How old is Sofia Rotaru? Living legend of the Soviet stage.

How old is Sofia Rotaru?  Living legend of the Soviet stage.
How old is Sofia Rotaru? Living legend of the Soviet stage.

May 27, 2017 No comments

Famous singer Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru - her biography (born, nationality), personal life, family: children, grandchildren and new husband- all this is a great reason for gossip. After all, during years, the talent and beauty of the artist delighted more than one generation of listeners who grew up on the famous hits of the star, sounding on the air of radio stations of the countries the former USSR to this day!

Sofia Mikhailovna is a native of the village of Marshantsy, Chernivtsi region, Ukraine. She was born in 1947 into a family of immigrants from Moldova. A penchant for singing was discovered with early childhood... At school, little Sophia very quickly became one of the main voices of the choir. But at the same time, in addition to active participation in creative life educational institution, future star showed herself in sports, in particular - in athletics. A comprehensive development girls helped visit theatrical circle, along with participation in school plays and plays. It is no less interesting that Sofia knew how to play several musical instruments at once!

For the first time, they began to talk about Rotaru as a talented singer in 1962: it was then that the girl managed to take first place in the regional competition amateur performances... A little later, Sofia Mikhailovna took the grand prix at a similar competition in Chernivtsi.

The phenomenal successes of "Bukovinsky Nightingale" were also appreciated in the capital of the Ukrainian SSR: Sofia also took the honorable first place at the republican competition. It was this competition that determined further life future star: after graduating from school, the singer entered the Bukovina Music School for a course in choral singing and conducting. In 1968, the already formed singer became the winner of the ninth world festival of youth and students in the capital of Bulgaria - the city of Sofia.

In the same year, Rotaru married Anatoly Evdokimenko, who fell in love with the singer at first sight, seeing her picture on the cover once popular magazine"Ukraine". Since then, Anatoly Evdokimenko (husband of Sofia Rotaru) has provided all kinds of support to his wife's endeavors. In 1970, the singer learns the joy of motherhood, and in 1971 the "Chervona Ruta" ensemble, named after the musical that became the acting debut of young Sofia, was created. A little later, in tandem with the famous Ukrainian composer Vladimir Ivasyuk, Rotaru became known far beyond the borders of the USSR.

Since 1975, after moving to Crimea, Sofia Mikhailovna has become a regular guest of the New Year's "Blue Lights". In the 80s, the singer reaches the top of the domestic show business, releasing successful albums, acting in films and expanding her repertoire with works in different styles and directions. And, contrary to the widespread phenomenon, the star Rotaru did not fade away throughout the 90s: releasing hit after hit, the singer strengthened her position in the starry firmament, becoming the best singer Ukrainian stage of the twentieth century. In the mid-2000s, the singer was awarded the Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, 2nd degree "For Services to the Fatherland."

In view of the unthinkable popularity, the personal life of the star was an excellent reason for various gossip about how many children Sofia Rotaru has. At present, we can say with confidence that Sofia left one heir - the son of Ruslan, who works in the field of sound recording. It should be noted that the guy gave her two wonderful grandchildren - Anatoly and Sophia, named after her grandmother.

The turning point in her career was the death of her husband Sofia Rotaru, with whom the singer lived in happy marriage over 35 years. The first concert after Evdokimenko's departure from life was dedicated to the bitterness of the loss of a loved one. In connection with the sudden death of her husband, the singer's fans began to be interested in where Sofia Rotaru lives now. However, it is rather difficult to answer this question, because the singer owns real estate in Crimea and Koncha-Zaspa. By the way, the singer has long dreamed of a cottage in the forest, so Ruslan's gift was a rather pleasant surprise for her!

Sofia Rotaru is an outstanding singer of our time. Her songs are loved by millions. Despite her 66 years old, she amazes viewers with her irresistible appearance. They say about her that “to look perfect in any situation and under any circumstances” is her style of life.

