✨ Montserrat Caballe: "In life, anything needs to be refused. Life is the best university in the world."

✨ Montserrat Caballe: "In life, anything needs to be refused. Life is the best university in the world."

Updated on October 6 in one of the hospitals of Barcelona in the 86th year of life. This is reported by EL PAIS Edition. According to the source,

the artist, about the exact causes of death of which has not yet been reported, was in the clinic from mid-September due to problems with a bubble bubble. It is noted that the funeral of the famous singers will be held on Monday, October 8. Farewell to the Cabel will be held on Sunday.

One of the first to condolences in connection with the death of the Opera singer expressed the Prime Minister of Spain. According to him, the creativity of the artist will forever remain in the hearts of grateful listeners

Photo report: Montserrat Cabel died

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"Sad news. The great ambassador of our country died - Montserrat Cabalon recognized internationally. Her voice and tenderness will forever remain with us, "he wrote on Twitter.

Commented on the tragic news and singer.

"The Great Singer will forever remain in our hearts. I regret that I was not familiar with her. I always listened to her very first play, with her youth, appearance on stage. Such voices appear once a hundred years, "said Gverdzitel, admitting that Caballe's departure was surprising for her.

In turn, the artistic director and the Director General of the Mariinsky Theater expressed the opinion that the speeches of the Caballe, dated 60s, 70s and 80s of the last century, asked a very high bar, to conquer the forces not every.

"This is a gold page in the history of opera acting - in the late 60s, in the 70s, in the 80s of the twentieth century.

I think, her then speeches have established a very high bar and she fit into a very small elite group of performers, who in the framework of the "Italian" repertoire established quality standards. And she has written many parties in a timely time - the cornerstles, famous, most important. And with the help of these records we will keep my memory ",

Montserrat Caballe was born in the capital of Catalonia on April 12, 1933. At the end of the Second World War, she studied at the Conservatory under the Barcelonian theater of Liseo. In 1956 he entered the Basel opera, where her repertoire included the roles of longing, Aida, Arabella and Salomones. In the same years, the Caballe began to actively act at the opera houses of European cities, including Milan, Lisbon and Vienna, whereas in the mid-60s struck Mexican students of the Manon party from the Opera eponymous massacre during the tour in America.

At about the same time, Montserrat came to a truly big glory, and helped by the Spanish in this case: she was entrusted to replacing the famous American opera singer (shortly before the release on the stage, she felt ailment) in the party of Lucretia Borgia Opera Gaetano Donizetti, and the Caballe provided a chance.

The overflowing hall of the legendary Carnegie-Hall, where he passed the concert, was so dumbfounded by the talent of the European, which applauded her about half an hour.

In 1965, she also debuted into the Metropolitan Opera, fulfilling the Margarita party in Fauste, whereas already five years later, for the first time he made a famous Milan theater "La Scala", where there was no less success.

Fans of popular music Caballe became widely known in the late 80s, when it was released jointly with a vocalist of the Queen Freddie Mercury group "Barcelona" album. The title song of that record in 1992 was the anthem of the Summer Olympic Games held in the capital of Catalonia.

The opera singer has repeatedly gave concerts on the territory of Russia, where first made himself in 1974, fulfilling the batch of the norm in the Opera eponymous. The last concert of Caballe in Moscow took place in June of this year within the framework of tour dedicated to the anniversary of the artist.

One of the students of Cabel is considered to be the People's Artist of Russia Basque. The opera singer of one of the first noted the talent of the artist and subsequently repeatedly emphasized that Nicholas would have a bright future. Being affected by Basque vocal data, the Spaniard also often acted together with the Russian on the same scene.

In 2015, Caballe was sentenced to Spanish court to six months in prison for fraud - the singer was accused of evasion of taxes. According to the Spanish legislation, the monasterial prison sentence, which recognized his own guilt and paid an impressive cash fine, was conditional, since the performer first made fraud of this kind.

