The order of entry. Terms of admission Joining the creative union of artists reviews

The order of entry.  Terms of admission Joining the creative union of artists reviews
The order of entry. Terms of admission Joining the creative union of artists reviews

Russia needs to meet certain formal criteria. A citizen of the Russian Federation over the age of 18, professionally engaged in any kind of fine arts, can become a member of the Union. Applications from artists, restorers, art historians and students studying in these specialties are considered. In addition, there may be masters in the Union who have created significant copyright.

Before joining, you must familiarize yourself with the Charter of the Union of Artists of Russia. This document to the extent gives an idea of ​​the goals, tasks of the Union, directions of its activities, rights and obligations of members. Compliance with the provisions of the Charter is a prerequisite for applicants. Finding the text of the Articles of Association is not difficult. It is posted on the Internet, and is also available in every regional branch of the Union and in libraries of art universities.

After studying the Charter, visit the regional branch of the Union of Artists. There you can clarify your questions about the Union's policy and get the documents you need to fill out. In addition, you will get acquainted with the current members of the Union, feel the atmosphere of creative unification. If there are no representatives of the Union in your city, try to find out the address and telephone number of the branch in the neighboring region. This can be done using telephone and address directories, via the Internet, in cultural and art institutions: museums, art galleries, exhibition centers.

Then start collecting documents. You must submit to the commission for consideration:
- autobiography;
- an album of reproductions of creative works;
- a list of the main works in chronological order from the beginning of creative activity;
- a list of art exhibitions in which you took part, in chronological order;
- a list of professional creative with the attachment of copies of diplomas, certificates of honor,;
- a list of publications about your work and photocopies of these publications in chronological order;
- a creative description drawn up and signed by an art critic, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia;
- the recommendation of the chairman of the profile section of the regional branch of the Union of Artists of Russia;
- recommendations of three members of the Union of Artists of Russia with at least 5 years of experience;
- certificate from the place of residence;
- a photocopy of your passport;
- a photocopy of the education diploma;
- a photocopy of the tax registration certificate (TIN);
- a photocopy of the pension insurance certificate;
- 4 photos of 3x4 cm in size. The list of documents can be shortened or supplemented in accordance with the rules of the regional office.

The most important part of your portfolio is your artwork album. It must contain at least 20. Select the most striking and significant works that characterize you as an artist. Take professional 15x20 cm photos of them. Then glue each photo onto a separate sheet of thick white cardboard. Please enter complete catalog data below.

When submitting documents, you will be offered applications for joining the Union of Artists and a personal personnel record card, which you will fill out with your own hand.

The regional office will then set a date to review your application. At this meeting, you need to be present to present your works. The decision is made on the basis of an assessment of the creative activity and potential capabilities of the applicant. An extract from the minutes of the meeting is sent to the Secretariat of the Union of Artists of Russia for final approval.

Artists who have successfully passed the entrance tests are issued a membership card of the Union and a deadline for payment of membership fees is assigned.


More than 500 artists become members of the Union annually.

Helpful advice

The full name of the organization is the All-Russian Creative Public Organization "Union of Artists of Russia".


  • Official website of the Union of Artists of Russia

Many professionally established designers strive to join the union of designers in order to recognize their merits and confirm their professional competence. How to do it? First of all, you need to understand that this is a certain procedure that requires the collection of the necessary documentation and compliance with a fairly strict regulation.


Designed by the Union of Designers - to be filled in by the candidate. A photo and a receipt confirming the payment of the entrance fee are attached to the application. A prerequisite for participation in the membership in the Union of Designers is a copy of the document on the availability of art education.

If you work in the field of graphic design, then additionally it is necessary to provide production prints.

In case of a positive decision, it will also be necessary to pay an annual fee for membership in the Union, which gives professional designers a number of advantages. This includes communication with colleagues in creative sections, in advanced training courses, and the possibility of renting a workshop, support of legal commissions in matters of copyright protection.

Union artists Russia is one of the oldest creative associations in the country. Its history began in the middle of the 19th century with the activities of the Association of Traveling Exhibitions and the first congresses of Russian artists... In 1957 Union acquired the status of a public organization and a branch structure that is still in force. Its main goals are the preservation of the cultural heritage of Russia, the promotion of the professional realization of the participants and the development of creative ties between the regions. To join Union artists, desire alone is not enough. The decision to issue a membership card is made by a special commission based on the results of consideration of the documents submitted by the applicant.


To join Union artists Russia needs to meet certain formal criteria. Member of Union and can become a citizen of the Russian Federation over the age of 18 years, professionally engaged in any kind of fine arts. Applications from artists, restorers, art historians and students studying in these specialties. Besides, in Union folk masters who have created significant works of authorship can be accepted.

Before joining, you must familiarize yourself with the Charter Union a artists Russia. This document fully gives an idea of ​​the goals, objectives Union a, directions of its activities, rights and obligations of members. Compliance with the provisions of the Charter is a prerequisite for applicants. Finding the text of the Articles of Association is not difficult. It is posted on the Internet and is also available in every regional office. Union and in the libraries of art universities.

