Where at the moment Stas Pieha live. Stas Pieha and his wife, wedding photo

Where at the moment Stas Pieha live. Stas Pieha and his wife, wedding photo
Where at the moment Stas Pieha live. Stas Pieha and his wife, wedding photo

Stas Pieha is known to the Russian public as singer, showman, poet, as well as grandson of the star grandmother. And in general, he is just charming small.

Stas was born on August 13, 1980 in Leningrad. It is necessary to say that he was born in a creative family. Who is a grandmother, Edita Stanislavovna Pieha, is generally not necessary to explain, she has long been the legend of the Soviet, Polish and Russian pop. Mom, Ilona Armored, - Russian pop singer and TV presenter. Father is a jazz musician named Petras Gerulis. Sister Stas, Eric, did not make a musical career, but chose the profession of architect and designer. The boy's musical education was also engaged in stepfather - the musician Evgeny Timoshenkov.

The name has not happened to his future singer. Odita Piekhi was not her father early, and she swore his future son to give a name in his honor, but her daughter was born. So, the name for the Son of the daughter, that is, it was ready for the grandson in advance and was not even discussed when he appeared to the light, the boy was predetermined to become Stanislav.

In the earlier childhood, the grandmother was more involved in Stas, as Ilona was busy with a solo career. Together with Edita Piechi, the little Stas went on tour and gradually acquired to artistic life. Already at 7 years old, the boy entered the choir school in Leningrad, he studied in the class of piano and choral singing. At the same time, at the insistence of the grandmother, Gorulis on Pieha's name was changed. For such a shift were not only the founding of creative orientation. The fact is that because of the war, the male genus Pieha was interrupted, and was not to inherit the famous surname. Therefore, Stas changed the surname to become a successor of the genus.
After the choral school, Stas became a student of the Musechili. Gnesiny, enrolling on a pop-jazz office, but a lot of striking classes, for which was expelled.
Stas has always loved sports, long time was fond of bodybuilding, he did not leave hobbies in sports and now, thanks to which he is in great shape. Another hobby of the singer was psychology.

Stas Pieha Vocal Career

Music career started when Stas was 24 years old, it was then that he went to the casting of the "Star Factory", on the shooting of his fourth season. Thanks to the competition, several hits of the singer were born, an acquaintance with the producer Viktor Drobysh, several star duets took place in the framework of the factory, one of which was the most desirable for a young man - this is a duet with Valeria and a joint song " Are you sad"That has become superhit and did not last long ago from the first lines of hit parades.
And after a year, Stas recorded his first album. In total, the singer has three of them, as well as fifteen video clips, many of whom were very loved by the audience. Stas became one of the three winners of the competition, having received the prizes as a result, which gave a wonderful start of his future career. Stas himself writes music and poems to songs. In addition, he, as a poet, released his own book poems.

A musician has a lot of prestigious awards, one statuette " Golden Gramophone Award»Whole eight pieces. He was also repeatedly became a laureate of the competition " Song of the year».

Four years ago, Stas took part as a star coach on the Ukrainian Program " Voice of the 10th" In addition, participated in the show " Stars in Opere», « Two stars», « Our output"And" Hit».

There is interesting and not very pleasant fact in the biographies of the singer. Stas was addicted to smoking for another seven years, having visited the pioneer camp, however, it was now getting rid of this harmful habit. Stas is not very pleased with his appearance and vocal data, does not like to revise herself on TV and listen on the radio.

Personal life of Stas Piekhi

In the personal life of Stas is quite happy, in part, thanks to the fact that the time of date and the future wedding he managed to hide from Paparazzi, so the news about his marriage became for many news.

His wife - Natalia GorchakovaShe took the singer's surname in marriage and gave birth to him the Son, who in March 2015 was one year old.

Many beautiful musicians of the whole world look

The grandson of the famous performer, the very famous pop singer Stas Pieha appeared on August 13, 1980 in St. Petersburg. His biography from early childhood is associated with music. Grandmother of the future star is a true legend on stage, Mom also professionally dealt with singing, famous actress and TV presenter. The boy grew in a very creative atmosphere that he could not not affect his future.