Montserrat Caballe (12.04.1933 - 6.10.2018) - Spanish opera singer (soprano). It was famous, first of all, its technique of Belkanto and the execution of roles in the classic Italian operators of Puccini, Bellini and Donizetti. A huge repertoire (88 roles), about 800 chamber works.


Montserrat Caballe (Sometimes Montserrat, the full name of Maria de Montserrat Vivian Concepcion Caballe and Folk, Cat. Maria De Montserrat Viviana Concepción Cabollé I Folch) was born on April 12, 1933 in Barcelona in the poor family. He studied at the Conservatory at Barcelonian Theater Liseo and graduated from studying in 1954. He arrived in 1956 to the Basel Opera, where the roles of longing, Aida, Arabella and Salomones entered its repertoire.

Between 1956 and 1965, Montserrat Caballe sang in the opera theaters of different cities in Europe - Bremen, Milan, Vienna, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bLisbon, and also performed in Mexico City in 1964 by the Manon Party in the Opera Massone. International fame came to the Caballe in 1965, when, in connection with the illness of Marilyn Horn, she replaced the American singer in the party of the Lucretza of Borgia in the Opera Opera Gaetano Donizetti (concert performance in Carnegie Hall). Triumph Caballe was so great that the audience arranged a singer 20-minute ovation.

Newspaper "New York Times" by calling the review "Callas + Tebaldi \u003d Kabal" wrote:

"Miss Kabala was enough to sing the first romance ... And it became clear that she not only possesses a clean and beautiful voice, but also perfectly owns vocal skill ... She can soar on Pianissimo in the highest register, fully controlling every note, and with the highest volume, the voice is not Loses clarity and accuracy of contour ... "

The newspaper "Gerald Tribune" also wrote:

"No pre-advertising might anticipate the exclusiveness of the impression that this fabulous woman seemed to be descended from the canvases of Goya, made an audience already spoiled with such stars as Callas and Sutherland. When the cable sang his first Aria ... Something has changed in the atmosphere. For a second it seemed that people stopped breathing ... ".

In the same 1965, Caballe at the personal invitation of Rudolf Binga debuted in the New York Metropolitan-Opera, where he performed the Margarita Party in Faust. After that, performed on the Metropolitan-Opera stage until 1988. Among the best parties performed on the scene of the famous theater: Louise in "Louise Miller", Leonora in Trubadur, Violetta in the "TRAVIATE", Dzemmemon in Othello, Aida, the norm in the Opera Opera Vincenzo Bellini.

On January 24, 1970, he was debuted at the La Scala Theater also in the party of Lucretia of Borgia. In subsequent years, Maria Stewart, Norma, Louise Miller, Anna Boleyn, performed in the "La Scala" theater in the "La Rock" theater.

In the 1970s, first came to the USSR for the first time, he met the relatives of the family members of her mother's family, who in the 1930s during the Civil War in Spain were emigrated to the Soviet Union.

Since 1972, he spent on the "Covent Garden" stage in London (debut in Violetti's party in Trestiate).

Creative career Caballe lasted 50 years. She spoke around the world with such masters of the Opera Scene, like Luciano Pavarotti and Placido Domingo, fulfilling almost 90 roles and about 800 chamber works. The singer received international recognition through the beauty of her voice and dramatic reading roles. Her fans called her La Superba - "excellent".

The outstanding vocal achievements of the Caballe include:
  • the party is the norm in the Opera Opera Vincenzo Bellini - video from the Ancient Roman theater in the city of Orange, taken on July 20, 1974; Also, 3 performances "Norma" as part of the tour "La Scala" tour in Moscow in the summer of 1974, where Caballe had a huge success (the central television of the USSR) was carried out);
  • party Imogen in Opere Vincenzo Bellini "Pirate" - a party from the repertoire of the Belkanto epoch and, according to the Caballe itself, the most difficult in its repertoire for the whole career; Writing on the broadcast from Florence from the Florentine Music Festival (June 1967);
  • the party of Queen Elizabeth in the opera Gaetano Donizetti "Roberto Deviro" - Caballe performed it repeatedly and in different periods of his career; In particular, a broadcast record from New York is made on December 16, 1965 (concert performance in Karnegie-Hall);
  • leonora's party in Troubadour Giuseppe Verdi - a broadcast entry from Florence in December 1968, Conductor Thomas Schippers; Also, a video of 1972 from Orange, where Montserrat Caballe performed with Irina Archkova.

