Questions about literature. The place of Russian literature in the world literary process

Questions about literature. The place of Russian literature in the world literary process

Russian literature has an impact not only on the spirituality of the Russian people, but also on the formation of culture and art worldwide. The originality and depth of Russian literature is also known in other countries, because she made an invaluable contribution to the history of the world literary process.

She was never nationally closed, on the contrary - Russian writers always raised universal issues in their ingenious works, which remain eternal for world literature. But it is important how they did it - because the works of Russian classics are permeated by humanity and the spirit of freedom, a detailed psychologist and a thorough study human soul.

Foreign readers for the first time knew the power and greatness of Russian literature in 1879, when the translation of "war and the world" of Tolstoy on french. After that, Russia's literature began to win important role In world literary process, Russian writers, like Turgenev, Dostoevsky and Chekhov influenced the spiritual life of many foreign countries.

It is believed that end XIX. A century Russian literature took one of the best places in the development of world culture. Since since the beginning of the 20th century, Russia experienced permanent crises, its literature was revolutionary.

This and pushed to the fundamental update of the literary process in Russia, new forms and styles appeared, and constantly replacing historical events They led the flourishing of crisis art. In 1909. english writers They wrote that Russian literature becomes a torch ...

The originality and general trends of Russian literature

Other Russian writers become overseas readers: Nekrasov, Lermontov, Pushkin, Gogol. On the works of Tolstoy, Chekhov and Dostoevsky in other countries still put on performances, films are removed, and their literary heritage Carefully studied.

After all, Russian literature is rich in aestheticism and morality, a subtle understanding of human morality and deep penetration into the soul of man. This can be called the general trends in the world literary process, but Russian writers treated and relate to them with special mentality and deep psychologism, which allows to find various interpretations of Russian novels so far.

This peculiarity of Russian literature has always hit foreign writers, her penetration and moral values Do not have analogues in the world. Many Russian classics are recognized by great thinkers and philosophers, the ideas embedded by them in creativity, cause a real delight and mental response in people, regardless of the nation and place of birth.

The works of Russian classics carry humanistic traditionsAnd Russian realism and patriotism has long been known to all the world. Foreign critics Always celebrated a high ideological and artistic level of Russian literature, so its global value is indisputable.

Russian literature provided a huge impact on the formation and development of the global reference process, its spirituality and pronounced moral values \u200b\u200bwere formed by the course of spiritual and cultural life Not only in the homeland, but also around the world.

The power of art in his proximity to the people. This manhat dressed was particularly acutely aware of the revival of the truth and was almost open in Russia in the XVIII century, when historical pattern determined the possibility and necessity of creating national literature.

This truth could be understood on the basis of the experience of the European art of the Renaissance, but it could not be assimilated, without having decided her independently on the basis of the knowledge of the national wealth of Russian folk poetry, mastering the secret of national self-consciousness.

The social structure of the Russian Friende prevented the implementation of this historical task. The folding noble culture was deliberately focused on its ideologists for rapprochement with the culture of the French nobility, and they defiantly proclaimed contempt for the whole Russian, and especially in common.

Moreover, the great merit of young Russian literature, which not only understood the importance of communicating with the spiritual culture of the people, but also showed a persistent desire to get closer to the national soil at the time of the intensive development of the artistic experience of mankind, passionately wanted to master the secret power of Antea.

"Our poetry simple people"(V.K. Trediakovsky) became the focus of Russian writers of the XVIII century. All writers were deepening to the work of the people - from Cantemir to Derzhavin, Karamzin and Radishchev. First, proverbs were widely used - and as an expression folk wisdom, and as samples of a poetic, aphoristical-clear, syntax-laconic phrase, who passed the Russian view on the phenomena of life - social, household, political.

From Petrovsky time began to develop the tradition of processing works of oral folk creativity - Fairy tales, epics, which will later get widespread in the work of M. Chulkov, V. Levshina, I. Dmitriev, N. Karamzin.

From the 1760s. A wide, announcing from the decade in a decade work on publication of works of folk art - proverbs, songs, fairy tales, epic. The first assembly of songs and proverbs published N. Kurganov in his "writing" in 1769 "Collection of different songs" - a collection in four parts in 1770-1774. Prepared and released M. Bullkov.

