine Presentation: "He is Barin! He shines and shines! Moreover, he is so kind: how gently he walks, makes movement, touching his hand - like a velvet ... .. and he looks, and he says as gently, with such kindness ... ".

Similarities and differences

Such a hero is presented to heroins, and what are they presented to the reader and hero? To begin with, we highlight the similarities of the heroine, since there are less than the differences. Similar to these women will be what they both were in love with Oblomov and were loved by them, both at their very essence are not accidental in his life and played significant roles in it. Otherwise, their explicit differences from each other are traced. They are

antipodes, if Olga is strong, active nature, her appearance is surprisingly harmonious: it looks like an antique statue, the incarnation of the grace of the mind, with full harmony of the soul and body, then Agafia is full, round with a soft character, attached to the hearth.

For Olga Olga, a perfect woman endowed with men's talents. She is a heavenly creature, a beautiful flower, something unattainable for him. Agafia, more terrestrial, ordinary, always nearby, ready to please. Meanwhile, Olga Ilinskaya call us, the author indicates its direct involvement in the breakdown. She, first, wears the last name formed from his behalf, in-expert, her name means "torch" 6, "Holy" 7, something radiating light and radiance. The name Ilya indicates that the hero is relatively fiery element. On the Old Testament Motes, Ilya is connected with heavenly fire. 4 In the people's ideas of Ilya-Prophet, Gromovik, God-Rublzzztz, "Mighty, gray old old man, who travels around on a fiery chariot and the fillers of fiery arrow. 5 Planet, which belongs to Olga Moon 8, the light source, one of the degenidated by the Slavs of the celestial shining 9. Olga is a constant engine for the hero, thereby pygmalion that instructed Galatia. All actions of Ilya were directly connected with Olga - from what she did what he did.

At the Vyborg side of the dream and life coincided. In the house of Augusta Matveyevna, which for the hero is the "good" "God's gift" (this is how her name is read), the focus is burning, and she herself keeps him. The ministry of fire and the ministry of Oblomov are merged together. For the tidy loves and appreciates the bugs of Agafy Matveyevna, calls her: "Headache!" In her house, life is moving in a circle, and she is happy with this life. The heroes living in a sunny circle themselves to roundness: full and round brookoms, fell and clogged Agafya, even objects in the kitchen and then round: Published and miniature teapots, saucepans, cups, banks, cheeks.

It is also known that Ilya-prophet is understandable by the Slavs and as God, creating a harvest. "From Ilya, they started the harvest and finished cleaning. "Peter with a cooler, Ilya with a cake," says people. " 24 And therefore important in the context is that Agafia bakes pies, cheesecakes, cakes. She wears the "bread" surname of Pshenitsyn. She honors the hero and a greenhouse in his rays.

Having learned the heroine, their similarities and fundamental differences can be proceeded, directly to comparison their recognition with the broom.

Recognition Olga

And Oblomov, and Olga, undoubtedly, the favorite heroes of Goncharov. Both of them are drawn by the author with great sympathy. Goncharov shows Oblomov, capable of worrying deep and poetize the events of life. Hero's soul from childhood was subject to poetry: he was captured by the tales of nanny, he perceived them as a reality. In his youth, "the poets crushed him for the living: he became young men, like everyone else. And for him, it was happy .... Life. Life, flourishing forces, ... The desire of good, valor, activities, the era of strong heartbeat, pulse, trembling, enthusiastic speeches and sweet tears. The mind and heart enlightened: he shook down the shower, the soul requested activities. " four

And although the time of adolescence is long behind, in the soul of bugs, the young men remain, Stolz calls him a "poet". During the singing of Olga, the hero "broke out, hesitated, hardly holding back tears, and even harder it was to choke joyful, ready to escape from the soul of a cry. For a long time, he did not feel such a vigor, such a strength that seemed to be all rose from the bottom of the soul, ready on the feat. "4. But the author knows about the humility of this phenomenon and ironically notices: "He would even go abroad at that moment, if he had only left to sit down and go." four

Olga sings "Casta Diva" and in the broom under the influence of the song awakens the deep, spiritual sense of love. The hero admires Olga and is looking for an excellent soul in it: "..on looked at her as if not my eyes, but the thought, all the will ..., but watched unwittingly, not having the strength not to look" God, how pretty her good! There are those in the world! - he thought, looking at her with almost frightened eyes "4. Olga's response is also spiritually and poetic.