Lovers of rock music are known for a joint album with a vocalist of the Queen Freddie Mercury - Barcelona (1988). The title song dedicated to the native city of Caballe - Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbecame one of the two official songs of the Summer Olympic Games of 1992, held in the capital of Catalonia. The song was planned to submit to the public performed by Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballe, but in November 1991, the singer died, and the song sounded in the record.

In 1997, with the Swiss Rock Group Gotthard, the ONE Life One Soul rock ballad was recorded.

In November 2000, he participated in the charity concert-shares of the World Art Foundation "Stars of the World - Children", held in Moscow.

On June 4, 2013, during his visit to Armenia, the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic visited the Caballe. President Bako Sahakyan accepted an opera singer. Caballe's arrival in Karabakh caused dissatisfaction from Azerbaijan, as its authorities view the NKR as an occupied territory. In connection with the trip Caballe in the NKR, the Azerbaijani Embassy presented a protest note by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain. In the note it was stated that the Caballe would not receive an Azerbaijani visa, as it becomes a person of non grants. On June 8, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan signed a decree on the award of the Caballe to the Order of Honor.

Tax scandal

In December 2015, the court of Spanish city of Barcelona sentenced Montserrat Caballe to six months in prison for fraud. The singer was accused of tax evasion as an individual in 2010 in the Spanish treasury. Caballe was formally listed by the resident of Andorra, which allowed her not to pay taxes in Spain. However, the prosecutor's office found that the singer used his allegedly "accommodation" in Andorra with the sole purpose - to avoid paying taxes, although herself constantly lived in Barcelona.

The punishment of the Cabel was serving conditionally. The singer acknowledged her guilt - in the meeting room she personally was not present, and the testimony gave a video call, referring to a bad state of health. In addition, 82-year-old Caballe was supposed to pay a fine of 254,231 euros. The singer was also unable to receive state assistance for one and a half years and should have been paid 72 thousand euros as interest for overdue payments.


In 1964, she married Bernabe Marti. In 1966, the son of Bernabe was born, in 1972 - Montserrat daughter.

Health and death

In January 2002, Kaballe reported to journalists that at the time of its last performance on the opera stage in Covent Garden in 1992, the doctors declared her that she was incurably sick with cancer and live her year or two. Kabalon offered an urgent surgery, but she refused. After a special course of treatment, the singer became better, she again "I wanted to live and sing." Nevertheless, doctors advised the Caballe to not expose themselves with stress, but on the opera stage, according to her, she is very worried and worried. That is why the singer decided to confine themselves to solo performances. In 2002, after a 10-year break, she returned to the stage and performed at the Opera House "Liseo" in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin the role of Ekaterina Aragonskaya in Saint-San San Sansa "Heinrich VIII".

For the past ten years, the Cabel moved with crutches or a wheelchair. After a car accident in 2002, she had problems with their feet.

In June 2010, during the concert, the Caballe fell and seriously damaged left knee, after the injury gained, she was under treatment for a long time.

On October 17, 2012, on the eve of the concert in Yekaterinburg, Kabalé fainted in his room in Atrium Palace Hotel and, falling, broke his hand, was delivered to the regional hospital, where the doctors diagnosed microinsult and shoulder damage. However, she refused hospitalization in Russia and chose to return to Barcelona. On October 20, it was placed in the Department of Intensive Therapy of the São Pau Hospital in Barcelona. Due to illness, she had to cancel a number of concerts.

