Tibetan yoga Tummo. Tummo: Tibetan Yoga Inside Fire

Tibetan yoga Tummo. Tummo: Tibetan Yoga Inside Fire

The most striking in the exotic, striking yoga Tummo is that these are not some semi-checked legends of "from Debreys of Industan", but scientifically proven facts that were dismissed by our and Western scientists under controlled conditions. Yoga Tummo has a lot of Russian followers - and even there is masters. The blog material is intended to generally outline the picture of this practice, and practical application is recommended under the supervision of an experienced leading, media of the tradition: i.e. Lama in the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism Vajrayana. After all, one thing is the wet sheets with his back to dry, and the other is to practice the sophisticated "yoga of inner heat", and even be able to convey these not always understandable to intelligent practices to other people. Unfortunately, with the wrong use of Yoga Tummo, you can die from supercooling! Security guarantee Only getting skills from a real wizard.

Why me a noble school
And thin, soft wool?
Best Clothing -
Warming Fire Bliss Tummo ...
(songs Milasale)

Yoga Tummo refers to the "six yoga of Narrow" who came to us from the cold and harsh tibet, which also include yoga of conscious dreams, the yoga of the transfer of consciousness at the time of death and other sophisticated practices. (In more detail about the tradition of Tummo, you can read here). Yoga internal heat - that is, just Tummo - in this 6-speed system is the initial, preliminary system. And this yoga is indeed available to many, and no special data: acute intelligence or outstanding spiritual power - for it is not required at least at first.

Touch Tummo can each - subject to normal physical health, of course. On the other hand, according to practitioners belonging to Buddhist traditions, in order for the practice to become a full-fledged system of spiritual development, seriously interested will need to pass special preparatory practices (including Nendro) and initiations guaranteeing, on the one hand, the authenticity of the knowledge gained , and with another, creating a pillow in working with powerful, sometimes completely transforming life and consciousness, energies. As with the case with Hatha Yoga, this is the eternal confrontation of "physicists" who want to know and try, and "lyrics" who assure that without a number of dedications from the enlightened teacher, religious faith in the principles of practice and generous blessing of more than any little will achieve "Is that, really, a couple of sheets on the back dried, on fun and others."

The essence of the practice itself is that we choose a secluded place in nature (this yoga can not be turned into a show!) And perform the sequence of physical (Trul-Khore), respiratory (Agnisar Pranama and others) and meditative (visualization of Channels and Pinghals) exercises . Some Tummo masters (such as the most famous domestic practice of Ranin Minvaleev even reveal such sequences for those who want to try their strengths!

What is the result of all this? The first and most noteworthy result that such technics like stepped respiration or agnisar truly lead to increased heat release - and even if you do not feel the strength to dry wet sheets in the cold, then the body itself will certainly warm. In principle, such a discovery is not new for anyone who enthusiastically practiced the usual Yogan pranayama. But there are other moments - special visualizations used in Tummo yoga reduce the number of extraneous thoughts, lead to the state of unidirectionality, meditation.

Ages to the practice, you at some point will forget about the cold, and about your plans to warm care well, and about everything in the world. The state of wholeness comes, focusing in full peace and relaxation. You are at the same time internally assembled, and completely released everything (including eternal concern to their health). This is extremely healing - at all levels! - the state of mind. In everyday life, such practices weaken the identification of the "I" with the body (which in the philosophy of yoga is considered false!). Experienced practitioners of Tummo yoga are experiencing deep meditative states: samadhi, etc., in which there can be for a long time. Buddhists, practicing six yoga Narotov, develop in themselves an almost superhuman opportunity for compassion, concentration and wisdom, along with outstanding Orthodox saints. And the control of the mind and spiritual purity is exactly good in any weather, in any season and on any latitudes!

Why Tibetan monks living often in mountainous monasteries, do not get sideways from the invigorating breeze, felt from the icing vertices of the mountains, and still manage to dry their wet sheets, competing, who is more? How does the body protect against hypothermia during winter bathing? Only relatively recently researchers have seriously considered similar questions. A possible answer to them is ancient and concealable yoga technique - Tummo technique.

