The thought of people in the Roman-Epopea "War and Peace. Thought "folk and plato karatayev

The thought of people in the Roman-Epopea "War and Peace. Thought "folk and plato karatayev

A brief essay-reasoning on literature for grade 10 on the topic: "War and Peace: People's Thought"

The tragic war of 1812 brought many troubles, suffering and MUK, L.N. Tolstoy did not remain indifferent to the turning point of his people and reflected him in the Roman-Epopea "War and Peace", and his "grain", according to L. Tolstoy, is the poem of Lermontov "Borodino". At the heart of Epopie also lies the idea of \u200b\u200bthe reflection of the National Spirit. The writer admitted that in "War and the World" he loved "People's Thought." So, Tolstoy reproduced "ROOH LIFE", proving that the story does not make one person, but all the people together.

In Tolstoy, it is useless to confront the natural course of events, it is useless to try to play the role of the fate of mankind. Otherwise, the participant of the war will endure the collapse, as it was with Andrei Bolkonsky, who tried to take control of the events and conquer Toulon. Or fate will trust him for loneliness, as it became with Napoleon, who overly loved power.

During the Borodino battle, from the outcome of which much depended on the Russians, Kutuzov "did not make any orders, but only agreed or did not agree to what they suggested." In this seemingly passiveness, the deep mind and wisdom of the commander appear. Cutuzov's relationship with the people was a victorious feature of his character, this connection made it a carrier of "folk thoughts".

Tikhon Shcherbaty is also a folk image in the novel and hero of the Patriotic War, although it is a simple man, not at all associated with military affairs. He himself voluntarily asked for a detachment of Vasily Denisov, which confirms his dedication and readiness for sacrifices for the sake of debris. Tikhon is fighting off four Frenchmen alone alone - according to Tolstoy, this is the image of the "clubs of the People's War".

But the writer does not stop on the ideas of heroism, regardless of the title, he goes on and wider, revealing the unity of all mankind in the war of 1812. In the face of death between people, all class, social, national borders are erased. Everyone as one is afraid to kill; All as one do not want to die. Petya Rostov is worried about the fate of the French boy, who was captured: "We are fine, and what is it? Where is his Delhi? Feed him? Will they not offended? ". And it seems like this enemy is a Russian soldier, but at the same time even in war you need humanly relate to enemies. French or Russian - We are all people who need mercy and kindness. In the war of 1812, such a thought, more than ever, had a value. She adhered to many heroes of "War and Peace" and, first of all, L.N. Tolstoy.

Thus, the Patriotic War of 1812 entered the history of Russia, in its culture and literature as a significant and tragic event of the whole people. It manifested true patriotism, the love of the Motherland and the National Spirit, who did not break anything under anything, but only Rasp, giving the impetus to the Great Victory, the pride for which we still feel in our hearts.

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Before you, a great essay of reasoning on Russian literature on the topic "People's Thought" in the Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The essay is designed for students of grade 10, however, it can also be used by students of other classes in preparation for the lessons of Russian language and literature.

"Folk Thought" in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Tolstoy is one of the greatest writers of Russia. He lived during peasant unrest, and therefore all the most important issues of the era were captured: about the paths of development of Russia, the fate of the people and his role in history, the relationship between the people and the nobility. Tolstoy decided to look for answers to all these questions in the study of the events of the beginning of the XIX century.

According to the plan of Tolstoy, the main reason for the victory of the Russians in 1812 and was this " thought of people ", This is the unity of the people in the fight against the conqueror, his rising huge unshakable force, dormant until time in the souls of people, who overturned the enemy with his huge and forced him to run. The cause of victory was both in the justice of war against the conquerors, in the willingness of each Russian to stand up on the protection of the Motherland, in People's Love to their Fatherland. Historical figures and invisible participants in the war, the best people of Russia and chains, careerists pass through the pages of the novel " War and Peace".It has more than five hundred actors. Tolstoy created many unique characters and showed us a lot of people. But these hundreds of people Tolstoy represents not like a faceless mass. All this huge material is associated with a united thought that Tolstoy determined as " thought of people «.

Families of Rostov and Blocks differ from each other according to their estate position and in the atmosphere, which reigned in their homes. But these families unites the uniform love for Russia. Recall the death of the old prince Bolkonsky. The last words of him were about Russia: " Russia died! Taught!". He worried about the fate of Russia and the fate of all Russian people. He served all his life only Russia, and when his death came, all his thoughts, of course, were addressed to their homeland.

