Literature is the conscience of society (Moral problems of modern literature). Research work "the problem of human moral quest in Russian literature"

Literature is the conscience of society (Moral problems of modern literature).  Research
Literature is the conscience of society (Moral problems of modern literature). Research work "the problem of human moral quest in Russian literature"

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A large place in the literature of the 70-80s of the XX century is occupied by works about the complex moral searches of people, about the problems of good and evil, about the value of human life, about the clash of indifferent indifference and humanistic pain. It can be clearly seen that the growing interest in moral problems is combined with the complication of the moral quest itself. In this regard, from my point of view, the work of such writers as V. Bykov, V. Rasputin, V. Astafiev, Ch. Aitmatov, V. Dudintsev, V. Grossman and others is very significant.

In V. Bykov's stories, the moral problem always serves as a second turn of the key, opening the door to a work that, in the first turn, is some kind of small military episode. This is how the Kruglyansky Bridge, Obelisk, Sotnikov, Wolf Pack, His Battalion and other stories of the writer were built. Bykov is especially interested in situations in which a person, left alone, should be guided not by a direct order, but solely by his own moral compass.

Teacher Frost from the story "Obelisk" brought up in children a kind, bright, honest attitude to life. And when the war came, his disciples staged an attempt on the life of a policeman nicknamed Cain. The children were arrested. The Germans promised to release the guys if the teacher who took refuge with the partisans appears. From the point of view of common sense, it was useless for Moroz to appear in the police: the Nazis would not have spared the teenagers anyway. But from a moral point of view, a person (if he really is a person!) Must confirm with his life what he taught, of which he is convinced. Frost could not live, could not continue to teach, if at least one person thought that he was a coward, left the children at a fatal moment. Moroz was executed along with the guys. Moroz's act was condemned by some as a reckless suicide, and after the war, his surname was not found on the obelisk at the site of the execution of schoolchildren. But precisely because that good seed sprouted in the souls, which he planted with his feat, there were those who managed to achieve justice: the teacher's name was added on the obelisk along with the names of the hero-children.

But even after that, Bykov makes the reader a witness to a dispute in which one of the “today's clever men” disparagingly says that there is no special feat behind this Frost, since he did not even kill a single German. And in response to this, one of those in whom a grateful memory is alive, sharply says: “He did more than if he killed a hundred. He put his life on the chopping block. Myself. Voluntarily. Do you understand what this argument is? And in whose favor ... ”This argument just applies to moral concept: to prove to everyone that your beliefs are stronger than impending death. Frost stepped over the natural thirst to survive, to survive. From this begins the heroism of one person, which is so necessary to raise the moral spirit of the whole society.

Another moral problem - the eternal battle between good and evil - is explored in the novel by V. Dudintsev "White Clothes". This work is about the tragedy that befell Soviet genetics, when its persecution was raised to the rank of public policy... After the notorious session of the All-Union Agricultural Academy in August 1948, the civil execution of genetics as a bourgeois pseudoscience began, the persecution of persistent and unrepentant genetic scientists began, repression against them, and their physical destruction. These events slowed down the development of Russian science for many years. In the field of genetics, selection, treatment of hereditary diseases, in the production of antibiotics, the USSR remained on the side of the road along which those countries rushed ahead that did not even dare to compete with Russia in genetics, which was headed by the great Vavilov.