Sofia Rotaru: biography, family, photo

Those who lived in the Soviet Union are not surprised by the stories of artists who, being born thousands of kilometers from Moscow, managed to achieve fame and recognition throughout the country. In this country they appreciated real talent... Rotaru's biography originates in the distant village of Marshyntsy in western Ukraine, where in 1947 the future star was born in the family of the wine grower Mikhail Rotar Soviet stage Sofia Rotaru. Her childhood was not easy. The girl had to get up before sunrise and go to the market with her mother, stand behind the counter, and sometimes work in the field. After all, the family had six children, and Sofia was the eldest, after the blind sister Zoya, which means she was the main assistant of her parents. Despite many difficulties, Rotarei was not burdened with her life. Music always sounded in their house: all family members sang. From the first grade, Sofia sang in the school choir, as well as in the village church during the service. Her first musical instruments there were accordion and domra. Nevertheless, Rotaru's biography as a singer begins in 1962, when fifteen-year-old Sofia, having won a regional competition, goes to the regional review in Chernivtsi. Here she also becomes the winner. The next step is a trip to Kiev to the Republican Festival “Young Talents”. And again the girl will win. In 1964, she first appeared on the Kremlin stage and received a lot positive feedback regarding your voice. It seems her fate is sealed. Sofia decides to seriously study vocals and enters the music school in the city of Chernivtsi.

and creative successes

After graduating from college in 1968, she went as part of a delegation to the Ninth World festival youth to Sofia. As the Bulgarian and Soviet newspapers and magazines, “Sofia from Ukraine conquered Sofia”. After this triumph, her photo was placed on the cover of Ukraine magazine. At the same time, somewhere in the Urals passes military service a guy from the city of Chernivtsi - Tolya Evdokimenko, who, accidentally seeing his compatriot on the cover of the magazine, falls in love with the girl in the photograph and decides, after the end of the service, to find her by all means. Most importantly, he knows her name.

The biography of Sofia Rotaru (photos from the wedding are still kept in Sofia Mikhailovna) in 1968 makes a sharp turn, and she, being a very young girl, gets married, promising her mother that this marriage is for life. And so it will be. Sofia and Anatoly were inseparable until the end of his days (A. Evdokimenko died in 2002). Two years later happy couple son was born - Ruslan. And this is undoubtedly the most significant of all the events that Rotaru's biography tells about. Soon the music film "Chervona Ruta" will be released. the main role in which he performs Ukrainian singer Sofia Rotaru. Participation in this project brings the young woman all-Union glory. She creates her own ensemble, which she calls the same as the film that contributed to her success - “Chervona Ruta”. Her husband becomes the artistic director of the ensemble. Together with her team, Sofia Rotaru traveled all over the Soviet Union and the camps. Her name was on everyone's lips. Such celebrities as Arno Babadzhanyan, Oscar Feltsman, David Tukhmanov and others wrote songs for her. Any song sung by Sofia was awarded the Song of the Year award. However, the most hit songs were the songs of the composer V. Matetskiy: “Lavender”, “Moon, Moon”, “It was, it was, it was, but it's gone”, etc.


After the People's Artist of the three republics (Ukraine, Moldova and Russia), as well as all Soviet Union, has kept all its fans. The biography of Rotaru today continues to be replenished with new facts telling about awards, grand concerts, presentations and performances of an outstanding singer of our time.

Rotaru Sofia Mikhailovna (born 1947) is a Soviet, Russian and Ukrainian pop singer. The origin is Moldovan, Ukrainian citizenship, permanently resides in Yalta and Kiev. In addition to Ukrainian, Moldavian and Russian, he also sings in English, Spanish, Bulgarian, French, Italian, Serbian, Polish, and German. Her repertoire includes about 400 songs. She has the title of People's Artist of the USSR and Hero of Ukraine, and is one of the highest paid singers in the territory of the former Soviet Union.


Sofia was born on August 7, 1947 in the Ukrainian SSR in the village of Marshintsy, Chernivtsi region.

Pope, Rotar Mikhail Fedorovich, had Moldavian roots. In the war he served as a machine gunner, reached Berlin, was wounded after the war, so he returned home only in 1946. In the village, he was one of the first to join the party, worked as a foreman among winegrowers.

Mom was engaged in raising children, of whom there were six in the family, was leading a household and a backyard, and traded in the grown products in the market.

Little Sonya was the second child in the family, and she was entrusted with many responsibilities for the house, caring for younger brothers and sisters, I had to help my mother. Sophia's mother raised Sophia even after dark, because by six in the morning it was necessary to arrive at the market, take a seat and lay out the food. The girl was terribly sleepy, and finally came to her senses only when a brisk trade began. There was always a queue near them, my mother was incredibly clean, people knew her products and constantly bought.

Many years later, in one of her interviews, Sofia will say later that childhood memories remained very strong, how she wanted to sleep in the morning, and now she does not get out of bed before 10 am, as if trying to make up for the lack of sleep from childhood. And Sofia Rotaru never bargains in the market with people who sell their homemade products: she knows how hard it is, because before selling, you need to grow everything.