In 1770, the "Assembly of 4291 Russian proverbs" was published in Moscow, prepared by the student of Lomonosov, a professor at Moscow University A. Barsov. In 1780-1781, N. Novikov published "New and full collection Russian songs "in six parts. From this time, there were several dozen songnies until the end of the century, and it was characteristic that in many cases Poets were poets - M. Popov, I. Dmitriev, N. Lvov.

IN early XIX. in. As a result of attention, the collection of Kirshi Danilova will be of interest to the collection of works of the people - the magnificent collection of Russian epics. So folk creativity, and above all songs and proverbs, - Democratic ideology imprinted in samples artistic word, - "invaded" into the literature, became an event literary lifeBy participating in the process of creating new literature.

The struggle for the originality of the literature is such a direction and the essence of the literary struggle throughout the entire century, with a special acute half of its half. The originality was determined under the influence of historical, national and social circumstances. One of the factors contributing to the movement of literature on the path of national identity was folklore.

From empirical assimilation of folklore literature passed to more challenging tasks. Works of folk art served as a model for the development of a truly Russian style, were used to enrich literary language "Non-Russian Russian words", idiomas. Folklore helped disclose the "secret of nationality", comprehend "the fold of the Russian".

Ridicule, mockery, irony, joke, imprinted not only in proverbs, but also in fairy tales, various satirical "petrot", parody judicial solutions and even prayers, expressed a folk view of the phenomena of life, were popular assessment and the court of all social, social, social and living conditions existing in Russia.

Humor argued moral dignity simple manwhich was deprived of social and political freedom and all human rights. Humor, contributing to the self-preservation of a person in a slave country, was a manifestation of huge national Property - laughter culture of the people, which with a special force, completeness and fruitfulness affected art in the Epoch of the Renaissance. This was written in detail M. M. Bakhtin in his monograph "Creativity Francois Rabol and folk culture Middle Ages and Renaissance "(1965).

Laughter B. low genres Classicism wore literary nature, It was rationalistically defined by the rules, he even turned out to be predetermined - for example, in the genre of the Iroi-comic poem. The source of her comism was the style. The comic effect in "funny heroic poems" was born from the stylistic inconsistency between the syllable and theme, language and hero.

The brighter the personality of the author was manifested in the work created by him, the more energetically he retired from the rules, the more intense he mastered the national sources of humor. "Anthem Beard" Lomonosov and parody works of I. S. Barkova, some Basni Sumarokov and Maikova immediately rise to the satirical works of the people, to a mockery and mockery of his proverbs, fairy tales, etc.

Majkova's poem "Elisha, or irritated Vaca" permeated with Russian cheerfulness, perky, sometimes salty humor. Funny in the poem turned out to be situations in which the hero falls, are funny actions of an enterprising, never a diligent, who is a resourceful grocery of Elisha. It was for the fun who loved this poem Pushkin.

A distinctive feature of the narrative manner of phonvizin and satirical works Novikova is humor. And this humor is clearly correlated with folk laughter culture. Remember characteristic genres Novikov-Satirika - "Decration", "Recipes", Izvestia; Fonvizin - "Universal court grammar", "teaching, spent in the spirits of the day", "Heading uncle to his nephew" and others.

All this is consciously focused on satirical genres of folklore, parody ("Perevils") The use of "petitions", "instructions", "teachings", "recipes", created not only in XVII, but also in the XVIII century. And quite widely distributed in lists. Recall the "Calyazin Podvor", "Letter of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks turkish Sultane"," Painting of the Dowry "," Tale of Shemyakin court"," Tale of the Brahnik "and many other sharp, mischievous, performed by a killer laughing parodies on official, diplomatic, domestic, church documents.

Irony like one of folk properties Received a vivid expression in the work of Novikov and Fonvizin, Derzhavin and Krylov. This feature of Russian literature emphasized Gogol: "We have a lot of irony. She is visible in our proverbs and songs and, that all is amazing, often where the soul apparently will be injured and is not located at all for fun. The depth of this original irony still did not expose us, because, by raising all European upbringings, we were moving away from their native root ...

