The quotation characteristic of family members from Roman-epic "War and Peace". Family relations in the novel "War and World" War and Peace in Tables

Quotation characteristics of family members from Roman Epopea
The quotation characteristic of family members from Roman-epic "War and Peace". Family relations in the novel "War and World" War and Peace in Tables

A wonderful father, General-Annef Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, raised a brave son and a beautiful daughter - Princess Marry.

Princess Marya lived in a village wilderness, she loved her loneliness and did not complain about him, she understood his father's pain, unfairly sent to resign by Emperor Paul.

She was a deeply believer man and understood: the cross over the rule of the Lord will never put on any whose shoulders. In a difficult minute, this girl became the support of the widowed prince Andrei, the mother of a little orphaned nephew, another Natasha, who lost his loved one.

Tolstoy endowed this heroine a noble soul, which was reflected in her radiant, deep eyes.

For the ability to sacrifice himself, "not requiring awards" Lord gives her happiness to be a beloved woman of one of the heroes of Roman - Nikolai Rostov. She will save his sacrificial love relative to despair, giving herself without residue to people. Princess Marya will become the mother of four children, it will be able to raise not only them, but also a husband. Not one generation of their kind will imitate this wonderful family.

The Bolkonsky family lived according to the principle: "There is no higher the feat than putting your belly for your other ...". And for children were in the first place, first of all, honor, conscience, decency. Andrei Bolkonsky himself of Kutuzov will say: "I know: Your road is the road of honor." And it's not by chance on the battlefield with Austerlice, and when Borodino, Prince Andrei will make a feat.

  • Family Rostov

An amazing family of growth, she was considered the most hospitable family in all of Moscow. On holidays and in the days of the name, they had linen on Poliorod. Rostov did not divide people in ranks and ranks, they always helped those in need. The gospel commandment "Love your neighbor ..." was the rule of all members of this family.

Children, and the owners themselves were friends with ordinary people, never offended their servants, and they paid Rostov respect and love. In this family, the Russian spirit reigned, so all the children grew up good, generous and noble people.

During the war of 1812, this family sacrifices its property for the sake of wounded soldiers and officers. And the fifteen-year-old son of growth petrol volunteer went to the front to fight and died, fighting with the French. Nikolay, the eldest son, was brave and honest warrior.

The moral support of the family will be Natasha, the youngest daughter of growth. This is about her prince Andrei will say: "Where she is - there is a light, where there is no she - there is darkness!"

  • Curagin family

The image of another family, Prince Vasily Kuragin, where the spirit reigned, cheating, egoism, careerism ...

The Prince of Vasily Kuragin lived on the principle of benefit and calculation. Children's teachers were only foreigners. The son of Prince Vasily, Ippolit, could not tie in Russian and two words, spoke only in French and was considered to be small, but his father managed to arrange him into diplomats, the nimalo is not embarrassed by the unpredictability and stupidity of the Ippolit.

The second son of Kuragin, Anatol, was the cause of the misfortune of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky and Natasha Rostova. Depraved and blessing Anatol upset their marriage, deciding to kidnap and dishonate Natasha.

A very accurate characteristic gave Pierre Duchi Daughter of Prince Vasily Beauty Helen: "Where you are, there is evil and debauchery." It is she during the whole family life she changed her husband. It was the reason for the grief of many good people. "A pione, heartless breed calls the thick whole family of Kuragin." And, indeed, on the money, on the benefit and the calculation of happiness, neither children will not build children ...

Grain twisters in the family,
The family grows in the family.
And everything that happens then,
Comes to it not from the outside.

Family is a relationship not only in blood.

In the novel "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy family fulfills its high true purpose. The formation of a person's personality largely depends on the family in which he grows. As Sukhomlinsky said, the family is the primary environment where a person must learn to create good. However, there are not only good in the world, but also in contrast to him evil. There are families associated only by the surname. Her members do not have anything in common. But I wonder who a person becomes, whose personality was formed in the atmosphere of indifference and absence of affection? Three families - Blocks, Kuragin and Rostov - as it were, the most good and evil. In their example, you can consider in detail all the family-human, which is only happening in the world. And having gathered them together, get the ideal.