For such hard work, mom and dad earned the title of drummer socialist labor and an exemplary mother-hostess.

The girl's father in his youth was very fond of singing, he had beautiful voice and exceptional hearing. Dad became her first teacher, teaching folk Moldovan motives.

A special role in the fact that Sonya loved music so much from early childhood was played by her little sister Zina. She fell ill with typhus and completely lost her sight, the disabled girl could not help her mother with the housework, her only joy was the radio, which she listened to for hours and then sang all the tunes she heard exactly. These songs she taught little sister Sofia, and she easily picked up any composition and sang. The father, looking at her, joked: "Our Sonya will be an artist."


Having started her studies at school, the girl signed up and sang in the school choir from the first grade.

A few years later, on weekends, she also began to sing in the church choir, but Soviet school at that time the church did not welcome, and Sophia was even threatened with expulsion from the pioneers.

Sonya grew up very much active child, and besides music, there were many other hobbies in her childhood life. She liked sports, especially athletics, the girl was even a school all-around champion. In high school I went to Chernivtsi to the regional sports days, where I achieved victories in running at distances of 100 and 800 meters.

In addition to sports, Sofia was very attracted to the theater, at school she enrolled in a drama circle. She took part in all amateur performances, independently learned to play the button accordion.

The girl really liked it when their amateur art group went to neighboring villages with concerts. She liked the feeling of standing on the stage, looking in auditorium... Her strong contralto, which almost came close to the soprano, was liked by the audience, and soon Sofia Rotaru was nicknamed "the Bukovinian nightingale".

Start of the musical path

She experienced her first success in 1962, when she was a very young fifteen-year-old girl who won an amateur art competition in the district.

Further, having won the regional review, Sofia received a referral to the capital of Ukraine, the city of Kiev, for the republican festival of folk talents. It was 1964, here she again became the first, and her photograph was printed on the cover of the magazine "Ukraine".

After winning the festival, the girl firmly decided to connect her life with music and become a singer. Having just finished school, she went to Chernivtsi, where she entered a music school. The vocal faculty was not there, and she became a student of the conducting and choral department.

The victory at the republican festival opened the way for Sofia Rotaru to the all-Union, and then the world level.

In 1964 she was invited to sing at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

After graduating from a music school, she received a ticket to the World Festival of Youth and Students in Bulgaria, where she represented the Soviet Union. Among the performers folk compositions she won first prize and gold medal.

All newspapers in Bulgaria came out the next day with the headlines: "21-year-old Sofia conquered Sofia." Then the legendary Lyudmila Zykina was on the jury. Seeing and hearing Sofia Rotaru, she said about her: "This is a singer with a great future".

In 1971 the film "Chervona Ruta" was released on the screens of the country, where the main character there was Sofia Rotaru. The success of the film among the audience was deafening, Sofia was invited to work at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic, where she, together with her husband Anatoly Evdokimenko, created the VIA "Chervona Ruta".

The debut performance of the orchestra took place in Star City in front of Soviet cosmonauts. This was the first application of outstanding representatives of the Soviet stage, who decided to combine folk motives with modern rhythms in their repertoire.

Sofia Rotaru and the team "Chervona Ruta" were gaining popularity in huge country, more and more new scenes obeyed them:

  • Central Concert Hall "Russia";
  • Variety theater;
  • Kremlin Palace.

For touring concert tours, recordings on radio and television, came real success.

Worldwide recognition and fame

Farther musical career"Bukovinian nightingale" developed as rapidly as the mountain river in the homeland of Sofia Rotaru could boil. The maelstrom of life events picked up the young talented singer and carried to the heights of glory.

Year An event in the career of Sofia Rotaru
1972 Polish tour with the program "Songs and Dances of the Land of the Soviets".
1973 Received first prize at the Golden Orpheus competition in Bulgaria, participated in the final Song of the Year festival, the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine.
1974 Laureate of the International Song Festival in Sopot.
1975 Sofia Rotaru moved from Chernivtsi to Yalta and began performing under the auspices of the Crimean Philharmonic.
1976 The title of People's Artist of Ukraine.
1979 A deafening tour in Germany.
1980 First Prize for International competition in Tokyo, presentation of the Order of the Badge of Honor.
1983 The title of People's Artist of the Moldavian SSR.
1985 Receiving the "Golden Disc" prize from the All-Union Recording Company "Melodia" for the best-selling records in the USSR "Sofia Rotaru" and "Tender Melody", they were released with a circulation of over 1 million. Awarding the Order of Friendship of Peoples.
1988 Sofia Rotaru is the first contemporary pop singer to be awarded the title of People's Artist of the Soviet Union.