In mid-September 2018, she was hospitalized in one of the hospitals of Barcelona due to problems with a bull or bladder.

The hospital representative told the Associated Press agency that the cause of the death of the opera star was not published at the request of the family Montserrat Caballe.

On October 7, a farewell ceremony will take place in the center of the funeral rituals. The funeral will be held on October 8.

Awards and titles

1966 - Orbella Catholic degree of the Lady
1975 - Order of Alfonso X of the wise degree of the Cavaller of the Big Cross
1988 - Medal "For Merit of Tourism"

1966 - Gold Medal of the Bolshoi Theater "Liseo"
1988 - National Music Prize
1973 - Gold medal "For merits in elegant arts"
1982 - Golden Semal Catalonia Medal
1991 - Prince Asturian Prize in Art
1999 - Department of Honorary Dr. Polytechnic University of Valencia
2002 - Prize "Opera Actual"
2003 - National Catalonia Prize in Music
2004 - Music Honor Award
2008 - degree of honorary doctor of the International University of Menendes Pelaio
2010 - Department of Honorary Dr. Barcelona University
2013 - International Madrid Medal in the field of arts
2017 - Gold Medal of the Royal Art Mug of Barcelona

1986 - Order of the Arts and Literature of the degree of Commander (France)
1997 - Order of Friendship (Russia)
2003 - Order "For merits to the Federal Republic of Germany" Degree of Cavaller Commander Cross (Germany)
2005 - Order of the Honor Legion Degree of Cavaller (France)
2006 - Order of Princess Olga I degree (Ukraine)
2009 - Order "For merits to the Italian Republic" Degree of Cavallar of the Big Cross (Italy)
2013 - Order of Honor (Armenia)

1968 - Grammy Prize in the category "Best Classic Vocal Solo Performance" - "Rossini: Rarities" (USA)
1974 - Grammy Prize in the category "Best Opera Record" - "Puccini: La Boheme" (USA)
1975 - Grammy Prize in the "Best Opera Record" category - "Mozart: Cosi Fan Tutte" (USA)
1994 - the title of "Ambassador of Good Will UNESCO" (UN)
1996 - Echo Klassik Prize in the category "Singer of the Year" - "Hijo de La Luna" (Germany)
2000 - degree of honorary doctor of Russian Chemical Technology University (Russia)
2000 - Echo Klassik Prize in the Special Prize category (Germany)
2007 - Echo Klassik Prize in the "Life Achievements" category (Germany)
2007 - Gremmy Prize in the category "Best Classic Album" - "La Canción Romántica Española" (USA)
2007 - Honorary title "Kammamezenger" of the Vienna State Opera (Austria)
2007 - Gramophone Award in the field of classical music in the category "Life achievements" (United Kingdom)
2013 - Introduction to the Glory Hall of Glory "Gramophone" (United Kingdom)

Spanish opera singer (soprano) Montserrat Caballe (full name Maria de Montserrat Vivian Concepcion Caballe and Folk, Cat. Maria De Montserrat Viviana Concepcion Caballe I Folch) was born in Barcelona on April 12, 1933.

The name of the future singer was given in honor of the local sacred mountain, where there is a monastery called the name of Our Lady, which Catalans call the Holy Maria Montserrat.

In 1954, Montserrat Caballe graduated with honors from the Philharmonic dramatic lyceum of Barcelona. During his studies, she helped the family, which was in a complex material situation, and worked as a saleswoman, a cruising, seamstress, while studying English and French.

Thanks to the patronage of the Family Family, Beltern Mata Montserrat was able to pay training in Barcelona Lyceum, and then this family recommended the singer to go to Italy by paying all expenses.

In Italy, Montserrat Caballe took on the Maggio Fiorentino theater (Florence).

In 1956, she became the soloist of the Opera House of Basel (Switzerland).

In 1956-1965, Montserrat Caballe sang in Opera theaters in Milan, Vienna, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bLisbon. There she performed many parties in the operations of different eras and styles.