It is difficult to find a Russian person, in which it would not be connected, together with a decrease in the pre-aggregate, the property - the property - in something truly laugh. " This precious property Gogol saw from Phonwan and Derzhavin. The latter, according to him, "the large half of his own half of her."

Joke - Home stylistic feature The new poetry of Derzhavin, his updated ODD. Later he will give himself the creation of a "funny Russian syllable". It is this funny syllable, a joke, irony, frustration, a sharp word and revealed a warehouse of the mind, a manner to understand things, a look at the world, which is peculiar to the poet of Derzhavin as a unique personality of the Russian man.

For this practical philosophy of the mind of Russian, for the Russian view of the world, manifested, primarily through the prism of a Russian joke, irony, mockery, and appreciated Belinsky Derzhavin.

The circumstances of the antipodeal struggle, the exacerbation of the social conflict of serfdom led to the appearance in the literature social theme And new heroes - peasants. Russian serfs depicted in essays, in comic Opera, in the literary song, in the Iroi-comic poem, in the ledged Ode. Proverbs and songs helped to transfer the ideals of a worker man, his manor to understand the phenomena of life in their social and national definiteness and concreteness.

With folklore turned out to be the associated and the problem of nation, which at a certain stage of struggle for the originality of the literature stood before the writers. The term "national literature" was not known to them. But writers-Realistic XIX in. - Pushkin, Gogol, Belinsky, for whom the nationality was the most important qualitative feature of the literature, seen this nation in some works of the XVIII century.

Turning to the experience of their predecessors, they emphasized the Natopolis of Comedy Fonvizin, Poemans of Derzhavin, Prose and Basen Krylov. Belinsky wrote about it in detail. Already in "literary dreams", he argued: "Our people are loyalty to the image of paintings of Russian life." That is why he put "inexpressible", "grief from the mind" and "auditor" in one series of "folk dramatic PESES". Speaking of Derzhavin, he emphasized the other aspect of the nationality: in his poems, wrote Belinsky, "the practical philosophy of the mind of Russian is visible."

Later, in the 1840s, the content of the nationality was no longer limited to the Belinsky faithful transfer of paintings of Russian life and the National Spirit, it is enriched with the concept of democraticness. And now the nationality is associated with the work of the Krylova-Basinista. It was the wings, according to the thought of criticism, contributes to the literature "A completely new element for her - a nationality, which only flashed and flashed with times in the writings of Derzhavin."

For advanced literature XVIII in. Radishchev and was characterized by nationality as loyalty to the paintings of Russian life, as an expression of a Russian look at things. Democratic and national in the work of many writers has not yet responded in their unity. But only their merging, and moreover in high artistic creativity Writers-realists make creativity truly folk. Such a nationality is distinguished by the work of Pushkin and Gogol - they are capable of looking at the world "through the eyes of the whole people."

The revolutionary beliefs of Radishchev identified the special character of his folklorism, a fundamentally new attitude to folk creativity and its new understanding. Songs and fairy tales, proverbs and bales, epics and spiritual poems - all numerous species and genres of folklore not only testified to the artistic rigging of the people, but also about his powerful spiritual activity, his ability to work.

And the uprising of the depressed for Radishva is the highest form of folk activity, the highest form of special folk creativity, which with a turbulent force raises the peasants to the active and beautiful Life, enlightens and awakens in a person-rich personality. With such political positions and approached Radishchev to Folklore. Herzen perfectly understood this by saying that in the song the author of the "travel" found "the key to the sacraments of the people."

The revolution in Russia, according to Radishchev, will be made because it will inevitably generate "gravity of enslavement". She will be a victorious, transforming the appearance of the Fatherland, because it will make it a people who have their wonderful qualities and character traits - "hardness in enterprises", "tirelessness performed" - certainly and necessarily pay with time when "comes Godina", to the decline " Bliss of public.

So the difficult and long path of Russian literature on the nationality and national identity was determined. The most important revived problem is a combination of humanistic and people's Benefit During the century - from Cantemir and Lomonosov to Pushkin, due to both historical times and the circumstances of social and national Development Russia.

