Anna Zgers - Criticism from foreign literature - Abstract - materials for the control course work.

 Anna Zgers - Criticism from foreign literature - Abstract - materials for the control course work.
Anna Zgers - Criticism from foreign literature - Abstract - materials for the control course work.

    The consequences of the First World War and the revolution of the XXVEK in development foreign literature. Z. Freud and psychoanalysis.

    The fate and features of the development of realism in the overseas literature of the newest time.

    Modernist flows as a consequence of the general crisis of European development.

    Ways of development and main directions in french literature After the First World War. Dadaists and surrealists. Tzar and A. Breton manifesto.

    Marcel Proust and the cycle of novels "In Search of Lost Time". Style differences (concept V. Nabokov).

    A. de Saint-Exupery and his philosophical fairy tales. " Little Prince"In school study.

    Ideal and artistic quest R. Rollan during work on the novel "Enchanted soul".

    Artistic peculiarity of Roman R. Rollan "Enchanted soul" and the influence of psychoanalysis. Evolution Annta and Mark.

    A. Barbus: Personality and Aesthetics. The problem of the hero in the novel "Fire".

    English literature 1920-30s. (A. Cronin, O. Huxley).

    Literature " lost generation"And Romanov R. Oldington. Antikipling theme in the Roman Jazz "Death of the Hero".

    Ralph wok and his controversy with Z. Freud in the book "Roman and the people".

    Artistic quest V. Wolfe. Literary essays.

    The figurative system in the novel V. Wolf "On the Lighthouse".

    English modernism and creativity Thomas Eliot. Poem "Fancy Earth".

    Creative path D. Lawrence. Roman "Lady Lady Chatterley".

    Creative path D. Joyce. Topic I. style features Roman "Ulysses" (concept of V. Nabokov).

    "The flow of consciousness" in the Roman D. Joyis "Ulysses" (analysis of 2-3 chapters).

    German expressionism. I. Becher.

    Phenomenon Franz Kafka: Life, Personality, Aesthetics. Novels-Proverbs.

    F. Kafki novels as a lyrical and mythological epos. Different concepts Cabinet creativity.

    Creativity Gesse. "Steppe Wolf": system and heroes.

    B. Brecht as the largest German playwright XXVEK. Polemics with expressionism in early work.

    Theory of the epic theater B. Brecht.

    Effects of alienation in the play B. Brecht "Momash Courage and her children."

    Creative path of A. Zgers. Evolution of experience. Polyphonic structure of the novel "Seventh Cross".

    American literature after the First World War (F.S. Fitzgerald, D. Steinbek, etc.). National specificity. Formation of the mythologies of American exclusivity.

    Creativity T. Drivers. Criticism of the myth of "open opportunities" in the "desire trilogy".

    Roman T. Dromezer "American tragedy". The problem of the "Individual Individuality".

    Life I. creative way E. Hemingway. Aesthetics "Iceberg". Collections of stories: genre, problem, shaped system, heroes.

    Spanish theme in the work of E. Hemingway ("Fiesta", "the command calls the bell").

    Poetics of subtext in Roman E. Hemingway "Farewell, weapons!". Image of current time and leading themes.

    The ratio of romanticism and antiromantism in the Roman E. Hemingway "Farewell, weapons!". Concept A. Platonova.

    Originality artistic Mira W. Falkner. Themes and style of the novel "Noise and rage."

    Man and his socialization in the Romana of W. Falkner "Light in August" (in accordance with the concept of E. Erixon).

    Roman W. Falkner "Mansion": the problem of crime and punishment.

    Creative path F.S. Fitzgerald. The image of the era of the "Great Depression" in the novel "Night".

    Creativity D. Steinbeck. "Breaks of Angel" and "Pearl": the topic "Falanga".

Anna Zhegers

"Exactly, we know the power of art, so great our responsibility." These words Anna Zgers were not only the principle, but also the essence of her creativity and life. Since childhood, in love with art, she studied at the University of Cologne, the history of art and literature, in 1924 she defended his thesis on the work of Rembrandt - and all his further life Dedicated to people of labor.

Anna Zgers fate was tragically: she "guessed" before the fascist regime not only by the fact that in 1928 he had listened to his life with the communist movement, but also the fact that he had the courage to speak and write the truth. Zhegers emigrated first to France, then saving himself and his family - before Latin America. But wherever she was, her voice, performed pain for his native Germany - the land of philosophers and poets, sounds at full power.

