Hippie's value settings included. Good-natured nihilists: who are such hippies

Hippie's value settings included. Good-natured nihilists: who are such hippies
Hippie's value settings included. Good-natured nihilists: who are such hippies

"With the help of music, we hypnotizing people, rectifies them to primitive levelAnd there, finding their weak place, you can drive them all anything. "Jimmy Hendrix

"We mixed youth, music, sex, drugs and the spirit of rebellion with betrayal. And such a combination is difficult to beat. " D.Rabin

"A radical refusal to the father's culture ... may entail the disastrous consequences by making a presence of a tendering of a young victim of the most definite charlatans. The young men, freed from tradition, usually willingly listen to demagogues and perceive with full confidence of their cosmetically decorated doctrine formulas. "K.Lorents.

Hippie subculture memorial sign for its merits in front of all "progressive" humanity

Hippie's youth subculture - hippie and politics - hippie subculture and her connection with drugs and psychedelices - hippies in the USSR. Sovetskaya communist subculture. A brief description of. The Prophet founder of the Communist subculture is the War of the subculture of Hippie and the Soviet Communist Nomenclature Subculture - the subculture of Hippie. Modern stage

IN traditional society The functions of education of children and young people are assigned to the Institute of Family, the Church and the State, in particular school. The education process is carried out on the principle of a structural management method. Despite the primacy of the Institute of Family, churches are given the most important role in traditional culture.

Hippie's youth subculture was to replace the Protestant (Christian) church in the process of upbringing young people. At the same time, it was planned to move from the structural method of control to the abstructural method, making controls completely invisible to young and inexperienced people. Thus, by creating an illusion of absolute freedom in young people and complete confidence in its own right. The experiment was carried out as the first stage in creating a unified world ideology and religion, so as it was successful in the United States and Western Europe, the process of the geographical distribution of subculture should have taken a global nature. The time of execution of this scientific project Tavistok Institute of the Rothschilds Family It was designed for several decades ...

Hippie's youth subculture is one of the oldest youth subcultures in the world and in the post-Soviet space. Created as a youth movement for immigrants from the middle class. It is a genetic matrix of the entire rocknarkoskosktrcultuary. The study of the deep bases of this matrix makes it possible to understand the mechanisms of the origin and the development of all other subcultures ...

Hippie (eng. hippy. or hippie.; From talk hip. or hEP.- "Understanding, who knows";) youth subculture, which arose in the mid-1960s in the United States. Since the hippies often woved flowers in the hair, handed out flowers passersby and inserted them into the guns and soldiers and soldiers, and also used the slogan "Flower Power" ("Power", or the "Power of Flowers"), they began to call them "children of flowers". Such a seemingly impaired PR campaign had a stunning success, as they activated the favorite memories of childhood who observing this scene, with their magic world fairy tales This is the world of good fairies and their faithful servants - elves. At the same time, it should be recalled that in the Scandinavian mythology perfume and children of flowers are elves. They are familiar to us on the fairy tale. H. Andersen "Thumbelina". Thus, hippie themselves became the "flowers of romantic love." And many adults believed in the sincerity of slogans of this subculture and good intentions of this youth movement.

The flourishing of this subculture fell at the end of the 1960s - the beginning of the 1970s. Hippie protested against the Puritan morality of traditional America. They promoted the desire to return to natural purity under the slogan "Love and Pacifism". Hippie slogan: "Make Love, not War!", Which means: "Make love, not war!" Was very popular during the war in Vietnam

Hippy movement developed by "waves": the first wave refers to the end of the 60th - the beginning of the 70s., The second - to the 80s. From about 1989, there is a sharp decline expressed in a sharp decrease in the number of adherents of this movement. However, in the mid-90s. He stated a "third wave" hippie. Neophytes of the movement of young (15-18 years old) and are predominantly schoolchildren and students of junior courses. In quantitatively, the girl prevailed over the young men. But this wave quickly went to the decline ...

The appearance of hippies on modern standards is traditional enough: long loose hair, jeans, often shabby, or denim jacket, sometimes a hoody of an indefinite color, on the neck - "Cussenk" (small leather handbag) decorated with beads or embroidery. In the hands - "Flys" or "Fences", i.e. Homemade bracelets or beads, most often from beads, wood or skin. But, becoming a fashionable "brand", he went out for the subcultural framework, spreading among young people: "Fenki" can decorate their arms and schoolgirls, and the Teacher of the University. From the "classic" hippie "Third Wave" distinguish such attributes as a backpack and three or four rings in the ears, less often in the nose (piercing).

But if you look at this through the eyes of the 60s, you can see that with the fashion is not so simple, and it is ideologically withstand and carefully thought out.

Hippy clothing style is called unisex and it symbolizes the equality of men and women, destroying the individuality of the style of clothing, her personal taste in a womanAs if they were all cloned in one test tube. Men's clothing is identical to women's clothes and this is an external, but faithful sign of the loss of archetype hero. And long loose hair men are a sign of their feminization. Service in the army such a guy is not on the shoulder. Therefore, instead of patriotism, bare pacifism remains and allegedly - the struggle for peace. The former "child of flowers", that is, the former hippie and the pacifist President of the United States Bill Clinton in 1999 will give the order of NATO aviation to bomb Orthodox churches and monasteries in Kosovo and Serbia in the name of human rights and freedoms. The result of such a struggle for peace - 22 churches and a monastery were destroyed, listed in the register of world culture monuments. And the dead monks have long forgotten. Meanwhile, a third wave backpack is a symbol-attribute of the lack of root base and turning a person to a rowan-field. Here is a non-pool. In the fifth century, Europe began to settle the nomadic tribes are ready, and at the end of the twentieth century youth subculture will arise ready. Interesting historical analogy.

Communes (communities) hippie - main form Their self-organization, where hippies can live their special way of life and where the neighbors are tolerant treaty. Usually it is unnecessarily and empty houses in cities or estates in the forests away from civilization. Hostel Charter of such a commune - free and
impropred drug intake, unfortunate sexual relationships with frequent change of sexual partners - free sex, begging, as a basic way to feed, and a lot of rock music. And such a phenomenon is not random. Hippie communes are a powerful means of destruction of the traditional family institution, as well as the destruction of the continuity mechanism between generations.

Exactly " Bittles»Steel the core of this youth subculture. Scientists from Tavistok, within the framework of the secret program "Changing the image of a person", invested in this music group And its repertoire of all transforming power of Eleusinsky, Dionysian Mysteries and Babylonian magic. This is how the Colonel CIA remembers John Champants: "No one would pay attention to the group from Liverpool and on their twelve tonny music" music "if the press did not raise the real excitement around them. Twelve tone system consisted of severe repeating sounds taken from the music of the priests of the cults of Dionysus and Waal and subjected to the "modern" processing of Aardo, a close friend of the Queen of England ... ".Jimmy Hendrix, who died from the overdose of sleeping pills in 1970, and closely collaborated with Bittles, not embarrassed, said: "With the help of music, we hypnotizing people, rendering them to a primitive level, and there finding their weak place, you can drive them all, anything".

Bittles ( skaraba Beetles - Settlers Set) Sang Texts of Shamans Comlons:

"Turn off your brain, relax, swim in the flow,

it's not dying, it's not dying

stop your thoughts, give up emptiness,

she glow, she glow ... "

With the movement of hippies, the popularization of nudism is connected. And it is not by chance, since hippies were the main driving power Sexual revolution. Like the Marxist teaching here, often invisibly, there were their great teachers - Z. Freud, Antonio Gramshi, Heinrich Marcuse, D.Rabin and Erich Fromm. Fromm wrote work with the title: " Utopic community socialism " When implementing this theory, hippie communes arose. Especially distinguished by Marcuse, who wrote his bestseller " Eros and revolution " D.Rabin in the book " Make "Very frankly expressed:" We mixed up youth, music, sex, drugs and the spirit of rebellion with betrayal. And such a combination is difficult to beat. " Under the slogans of refusal of obsolete bourgeois morality, Marcuse, Rabin and their associates destroyed the last remains of Christian ethics and morality in Western civilization. The Bunlet and the Boggleless Spirit of the Hippie movement replaced the Christian ideas about the good and evil by Manichawners, in which good equal evil, and the light of darkness, thereby opened the road revolutions of a new type.

The largest theorist of Marxism Antonio Gramshi. claimed: " A revolution is coming. It will differ from all the revolutions of the past. She refers to a person, and not classes and affects culture, and the change in the political structure occurs only at the last stage. She does not need violence for his success, and to suppress it violence also fails. It spreads at an amazing speed, and our laws, our institutions and social structures change under its influence. These are the revolution of the new generation. "

About the beginning of the revolution, back in 1968, prophesy Brzezinsky: "Our era is not just a revolutionary, we entered the metamorphosis phase of all human history. The world stands on the threshold of transformation, which in its historical and human consequences will be more dramatic than what was caused by French or Bolshevik revolutions. Robespierre and Lenin were too soft ".

And since the sexual revolution was global to say that Hippie was out of politics - it's just consciously lie. They were a tool internal, external and even geopolitics. Created by psyche-based scientists from the Tavistok Institute in the United Kingdom and Harvard University in the United States subculture became the material substrate and the driving force of exporting this revolution to continental Europe and the camp of socialism. It was even created by the "Symbol of Faith". This symbol in its dogmatic basis is based on such an existential essence as "freedom". Based on this philosophical category, a political myth of "freedom" was created, where the initial essence of this concept was delivered. Political myths are the most powerful element of the psychological war and total manipulation of consciousness.

The German philosopher Ernst Kassirer made a significant contribution to the study of political myths of the twentieth century. We give an assessment of the understanding of myths made by this researcher. " The myth always interpreted as a result of perpetrators and as a product of the free game of imagination, but here the myth is created according to the plan. New political myths do not arise spontaneously, they are not one of the fruit of the unbridled imagination. On the contrary, they are artificial creation created by skillful and dexterous "masters." Our twentieth century - century of the Great Epoch of Technical Civilization - was destined to create a new mythic technique, since myths can be created in accordance with the same rules as other modern weapons, whether machine guns or aircraft. This is a new moment with fundamental importance. He changed all of our social life. Methods for suppressing and coercion have always been used in political life. But in most cases, these methods focused on material results. Even the most severe despotic modes were satisfied only by imposing a person certain rules actions. They were not interested in the feelings and thoughts of people. Of course, in large religious clashes, the greatest effort was made to strengthen not only actions, but also the consciousness of people. But these efforts turned out to be vain - they only strengthened the feelings of religious independence. Modern political myths act perfectly differently. They do not begin with the fact that they authorize or prohibit some actions. They first change people to be able to be able to adjust and control their acts. Political myths act just like a snake, paralyzing rabbit, before attacking it. People become victims of myths without serious resistance. They are defeated and conquered even before they are able to realize what actually happened. Conventional methods of political violence are not able to give a similar effect. Even under the most powerful political press, people do not cease to live a private life, the scope of personal freedom, opposing such pressure, always remains. Modern political myths destroy such values. "

"Symbol of faith" subculture contains 7 dogmatic truths: 1- A person should be free; 2- to achieve freedom, only by changing the internal system of the soul; 3- Acts of an internally relaxed person are determined by the desire to protect their freedom as the greatest jewel; 4- Beauty and freedom are identical to each other and that the implementation of the other is a purely spiritual problem; 5-youth, dividing the above convictions, forms a "spiritual" community - the community; 6- "spiritual" community - the ideal form of a hostel; 7- All thinking otherwise are mistaken.