History of Russian literature: in 4 volumes / edited by N.I. Protkova and others - L., 1980-1983.

ooluzny calls inspired by advanced youth. The spirit of the opposition and the struggle inherent in the works of progressive writers of Russia made Russian literature of the pore of one of the active public forces. Even against the background of the entire richest world classics, Russian literature of the last century is an exceptional phenomenon. Only the names of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Lion Tolstoy immediately cause ideas about huge artistic Mirahs, many ideas and images, which in their own way refracted by the consciousness of new and new generations of readers. The impressions made by this "golden age" of Russian literature perfectly expressed T. Mann, speaking of her "extraordinary internal unity and integrity", "close cohesion of her ranks, continuity of its traditions." Pushkin was the founder of Russian realism, his romance in verses "Eugene Onegin", which Belinsky called the Encyclopedia of Russian life, was the highest expression of realism in the work of the Great Poet. Outstanding samples realistic literature are historical drama "Boris Godunov", Tale " Captain's daughter", Dubrovsky and others. The global meaning of Pushkin is associated with the awareness of the universal value of the tradition created by him. He paved the literature of Lermontov, Gogol, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Chekhov, which was rightfully made not only by the fact of Russian culture, but also the most important moment spiritual development mankind. The traditions of Pushkin continued his younger contemporary and successor M. Lermontov. The novel of the "Hero of our time", in many ways consonant with the Pushkin novel "Yevgeny Onegin", is considered the top of Lermontov realism. Creativity Lermontov appeared higher point The development of Russian feet of the afternoon period and opened new ways in the evolution of Russian prose. Its main aesthetic landmark is the work of Bairon and Pushkin of the romantic period. A strong influence on the subsequent literature was provided by the Lermontov method of psychological analysis, "dealers of feelings". In the direction of predocant and romantic forms The work of Gogol developed to the realism, which turned out to be a decisive factor in the subsequent development of Russian literature. In his "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka", the concept of Malorussia is artistically implemented - this Slavic ancient Rome - as a whole mainland on the map of the Universe, with a dikanka as a kind of center, as a focus and national spiritual specificity, and national destiny. At the same time, Gogol is the founder " genuine school"(Critical realism schools); It is not by chance that the 30s - 40s of the last century N. Chernyshevsky called the Gogol period of Russian literature. "We all left the" sinel "Gogol," said Dostoevsky figuratively, characterizing the influence of Gogol on the development of Russian literature. At the beginning of the XX century. Gogol gets worldwide confession And from this point on, it becomes a valid and increasingly increasing magnitude of the global art process, gradually realizes the deep philosophical potential of his creativity. Special attention deserves the work of the genius L. Tolstoy, which marked new stage In the development of Russian and world realism, the bridge passed between traditions classical Romana XIX century and literature XX century. The novelty and the power of the Tolstsky realism are directly related to the democratic roots of his art, his artist and its moral searches, the realism of thickness is characteristic of the special truthfulness, frankness of tone, straight and, as a result, crushing force and sharpness in exposure social contradictions. A special phenomenon in Russian and world literature - Roman "War and Peace"; In this unique phenomenon of the art of Tolstoy combined the form psychological novel With a scope and multifigious epic fresco. The eternal companion of mankind called this novel a modern writer Yu. Nagibin, for "War and Peace", dedicated to one of the most detailed wars of the XIX century, approves moral idea Celebrations of life over death, peace over the war, which has acquired a tremendous significance at the end of the XX century. Amazes truly titanic character moral quest And another great Russian writer - Dostoevsky, who, unlike Tolstoy, does not allow an analysis of epic scales. He does not give descriptions what is happening, it forces "leave underground" in