In 1986, the "Chervona Ruta" collective broke up, and Sofia Rotaru began solo career on the stage. Her collaboration with composers Yuri Saulsky, Raymond Pauls, Evgeny Martynov and Alexandra Pakhmutova was very fruitful. But especially many songs were written for Sofia by Vladimir Matetsky, almost all of them were included in the final festivals "Songs of the Year" and "New Year's Blue Lights".

The whole country knew and sang such hits performed by Sofia Rotaru by heart, such as:

  • « Swan loyalty»;
  • "And the music sounds";
  • "Romance";
  • "Stork on the Roof";
  • “In my house”;
  • "Moon, moon";
  • "Lavender";
  • “It was, but it's gone”;
  • "Only this is not enough";
  • "Caravan of Love";
  • "Melancolia";
  • "Khutoryanka".

11 times Sofia Rotaru became the owner of the prestigious Golden Gramophone music award.

Sofia Mikhailovna was recognized as the "Best Ukrainian pop singer XX century ".

Personal life

One and only and for life. This is exactly what her husband Anatoly Evdokimenko turned out to be for Sofia Rotaru.

He was her fellow countryman, also from the Chernivtsi region. In 1964 he served in the army in Nizhny Tagil. His dad was a builder, and his mother was a teacher. Parents wondered where their son had an uncontrollable craving for music. After graduating from a music school, Anatoly played the trumpet perfectly, and after serving in the army, he planned to create his own VIA.

In the army library, Anatoly fell into the hands of the magazine "Ukraine", where on the cover there was a miracle girl who won the Republican music competition... For him, it was love at first sight.

Returning home after service, Anatoly continued his studies at the Chernivtsi University, where he played the trumpet in the student pop orchestra, and began to look for his love.

He managed to win the heart of Sophia only after two years of courtship. He invited her as a soloist to the student orchestra, they saw each other almost every day, and over time, the relationship grew from friendship into something more.

In 1968, Sofia and Anatoly got married. And their Honeymoon took place in Novosibirsk in the hostel of a military plant, where Evdokimenko was sent to practice from the university.

The career of a wife for Anatoly has always been in the first place, he was never jealous of her for the stage and success. For the sake of Sonya, he gave up science, although he was an excellent physicist and wrote many articles. For more than 30 years they were close, he became everything for Sofia: a program director and producer, director and director, bodyguard and, of course, the only and most beloved man.

In the summer of 1970, their boy Ruslan was born. He bears the name of his father - Evdokimenko. Also engaged in musical activities, he is a producer.

But heavy prolonged illness separated Sophia and Anatoly. He died in 2002, the singer could not recover from what had happened for a long time, she refused to believe in the death of her husband. Having survived this tragedy, she stated that there could be no other men in her life, from now on she is completely and completely devoted to music.

Son Ruslan is married, he and his wife gave Sofya Mikhailovna two charming grandchildren.

In 1994, grandson Anatoly was born, in 2001 - granddaughter Sofia.

The singer lives in Yalta with her son's family. After the annexation of Crimea to Russia, she did not accept Russian citizenship, stating that she had a permanent residence permit in Kiev, but would not mind dual citizenship.

At almost 70 years old, Sofya Mikhailovna manages to maintain an amazing figure and beauty. Her secret is simple: to love life in all its manifestations and to enjoy every day presented, it depends on the inner state of the soul and appearance.

Name: Sofia Rotaru

Date of Birth: 07.08.1947

Age: 71 years old

Place of Birth: Marshyntsi, Chernivtsi region, Ukraine

The weight: 64 kg

Height: 1.70 m

Activity: singer, actress, dancer, People's Artist of the USSR

Family status: widow

Who was not only attributed to new husbands legendary singer Sofia Rotaru, whose personal life and biography still excites all fans of her work! Another media interest in romantic relationships in the fate of the artist flared up last summer. Then the hot recognition of the 37-year-old musician Alexander Popov appeared on the network.

According to the man, a woman like Sofia Rotaru cannot but arouse admiration, like external beauty and inner strength your character. The young man is known not only for his participation in the once popular group "Turbomoda", but also former relationship with Tatyana Bulanova. According to some rumors, circulated by the "yellow" press, it was Popov who became the reason for leaving popular singer from footballer Rodimov. Sofia Mikhailovna herself and her family members, as well as colleagues on the stage, do not comment on such a confession.