The number 7 in numerology is sacred and is an expression of the fullness of being. As you know, in the mid-60s in many American schools, the law of God was taught, where he was talking about seven mortal sins. Thus, one seven was replaced by another, while giving the youth indulgence on any sin. It turned out everything as in the novel of Dostoevsky "Demons".

P. Bruegel is a senior. The picture can serve as a shaped illustration of a "philosophical wisdom" hippie.

Hippie and politics

At the beginning of the study of the issue will deal with what indicates the word "politics" When translating it from the Greek language into Russian. Literally - it translates as "Many interests." Since there are no people without interest, so living in society can not be out of politics. Hippie actively participated in the internal policy of the United States, loosening and destroying, the foundations of the state and the state system ...

In the US, a radical, youth traffic was founded on the basis of Hippie. Yippei was a rat mixture of hippies and trotskyists. They arranged thousands of marches and demonstrations of protest against the War in Vietnam. The most famous campaign, which caused a rude resonance in society, is the nomination of the candidate for the presidency of the United States from its batch. This candidate was a pig named Pigasus (Swints).

Foreign policy. In 1968, the revolution of "Children's Children" swung to France, and her first sacrifice was the dismissal New York bankers General de Gol. France lost its own the best president. Then came the turn of Eastern Europe countries. In the countries of socialism, they carried the destructive flame of the global sexual revolution, in the fire of which communist dictatorship fell.

Globally, they acted as graveders christian culture And revived the Babylonian neo-dockey. Since, for example, the entire repertoire of the Bittles Group is nothing but a modern arrangement of the Babelian Mystery of the Goddess of War, Love and Fertility Ishtar (Inana), supplemented by antique mysteries.

The ideological slogans of subculture deserve attention to the use of manipulation of mass consciousness. For example, hippie slogans of the 60s are a clear example of the effective use of neurolynguistic programming techniques for youth foliation. "Make Love, Not War" ( "Make love Not War!".)

Hippie subculture and its relationship with drugs and psychedelic

... The hippie subculture is a basic matrix of the entire rockercosquescontertercult, and therefore all its components are psychedelic rock, drugs, full of freedom of sexual relations and counterculture, that is, not respect and not honing the older people, present in its structure full extent. The interpenetration of rock and drugs is particularly drawn. Even the name of the galucinogen or psychedelic LSD is associated with the name of John Lennon and his songs "Lucy in Heaven, in Brilliants." In English LSD. Lennon wrote his work impressed by the admission of diethylamide Lizerginic acid. All creativity of the Liverpool Four is unthinkable without marijuana and Lizerginic acid. The hippie subculture suffers from social "schizophrenia" regarding the relationship of drug use. Inside the hippie subculture environment, there is a steady stereotype that the reception of marijuana and psychedelic is one of the main prerequisites on which it is based on their movement.

Michael Bulgakov

« It was in 1905. Once at night, the baby woke up sister: "You know where I was now? At the Ball of Satan! ". Called Misha's boy, "writes Y.Vorobjevsky. Next, he continues: "The years and the Baltic sailor will write on their slogans somewhat differently" anarchy - mother of order ". 1917 will bring the boy to the new vision on the ball in Satan. It happened in the Nikolsky Smolensk province. In the morphine "insight" Zemsky doctor Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov will see the fiery snake, compressing in the deadly rings. This vision is amazing. It will be necessary to state on paper. And he will take a handle. "

Studies with ethnographers of the life of Indian tribes - scientific confirmation of this fact. Whereas psychedelics are only one of the means to help destroy the boundaries of the ordinary ego-consciousness. From this point of view, besides Mescalina - extracts from Peyote and LSD, there are other ways of initiative practices. When taking drugs, there are no guarantees about the fact that the initiation process will be completed by the necessary type of personality transformation. Taking drugs, as a rule, instead of transformation gives narcotic dependence, with all the resulting health problems. And after receiving LSD, part of patients develop symptoms of schizophrenic type and hallucinatory syndrome. In transparsonal psychology, he is known as spiritual crisis by type of obsession. "In this type of transpersonal crisis, people experience a distinct feeling that their psyche and body are captured and controlled by entities and energies that they perceive as coming from the outside world, hostile and disappointing. This may be mercornia, different embodied entities, demonic creatures or evil peoplewho mastered them with the help of black magic and witchcraft procedures.

There are many different types and degrees of such states. In some cases, the genuine nature of such a disorder remains hidden. The problem in this case is manifested as serious psychopathology: asocidal or even criminal behavior, suicidal depression, thirst for killing or self-destructive behavior, chaotic and perverted sexual motives or excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs, " - writes psychiatrist S.Grof. In the mid-1960s, in the framework of the pharmacological study of the mechanism of the impact of psychedeliks on the consciousness of a person on thousands of volunteers from among the students of Harvard University, an experiment was conducted, the results of which were classified to the present. The time of the experiment clearly coincides with the time of the origin of the hippie subculture.

Thus, the explicit ambivalence of subculture is manifested even by such a matter of human health the issue as a reception of narcotic drugs. Such paradoxical logic makes it easy to manipulate public opinion on this important issue for society. Thanks to this duality, the legalization of drugs in the European Union, and the leading special services of the World CIA and Mi-6 to oversee the drug business in the youth environment. The economic component is important, as the drug business is the second largest market of services in the world and is inferior in magnitude only by the global energy market. And, above all, drugs are the control of the consciousness of the most active part of young people and its formal and informal leaders. It is not by chance that since 1864, when the United Kingdom unleasted the first opium war against China, the whole world drug market, from production to sales controlled by the British ruling monarchy and its intelligence services.

Hippie in the USSR. Soviet communist subculture. A brief description of.Prophet Founder Communist Subculture

Communist subculture originated in London. There were two agents of the British influence of German origin and Russophobes, the founders of its cultural nucleus - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels worked in it. The identity of the creator, that is, Marx, was extremely contradictory. He, being a revolutionary, hated all the monarchies of the world, but British's bastard, being an atheist, secretly aroused, at night, candles. True, according to eyewitnesses, the fire was for some reason black and very much reminded the hell's flame.

One of the most brilliant biographers of Karl Marx R. Pein with such words expressed the essence of the subject of his research "... He had a demonic look at the world, was demonic evilness. Sometimes it seemed that he knew that he was performing a devilish order ».

As is known from the biography of Marx, the future classic of communism in adolescence is passionately fond of writing poems. In the poem "violinist", he described the following feelings: "Hell evaporations rise and fill the brain while I go crazy, and my heart will change the root. See you this sword? Prince Darkness sold it to me. " In 1837, in a letter to his father, Karl writes such words: "The curtain dropped, my holy saints broke out, and I had to leave other gods." In the same year, the founder of the "scientific" socialism writes a mystical poem "Pale Virgo", where the following words are present:

I lost the sky

Perfectly I know

My soul, once faithful to God

Elected for hell.

A number of researchers who studied the activities and creativity of Marx of this period believe that it was then that the young Karl passed the rite of occult initiation. He concluded a symbolic agreement with the prince of darkness and devoted all his further life to the fight against Christianity and Christian civilization. One of the students K. Marx - M. Ridid - cites a fact of his life, which suggests that the connection with Satan at Marx stretched much further than simple symbolism, and was associated with the departure of rituals. Ridi said that he was saddened about the death of his beloved teacher, he went to London. The author's family of "Capital" has already left the house where he died. Riida managed to talk only with the old maid living there. She said about Marx just amazing words: "He was a God-fearing man. Being very sick, he prayed in his room in front of a nearby candles, wrapped something like brams around his head. " " It reminded, - noted R. Vurnbrandt, - something like Filacteria that Jews are worn during the morning prayers. But Marx was baptized in the Christian religion and raised all his children atheists. What was it for the ceremony that a ignorant maid was accepted for prayer? Jews, pronounced prayers with phylactiums on the forehead, never have candles in front of them. Could this be any magic ritual?" The last days of the life of the Prophet of Socialism remained under the cover of the mystery.

Communist subculture

As it should be each subculture, it consists of three main parts - cultural core, core and outer shell. With a cultural core, or a Soviet communist cult, every Soviet person who received higher education was familiar. This quantile education included four myths: marxist-Leninist philosophy, political economy, scientific communism and scientific atheism. The latter deprived this core at least any spiritual start and created the effect of his absence. Based on this ideological nucleus, the core was built, that is, morality, morality and the Soviet culture itself, as well as the outer shell - the state, the economy and its strength structures. Thus, in an informational and psychological war against the United States, the Soviet Union entered the ideology of the nineteenth century, written for the collapse of the Russian Empire. Many educated people began to understand the degree of poverty of the communist, cultural core and communist ideology. Actually, the real reformer of the communist subculture was only I. Stalin, but his reforms were touched only by the outer shell and core. He almost eliminated the proletarian culture of Lenin-Trotsky-Lunacharsky, as the form of conquest and destruction of Russian civilization.

Demon Revolution - Laba Bronstein (Lion Trotsky)

The essence of this culture is best reflected in the words of one of the leaders of the Bolshevik regime. Lion Trotsky in the book " My struggle»: « We must turn it (Russia) to the desert inherent in white blacks, which we will give such tyranny, which never dreamed by the most terrible despotam of the East . The only difference is that this tyranny will not be with the right, but on the left, and not white, but the red, literally of the word, for we are prison with such blood rivers, before which they shudder and pale all human losses of capitalist wars. The largest bankers from behind the ocean will work in close contact with us. If we win a revolution, distribute Russia, then on the funeral wreckage, it will strengthen the power of Zionism and become such a force that the whole world goes to her knees. We will show what it is real Power. By the terror of the bloody bath, we will bring the Russian intelligentsia to complete idiocy, to an animal state ... In the meantime, our young men in leather jackets - the sons of watchmakers from Odessa and Orsha, Gomel and Vinnitsa, oh, how great, as they can hate all Russian! With what pleasure they destroy the Russian intelligentsia - officers, engineers, priests, generals, academics, writers ... ".

Thus, Stalin destroyed the tyranny Trotsky and his rattle proletarian culture. And, in addition, the new Soviet culture was arranged by the features of the Russian national tradition. And even the Soviet empire externally began to like to resemble the world's last Orthodox Empire of the House of Romanov. But the goggle, the cultural core remained unchanged, and it foreshadowed the country a sad fate. Marxist myth died in the souls of Soviet people. With Khrushchev and Brezhnev, due to the presence of an instinct of self-preservation in the Kremlin geondoctracy, no one decided to reform the "shrine". Meanwhile, Mikhail Gorbachev, Mikhail Gorbachev, with his wife Raisa and reformers who have passed internship in Colombian and Harvard Universities, we decided that it was possible to reform the basis of the Soviet Communist Cults - the "spiritual core", diluing his hedonism of the subculture of Glamor. In other words, the patient was decided to make resuscitation with the help of transplantation of a part of the head. This chimeura decided to call "socialism with human person" Chimera Soviet "Titans of Thoughts" and "Fathers of Democracy" could not give birth, and took the country. Or, in a simple, instead of resuscitation, took decapitation, since, removing the 6th article from the Constitution, eliminated the vertical of power and destroyed the hierarchical principle of the country's management. Everything happened as from Berlioz's head, which Komsomolka cut off - the tram driver ...

