Oblomov idea meaning of the work. Idean moral meaning of the novel of obcomments

Oblomov idea meaning of the work. Idean moral meaning of the novel of obcomments

All her life goncharov dreamed of finding people of harmony of feelings and mind. He pondered about the strength and poverty of the "man of mind", about the charm and weakness of the "man of the heart." In the "Oblomov" this thought became one of the leading. In this novel, two types of men's characters are opposed: passive and weak bugs, with its golden heart and pure soul, and energetic gallery, overcoming any circumstances by the strength of his mind and will. However, the human ideal of Goncharov is not personified or in any other. Stolz does not seem to the writer with a personality more complete than the bugs on which he also looks at "sober eyes." An impartially exposing the "extremes" of the nature of the other, Goncharov performed for the completeness and integrity of the spiritual world of a person with all the variety of its manifestations.

Each of the main characters of the novel had their understanding of the meaning of life, their life ideals that they dreamed of implementing.

At the beginning of the story, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is a little more than thirty years old, he is a post nobleman, winner of three hundred and fifty souls of serf peasants who went to her inheritance. After graduating from Moscow University, three years in one of the metropolitan departments, he resigned in the rank of college secretary. Since then, he ever lived in St. Petersburg. The novel begins with the description of one of his days, its habits and character. Oblomov's life by that time turned into a lazy "overwhelming day of day." Also removed from the active activity, he lay on the sofa and irritably interrupted with Zakhar, his fortress servant, cared for him. Opening the social roots of the groovers, Goncharov shows that "it all started to wear stockings, but ended in the inability to live."

A brought up in the patriarchal noble family, Ilya Ilyich perceived life in a crushing, his childbirth estate, with her peace and inaction as an ideal of human existence.
The three main acts of life were constantly played on the eyes of a little Ilyusha as a child: Motherland, weddings, funeral. Then followed their divisions: christening, name days, family holidays. This focuses on all life pathos. This consisted of "wide dranching a boric life" with her festival, forever became the ideal life for Oblomov.

All the brooms treated the work as a punishment and did not love him, considering something humiliating. Therefore, life in the eyes of Ilya Ilyich was divided into two halves. One consisted of difficulty and boredom, and it was synonymous for him. The other is from peace and peaceful fun. In the Oblomovka Ilya Ilyich, the sense of superiority over other people was also instilled. "Other" himself cleans his boots, it's clothes himself, it's rebuilding for what. This "other" has to work without tired. Ilusha "Pupil gently nor a cold, nor hunger he endured, did not know the needs, she didn't earn her bread, he did not do it black." And he considered the punishment sent by the sky for sins, and avoided school sessions with any opportunity. After graduating from the university, he was no longer engaged in his education, was not interested in science, art, politics.

When the broom was young, he waited a lot from fate, and from himself. I was preparing to serve Fatherland, play a prominent role in public life, dreamed of family happiness. But the days went over the days, and he was going to start life, everything was drawing his future in the mind. However, "the color of life bloomed and did not give fruit."

The future service was presented to him in the form of harsh activities, but in the form of some "family lesson". It seemed to him that officials who served together were a friendly and cramped family, all members of which were tirelessly care about mutual pleasure. However, his youthful views were deceived. Without having difficulties, he resigned, served only three years and without having anything significant.

It happened, lying on the sofa, he will defeat the desire to specify humanity on his vices. He will quickly change two or three poses, with the glittering eyes will bring in bed and inspired by the circle. It seems that his high effort is about to appeal to the feat and bring good consequences to humanity. Sometimes he imagines himself with an invincible commander: will ingest the war, it will arrange new crusades, makes the feats of good and generosity. Or, presenting himself by a thinker, an artist, he in his imagination reaps Lavra, all worship him, the crowd chases him. However, in fact, he was not able to understand the management of his own estate and easily became the mining of such fraudsters, like Tarantyev and "Brother" of his apartment hostess.

Over time, he had a remorse of conscience that did not give him peace. He was hurt for his undeveloped, for the severity that prevented him to live. His envy gnawed that others live as fully and wide, and it prevents him from boldly to go through life. He painfully felt that good and bright began buried in it, as in the grave. He tried to find the perpetrator outside him and did not find it. However, apathy and indifference quickly replaced concern in his soul, and he again slept peacefully on his sofa.

Even love for Olga did not revive him to practical life. Faced with the need to act, overcoming the difficulty in the path, he was frightened and retreated. Settling on the Vyborg side, he fully provided himself with the concerns of Agafia Wshetitsky, finally removed from active life.

In addition to the Barbean inequalities, the broomstant prevents being active much more. It really feels an objectively existing separation of the "poetic" and "practical" in life, and this is the cause of its bitter disappointment.