In 1933, Anna Zgers completed work on the story "Rated head", which describes the awesome process of fascizization of people. In the novel "Path through February" (1935), it is described about one of the most dramatic pages in the history of the working movement - Shuzbundіvska Uprising of 1934.

In 1935, the writer takes part in Congress in defense of the culture, which took place in Paris. She spoke about the fate of a simple Luda: "When you hear the words" love for your debris ", ask first that they love in this debris. Does the sacred riches of the country can console the poor? Is the Holy Land can console landless? "

In Mexico, Anna Zgers heads the Anti-Fascist Club named after Henrich Heine, publishes articles and political reviews. In 1942 he saw the light of her novel "Seventh Cross" - about the concluded fascist concentration camps. Although the story of the Roman's story is the story of the escape of George Geysler from the Nazi Hell, Anna Zgers portrayed a wide picture of the life of Hitler's Germany: concentration camps, total espionage, tragedy deceived and deceived people. Roman exposed fascism as an anti-Ludian phenomenon in its essence.

One of the highest artistic achievements of Zgers was the story "Walk of the Dead Girls" (1943, published in 1946), built on invisible transitions from lyrical confession to memories, from the world real to the world of irreal. Modern and past, valid and intangible, weekdays Mexico and Hitler Reich, Kaiserovskaya Germany and Fascist - all connected in the story. And the stream of consciousness of the author reigns in it (as a flow of memories, as well as sketches from emigrant impressions). The story is completed by copyright: "I asked myself:" How can I spend my time - today and tomorrow, here or somewhere else? " "Since I now felt an infinite stream of time, Ef. Borimiy, like the air ..." Running to the will of this stream of time, Zegers and tells about the school walk of his friends and about how the story and life freed the fate of these "dead girls."

Lena sought happiness and found him, married, but her husband arrested her gestapo. Subsequently, people in black uniform grabbed the laziness and "slowly, but rightly killed hunger in the concentration camp."

Marianna once considered his laziness Nabeysheyshevnish her girlfriend. But when Lena appealed to Marianna to send a child to relatives, and refused and added that her husband was a member of the Nazi party and occupies high positionAnd Lena and her husband arrested rightly, as they committed a crime against Hitler. "

Nora in their own school years In every way as a teacher Zіhel. "However, then the same teacher, already old and weak, she saddled, indecently swearing, with a bench near the Rhine, because she could not sit on one bench with a Jew."

Always cheerful Laura loved not the Aryans, therefore, "desecrated Ras", and, afraid of the concentration camp, committed suicide.

By different reasons Food, Gerda, Elsa, Sophie, Lotta, Katharina, Lisa are gone from life. "One Natty has reached the end of the way." This in her memory remained living girls who once traveled with her on a steamer, inhaled the clean air of the Jiosti and believed that life was beautiful.

Special meaning acquires the topic in the story human memory. Natty (so as a child called Anna Zhegers) lives the memory of the heart, and therefore it does not change the memory of the mind. The infinite stream of consciousness (facts, events, people), enriched with emotional memory, causes the appearance of stories - reflections. That were the reflection of the author about the fate of their homeland and their people. And perhaps humanity. The story is full of love for man and pain for her. In the "walk of dead girls" Anna Zhegers artistic means leads the reader to the conclusion that every person must pass his life Path So, to remain worthy of a high title of man. It was a decent position of talent, not heated by conjunctural changes and political treason.

But were in the thirties and other priests of art. Back in October 1933, on the pages "Frankfurter Zaytung", eighty-eight representatives of the writing office made up the Führer "a solemn oath of loyalty and obedience." They represented the official literature of the Third Empire. Among these "signed" there were no names of Henrich Mann, Erich Mary Remarik, Arnold Celia.

Best works World Literature (total number - 120,000 titles) were doomed to destruction. On May 10, 1933, on the orders of the Minister of Propaganda Goebbels in Berlin, books were publicly burned, the content of which fascists scared. And on the same day, Audate was held in Bonn, Frankfurt am Main, Göttingen, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich, Nuremberg, Würzburg and many more university cities in Germany. Where the books burned, there are also people in the fire "(Heinrich Heine). Bonfires from books became a prologue to the physical destruction of honest artists. The eternal truth was established again: there were always those who serve people as they were and those who serve to the people of people.

The artistic palette of literature created between the two world wars is surprisingly equal to us. New ways art reflection Being was looking for realists, and avant-gardeists.