Childhood and the singer's family

The future star was born in 1947 in the distant Bukovina village of Morshintsy. Sofia's parents were simple village workers who worked for many years in agriculture... In addition to the vociferous girl, the family had two more sisters and three brothers. At the same time, the eldest lost her sight in childhood, having contracted an infectious disease. Therefore, Sofia Mikhailovna was considered the eldest in the house and her workload was appropriate - her duties included milking a cow and selling greenery at the local market. The younger ones in the house always helped the elders - family relations and mutual assistance were instilled in children from early childhood.

Sofia Rotaru as a child

As the artist and her relatives recall in a few interviews devoted to the personal life and biography of Sofia Mikhailovna and denying the appearance of a new husband in the fate of the artist, Ukrainian and Moldovan songs were often sounded in the house. It was the father who became the lead singer in the large Rotar family on family gatherings or harvesting grapes.

Sofia Rotaru in her youth

Even at school, Sofia was called the "Bukovinian nightingale" for her unique vocal abilities. In addition to singing, the girl was actively involved in all-around, participated in all school activities and actively mastered folk musical instruments.

Growth in popularity

A young performer of Moldovan and Ukrainian folk songs fame overtook at the age of 15. Since 1963, Sofia literally, in one breath, won several singing competitions of various sizes and in 1964 worked out her first performance in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

Singer early in her career

By Soviet times so dizzying career Not every inhabitant of the capital succeeded, not like a young girl from a remote Bukovina village. It was then that the photo of the amateur artist got on the cover of the central edition "Ukraine". This fact played a little later in the personal life and biography of Sofia Rotaru, a huge role, as noted by journalists trying to find out the details about her new husband.

First love, only love

As the sisters of the artist say, the girl did not dream of a romantic relationship then. She wanted to make a career as a singer, for which she had to tour a lot and work at various concert venues in terms of equipment and remoteness from the center.

Anatoly Evdokimenko, the son of wealthy parents, served military service in the army, having a comfortable place in the regimental orchestra - a musically gifted young man perfectly performed bravura marches and anthems on the trumpet. Quite accidentally in the eye young man came across a cover with a black-eyed girl, cheerfully smiling at him from the cover of the central magazine. After reading a note about the "Bukovinian nightingale", the young man in love decided to win the favor of the young beauty, by all means.

Sofia Rotaru in the "Chervona Ruta" ensemble

To this end, Evdokimenko, after demobilization, organizes the Chervona Ruta ensemble and invites the young artist to work in a team created, as it turned out later, just for her. Along the way, he begins to carefully look after Sophia and after 2 years becomes her husband, teacher, mentor and best friend- irreplaceable and a dear person for 35 years.

Sofia Rotaru on stage

Child and work

In 1970, a son, Ruslan, appeared in the family. According to the artist's memoirs, her husband was against children in such early age- Evdokimenko really wanted to reach world heights in the work of the team he managed, which at first worked on the basis of the Chernivtsi Regional Philharmonic. The young wife had to come up with fantastic story about failures in the female body, thanks to which the stubbornness of an ambitious spouse was able to break.

Contrary to popular belief that after the birth of a child, a career talented performer is threatened with oblivion, a year after Ruslan was born, the ensemble becomes mega-popular in the USSR. The first black-and-white musical is being shot about his work, filled with piercing folk and author's melodies performed by the "Bukovinian nightingale" in Ukrainian, Moldovan and Romanian.

With first husband

As Sofya Mikhailovna likes to tell in an interview, her fame would not have become so comprehensive and powerful if not for her family. It was the sisters who replaced little Ruslana's mother with long years its active touring activities... Until now, Sofya Mikhailovna regrets very much that she did not give birth to Ruslana's sister, sacrificing another child for her career.

And in front of her son, she felt guilty for a long time because of the constant absence of home. As the sisters of the artist tell, in childhood, the first thing Ruslan asked his mother, who returned from another business trip, when she would leave again. These naive words were filled with such longing for her beloved and busy mother that every time before leaving, Rotaru did not find a place for herself.

Sofia Rotaru with her family

By the way, Edita Piekha advised the beginning singer to add the prefix "u" at the end of the surname. According to the singer, this added French charm and mystery to the Moldovan sound.