If at the beginning of Roman Goncharov speaks more about Oblomovskaya Lena, then at the end everything is more insistent with the theme of the "Golden Heart" Oblomov, which he has no passive carried through life. The misfortune of Oblomov is connected not only with a social medium, the influence of which he could not resist. It is concluded in the "disastrous abundance of the heart." Softness, delicacy, the violation of the hero disarming his will and make it powerless to people and circumstances.

In contrast to passive and lackless breakdown, Stolz was conceived by the author as a figure is quite unusual. Goncharov sought to make it attractive for the reader with his "significance", rational skillful practicality. These qualities have not yet been characteristic of the heroes of Russian literature.

The son of the German Burger and the Russian nobility, Andrei Stolz since childhood thanks to his father received labor, practical education. It combined with the poetic influence of his mother made it a special person. Unlike rounded Oblomov, he was thin, all consisted of muscles and nerves. From him I had some freshness and strength. "As in the body there was nothing superfluous, and in the moral shipments of his life, he was looking for an equilibrium of practical parties with the subtle needs of the Spirit." "In life, he walked firmly, cheerfully, lived on the budget, trying to spend every day, like every ruble." He attributed to any failure to himself, "and did not hang like a caftan, on someone else's nail." He sought to work out a simple and direct view of life. Most of all he was afraid of imagination, "this double satellite", and every dream, therefore there was no place in his soul to all the mysterious and mysterious. All that is not being analyzed by experience does not correspond to the practical truth, he considered deceit.

Although the breakdown there is nothing to object to the reproach of the gallery, some soulful right is concluded in the confession of Ilya Ilyich that he failed to understand this life.

If at the beginning of Roman Goncharov speaks more about Oblomovskaya Lena, then at the end everything is more insistent with the theme of the "Golden Heart" Oblomov, which he has no passive carried through life. The misfortune of Oblomov is connected not only with a social medium, the influence of which he could not resist. It is concluded in the "disastrous abundance of the heart." Softness, delicacy, the violation of the hero disarming his will and make it powerless to people and circumstances.

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Public meaning of the novel The meaning of the name of the work The meaning of the crushing in the novel The meaning of life of Oblomov in the novel Conclusion

Roman Goncharova "Oblomov" is a sign of the 19th century literature, affecting both witness and many philosophical problems, remaining relevant and interesting to the modern reader. The ideological meaning of the novel "Oblomov" is based on the opposition of an active, new social and personal beginning with obsolete, passive and degrading. In the work, the author reveals

these starts on several household levels, therefore, for a complete understanding of the meaning of the work, a detailed consideration of each of them is required.

Public meaning of the novel

In the novel of "Oblomov" Goncharov first introduced the concept of "Oblomovshchina" as the generalized name of the obsolete patriarchal-obstrive obstacles, personal degradation, and the life of a whole public formation of the Russian mesh, who does not want to take new public trends and norms.
This phenomenon was considering this phenomenon on the example of the main character of the Roman - Oblomov, whose childhood was held in a distant crushing, where everyone lived quietly, little, more than wondering and almost nothing worried about. The Hero's Native Village becomes the embodiment of the ideals of the Russian Old-General - a peculiar hedonistic idyll, "canned paradise", where it is not necessary to learn, work or develop.

Depriping the Oblomov as a "excess person", goncharov, unlike Griboedov and Pushkin, who have the characters of this type ahead of society, introduces the hero in the narration of the hero who is lagging behind the society who lives to distant past. Active, active, educated Wednesday oppresses Oblomov - he is alien to the ideals of the gallery with his work for the sake of labor, even the beloved Olga is ahead of Ilya Ilyich, going to everything from a practical side. Stolz, Olga, Tarantyev, Mukhoyarov, other familiar Oblomov - representatives of a new, "urban" type of personality. They are more practicing than theorists, they do not dream, but do, create a new one - someone honestly working, someone deceiving.

Goncharov condemns the "Oblomovshchina" with her grave to the past, laziness, apathy and a complete spiritual death of the person, when a person in essence becomes a "plant" around the clock lying on the sofa.
However, the images of modern, new people of Goncharov also depicts ambiguous - there is no peace of mind and inner poetry, which was at Oblomov (remember that gallets only resting this calm, and already married Olga sadness for something far and afraid to dream , justifying the husband).

At the end of the work of Goncharov does not make a certain conclusion, who is right - practiced gallery or a dreamer of bugs. However, it is clear to the reader what exactly because of the "Oblomovshchina", as the phenomena of sharply negative and long ago, "disappeared" Ilya Ilyich. That is why the public sense of Roman Goncharov "Oblomov" is the need for continuous development and movement - both in the continuous construction and creation of the world and work on the development of self.