Serious shifts occur in the art of realism. In the work of many writers there is a transition from a specific image of life to more abstract sketches and generalizations. The works often acquire a philosophical and allegorical nature, their meaning is revealed through parallels with myths, clayless literary plots, historical events. Antiquity is approaching the newest times to reveal more significant, in modern times this technique becomes the lead, for example, in the works of Lyon Feikhthanger, who claimed: "I have never been going to portray history only for the sake of history." Many Drum Bertolt Brecht are talented alterations of already known literary plots. Characteristic for writers was a thrust to understand his era. "This process," wrote Thomas Mann, "destroys the boundaries between science and art, fills the alive, pulsating blood abstracted thought, spiritually evins the plastic image and creates the type of book that can be defined as an intelligent novel."

One of the most advanced novels of this type is "Magic Mountain" Thomas Mann (1924). And although the story frames of the novel are limited by the events from the sanatorium life of Hans Castorp (love in married woman, discussions and conversations with friends), for this, a purely household plan is felt by another, deeper - modern reality in its crisis state. Thomas Mann claimed: "Any detail is deprived of interest if the idea does not shine through it. Art is life in the light of thoughts. " The artist sought to create a novel "European scale". And precisely, the contemporaries of Manna perceived this novel. For example, Sinclair Lewis "Magic Mountain" considered the "quintessence of the spiritual life of the whole of Europe."

Thomas Mann operated as a realistic novel by means of realistic novel, but filled with a symbolism, which gave the opportunity to see the general one, in a particular - comprehensive.

Subsequently, it is this way that Anna Zgers will go to the "walk of dead girls" and Bertolt Brecht in many drams. Interestingly, Bertolt Brecht did not recognize any framework for realism: "It is impossible to take the form of any realist (or a limited range of realists) and declare it with the only possible realistic form. It is unrealistic. "

Simultaneously with realistic literature, avant-garde literature is intensively developing. Avant-garde occurs in the literature at the beginning of the 20th century. His first period (the so-called historical avant-garde) falls on the time between the two world wars. There are many avant-garde trends, schools, directions; Expressionism develops, futurism, surrealism appear. And although each of the directions had only him inherent in features artistic vision and the transformation of being (emphasized the emotionality of expressionism, underlined Futurism's anti-viysm, strengthening the subconscious in surrealism), were and common features - Failure from established forms of construction artistic work, Issue to conditional artistic art. At the beginning of the century with the art of avant-garde related creative fate Louis Aragon, Johannes Robert Becher, Vitezlav Unubov and others.

Avant-garde - stage in the development of everything newest art. The next stage was modernism. Regarding the form between avant-garde and modernism, much in common, but they differ significantly in the principles of understanding and the artistic transformation of being. The avant-garde provides for the active social position of the artist, modernism is a universal image of being and identifying his philosophical essence. Modernism as a phenomenon in the literature appeared in the 20s. His philosophical sources There were ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche, Henri Bergson, Sigmund Freud, and the most famous representatives in the literature were James Joyce, Franz Kafka, Thomas Sternz Eliot. They were depicted in unusual forms of a tragedy of a person who does not perceive the world. The universe in their works was broken into a lot of small worlds, and the human community turned into a matter of human community. In such a world it is cold and uncomfortable human soul. Is it because in the works of James Joyce and Franz Kafki, the inner world of a person is not always built in rationally, it does not always obey logic, can not irrational, the alogichic world to generate harmony?

Hardly not the greatest value for further development The literature of the 20th century had a "school of consciousness", which some are identified with the artistic revolution. In the arsenal of this school - and the inner monologue, the role of which is universal in James Joyce's novels, and the "stream of consciousness" with its full arbitrary number of associations deprived of all logic, and associative installation, and a combination of events that real life Take place in different time dimensions, and other means.

Creativity James Joyce (1882-1941), the originality of his search had a significant impact on artists of the 20th century, including realists, in particular on the art manner of William Falkner and Ernest Hemingway.

In the period between the two world wars, prose, and drama, and poetry are actively developing. Artistic literature creates a portrait of his era in all its completeness and ambiguity. And if the "intellectual novel" begins to dominate in prose, then the playwrights are looking for ways to intellectualize drama. " Epic Theater.»Brecht - a significant event in artistic life XX century, because the theater has become not only a school of morality, but also by the school of intelligence. Lyrics more and more philosophical understanding Being, to unusual forms of incarnation of poetic thought, to the original paths of identifying the poet "I" in lyrical works.