After Studying the By-Laws, Visit the Regional Office Union a artists... There you can clarify any policy questions you may have. Union and get the documents you need to fill out. In addition, you will get to know the current members Union well, feel the atmosphere of creative unification. If there are no representatives in your city Union a, try to find out the address and telephone number of the branch in the neighboring region. This can be done using telephone and address directories, via the Internet, in cultural and art institutions: museums, art galleries, exhibition centers.

Then start collecting documents. You must submit to the commission for consideration:
- autobiography;
- an album of reproductions of creative works;
- a list of the main works in chronological order from the beginning of creative activity;
- a list of art exhibitions in which you took part, in chronological order;
- a list of professional creative awards with copies of diplomas, certificates of honor, letters of thanks;
- a list of publications about your work and photocopies of these publications in chronological order;
- a creative description drawn up and signed by a member art critic Union a artists Russia;
- the recommendation of the chairman of the profile section of the regional department Union a artists Russia;
- recommendations of three members Union a artists Russia with at least 5 years of experience;
- certificate from the place of residence;
- a photocopy of your passport;
- a photocopy of the education diploma;
- a photocopy of the tax registration certificate (TIN);
- a photocopy of the pension insurance certificate;
- 4 photos of 3x4 cm in size. The list of documents can be shortened or supplemented in accordance with the rules of the regional office.

The most important part of your portfolio is your artwork album. It must contain at least 20 works. Select the most striking and significant works that characterize you as an artist. Take professional 15x20 cm photos of them. Then glue each photo onto a separate sheet of thick white cardboard. Please enter the complete catalog data of the artwork below.

Many years ago my journal began with entries dedicated to joining the Union of Artists. I was young and naive and weighed down by a bunch of little kids. We need to do something so as not to sour! Let everyone get it right, how awesome I am! I filled out a completely insane Soviet questionnaire, which asked whether I was under occupation and whether I participated in the partisan movement, took the rugs on which I weaved some pictures - a fish, a still life, abstract beautiful colors resembling a forest, and drove off. I was told that the rugs are bad, they will buy better at IKEA. With doormats in the Union of Artists are not accepted. And if I want to make woven images, I have to unlearn to be a tapestry maker and weave tapestries. I spat, decided that I was not going to weave tapestries, and in general it is not clear why I decided to join there.
It seems to me that the format and adherence to it is the motto of this organization. One step to the right, one step to the left - the shooting on the spot. This format was formed in the late seventies. It reminds me of a community of old southern aristocrats who gather for forty years in a row at the house of some Colonel Dupont, smoke cigars and remember the old days. On the street there is already another era, another century, different conditions ... neither they, nor their memories, nor their cigars are interesting to anyone. And if I were in their place, I would pay extra to people who agree to play this with them. and they manage not to accept someone else.
This time I followed the path of conformism. For three years I exhibited together with our city youth team, was in the asset. I was tolerated, despite not quite the statutory age. Therefore, I decided that, as an honest person, I must marry them.
This year the youth team decided to join with almost a full complement. They took away my works with sauce that everyone likes, and a few watercolors.

And at the appointed time, I first went to the section. After all, I enter the schedule, at first we looked at the schedules. The building is pretentious, in the center of Moscow. The long corridor is crowded with a bunch of artists from different cities. By the way, there are chairs! So man-pleasing got there too ..

A list hangs on the wall, and everyone is called in turn to the room where the commission is sitting. You arrange your work, at this time the secretary reads from your personal file where you studied and what major exhibitions you have, and you leave.

We have to wait to see everyone. The lady secretary (this is her moment of glory. And she has been working there for 50 years) invites everyone to a separate room. Everyone huddles in the corners, she announces the results of the commission's vote.

Today was the second day, the secretariat. I met there a friend from Kostroma. The train arrives at 6 in the morning, and she sat there in the corridor until two and waited. There were many different cities. I also wanted to go to the exhibition of photographs on the Russian estate, and during a break I went there on foot. Not long on the map. Suddenly I found myself on Maroseyka. Then I got to Red Square - and immediately turned back, because the time was up.
I was not accepted unanimously, eight to six. So even when I indulge in conformism, I still don't get into the format completely :) When I laid out my works there, at first I argued with a lady who read that my education is an institute of culture. And last time they clung to it tightly. A real artist must have an education - Surikovsky. Well, or Stroganovsky. Even from the former Leninist pedagogue of hudgrafists, they accept without enthusiasm, they can even wrap up. And here, in general, some kind of institute of culture. I had to explain that in fact my education is a blunder, it's pretty cool. At the end of this conversation, there was a call to my phone.
My husband bought it for me the day before, angry that my phone is often discharged and I sometimes do not hear calls. It is the size of a handbag and rings like a Jericho trumpet. And now I am arranging the work, and he will ring the bell! This child called to report that he had come from school. The members of the commission, including the completely deaf and asleep, were pressed against the wall by a sound wave :)

And then I went to see a friend who works in a club on Maroseyka, and we drank beer and made a sketch for memory :) while I was doing it, I thought - only a couple of hours in the union of artists, but drawing became much worse :) Now there is only a certificate get it, and I'll be a fool licensed, with help