Representatives of the older generation are completely different. Considers idleness and superstition, virtues - the activities and mind of Blocks. Harm, soothed, simple, gullible, generous Natalia and Ilya Rostov. A very famous and fairly influential person in society, who occupies an important court post Kuragin. There is nothing in common between them, except that all of them are family people. They have completely different hobbies and values, a different motto under which they go along with their family (in the event that this family exists).

Relations between the older generation and children are different in different ways. After examining and comparing this "quality", you can confirm or challenge the term "family", which these people are combined.

The family of growth is filled with gullibility, cleanliness and naturalness. Respect for each other, wanting to help without tedious notations, freedom and love, lack of tough educational standards, loyalty to family relations. All this includes, it would seem, the perfect family, the main thing in the relationship of which is love, life according to the laws of the heart. However, such a family has vices, something that does not allow it to become a benchmark. Perhaps some stiffness and rigor would not hurt the chapter of the family. Inability to keep the farm led to ruin, and blind love for children really closed her eyes to the truth.

The family of the Bolkonsky is alien manifestation of sentimentality. Father - continued authority, causing reverence from the surrounding. He himself was engaged in Marya, denying the rates of upbringing in the court circles. Father loves his children, and they worship and love him. They are associated with trembling feelings to each other, the desire to take care and protect. The main thing in the family is life according to the laws of the mind. Perhaps the insufficient manifestation of feelings gives this family from the ideal. Pupils in rigor, children carry masks on themselves, and only some kind of tiny part of them radiates sincerity and enthusiasm.

Is it possible to call the family of kuraggic? Their history does not carry that "generic poetry", which is peculiar to the families of Bologkoe and growth. Curagin unites only kinship, they do not even perceive each other like loved ones. Children for Prince Vasily only burden. He relates to them indifferent, wanting to rush them quickly. After rumors about Ellen's connection with Anatola, the prince, taking care of his name, removed his son from himself. "Family" here - blood bonds. Each member of the Kuragin family got used to loneliness and does not feel the need for supporting close. Fake relationships, hypocrisy. This Union is one big minus. The family itself is negative. It seems to me that this is the most "evil." An example of a family, which simply should not be.

Family for me is a real little cult. The family is a house in which you want to stay forever, and people who love each other should be the foundation. The qualities of two families are Rostov and Blocks - I would like to bring in my family. Sincerity, care, understanding, love, experience for loved ones, the ability to estimate the situation and not idealize your children, the desire to raise a full-fledged person - this is what should be a real family. The rigor and prudence of Bolkonsky, love and peace of growth - this is what is able to make a family truly happy.

The concept of a family in the novel is described on all sides.

Families in the novel "War and Peace"

In the novel of Leo, Nikolayevich Tolstoy "War and Peace" in front of the reader unfolds chronicle of participation of Russia in the military actions of 1805 in Austria and the war of 1812. But this is not just a listing of event chronology, Tolstoy tells about the war in terms of changes occurring in the lives of people.

These are mainly noble families, whose sons participated in these wars. The goals of their participation in hostilities were among their own, and they manifested themselves in accordance with what families they were grown and brought up. The families were different, and the characteristics of families in the novel "War and Peace" help to understand the meaning of many actions of the heroes of the novel.

Through the whole novel passes the lives of two main families: Rostov and Blocks. But, deep understanding and awareness of the actions and actions of members of these families would be impossible if not the other heroes of the novel:

  • Pierre Duhov with relatives who care for his dying father;
  • Drubetsk family (Mother Anna Mikhailovna and son Boris);
  • Kuragin family (Prince of Vasily, his sons of Ippolit and Anatol, Elen's daughter);
  • Family, Fedor and his mother.

These families - as the embodiment of various moral landmarks and sentiment, manifested in the society of that time.

As a description of families in the novel "War and Peace", Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, leads the reader to think about the role of the family in the life of every person. In all situations described in the novel, the actions of each character are associated with hereditary features not only appearance, but also the characteristics of the character inherent in a particular family.

Family Rostov

For the first time, the reader meets the family of growth, busy preparation for reception. From the very first lines, a large friendly family appears in front of the reader, where everyone loves each other and surrounding. They are open and emotional when they are sad - they cry, when fun - laugh, not always thinking about what impression they produce on others.