And, of course, we cannot pass by the figures of the Gensen MS. Gorbachev and his role in the collapse of the USSR. It is the same as the refined product of Bolshevism and spiritual degradation was the first president of the USSR. He became an agent of influence by the British-American Empire and the traitor of the people. This is evidenced by his own words at one of the seminars conducted in the Turkish University of Istanbul in 1999. This is what Gorbachev says: "The purpose of my life was the destruction of communism, unbearable dictatorship over people ... When I met the West, I realized that I could not retreat from the goal. To achieve it, I have to replace all the management of the CPSU and the USSR, as well as management in all socialist countries. I managed to find associates in the implementation of these goals. Among them, A.N. Yakovlev and E.A.Shevarynadze occupy a special place.

And young charlatans-reformers arranged soviet people Performance in the "variety". There were candy and Paris Glamor instead of money here. And most importantly, the entire golden stock of the USSR was stolen. But the main act of reformers was the genocide of his own people. And he needed Yeltsin, Kravchuk and Shushkevich. But the genuine leaders were the priests of the Golden Taurus

"Our Golden Taurus feeds on not creating wealth, not even their use, but before they are mobilizing, which is a shower speculation. The more wealth goes out of hand in hand, especially since they remain with us. We are brokers accepting orders for all shadow operations, or, if you want, we are Mytari, controlling all the gloves of the globe and leading the duty from any movement of anonymous and vagaboline capital, as if sending money from one country to another or oscillation of their course. Calm, sadly monotonous entry of prosperity, we prefer passionately excited voices of increasing and lowering courses. To wake up these votes, nothing can compare with a revolution or war, which is the same revolution. The revolution weakens the peoples and leads them to a state of less resistance to them to enterprises». Comments, as they say, unnecessary.

In the future, for convenience, we will call the Soviet Communist subculture to counterculture, as it has always opposed the traditional Orthodox culture of Saint Rus.

War of the subculture of hippie and the Soviet Communist Nomenclature Subculture

The complex process of interaction between the subculture of Hippie and the traditional culture of the USSR was carried out within the framework of the famous directive Allen Dulles. The problem for the Soviet Union, first of all, was that the Soviet society lived in the conditions of this and not completed civil War, and Soviet countercultitution in the time of Khrushchev moved to the traditional offensive orthodox cultureDeciding to destroy her core - the Orthodox Church. On this war were thrown best forces Special services. The result - the country turned out to be unwashed to cultural aggression from the outside.

In connection with the XXI Congress "the full and final victory of socialism announced in 1959, the courts above the clergy and the widespread closure and destruction of temples began. The special scope of repression was accepted in 1961, when the XXII Congress Congress proclaimed the construction of communism by 1980, in which the place was not provided for the church as the "only legally existing enemy of Marxism". If in 1959 closed 364 arrival, then in the 1960s - 1398, in 1961 - 1390, in 1962 - 1585. There were a lot of temples Barbarian blurred - as, for example, the Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky in Kharkov. (A blasphemous "orange deal" in this row in 1964 on the Holy Land, when Russian Orthodox shrines are given for the insharistic state in exchange for oranges for the nomenclature distributors.)

In addition, traditional pilgrimages were prohibited, access to holy sources is closed (700 sources and holy places were destroyed or fenced). Was banned bell ringing. Forced registration of baptics, weddings, funeys with the provision of lists by the authorities - as a result, believers were subjected to dismissal from work, exceptions from educational institutions or recovery; To enroll in the university and make a professional career a believer has become impossible. Judicial processes began to deprive believers of parental rights. The local authorities were unleashed with arbitrariness, right up to the conclusion of believers in psychiatric hospitals as carriers of "delusional ideas".

As a result, if in 1948 in the USSR, 14,329 parishes and 85 monasteries operated, in 1958 - respectively 13 372 and 63, then by 1966 there were 7,523 temples and 18 monasteries ... The great shrine of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra (1963) were closed and spiritual seminary: Volynskaya (in Lutsk), Zhirovitskaya, Kiev, Saratovskaya, Stavropol - after which there are three seminars and two spiritual academies to the whole country. The selection of students in them, the ordination of priests and bishops began to be carried out under an even more stringent control of "Commissioners in Religion". The 1961 Bishop Cathedral approved the requirements of the power of restructuring parish life, making a priest hired employee "Twenty" parishioners controlled by "Commissioners". At the same time, parishioners did not have the rights of the ownership of church property acquired for donations of believers - it, including liturgical items, after the closure of the temple was confiscated by the state.

Of course, it was perceived by believers (they then accounted for about a third of the population) as sacred and forced them to protract the temples; In some way, it was poured into the collision of thousandth crowd with troops, as in the Klinzi of the Bryansk region. Very rarely managed to defend the Church as the Pochaev Lavra in 1964. More often resistance ended trial: From 1961 to 1964, 1234 people were sentenced to conclusion and link, including hundreds of priests.

During these years, the third large battle was held in the Boggleless War of the Communist Party against the Orthodox People (the first - in 1917-1923, the second - in 1932-1939). As a result, there was a significant outflow of believers from the officially authorized church to the catacomb, which existed since the 1920s, which significantly strengthened it: in the 1960s, millions of believers belonged to it.

In 1961, the famous XXII Congress Congress took place, and a program for the construction of communism in the USSR was adopted. The third item of this program is the Global Special Project "Education of the New soviet man - Builder of Communism. " This project failed shamefully. It was the appearance of Hippara in 1967, from among the former Komsomol members, in practice, visually demonstrated the collapse of the intentions of the Communist Utopists-Leninists. 1967 turned out to be significant, since this year the USSR was celebrated 50 years of the Great October. But this year, the "Satanic Bible" is synchronically in the United States, and in the USSR - the Gospel of Voland, with the poetic name "Master and Margarita". This manician "Gospel" will be mandatory work School program for years of restructuring. And it, all the "progressive" humanity, recognized as the best work of world literature of the twentieth century. Thus, the transplantation of the subculture genetic core was brilliantly implemented in the form of mimicry - literary work. The case is done, and "Khrushchev Thaw" exhausted itself.

Zoologist and anthropologist K. Lorenz formulated Scientific Law: "The radical refusal to the father's culture is even if it is fully justified - may entail disastrous consequences by making the young victim of the most definite charlatans. The young men, freed from tradition, usually willingly listen to demagogues and perceive with full confidence of their cosmetically decorated doctrine formulas. " But humanitarian science in the USSR did not use the ward of the party nomenclature.

Representatives of the hippie subculture (in the surprise - hippari, hippana, hippanted) In the late 60s, it was possible to find almost every large city USSR, on t. N "Tusovka".

Appearing on the outcome of the "Khrushchev thaw", the hippie subculture in the USSR was distributed among the few representatives of young people. Social medium for subculture has become student youth and future creative intelligentsia. As a rule, these were children party nomenclature and intelligentsia. The basis for engaging in the subculture was addicted to fashionable clothes, the desire to listen to rock music in good quality. Neophyte acquired by full program Pedagogical experiment. Initially, innocuous jeans, then sessions of psychedelic rock, then access to slang, and the next stage was free sex, demagogic arguments about the freedom of speech and admission to alcohol and drugs and even familiarity with dissidents. After such a processing, the former Soviet Komsomolets became convinced Hippie. Of course, many, matured, left the subculture and returned to the usual soviet Life. But it was the Bunctric Spirit of Hippie that will still manifest itself during the restructuring, for example, in the rating program "Look" and the Economic Program of Yavlinsky "500 days" and, of course, Chubais, Gaidar, Khodorkovsky. The question of the introduction of subculture was supervised by the best workers of the Western special services, and they knew that they were working on the future. They grown demons of the new revolution and genocide of the peoples of the USSR. The subculture was actively worked by "Fanswist", making their own, according to the standards of Soviet times, a good business on trade of branded clothing and shoes.

And yet it is necessary to finish the thought of the quote of the famous philosopher and economist from the USA L. Larusha: "Many of them considered highly educated becomes, in a small exception, victims of the fictional" cooking ", when it comes to the facts of international policies that are well known to American and Western European researchers ... Practically the question today's day It is to understand why such many leading post-Soviet and Western figures "actually became agents of politics of the massacre of people and other related to these means, who are in their essence are even greater genocide than that practice for which the Nazis were convicted and received Your sentence in Nuremberg. "

In consciousness simple people, the word "hippie" caused associations rather negative - "hippie" was perceived as an untidy dressed young man with long hair. In life, he is a slacker, a drunkard or even a drug addict. He is often an apolitical and unceretic, - antipode cultivated then the image of the "Soviet man", "the builder of communism" - neat dressed and briefly triggered, purposeful, who possesses the political views on the "party line". On the existence of representatives of Hippie not only abroad, but also in the USSR from legal sources of information, it was possible to learn only from critical articles in the central press of the early 70s. Such silence undermined the authority of power in the eyes of youth. And it exalted "freedom of speech" in the West. Thus, it was the ideological apparatus of the Central Committee of the CPSU, became an agent of Western influence. At the same time, all the information that was mastered by the official authority, everyone could easily get from the "enemy" votes. Radio Station "Air Force", "Voice of America" \u200b\u200band "Freedom" led their transfer around the clock and moreover in Russian. And the secret listeners were, as a rule, Komsomol workers. They, they suffered "social schizophrenia." For the Day of Komsomolskaya work during the day, they "branded" "rejecting" the West, and in the evening they were secretly listened to the "Votes of Voices" and listened to the "Forbidden" Rock - music and were ready to sell her mother for branded, with Lebi, American jeans, which I wore all the "golden youth" of the early 70s. Thus, without much difficulty, the hippie subculture in the form of his shell and the core easily passed through the notorious " iron curtain"And only having filled from orthodox traditions People, she did not destroy the USSR during the time of Brezhnev. But she caused transmutation of Soviet culture and made it defenseless before new subculture glamor.

The subculture of the Hippie Soviet period has formed its specific slang, based on the combination of English and Argo. This slang is a special form of newazis, the form of perversion and desaxralization of the Russian language. Thus, this newose is an instrument of murdering the living language of the Russian people. If a living tongue is dying, then with him the human thought is dying. About this process writes M. Heideggerin "Letters of the Humanism»: « Language is the house of being. A person lives in the dwelling language. In the life of the language a man lives. Everywhere and rapidly propagating the emptying of the language not only pushes aesthetic and moral responsibility in all language consumption. It is rooted in the destruction of the human being "...

Few, in that period of history, understood the depth of the impact of this spiritual and psychological sabotage.