In 1959, Caballe entered the Bremen Opera House Toroupe (Germany).

In 1962, the singer returned to Barcelona and made his debut in Arabelle, Richard Strauss.

International recognition came to Montserrat Caballe in 1965, when she replaced the American singer Marilyn Horn in the Lucreta party of Borgia in New York Carnegie Hall. Her speech was the sensation in the world of the Opera. The hall applauded an unfamiliar singer for 20 minutes.

In the same 1965, Kaballe performed at the Gronborn Festival and made his debut in the Metro Opera, and since 1969 he repeatedly sang in La Scala. Montserrat's voice sounded in London Covent Gardena, Paris Grand Opera, Vienna State Opera.

In 1970, on the stage "La Scala", Montserrat Caballe sang one of the best of his batches of the norm from the opera "Norma" Vincenzo Bellini. In 1974, the singer toured from La Scala in Moscow with the Opera "Norma".

Speeches Montserrat passed with such conductions as Leonard Bernstein, Herbert Von Karaians, James Livane, Zubin Meta, George Solty, and also with famous singers Jose Carreras, Placido Domingo, Merilin Horn, Alfredo Kraus and Luciano Pavarotti.

She sang in such historic places as the Kremlin's Big Column Hall, the White House in Washington, the Auditorium of the UN General Assembly in New York, the hall of the people in Beijing.

Montserrat Cable of Virtuoso Singing Belkanto.

In the repertoire of the singer - the opera of the composites of Verdi, Donizetti, Rossini, Bellini, Tchaikovsky and others. It performed about 125 opera parties, more than 1,00 disks were released.

Montserrat Caballe was known not only as an opera singer. In 1988, she together with Rock Musican, the leader of the Queen group Freddie Mercury recorded the album "Barcelona". The Barcelona Song, created to the 1992 Olympic Games, eventually became a symbol of Barcelona and the entire Catalonia.

Also Montserrat collaborated with the Greek composer, the performer of electronic music Wangelis in two musical works (March with Me and Like A Dream), which entered her album "Friends for life", where she sang a duet with various famous pop Stars, including Johnny Holiday and Lisa Nilsson.

Caballe is one of the few opera singers whose pop records hit the charts.

The singer actively engaged in charity. She was an honorary ambassador of the UN and the goodwill ambassador of UNESCO. I established a fund for helping sick children under the auspices of UNESCO.

His 60th anniversary Montserrat Caballe noted a concert in Paris, the entire collection of which went to the World AIDS Research Fund.

In 2000, she took part in a Moscow charitable concert in the framework of the international program "Stars of the World - Children", organized to help gifted children with disabilities. She gave charitable concerts in support of the Dalai Lama, as well as José Carreras, when he began to have health problems.

Maria de Montserrat Vivian Concepcion Caballe and Folk - famous for the whole world of Spanish opera singer, vocal teacher, mother of two children

Date of Birth: April 12, 1933
Place of Birth: Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain
Zodiac sign: Aries

"Music is magic. The one who was lucky to live with her, experiencing something unusual. When you hear a melody for the first time, you work in a way, you sit behind the piano and you begin to play, you suddenly feel that the music penetrates blood, goes throughout the body. This is not just a second flash. Enjoying music is the best thing to be in life. "

Biography Montserrat Cabel

The city in which the famous singer was born - Barcelona. Father often took a little montserrat for walking along the seafront. The sea is their common passion. She had wonderful parents who taught her and brother to survive in difficult conditions.

In the house of a worker and a suitable worker - Montserrat's parents, music has always sounded. And Little Montserrat also sang at the Christmas evenings of Aria from the Opera "Madame Butterfly" Gacomo Puccini, who heard many times. She sang without words or repeated one line: "On a clear day, desired, desirable, desired." It was then that she understood that he wanted to do the music.