From the article it becomes clear why biologists must teach thermodynamics, a couple of laws of which will be remembered and you.

Ancient practicing yoga, warming body and soul - Tummo.

In previous articles, we have already written about other meditation techniques. Today it will be about the theory of warming and healing Tibetan technology. On the practice of Tummo can be.

Tummo- This is a technique aimed at creating a blood oxygen deficiency by delaying respiration combined with muscle contractions.

Translated from Tibetan "Tummo" means "light heat" or "inner heat"; They argue that on Sanskrit is pronounced "Tapas".

What is the meaning of the above and how rare breathing, combined with some gestures can protect me from the cold, ask you? Secret in the deficiency of oxygen, which occurs in cases where

a) muscles burn more oxygen than blood has time to pump into the fibers (you are actively moving);

b) the air entering the lungs is slightly saturated with oxygen (you examine the mountains);

c) you are artificially creating a blood oxygen deficiency, making holding up breathing and cutting muscles statically or dynamically (practicing Tummo).

In order to understand how the lack of oxygen can warm us, it would be nice to begin to understand the mechanics of the manufacture of man, and at the same time, look at how the history of the practice of inflating the inner fire.

Prometheus gave people a fire that helped them survive. Perhaps, in addition to repeatedly discussed values \u200b\u200bof this myth, there is another one - the inner fire of Tummo - the mystery of which the initiates were kept in centuries.

Tummo Original, Tibetan

Tummo, like any other yoga techniques or oriental martial arts, are described by masters of extremely intricate and foggy centroces, which are revealed no earlier than students will spend several (dozen, in cases with the domestic technicians) years to master the base. Often, the base brings a lot of benefit for the practitioner, but takes a monstrous amount of time, and sometimes there has nothing to do with the ultimate goal that the student wants to achieve. However, the practice of hiding knowledge exists as much as humanity exists. In India, for example, it is forbidden to record important texts and teach people from other castes. Since then, actually, little has changed - full-fledged knowledge and today are given in a limited number of sources (closed for simple universities, skipping in which can be obtained only by the right of birth or earning a huge bunch of money).

Nowadays, on yoga, cosmoenergetics and the like, highly oral and ascetic east earn millions (rather even billions) dollars annually. Europeans with a continuous stream with a continuous stream are going to comprehend yoga, qigong, martial arts at the original source, conflexing to the fact that if they wished and they also paid - in front of them, they will immediately open the stored secrets. Meanwhile, in India, people teach mysterious phrases on Hindi, which every great yogi translates in its own way; intricate meditation techniques; And urge to be content with small. However, people like people. And the time and money spent with pleasure are not considered lost.

The first European, who really managed to learn from Tibetans, was the French traveler Alexander David Neel. This is how she commented on their training:

"Peel at an altitude of three to five thousand meters in a cave among the snow, being destroyed only in thin clothes or without any, and do not freeze - a difficult task. However, every year many Tibetans successfully undergo this test. They explain such endurance with their ability to produce Tummo. "

And this is the test consists of:

"Those who feel the strength to withstand this exam, the frosty winter at night lead to the river or lakeside. If the reservoir frozen, break into ice into ice. Tests are satisfied with the lunar at night, when a strong wind blows - in the winter in Tibet, such nights are not rare. Having dropped all the clothes, converts to the ground and cross legs. Everyone wakes up a sheet, wetted in ice water, - it must be dried by the heat of his own body. As soon as the sheet he dries, it is again dipped into the hole, and the student must dry it again. All this is repeated until dawn. Wins the one who dries the largest number of sheets. I can witness it as an eyewitness. The student must dry at himself at least three sheets, before it is recognized as worthy to wear a white cloth skirt ("Respa") - a distinctive feature of mastered art Tummo. "

The Frenchwoman was educated and an objective woman, so I could not notice the following:

"The Repa is a man, always dressed in a dress made of light cotton fabric. It goes without saying that only one cover can be on it. However, the Tibet does not have a shortage of "Respa", hiding under light cotton cloth with warm clothes. These deceivers or real scammers seeking to spend gullible spaces with mercenary goals, or really studied the art of Tummo, but too long to acquire strong skills. "

Nazi mark

In the best traditions of the Ren-TV TV channel, no story about "secret knowledge," will not cost without the Nazis of Illuminati and Aliens.