order to see what is happening in reality, he makes us see himself in itself. Thanks to the stunning ability to penetrate the human soul of Dostoevsky one of the first, if not the very first, gave a description of modern nihilism. His characteristics of this attitude of the mind is indelible, it still fascinates the reader with a depth and inexplicable accuracy. Dostoevsky was looking for deliverance from nihilism not in suicide and not in denial, but in approval and joy. The response to Nihilism, who is sick of an intellectual, serves the lifeful "naivety" Dmitry Karamazov, beating through the edge of the joy of Alyosha - the heroes of the novel "Brothers of the Karamazov". In the innocence of ordinary people - denial of nihilism. The world of Dostoevsky is the world of men, women and children, at the same time ordinary and unusual. Some breakdown care, other creatures, some poor and cheerful, others are rich and sad. This is the world of saints and villains, idiots and geniuses, pious women and terrible children who are tormented by their fathers. This is a world of criminals and respectable citizens, but the gates of Paradise are open to everyone: they can escape or persecute themselves to the eternal curse. The world faces death, the world can - should! - Being saved by the beauty, the beauty of the spiritual and moral feat is the position of Dostoevsky. In the XIX century, along with the stunning development of literature, there is also the brightest ups musical culture Russia, and the music and literature are in cooperation, which enriches certain artistic images. If, for example, Pushkin in his poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" gave an organic decision of the idea national Patriotism, Finding it for its embodiment, the corresponding national forms, M. Glinka discovered in the magical and fabulous heroic plot of Pushkin new, potential options - his opera grows from the inside to a multinational musical epic. Her heroes from Patriarchal Russia fall into the world of the East, their destinies are wooping with the magic of the Northern sage Finn. Here Pushkin plot is rethought into the plot of dramas, Opera Glinka is an excellent example of the incarnation of the harmony of the equal forces, which is fixed in the consciousness of the musicians as "Ruslanovskoye", i.e. Romantic beginning. A significant impact on the development of the musical culture of Russia of the last century was the work of Gogol, inextricably linked with the problem of nation. Gogol's plots formed the basis of the Opera "May Night" and "Night Before Christmas" Roman Corsakov, Sorochinskaya Fair Mussorgsky, "Kuznets Vakula" ("Cherevichki") Tchaikovsky, etc. Roman Korsakov created a whole "fabulous" world of operas: from "May night" and "Snow Maiden" to "Sadko", for which the world is ideal in its harmoniousness. The plot "Sadko" was built on various versions of Novgorod epic - narrations about the wonderful enrichment of the Huslar, his wanders and adventures. The "Snow Maiden" of Roman-Korsakov determines as a teacher opera, calling the "picture from the original and infinite chronicle of Berendeva Kingdom." In operations of this kind of Roman-korsakov uses mythological and philosophical symbolism. If the "Snow Maiden" is associated with the cult of Yaril (Sun), then a whole pantheon of the Old Slavic deities is presented in the "Mlada". In the content of the aesthetic ideal of the Roman Corsakov, which underlies it musical creativityThe category of beautiful in art is included as unconditional value. Images of the high-eethic world of his operas very clearly show that art is an effective power that it conquers and transforms a person that it carries life and joy. This feature of art was connected to Roman Corsakov with his understanding as effective means moral improvement of man. Creativity P. Tchaikovsky contributed to the flourishing of Russian musical culture and made a novelty to this area. So, experimental character was carried by his opera "Yevgeny Onegin", which was not the opera called them, but " lyrical scenes" The innovative essence of the opera was that it reflected the trends of the new advanced literature. In his desire to create a "intimate", but the strong drama Tchaikovsky wanted to reach the scene of the illusion of everyday life with her everyday conversations. He refused the epic tone of the narrative of Pushkin and led the romance from satire and irony into a lyrical sound. That is why the lyrics of the internal monologue and internal action, the movement of emotional spoke to the forehead in the opera