A modern man lives in the world of culture and in this world there is a special education that we call the sphere of Logos. It includes a language as a means of human communication, as well as various forms of "verbal thinking."

Language is a complex system of concepts and words, thanks to which a person perceives the world and society. It is through the language that the human submission mechanism is carried out by society or some social groups. " We are slaves of words"- loved to repeat Friedrich Nietzsche. The power of the word is huge and the main suggestive impact, it shows not through the mind, but through the sensual sphere. In psychotherapy, a suggestive therapeutic method of the enjoyment of Bergenema is known - "Removal of Will", which has found widespread use in early twentieth century and neurolinguistic programming in V.M. Bekhterev, which received recognition in the second half of the twentieth century.

Suffoshability through a word - the deep property of the psyche, and it occurs in the development process earlier than the ability to analytical thinking.. This process was investigated in detail the psychologists who studied the period of childhood in humans. The suggestive meaning of the word manifested itself at an early stage of development of humanity in the process of forming special code words - words symbols, which were always the basis of spells. They have survived to this day, and are widely used today for signs, shamans and modern psychotherapists.

It should be noted such an important part that the suggestive impact of words at all decreased with the development of civilization and the formation of a rational intellectual form of thinking. Rather, even on the contrary, the focus of a modern person on rational thinking strengthened their suggestive impact.

Russian is our biggest wealth. This language already in the current sufficiently simplified form largely continues to remain a spiritual language. For example, if the Russian language is compared with English, then the last is an order of magnitude more simplified and primitive. On modern english It is impossible without losing the meaning of the content to translate the Bible. If you open the English-Russian dictionary, then for a plurality of English words, one English word is put in accordance with a dozen Russian words. In other words, the top ten of different shades of the meaning of Russian words correspond to one curled English word. But the point is no longer only in words. For example, American speech is more primitive than a Russian person's speech. It is characterized by the exchange of speech templates. For example, when greeting an American says: "Hi Haw Are you? (Hello, how are you?) "And each should answer the same thing:" Fine. Haw Are You? " (Excellent, and yours?). If the interlocutor does not answer FINE, but to another manner, it will be considered no American.

There is a well-known rule: "Than more primitive language, the more primitively thinking of a person than the person himself becomes more primitive and the easier to manage such a person." Thus, the introduction of slang subculture is an attempt to grow from the Russian person a special type of primitive and archaic savage, which would be easy to manage from outside the country by the method of abstructural management. And this attempt succeeded, as if there was never a great Russian literature. Slang subculture was further developed among the subcultures of the new generation.

The hippie subculture fruitfully collaborated and spiritually fifth the dissident environment, actively promoted the ideas of the sexual revolution and made his considerable admission to the collapse of the USSR. The collapse of the USSR served as the starting point for sunset this subculture, so it performed its task.

Hippie subculture. Modern stage

Genuine science only then becomes science when it acquires the features of mythologies, "says Joseph Campbell, one of the best psychoanalysts of the twentieth century. And because the sunset of subculture is like the end of any magic fairy tales. Today, many may seem that the subculture is in a state clinical death or anabiosis. And it is partially true. The number of hippie communes in Europe is calculated by units, three communes are preserved in the USA, one on the African continent. The number of active hippies around the world has several thousand. Cyber \u200b\u200bhippie also appeared on the Internet. Hippie "Tusovka" is in some cities of the former USSR. All these are the remains of the "old majority." However, it is not necessary to talk about the biological death of Hippie. Many elements of clothing have become a classic. The Hero of the Psychedelic Attack on Pentagon Hoffman British Queen Elizabeth II was produced in the noble title and became an aristocrat. In memory of Indyjsky shaman with a bubble Many representatives of the subculture of Pankov and are ready to wear the Iroquois of Indians. The famous "Beatles" was awarded the noble titles. BUT musical critics They counted their creativity to modern classical music. Four soul was John Lennon. And he often, in a joke, spoke to journalists, that the success of "Bittles" sold Sutan's soul. And he was not lucky only Lennon, as he was killed in 1980, with mysterious circumstances, on the steps of the hotel, where Roman Polanski removed his film "OMEN". He died with plebem. Posthumously noble title is not assigned.

Hippie's memory from the west coast with a flower, Russian "Scoops" dedicated the film "City of the Sun". And the sadly famous Sergeant Pepper came to life, and in the appearance of Morpuch brings the case of the Hippie revolution to the logical completion in the Psychedelic film "Avatar", the cult director D. Cameron. Not offended and defeated - Gorbachev (he also, Mikhail "Laundered") celebrates the 80th anniversary under the sounds of "wind of change" performed by the group "Scorpions" in the London Opera.

The price of a ticket - 50,000 euros. Entry for the most elected. At the celebrations, because of the disease, the diagnosis of which doctors carefully hide, there is no Baroness Margaret Thatcher. The very, which argued that the USSR population should be reduced to 50 million people, and in its Russophobia and hate to Orthodoxy surpassed Hitler.

And this ball, partially luxurious, and a little glamorous, passes almost on the scenario of the famous Roman Bulgakov. There is only a hostess of Bala - the old witch "Queen Margo".

the last 11 years of their lives suffered from the severe form of Alzheimer's disease - senile dementia. Died in April 2013 without repentance and reacmodious of sins.

Will not be Mikhail "labeled" and peace of mind at old age. Everything else - as it should be in a good fairy tale, the heroes received their awards from the "good" wizard (Professor of Voland). And it all looks like a chain of random phenomena and events. Or is it a game of characters in a meta-game? There is once a new generation of youth subcultures at once a numerous subculture of Hippie, entangled by its network of our young citizens.

The inhabitants of the USSR from the young age were inspired by the magic slogan: "Lenin lived, Lenin alive, Lenin will live!". And invented this slogan himself Commissioner proletarian culture Kazimir Malevich. The same, drawn the famous "black square". But Slogan himself voiced the poet Mayakovsky. Now this wants to talk about J. Lennon. An artist painting 40 portraits of the great pacifist John Lennon appeared on the SIS expanses, against the background of the flags of 40 countries of the world. And it smells of sympathetic magic. And all this final reminds the end of the famous novel "Master and Margarita". And again - on January 16, all the "progressive" humanity celebrates the Day of the Liverpool Four. Having his eyes, yes will see, and the ears will hear or at least try to do it ...

In the picture, Professor Kevin Warwick with his chip radio frequency identification. The latest modification of 2013 implies impact on the brain and direct managing a person through a supercomputer. Thus, the possibility of creating avatar opens. The project "Changes of man's appearance" proceeds to the final phase.


Thus, we should recognize that we considered hippy subculture was created in the framework of the Global Project "Change. The project is based on the Anthropic principle developed by the Eastern Orthodox Church . In the Middle Ages, he unconditionally followed the whole philosophical and scientific thought Western Europe. But in the enlightened twentieth century, he was used by scholars from "civilized countries" to harm people. The principle states that a person consists of three interrelated substances - Spirit, souls and bodies. And to change all three of these substances, the core, core and shell were created. Sound subculture - Manichaeism, preferably focused on changing human spirituality. The core represented by psychedelic music and drugs, affects the soul and partly on the body. Sex and Fashion Mostly refer to the bodily substance and participate in the mechanisms of physiological transformation. In addition, free sex with frequent change of sexual partners is a powerful factor of epigenous hereditary variability or teleagonia. Such sex causes degeneration from the descendants already in the first generation. Statistical analysis is given in the book P. Byucinen "West Death». All components of the subculture are interconnected using sympathetic magic. In other words, if a person follows fashion hippie, then there will be sex and rock - music, and then drugs. And if he intellects him and the manikenism will open, and then the vizioner experience.

In the foregoing work, we conducted morphofunctional analysis and the genesis of the main stages of the development of the hippie subculture, and also revealed the algorithm of its functioning and the mechanisms of its destructive impact on personality and society. Systemic analysis of the foregoing spiritual illness of Western European local civilization allows you to create effective mechanisms for the prevention, etiotropic and pathogenetic treatment of this kind of social states and diseases.


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Which was formed around them. Hippie culture in the 1960s developed from the 1950s Bit culture in parallel to the development of rock and roll from jazz. One of the advanced and well-known Hippi communities was the Community "Funny Pumps", about which Tom Wolf writes in the book "Electro-grade acid test".

The beginning of the hippie movement can be considered 1965 in the United States. The main principle of subculture was non-violence (Ahims). Hippie wore long hair, listened to rock and roll (especially the "I'Ve Got You Babe" Sonny and Cher), lived in the communes (the most famous communes were in Hight-Eshebury, the San Francisco district, later in Denmark - Free city of christiania), traveled by the hitchhiker, were fond of meditation and oriental mysticism and religions, mainly Zen-Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism, many of them were vegetarians. There were also the place of "Jesus Movement" and "Jesus Revolution" (Rock Opera Jesus Christ - Superstar 1970). Since the hippies often woved flowers in the hair, handed out flowers passersby and inserted them into the guns and soldiers and soldiers, and also used the slogan "Flower Power" ("Power", or the "Power of Flowers"), they began to call them "children of flowers".

Despite the sunset of hippie movements on a global scale, his representatives can still be found in many countries of the world. Some Hippie's ideas seemed in the 1970s conservative intentional inhabitants entered the mentality of a modern man.

Symbols hippie

An example is the so-called baubles. These decorations have a complex symbolism. Fuenches of different colors and different patterns denote different wishes, expressing their own musical preferences, life position, etc. So, the black-yellow striped baubles means the wish of a good highway, and the red-yellow - acknowledged in love. It should be noted that this symbolism is interpreted in different places and parties arbitrarily and completely differently, and "hippie with experience" do not give it any meaning. Common texts of the type of color in phenoschki are considered the diet of the so-called "pioneers" (that is, beginners) and in an experimental medium, as a rule, cause an ironic reaction. Jeans have become "branded" hippie clothing.

The Russian researcher of youth movements T. B. Yanzanskaya found that the "systemic" symbolism resembles a hologram - even from a small part of it, like from the seed, the whole wealth of informal culture grows.

Hippie slogans 60s

  • "Make Love, Not War" ( "Make love Not War!".)
  • "OFF THE PIG!" ("Turn off the pig!") (The game of words - "Piggy" was called the M60 machine gun, an important attribute and symbol of the Vietnamese War)
  • "Give Peace a Chance" ("Give the world chance") (name of the song of John Lennon)
  • "Hell No, We Won't Go!" ("With no damn, we will not leave!")
  • "All You Need Is Love!" ("Everything you need is love!") (Song title The Beatles)


Hippy communities (communities) are the main form of their self-organization, where hippie can live on their own way with the support of society and where the neighbors are tolerated. Usually these are unnecessarily and empty houses (unauthorized venture, etc. Skvottercy) in cities, or estates in the forests away from civilization.
The most famous communes:

  • in San Francisco ("People's Park" and MN. Other, USA)
  • Christiania (Denmark)

At the moment, hippie's communes are available on Ivice, Goa, Bali, Morocco, etc. The former hippie communities, built on the principles of the commune, are preserved in the USA, where, in fact, the flow of children's movement experienced its true flourishing. The rest of the hippie turned to the more traditional practice of squals and parties on Hippovsky Flat or Rainbow Club.