The first experiments on the colasiness were initiated by the SSEs doctors in 1942-1943, which put the contradictory morals on people of different nationalities. Not from idle, however, curiosity and not (only) from natural cruelty - one of the goals was to know how long the pilot potentially fallen in cold water can hold out without death harm and finding what parts of the body over the water is critical for survival. The greatest cold resistance was shown, expected, Slavic prisoners of war officers (not surprised if they were drowned during these experiments during these experiments in the same water). The most successful design of the rescue vest for the pilot fell into the water has become supporting neck above water level.

By the way, the experiments conducted by the Nazis were unambiguously convicted on the Nuremberg process, but the knowledge received from the experiments was immediately applied in practice, in particular, American military designers of rescue vests for the US Air Force pilots. Typical moralists.

Sweet sheets lungs

The next attempt from a scientific point of view to study the phenomenon of the sheets dried on the shoulders and melted around the stunned snow buttocks was undertaken in 1960 Carl Trincher - revealed the scientific process of non-enzymatic oxidation of fats in pulmonary alveoli. Conclusion - on the frost We are warm (and not a goose skin and not tremor in the limbs, which, according to the second law of thermodynamics, warms first of all the precious air around our body), in the alveoli of which fats are burned to carbon dioxide and water. Already then it was found that this action launches hypoxia - a reduced oxygen content in the blood. We remember its conclusions for the future.

Amazing History Herbert Benson

After 20 years, in the 80s of the twentieth century, an associate professor at Harvard University Herbert Benson is blessed with scientific funds and Dalai Lama to study monks practicing Tummo. The problem arose before the start of experiments - the monks owning the technique turned out to be not easy to find. Most monks have fond of Tummo technique, and they said that this is an incredibly complex technique that requires long-year-learning. At the end, adding, they say "does not, I'm not doing so." After the search with torches did not bring results, it was necessary to call the most real fiery yogins through the Dalai Lama Bold in a voluntarily forced order.

Monks-volunteers with temperature sensors on the skin and with a rectal thermometer in the rear pass (to assess the heat generation of the core of the body, of course) actively meditated at temperatures from 16 to 23 degrees of heat. Apparently, the monks found themselves quite humiliated with rectal thermalons and decided not to go back to the frost. However, Benson recorded a change in temperature on all parts of the body of monks by more than 8.3 degrees Celsius than and satisfied.

Benson, receiving, apparently, poorly concealed pleasure on the faces of Tibetan monks, who have never been subjected to such sophisticated tests, supported by the financial support of the Guinness family, in the amount, no little, one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, continued bullying yogins in 2001. And again, three monks were caused this time in Normandy, in the estate of Guinness. The monks who escaped from ascetic monasteries decided to conclude slightly in France, declaring that for the release of hidden heat they need at least 100 days of preparation. Intensively charged the warmth in the family estate of Guinness in the warm company Benson's team, with Benson himself, headed, one of the monks with unexplained circumstances, gets an eye infection and comes out of the subjects. As a result, the measurements are produced "in not cold" according to Benson himself, the room, what Benson unsubscribed in Harvard walls to the newspaper. In other words, one million two hundred fifty thousand dollars were successfully mastered in 100 days by the Benson team, the family of Guinness and three Tibetan monks. No monk (at least from the cold) did not suffer.

Experiments of the Soviet scientist Alexey Yuryevich Katkov do not go any comparison with Bensonovskiy. Katkov conducted executions for military and mainlocksmosos, the content of which, at first glance, can not be called humane and makes it imbued with respect for the subject:

The tests were practically naked at temperatures in -60 degrees Celsius, under conditions of discharged air (at an altitude of 7,500 meters above sea level), airfilled by air flow from a two-meter fan every ten minutes (to remove the thermal insulation aircraft interlayer between the skin and the environment) .

What is surprising, the subjects survived. At the same time, without any health consequences, many participants in the tests are alive and live today (for example, Boris Korshunov, born in 1935, in 2010, escaped to the top of Elbrus, that is, in less than 5 hours, climbing more than 5 kilometer mountains).