Heroes love reveals true relatives of their souls. Between them, the exchange of secret and thought and feelings, it is established clear, only by them two, mental communication, and the works of Zhukovsky V. A., other romantic poets: "Yes, I mining something out of it, he thought, from Has something goes into me! " She: "Don't look at me ... I feel awkward! As if you get out of my soul! " Love Olga and Ilya - the fire, which burns in their souls, brings closer to them: "Both of it, outside the stationary, tearned the inner fire, trembled with the same trembling, stood tears caused by the same mood" 4. Active, dynamic Olga and Liegehrough Bakes are not inferior to each other in the subtleties of the soul.

Suddenly, for the heroine and for himself after singing, Olga, Oblomov confessed in love: "Her gaze met with his gaze, as directed to her: this look was fixed, almost insane; They looked no bug, but passion. Olga realized that he had a word that he was not dominated in him and that ono-truth "4.

Heroes understand love in different ways. Oblomov - the whole feeling. In every step, it is extremely sincere. Olga is a proud, the mind lives next to her feeling. But after the inappropriate recognition of Ilya, they both understand the need for an explanation and go towards each other, experiencing severe spiritual excitement. Olga, of course, hopes that the hero will repeat his words about love, but remembers that herself should be kept as part of decency. Oblomov knows that a decisive act will be needed: either to confirm the recognition, or to refute, - but he is not ready, neither to the other. Going to the park, he never decided what to do, although I knew exactly what I would meet Olga.

Goncharov great master psychologist - the very beginning of the scene of the explanation of heroes at the end of the 6th chapter of the 2nd part of the novel builds so as to emphasize the permanent parallel in their mental state and thereby prove to the reader the equality of heroes in love, kinship their souls: "Suddenly Someone goes, she hears. "Someone goes ..." -Promumal bugs. And they agreed to face.

  1. Women images In Roman A. S. Pushkin Evgeny Onegin (1)

    Writing \u003e\u003e Literature and Russian

    Read Sentimental novels, sincerely competing them heroes, admiring high ... life women character. Of course, the character of Olga occurs more often, but also with way ... and the difference of two women characters in Roman I. A. Goncharov: "... Positive character ...

  2. Form Andrei Bolkonsky in the Roman L.N. Tolstoy War and World

    Essay \u003e\u003e Literature and Russian

    ... Goncharov. Tolstoy men images still overshadow womenbecause his heroeslike I. heroes Up ... psychologist. In the created name images, especially in images Main heroes romana, exposed internal a life Human - complex contradictory ...

  3. The word about the regiment of Igor. Maintenance images. The idea of \u200b\u200bpatriotism

    Essay \u003e\u003e Literature and Russian

    To her husband is filled feminine selflessness, devotion, ... Basic principles of socialist image life; "In the bedroom ... I. A. Goncharov Evaluate the Final Plays ... hero romana A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin". Reading by heart romana. Drawing form ...

Purpose: analyze the image of the heroine; To understand why Katerina decided to suicide.

During the classes

I. Checking homework

II conversation in the text d. II - IV

What events are the life of the heroine?

What role did each character play in the fate of Katerina?

(Katerina is very small. The nature of her behavior speaks of self-confidence, about the adequacy itself. She no need to asserted at the expense of others. All the thoughts of Katerina are focused on love for Boris, this feeling captured her entirely, nothing to think about unable.)

How does Katerina characterize her style of communication? What sides of Katerina is revealed in a conversation with barbara?

(In this conversation, Katerina is first confessed in love for Boris. It reveals the power of Katerina's feeling, the depth of her spiritual drama, the inner force, the determination of her character. ("Such I originated, hot"), the readiness is shown to defend its independence, at least The price of death ("... If I walked here here, I will not keep me with any force ... I'll throw it into the window, I will throw it into the Volga ..."). These words are predetermined by all further behavior of Katerina and its tragic death.)

D. II, Yavl. 3, 4, 5 "Tikhon Wires". How do heroes behave in this scene, how do they characterize them?

What value does this scene in the development of events?

(In this scene, it is found to which the despotism of the Kabani, it turns out the complete inability of Tikhon not only to protect, but also to understand Katerina. This scene explains the decision of Katerina to go on a date with Boris.)

How does Tikhon behave before leaving home?