The novel "White Robes" draws almost with documentary accuracy a campaign against genetic scientists. In one of the country's agricultural universities, which came under suspicion, arrives at the end of August 1948 on the instructions of the "people's academician" Ryadno (his prototype is T. D. Lysenko) F.I.Dezhkin, who must "clean up the underground cubicle", expose the Weismannists -morganists at the institute. But Dezhkin, having become acquainted with the experiments of the scientist Strigalev on growing a new variety of potatoes, seeing the disinterested devotion to science of this person, who gives, and does not take, without thinking, makes a choice in favor of Strigalev. After the arrest and exile of Strigalev and his students, Fyodor Ivanovich rescues the scientist's legacy from Ryadno - the variety of potatoes he had developed. In the era of the cult of Stalin in the country and the cult of Lysenko in agriculture Dezhkin, a man of goodwill, is forced to play a "double game": pretending to be loyal to "father" Ryadno, he goes on a forced, painful, but heroic acting, saving for a righteous cause, for the truth. It is scary to read (albeit interesting: it looks like a detective story) that Dezhkin had to live in peacetime in his own country as an underground member, a partisan. He looks like Stirlitz, with the only difference that he is a resident of good and true science ... in his homeland! Dudintsev solves in the novel a moral problem: good or truth? Can you allow yourself to lie and pretend in the name of good? Isn't it immoral to lead double life? Is there no justification for unscrupulousness in such a position? Is it possible to sacrifice moral principles in any situation without staining the white clothes of the righteous? The writer claims that a person of goodness who feels that he is called to fight for some higher truth must say goodbye to sentimentality. He must develop tactical principles of struggle and be prepared for heavy moral losses. In a conversation with a reporter “ Soviet culture“Dudintsev, explaining this idea, repeated the parable from the novel about good that pursues evil. Good is chasing evil, and there is a lawn on the way. Evil rushes straight across the lawn, while good with its high moral principles will run around the lawn. The evil will of course run away. And if so, then, undoubtedly, new methods of struggle are needed. “You give a toolbox of good in the novel,” one reader told Dudintsev. Yes, this novel is a whole arsenal of weapons of good. And white robes (purity of soul and conscience) are armor in both law and combat. V. Grossman poses very complex moral problems in his novel Life and Fate. It was written in 1960, then arrested in a manuscript, only a third of a century later released, rehabilitated and returned to Russian literature.

Life and Fate is a novel about freedom. The author captured in it the efforts of a person aimed at moral straightening. War is the main event in the novel, and Battle of stalingrad(like the Battle of Borodino in War and Peace) - the crisis point of the war, because the turning point in the course of the war began with it. Stalingrad in Grossman's novel, on the one hand, is the soul of liberation, and on the other, a sign of Stalin's system, which is hostile to freedom with all its essence. In the center of this conflict in the novel is the house “six fractions one”, the house of Grekov (remember Pavlov’s house ?!), located “on the axis of the German strike”. This house is like a bone in the throat for the Germans, since it does not allow them to move deeper into the city, into the depths of Russia.

In this house, as in a free republic, officers and soldiers, old and young, former intellectuals and workers do not know superiority over each other, they don’t accept reports, don’t stretch at attention before the commander. And although the people in this house, as Grossman notes, are not simple, they make up one family. In this free community, selflessly sacrificing itself, they fight the enemy for life and death. They are not fighting for Comrade. Stalin, but in order to win and return home, in order to defend their right "to be different, special, in their own way, in a separate way to feel, think, live in the world." “I want freedom, and I am fighting for it,” says the “house manager” of this house, Captain Grekov, implying not only liberation from the enemy, but also liberation from “general coercion”, which, in his opinion, was life before the war. Similar thoughts come in German captivity and Major Ershov. It is clear to him that “while fighting the Germans, he is fighting for his own Russian life; a victory over Hitler will be a victory over those death camps in Siberia, where his mother, sisters and father died. "

“The Stalingrad triumph,” we read in the novel, “determined the outcome of the war, but the tacit dispute between the victorious people and the victorious state continued. The fate of man and his freedom depended on this dispute. " Grossman knew and was not deceived about the fact that it would be terribly difficult to withstand life against fate in the form of camp towers, a variety of immeasurable violence. But the novel "Life and Fate" is full of faith in man and the hope for him, and not fatal disappointment in him. Grossman leads the reader to the conclusion: “Man does not voluntarily give up freedom. This is the light of our time, the light of the future. ”

Moral issues in the literature of the 60-80s.

The sixties of the twentieth century went down in history as a period of "thaw". Mass rehabilitation of the repressed, social politics, liberalization of different aspects of life has formed a new, unusual for Soviet generations type of personality - “the sixties. They were children of the war, their youth fell on the thaw, they made up the bulk of the emigration in the 80s. They included Vysotsky, and Okudzhava, and Galich, and Shukshin, and Brodsky ...

The prose of these decades was defined by such names as Viktor Astafiev, Valentin Rasputin, Yuri Trifonov. According to themes and problems, prose 60-80 is usually divided into urban and rural. Village prose(Shukshin, Astafiev, Rasputin, Abramov) investigated the consequences of man's break with the earth. The authors of urban prose (Granin, Trifonov, Bitov) paid attention to social processes. One of the most striking works of urban prose is Trifonov's story "Exchange".