Almost all numeric data of Katkov experiments were immediately classified by the military, but based on the data known to us and the laws of physics, the following values \u200b\u200bcan be obtained:

At temperatures in -60 degrees Celsius, a person will lose about 1000 W or 860 kcal / h for an hour.

At the same time, the main heat loss man carries from the surface of the skin through thermal radiation in the infrared spectrum.

Breathing spends approximately 15 kcal per hour.

Thus, for the survival of heat loss, heat-producing should be compensated, otherwise experimental comrades Katkova would have frozen to death. The basis of human heatgenesis is thermal support of oxidative processes that make up the essence of breathing and occurring almost in the whole body.

It is believed that in order to maintain the constancy of the temperature of the warm-blooded organism, additional heat can be developed through:

but) Reducing skeletal muscles - arbitrary and involuntary (cold trembling) \u003d we generate up to 800 W

b) Energy from internal exothermic(with heat release) reactionsnot related to muscle cuts \u003d another 400 W

These heat sources must compensate for the heat loss of a naked person in cold conditions in order to prevent the cooling of the so-called "nucleus" of the body below plus 35 degrees Celsius.

We fold contractual and non-worn thermogenesis, we get 1200 W or about 1000 kcal / hour, which just slightly exceeds the heat transfer of the human body at a temperature of -60 degrees Celsius for one hour. In other words, with approximate calculations everything converges.

It would seem that the person adapted to the cold without any many years of Buddhist meditation may fundamentally withstand these limit conditions and, in fact, that is why experimental Katkova did not dwell.

But are our calculations true?

Personally, I have a fair question: if we are such a snowy "snowmates," why my legs freeze at home, and I spoke in the spring at the plus temperature going to the stop dressed slightly not the weather?

The essence of heatchair

Cooling animals, possessing muscles, can also generate heat, swinging limbs for movement, which, however, does not make them warm-blooded.

Because in cold-blooded animals, with an increase in ambient temperature, the metabolism is accelerated by the intensification of chemical reactions. Yet from school remembers the rule, a teacher of chemistry was broadcast about which when the temperature is raised, comma, the reaction rate rises"- Vant-Hoff has opened regularity, which for every 10 degrees, the reaction accelerates 2-4 times More damn right when. Accordingly, with a decrease in the temperature of the medium, the metabolism pumps and the activity of the processes of the cold-blooded animal decreases, up to the anabiosis.

The thermalcharmal metabolism is different - with increasing temperature of the medium, the metabolism is reduced by us, and when the ambient temperature decreases, it increases to maintain the desired constancy of the body of the body. At the same time, the best that can make peripheral muscles for us - to reduce the vessels in an attempt to reduce heat loss from the surface of the skin and limbs, "isolating" internal organs from a hostile medium. However, for a naked man, this is again irrelevant due to the fact that our bald bodies are not the best heat insulator.

Based on the second start of thermodynamics, heat cannot be spontaneously (without external influences) to move from a colder body to a warmer. This fact is ignored in most works on the physiology of thermoregulation of the warm-blooded body.

We, warm-blood, cool also, how cool coolest reptillies are cooled. The constancy of the temperature preserves only the kernel, the temperature of the shell (limbs and muscular frame) depends more on the ambient temperature.

We will not step by laws of physics and make the right conclusion:

In a cold medium (the ambient temperature is less than 35 degrees Celsius) heat in our body can be distributed only in the direction from the inside out, not vice versa.

When we are cold, the muscles of the skeletal frame are engaged in an extremely important thing - warming the external environment, without paying any attention to the core of the body. In other words, no matter how much heat makes the muscles, he warm the internal organs they can only be isolated from a cold environment (clothing is thickening, for example, which can create an air layer and return heat inside the organism). A naked person is forced only to eregulate leather all the hair existing on the body, longing to the fur cover that once possessed. In addition, the slightest wind almost immediately blows away the established heat shield.

Consequently, we conclude:

Musculature is not able to warm us naked, with extremely low temperatures.

Therefore, researchers Alan Barton and Otto Edholm called the temperature is only +2 degrees Celsius deadly for a naked person.