(To understand the mental state of Tikhon before leaving, it is necessary to clearly imagine his position in the house of the mother, his desire for at least two weeks to be freed from the guardianship. With a sense of relief, Tikhon utters his replica: "Yes, Mama, it's time." But it turns out That's not all. Mother demands that he gives the order to Katerina, how to live without him. Tikhon understands that, by fulfilling the will of the mother, he humiliates his wife.

When the instructions of the Kabani become completely offensive, Tikhon tries to arouse against bullying over Katerina, but the mother is adamant, and he quietly, squinting, as if apologous to his wife, says: "Do not look at the guys!" The goal of the Kabani is to lead to the complete humility of home and first of all the wayward Katerina.)

D. II, Yavl. 10. Monologue with the key.

We will try to understand why Katerina loved Boris? The answer will find in the work of Dobrolyubov "This passion is all life for her; All the power of her nature, all her living aspirations merge here. Boris implies her not one thing that he likes that he and seemingly and on speeches is not like the rest of others around it, it entails her and the need of love, not finding a review in her husband, and an offended sense of wife and women, And the deadly longing of her monotonous life, and the desire of will, space, hot, loan freedom.

What feelings are Katerina, how do these feelings reflect in her speech? What is the value of the scene?

(The victory of the natural feeling of Katerina is revealed here over the dogma of the Domostroja. The speech of the heroine is full of short, dismissed questioning and exclamation purposes, repetition, comparisons of transmitting the tension of Katerina's feelings.

After the agitated entry, bitter meditation of Katerina about life in captivity goes. It becomes more restrained, balanced. Katerina challenges the original decision - to quit the key: "Yes, what's the same in this sin, if I look at him once, though from afar! Yes, even though I will talk! .. Yes, he himself did not want. " This part of the monologue is accompanied by remarks: Thinking, silence, thinks, thoughtfully looks at the key characterizing the state of Katerina.

The monologue ends with a strong impulse of feelings: "I even die, but see it ...".)

The task.

D. III, Yavl. 6-8. Match pictures of a date of kudryash and barbarians, Boris and Katerina. Take output.

(These pictures are shown on the basis of contrast. In the love of Varvara and Kudryash, there are no true poetry, their relationship is limited. "Katerina loves, ready to redeem this first passionate love of death, and Varvara only" walks, "the artist of the role of Katerina, the artist of the Small Theater said P. A. Streptova. The contrast of the mental state of the heroes - in the remarks of the author. The words of the barbarians are accompanied by remarks "yawning", "yawns, then kisses it cold, as a long time friend", "yawns and pulls out." Katerina "quietly goes along the path, .. . Having filled his eyes to the ground, "refers to Boris" with a fright, but not raising his eyes, "" Rises his eyes and looks at Boris, "" throws him on the neck. "As in the scene with the key, the author shows the evolution of the spiritual state of Katerina - from confusion to approval of the right to love.)

D. IV, Yavl. 3. What are learning from the conversation of Varvara and Boris?

(Katerina after the arrival of her husband "Just herself was not his own ... tremble all, exactly her fever beats; the pale such, the house is looking at the house, exactly what is looking for. Eyes like an obsessed!".)

The task.

D. IV, Yavl. 4, 5. Make, how the mental state of Katerina is revealed, how tensions in the development of action is growing, as the scene of repentance of Katerina is motivated.

(A thunderstorm is coming, which, according to Kalinovists, we are sent to the punishment of a gloomy flavor strengthens and the stage of action - instead of the Panorama of the Volga - a narrow gallery with oppressive arches. Katerina "runs out" on the stage, "there is enough barbarian by the hand and holds hard!" Her ripped Replices are transmitted to the extreme shock. Her hints and hints of Kabanih and affectionate joke of Tikhon. Previously, she was protected by the consciousness of his rightness. Now she is unarmed. And the caress of her husband, before which she feels guilty, for her - torture. When Boris appears in the crowd, Katerina as if asking for protection, "brings to the barbarian.")

Prophecies are again heard: "You already remember my word that this thunderstorm will not pass for a gift ..." As in the village I, a crazy lady appears; But in the d. I of her prophecies had a generalized character ("What, beauties? What are you doing here? .. Everyone in the resin will boil the unatolya! .."), then in the day of the IV of the lady drives directly to Katerina: "What is hiding! There is nothing to hide! .. "Her words are accompanied by thunder blows.

What is the difference in the mental state of Katerina in the d. I and d. IV?