All children of this kind family who have grown in love and respect from parents, expect that others will treat them the same way. Honest and straight, they rarely hide their attitude to what is happening.

Bolkonsky family

The family of Bolkonsky is completely different. Stern warrior, old prince Nikolai in everything follows a certain schedule, and requires it from its loved ones. Emotions of his concept can not be shown, this is a manifestation of weakness. The same restrained in the manifestation of their feelings and his children - Andrei and Maria.


The old Count Kirill Lyuhov dies at the very beginning of the story, leaving His illegitimate son of the county title and a state.
Pierre Duhov, at first glance, standing away from the family clans, in fact, also a member of the family of Crafa Bezuhova.

Although Pierre and illegal, but the favorite son of the old dying graph, the former handsome and the pet's pet. The nobility of the County God is gradually manifested in the character of Pierre. If at the beginning of the novel we see a young guy's walk, then at the end it is a serious and thinking man.


The family of Drubetsky, Widow Anna Mikhailovna and her son Boris, can be characterized as people, in all seeking and finding their benefits. Anna Mikhailovna for love for the only son is ready to go on humiliation not only before Prince Kuragin, but also before anyone. Boris, with the seeming condescension observing the actions of the mother, in fact, also calculates every step, and practically nothing does without the benefit for himself.


In the novel "War and Peace" Description of the Kuragin family can be made from the image of various actions of the members of this family.

At first, the prince of Vasily is trying to paint the will of the Count of Zuhova, after, practically deceiving, his daughter Helen wakes married Pierre and mocks his kindness and naivety.

Not better and Anatol, who tried to seduce Natasha Rostov.

Yes, and Ippolit appears in the novel in the form of an extremely unpleasant strange man, whose "face was reversed by idiocy and invariably expressed self-confident obeseness, and the body was thin and weak."

Fallen, calculating, low people carrying destruction in the lives of those who face the romance in the course of the novel.


Fyodor, a reckless and a vengeful officer and a furiously loving and greeting mother, although they appear on the pages of the novel just a few times, play a major role in the fate of the main characters.


The description of the events taking place in the families of the Heroes of the novel, the characteristics of families given by the author, all this, in fact, shows the origins of the patriotism of the Russian army, the reasons for her victories and defeats in the war.

Metamorphosis, taking place with the heroes of the novel along the narration, give a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is happening in the souls and minds of people living in Russia at that time.