Do it in bad

Meanwhile, the rinks did not stop at the achieved.

Another experience was delivered, shortly before his death (died in another expedition, when climbing Elbrus). From an interview with Boris Koreshunov, a member of experience, learn the following:

"In early November, they rose to Elbrus, practically without clothes (in bologna jackets) with hurricane winds with snow, which pierced the tent through the so that overnight she was stuffed with snow. Total spent two such overnight stays. The fire was not allowed, dry grains of oats (issued as dry solder and strictly calculated by the magnitude of physical exertion in the Kcal over two days) flooded with snow in plastic boxes, which were kept in melting so that in the morning to eat the fat and twisted "porridge". In the evening it was necessary to drink a raw egg. Eggs on the frost turned into ice, and they were also midnight "warm up" in the mouth, so that at least somehow send an egg white into the stomach. "

Assess the heat loss in people during the second test in quantitative size is not possible.

What do we miss?

What then is the source of our heat?

Well, at least now it is clear that the source can only be deep inside the body. Often the source is called the liver, intestines, brown fat.

The brown fat chip is that it is oxidized not in the liver, like white fat, and in its own cell, causing reacting with oxygen their components - fatty acids and glycerin. It happens in mitochondria, which give fat specific color. However, his person is much smaller (less than 1% of body weight) than, for example, in bears, which because of his abundance are able to fall into winter hibernation and swim in ice water. Thus, the diffusion (distribution of the body) of the heat generated in the cells of the brown fat gives us a piggy bank as much as +0.05 degrees Celsius.

For the sake of justice, affect and white fat together with the liver.

With a mass of liver, an average of 1.5 kg and a mass of the average of an average 70-tickylogram athlete, having 2% fat, we get surplus to a couple of degrees Celsius, which, in fact, practically do not leave the liver limits due to the low blood flow rate through it.

Without going into biophysics, approximate calculations show that they are not enough to cover the heat loss of a naked person in heartbreakingly cold conditions.

So, the hell is warm, it warms us?!

In 1960, Karl Sigismundovich Trincher () issued a monograph "heat generation function and alkalinity of the pulmonary fabric reaction", where the light as a source of heat-product was considered. In the book, he notes that another 100 years ago, the French L. Bina and M. God found out that in a small circle of blood circulation from the blood, fats, fatty acids are extracted, and everything is fat, in order to burn it all in the lungs by direct oxidation with Education of energy-heat. What exactly burns fats is still not known, since this fact is half a century ignored by scientists.

Correcting logically, the hollow "stove" body, through which the whole mass of circulating blood passes in a short time - a chic tool for maintaining a temperature homeostasis.

In the heat of light cooled blood, in the conditions of the cold - warming.

Alveol (hollow cell cell) is an ideal combustion chamber - there is no physicochemical ban on the excess of the maximum permissible temperature of intracellular oxidation, and the blood performs the role of a cooling fluid that takes off the excess heat.

Without fanaticism, of course, the limit exists, but it is slightly higher than in many other organs. The protein begins to be denatured at temperatures above 41 degrees Celsius. It is necessary to understand that denaturation does not always mean what we see in a frying pan when they fry eggs. The slightest change in the conformation (spatial structure) of the organic polymer is already considered denatura. In the case of DNA, for example, at a temperature of 41-43 degrees Celsius, some connections connecting the double helix begin to be separated, but only reaching the temperature close to 100 degrees Celsius, DNA is fully separated. Read more Blog entry.

The cooling function of blood also explains another phenomenon - "firewood" - unstended blood flow in the foot takes heat from hot coal, not allowing thermal damage to tissues (Try burn the polyethylene package filled with water).

If the lungs are the heat station of our body, then the answer is also clear and another question of the inquisitive minds - as the air in people who explore Antarctica, passing the distance in 30-50 cm time to warm up from -60 to + 25-30 degrees Celsius? The temperature difference in this case turns out more than 80-90 degrees! So, warming cold air in winter, light use incoming oxygen, highlighting carbon dioxide and water, which we exhale clubs of a warm steam.

So, we found a reactor that heating us from the inside. But here and then Tummo?