The story begins at the climax of the life of the protagonist - Viktor Dmitriev - the fatal illness of his mother and the exchange of an apartment started by his wife in connection with this. When Lena, Dmitriev's wife, talked to him on this delicate topic, he felt neither pain nor anger. A thought flashed about the ruthlessness of life, and Lena was part of this ruthlessness.

The author puts the hero in a situation of choice, when the essence of a person is best manifested. Dmitriev needs to decide: with whom he is, with his wife, who does not love his mother-in-law, but is ready to forget it in order to become the owner of his own apartment, or he is with his mother, an uncompromising and impeccably honest woman. Dmitriev is not a hero, he is not ready for this choice, he is used to making compromises. His model of behavior is avoiding problem solving, responsibility, striving to preserve the usual order of things at all costs. The result of the choice is a feeling of guilt and self-inferiority after the death of the mother.

The meaning of the name is not just an apartment exchange. Trifonov gives us a biography of two families, Dmitrievs (husband's family) and Lukyanovs (wife's family). Following Tolstoy, Trifonov sees a person as a representative of a family, he carries a level of personality development, a type of thinking. The family is a combination of two "worlds", and it cannot be conflict-free. New family, for Trifonov, this is a complex combination of two different elements, which of them will win, at what cost, by what laws the family will live, what compromises is ready to go - this is the subject of the writer's research. The Dmitriev family differs from the Lukyanov family in that they have ancient roots, they are attentive to their past, this ensures the continuity of moral principles. The hero's drama is that he substitutes these principles. The fusion of the spiritual principle and the practical leads to the victory of the latter.

The position taken by the hero is detachment. 20 years of spiritual isolation in the family cannot but leave a mark. Spiritual impoverishment occurs, and now the mother no longer recognizes her son, it is difficult for her to communicate with him. She is the conscience of the family, while she is alive, the son at least remembers about moral principles, he is “uncomfortable” in front of his mother. Once Dmitriev's grandfather, the head of the family, told him: "You are not a bad person, but not surprising." It sounded like a verdict. In the hero's life there is no enthusiasm for work, an inspiring beginning, and therefore he turns out to be helpless in confrontation with Lena's family.

The Lukyanovs are people of practical acumen, "who know how to live." In itself, this is not bad, but relations even between close relatives are based on the principles of benefit, there is no love, warmth, or human participation. Dmitriev's mother says that Lena has a "mental defect", "underdevelopment" of feelings, tactlessness.

Egoism, as you know, is a powerful engine of life, but where does rational egoism end and unreasonable begin?

The end of the story - the exchange took place, Dmitriev's mother died, he had a hypertensive crisis, and three weeks later he looked like he was not yet an old man, but already an old man.

Exchange is a difficult spiritual and psychological situation. It amazes with its sharpness also because everyday life becomes the main test of a person. During the war and other upheavals, moral problems are aggravated, they require endurance, courage, courage from a person, but, according to Trifonov, the usual everyday life... Bourgeoisie, the vulgarity of an ordinary soulless existence - a favorite theme of both Chekhov and Trifonov.

Trifonov's story is a reflection on the dwindling relations between relatives, the culture of the family, the upbringing of children in the spirit of the family, the inheritance of spiritual principles is disappearing.

The problem of morality has existed since the time when man realized himself to be a creature not only thinking, but also feeling. At present, due to the various processes taking place in the country and the world as a whole, it has acquired a special sound, has become unusually acute. With the development of civilization, the discovery of more and more new technologies, the elevation to the cult of material values, people gradually forget about the moral duty, perceive it as something abstract, and sometimes completely unnecessary.

Since the middle of the last century this problem began to occupy the minds of almost all Russian writers who, on the pages of their works, engaged in an active search possible options its solutions. The authors of many short stories, novels and novellas tried to define a new scale moral values, realizing that it is simply necessary to do this, otherwise society will degrade. The moral and ethical norms of the past years were outdated, required rethinking, as, incidentally, were the specific events that took place in history and constituted its essence. People, realizing their mistakes, will act rationally in the present and build a worthy future. AND main help it is the writers who are capable of providing this awareness.

The works of modern authors clearly reflect the essence of the problem of morality, which has become so urgent. V. Rasputin, V. Astafiev, Ch. Aitmatov, Yu. Bondarev, V. Rozov and many other writers of modern times wrote about the burning. Such works as "Fire", "Sad Detective", "Slough", "Game", "Boar", tell about values ​​that are eternal, no matter what is said in this regard.