Stas Pieha: Biography

His grandmother was the greatest impact on the education of a young artist - Edita Stanislavovna Pieha. She was still in his youth to call her son with the name of the Father, who died very early. Only here the girl himself was born a girl, and the name of the dad managed to inherit only her grandson. Native father boy almost did not know. His mother was divorced with Pattas Gerulis only by only give birth to a child. After a short time, Ilona Bronvoyitskaya has already married Yuri Bystrov. In 1986, Stas had a sister who called Eric. She was the only one in his family who did not associate life with a musical career. The girl preferred to engage in design and architecture.

The upbatch of Stas was predominantly grandmother, and mom at that time built his career. At the seven age, the boy moved to Echi Stanislavovna and took her last name. From childhood, he got used to the stage, the public, learned to speak. It is from the filing of eminent relatives that the boy was given to training in the Glinka Choir School. The guy did not receive the necessary skills, so it went from the walls of the educational institution to private classes for tutoring. In addition to music, Stas has also received a profession of a hairdresser's stylist, and also interested in sports, psychology.

Career Piekhi began with the project "Star Factory". It was there that he managed to sing his first hit, as well as to stand on the same stage with famous performers not only the domestic, but also foreign pop. The guy became the winner and received a unique opportunity to release his own album. He began to quickly recruit popularity, develop as an artist. Soon, many inhabitants of the country have already known the name of Stas, his hits have hooked each corner.

Stas Piehi's wife - Natalia Gorchakova, photo

The personal life of Stas Pieha enjoys under increased attention of the public. For any changes, not only his personal fans, but also fans of mom and grandmothers are observed. That is why it was considered one of the most enviable grooms of the country for a long time. He was attributed to novels with famous models, actresses, but the guy did not hurry himself to tie a marriage. The press wrote about the novel of the singer and models of Alena Vodonaeva, but both partners denied this information. Alena admitted that in his youth was in love with Stas, but these unrequited feelings only pushed her to professional growth.

The family of Piekhi, as he himself, prefers not to disclose the details of his personal life. For a long time, the artist assured everyone that was not yet matured for a serious relationship. In the meantime, he managed to officially marry Natalia Gorchakova. Neither the press nor fans at that moment had no idea who was the wife of Stas and what she was doing. In 2014, they had a first-mentioned son Peter. However, even the appearance of the baby Star dad hid for a long time from the public. Stas Pieha and his wife and the Son were almost not shown together in public places, did not give interviews and did not participate in photo shoots. How the relationship was in the young family remained a mystery.

In the photo: Stas Pieha with his wife Natalia

Not so long ago, the media constituted the headlines that Pieha Stas and the wife were separated. The singer commented on that it really called himself the culprit. He was not ready for family life. According to him, they and his wife remained friends and the musician is regularly seen with her son. However, the constant presence of his wife and child in the house began to interfere with his creative process. They had to be periodically torn along different apartments, not for weeks. The guy is confident that similar only insults his spouse. That is why he decided to let her go. Thus, the artist got the opportunity to devote himself to creativity and music. The version that Stas officially divorced his wife, was confirmed.

Who is the former wife of Stas Piekhi?

After parting with her husband, Natalia Gorchakov did not leave his career, continues to work. In addition, Stas continues to contain not only his child, but also his mother and shirt. Representatives of the press failed to find out if there are lovelines or serious relationships with representatives of the opposite sex.

In the photo: Stas Pieha with Son Peter

Some time after the divorce, Natalia was attributed to Roman with Alexey Vorobyev, however, official comments did not follow from one of the parties. Gorchakov is actively experimenting with his appearance, surprises the public and enjoys life. Apparently, she does not yet seek serious novels.

Who meets Stas Pieha?

The singers after the divorce attributed a lot of novels, including with the famous representatives of the beautiful sex. Only it was all left at the level of rumors, there were no official confirmations. According to Stas itself, serious relationships prevent normal creative development. He refused a family life in order to be able to work normally.

In the photo: Stas Pieha with his wife and son

Children in the life of Piekhi occupy an important meaning. In his free time, he tries to be as much as possible with Son Peter, takes an active part in his upbringing. In addition, the Father cares, so that the boy does not need anything and fully ensures it materially. How will it be on to develop his personal life yet not yet known.