Trincher found the conditions under which the process supports in us is launched. In experimental animals, the temperature in the lungs increased during acute blood loss, it was found that the low blood oxygen content (or low blood content in the body as a whole) creates a condition for combustion of fats in lungs.

The muscles operating in the cold medium create a hypoxmic signal that starts the heat-flow process in the lungs. However, the muscular frame does not warm us, instead giving the heat of the environment. Warm us launched by a hypoxmic signal into heat production mode!

Tummo is designed to allow a person to launch a hypoxmic signal at will, without active wrapping with limbs and without long ascent.

Tummo technicians

For people with a pragmatic warehouse of the mind, which in modern conditions are deprived of luxury to spend a dozen or another years, honing the correct technique of abbreviations of anus (very important, by the way, the element of yoga, as well as an important element of any martial art), thinking about love and harmony, I give a compressed to the maximum Tummo technique. Grade Nodprove.

About the benefits of Tummo.

The devices were recorded in all studied practicing Tummo cardinal decrease in the level of atherogenic lipids in the blood (one of the most dangerous fatty substances, which lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system); Two-time reduction in the level of hormone stress and aging - cortisol (this hormone is oppressed by immunity). As a result, TUMMO practices can effectively apply for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system and heavy neurosis.

Well, a nice bonus - you warm!

The authors of this site are grateful to scientists, and testify to their deep respect for all people who participated in the experiments on the stability of cold. We grieve along the prisoners of war and civilians who fell from the hands of the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War.

That, besides meditation helps become smarter, .

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Practica Tummo - yoga of mystical inner fire - refer to one of the most mysterious yogic practices common in Tibet. Its meaning at the preliminary stage is the awakening of the inner heat, as a result of which the yogi ceases to be sensitive to cold, and wears the Cotton Cape "Rope" from clothing, which in the conditions of snowy Himalayan winters is a certain challenge nature.

Part name of the famous Tibetan Buddhist companion Milafyu indicates that he was a realized Tummo practice, and wore a cotton cape from clothes. Such capes are a distinctive feature of the practice of the yoga of inner heat, and it is not necessary to wear their uninitiates.
To get the right to wear such a cape, Yogins perform a special ritrite shutter, which can last 49 or 100 days in the tradition of Bon (to the Buddhist Tibeta Religion), where they practice at least 4 sessions per day, at the end of the shutter, you will definitely give a kind of final exam. High frost dried with his body wet sheets. And at the final stage, the practice of transformation of perception should see the shortary reality, as the Union of Bliss and Void. Unlike many ancient practices, from which only legends and myths remained in our time - leading to the alleged ability to fly, or walk through the walls, the practices of Tummo exist and are quite common until now. They are transmitted from generation to generation, from the master to the master, in various schools and transmission lines, but the most famous are "Six Yoga Naropas", ascending to the greatest Indian yogi-Mahasiddha Narot.
In addition, there is an even less common cycle of the practitioner of Yogin Niguma, which, in various sources, was either a sister or his wife Narot. This cycle is distinguished by an extraordinary simplicity, and with great efficiency.
Buddhist religious tradition Tibet Bon also uses Tummo Practices. Moreover, in recent years, it is possible to practice these techniques even in Russia, without leaving in Himalayas. There are examples of successful trips to Russian men and women, including Tummo. About some of these traditions and transmission lines, we will tell you more

further. It is necessary to immediately say that the practice of Tummo is not a health physical education, but a deep and sacred spiritual practice, although she has a strongest medical effect - the inner fire literally "burns out" all diseases in the body, including chronic, but at the same time almost all Tibetan yogic practices are also very dangerous for an unprepared person, and must be performed only with the permission of a qualified teacher, which has previously implemented these techniques. Fortunately, now even Europeans have such an opportunity.

Practice Tummo not for all

It should be noted that the practice of Tummo is still not transmitted to the uninitiated, and to access them it is necessary to share philosophy and the view of the Dharma, take the refuge with their Lama and get the appropriate initiations, for each school and the transfer line - their own. Pupils also have certain obligations with which the teacher introduces them. It is absolutely impossible to get these secret practices without following a common rule. They are reliably protected from unscrupulous use of the blessing of the transfer line and enlightened.