Test on the work

The character Ilya Rostov Nikolay Rostov Natalia Rostov Nikolai Bolkonsky Andrey Bolkonsky Marya Bolkonskaya
Appearance Curly young man not high height, with a simple, open face Not distinguished by external beauty, has a big mouth, but black-eyed Low growth with dry outlines of the figure. Very beautiful. It has a weak, not distinguished by the beauty of the body, humbly, draws attention to large, with sad trees with radiant eyes.
Character Good-natured, loving graph. Generous, but wasteful, accustomed to luxury, but not accustomed to prize, which leads the family to the threshold of poverty. Character cheerful and friendly. In actions are rapid. Little, lost 45 thousand without thinking about the consequences. In war, it is strongly rushing to the attack, but immediately after the injury shows the troubles and fear of death. He overcomes and brave Gusar meets the end of the war. He has an overwhelmed self-esteem, thinking that he is "so everyone loves." It does not differ in mind, but it's easy to guess people. In its emotional simplicity is close to the simple people. She sings very beautifully, affecting heart feelings in man. Purpose man, full of vital activity. Educated, honest, faithful to his ideals. Extremely restrained in the external manifestation of their feelings. Patriot, ready to come from a prominent place at the sovereign for a dangerous service on the front line. It has a strong will and good education. Brave in battle, fights along with ordinary, while maintaining calm prudity. Different in life, reacted and externally changed easily on the slightest changes in their mental state and the mood of others. Quickly indulged in doubts.
Attitude towards others Gostechamen, sacrificent and generous, without looking back and to the detriment of his family. This quality handed over to his children. Porny. Of the noble motives were going to marry, contrary to the parental will, on the girl of Son, who did not have giving She herself feels love and happiness, trying to share them in every way. Forgets to himself when it comes in a stranger. In her insistence, the family of growth gives the supply to the export from Moscow of the wounded, and thus losing their property. It tries to develop positive qualities of his character in children, giving daughters of the lessons of algebra and geometry. Watch out for its dynamism of its life. In his estate, he condescended to the peasants and was always ready to come with help them. With other people, dry and choporn, than straining the situation around him. However, mainly causes in the surrounding respect and respect. In the army, take care of the servicemen of his regiment, trying to support their kind and affectionate attitude, for which he was called "our prince, they were proud and loved him." Relevant to the father with reverent respect, despite the difficult features of his character, never challenging his opinions. Sincerely loved his brother.
Life position Puts the honor above all. Gives a huge loss of his son to preserve the honor of your family. Sacrifice and nobility, sincerity of gusts. To love and to be loved. Give people joy and warmth. Live constantly in useful action. Respects the mind and its development. Impressed with the writings of Voltaire 0 French philosopher. There are two virtues: activities and mind - above all. With the beginning of the war, it is sent to fight as the commander-in-chief of the militia, despite its old age. He considers this business and debt. Bold nobility, principled patriotism and compliance with the regulations of the noble honor. Wishing happiness and joy to other people. The main aspiration of it was the creation of a real family. The motto of her heart was the phrase: "Do not want anything for yourself, do not look, do not worry, do not envy."
disadvantages Reckless waste, the habit of luxury, from which could not refuse, even conscious of the approach of family bankruptcy. Showed baby self-consciousness at the first injury. It is not a written beauty, and does not shy the understanding of the mind. Negostemen, there is a cutting with others. Gord, Nerelligiizen. Increasing the arrogance, proud consciousness of its uniqueness and features. Top view down on other people from the highest light. Dreamness and naivety. Presentation of people is the best than they are in fact. Distribution of nature. Lack of bodily beauty.
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  • Menu Articles:

    The Rostov family takes not the last place in the life of the highest society. It is not surprising: they are rich, have influential friends. Many representatives of this family actively operate throughout the entire Roman Epopea, so the reader does not weaken the interest in the fate of the members of this family at the final pages of the work.

    Family composition

    The family of growth includes seven characters - they are the nearest blood relatives (the exception is Sonya). In addition, two characters are directly related to this family, although they are not relatives - Boris and Mitya.

    Consider more detailed heroes that are part of the family.

    At the head of the family is Ilya Andreevich Rostov - "Big, cheerful, self-confident old man." It does not differ in economy "rarely who knew how to go on a wide hand, to make a pretty feast, especially because he rarely knew how to attach his money if they needed on a feather device." He is a soft and gullible person, many do not miss the opportunity to use this moment.

    "The count is so weak and so kind, and so all it is deceived that everything is worse and worse." As a result, the family is ruined.

    Unfortunately related to the ruin and military events caused an irreparable blow to the health of the graph and he dies, asking for forgiveness for material disasters from his family members.

    Natalia Rostov

    Natalia Rostov - Wife Ilya Andreevich. She was "there was a woman with an eastern style of a thin face, the years of forty five, apparently, exhausted by children, whom it had twelve people. The slowness of her movements and a dialect, which took place from the weakness of the Forces, attached to her a significant form, inspired by respect. "

    Countess grew up in luxury, so it does not know how to save. By the end of the novel, its appearance and attitudes towards savings change markedly - the difficulties who fell on her fate after the death of her husband, the death of her most children.

    Rostoy has 12 children. At the time of the beginning of the story, only four survived: faith, Nikolai, Natasha and Peter. In addition, the Graph and Countess were taken to raise Sonya - a family relative.

    Vera Rostov "It was good, there was a sliding, studied fine, was well brought up." Obviously, despite all the diligence, she was an unloved daughter. Most likely, it was due to the fact that the girl was not able to show good feelings towards others, she was evil and deal with soul: "You never loved anyone; You have no heart, you're only Madame de Genlis (this is a nickname, which was considered very offensive, was given to the faith of Nikolai), and your first pleasure is to do the trouble to others. " She was very beautiful outwardly, but "the smile did not decorate the faith of faith, as it can usually happen; On the contrary, her face became unnatural and therefore unpleasant. " The girl does not like when someone takes her things: "How many times I asked you," she said, "don't take my things, you have your own room." "She took from Nicholas inklinitsa."