Russian literatureXIX. century

XIXVEK- Epoch of the heyday of Russian literature, which develops in a feverish rhythm; Directions, flows, schools and mods are replaced with dizzying speed; Each decade has his poetic, his ideology, his artistic style. Sentimentalism of the tenths is inferior to the romanticism of the twentieth-thirties; The forties see the birth of Russian idealistic "Lubomatriy" and Slavophilical teaching; Fifties - the appearance of the first novels of Turgenev, Goncharov, Tolstoy; The nihilism of the sixties is replaced by the nationality of the seventies, the eighties are filled with glory of a fat, artist and a preacher; in nineties begins new flourishing poetry: the era of Russian symbolism.

By the beginning of the XIX century, Russian literature, having experienced the beneficial effects of classicism and sentimentalism, enriched with new topics, genres, artistic images and creative techniques. In his new century, she entered the wave of a pre-gate movement aimed at creating a national, distinctive in forms and the content of literature and meeting the needs of the artistic development of our people and society. It was a time when, along with literary ideas, there was a wide penetration of all sorts of philosophical, political, historical concepts formed in Europe at the turn of the 19th century.

In Russia romanticism As the ideological and artistic direction in the literature of the early 19th century, it was generated by the deep dissatisfaction of the advanced part of Russians by Russian reality. Formation of romanticism

Associated with poetry V.A. Zhukovsky. His ballads are imbued with the ideas of friendship, love for the Fatherland.

Realismit is approved in the 30-40th, along with romanticism, but by the middle of the 19th century it becomes a dominant direction in culture. On its ideological orientation he becomes critical realism. At the same time, the work of great realists is permeated with the ideas of humanism and social justice.

For some time, it comes to say about nationality, demand the nationality, complain about the lack of nationality in the works of literature - but no one thought to determine what he would say under this word. "The people in the writers have a dignity that may well be appreciated by one compatriots - for others it does not exist or may even seem by vice" - so thought about the nation A.S. Pushkin

Live literature should be a fruit of nation, powered, but not suppressed by sociability. The literature is and there is a literary life, but its development is shy for the one-sidedness of the integral direction that kills the nationality, without which there can be no complete literary life.

In the mid-30s, critical realism was established in Russian classical literature, which opened the writers with great opportunities for the expression of Russian life and Russian national nature.

The special effective strength of Russian critical realism is that, pushing progressive romanticism as the prevailing direction, he mastered, retained and continued its best traditions:

Dissatisfaction with the present, dreams of the future. Russian critical realism is distinguished by bright national identity and in the form of its expression. The vital truth, the basis of the works of Russian progressive writers, often did not fit in traditional genre-species forms. Therefore, Russian literature is characterized by frequent violations of genre-species forms.

Most strongly condemned the delusion of conservative and reaction criticism V.G. Belinsky, who saw in Pushkin's poetry, the transition to the realism, which considers the vertices of Boris Godunov and Evgeny Onegin, who refused to the primitive identification of nationality with the sophistication. Belinsky underestimated Pushkin's prose, his fairy tales, he, in general, is true, outlined the scale of the writer's creativity as a focus of literary achievements and innovative undertakings, which determine the further ways of developing Russian literature in the XIX century.

In the poem Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila", the desire for the nationality, which is early manifested in Pushkin's poetry, and in the poems "Bakhchisarai Fountain", "Caucasian captive" Pushkin goes to the position of romanticism.

Pushkin's creativity completes the process of developing Russian literature on the beginning of the XIX century. At the same time, Pushkin stands at the origins of Russian literature, he is the founder of Russian realism, the creator of the Russian literary language.

The brilliant creativity of Tolstoy had a huge impact on world literature.

In the novels "Crime and Punishment", "Idiot" Dostoevsky realizedly portrayed a clash of bright, original Russian characters.

Creativity M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin is directed against an autocably-serfdom.

One of the writers of the 30s is N.V.Gogol. In the work of "Evenings on the farm near the Dikanka" he was disgruntled by the official world and he, as well as A.S. Pushkin plunged into fabulous world Romantics. Ripe as an artist, Gogol refused a romantic genre and proceeds to realism.

Also by this time refers to the activity of M.Yu.Lermontov. Pafos of his poetry lies in moral issues On the fate and human rights rights. The origins of Lermontov's creativity are associated with the culture of European and Russian romanticism. IN early years He wrote three dramas marked by the seal of romanticism.

The novel "Heroes of our time" is one of the main works of literature of the psychological realism of the XIX century.

By the same time the 1st stage of critical activities V.G. Belinsky is. He had a huge impact on the development of literature, public thought, reading tastes in Russia. He was a fighter for realism, demanded simplicity and truth from literature. The highest authoritations for him were Pushkin and Gogol, whose creativity he devoted a number of articles.