Modern scientists

Sometimes on the Internet and come across articles and videos about allegedly discontinued independently secrets of Tummo modern scientists. Without going into details, you can only notice that many of their views on the Tummo mechanism are erroneous, and have nothing to do with the real yoga. Even if they manage to warm up the body in the cold, and do not freeze - they misunderstand the tummo mechanism itself, and when trying to follow their bold experiments, a person risks greatly. And the desire to use the effects of practitioners for warming in extremely cold conditions of the surveyors, oil workers and geologists reset and ground the true purpose of the yoga of mystical fire - Tummo.

Preliminary practices

In traditional systems, before proceeding with such serious and dangerous practices with energies, like Tummo, the student first performs preparatory practices - Nendro, in which, in particular, come out both 100 thousand stretches and other 100 thousand practitioners, in each line - Own. It should also be achieved clear confidence that living the usual life, happiness will not find, faith in the law of karma, an understanding of the value of the birth of a person for the practice of Dharma and the clear feeling of the impermanence of phenomena.

Such a number of stretching and prayers soothe the mind of the practitioner and strengthen his body, after which, for example, in the tradition of Bon, the student necessarily passes the rhetrite on one of the six yoga - powewoman is the transfer of consciousness, at the end of the head of the head inserts the straw (herb kush) as Sign of correctly made practice.
As a result, the practitioner at the practitioner establishes the central channel, and it acquires the opportunity to use during death (that is, directly needs to be practiced) technique of transferring its consciousness through the central channel and transition to Higher worlds, after which, according to the views of Tibetan yogis, may not be afraid of rebirth In the lower worlds. And with a successful circumstance, achieve full implementation.

Magical rotations - Trulkory

Next, the body of the practitioner is strengthened and cleared by permanent training of special Tibetan yoga - trillhor. For example, in Bon, it is 80 separate exercises, each of which is very dynamically performed on the breathing delay.

In each tradition, there are magical rotation - Trillkhor, they belong to one of the most secret, and only recently they began to give them more or less open, but still there are several levels of practice, in addition to the external level, there is still control of breathing and Visualization, so studying them best with the teacher, and not on books and video courses - they are lost in them. Books and videos can only give an initial idea, and awaken in practice interest to engage in Tibetan yoga - seriously and for a long time. As a result of such exercises, yogi must be able to perform them all 80 in a row, not resting in the interval between the exercises. Inhale - a delay in the breath is an exercise that can last 1.5 - 3 minutes each - then exhale, again inhale the delay in the breath - and immediately the next exercise. The cycle of exercises includes both sufficiently light, which can be fulfilled to each and sufficiently complex, for example, the famous "Vajm BEP", or a jump when the yoga in the jump folds the legs in the lotus position, and landed on the ground already in this "vajra" Pose.
These exercises are designed to "straighten" all the energy channels of the fine body practice, remove all blocks and illnesses from the body. Successfully completed this cycle yoga, according to their own reviews, almost cease to hurt. After that, there is a teaching of breathing delays, the so-called "Cumbhake" - when the yogi is learning to detain a breath for a long time, repeating these exercises many times in a row, usually a multiple of the sacred yogic number "108" - it can be 54 delays in a row, or even the full range of Buddhist Komethok - all 108. And only after the successful development of all these difficult practices, the student is considered to be ready for the present ritrite on Tummo.

Rirate on Tummo

To perform the ritrite on the yoga of the inner fire - Tummo - the cold season is chosen, the best thing is snowy winter. On the day of the final exam, as realized practices told, they performed special warming exercises in Himalayas, after which they climbed the roof of the monastery, where they were already waiting for examiners with assistants. The task of the assistant is to wet and squeeze the sheet in a barrel with water, and then throw it on the subject. Practice Tummo "on the standings" should have dried up at least 4 wet sheets. According to participants in such tests, on average he dried from 4 to 8 sheets before they started cooling. But the testes did not feel - on the contrary, they were rather nice, the sheets were cooled by the heated bodies. And they began to freeze, only when the tests ended, and the participants went down to the warm room - only then they began to feel that it was not hot around))) The assistants jarred out the fingers from the ice water in the barbs for wratching the sheet - during the night this water on the street covered with ice cold. Thus, the mastery of Tummo practices is not something impossible, although it refers to rather complicated and serious practices, which are only young, purposeful and sufficiently sporting people. However, for the elderly, there are their simplified and more affordable practices - it is said that "the success in yoga can reach both the old and very old man," and "old" here is the age of 60 years, and "" "Very old "- 90. There were such stories that yogins achieved success in Tummo just by the power of the blessing of their teachers, without performing any physical exercises - especially such stories belong to the time of the beginning of the occupation of Tibet China, when the set Lam was in prisons, and some of them Worried to transfer their knowledge to students even from there. So there is nothing impossible.