    Nikolay Rostov

    Nikolay Rostov - The second older child growth. He is a nice and kind person, but unlike his father, there is a share of prudency and warrunity. Nikolay is alien to marriage because of the money: "The thought of marriage in the rich heiress, which his relatives offered to him was to him."

    "He has especially so much frankness and hearts. He is so clean and full of poetry. " Nikolay knows how to learn a lesson from his parents' mistakes. "I need our children to go to the world; I need to arrange our state while I am alive; That's all, "says Nikolai. He knows how to find a common language with people of different classes and ages - those who subordinate to him the military were in admiration for his prudence and a good attitude towards himself, the peasants find him an excellent owner who take care not only about their wallet, but also about people working on him.
    Nikolai with trepidation refers to military service: "The regiment was also a house, and the house is consistently dear and dear, like the parent's home." He is honest and frank man. "I do not know how to hide what I feel" - so he says about himself.

    Natalia Rostov

    Natalia Rostov is similar to his moral resistant to his brother. She is sensitive, kind, capable of self-sacrifice, in one word "rare girl." "Rostov is very nice. Something in it is fresh, special, non-garbursky, distinguishing it. "

    Natalia can not be angry so long as faith "This girl is such a treasure." Tolstoy depicts us in the form of an ideal - she does not strive to lead a slut-length lifestyle, she does not attract public exits. She prefers to be a custodian of a homely focus: "In society, the young countess of Bezuhov saw little, and those who have seen remained unhappy. She was not a mile, nor kind. "

    Natalia is able to give care and heat to other people and receive pleasure from it. She ceases to follow himself, stopped doing music, its only concern is a family. Faced with poverty and poverty, Natasha tries to prevent ruin to continue: "If he deserved reproaches from Natasha, then only for what bought extra and too expensive. To all its disadvantages, according to the majority of: rusty, omitting, or qualities, in Pierre's opinion, Natasha also joined meekness. "

    Peter Rostov

    Peter Rostov - Junior in the family of growth. He is a cute child and he is inherent all that both children at his age - he loves pranks and sweets: "Little, Shalun, who has learnedly studied, who broke in the house and the boring all." Over time, Petya falls in love with military service. He stubbornly refuses to study, in an ultimative form, stating his desire to be a military. Natives first dissuade him, but seeing his perseverance - surrender. He becomes an officer: "Having left the house by the boy, he returned (as he was told all) with a man-man." Petya is capable of compassion. He looks at the prisoner of the French boy with pity: "But you can call this boy that they captured? give him something to eat. "

    Youth maximalism pushes him to take part in hostilities, where he dies at the age of 16: "Petya fell hard on wet earth. Cossacks saw how quickly his arms and legs quickly cast, despite the fact that his head was not stirred. The bullet broke his head. "

    Sonya Alexandrovna - Negotician Roshova. At a small age, she was brought up with Rostov, therefore he believes Count Pope, and the Countess Mom. The girl is very grateful to them for taking her to upbringing and in critical moments for the family is ready to make every effort to help. "Sacrifice for the happiness of others was the habit of Sony. Her position in the house was such that only on the path of sacrifice, she could show their advantages, and she was accustomed to and loved sacrificed. "

    Sonya is friendly with Natasha - they are very similar in nature. Unrequited love in a secondary brother - Nicholas became a destructive for her, she could not create his own family.

    "She is virtuous. She fell in love with Nicholya and no longer wants to know anything. " And, quite likely it remained the old Virgin: "There was everything in it, for which people appreciate; But there was not enough of what would make him love her. "

    Boris Drubetskaya

    Boris Drubetskaya It is also directly related to the family of growth, although it is not related to them. His parents are poor nobles, but Boris lived for a long time and brought up in growth. At first, he was very friendly with Nikolai, but, gradually, their friendship went to no. Boris began increasingly and more worried mercenary feelings, their views with Nicholas began to be very much. The desire to get rich is seized by Boris, he is trying to start the necessary connection for this connection, to marry for money. "He was not rich, but he used his last money to be dressed better than others; He would rather deprive himself with many pleasures than would allow himself to go in a bad crew or seem in the old uniform on the streets of St. Petersburg. "

    Like Boris, Mitenka was brought up with Rostyk - he also has noble roots. Mitya becomes prince's managers.