Stas Pieha is a famous Russian singer and musician. His appearance on the scene caused an ambiguous reaction among the public. Someone admired the musical abilities of a young artist. Someone told that without the patronage of his grandmother, Edita Piekhi would never hit the big scene.

Today, the biography and Stas Piekhi is also actively discussed by his fans. The media regularly publish news and fresh photos. What is known about Stas Pieha today?


Childhood, family

Stas Pieha was born in Leningrad in the family of artist Ilona Armored and theatrical director of Petras Gerulisa. Immediately after the birth of the son of Mom, the artist began to tour with concerts, so the childhood of Stas also passed in the roadside.

With the father of Stas Ilona Bronvoyitskaya lived for a long time. Soon she married Yuri Bystrov, Stas had a younger sister Eric, who tied her life with designer activities. From the whole family, she became the only representative who did not attract musical creativity.

Stas Pieha in childhood

At 7, Stas became a student of the choral school. Glinka. Here he learned choral singing and playing the piano. At the same age, the boy changed the surname of his father on the surname of Grandma - Edita Piehi. It was she who became the initiator of this event, because during the war her race was cut off. Edita Pieha also contributed to the grandson to engage in music. And then she did not lose. From childhood, the boy demonstrated good musical abilities.

Singer with his grandmother Edita Pieche

Musical career

After the choral school, Stas Pieha became a student of the state school. Gnesinic. In addition to music, the guy was fond of sports. There was a period in the life of an artist when he decided to change the profession and left the abroad to study on the stylist. However, fate turned still so that he continued to engage in music.

On a large scene, the artist appeared on the "Star Factory" in 2004. After graduating from the Stas television show, he began to produce Victor Drobysh. Thanks to this, next year, the artist released his own collection of songs called "One Star".

Singer at the beginning of a career

Stas Piehe was lucky to sing with such famous performers as Valery and Grigory Leps. Joint songs made a novice artist even more popular. For the execution of the song "She is not yours", Stas was awarded the Golden Gramophone.

During participation in the program "Star Factory 4"

In 2011, Stas became the coach of the Music show "Voice of the country", which was held on one of the Ukrainian channels. Next year, he took part in the "Two Star" project, where the partner musician became an actress Maria Kozhevnikov. Unfortunately, young people did not find mutual understanding, so they failed to take a worthy place.

Personal life

In the biography of Stas Piehi, the topic of a personal life remained for the "family locks". The artist did not want to advertise it, so not much frankly with journalists. However, in 2012, the media started talking about the fact that Stas is found with the singer Victoria Smirnova, Timati's sister. Their relationship lasted 4 years.

After a couple of years, the photos of the wife of Stas Piehi appeared in the newspapers - the biography and personal life of the singer began to worry fans even more. The legitimate wife of Stas Piekhi became Natalia Gorchakov - DJ and Fashion Model. In 2014, she presented a sown artist, which parents called Peter. Family lived in Catalonia, where the singer rented an apartment for several years in a row.

With Victoria Smirnova

The happiness of the young has long lasted. After 3 years of relations, they decided to part. Stas Pieha became the initiator of the gap. This is how he commented on the gap with Natalia Gorchakova: "I always had a relationship, but they were largely limited me. I did not develop in creative and spiritual terms. While I am not ready to sacrifice the work for the sake of family. Perhaps I still need to dorat. With Natasha, we remained friends, I support my wife and son financially visiting them. "

Former singer's wife Natalia Gorchakova and Son Peter

But the famous great-grandmother of Little Peter Edita Pieha still did not see him. The reason for this is that they live in different cities - Peter with Mom in Moscow, and Edita Pieha - in St. Petersburg. In addition, she regularly touring, so she does not have enough time to come to his grandchildren. When the long-awaited meeting is still unknown. In the meantime, the famous Prabababushka remains to watch the life of grandson and great-grandmother in social networks. Today, Stas Pieha does not hide a personal life, so there is a photo of his wife and children in his ribbon: Son, as well as little fans.