Having studied the letter V.G. Belinsky to N.V.Gogolol, we see that it was directed not only by opposite-political and moral sermons of Gogol, but largely against his literary judgments and evaluations.

In the conditions of a flammore life, the social thought of Russia, which found a preferential expression in literature and criticism, all persistently treated the present for the past and future to identify the laws and trends of historical development.

Russian Realism of the 1860-1870s, acquired noticeable differences from Western European. In the works of many realist writers of that pores, motives foreshadowed and prepared that shift to revolutionary romance and socialist realism, which will occur at the beginning of the 20th century. With the greatest brightness and scope, the flowering of Russian realism manifested itself in the novel and the tale of the second half of the XIX century. It is the novels and the story of the largest Russian artists of the pore gained the greatest public resonance in Russia and abroad. The novels and many of the story of Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, Dostoevsky almost immediately after its release received a response in Germany, France, USA. Foreign writers and critics were felt in the Russian novel of those years the relationship of concrete phenomena of Russian reality with the processes of development of all mankind.

The flourishing of the Russian novel, the desire to penetrate into the depths of the human soul and at the same time comprehend the social nature of society and those laws in accordance with which its development occurs, has become the main distinguishing quality of the Russian realism of the 1860-1870s.

About the meaning of life, about conscience, about justice, the heroes of Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Chekhov, Nekrasov were reflected. In the structure of a new realistic novel and the stories of their hypothesis were confirmed or rejected, their concepts, and ideas about the world when a collision with reality was too often dispelled as smoke. Their novels should be regarded as a real feat of the artist. For the development of Russian realism, I made a lot of my novels I.S.Turgen. The novel "Fathers and Children" purchased the greatest fame. It depicts a picture of Russian life at the new stage of the liberation movement. The last novel Turgenev "Nov'" was perceived by Russian criticism. In those years, the population was the most significant phenomenon of public life.

The flourishing of critical realism was also manifested in Russian poetry of 1860-1870s. One of the tops of the Russian critical realism of the 60-80s becomes the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin. Ingenious satirik, using allegoryrs, the personification skillfully put and conducted the most acute issues. modern life. The accusatory pathos is inherent in the work of this writer. Decrapers of democracy had a sworn enemy in his face.

A prominent role in the literature of the 80s was played by such works as "little things of life", "Poshechon Satire". With great skill, he reproduced in them the terrible consequences of serfdom and no less terrible paintings of the moral fall of the Boreframe Russia. "The story about how the man's 2 generals punished" or the "wild landowner" is devoted to the most important problems of Russian life, they passed to print with large censorship difficulties.

The greatest realist writers not only reflected life in their works, but also searched for the ways of its transformation.

The literature of the Poreform Russia, adequately continued the traditions of critical realism, was the most philosophical and social in Europe.


    History of Russian literature of the XI-XX centuries

    Russian Literature Textbook


3. Great Russian Writers of the XIX century


4. Russian literature of the XIX century


5. The history of Russian literature first

half XIX century


6. The story of Russian xIX literaturecentury

(S.M. Petrov)

7. From the history of the Russian novel of the XIX century



    N.V.Gogol (1809-1852)

a) Tale "Shinel"

b) the story "Viy"

c) Poem "Ganz Kychulgararten"

2. F.M.Dostoevsky (1821-1881)

a) Roman "Demes"

b) Roman "Notes from the Dead House"

c) Roman "Player"

d) Roman "Teen"

3. V.A. Zhukovsky (1783-1852)

a) Ballad "Lyudmila"

b) Ballad "Svetlana"

4. A.S. Pushkin (1799-1837)

a) Poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

b) drama "Boris Godunov"

c) the poem "Domik in Kolomna"

d) Poem "Gavrilliad"

e) the story "Kyryzhali"

e) fairy tale "Bridegroom"

5. M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin (1826-1889)

a) Fairy Tale "Baran-Neponomy"

b) Fairy Tale "Konya"

c) fairy tale "Emelya worker and an empty drum"

d) fairy tale "Selfless hare"

e) novel "Lord Golovy

6. M.Yu.Lermantes (1814-1841)

a) Poem "MTSI"

b) Drama "Masquerade"