Consider Patriotism Petit. Petya went to the war very young and did not regret his life for the Fatherland. Recall Natasha, which is ready to quit all the values \u200b\u200bjust because he wants to help the wounded. In the same scene, Natasha's aspirations are opposed to the aspirations of the careerist Berg. Only the best people of Russia could perform feats during the war. Feats could not accomplish ehlen, nor Anna Pavlovna Sherler, nor Boris nor Berg. These people have not experienced patriotic feelings. All their motives were mercenary. During the war, they, following fashion, stopped talking in French. But does this prove their love for Russia?

Borodino battle is a climax in the work of Tolstoy. Tolstoy faces the Borodino battle of almost all the heroes of the novel. Even if the characters are not located on the Borodino field, then their fates are fully dependent on the movement of the war of the war of 1812. The battle is shown by the eyes of a non-military person - Pierre. Bezukhov considered to be their duty to be on the battlefield. With his eyes, we see the cohesion of the troops. He is convinced by the rightness of the words of an old soldier: " Want all the people wanting ". Unlike the Austerlitsky battle, the participants of the Borodino battle were understood by the goal of the war of 1812. The writer believes that the coincidence of millions of reasons helps victory. Thanks to the desires of ordinary soldiers, commanders, militia and all other participants in the battle, the moral victory of the Russian people became possible.

Favorite heroes of Tolstoy - Pierre and Andrey - also participants in the Borodino battle. Lyuhov deeply feels the people's nature of the war of 1812. The patriotism of the hero is cast in full of concrete business: equipping the shelf, cash donations. The turning point of the life of Pierre becomes his stay in captivity and acquaintance with Plato Karataev. Communication with an old soldier brings Pierre to " consent with himself ", Simplicity and integrity.

The war of 1812 is the most important milestone in the life of Andrei Bolkonsky. Andrei refuses the career of the military and becomes the commander of the Egers regiment. Deeply understands Andrei Kutuzov, a commander who has undertaken to avoid unnecessary victims. During the Borodino battle, Prince Andrei cares about his soldiers and tries to bring them out of shelling. Andrei's death thoughts are imbued with a sense of humility:

"Love nearby, love your enemies. Love everything, love God in all manifestations. "

As a result of the search for the meaning of life, Andrei was able to overcome his egoism and vanity. Spiritual quest lead a hero to moral enlightenment, to natural simplicity, to the ability to love and forgive.

Lion Tolstoy with love and respect paints the heroes of the partisan war. And one of them Tolstoy showed a larger plan. This man is Tikhon Shcherbaty, a typical Russian peasant, as a symbol of the avenger people, fighting for his homeland. He was " the most useful and brave person "In Denisov's detachment," his weapon was Musketon, a peak and an ax, which he owned, how the wolf owns his teeth " In Otradi, Denisova Tikhon occupied an exceptional place, " when it was necessary to do anything particularly difficult and not fulfilled, tranteed the shoulder from the mud a wagon, to pull the horse from the swamp out of the swamp, settle it and climb into the middle of the French, go a day fifty miles, - everyone pointed out, laughing, on Tikhon " Tikhon feels strong hatred for the French, so strong that is very cruel. But we understand his feelings and sympathize with this hero. He is always busy, always in action, unusually quickly speech, even his comrades speak of him with affectionate irony: " Well, deck », « eka Bestiya " The image of Tikhon Shcherbaty is close to Tolstoy, who loves this hero, loves all the people, appreciates high "Folk Thought" . In the novel "War and Peace" Tolstoy showed us the Russian people in all its strength and beauty.

According to the thick, "the thought of people" in the novel he loved most. Reflections on this topic have become the most important thing that he wanted to convey to the reader. What did he mean?

"Folk Thought" in the novel is not in the image of the Russian people as community and not in the abundance of mass scenes, as may seem like an inexperienced reader. She at the point of view of the writer, the system of moral estimates, which he gives both historical events, and its heroes. Do not confuse it!

  1. Mass scenes in the novel are associated with the image of the battle scenes of 1805, scenes of Borodino battle, defense and leaving Smolensk, the partisan war.