The pinnacle of success

In 1973, Sofia Mikhailovna won the first prize at the Golden Orpheus competition, took the stage in the finals of the Song of the Year competition. Since that time, for thirty years, Rotaru has not missed a single episode of the legendary program, making an exception only in 2002 due to the death of her husband. And in the same 1974 the woman became the Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. At that time, the singer was only 26 years old! After 2 years, she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Moldavian SSR, and in 1979, Sofia Mikhailovna became the National Performer of the Republican level.

Sofia Rotaru and Alla Pugacheva

In 1986, the press was told that the "Chervona Ruta" ensemble was returning to a repertoire consisting of folk songs, and the soloist was leaving for "free bread". The titanic work of Sofia Mikhailovna in collaboration with the best authors Then they did their job - the title of People's Artist of the Soviet Union Rotaru was awarded in 1988. By the way, the Diva received a similar title three years later, which gave rise to the myth of the rivalry of the two greatest singers Soviet and post-Soviet era.

Sofia Rotaru now

Long-term work for wear and tear has done its job - the artist is considered one of the wealthiest representatives of show business in the post-Soviet space;

  • private mansion in Pyatikhatki (Koncha-Zaspa);
  • a luxury hotel in Yalta;
  • own house on the Black Sea coast;
  • comfortable apartment in Kiev.

In addition, Rotaru never forgot about her brothers and sisters - Sofia Mikhailovna always took upon herself all the costs of providing them with decent housing, clothing, education for children.

Sofia Rotaru and Vasily Bogatyrev

In addition, the woman devotes a lot of time to her own family - her son works as the concert director of the parent, her daughter-in-law became her producer and closest assistant. The descendants of the national favorite are successfully mastering domestic and foreign show business in all its manifestations:

  • granddaughter Sofia has been successfully working in the modeling industry for many years;
  • grandson Anatoly is one of the most successful photographers in the high fashion industry.

Now, due to the unfavorable political situation, Sofia Rotaru, whose personal life and biography are inextricably linked with Russia and Ukraine, is trying not to participate in inciting ethnic hatred. So, the artist celebrated her 70th birthday in a neutral territory - in Baku. At the same time, there was no news about her new husband in the press, and there is still no one.

There have always been legends about the artist herself, retold in a whisper in the kitchen and provoked by quite justified situations in the singer's life:

Sofia Rotaru today

  • moving to Yalta in 1975. There were rumors about the artist's terrible illness - by the age of 30 she was too thin. In fact, Sofia Mikhailovna did not have any tuberculosis. It was just that at that time the local secretary of the regional party committee was extremely favored by the artist's work, who created the most favorable conditions for living and working for Sofia Mikhailovna and the members of her ensemble. On the contrary, the Chernivtsi party apparatus, fearing sanctions from higher authorities, reacted sharply to the growing popularity of the Chervona Ruta ensemble abroad. It was then that for the first time the collective became restricted to travel abroad, and firmly settled in the Crimea in state apartments. For 5 years, the ensemble has been working on its prosperous existence on the generous Tavrian land with numerous tours of the collective and state farms of the peninsula;
  • voice problems. Interest in the artist's health increased once again after the release of the film "Soul" ex-spouse Pugacheva. It was during the period of work on the film that Sofia Mikhailovna lost her voice. Working for wear and tear for many years has done its "dirty" job and the artist underwent surgery on her vocal cords. The intervention was unsuccessful, the scars on the artist's "working tool" remained for life.

Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru (room Sofia Rotaru, real surname- Rotar). Born on August 7, 1947 in the village. Marshintsy, Novoselytsky district, Chernivtsi region. Soviet and Ukrainian pop singer, actress. People's Artist USSR (1988). Hero of Ukraine (2002).

She was the second of six children in the Moldovan family of the foreman of winegrowers from the village of Marshyntsi (Novoselytsky district, Chernivtsi region, Ukrainian SSR). Due to the mistake of the passport officer, who wrote down the date of birth in her passport - August 9, 1947 - she celebrates her birthday twice.

Father - Mikhail Fedorovich Rotar, drafted into the Red Army in May 1944, reaching Berlin as a machine gunner, being wounded and returning home only in 1946, he was the first in the village to join the party.

Mother - Alexandra Ivanovna Rotar (1920-1997).

The elder sister Zina, as a child, suffered from typhus and lost her eyesight. Zina, possessing perfect pitch, easily memorized new songs and taught Sofia a lot folk songs, becoming both a second mother and a beloved teacher. Sofia Rotaru said that they all learned from her. Zina, spending a lot of time at the radio, learned Russian along with songs. And she taught him brothers and sisters.