What are these values? First of all, love. Writers put her on a pedestal, piously believing in the invincibility and power of a great feeling. V recent decades XX century, the subject of special interest was also the attitude of society to the Motherland. The authors of many works reflected a reverent attitude towards the place where a person was born, where he grew up and was formed as a person. Nature close and familiar from childhood should not be forgotten by a person, and, ever returning to his native land, he should not remain indifferent, cold, indifferent.

Significant place on the scale eternal values should take, according to contemporary writers, culture and history of the nation. Also great attention one should pay the qualities that one would like to observe in each individual representative of society. It is humanism, the ability to empathize and the desire to help. In contrast to these values, the lust for profit, cruelty, refusal of compassion, and the desire to humiliate the weak were described.

Much attention in the works of modern authors is paid to the disclosure of the essence of the state system, which largely determined the moral decline. Modern writers opposed such a model, when concepts of morality are imposed on society by violent means, through suppression personality traits... Such methods are too cruel, and cruelty can in no way be combined with morality.

The problem of morality is remarkably revealed in the work of V. Rasputin "Fire". For example tragic event the author shows the disunity of interests of a separate human group, in which each representative fights only for himself. In disaster conditions, sad elements of reality are clearly indicated: broken equipment for extinguishing a fire, disorder in the location of goods, previously hidden products in short supply ... When extinguishing a fire, each person tries to grab something for his personal needs, and most of the characters do not pass the moral test. firmness.

Against the background of general immorality, a person stands out who did not show negative traits in a spontaneous situation. Ivan Petrovich Egorov, the main character the story, which, obviously, sympathizes with the author, speaks out against the vices of society sharply and denunciatingly: "... Against the enemy of others, we have held out, our enemy, like our thief, is more terrible."

The image of the protagonist is contrasted with a society in which everyone preaches their own personal principles and fights for individual goals. Egorov understands what a common misfortune is, he does not reject the grief of those around him, he does not follow, like them, the principle “my house is on the edge”. By portraying Ivan Petrovich, Rasputin wanted to show that not all values ​​have been lost by humanity; explain that spiritual rebirth is entirely possible if each of us believes in it and becomes an active participant.

Each modern man is obliged to make a choice between morality and immorality, between external well-being with internal poverty and wealth of nature with a modest existence.

The considered work of V. Rasputin reveals the problem moral choice the whole society as a whole, while V. Astafiev's novel "The Sad Detective" reveals the social catastrophe of an individual. Ideological meaning the novel consists in the emphasized author's image of the conditions of reality in which the existence of individuals who have lost their human appearance is possible, and completely normal people... What prompts the former to absorb all conceivable and inconceivable vices, to make them a part of their “I”? Absence moral core, as V. Astafiev shows, it becomes the main problem society, and ignorance of the causes of this terrible reality only exacerbates the situation.

It can be assumed that in the life of every person there comes a period when he has to solve the problem of choice: to continue living according to his own moral principles or to become like the soulless majority. In the second case, a person deliberately refuses moral norms, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that sooner or later he comes to a crime. Positive traits will be gradually replaced by negative ones, good people lose their authority, and in the end the formation of the villain will end, and he will appear before society "in all its glory."

The main character of V. Astafiev's work in his life has to deal with many negative qualities that are present in other people.

This "thinker from the railway village" is fighting for his morality, and, probably, in him the author reflects his own path to spiritual perfection. We are faced with a situation of moral choice: when, in response to a question about the reasons for the crime (three were killed), the former commander hears the impudent: “I don’t like the hari”, he decides to arrange lynching, having no reason other than moral. Most readers will certainly approve of the hero's decision, although by law it is cruel and immoral, what pushes young people to commit cruel and unjustified acts? The author of the novel asks this question and answers it himself: this is facilitated by Russian reality, the atmosphere of the 70s-80s, in which inaction, rudeness and vice "breed" with incredible speed

In the works of many authors of our time, the key theme is the problem of morality and the need for spiritual following. Special meaning works on this topic is that they lack aesthetic distortion, grotesque; the description is realistic and makes you see life exactly as it is. Probably, when creating their creations, the authors set themselves a single goal: to draw people's attention to the essence of their existence, to see themselves from the outside.