Caballe was a conservatory student at the Liso Theater in Barcelona. In the first eight months, she with other students engaged only at physical education - the teacher wanted to develop them in physical and musically, so that they could easily remove the sound.

In difficult times, when the money was not enough, the Caballe found a job that she never previously served - she had to cut the cloth cloth. He worked with people who provided her with all sorts of support, because it was very sorry. She went to quit his studies due to a difficult financial situation, but she continued to work. However, the Family of Mata Mattles came to the help of a talented girl, and Caballe graduated from studying in 1954.

She was 23 years old (in 1956), when she first reached the stage of the Opera House in Switzerland, in Basel. There, the whole family moved from Barcelona. Colleagues in her all helped, in the theater was a strong, friendly team. For example, since the Caballe did not know the German language, the staff translated their role to Spanish.

Then she went to the musical heart of Europe - to Germany. In the Bremen Opera, she was offered a role, she began to rehearse the operas of Giuseppe Verdi "Traviata" and "Troubadura". It was a new school. Caballe learned a large repertoire during this period and received the base not only in a technical, but also musically. True, at that time she was thinking about getting away from the profession, but she was convicted by Brother Carlos. By the way, it was Carlos Kabalon who opened the world José Carreras.

On the scene of the Lisovo Theater in Barcelona Kabalé returned only in 1962 with the "Arabel" Strauss.

The world found out about the Caballe in 1965, when she replaced the American singer Marilyn Horn in the Lucreta party of Borgia in the Opera Gaetano Diazetti. Horn was pregnant, so the leadership of Carnegie Hall was decided to invite Caballe. Her execution so delighted the public that the Caballe was not released from the stage 20 minutes and the dive applause. Horn herself recalled this triumph:

"It was one of the most brilliant luck. She took New York Sturm! Not everyone is under force, especially in this country. "

In 1965, Caballe invites to sing the party of Margarita in Fauste. On this scene, Carnegie Hall Montserrat once again performed until 1988.

On January 24, 1970, the singer made his debut in the theater "La Scala", in the already familiar party of Lucretza Borgia. In subsequent years, Maria Stewart, Norma, Louise Miller, Anna Boleyn, performed in the "La Scala" theater in the "La Rock" theater.

Spanish Opera Singer Placido Domingo About Montserrat Caballe:

"I watched the play Montserrat in La Scala. It was an unforgettable "norm", which entered the history of this theater. I saw the reaction of the public after the Aria "Casta Diva". It was not only on the "norm", but also on other performances: the hall applauded standing about 40 minutes after the weekend of the norm. "

"We worked together for several years and every time we committed some kind of discovery. And everything around us was filled with magic. "

In 1972, the artistic director of the London Opera Denny Davis asked the singer to take part in the play "Lucretia of Borgia". Most of the Cabel disks are recorded in London. She took part in several performances immediately: these were the terms of the contract.

In 1987, a significant event occurred, which changed the attitude of the whole world to opera classic music. It was a duet of two great people: Opera singers Caballe and Rock-singer Freddie Mercury with the composition of Barcelona.

In November 2000, Kaballe was invited to Moscow to participate in the charity concert-shares of the World Art Foundation "The Stars of the World - Children."

Indian conductor Zubin Meta about Montserrat Caballe:

"Montserrat asked me and many other singers, such as Plasido Domingo, the plank, the level that is very difficult to achieve."

Personal life

In 1964, Caballe became the wife of the Spanish Opera Singer Bernabe Marty, with whom he first kissed on stage in Opera Madame Batterfly. Montserrat listened to:

"I probably, the only Madame Batterfly, who still married Pinketon."

"I will never forget the feeling of happiness that I experienced on the wedding day."

They were much more than her husband and wife, they were friends and colleagues. Two years after the wedding, the son of Bernabe was born, and in 1972 - Montserrat daughter.

Almost all the life of the singer was devoted to work. The husband remembers the old days:

"I know how she worried about how she wanted to be for some time next to the children after work, but this is our profession: we must be the best in it."