Brothers - Anatoly Mikhailovich Rotar (born 03/09/1953) and Evgeny Mikhailovich Rotar (born 03.02.1957), bass players and singers, worked in the Chisinau VIA "Horizont".

Sofia Rotaru and Nikolay Rastorguev - Sentimental

In 1999, the label "Star Records" released two more CD-compilations of the singer in " Star Series". At the end of 1999, Sofia Rotaru was recognized as the best singer of Ukraine in the "Traditional Stage" nomination, having received the "Golden Firebird", as well as a special award "for contribution to the development of national pop music." In the same year, the singer for special personal merits in development songwriting, a long-term fruitful concert activities and high performing skills were awarded the Order of Princess Olga, III degree. The Russian Biographical Institute recognized the singer as the “Person of 1999”.

In 2000, in Kiev, Sofia Rotaru was recognized as the "Man of the XX century", "The best Ukrainian pop singer of the XX century", "The Golden Voice of Ukraine", Laureate of the "Prometheus - Prestige" award, "Woman of the Year". In the same year, Sofia Rotaru became the Laureate of the "Ovation" prize, "For a special contribution to the development of the Russian stage."

In December 2001, Sofia Rotaru released a new solo concert program"My life is my love!" on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his creative activity.

In 2002, the song "My life, my love", opened " New Years Eve»On the ORT channel.

In 2002 came out new album"I still love you." The official release of the album took place on April 23 at the Extraphone studio in Moscow. On May 24, in Kiev in front of the building of the International Center for Culture and Arts, a solemn ceremony of opening the Ukrainian Avenue of Stars was held, among which was lit and "Star of Sofia Rotaru"... On August 7, the singer's birthday, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine "for significant personal services to the Ukrainian state in the development of art, selfless work in the field of preserving national and cultural traditions, and augmenting the heritage of the people of Ukraine." On August 9, 2002, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the Order of Honor by the Decree of the President Russian Federation“For a great contribution to the development pop art and strengthening of Russian-Ukrainian cultural ties ”.

In 2002, the official release of the video version of the film was released. "Where are you, love?" directed by Valeriu Gadzhiu, released by the Moldova-Film studio in 1980. The video version of the film was published by ARENA Corporation. Starring Sofia Rotaru, Grigore Grigoriu, Konstantin Konstantinov, Evgeny Menshov, Ekaterina Kazemirova, Victor Chutak. The singer begins cooperation with the guitarist Vasily Bogatyrev.

On April 11, 2003 Sofia Rotaru got the composition "White Dance" by Ukrainian authors Oleg Makarevich and Vitaly Kurovsky. New stage her work began with performances in concert hall"Russia" in Moscow in honor of the inauguration of the named star in the alley in front of the hall.

In 2004, after a four-year break, Sofia Rotaru gave two large solo concerts in Chicago and Atlantic City, where she performed in one of the most prestigious halls - the Taj Mahal casino theater (in 2001, the tour there was disrupted due to the fact that the sound engineer did not receive a visa).

On August 7, 2007 Sofia Rotaru celebrated its 60th anniversary. Hundreds of fans as well famous artists and politicians came to Yalta from different parts of the world to congratulate the singer. The President of Ukraine awarded Sofia Rotaru the Order of Merit, II degree. A gala reception on the occasion of the anniversary was held at the Livadia Palace.

In October 2011, Sofia Rotaru performed anniversary concerts in Moscow (Bolshoi Kremlin Palace) and in St. Petersburg (Ice Palace). The concerts were timed to coincide with the 40th anniversary of creative activity.

After counting all Rotaru's songs performed in the finals of the Song of the Year festival, it turned out that Rotaru holds an absolute record among all participants in history - 83 songs performed at 38 festivals (1973-2011, except 2002).

Sincere confession... Sofia Rotaru

Sofia Rotaru's height: 170 centimeters

Personal life of Sofia Rotaru:

Anatoly Evdokimenko fell in love with his future wife when he served in the Urals, in Nizhny Tagil. He got an issue of the magazine "Ukraine" with a photo beautiful girl on the cover, after which he returned and started looking for Sofia.

Evdokimenko, a native of Chernivtsi, is the son of a builder and teacher, who "had only music in his head." He graduated music school playing the trumpet while planning an ensemble. As a student at Chernivtsi University and a trumpeter in a student pop orchestra, he opened a pop orchestra for Sofia - before that, violins and cymbals were used to accompany Rotaru's songs.