Creativity Anna Zhegers (1900-1983) - Modern of the most significant phenomena of the literature of socialist realism. Her Peru owns stories, stories, radio tracks, journalistic articles, articles and essays on art issues, but especially its artistic talent revealed in the genre of the novel.

* "I feel the need for Germany to write novels. This genre is most suitable for clarifying complex things. And the readers of my country themselves admit that they need such clarifications. "

These words were told by the writer in 1960, in the context of the GDR, but they could sound before: the need to write novels originated from Anna Zgers from the very beginning of the creative path.

Anna Zhegers - an epik in the true sense of the word. Movement of her books. We are talking Not about their events - Zhegers have novels and disgrace ("satellites", "path through February"), and little event ("salvation", "transit"), but the case is primarily in the embodiment developing life, Changes of the public atmosphere, the evolution of the feelings and thoughts of people. Zhegers takes life widely, in its socio-historical development, in its today's essence and prospects. It is interesting to her every particular, because big exists in small, and she knows how to see the ocean's drop.

The manner of Zegers is often close to the stage: she willingly show what it says, life in her novels exists on its own, develops according to its own laws. But the author's thought holds the whole artistic picture, purposefully organizing it. The world appears in the novels of Zgers crowded, multilayer, in complex plexuses of contradictions and struggle, and at the same time not chaotic, but a holistic, as if united by the main direction of historical development.

Anna Zhegers novels - the chronicle of the history of Germany since 1929, from the days of the "Spartak" uprising, and until the days of the deployed construction of a new life in the GDR. The writer recreates the path of the people with severe clairvoyance and great love, not by passing Pi Heroic, nor shameful pages of history, seeking to expose the truth to the end. Her novels - books about people, about their ordinary and extraordinary life, about their difficult, indirect road to light.

Zhegers deeply penetrates the "Dialectics of the Soul", in complex and conflicting processes hidden in inner world man. It draws characters in their variability in their progressive or regressive movement associated with the development of history. At the same time, Zgers especially carefully looks at how courage, a sense of civil liability and human dignity in the hearts of "small", ordinary people. "The power of the weak" - so she called one of the collections of her stories, and so could be determined main topic Her works. The traditions of European novels are crossped in them with bold artistic searches that form new traditions. Among the artists whose works made a deep impression on her, Anna Zgers called Balzak and standal, Driver and London, Kafka and Fountain. She showed great interest in Dostoevsky. A deep influence had L. Tolstoy on her.

Creative biography A. Zgers began in the 20s, when she beat the university student. The daughter of a wealthy Burger (her father was the owner of an antique store and at the same time the keeper of the Mainz Cathedral Museum), she in 1927 he joined the ranks of the Communist Party, forever tied his fate with the revolutionary struggle of the German proletariat. In the book "Rise of the fishermen" (1928), the young writer told about how they make their first step in the struggle, people crushed "the need, disadvantaged, living with terrible and dark. The book is about the defeat of the uprising, but also how it was for these people, which was opened before them, which changed in their consciousness, in their souls.

"Satellites" (1932) - Communist O'Breat different countries against the fascist reaction in the 20s. - one of the first attempts to create in european literature Anti-fascist novel epic. The action is performed by the acute dynamics of the struggle, the course of events is emphasized rapidly. Close-up The images of the communists are given, the heroic of the revolutionary struggle, the loyalty of the party in the conditions of brutal persecution of revolutionary fighters.

Anna Zhegers Anna Seghers Birth name: Netty Reiling Date of birth: November 19, 1900 Place of birth: Mainz, German Empire Date of death: June 3 ... Wikipedia

Anna Zhegers Anna Seghers Birth name: Netty Reiling Date of birth: November 19, 1900 Place of birth: Mainz, German Empire Date of death: June 3 ... Wikipedia

Anna Zhegers Anna Seghers Birth name: Netty Reiling Date of birth: November 19, 1900 Place of birth: Mainz, German Empire Date of death: June 3 ... Wikipedia

Zhegers (Seghers) Anna [pseudonym; Real name and surname Netti Radvani (Radványi), nee Reiling (Reiling)] (p. 19.11.1900, Mainz), German writer (GDR). Member of the German Communist Party from 1928 (from 1947 Member of the SEPG). Antiquary daughter ...