Hippie and drugs

Hippie and politics

If under politics to understand the elections, meetings, voting and promotion, then hippies originally apolitical. Living outside the "civilian" society, in a world based on love, friendship and mutual assistance, hippies prefer to change the world with their work, including the work of social.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe revolution of consciousness in something continues the ideas of the backpack revolution of the Hipsters - instead of exhausting political debates and armed clashes, departure is offered from home and society to live among people who adhere to your beliefs.


Currently, there are several Creative Hippie Creative Associations in Russia:

  • Art Group "Frisia" (the oldest in Moscow, artists).
  • Creative association "Antiller" (Moscow).
  • Association of Musicians "Time H" (Moscow).
  • "Commune on Prague", Moscow (engaged in a network hipov house, it is a FNB-hippie group Magic Hat.).

Currently, parties on the streets do not have such a meaning as in the old days, and are more a temporary refuge for all young hippies. In addition, they are highly differentiated and diluted with representatives of other subcultures, including all sorts of ready, emo, bikers, etc. Now the life of the current state of subculture is a circle of close friends, or "informal" cafes / clubs as a meeting place. Also, the Internet Communities are also played, in particular, LJ (previously - Fonda Conferences, in particular, the famous Fidosh echo hippy.Talks, visible in the relic hierarchy as fido7.hippy.talks). Such a transfer of hippi-culture accents from street parties to the network caused a term cyberchippey.


  • Podolsky Rock Festival (USSR, 1987)
  • Russian Rainbow (Russia, since 1990)
  • Shipot (Ukraine, since 1993)
  • Empty Hills (Russia, since 2003)
  • Matala Beach Festival (Matala, Crete, Greece, since 1960)

Famous hippies



  • Kolya Vasin, "First Soviet Hippie"
  • Aleksei Zhavyenko (tail), a poet-avant-gardeist, artist, musician, one of the first Soviet hippies.
  • Yura Burakov (Sun) - one of the founders of the Moscow System
  • Anna Gerasimova (UMKA), musician
  • Yanka Dyagileva, singer, musician
  • Yegor Letov, musician, public figure
  • Yuri Morozov, musician, philosopher
  • Evgeny Chicherin, musician
  • Sergey Solmi, artist
  • Olga Arefieva, musician
  • Anastasia Lurier, actress, artist

Associated with movement

In the works of culture

To the cinema

  • "Trip" - film director Roger Kormanan (1967)
  • "Careless Rhise" - film director Dennis Hopper (1969)
  • "Zabriski Point" - film director Michelangelo Antonioni (1970)
  • "Hair" - film director Milos Forman (1979)
  • "We" - the documentary series 1989, in one of the series we are talking about Soviet hippies.
  • "Guy with oddities" - Movie Tommy Chong (1990)
  • "Beverly Hills, 90210" - 25 Series of the 4th season (1994) was devoted to the memories of the Hippie festival in 1969
  • Hippiniada, or Mainland Love "- film director Andrei Benkendorf (1997)
  • "Fear and Hate in Las Vegas" - film director Terry Gilliam (1998)
  • "Hippie" - TV series (United Kingdom, (1999)
  • "Together" - the film of the Swedish director of Lucas Mudisson (2000)
  • "Through the Universe" - Music Music Julia Taymore (2007)
  • "Sun House" - Movie Garik Sukachev on the Tale of Ivan Okhlobystina (2010)
  • Dorz is a biographical film about Jim Morrisone (The Doors vocalist) Oliver Stone (1991).
  • "Young hearts" ("Love and Honor") - film director Danny Muni (2012)

In music

In literature

  • "Heated evil, or forty years later" - N-f Roman Brothers Strugatsky (, critical look)
  • Inner Pulk (Inherent Vice) - Roman Thomas Pinchon (2009)
  • "We left home. Hippie Diary "- Book Gennady Avramenko (2010)

see also

  • A. Madison
  • ("New Hippie" in the US community teach live by $ 103 per month and share wives) // Lenta.ru, August 27, 2015
  • (gallery) (Inaccessible link from 05-09-2015 (1303 days))


Hippie Characterizer

Pierre waved his arms and head, as if mosquitoes or bees attacked him.
- Oh, what is it! I confused everything. So many relatives in Moscow! You are Boris ... Yes. Well, here we are with you and agreed. Well, what do you think about the Boulogne expedition? After all, the British will have to be bad, if only Napoleon cross over the canal? I think the expedition is very possible. Willhnevo would not stick!
Boris knew nothing about the Boulogne expedition, he did not read the newspapers and I heard the villa for the first time.
"We are here in Moscow more busy dinners and gloys than politics," he told his calm, mocking tone. - I don't know anything about it and do not think. Moscow is busy with gossip over all, he continued. - Now they talk about you and about the graph.
Pierre smiled at his good smile, as if afraid for his interlocutor, no matter how he would say something like that, in which he would have repent. But Boris spoke clearly, clearly and dry, straight looking into the eyes of Pjar.
- Moscow there is nothing more to do, how to gossip, "he continued. - All are busy to those who leave the count of their condition, although, maybe he will survive all of us, what I wish from the heart ...
"Yes, it's all very hard," Pierre picked up, "very hard. "Pierre was completely afraid that this officer was inappropriately in an awkward conversation for himself."
"And it should seem to you," said Boris, slightly blushing, but without changing the voices and postures, "you should seem to see that everyone is busy to get something from rich."
"So there is," Pierre thought.
- And I want to tell you to avoid misunderstandings that you are very mistaken, if you will accept me and my mother to the number of these people. We are very poor, but I, at least for yourself I say: It is because your father is rich, I do not consider myself his relative, and neither I nor the mother will never ask anything and do not take it away from him.
Pierre could not understand for a long time, but when she understood, jumped off the sofa, grabbed Boris by his hand from below with his peculiar speed and awkwardness and, putting much more than Boris, began to speak with a mixed sense of shame and annoyance.
- This is strange! I really ... and who could think ... I really know ...
But Boris again interrupted him:
- I am glad that I expressed everything. Maybe you are unpleasant, you excuse me, "he said, calming Pierre, instead of being calm them," but I hope that he did not insult you. I have a rule to say everything right ... How can I convey? Do you come to dinner to Rostov?
And Boris, apparently filled with himself a difficult duty, coming out of an awkward position and putting another ones in him, became completely pleasant.
"No, listen," said Pierre, calming down. - you amazing man. What you have now told is very good, very good. Of course, you do not know me. We have not seen so long ago ... they still ... you can assume in me ... I understand you, I really understand. I would not do that, I would have the ability to spirit, but it is beautiful. I am very glad that I got acquainted with you. Strange, "he added, having spoiled and smiling, - what did you assume in me! - He laughed. - Well, yes what? We will get acquainted with you better. You are welcome. - He shook his hand Boris. "You know, I have never been at the count." He did not call me ... I feel sorry for him as a person ... But what to do?
- And you think Napoleon will have time to send the army? - asked Boris, smiling.
Pierre realized that Boris wanted to change the conversation, and, having agreed with him, began to energize the benefits and ineffodies of the Boulogne enterprise.
Laki came to call Boris to Princess. Princess left. Pierre promised to come to dinner then to get closer with Boris, tightly filtering his hand, gently looking into his eyes through glasses ... For the care of his Pierre for a long time she still walked around the room, no longer pierced the invisible enemy with a sword, but smiling at the memories of it Mil Smart and solid young man.
As it happens in the first youth and especially in a loner position, he felt a caustic tenderness of this young man and promised himself to make friends with him.
Prince Vasily accompanied the princess. The princess held a handkerchief from the eye, and her face was in tears.
- It's horrible! Hornly! She said, "but what I should have, I will fulfill my duty." I will come to spend the night. It can not be left. Every minute road. I do not understand what the princes is backed. Maybe God will help me find it to cook it! ... Adieu, Mon Prince, Que Le Bon Dieu Vous Soutienne ... [Goodbye, Prince, let you support you.]
- Adieu, Ma Bonne, [Farewell, my sweet,] - answered the prince of Vasily, turning away from her.
"Oh, he is in a terrible position," the mother said to his son when they sat down again in the carriage. - He will not recognize almost anyone.
- I do not understand, Mama, what his relationship to Pierre? - asked son.
- Everything will say the testament, my friend; From him and our fate depends ...
- But why do you think he will leave something to us?
- Oh, my friend! He is so rich, and we are so poor!
- Well, this is still insufficient reason, Mama.
- Oh my god! Oh my God! How bad it is! - Mother exclaimed.

When Anna Mikhailovna went with her son to Count Cyril Vladimirovich Duffle, the Countess of Rostov was sitting alone, applying a handkerchief to the eyes. Finally, she called.
"What you, honey," she said an angry with a girl who made himself wait a few minutes. - Do not want to serve or what? So I will find you a place.
The Countess was upset by the grief and the humiliative poverty of his girlfriend and therefore was not in the spirit that he was always expressed by the name of the maid "cute" and "you".
- It's guilty, "said Maid.
- Ask for me a graph.
Count, overturning, went to his wife with a somewhat guilty view, as always.
- Well, shooting! What Saute Au Madere [Sota on Mader] from Ryabchikov will be, Ma Chere! I tried; Not for nothing I gave a thousand rubles for Tarask. Standing!
He sat down beside his wife, climbing the hedverts onto the knee and embrace gray hair.
- What do you need, Shtynushka?
- That's what my friend is - what is your blicker here? She said, pointing to the vest. "It's Sota, right," she added smiling. - That's what the graph: I need money.
Her face became sad.
- Oh, Shtnushka! ...
And the count has dried up, getting a wallet.
- I need a lot, the graph, I need five hundred rubles.
And she, delivering a battle handkerchief, rubbed her husband's vest.
- Now. Hey, who is there? He shouted with such a voice, how shouting only people, confident that those whom they are cleaned, strive to rush to their call. - Send Mitenka to me!
Mitenka, the noble son, brought up by the count, who now heed all his affairs, entered the room with quiet steps.
"That's what my dear," said the Graph who had a competitive young man. "You bring me ..." he thought. " - Yes, 700 rubles, yes. Yes, look, such ribbons and dirty, as that time, do not bring, and good, for the Countess.
- Yes, Mitenka, please, so that clean, the Countess said sadly sighing.
- Your shyness, when you order deliver? - said Mitenka. "Look for knowing that ... However, I don't mind worrying," he added, noticing how the graph had already started hard and often breathe that he had always been a sign of a started anger. - I was and forgot ... this minute should you deliver?
- Yes, yes, then, bring. Here is a decanter give.
- Eclae gold I have this mitenka, "the graph added smiling when the young man came out. - There is no way. I can't endure this. Everything is possible.
- Ah, money, graph, money, how many grief from them in the world! - said the Countess. - I really need this money.
"You, Shnymushka, a famous Motka," said the count and, kissing his hand, went back to the office.
When Anna Mikhailovna returned again from the shuffle, the Countess had already money, all with new pieces, under a handkerchief on the table, and Anna Mikhailovna noted that the Countess something was rapid.
- Well, what, my friend? - asked the Countess.
- Ah, in what a terrible position! It is impossible to find out, he is so bad, so bad; I traveled a minute and did not say two words ...
- Annette, for God's sake, do not refuse me, - suddenly the Countess said, blushing, that it was so strange with her elder, a thin and important face, getting money from under the header.
Anna Mikhailovna instantly understood what was the matter, and it was bent to deftly hug a countess.
- That's Boris from me, on sewing a uniform ...
Anna Mikhailovna hugged her and cried. Countess cried too. They cried that they were friendly; and that they are kind; and that they, girlfriends of youth, are engaged in such a low item - money; And that their youth passed ... But the tears of both were pleasant ...