In the image of the war of 1805, special attention was paid to two battles: with Austerlice and Shenagraben. The goal of Tolstoy - to show why the army wins or loses. Shenagraben - "Forced" Battle, 4 thousand soldiers must cover the waste of the forty-ski Russian army. The battle is observed by Kutuzov - Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. He sees how the warriors show heroism, but not the same as the quality seemed to be a prince: Captain Timokhin and his detachment of skillful actions makes the French, captain Tushin, an imperceptible modest person, "doing his job," fun and spore, his battery is smoking the main The positions of the French, set fires the village and forces to retreat, and they do not suspect that they are "ordinary heroes."

On the contrary, the Atsterlitsky battle is the "Battle of Three Emperors", with incomprehensible goals and incomprehensible plan. It is no coincidence that at the Military Council of Kutuzov in Starikovski, under the measurement of the Austrian General. Kutuzov wants to save soldiers who do not understand why they are fighting, no wonder the landscape of the start of the battle: a fog covering the battlefield. The author comes to the conclusion: the battle is not won by commander, the battle won soldiers, more precisely, the spirit of the army, an understanding of what they do.

The same thing happens in Borodino: Kutuzov almost does not participate in the manual of the battle, unlike Napoleon, believing that the outcome of the emperor will depends on the will. No, the outcome depends on the soldiers going to the last battle, as for a holiday that put on clean shoes. According to Kutuzov, the Borodino battle did not benefit and did not lose from the point of view of the consequences, but the Russians defeated the French by the French, unprecedented unity against the united enemy.

So in mass scenes a "thought of people" manifested.

  1. The union of the Russian people is evidenced by the partisan war, spontaneously unfolding during the invasion. In different places under the French, the landowners and peasants were taken for the forks and axes to expel the enemy from their native land. "The Duby of People's War" rose and "nail ... the Frenchman until the invasion itself was killed." Drawing paintings of the partisan war, Tolstoy depicts some peasant heroes. One of them is Tikhon Shcherbat, like a wolf, striker to the enemy, "the most useful man in the detachment", cruel and merciless. According to Tolstoy, it is a people's type, manifesting in heavy time for the Motherland. The second folk type is Plato Karataev, who has learned to live simply and harmoniously, take everything that happens on the path of man, understood that "that ballet shoes are hirked exactly as peasant lapties", and therefore for happiness it is necessary to have little. So moral values \u200b\u200bfor Tolstoy become a measure of all the rest: peace, war, people, actions.
  2. Captive Pierre sees a dream. In a dream, the globe seems to him a ball of droplets that tremble, overflow, somewhere separated, somewhere merge. And every drop reflects God. This metaphor is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe folk life of the very thick: a person lives with his "Roy Life", is busy with his problems and thoughts, but he must "match" (Writer's word) his life with the life of others. And if the desires and needs of many people coincide at one point, there is a story and makes their movement. This is another aspect of the "folk thoughts in the novel."
  3. And his heroes Tolstoy "Merit" is a measure. If they are far from common interests, general aspirations, if they do not understand the general, put their own interests above others or try to intervene in the natural course of life, then they are lowered even lower, fell into a spiritual crisis. This is happening with Prince Andrey when he raises the sense of soldiers in a senseless attack with Austerlice, and with Pierre, trying to kill Napoleon. Some of the heroes never realize their own life, more precisely, the existence is such anger, Rostopchin with its "posters", Napoleon. Pierre, trying to somehow help Russia, equips the regiment on his money, Natasha gives the supply of the wounded, without thinking about the well-being of the family, and Berg is trying to buy a "sheer to buy, which is so violet like." Who of them lives on folk laws?

So, the "Folk Thought", in Tolstoy, is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to match his life with common interests, life according to moral laws, centuries existing in the world, life together.

"Roman who gradually transformed from the once conceived work about the Decembrist in a brilliant epopeus about a courageous sense of the nation, about the victory of the Russian spirit in the battle with the Napoleonic army. As a result, a masterpiece was born, where he wrote himself, the substantial thought was the idea of \u200b\u200bpeople's thought. Today, in writing on the topic: "Thought People" we will try to prove it.

The author believed that the work would be good if the author would love the main idea. Tolstoy interested in the thought of People's War and the world, where he portrayed not just the people and his life, but showed the fate of the nation. At the same time, the people for Tolstoy are not only a man, soldiers and a peasant, it is nobles, and officers, and generals. In short, people are all together, all humanity, which moved a common goal, one thing, one destination.

In his work, the writer commemorates that the story is written most often as a story of individual personalities, but few people think about the driving force in history, which is the people, the nation, spirit and the will of people, which unite together.

