The cords gave money to grandmother. Sergey Shnurov bought a Bryansk grandmother living in a dilapidated stable, two-bedroom apartment

The cords gave money to grandmother. Sergey Shnurov bought a Bryansk grandmother living in a dilapidated stable, two-bedroom apartment
The cords gave money to grandmother. Sergey Shnurov bought a Bryansk grandmother living in a dilapidated stable, two-bedroom apartment

The Bryansk pensioner Nina Makeev lived for almost 30 years in the stable. And the other day I bought an apartment for 500 thousand rubles. For this money in the village of Lopandino Komarichsky district of the Bryansk region, it is possible to afford even a two-room area of \u200b\u200b46 square meters.

Where does the money come from?

Nina Dmitrievna walked around all the thresholds of district administrations with a request to relocate it from the Old Unwitted Room of the Construction of the XIX century. In response, she was delivered only to move from the stable to the old school. Familiar advised grandmother to contact television. And on October 16, Nina Dmitrievna, Nina Dmitrievna, on the air of the Mens and Women's program, spoke about his trouble in the whole country.

In the studio of the program, Bryansk officials again told the same thing, they say, help a 79-year-old pensioner can, only resetting it from the old stable into the old school. Of course, they did not show a special interest in the fate of Nina Dmitrievna. What you can not say about the investigative committee and a certain famous musician. Investigators organized an inspection, and the musician donated 500 thousand rubles a pensioner.

Mysterious patrons

At first, the name of this good person was hidden. But as it became known "Bryansktoday", the apartment for Nina Makeeva paid a famous musician, poet, artist and just a good man Sergey Shnurov. This he, having learned under what conditions a pensioner lives, helped a 79-year-old woman to move from a cold wind stable to a warm apartment with all amenities.

But the musician himself relocates grandmother from the stables in the apartment does not comment. Just as his spokesman.

"We will not talk about this," Leningrad guitarist and the representative of the Shnurus Dmitry Guguchkin cut off.

Not for the first time

However, this is not a debut of the cord-a benefactor. In May of this year, Sergey, together with Alexander Kerzhakov, Mikhail Boyarsky, Evgenia Plushenko and other celebrities took part in a charitable photociety dedicated to people with Down syndrome.

And for the last new year, Sergey sent an absolutely unfamiliar to the resident of Perm Guitar as a gift on the 50th anniversary - along with a good case and autograph. Just about this asked for an "instagram" daughter of a resident of Perm, and the cords like that, it was easily fulfilled her request and executed a man's dream.

In addition, the cords advocate for the extension of homeless cats and asks people to not buy these cute Murlyk, and take them in the cafe "Republic of the cats". And even redid chorus his hit "Ch.p.x.": "If the cat wants, take it - pure Peter!".

What is close to Vladimir Putin businessmen again transferred (that is, they sold or presented) expensive property Anna Zatzainina, which "First Channel" had previously identified as a grandmother of the Olympic champion and the ex-deputy of the State Duma from United Russia Alina Kabayeva. The spectrum remembered when, in the news, the name of the relative of the famous gymnasts appeared and in connection with which property acquisitions.

In the investigation of an independent TV channel we are talking about two Moscow apartments with a total area of \u200b\u200b601 square meters. The meter located in the house at Arbat, 18, and the apartment in St. Petersburg on the Maenny Embankment, 3, directly opposite the Hare Islands with Petropavlovsk Freight.

According to the publication, in December 2015, the property was reissued in favor of hooking former shareholders of the GUNVOR oil referring Gennady Timchenko and Peter Colbin.

It is worth saying that because "rain" relies on extracts from a single state register of rights to immovable property (EGRP), with confidence you can only talk about the fact that these operations made the complete names of those mentioned. Their consistency of real people is a journalistic assumption. According to the documents it is known only that people with such names participated in the transactions, but the version of the coincidence is still extremely unlikely.

Other materials

The usual Bryansk pensioner acquired a new apartment worth half a million rubles. Before that, Nina Makeev lived for almost 30 years on the stable.

The woman from the village of Vopadino Komarich district of the Bryansk region, and for this money there you can buy a two-room apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b46 square meters. Where did the funds come from?

The unheated building of the XIX century is the place in which Nina Makeyev lived in recent years. Regularly the pensioner has crossed the thresholds of district administrations and asked to take her place to live. 79-year-old Nina Dmitrievna Highness gave work at the local state farm, but in old age left without a home. Everything that she was able to offer is the classroom in the old school.

Then Nina on the advice of not indifferent people turned to television. Her story interested in the program "Male and Women's", which was broadcast on October 16. Now you can see the entry on YouTube on how a woman tells about their difficulties in the whole country.

Even in the studio of the program, Bryansk officials did not decide anything new pensioner and did not demonstrate a special interest in her fate. But this was done by the Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation and one famous musician. Investigators organized an inspection, and the musician sacrificed Nina Dmitrievna 500 thousand rubles.

Sergey Shnurov, rock musician, film actor, TV host and artist, leader of the Leningrad group turned out to be a mysterious patory. Just the human act, the gesture of the broad soul. It seemed to him that an elderly woman deserved to live in normal conditions, and he organized them. But modestly and wisely comment on the act refused.

"We will not talk about this," the Leningrad guitarist and the representative of the Shnurus Dmitry Guguchkin.

The cords are not the first time acting as a benefactor. This year he took part in the star charity photocrust, which was devoted to people with Down syndrome.

There were amusing cases. For example, as a gift for the New Year for an unknown man from Perm, the cords acquired a guitar just because his daughter wrote in Instagram that the father, who, in addition to the 50th anniversary, dreams of a tool with an autograph musician.

Sergey also bothers the fate of homeless cats, and he asks people to not buy animals, and take the Republic of Kotov in the cafe. He even redoned the chorus of his hit "Ch.p.x.": "If the cat wants, then take it - pure Peter!" The action, however, is valid only for local residents.