Prediction of the numerologist Clara Kuzdenbayeva

Today, Stas Pieha is free, he is completely dedicated to his life. Will the situation change in the future? How will the personal life of Stas Piehi be laid and whether another wife will be in the biography, will the children appear? Answer these questions tried Clara Kuzdenbayev - a famous star numerologist. "Stas is complex, so it is difficult for him to build relationships with the opposite sex. He has a low level of vital energy, during the day he quickly gets tired, he often changes the mood.

Stas Pieha and Son

Stas has no pronounced family line, so you won't call him a good family man. As a person, he is secretive, his experiences and feelings he holds for the "family locks". He is perfect for a girl with a high level of vital energy. It is she who will help him get out of depression and believe that life is beautiful. The personal life of Stas Piekhi will work out at 39 years, a wife and one more child will appear in the biography.

Literary activity

Stas Pieha decided not to be limited to music only, so he released a book called "Naked. I do not remember what you laughed. " The book is addressed to the adult public. She was presented in the framework of one of the concerts of Stas. You can buy a collection only in those concert halls where the musician are held.

Most works have a provocative nature, so they decided to comment on the sexologist and psychologist Inna Powesta. In her opinion, Stas is inclined to depressions and self-analysis. The name of the book suggests that the singer is dissatisfied with his life. According to its provocative poems, Stas wants to attract attention.

The singer released his book called "Naked"

In some stitching, a hint of the fact that the artist loves bold experiments in bed. The book has a work dedicated to people. Regarding them, the singer allows themselves to use his mother words. It seems that the artist himself has something to hide.

Stas Pieha and Singer Valeria on stage

Inna Powesta made another interesting remark. Most likely, the singer is dissatisfied with his image on the stage, this is very oppressing it. Popy songs today are the most popular, but it is not very close to Stas. He has to fulfill them to stay "afloat."


Name: Stas Pjeha (Stas Pjeha)

Age: 36 years

Place of Birth: St. Petersburg

Height: 182 cm

Weight: 73 kg

Activity: singer

Family status: married

Stas Pieha - Biography

Stas Pieha is a well-known popular Russian singer, whose biography is interested in almost every person. After all, everyone knows that he is a musician and a singer in the third generation, so his life is the fate and the history of his family.

Childhood of Stas Piehha

The famous singer Stas Pieha in Leningrad was born. This event occurred on August 13, 1980. His father, Patas Gorulis, a famous theater director, and mother, Ilona Armored, singer. In the family, except Stas, there is also a sister who never dreamed of continuing the singing career of the family and, having matured, became an excellent architect and designer.

In my childhood, the future popular singer learned excellent touring life, since his mother, as soon as he had grown up, began to engage in his singing career, and he constantly traveled around the country along with Grandmother Edita Pieche, who is known to the world and has a huge number of fan.

Stas Pieha - Education

Already at the seven age, the future popular singer entered the Glinka Choir School. It was this institution that helped a boy to learn choral singing, and even I was able to master the perfectly playing the piano. At the same time, a great desire comes to change your last name: he takes the surname of his famous grandmother. But it was no longer his decision, but the famous grandmother, who was very sorry that her race was cut off during the war and carriers of her surname on the men's line absolutely no one left. Therefore, she really wanted her favorite grandson to become not only the continuation of her kind, but also the carrier of this famous last name.

The further education of Stas Pthyssovich took place in the State Music School named after Gnesinic, where he continued to study music. The future famous singer chose a pop-jazz compartment for learning. At the same time, he is fond of sports that so much fascinated the singer that he does not leave these classes and so far. At the same time, he is fond of psychology.

Stas Pieha - Music Biography

With his musical career, the famous singer Stas Pieha was actively and seriously engaged only in 2004. A new interesting page in his biography begins only after he was invited to an interesting music television project "Star Factory", which collected a large number of fans. In one of the finals of this project, he fulfilled the musical composition "You're sad", which became his debut and brought him fame. In total, more than twenty songs were performed on this musical teleproject. All of them were a duet with famous singers and musicians.

In 2005, the first music album of Stas Pthyssovich, where not only his musical compositions were recorded, which he performed, but also those songs he wrote. At this time, the famous singer works with the most popular and famous producer and composer Viktor Drosem. One of the songs he played with the beautiful and charming singer was on the first lines of all musical charts.