Practice transition to pranic food

Moreover, practices Tummo exists a continuation - these are the practice of transition to pranic food. Although it sounds even more implausible, such techniques also exist and are used, but mainly they are intended for yogins (nippherp), which renounced all worldly (including life in the monastery), and go far to the mountains to complete their practices, Never be planning to return to society anymore. For ordinary people leading an active urban lifestyle, these techniques are smallposses, alas, including because of bad ecology. So we can only dream of such abilities with you))) In addition, these practices are even more difficult and dangerous, independently and in urban conditions it is almost unrealistic in their success. Well, let's not talk about sad - now about pleasant and still accessible to us all, urban Europeans.

Minvaleev R.S., Ivanov A.I.
St. Petersburg State University

The results of the solution of the problem of controlled reduction in the level of atherogenic serum lipids by non-farmacological means are presented. Our goal was to verify the individual practices of yoga, which in our opinion could affect the decrease in the level of blood serum lipids. From the opposite considerations, we have chosen Tummo practice - specific respiratory techniques of Tibetan yoga. Practice Tummo is one of the six yogi of Naropa (OK. X. AD), repeatedly described by European ethnographers as "internal heat yoga". The basis for choice was the results, proved by K.S. Trincher: Neferred exothermic oxidation of lipids and serum cholesterol in a small circulation circle, subject to increasing peripheral hypoxia and hypoxemia.

Materials and methods

The study was performed on the selected group of 10 under test men (aged 35 to 60 years old) perfectly with Tummo Practice at the Respa level: the qualification of the Repa in Tibet is assigned to someone who is capable of drying on their naked body somewhat wet sheets. Checking our subjects was that they were under the supervision of doctors to dry in the frost on the top of their nude body a piece of sheets of about one square meter. In order to register changes in the content of lipids in peripheral blood, we follow the following experiments. The first blood pressure from the elbow vein was carried out until the test exercises of Tummo. Next, the tests for 20 minutes performed specific respiratory exercises, the purpose of which consisted in causing increasing peripheral hypoxemia. Immediately after that, the second blood fence was carried out. Determination of the level of total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), cholesterol of very low density lipoproteins (LPONP) and triglyceride levels (standard lipidogram) was produced in the Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory of the Alexandrovsk Hospital (SPB). Comparison of the results of measurements of lipid content was carried out by using a statistical test of hypotheses: non-parametric criteria and the new method proposed by A.I.Ivanov. All experiments of the exercise Tummo were performed under the control of doctors: Sergeeva T.V. and Nikolaeva O.Yu. The subsequent medical latter (within a month) control over the health of the subjects of the test doctors was witnessed that no pathological changes in the work of the subjects were not found.

Results and its discussion

The use of the non-parametric criterion of Wilcoxon is proved that the practice of Tummo causes a statistically significant reduction in the level of serum lipids in healthy people. The probability of the first kind of error when testing the hypothesis using the Wilcoxon criterion - P<0.05. Применением параметрического метода, предложенного А.И.Ивановым, доказано, что вероятность снижения количества липидов сыворотки крови в результате практики ТУММО составляет около 0.95. Таким образом, нами найдено экспериментальное подтверждение выводов К.С. Тринчера о нереспираторных функциях легких, опубликованных в . Применение найденного нами немедикаментозного метода позволяет статистически значимо снижать количество атерогенных и иных липидов в периферической крови. Авторы не исключают возможности применение нового метода для решения задачи управляемого снижения количества липидов сыворотки крови в терапевтических и иных целях.


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