In the novel war and the world thought folk

For each hero, the war with the French became a test where Bolkonsky, and Pierre Duhov, and Natasha, and Peter Rostov, and Shahov, and Kutuzov, and Tushin, and Timokhin played their role all the best. And most importantly, the usual people showed themselves, who organized individual small partisan detachments and the enemy rumbled. People who burned everything so as not to get anything enemy. People who gave the last Russian soldiers to support them.

The offensive of the Napoleonic army revealed the best qualities in people, where men, forgetting about their resentment, side by side fought with their gentlemen, defending their homeland. It was the thought of people in the novel war and the world became a soul of the work, uniting the peasantry with the best part of the nobility in one thing - the struggle for the freedom of the Motherland.

Patriotic people, among whom were the poor peasants, and nobles, and merchants - this is the people. Their will collided with French Will. Faced and showed real strength, because people fought for their land, which was impossible to give the enemy. The people and the formed detachments of the partisans became a club of the People's War, which did not give a single chance to win Napoleon and his army. This was written by Tolstoy in the genius novel, the war and the world, where the main thought was folk.

Roman L. N. Tolstoy was created in the 1860s. This time was in Russia the period of the highest activity of the peasant masses, lifting the social movement.

The central literature of the 60s of the XIX century was the theme of the people. For its consideration, as well as to illuminate many major problems of our time, the writer appealed to the historical past: the events of 1805-1807 and the war of 1812.

Researchers of Creativity Tolstoy differ in the opinion that he meant under the word "people": peasants, nation in general, merchants, burghers, patriotic patriarchal nobility. Of course, all these layers are included in the Tolstsky understanding of the words "people", but only when they are carriers of morality. Everything that is immoral is eliminated to the thick of the concept of "people."

The writer claimed his work as a decisive role of the masses in history. In his opinion, the role of an outstanding personality in the development of society is insignificant. Some people were brilliant, he cannot at his request to send the movement of history, to dictate her will, to dispose of the actions of the enormous mass of people living with a spontaneous, rock life. The history of people, masses, people, and not a person who raised above the people and has taken the right to predict the direction of events on their own will.

Tolstoy breaks life on the ascending flow and downward, centrifugal and centripetal. Kutuzov, who is discovered by the legitimate course of world events in its national historical limits, is the embodiment of the centripetal, rising history forces. The writer emphasizes the moral height of Kutuzov, since this hero is associated with a mass of ordinary people with joint goals and actions, love of their homeland. He gets his power from the people, is experiencing the same feelings as the people.

The writer also focuses on the advantages of Kutuzov as a commander, whose activities were invariably aimed to one goal that had nationwide importance: "It is difficult to imagine the goal of a more worthy and more coinciding with the will of all the people." Tolstoy emphasizes the purposefulness of all the actions of Kutuzov, the concentration of all forces on the task of the task, in front of all Russian people during history. The expressive of the people's patriotic feeling, Kutuzov becomes the guide power of the folk resistance, raises the spirit of the troops, which commands.

Tolstoy depicts Kutuzov as a folk hero, who achieved independence and freedom only in the Union with the people and the nation as a whole. In the novel, the personality of the Great Communion is opposed to the personality of the Great Conqueror of Napoleon. The writer exposes the ideal of limitless freedom, which leads to a cult of a strong and proud personality.

So, the value of the Great Personality sees in the sense of the occurring history as the will of providence. Great people like Kutuzov, who have a moral feeling, their experience, intelligence and consciousness are guessed by the requirements of historical need.

"The Thought of People's" is also expressed in the images of many representatives of the noble class. The path of ideological and moral growth leads positive heroes to rapprochement with the people. Heroes are tested by the Patriotic War. Independence of privacy from the political game of the tops emphasizes the indiscriminate relationship of the heroes with the life of the people. The viability of each of the characters is checked by the "thought of folk".

She helps Pierre Bezuhov to detect and show their best qualities; Andrei Bolkonsky soldiers call "our prince"; Natasha Rostov pulls out a submission for the wounded; Marya Bolkonskaya rejects the proposal of Mademoiselle Bhuli to remain in the power of Napoleon.