    Providing and financial position of the family

    Initially, we see that the growth of growth is very secured. They are not familiar to poverty. Rostile good accommodation, guests are in a hurry to "all Moscow to the famous House of Graphon Rostova on the Cook". They have an estate in the apologist, also equipped with taste and wealth. They are sometimes chosen there to the whole family. "With our lifestyle of our state, we are briefly. And all this club and his kindness. In the village we live, do we rest? Theaters, hunting and God knows what. "

    "In Moscow, Rostov belonged to the Higher Society, not knowing and not thinking about what they belong to society." It seemed that they were familiar with all the nobles of Moscow. Extensive dating for a long time allow them to keep afloat, despite the depletion.

    Rostov are cute and kind people, they are not shy to sincerely take pleasant guests: "The whole family has now seemed to him composed of beautiful, simple and good people."

    "Rostov in St. Petersburg lived as hospitably, as in Moscow, and in their dinners there were a wide variety of faces." Such a relationship often faced the cause of awkward situations - many were not averse to take advantage of the hospitality for mercenary purposes. So, for example, Anna Mikhailovna "Despite the corrected affairs, continued to live in growth." Military events of 1812 have caused new tests. Rostov is actively taking part of military battles, the graph with the Countess help the wounded soldiers to leave Moscow. They give them their wagons, deciding to save the soldiers, leaving all their wealth in Moscow.

    "The wounded rolled out of their rooms and with joyful pale faces surrounded the training. In the neighboring houses, hearing also dealt, which is the training, and the yard to Rostov began to come wounded from other houses. "

    As you can see, the Rostov is noticeably stand out against the background of the remaining aristocrats. They are not alien to compassion, they are always ready to help not only friends, relatives who are close to people, but also a unconscious, who have no ranks and titles. The growth of patriotism is pronounced. They strongly seek to help stop the enemy army, sometimes sacrificing even the most necessary for them.

    Relationship between relatives

    Relationships in large families are always complex. Sometimes the parents do not know how to distribute the love of their children in equal quantities, giving some praise, and other brands, sometimes the influence of the highest society becomes sometimes. In the family of growth, this trend works weakly. They are alien to the principles of society regarding public orders, and the harmony looks inside their family.

    Natalia Rostova and Ilya Andreevich manages to preserve the revelation of relationships until the end of his days. The ruin of the family makes its own adjustments in their relationship. And the Countess and Graph understand that this could not happen if Ilya Andreevich behaved more prudently. The graph feels guilty before his family, and the Countess sometimes struggles with the desire to reproach her husband in the deed. The fact that Natalia is not used to living in poverty strengthens the current situation. In their relationship, "some concern and sometimes disagreement that did not happen before" appears in their relationship.

    Rostic children were friendly between him. They often spent time together. The exception was faith - she did not know how to rejoice carelessly and having fun, it was always sought to do everything well so that there was nothing to complain about anything, but he always overtook a stick. The children fleeing her. Natalia is openly said that faith is not capable of good feelings: "Vera is evil, God with her!". Nikolai even invented a special nickname for her: "Madame de Genlis."

    Natasha and Sonya very shoved. They always supported each other. Sonya helps to hide from native taking tragic turnover of the first love of Natalia. Sony's love becomes an obstacle to the full communication of the girl with Nikolai, but in general, their communications is also friendly. Peter, who was pretty sentimental "held the Society of Natasha, to which he always had a special, almost in love with fraternal tenderness."

    Thus, the growth of growth looks rather strange in the eyes of the remaining aristocrats and people close to them. They are kind and responsive, sometimes naive, which leads to various difficulties and deceptions by society.

    Children of the Countess Natalia and Ilya Andreevich support warm relations among themselves. They are able to sacrifice their own interests for the sake of loved ones. They have a sense of patriotism and debt. And Natalia, and Nikolai managed to fully extract the lesson from the mistakes of their parents and prevent the ruin of his new families.