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Problems of morality in the works of Russian literature Arguments for the composition

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Morality - This is a system of rules for the behavior of a person, first of all, answering the question: what is good and what is bad; what is good and what is evil. This system is based on values ​​that this person considers it important and necessary. As a rule, such values ​​include human life, happiness, family, love, welfare and others. Depending on what kind of values ​​a person chooses for himself, it is determined what the person's actions will be - moral or immoral. Therefore, morality is an independent choice of a person.

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Moral Issues: The Problem moral quest human roots go back to Old Russian literature, into folklore. It is associated with such concepts as: honor, conscience, dignity, patriotism, valor, honesty, mercy, etc. Since ancient times, all these qualities were appreciated by a person, they helped him in difficult life situations with a choice. To this day, we know the following proverbs: "In whom there is honor, that is the truth", "Without a root and a blade of grass does not grow", "A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song", "Take care of honor from a young age, but a dress for a dream." The most interesting sources on which modern literature relies are fairy tales, epics, stories, stories, etc.

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Problems of morality In literature: In literature, there are works that touch on many problems of morality.

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The problem of morality is one of the key problems in Russian literature, which always teaches, educates, and not just entertains. "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy is a novel about the spiritual quests of the protagonists, reaching the highest moral truth through delusions and mistakes. For the great writer, spirituality is the main quality of Pierre Bezukhov, Natasha Rostova, Andrei Bolkonsky. It is worth listening to the wise advice of the master of the word, learning the higher truths from him.

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The problem of morality in the work of A. I. Solzhenitsyn " Matrenin dvor". The main character is a simple Russian woman who “did not pursue a purchase”, was trouble-free and impractical. But these, according to the author, are the righteous on whom our earth is held.

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The problem of a person's relationship to their homeland, small homeland V.G. Rasputin in the story "Farewell to Matera". Those who truly love protect their island from flooding native land, and strangers are ready to outrage the graves, burn down the huts, which for others, for example, for Daria, are not just a dwelling, but native home where parents died and children were born.

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The problem of a person's relationship to his homeland, small homeland The topic of homeland is one of the main in the work of I.A. Bunin. After leaving Russia, he wrote only about her until the end of his days. The work "Antonov apples" is imbued with sad lyricism. Smell Antonov apples became for the author the personification of the homeland. Russia is shown by Bunin as diverse, contradictory, where eternal harmony nature is combined with human tragedies

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The problem of loneliness in F.M. Dostoevsky's It seems to me that sometimes the person himself is guilty of loneliness, who, like Rodion Raskolnikov, the hero of Dostoevsky's novel, is guilty of pride, a desire for power or a crime. You have to be open, kind, then there will be people who will save you from loneliness. Sincere love of Sonya Marmeladova saves Raskolnikov, gives hope for the future.

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The problem of mercy, humanism. Pages of works of Russian literature teach us to be merciful to those who, due to various circumstances or social injustice, found themselves at the bottom of their lives or in difficult situation... Lines from the story by A.S. Pushkin " Stationmaster”, Telling about Samson Vyrin, for the first time in Russian literature showed that any person deserves sympathy, respect, compassion, no matter at what level of the social ladder he is.

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The problem of mercy, humanism in the story of M.A. Sholokhov's "The Fate of a Man". The soldier's "ash-sprinkled" eyes saw grief little man, the Russian soul did not harden from countless losses and showed mercy.

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The problem of honor and conscience In Russian literature there are many great works that can educate a person, make him better. For example, in the story of A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter"Petr Grinev goes through the path of trials, mistakes, the path of knowing the truth, comprehending wisdom, love and mercy. It is no coincidence that the author prefaces the story with the epigraph: "Take care of honor from your youth."

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The problem of honor and dishonor In Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, Pierre Bezukhov challenged Dolokhov to a duel, defending his honor and dignity. While dining at the table with Dolokhov, Pierre was very tense. He was worried about the relationship between Helen and Dolokhov. And when Dolokhov made his toast, Pierre's doubts began to prevail even more. And then, when Dolokhov snatched out the letter intended for Bezukhov, there was a challenge to a duel.

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The problem of honor, conscience The problem of conscience is one of the main ones in the story "Live and Remember" by VG Rasputin. Meeting with her husband - becomes a deserter for the main character, Nastena Guskova, and joy and torment. Before the war, they dreamed of a child, and now, when Andrei is forced to hide, fate gives them such a chance. Nastena, on the other hand, feels like a criminal, because the pangs of conscience cannot be compared with anything, so the heroine commits terrible sin- rushes into the river, destroying both himself and the unborn child.