Countess Rostov with daughters and already with large number Guests sat in the living room. The count conducted guests to men in the office, offering their hunting collection of Turkish tubes. Occasionally he went out and asked: did not he come? I was waiting for Marwe Dmitrievna Ahrosimov, ninnable in the Society of Le Terrible Dragon, [Terrible Dragon,] Lady, not wealth, not honors, but the directness of the mind and frankly ease of treatment. Mary Dmitrievna knew the royal surname, knew the whole Moscow and the entire Petersburg, and both cities, wondering her, secretly laughed at her rudeness, told the jokes about her; Nevertheless, everyone without exception was respected and afraid of her.
In the office, full of smoke, there was a conversation about the war, which was declared a manifesto about the set. Manifesta has not yet read, but everyone knew about his appearance. The count was sitting on a gathering between two smoking and talking neighbors. The count himself did not smoke and did not say, but tilting his head, then on one side, then on the other, with visible pleasure I looked at the smoking and listened to the conversation of the two neighbors of his own, which he was stated with each other.
One of the said civilians, with wrinkled, bull and shaved thin face, a person who was already approaching old age, although dressed as the most fashionable young man; He was sitting with his feet on the gathering with a view of a home man and, by running away to the amber's mouth from the side of his mouth, I glowed the smoke and buried. It was the old Bachelor Shinshin, cousin Countess, evil language, as they spoke about him in Moscow living rooms. He seemed to be conducive to his interlocutor. Another, fresh, pink, guards officer, flawlessly washed, fastened and combed, kept amber from the middle of his mouth and pink lips pulled slightly, releasing his rings from a beautiful mouth. It was that Lieutenant Berg, officer of the Semenovsky regiment, with whom Boris rode together in the regiment and which Natasha teased faith, older countess, calling Berg by her bridegroom. Count sat between them and listened carefully. The most pleasant occupation for the graph, with the exception of the game in Boston, which he loved very much, was the position of the listening, especially when he managed to make two talkative interlocutors.
- Well, how, the father, Mon Tres Honorable [the most respectable] Alphonse Karlych, said Shinshin, laughing and connecting (in which the peculiarity of his speech was the most popular Russian expressions with exquisite French phrases. - Vous COMPTEZ Vous Faire des Rentes Sur L "Etat, [You expect to have income from the treasury,] from the company Rota Getting Want?
- No C, Peter Nikolaich, I just wish to show that in the cavalry of the benefits much less against the infantry. Now understand, Peter Nikolaichi, my position ...
Berg always said very accurately, calm and courteous. Its conversation always concerned only his one; He was always calmly silent while they talked about something that did not have a direct relationship to him. And it could be silent in this way, he could have been taking a few hours, without experiencing or producing in others the slightest confusion. But how soon the conversation concerned him personally, he began to speak extensively and with visible pleasure.
- Consider my position, Peter Nikolaich: Be I in Cavalry, I would have received no more than two hundred rubles to a third, even in the rank of Lieutenant; And now I get two hundred thirty, "he said with a joyful, nice smile, looking around Shinshina and Count, as if it was obvious to him that his success would always be the main goal of the desires of all other people.
"In addition, Peter Nikolaich, moving to the guard, I mean," continued Berg, "and the vacancies in the Guards infantry are much more often." Then, figure out how I could get out of two hundred and thirty rubles. And I postpone and I am sending my father, "he continued, the launch of the ring.
- La Balance at Est ... [Balance is installed ...] German on Obuhe Molotitis Lapel, Comme Dit Le Broverbe, [As the proverb says,] - shifting amber on the other side of the RTA, said Shinshin and winked the count.
Count breakdown. Other guests, seeing that Shinshin is talking, approached to listen. Berg, not noticing either ridicule, neither indifference, continued to talk about how he has already won the rank in front of his companions on the corpus, as in the military time the regular commander can kill, and he remains older in the company, it can be very easy to be Roat, and how in the shelf everyone loves him, and how his papida is pleased with them. Berg, apparently, enjoyed, telling all this, and, it seemed, did not suspect that other people could also have their own interests. But everything he told, it was so cute stepwise, the naivety of young egoism him was so obvious that he disarmed his listeners.
- Well, the father, you and in the infantry, and in the cavalry, go to move everywhere; It is for you to you, "said Shinshin, Trepping him on the shoulder and running his feet with a father.
Berg smiled happily. Graph, and for him and guests went to the living room.

There was a while before the dinner, when the gathered guests are not starting a long conversation in anticipation of a call to a snack, and at the same time consider it necessary to move and not be silent to show that they are not at all impatient to sit at the table. The hosts look at the door and occasionally overloaded among themselves. Guests on these views are trying to guess who or what are still waiting for: an important late relative or a kushan, which has not yet looked around.
Pierre arrived in front of the dinner and awkwardly sat in the middle of the living room on the first chaser, tanning to the whole road. The countess wanted to make him talk, but he naively looked at his glasses around him, as if looking for someone, and summarizedly answered all the questions of the Countess. He was shy and one did not notice it. Most of the guests who knew his story with the bear were curiously looked at this big fat and humble person, a bewiered, as he could have such a kit and a modest to make such a thing with a quarterly.
- Have you recently arrived? - I asked him the Countess.
- Oui, Madame, [yes, madam,] - he answered, looking around.
- You did not see my husband?
- Non, Madame. [No, madam.] - He smiled at all right away.
- You seem to have recently in Paris? I think very interesting.
- Very interesting..
Countess looked at Anna Mikhailovna. Anna Mikhailovna realized that she was asked to take this young man, and, hurried to him, began to talk about her father; But just like a decanter, he only answered her with monosyllast words. Guests were all busy with each other. Les Razoumovsky ... CA A ETE CHARMANT ... Vous Etes Bien Bonne ... La Comtesse apraksine ... [Razumovskiy ... It was amazing ... You are very kind ... Countess Apraksin ...] heard from all sides. Countess got up and went to the hall.
- Mary Dmitrievna? - Her voice heard from the hall.
- She is the most, - he was heard in the answer female voiceAnd after that, I entered the room of Mary Dmitrievna.
All young ladies and even ladies, excluding the oldest, stood up. Marya Dmitrievna stopped at the doorway and, from the height of his fat body, holding his high-year-old head with gray letters, looked around the guests and, as if drunk, recovered the wide sleeves of his dress. Marya Dmitrievna always spoke Russian.
- Birthday dear with kids, "she said with his loud, dense, overwhelming all the other sounds in voice. "You're that, old sinewoman," she turned to the count who kicked her hand, - tea, miss Moscow? There are no dogs to drive? Why, father, do, this is how these birds will grow up ... - She pointed to the maidens. - You want - do not want, you need to search for grooms.
- Well, what the Cossack is mine? (Marya Dmitrievna Cossack called Natasha) - she said, caressing Natasha's hand, approaching her hand without fear and fun. - I know that the potion of the girl, and love.
She pulled out of a huge Ridiculy yakhontary earrings with pears and, giving them a birthday girl and dodged Natasha, immediately turned away from her and appealed to Pierre.
- E, E! kind! Look here, "she said to a quiet and subtle voice. - Look, courtesy ...
And she grunkly dried the sleeves even higher.
Pierre approached, naively looking at her through glasses.
- Come, come, kindly! I and my father, then one of your truth said, when he was in the case, and I would tell you too.
She was silent. Everyone was silent, waiting for what will happen, and feeling that there was only a preface.
- Good, nothing to say! A boy is good! ... Father on Odra lies, and he is amusing, the quarterly ride puts on the bear. Ashamed, the father, ashamed! It would be better to go to war.
She turned away and handed his hand to the count, which barely retainted from laughter.
- Well, what, to the table, am I tea, is it time? - said Marya Dmitrievna.
Ahead went the graph with Marya Dmitrievna; Then the Countess, which the Gusar Colonel believed, the necessary person, with whom Nikolai had to catch up with the regiment. Anna Mikhailovna - with chinchin. Berg gave hand faith. Smiling Julie Karagin went with Nikolai to the table. For them, there were still other couples, stretching throughout the hall, and from behind everyone children, governers and governess. The waiters stirred, the chairs trembled, the music began to play, and the guests were located. The sounds of homemade music collections were replaced by the sounds of knives and forks, a dialect of guests, quiet steps of waiters.
At one end of the table at the chapter sat countess. On the right of Marya Dmitrievna, on the left of Anna Mikhailovna and other guests. At the other end, a graph was sitting, on the left of the Gusar Colonel, to the right of the shins and other guests of the male. On one side of the long table, youth older: faith next to Berg, Pierre near Boris; On the other hand, children, governers and governess. The graph because of the crystal, bottles and vaz with fruit looked at his wife and her high cape with blue ribbons and diligently poured wine with his neighbors, not forgetting himself. Countess as well, because of the pineapples, not forgetting the duties of the hostess, threw significant views on her husband, whom Lysin and the face seemed to her, their redness sharply differed from gray hair. At the lady end there was a uniform leptan; On male, voices, especially the hussar colonel, who ate so many and drank, were heard louder and louder, which ate so much and more and more that the graph had already put it as an example to other guests. Berg with a gentle smile spoke with faith that love is feeling not earthly, but heavenly. Boris called the new friend to his friend of the guests at the guest table and looked around with Natasha sitting against him. Pierre said little, looking back new faces and ate a lot. Starting from two soups, from which he chose a la Tortue, [Turtle,] and Culebs and to Ryablikov, he did not miss a single dish and a single wine that the butler in a wrapped bottle was mysteriously torn out of the shoulder of a neighbor, sentencing or "Dray Madera, or "Hungarian", or "Reinwine". He substituted the first one of the four crystal, with the vensels of the graph, a glass that stood in front of each device, and drank with pleasure, everything with a more pleasant look at the guests. Natasha, who was sitting against him, looked at Boris, how the girls of the Thirteen years were looking at the boy, with whom they had just kissed the first time and in which they were in love. This very look at her sometimes appealed to Pierre, and he, under his look, this funny, lively girl wanted to laugh himself, not knowing what.
Nikolai sat away from Sony, closely Juli Karagina, and again with the same unwitting smile something told her. Sonya smiled sideways, but, apparently, tormented by jealousy: it was pale, he was shone and listened to all the might that Nikolai and Juli said. The governess looked around restlessly, as if preparing to the disintegration, if anyone would have thought to offend children. Gutener German tried to remember the birth of the eats, desserts and wines in order to describe everything in detail in a letter to homemade to Germany, and quite offended by the fact that the butler, with a bottle wrapped in a napkin, drew it. The German frowned, tried to show the appearance that he did not want to get this wine, but was offended because no one wanted to understand that the wine had to be not in order to quench her thirst, not from greed, but from conscientious curiosity.