(The difference in the mental state of Katerina is expressed in her exclamations after Baryni's care: D. I "Oh, how she frightened me, I tremble all, exactly, she prophesies something to me," D. IV "Ah! Dius!" Katerina is waiting God's karas. She is looking for protection from God, descends on his knees and sees the image of hell in front of him. So throws the island to the climax of the play - the scene of the nationwide repentance of Katerina.)

The task.

Read the yawl. 6. What feelings are Catherine now?

(If the victory of love in the soul of Katerina is revealed in the monologue with the key and in the scene of the date, then the power of religious morals over Katerina is clearly detected in the recovery scene.)

(If Katerina hid his "sin" would have learned to pretend and deceive, continued to walk on dates with Boris, this would mean that Katerina adapted to the surrounding society, reconciled with his moral standings, despotism.)

What is explained and the repentance of the heroine is motivated?

(Repentance of Katerina is explained not only to the fear of God's kara, but also by the fact that her high morality rises against the deception, which entered her life. She spoke about himself: "I can't deceive something, I can't hide anything." On The objection of the barbarians: "And in my opinion: do what you want, only Shito yes, it was", Katerina answers: "I don't want it so. Yes, and that good!" For Katerina, the moral assessment of their actions and thoughts is an important side of the spiritual life. And in the nationwide recognition of Katerina, you can see an attempt to redeem your guilt, having sternly punish yourself, an attempt to moral cleansing.)

III Analysis of Action V

1. Short retelling of V.

Explanation for the teacher.

If you have the opportunity to hear two stage interpretations of the image of Katerina performed by P. A. Streptova and M. N. Yermolova, and ask students to express their judgments about which of these interpretations more corresponds to the image created by Ostrovsky (see additional Material).

2. Conversation.

Catherine could find the way to salvation in the shower? Why? Let's imagine that Katerina had the opportunity to refer to the modern psychologist. What recommendations would she get?

Modern psychologists use special psychological mechanisms to help overcome the mental crisis. One of these mechanisms is well known to you, as it can be used not only in crisis situations, but also helps to take any solutions - this is the compilation of two lists. In one list, the positive effects of the solution are recorded, in the other - negative consequences, let's try to make two list "for the future life" of Katerina, based on the text of the plays. Making a table using quotes:

Positive sides

"I will live, breathe, see the sky, follow the flight of birds, feel sunlight ..."

"I will be Clean before God, I will pray again, I will sink my sins ..."

"Do not give me the whole world to perceive freely, freely - I will create your world in the house, and it will not work in the house, we will create your own world in your soul. This world does not take me ... "

"Drive - that will be silence, no one will interfere with ..."

"No one takes my love ..."

"Tikhon is weak, but I can make it happy if I defend him from his mother ..."

"Cabanova Stara, soon she will need my help ..."

"How many joy will bring me children ..."

Negative sides

"Will they hurt home ..."

"The mother-in-law is visiting at all ..."

"Never be free to me ..."

"Tikhon will not forgive, he will have to see his dissatisfied face ..."

"Boris will never see, again these night fears, these long nights, these long days ..."

So, positive in the life of Katerina - more. If the column with the negative is closed with palm, it will turn out that the life of the heroine will be filled with such expectations and hopes that you can not only establish your existence, but also to build it.

Why didn't Katerina see these hopes and save his soul? What is the specificity of the environment?

(The bonds of marriage at the time were considered sacred and unstoppable. Even harder it was in the patriarchal environment, in which Katerina rose. Even barbarian, not particularly considered with Domostroevskiy, says Katerina: "Where are you going? You are a husband's wife."

If Varbara itself runs from the mother's home, then it is not married. The position of Katerina is much more difficult. And yet it leaves the house, violating all the traditions of Domostroevian morality. Now she is in the position of the rejected. Katerina makes the latest attempt to find help and support from your loved one. "Take me with you, hence!" She asks Boris and gets refusal. There were only two outputs for her: to return home and submit or leave life. She chose the last. At that moment, emotions over consciousness prevailed in Katerina. And there was no one who could have been able to provide her psychological support.)

Of course, all said does not give reason to consider the suicide of Katerina with a protest against the obstacles, the morality of the surrounding society. In her behavior and weak, and strengths. Yes, she rejects the principles of Domostroevian morality with his behavior, rushes to a new life and prefers the death of life in captivity.