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The Problem of the Moral Choice Between Good and Evil, Lies and Truth The hero of Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, Rodion Raskolnikov, is possessed by a diabolical idea. "Am I a trembling creature or have I the right?" he asks. In his heart there is a fight dark and light forces, and only through blood, murder and terrible spiritual torment does he come to the truth that not cruelty, but love, mercy can save a person.

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The problem of the moral choice between good and evil, lies and truth Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin, the hero of the novel "Crime and Punishment" - the acquirer, business man... This is a scoundrel by conviction, who prioritizes only money. This hero is a warning to us living in the 21st century that oblivion eternal truths always leads to disaster.

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Problems of cruelty, betrayal in the modern world The heroine of the story by V.P. Astafieva "Lyudochka" came to the city to work. She was brutally abused, and close friend betrayed and did not protect. And the girl suffers, but finds no sympathy either from her mother or from Gavrilovna. The human circle did not become salvation for the heroine, and she committed suicide.

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The problem of cruelty modern world, of people. The lines of Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment teach us a great truth: cruelty, murder, “blood according to conscience,” invented by Raskolnikov, is absurd, because only God can give life or take it away. Dostoevsky tells us that to be cruel, to transgress the great commandments of kindness and mercy, is to destroy your own soul.

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The problem of true and false values... Let us recall the immortal lines “ Dead souls"N.V. Gogol, when Chichikov at the governor's ball chooses whom to approach - to "fat" or "thin". The hero strives only for wealth, and at any cost, so he joins the "fat", where he finds all the familiar faces. This is his moral choice that determines his future destiny.

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The problem of kindness, sincerity in the work of L.N. Tolstoy Kindness in a person must be brought up from childhood. This feeling should be an integral part of the personality. All this is embodied in the image of the main character of the novel "War and Peace" Natalya Rostova.

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The problem of the moral soul, the inner the spiritual world Really rich and complete inner world do moral qualities person. Man is part of nature. If he lives in harmony with her, then he subtly feels the beauty of the world, knows how to convey it. Andrei Bolkonsky in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace".

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The problem of self-sacrifice, compassion, mercy Sonya Marmeladova, the heroine of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" is the embodiment of humility and Christian love for one's neighbor. The basis of her life is self-sacrifice. In the name of love for her neighbor, she is ready for the most unbearable suffering. It is Sonya who carries the truth to which Rodion Raskolnikov must come through painful searches. With the power of her love, the ability to endure any torment, she helps him to overcome himself and take a step towards resurrection.

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Problems of self-sacrifice, love for people; indifference, cruelty In the story of the Russian writer Maxim Gorky "Old Woman Izergil" the image of Danko is striking. it romantic hero who sacrificed himself for the people. He led people through the forest with calls to conquer the darkness. But weak people along the way, they began to lose heart and die. Then they accused Danko of mismanaging them. And in his name great love to people tore his chest, took out his burning heart and ran forward, holding it like a torch. People ran after him and overcame the difficult road, forgetting their hero, and Danko died.

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Problems of fidelity, love, devotion, self-sacrifice. In the story "Garnet Bracelet" A.I. Kuprin consider this problem through the image of Zheltkov. His whole life was in Vera Sheina. As a sign of his fiery love, Zheltkov gives the most precious thing - Garnet bracelet... But the hero is by no means pathetic, and the depth of his feelings, the ability for self-sacrifice deserves not only sympathy, but also admiration. Yolkov rises above the entire society of the Sheins, where true love would never arise.

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Problems of compassion, mercy, self-confidence The heroine of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" Sonya Marmeladova with her compassion saves Rodion Raskolnikov from spiritual death. She tries to get him to confess, and then goes with him to hard labor, helping Rodion with her love to find the lost faith.

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The problem of compassion, mercy, fidelity, faith, love Compassion and mercy are important components of the image of Natasha Rostova. Natasha, like no one else in the novel, knows how to give people happiness, to love selflessly, giving all of herself without a trace. It is worth remembering how the author describes it during the days of separation from Prince Andrey: "Natasha did not want to go anywhere and, like a shadow, idle and sad, walked through the rooms ...". She is life itself. Even the endured trials did not harden the soul, but strengthened it.