On the male end of the table, the conversation was more and more enlivened. Colonel said that the manifesto on the declaration of war was already released in St. Petersburg and that the specimen he himself was delivered by the courier commander-in-chief.
- And why is it not easy for us to fight with Bonaparte? - said Shinshin. - II A DEJA RABATTU LE CAQUET A L "AUTRICHE. JE CRAINS, QUE CETTE FOIS CE NE SOIT NOTRE TOUR. [He has already shot down fasting from Austria. I'm afraid I would not come now our turn.]
Colonel was a dense, high and Sanguine German, obviously, an servant and a patriot. He was offended by the words of Shinshin.
"And Zasta M, we are licks a state," he said, pronouncing e instead of E and Kommersant instead of. - Zateim that IMPE is a ramor, it is t. He in Manife Sta said that Na Mavel Toshima is indifferent to the dangers, threatening Russia, and that BE zherest the empire, the dignity of her and the holy of unions, - he said, for some reason he said especially "Unions", as if there was an entire essence of the case.
And with his peculiarity, he repeated the introductory words of Manifesta, officially: "And the desire, the only and indispensable goal of the sovereign is component: to make peace in Europe on solid grounds - decided to move it now part of the troops abroad and make to achieve" the intention of this new efforts ".
- Here is Zachem, we are licks a state, "he concluded, diverting a glass of wine and looking at the graph for promotion.
- Connaissez Vous Le Proverbe: [You know the proverb:] "Erema, Erema, I would sit at home, sharpened my spindle," said Shinshin, firing and smiling. - Cela No Convient A Merveille. [This is by the way.] It's so that Suvorov - and it was chosen, a Plate Couture, [on the head,] and where are we Suvorov now? Je Vous Demande Un PEU, [I ask you,] - incessantly jumping from Russian to French, he said.
"We have to fight the one before the post of Dune," said Colonel, hitting on the table, "and Uve R R RT for his IMPE RATER, and then Alto Budue T is good. And to argue as Mo about it (he especially pulled a voice on the word "you can"), as I can be about me, - he did, turning to the count again. - So old hussars judge, that's all. And how are you lying, young man and young hussar? "He added, turning to Nikolay, who, having taken away that the matter went about the war, left his interlocutor and looked at all his eyes and she listened to the colonel with all the ears.
- I agree with you, - answered Nikolai, all flashed, spoofing a plate and rearrange glasses with such a decisive and desperate view, as if he was at the present moment, he was convicted - I am convinced that the Russians should die or win, "he said, Himself feeling the same as others, after the word has already been said that it was too enthusiastic and pompous for the present case and therefore awkward.
- C "EST Bien Beau Ce Que Vous Venez de Dire, [Fine! Fine what you said," said the joy-sitting near him, sighing. Sonya trembled all and blushed to ears, behind her ears and shoulders, in While Nikolai said. Pierre listened to the speeches of the colonel and nodded his head approvingly.
"That's nice," he said.
"Really Gusar, a young man," the colonel shouted, hitting again on the table.
- What are you doing there? - suddenly he heard through the table a bass voice Mary Dmitrievna. - What are you knocking on the table? - She turned to Hussar, - who are you hot? True, do you think the French are here in front of you?
"I am true thangiving," Gusar said smiling.
"All about the war," the count shouted through the table. "After all, my son goes, Mary Dmitrievna, the son is coming."
- And I have four sons in the army, and I do not hook. For all the will of God: and in the ovens lying around, and in the battle, God raises, - sounded without any effort, from the end of the table the thick voice of Mary Dmitrievna.
- This is true.
And the conversation again focused - the ladies at his end of the table, male on his own.
"But you can't ask," said Natasha's little brother, "but you can't ask!"
"I ask," answered Natasha.
Her face suddenly flared up, expressing the desperate and cheerful determination. She brought, inviting Pierre's glance, sitting against her, listen, and turned to his mother:
- Mum! - It sounded throughout the table her childish breast voice.
- What do you want? - I asked the Countess frightened, but, in the face of the daughter, seeing that it was a prank, strictly snapped her with her hand, making a threatening and negative head gesture.

Appearance hippie The world is obliged to the Vietnamese war, when young people went to the streets and called on everyone to get away from violence, not to succumb to him and "make love, not the war." It is this slogan that is popular to this day and accurately characterizes this insanely interesting subculture.

The MiroMube movement grew every day, they believed that the world could be changed without shedding blood, only the love of people to each other and the whole world is capable of changing him, it is she who can unite humanity against violence.

Long hair, bright loose clothes, countless multicolored phenoshek and happy look - here is a typical hippie image, be it a man or woman. The main motive of this direction is "freedom in all" and "love to everything." The ethnic component of the image of Hippy indicates that representatives of this area do not see the differences between races and peoples, in their opinion, everything is united and all deserve love, regardless of the origin and steps in society.

Hippie was the first to challenge the whole society, they crushed all the framework and stereotypes, refuted censorship and showed him a new life. "Children of flowers" - this particular definition firmly strengthened for representatives of the new movement. Hippie promoted love in everything, including nature: colors stuck in hair, wore floral wreaths, bred entire greenhouses of beautiful plants. Hippie opened the paint society in the world, showed that he was far from gray and tin, as many had seen him, and bright, interesting and multifaceted.

Representatives of this subculture for the first time began to explore their own "I" and the way of unity with this world. Hippie believed that the world was beautiful and should be in harmony with this beauty. So there were many meditative techniques collected from around the world. Spiritual practices were particularly popular in the Hippie medium, because by changing the inner layer of the soul, you can achieve freedom and enlightenment. United in the so-called "spiritual communities", Hippie people opened all new and new facets of a person.

A complete rejection of any restrictions led to the fact that these people had tried on themselves, and this often led to irreversible consequences. The study of its inner world was accompanied by smoking marijuana and the use of stronger drugs. The world then did not yet know about the strong harm of such a "pellery". Many representatives died from overdose.

The restrictions accepted at the Institute of Marriage were also rejected by freedom-loving hippies who believed that the sex was marked optionally. You can engage in anyone and with anyone, without receiving some of the approval, except for its partner, which you too can choose at your request. This led to the beginning of a large-scale sexual revolution. The overwhelmed idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship between the man and women strongly shaken the moral foundations of society. Group orgies, indiscriminate sex, involvement of young people in their sexual entertainment led to a significant degradation of society. It was at that time that feministic-well-minded women appeared who did not want to be only the object of the sexual desire of a man, and to have equal rights with him. It marked the beginning of female feminism.

Hippie were not tied to the house, they traveled around the world, studying and learning him and themselves. The freedom proclaimed by them manifested itself in everything: they did not attend educational institutions, easily moved from place to place, started new acquaintances with themselves like and carried their culture in the masses. Hippie was considered a favorite way of Hippie's pastors, accompanied by conversations, listening to music, dancing. Much attention "children of colors" was given to self-realization and the work of each of them.

Despite the fact that the popularity of hippie remained far in the past. This subculture literally blew up the world and left behind the many principles that are still relevant to our lives that are still relevant and have many followers.

Material prepared Seryne Catherine.

"Make Love, Not War" - the slogan, relevant to humanity at all times. The hippie movement was originated in the United States in the mid-1960s against the background of the ideological crisis of the ideological crisis caused by the protracted and bloody war in Vietnam. Paciffism, denial of violence, the superiority of spiritual values \u200b\u200bover material, the desire for freedom and individuality was based on the philosophy of "children of colors" and entailed a real revolution in American society.

About where to go to chat with modern hippies, rethinking his life and adopt some of their views, we will tell in this material.

Origin of Movement

The ideological predecessors of Hippie can be considered the Hipsters of the 1950s - "Broken Generation", to which representatives of nonconformist bohemians attributed themselves, young writers and poets: William Burrow, Jack Keruac and others.

In the 1960s, the activity of Hipsters gradually went to the decline, and the relay took a new countercultural movement. His face became Merry Pranksters and its leader - the writer Ken Kizi, subsequently famous for the whole world with his novel "flying over the cuckoo nest." As Kizi himself said in old age, "we were too young to be hipsters, and too olds to be hippie" - Thus, "funny learn" became a transitional stage from one movement to another.

The formation of the hippie subculture is inextricably linked with "acid tests" - famous parties that have rolled out "merry peasants". At that time, the Psychedelic drug LSD was still legal and was an integral element of these "heptenings", which led to its unprecedented popularization - and, ultimately, to his ban. The activities of the Commune attracted more and more attention to the public and law enforcement agencies, so in 1966, Kizi himself, escaped from persecuting the police for storing marijuana, was forced to imitate suicide and flee into Mexico.

"Acid tests" until the collapse of the commune in 1966 played the role of the horn of countercultural youth of their time and stood at the origins of the Psychedelic Revolution and Youth Bunth in the United States.

Finally, on the wave of protests against the continuation of hostilities in Vietnam, the movement of hippies was born to which many former hipsters and participants of "acid tests" were joined. Restlessly dressed young people with long hair preached the ideas of pacifism, individuality, human unity and inner freedom, lived in the communes of like-minded people, listened to rock and rolls and psychedelic rock, traveled in brightly degraded vans on musical festivals. A huge reservoir of literature, music, art and philosophy is connected with them. Hippie became one of the most significant youth movements on a global scale and had a significant impact on the modern society and global culture as a whole.

Hippie today

Despite the fact that from the 1960s and 1970s, the popularity of this subculture decreased significantly, the world was still scattered a lot of representatives, continuing to believe in the ideals of the founders of movement - and bring new trends into it.

The Farm.

The Farm is the oldest and successful of the existing hippie communities. This is the international community in Tennessee, near the city of Summertown, who lives on the principles of non-violence and respect for the Earth.

It was founded in 1971 by Stephen Gaskin and 320 Hippie from San Francisco. Starting with several salans and vans, today the farm is an impressive territory of 4,000 acres of the cultivated land, several residential buildings and household buildings. This settlement is not just achieved economic independence, but also has become quite influential education in the state of Tennessee.

Most of the commune works on solar and wind energy, exceeding the ability to coexist with nature, not harming it. Some Buddhist exercises also entered the life of the commune. The inhabitants of the farm lead a healthy lifestyle, produce environmentally friendly products and are engaged. scientific research In the area of \u200b\u200brenewable energy sources, environmental processing of waste and assistance to third-world countries.

This ecoposalization is an excellent chance to inspire a communal way of life and make sure that mutual assistance, honest labor, spiritual values \u200b\u200band environmental care can undermine the successful life.


Auroville, or "City of Dawn", - Experimental International City in India, founded in 1968 by Mirry Alfassa, which is respectfully called "mother." Now he develops under the auspices of UNESCO. According to the idea, the city should become space free from politics and religions, where representatives of different cultures can coexist in harmony and harmony.