Brighter all proximity to the people is manifested in the image of Natasha, in which the Russian national nature was originally laid. In the scene after the hunt Natasha, he is glad to listen to the game and the singing of uncle, which "sang as the people sings", and then she dances "Baryn". And all the surroundings are amazed to understand everything that was in every Russian man: "Where, how, when he threw out of this Russian air, which she breathed, - this graphic, brought up by an emigrant French, this spirit?"

If Natasha is inherent to the end of the line of Russian, then in Prince Andrei, the Russian beginning is interrupted by the Napoleonic idea; However, it is precisely the peculiarities of a Russian nature that helps him understand all the deceit and hypocrisy of Napoleon, his idol.

Pierre enters the peasant world, and the life of the villagers leads him to serious thoughts.

The hero is aware of its equality with the people, even recognizes the superiority of these people. The more he knows the essence and strength of the people, the more admires them. The power of the people is its simplicity and naturalness.

In Tolstoy, patriotism is the property of the soul of any Russian person, and in this regard the difference between Andrei Bolkonsky and any soldier his shelf is insignificant. The war makes everyone act and do so that it is impossible not to do. People do not act on the orders, but obeying the inner feeling, feeling the significance of the moment. Tolstoy writes that they united in their aspirations and actions when they felt the danger that hung over all society.

The novel shows the greatness and simplicity of the life of Roeeva, when everyone makes his part of the common cause, and the person does not drive the instinct, namely the laws of public life, as the Tolstoy understands. And such a swarm, or the world, is not an impersonal mass, but from individual personalities who do not lose in a merger with the roam of their individuality. This is a merchant of Ferapontov, burning his house so that he does not get the enemy, and Moscow residents leaving the capital simply from the considerations that it is impossible to live in it under Bonaparte, even if no danger threatens. The people of Karp and Vlas who do not give the hay by the French, and the Moscow Baryn, who left Moscow with his arapists and Moses, are becoming the participants of the Frenchman, who left Moscow with his arapists and Moskov, "she is not servant." All these people are active participants in folk, rim life.

So, the people for a thick - complex phenomenon. The writer did not consider the simple people of an easily controlled mass, as he understood him much deeper. In the work, where the "people's thought" stands in the foreground, the most different manifestations of a folk nature are depicted.

Close to the people Captain Tushin, in the image of which combined "small and great", "modest and heroic".

The theme of the People's War sounds in the image of Tikhon Shcherbat. This hero is definitely useful in the Partisan War; Cruel and ruthless to enemies, this character is natural, but little is not like a thick. The image of this character is ambiguous, as the image of Plato Karataev is ambiguous.

When meeting and acquaintance with Plato Karataev Pierre affects warmth, good nature, comfort, calm coming from this person. It is perceived almost symbolically, like something round, warm and smelling bread. Karataev is characterized by amazing adaptability to circumstances, the ability to "bite" in any circumstances.

In the behavior of Plato Karataev, the true wisdom of the people, the peasant philosophy of life, over the comprehension of which the main heroes of the epic suffer. This hero sets out his arguments in his appropriate form. This, for example, a legend of innocently convicted merchant, suffering from "for their own sins", the meaning of which is that it is necessary to humble and love life, even when they suffer.

And yet, in contrast to Tikhon Shcherbat, Karatayev is unlikely to be able to decisively; His pleintization leads to passivity. He is opposed to the Roman Bogucharovsky men, rising to the rebellion, who spent their interests.

Along with the truth, the pseudo-pseudility, fake under it. This is reflected in the images of Rostopina and Speransky - specific historical persons who, although they are trying to take the right to speak from the name of the people, have nothing to do with him.

In the work, the artistic story of at times is interrupted by historical and philosophical deviations, in style close to journalism. Paphos philosophical retreats of Tolstoy is directed against liberal-bourgeois military historians and writers. According to the writer, "the world denies the war." So, at the reception of the antithesis, a description of the dam is built, which the Russian soldiers see during the retreat after the Austerlitz are ruined and ugly. In the peaceful time, she was drowning in greenery, was neat and rebuilt.

So, in the work of Tolstoy, the question of the moral responsibility of a person before the story is worthwhile.

So, in the novel of the Tolstoy War and the world, people from the people come to spiritual union, since it is the people, according to the writer, is a carrier of spiritual values. Heroes embodying the "People's Thought" are in constant search for truth, and therefore in development. In spiritual union, the writer sees the way to overcoming the contradictions of the modern life. The war of 1812 was a real historical event, where the idea of \u200b\u200bspiritual unity was carried out.