7. L.N. Tolstoy (1828-1910)

a) Roman "Anna Karenina"

b) the story "Polykushka"

c) Roman "Resurrection"


1. The approval of humanism, citizenship and nationality in the literature of the first half of the XIX century

2. Development of realistic traditions in literature

poreframe Russia.


according to cultural scientists

Subject: Russian literatureXIX. century

Student: Blue Elena Aleksandrovna

Teacher: Slesarev Yuri Vasilyevich

Faculty: accounting statistical

Specialty: buchs, analysis and audit

World importance and national peculiarity of Russian XIX century literature. Your opinion about your works known to you this issue. When studying any school Topics Can I take advantage of the methodology for solving the above problem?

In Russia, the 19th century there is an unprecedented rise of literature and is included in the cultural process. This era is accepted to characterize the "golden age", the heyday of creativity and origin philosophical thought, the formation of the Russian literary language, which took shape largely due to A.S. Pushkin. Literary Center - important feature. On the works of the writers of that time, we learn humanity, patriotism, we study our story. Not one generation of people has grown on this "classic". Romanticism becomes the lead artistic methodAlthough on the outcome of the 1930s of the XIX century leading place In the literature will take realism.

Russian literature is excellent and humanity and humanity seeks to express their opinion. In Russia, philosophy is individual. One of the main problems is the problem of morality for each author's own solutions to this problem. Moral issues It became the main thing and almost all Russian piseti converged in 1m the formation of high ideals. High in Russia is overcoming egoism and individualism. And the high active heroic of those for Russ writers of the Sv, but the most demanding attitude. In Russia, it was never impossible to live a separate fate. Russian communion is always collectively. Russ Liter is characterized by the choice of choices for itself and for the whole world. RUS Author showed life in community with the whole world. With this, the epic of thinking Russian heroes always communicate with the nation of the heroes of Gogol Tolstoy. This soil was very good. favorable for the development of novels. Russian romance had a great influence to the West. The heroes were colossal they were not familiar to the reader, the Russians knew how to go to the question of being. But the essence and reverse moment when the authors penetrated the national. In order to consider considering this issue in more detail, you can contact Kasyanova "Russian national character"In the book, she tells that the Russian person is characteristic value installation For example, the ability to achieve the goal. Russia and the West have various goals in life. The idea of \u200b\u200braising high feelings and ideals is high and high this egoism.

The global literature importance is closely related to the national peculiarity: romance appeal to national events, since the 19th century is the age of epochal events of a global scale (war 1812), these are changes public consciousness, pronounced spirit of patriotism. The reforms of 1861 lead to the polarization of societies. Cognition and sense of person finds its expression in literature images. For example, the Epoch of Decembrism gives rise to the ideal of a free person, so the topic of free person becomes central. The activities of writers were not limited to their subjective spiritual world: they actively showed interest in public Life, folklore works and interacted by S. overseas writers. Therefore, the 19th century literature carries the global coverage of the entire social and political life of that time and reflects the globility of his era. National peculiarity It is reflected in the typology of portraits of people, summarizing their vices and pronounced personality properties: 1) in the center of the liter. 19 The problem of growth of personality feeling: image young man Does not satisfy modern lifestyle 2). A.S. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol marked the main artistic types that will be developed by writers all over the 19th century. it artistic type « excess person", Whose sample is Evgeny Onegin in Roman A.S. Pushkin, and the so-called type " little man", Which is shown by N.V. Gogol in his story "Shinel", as well as A.S. Pushkin in the story "Stationander".

  • 3). National atmosphere in the literature, the development of a Russian national nature
  • 4). Heading the writers of the conclusion of the intelligentsia from the people, as a convergence of its roots. 5). Personality - the ratio of one personality with the Being of the entire people (egocentricity, and timewise)
  • 6) Writer's attention to psychological and social analysis. You can also contact the work of Belinsky look at Russ Liter. In school, this question can be used neither introductory lessons in Russian L 19GO century. For example, it can be such a topic as thin liters as a kind of art