The main attraction of Auroville is a building in the form of a golden sphere of a matrimandir, in which residents meditate and are engaged in yoga.

The architectural solution of the city is extremely interesting: according to the founders, Auroville should resemble the unfolding galaxy, the center of which is the Golden Bowl of the Matrimandir.

At May 2016, about 2,500 people from 49 countries live in the city, most of which are Indus. The following diaspora is French and German.

Findhorn EcoVillage.

Findhorn EcoVillage in Scotland has already been more than forty years as independent ecoposal. This is a living example of communication between the spiritual, social, environmental and economic aspects of our life - and the synthesis of the best ideas of the country's inhabitants. Being one of the first ecoposals - his story began on the rise of the countercultural movement, in 1962, when two families bought a small plot of land here, - Findhorn scratched, becoming a house for about 500 people. This settlement is one of the founders of Global EcoVillage Network - International non-profit organizationuniting such initiatives around the world.

The village is famous for its surprisingly fertile for this strip of earth. It is not clear whether to attribute canceled crops to spiritual practices and communication with the spirits of plants or the excellent ecology of this place, but the fact remains: learn from local residents Growing vegetables come from afar.

However, the lack of visitors to the village in any case does not suffer: this is one of the main directions of ecotourism. Residents offer many rounds, seminars and programs that allow you to immerse yourself on Wednesday and watch the life of the community from the inside.

Twin Oaks Village.

A small settlement of Twin Oaks Village, in which only 92 adults lived for 2015, was formed in Virginia, USA, back in 1967. From the beginning of the existence of the international community, his lifestyle reflects the values \u200b\u200binherent in it: cooperation, the ability to share, non-violence, equality and concern for ecology. There is no single religion in it, the beliefs of residents differ. There is no leadership figure - this is a self-governing democracy, in which the responsibility is divided between several managers and committees. The settlement is economically independent, incomes are evenly distributed among the inhabitants, each of which is 42 hours a week in the economic and business spheres of the community. Most people prefer to alternate employment in different areas, and not to deal with the same thing every day. For this, everyone is provided with housing, food, medical assistance and personal expenses.

The settlement economy is mainly kept on weaving hammocks, drawing up book signs, the production of Tofu and growing vegetables. Separate participants are engaged in political activities, speaking on world, ecology, feminism and anti-racism.

The village holds weekly tours for visitors and a three-week stay program. The only requirement is to register and negotiate your arrival in advance.


In an hour drive from Phoenix, Arizona, the experimental city of Arkozantti is located, built in accordance with the arcology - the concept that combines architecture and ecology.

Arkozantti - the heritage of the Italian-American Master Paolo Soleri (1919-2013). He began building a city back in 1970, wanting to demonstrate how to improve the living conditions in the city, reducing the destructive impact on the environment, and influenced the whole generation of architects and urbanists.

Despite the fact that many buildings still remain unfinished, the city in the desert attracts both tourists interested in the architecture and those who attract alternative lifestyles. About 60 people constantly live in Arkosanti, and in the seasons of work and workshops, this community will significantly grow at the expense of workers, interns, volunteers, students and visitors. Arcology Paolo Soler - not just architectural style, and a comprehensive philosophy, which, according to his plan, should produce a revolution in our lifestyle. Under the slogan "learn the alternative" of the Arkozanti building and its inhabitants, as a single live system, should mark the transition from the consumption society and mindless waste of resources to a more efficient and intelligent style of life.

In addition, a lot of workshops and lectures are held in the city, primarily on arcology that students from around the world come. They have a unique opportunity to observe the object of study still in the process of planning the construction.


In Sunny Australia, the lifestyle hippie seems like never natural. The best example is the village of Nizhin, the country's largest cultivation center of psychotropic hemp.

Nambin is located in the state of New South Wales, not far from Brisbane. Sydney Hippie chose an abandoned settlement of the XIX century as early as the 1970s, transforming it to be unrecognizable. In 1973, the festival of Aquarius was held here, and as international Ganja tours began to led here here. Since 1993, Nambin has become a venue for the legendary hemp festival Mardi Grass, during which a hemp fair, a congestion of hemp poetry, hemp and other exciting events is held every year.

All this activity, naturally, has always caused the dissatisfaction of the police, and a lot of attempts were made to encourage the inhabitants of the city to order. The culmination of this struggle was 1997, when several hippies in protest challenged themselves to police helicopters and in this form gave an interview to several popular publications. Since then, the authorities left hemp activists alone, and in Nybin even had a hemp embassy, \u200b\u200bcoordinating antiprogibrationist activities in Australia.

The only spoon of the tar in this story is Nizhin, like many interesting initiatives, has become very popular among tourists, and, according to local reviews, this popularity did not benefit him, turning the rebel city of Hippie to the object of the tourism industry. Therefore, those who seek to get true impressions, advise on the way to call Bayron Bay and enjoy the atmosphere of real hippies.

THE Fedation Of Damanhur

The Federation of Damakhur is the commune, ecoposal and spiritual society in Piedmont, Northern Italy. "The laboratory of the future of mankind" - how they call themselves themselves, stating the paths to which the rest of the population of the Earth will come: life in harmony with the environment, mutual respect and self-knowledge.

It was founded in 1975 whery Airauda with 24 followers, and by 2000 the number of residents increased to 800. The basis of the community's life was the idea of \u200b\u200bunity, equality, love and respect for the environment. As a result, in 2005, Damanchur was awarded the UN award as a sustainable development model (Award for Sustainable Communicities). This is a federation of spiritual societies with its own constitution, culture, art, music, currency, education and technologies.

The population is divided into four classes, depending on how actively they want to participate in the life of the community. So, class A constantly lives in the Federation and evenly distributes all resources, the class B provides financial support and lives in the territory at least three days a week, the other two categories can accommodate outside the formation.

The community lives in accordance with a mixture of New Age and neo-language beliefs, with which the rituals themselves are connected and the lifestyle itself.

Equality and respect are based on all spheres of the community: in particular, marriages are concluded on a renewable basis, allowing partners to leave the Union after the expiration of a certain time or extend it.

Damanhaur conducts many events in different cities of the world and has centers in Europe, America and Japan. Thousands of wanting to visit excursions, seminars and courses of the University of Damakhur are also coming here every year. From all over the world, scientists and researchers in the field of art, social sciences, spiritualism, alternative medicine, economics and reasonable use of the environment are coming down.

US, 1960s, long hair, jeans, decorations, bright colors, world around the world - looking at these words, you immediately understand what we are talking about. Hippie - a subculture that turned the usual way at the time of her occurrence.

The development of the hippie subculture was proceeded, the so-called "waves": "The first wave" refers to the end of the 60 - the beginning of the 70s., "The second" - to the 80s. From about 1989, there is a sharp decline in connection with a sharp decrease in the number of adherents of this movement. However, in the mid-90s. He stated a "third wave" hippie.

The birth of the hippie movement occurred in the 1960s in the United States. The reason, according to a lot of sources, served as a war in Vietnam (1964-1972) This war was the first in the history of America, which caused hatred and hostility of the Americans themselves. Not wanting war, people united and talked in the name of the world. So, on November 22, 1964, in the transfer of one of the New York channels, the first use of the word "hippies" occurred. Then, a group of young people protesting against the Vietnamese war was called this word.

The meaning of the word "hippie" comes from English « hip.» - understanding or « to. bE. hip.» - be aware of. Interestingly, the hippie themselves never called themselves. They liked it more " beautiful people"Or" Children of Flowers. " However, the media beat the term "hippie" and used it everywhere in order to describe the masses of young people growing long hair, listening to rock and rolls that use drugs practicing free love coming to various festivals and concerts that arrange demonstrations and rejecting massive The culture of the early 60s.

Hippie beliefs:

The most important for hippie was to follow the principle ahimsa. In other words, pacifism: non-violence, refusal of war and peacefulness. Hippie did not recognize social oblasts, but created their alternative systems of life, denying any hierarchy. For revolutions, according to their teaching, the war is not needed, it is enough to use creativity. And so not only with the war: they preferred self-entertainment, the patrimonial, generally accepted procedures and norms - freedom of speech and self-expression. Behind all this was followed by the appearance of 7 truths of subculture:

  • a person must be free;
  • you can achieve freedom, only by changing the internal system of the soul;
  • acts of an internally relaxed person are determined by the desire to protect their freedom as the greatest jewelry;
  • beauty and freedom are identical to each other and the implementation of the other - a purely spiritual problem;
  • everyone who shares the above, form a spiritual community;
  • the spiritual community is the perfect shape of the hostel;
  • everyone who think otherwise is mistaken.

Symbols Hippie:

Hippie is such a culture, whose supporters are immediately recognized in appearance and behavior. Hippie attributes include many things. First, it is minibuswhich hippie was painted in incredible colors, calling it "Flower Power" ("Flowers"). Secondly, an important symbol is pacific ("Foot") - symbol of the world. Logo of the organization of nuclear disarmament, used for anti-war demonstrations. This also includes the symbol of Taoque philosophy Yin and Jan. .

As for the appearance, then everything is very interesting. Definitely long hair, both in women and men; jeanswho became, by the time of the heyday of culture, "branded clothing" hippie; "Fences" (handmade bracelets from beads, leather, shoelaces, ribbons or threads), which, by the way, were of great importance for hippies. Depending on the color, thickness, patterns, etc. Used when weaving "Fenushek", one could determine: life position, musical preferences and even the age of its owner.

Rainbow Also plays in the life of a hippie a significant role. July 4, 1972, a thousand young people rose to the dining room in Colorado (USA), took up his arms and stood so much an hour, not to say a word. They decided to achieve peace on earth not strikes, no demonstrations, and silence and meditation. At first glance, there is no connection with this event with a rainbow. However, it so happened that the hippie culture has learned many knowledge of the ancient Indians. Here is the name "Rainbow Gathering" ("Rainbow Collection") emerged from the prophecy of the Indians, the copy: "At the end of times, when the Earth will be ruined, a new tribe will appear. These people will not like us neither skin color nor habits, and say they will be in another language. But what they will do, will help the earth to become green again. Let's call them "rainbow warriors" 10

It is impossible not to mention flowerslike a hippie attribute. After all, the second name of culture is not in vain - "Children of Flowers." They walked in their hair in their hair, gave them a random passers-by, depicted on minibuses. Incredibly, but inserted in a blow firearms, Proclaiming its main slogan "Make love, not war" ("Make Love Not War").

Some aspects of the lifestyle of Hippie generate much more disputes and ambiguous estimates. Thanks to the "Children of Flowers" popularized drugswho, in their opinion, expanded consciousness; occurred sexy revolutionproclaiming, tolerance for non-traditional sexual orientations and same-sex marriage, and also became popular nudism.

In any case, the value of hippies for society cannot be underestimated. Together with negative moments, they presented a new philosophy based on freedom, respect, searching for themselves and self-expression. But the most important thing for them is love all over the world. Therefore, I would like to finish the article by the famous slogan hippie, taken from the song "The Beatles" (songwriter - John Lennon - was hippie), « All. you. need. iS. love. " ("All you need is love")…

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