Surname. Famous media Anna Zgers (1900 1983) German writer. Kevin Zhegers (r. 1984) Canadian actor ... Wikipedia

I Zegers (Seghers) Anna [pseudonym; Real name and surname Netti Radvani (Radványi), nee Reiling (Reiling)] (p. 19.11.1900, Mainz), German writer (GDR). Member of the German Communist Party from 1928 (from 1947 Member of the SEPG). Daughter ... Big soviet Encyclopedia

- (Seghers), Anna (Name and Fam. Netties Radvanya, nee Reiling (Reiling)) (p. 19.xi.1900) it. Writer and societies. figure. From the first book of Z. Romana Rebress of fishermen (1928, Rus. Per. 1929) Her creativity is closely related to the struggle ... ... Sovetskaya historical encyclopedia

- (1900 83) German writer. In 1933 47 in emigration. The novel of the Seventh Cross (1942) approves the moral victory of antifascist fighters, faith in the future of the German people. Cycle social psychological dead novels Stay young (1949), ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Zhegers, Anna - Zgers (Seghers) Anna (1900 83), German writer. In 1933 47 in emigration. In the graphically clear descriptions of the life of simple workers (the story of the rolling of fishermen, 1928; the novels of the seventh cross, 1942 on english language, 1946 on german language;… … Illustrated encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Anna Zhegers. Collected Works in 6 volumes (set of 6 books), Anna Zhegers. Name talented writer GDR Anna Zgers is widely known to the Soviet reader. Her novels and tale enjoy in our country a continued success. The collection of essays comes from us ...
  • Anna Zhegers. Tale and stories, Anna Zhegers. Lifting edition. Moscow, 1957. State Publishing House fiction. Publishing binding. Safety is good. This publication is a collection ...

Zhegers Anna (it. Anna Seghers, real name and surname Netty Radványi, Neborn Reiling (it. Reiling); November 19, 1900, Mainz - June 3, 1983, Berlin) - German writer.

Zhegers born in jewish family, Father - Antiquarian and artistic expert. He studied at Cologne and Geidelberg Universities. In 1925, Zgers married a Hungarian writer and a sociologist Laszlo Radvani, with whom Anna Zhegers had two children. Member of the German Communist Party since 1928 (since 1947 a member of the SEPG).

"Only genuine art changes the world," and if the writer of our time is truly deeply penetrating into life, truly will reflect its paints, its movement, he will not be able to pass by the great changes committed in countries of socialism.

Zhegers Anna

In 1933, after the arrival of the Nazis Zegers was briefly arrested Gestapo, and her books were banned, after which she emigrates to France. In 1940, Hitler's troops entered into France, and Anna Zhegers from the occupied Paris moved to the south, to Marseille. In 1941, she moved to Mexico City, where he founded the Anti-Fascist "Club Heinrich Heine" (HEINRICH-Heine-Klub) and the magazine "Free Germany" (it. Freies Deutschland).

After the end of World War II, in 1947 she returned to the GDR and settled in Berlin.

Zegers was a member World Council Peace and committee on international Leninist premiums; Chairman of the Union of German Writers (1958-1978); Member of the German Academy of Arts.

The trend towards socialism is laid in reality, and this is now the Will-Neils understand even our intense enemies.

Zhegers Anna

Anna Zhegers novels - the chronicle of the history of Germany since 1929, from the days of the "Spartak" uprising, and until the days of the deployed construction of a new life in the GDR. The writer recreates the path of the people with severe clairvoyance and great love, without passing the Pi Heroic, nor shameful pages of history, seeking to expose the truth to the end. Her novels are books about people, about their ordinary and extraordinary life, about their difficult, indirect road to light.

Anna Zhegers - Photo

Anna Zhegers - Quotes

I understood why decent people are usually boring. They have principles. Not boring just that unexpectedly, which is constantly changing. And the principles do not change ...

The portrait of another person is indeed indeed our own reflection. We see in it what we want to see.

So it turned out that the judgments of the wrong neighbors - the time he he herself. And they lied, arguing that all tested in his youth - childhood, and serious life begins only then. Life, on the contrary, dults man with the need and difficulty and small joys. A serious life that seems to be replaced by youth - it is actually nonsense. "If you," Mary thought, "in the years of the first love, angry with waiting, still continued to wait aimlessly, then you understood the seriousness of life. And if then the door still opened, it means that your joy was born by what is really worthy of joy. "