The second album of this beautiful and star singer is over in 2008, when Stas Pthyssovich tried to experiment with musical directions and styles. The first awards and premiums soon followed, the first concert performances appeared, and the number of fans grew. In 2011, he already serves as a teacher in the popular and many famous television program "Voice", his student takes the fourth place in this current.

And the magnificent singer himself for the next year itself becomes a member of the project "Two Stars". But, unfortunately, Maria Kozhevnikova becomes his partner, the relationship with which does not add up. Because of permanent conflicts and quarrels, they found themselves in this competition in the last place and very quickly left him.

Stas Pieha - Personal Life

Details of their personal life Singer Stas Pieha hid a very long time from fans of his work. About what novels were from him, and who was his chosen, walked a lot of rumors. So, there were conversations that he met for about four years with the sister of Timati - Vika Smirnova. She, like a popular singer, was a member of the TV show "Star Factory". But all these rumors were never confirmed, so it is worth it only to guess.

Stas Pieha - grandson of the star grandmother, charming Russian singer, showman and poet. Details of his stage career are known to all fans, but Stas Pieha has not posted their personal life. Few people knew that the singer had a wife and child. But the last news of the break with his wife became one of the main discussions on social networks. Stas Pieha and his wife:, Son and divorce details - you can read and see in our article.

Stas Pieha - Biography

Stas Pieha was born in 1980 in Leningrad. To say that the boy grew in a poetic and creative family will probably be superfluous. But we remind our readers that his grandmother Edit Pieha is a real legend not only the Russian, but also the Polish pop. His mother Ilona Armored - pop and TV presenter. Dad is a jazz performer, although under 7 years of the boy brought up stepfather, also a creative person, Evgeny Timoshenkov. The only family who did not make a star career turned out to be a sister Eric, who chose the profession of architect.

From 7 years old, Stas brought up a grandmother from which he traveled a lot on tour. At the same age, he enters the Leningrad Choir School. It was from this that his way of development as a young artist began.

At the end of the choir school, he continues his studies at the music school. Gnesinic, but was expelled due to numerous absenteeism. Therefore, for some time he had to work a hairdresser and perform with musical ensembles in restaurants.

Changes in life began when Stas was 24 years old. He became a member of the 4th season of the Music Project "Star Factory", which became a successful beginning of the musical career. Thanks to the project, the first song "One Star" is coming out, which becomes hit. Becoming one of the winners of the competition, he gets the opportunity to record his album and remove the clip for free. Participation in the competition brings a beginner star to a stunning success and glory.

In 2008, his second album "Other" comes out, which included 12 completely different compositions, including the song "She is not yours", which the singer fulfilled together with Gregory Leps. In 2014, the artist publishes the third album "Ten", in honor of the creative anniversary - 10 years on stage.

Stas Pieha and his wife - Wedding photo

Personal life Artist thoroughly hid, so fans remained to believe rumors. So, journalists attributed to him with a cousin of Timati - Victoria Smirnova, then close relationship with the actress Maria Kozhevnikova. None of the novels were confirmed, the singer always said that he was not ready for family life. Great was the surprise of the press and fans, when Stas Pieha and his wife appeared together at the festival Slavic Bazaar, and the photos of their weddings began to appear on the pages of the Internet.

Indeed, the singer managed to hide the time of dating and wedding in 2015 from the annoying paparazzi. But now it is known that his wife Natalia Goncharov - DJ and a fashion model. At the moment she, together with their common son, Peter, who in 2015 was one year old, live in Catalonia.

But did not have time for the fans to move away from the news that their idol is married and raises his son, as the other smeared, more unpleasant news. So, in one interview, the singer admitted that he was not ready to combine family life with a career. The marriage slows down in creative and spiritual growth. Probably, he needs to "ripen" to a real strong family.

Stas Pieha and his wife, whose wedding photo leaked on the Internet, now almost do not communicate. The singer, if possible, visits the Son, which is very similar to the star dad.

The singer himself in 2016 continues his creative way, he starred in the video on the song "Allegory" and published the second collection of poems. Also in 2016, he opened a rehabilitation center for drug addict. As the artist himself noted, for him such a decision is of great importance, since many of his loved ones have gone from the overdose of drugs.