The meaning of the name of the work

The meaning of the name of the novel of "Oblomov" is closely related to the main topic of the work - it was named by the name of the chief hero of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, and also conjured in the social phenomenon described in the novel. The etymology of the name is interpreted by researchers in different ways. So, the most common version is that the word "brooms" comes from the words "chip", "peeling", "breaking", denoting the state of the spiritual and social character of the landlord nobility, when it turned out in the borderline state between the desire to maintain the old traditions and the foundations and necessity To change the requirements of the era, from a creator person becomes a person-practitioner.

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Roman Ivan Goncharov "Oblomov" is very instructive.

The lifestyle of Oblomov is a solid routine, and the protagonist does not even try to escape from it on their own. With the help of this character, the author will prove that laziness and indifference ruin the fate of people.

The first meeting

Ivan Goncharov introduces the reader with Ilya Illichi Oblomov from the first pages of the novel. A man lies in his own bed with a detached look. He is trying to force himself to rise, but attempts end to no avail. Promises to get up one hundred and lead to the fact that the day smoothly passes by the evening, and leave the bed is already optional.

Life in a horizontal position

Ilya thinks about the obstigious misfortunes. So a man calls the troubles associated with the activities in the estate, which was delivered from the parents, and the search for a new apartment.

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Orders old Lake Zaharu he gives in bed. Guests, often visited him, Barin takes lying, in the old rodbat.

The former colleagues of Oblomov come. And he does not seem to seem at all from the best side, meeting them vigorous and in beautiful health. Young, beautiful men, he always complains of health.

Disorder in the apartment and in the soul

Rarely coming out of the house. Invitations of acquaintances to visit secular rounds he rejects. Justifies the refusal to poor well-being, barley, drafts and dampness, which is contraindicated.

"When stayed at home - almost always lying, and everything in the same room."

His best friend Andrei Ivanovich Stolz compares Oblomov with animals constantly staying in a dark lair.

"Did you pretend to such everyday that you should sleep like a mole in the hole?".

Zakhar reports Andrei, which has long been exposed to the owner's shoes, and the boots are intact.

He wakes up late. Eats and drink tea in bed. Socks helps to wear a lackey. Homemade shoes are standing near the bed to lower the legs easily get into them. Bakes are very lazy. Never pick up. In his room there are mountains of dirty dishes, which a man is difficult to attribute to the kitchen. Since childhood in his family, it was started to sleep during the day. Ilya and now adheres to such a routine.

"After lunch, nothing could break the sleep Oblomov. He usually went down on the sofa on his back. "

Positive changes

After acquaintance with Olga Ilinskaya obgal, changes for the better. It is painted with new feelings. Love gives him strength, inspires.

"He read several books, wrote letters to the village, replaced the elder in his own estate. I did not dinner, and for two weeks it does not know what it means to lie in the afternoon. Gets in seven hours. On either sleep nor fatigue, nor boredom. He cheerful, sings. "

Such a state lasted not long. Ilya again begins to capture the past life. He understands that he will not be able to give Olga confidence and strength that the girl is waiting for him.

Life with a widen wheat

Soon he marries the widow Agafier Matveyevna Wentycina, who removes the room in the house at Vyborg Street. A similar type of woman suits him much more than Ilinskaya. Agafya is ready to fulfill all his whims, without requiring anything in return.

"Oblomov, noticing the participation of the hostess in his affairs, proposed, in the form of a joke, take care of his food on himself and save him from the hassle."

Ilya Ilyich dies at the age of forty years. He often compared himself with old cafetan, already unsuitable for good. His sedentary lifestyle led to the fact that his health was so early. A person was given a chance to change his own destiny, but Lena was stronger.

1. The main character of Roman Goncharov "Oblomov".
2. The question of the meaning of life.
3. Dreamy and Oblomov's activities.
4. Degradation of Ilya Ilyich.

Roman A. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" remains relevant for us. Modern readers despite the fact that a lot of time has passed since its creation. The main hero of Roman Ilya Ilyich Oblomov cannot but cause interest. Involuntarily begin to think about the meaning of life and trying to answer the question of who is such bugs? Was he first of all lazy. Or the problem of the main hero of the novel is much deeper? Did you see any meaning in life? Or was he not intended to think about it? As soon as the work, we get acquainted with the broom, as we understand all the absurdity of the situation. Because of the day, Ilya Ilyich is deprived of new impressions, the next looks like the previous one. The days go, not decorated with absolutely nothing. Oblomov leads almost vegetable existence, he is not interested in anything, it is not fond of anything. The main in life becomes a cozy sofa, on which the bugs lie all day. The world around seems to Ilya Ilyich hostile and dangerous. In the life of Oblomov there was no shocks that could affect his worldview. No, everything was very safe. Since childhood, Ilya Ilyich was surrounded by the care and attention of relatives. And I never had to take care of the bread. Oblomov is comfortable to live, without thinking about nothing, without worrying about. He has absolutely no aspirations and desires. Days and nights are underwinding on the sofa in the same bathrobe from Persian matter. "... Lenja in Ilya Ilyich was neither necessity, like a patient or like a person who wants to sleep nor chance. As with the one who is tired, nor enjoying, like a lazy person: it was his normal state ... "