In 1968, Sofia Rotaru married Anatoly Evdokimenko. Graduating from Chernivtsi University, he did an internship in Novosibirsk and was at the same time a trumpet player in the student pop orchestra.

The young family spent their honeymoon in the hostel of the 105th military plant.

Anatoly Evdokimenko worked at the plant. Lenin, and Sofia Rotaru cooked food for everyone, and in the evenings she sang in the "Rest" club. The newlyweds left after 3 months.

In an interview, Sofia Rotaru admitted that after a year of marriage, she began to dream of a child. At the same time, Anatoly Evdokimenko had other creative plans and he still continued his studies. They lived with their parents in two-room apartment, he has not yet graduated from the university. Sofia Rotaru cheated: “'Look, the doctor said I’m going to be a mom soon.” Although in fact I was not in a position at that moment - I had to go for a little female trick. Tolik shook his head: "Well, well, good." He relaxed, lost his guard and waited for the heir to be born. The baby was born eleven months later. Now I believe that I did everything right, then I simply would not have time - these endless tours would begin ”... On August 24, 1970, son Ruslan Evdokimenko was born.

Sofia Rotaru and Anatoly Evdokimenko

Ruslan - music producer... His wife Svetlana is an executive producer. Rotaru has grandchildren: Anatoly (born March 23, 1994) and (born May 30, 2001).

Sofia Rotaru with her son

Besides Sofia, on professional level performed her younger sister Aurica Rotaru, who combined her solo career with performances as a backing vocalist, as well as a brother and sister duet - Lydia and Eugene. Unlike Aurica, the duo, which worked in the style of Italian pop music of the 1980s, did not achieve noticeable success, and in 1992 stopped performing.

Discography of Sofia Rotaru:

1972 - Sofia Rotaru
1972 - Sofia Rotaru sings
1972 - Chervona Ruta
1973 - Sofia Rotaru sings
1973 - Ballad of Violins
1974 - Sofia Rotaru
1975 - Sofia Rotaru sings songs of Vladimir Ivasyuk
1977 - Sofia Rotaru
1978 - Sofia Rotaru
1980 - Only for you
1981 - Sofia Rotaru
1981 - Songs from the film "Where are you, love?"
1981 - Sofia Rotaru and "Chervona Ruta"
1982 - Sofia Rotaru
1985 - Gentle melody
1987 - Monologue about love
1987 - Lavanda
1988 - Heart of Gold
1990 - Sofia Rotaru
1991 - Caravan of love
1991 - Romance
1993 - Caravan of love
1993 - Lavender
1995 - Golden Songs 1985/95
1995 - Khutoryanka
1996 - Night of Love
1996 - Chervona Ruta
1998 - Love me
2002 - I still love you
2002 - The Snow Queen
2003 - To the One
2004 - Water flows
2004 - The Sky is Me
2004 - Lavender, Khutoryanka, then everywhere ...
2005 - I loved him
2007 - What is the weather in the heart
2007 - Fog
2008 - I am your love!
2010 - I will not look back
2011 - And my soul flies

Musical TV films of Sofia Rotaru:

1965 - Songs of a Happy Land (documentary)
1966 - Nightingale from the village of Marshintsy
1971 - Chervona Ruta - Oksana
1973 - Dniester melodies
1975 - The song is always with us - singer
1978 - Sophia Rotaru sings
1979 - Musical Detective
1980 - Stars of the Olympic Regatta
1980 - Where are you, love? - Marcela, music teacher
1981 - Ten years later. Chervona Ruta (short)
1981 - Soul - Victoria Viktorovna Svobodina, singer
1985 - Sofia Rotaru invites you
1986 - Monologue about love
1989 - Heart of Gold
1990 - Caravan of love
1991 - One day by the sea
1996 - Old songs about the main thing - foreman-drummer
1997 - 10 songs about Moscow
1998 - Military field romance
2003 - Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro - Marceline
2004 - The Snow Queen- flower fairy
2004 - Sorochinskaya Fair - Gypsy
2006 - 1st Fast - Zina Timofeeva
2006 - Star Vacation - Diva
2007 - Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors - Queen / delegate from Ukraine
2007 - First at home - a woman from TV
2008 - Beauty requires ... - guest of the contest "Miss Housewife"
2008 - gold fish- Spanish
2009 - Little Red Riding Hood - a sorceress