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Callous and soulless attitude the main character of A. Platonov's "Yushka" was subjected to cruel treatment. He is only forty years old, but to those around him he seems to be a deep old man. Incurable disease aged him ahead of time. Callous, soulless and cruel people surround him: children laugh at him, and adults, when they have trouble, take out their anger on him. They mercilessly mock a sick person, beat him, humiliate him. Scolding for disobedience, adults frighten children by the fact that when they grow up, they will become like Yushka.

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The problem of human spirituality Alyoshka, the hero of A. Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in Ivan Denisovich", is just an example spiritual person... He went to prison because of his faith, but did not give up on it, on the contrary, this young man defended his truth and tried to convey it to other prisoners. Not a single day of his passed without reading the Gospel, copied into an ordinary notebook.

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Problems of bribery, philistinism A prime example are the heroes of Nikolai Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General". For example, the mayor Skvoznik - Dmukhanovsky, a bribe-taker and embezzler who deceived three governors in his lifetime, was convinced that any problems could be solved with the help of money and the ability to "show off"

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Valentin Rasputin in his story raises perhaps the most important problem modern society- the problem of morality. The title of the book "Live and Remember", like any title, carries semantic load, moreover - the main idea of ​​the work.

However, these words contain not just the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe work, but also the border that separates any moral, moral life full of love, pity, justice, from the world of baseness and betrayal, cruelty and violence. The words "live and remember" are, as it were, a guardian of the human conscience.

The events described in the story take place in the winter of 1945, in Last year war, in the village of Atamanovka, which used to be called even more terrifyingly - Razboinikovo, since the ancestors of the villagers at one time "sinned" with such a profitable craft. However, by the time of the events taking place in the story, the inhabitants of the village had long been quiet, harmless and at the same time absolutely devastated and indifferent to everything. After all, it is before their very eyes that the tragedy of the human soul is taking place.

The protagonist of the story is Andrei Guskov, "an agile and gallant guy who married Nastena early and lived with her badly for four years before the war." Andrei Guskov was not a hero, but he fought honestly almost until the very end of the war, was wounded in 1944 and ended up in the hospital. He believed that a severe injury would help him return to home village, to his wife, without waiting for the end of the war. While still in the hospital, he planned out his further life... Nevertheless, the hope for demobilization did not materialize.

The turning point of his entire fate was the news of his sending to the front. The hero lacks the moral strength to rise above his misfortune, to put the people's misfortune in the foreground; the awareness of the need for further struggle cannot in his soul cope with dreams of personal happiness and peace. And from that moment on, the disintegration of the human personality takes place. He decides to desert. A person who has rejected a positive moral choice then goes with the flow. In the text of the story, moral decay is emphasized by the description of an uncomfortable atmosphere, as if enveloping the heroes.

Andrey's meeting with Nastena takes place not in the house, but in a cold, unheated bathhouse (a bathhouse, as you know, in Russian folklore symbolizes a gathering place for all "evil spirits"). Andrei gradually, the further, the more, his soul hardens, becomes cruel. On the example of how Andrei pounces on the calf and "picks up" it, it is clear that he has lost human image... When he shot a roe deer, he did not finish it off, but stood and watched attentively how the unfortunate animal was tormented. “Just before the very end, he lifted her up and looked into her eyes - they widened in response ...

He was waiting for the last, final movement in order to remember how it will be reflected in the eyes. " It comes to the point that the hero has learned to howl like a wolf (as if turning from a man into a werewolf). Andrey is moving more and more away from people and even from his wife. “If you tell someone, I will kill you. I have nothing to lose, ”he tells her.

For Nastya, the news that her husband Andrei Guskov is a traitor also appeared a turning point in life. “... Where were you, man, what toys did you play when your destiny was appointed? Why did you agree with her? Why, without hesitation, cut off his wings, just when they are most needed, when you need not crawl, but in the summer to run away from trouble? " - the heroine reflects. Not every person is given to survive such grief and shame.

Nastya loves and regrets Andrei, but when shame for her husband's act overwhelmed her soul, she commits suicide (while killing her unborn child as well). She dies in the depths of the Angara River between two banks: the coast of her traitorous husband and the coast of the people.

Andrew thought that the birth of a child was the finger of God, indicating a return to normal human life, and was wrong. The death of loved ones is a payback and a lesson!

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