A person always intended to think about the meaning of life. But even if you consider the question of the meaning of life of the abstract philosophical category, it is impossible not to pronounce that the inaction never did anyone happy. The feeling of completeness of life is possible only in case of constant movement, active search for new impressions. Let a person are not able to change the world or make something significant. But it can make your own life with a brightest and interesting. And not the last role in this is playing everyday life with her affairs and care. Everyday life is not always silent and uninteresting. If desired, everyday affairs can be bright, impressive. But all this does not apply to Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He lies in an unlocked, dusty room. Here is dirty and uncomfortable. But the hero of the novel has no desire to change at least this room, make your life a little more comfortable. Here's how the writer talks about Oblomov's room: "The room where Ilya Ilyich lay, at first glance, it seemed perfectly removed ... But an experienced eye of a person with a clean taste is one round look at everything that was here, I would read the desire only to observe DEKORUM inevitable propriety, just to get rid of them ... on the walls, near the paintings, it washed in the form of festoons of the web, driving dust; Mirrors instead of reflecting items, could serve whether to record on them, on dust, some notes for memory ... The carpets were in spots. On the sofa lay a forgotten towel; On the table, a rare morning was not stood not cramped from yesterday's dinner with a straw and with a grinding bone and bread crumbs were not lying. "

The situation that surrounds the main character is sufficiently unpleasant. Oblomov is trying to reproach his servant of Zakhar for a slope. But the servant turns out to be their owner. He talks about dust and dirt: "... what to clean it, if she is cheer again." Zakhar also believes that "bugs and cockroaches did not invenue, they have everyone."

Oblomov has no strength and desire to make her servant bring order in the room. It's impossible to do anything in my native village. But Ilya Ilyich gladly builds plans, continuing to lie on the sofa. Oblomov dreams of reorganization in the village. Of course, his dreams have nothing to do with reality. It is not possible to implement them in principle. And of course, it will never be able to carry them out. Dreamability at Oblomov acquires some kind of monstrous scope. He lives by these dreams, refusing to the real life. The writer gives us the opportunity to watch Ilya Ilyich, when he dreams: "The thought walked with a free bird in the face, she flopped in his eyes, sat down at the half-eyed lips, hid in the folds of his forehead, then completely disappeared, and then in the whole face there was a smooth light carelessness. . ".

Oblomov is not thinking about his own life. On the one hand, he may seem happy. He does not bother with tomorrow, he does not think about any problems and troubles. But on the other hand, his life is devoid of very important components - movements, new impressions, active actions. Oblomov practically does not communicate with people, he has enough full privacy from people and worries.

It must be said that the inner world of Oblomov is very rich. After all, Ilya Ilyich is able to feel and understand art. In addition, he finds pleasure in communicating with some people, for example, with a different gallery, Olga Ilinskaya. However, this is clearly not enough to feel the completeness of life. And in the depths of the soul, the bugs understand it. He is trying to create imaginary harmony between his inner world and the world external. But it's not so easy to do this. After all, real life comes in contradiction with the world of dreams and dreams. Let the bugs are completely satisfied with its existence. But at the same time he is unhappy, because he replaced the real life with a half face. It is not by chance that nothing pleases Ilya Ilyich, bright experiences, feelings and emotions are not familiar to him. The inertness of Oblomov and indifference to life become his tragedy.

Oblomov believes that everything suits him. In fact, he does not know a different life, he is alien to activities, aspirations and activity. Everything passes by the main character. And he still lives his illusions. And the only thing that sees in front of me is an unlocked room. The world narrowed for Oblomov to the sizes of his own sofa. Ilya Ilyich refuses love, career, family happiness in order to calmly lie on the sofa. In fact, the narrowness of thinking Oblomov becomes the cause of his tragedy. Ilya Ilyich could not see all the benefits of real life. Oblomov's degradation has become quite justified. He does not pay attention to even his own appearance. What for? He is so good. No matter what happened and what will happen. The main and only reality is the very sofa on which he slept so much time and on which the protagonist prefers to remain.

In the life of Oblomov, there is no point. After all, it is impossible to call meaning inaction, emptiness, laziness, apathy. Life becomes painful, because a person does not tend to lead a plant existence. The novel "Oblomov" makes readers think about the fact that a person is able to become his enemy himself if decides to replace real life on