Concert scenario on March 8 in DC. Scenario of the concert program "March 8-day special

Concert scenario on March 8 in DC. Scenario of the concert program "March 8-day special

"Gentlemen congratulate" written for college students, but can be the basis for or individual episodes for him. The script is written for congratulations to girls, is saturated with concert numbers, humorous moments and compliments of the convicts of the celebration.

Introduction to the concert program "Gentlemen congratulate"

Music beep sounds from the film "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson".
Leading - a gentlemen team in tuxedo and butterflies (or symbolic white scarves).

1st gentleman:
Still snow whiten in the fields
And hidden on ice river depth,
But winter leaves in all calendars
We are cut off ... Spring came to the country!

2nd gentleman:
And you noticed
Something with people occurs in the spring?
Women are all unusual steel -
Nice, gentle, all to one!

Cute women, what happened?
Maybe the strong floor hint:
They say, on a par, I worked with you,
Want to be a weak to stay at least a day? ..

3rd gentleman:
And men inspired by
Pride in posture, confident look.
Knight wakes up in each of them,
Forky poet and fearless soldier.

He in stores goes to breakthroughs,
In the queues he storms flowers,
Like a sapper, despite the explosions,
Bridges bring to heart.

4th gentleman:
In March, the apartment becomes paradise:
World ... silence ... knock of consonant hearts ...
Husband, like Stirlitz, words picks up:
You will say something wrong and ... the end!

In March, the eighth, the man is hardly
Women's some kind of caprice will not take into account.
It can be seen, attention so owed,
What makes settlements for the year.

5th gentleman:
Even the scholarship is in a hurry ...
In March, the eighth it happens!
This is a short matriarch
So the men have a beneficial effect!

We are not clear yet, what is the secret?
Cute women, we wish you -
Be so in April and May,
Now, tomorrow, and a thousand years!

6th gentleman:
Be so! And, it can happen
From this day and for the years in a row
In every man there will be a knight,
Forky poet and fearless soldier!

7th gentleman:
Grandmothers, sisters, girls, mothers,
Everyone who has a spring holiday is dedicated
Knights Your - Men Programs -
Gate congratulations and low bow!

6th gentleman:
It is known that the Russian language is great and mighty, but it is still difficult, it is incredibly difficult to find those words that would express the best to love and respect for you, cute girls.
7th gentleman:Inventions, cooked, records - all on the shoulder of our women! We know what responsibility lies on fragile shoulders: after all, more than half of all workers in our country are women!
6th gentleman:
True, in recent times, more and more often, they offer to free women from work - let them say, they will have on March 8 all year round.
7th gentleman:
Imagine? Men work every day, the children are nurse, the cows do, manicure do, dinner cook.
6th gentleman:
No, such a picture even imagine is not possible! Do you ever agree with such a proposal someday? I think never. Not like that of your character to stay out.
7th gentleman: Our mothers, girls, wives, sisters, our beautiful and affectionate, attentive and smart! We, men, Lowly we bow to your patience and give your heart. (Bow.)

The song "My Heart" is executed.

1st gentleman:
The "Atelier of Good Mood" offers you the following type of service - a win-win lottery. Playing: Pink glasses and blue stockings, Drying numbers and lime business, a fly spoon and a lean egg, sewed in a bag and a needle in a haystack, a long box and a lying stone, the skin of an unborn bear and a sleeve from a vest, holes from the bubble, last year's snow.

2nd gentleman:
The first win is getting (such a number) - this is what the girl's in love marks his fan (pomade).

Other prizes:

1st gentleman:
"Love Indicator" (pack of salt
- "Means from a cold" (handkerchief), Initial price ...
- "weightloss remedy" (rope) ...
- A remedy for dandruff (shampoo)...
- Phillips vacuum cleaner (broom)...
- "means of attracting a beautiful floor" (bouquet)… etc.

2nd gentleman:
Sir, it doesn't seem to you that our guests were buried, it's time to declare the next number.
1st gentleman:
On the scene ... Meet!


2nd gentleman:
Gentlemen. A note came from the hall (pulls out notes). "Vasya, I love you. Mix my hand. 4 row. 12th place. " Sorry, not that. But: "Vasya, do not forget to buy bread, milk and three dozen eggs." No no. This is not again. Here!
1st gentleman:"Gentlemen, be alert. Girls are already behind the scenes. " Well, let's see what kind of girls it is.

Scene is played.

3rd gentleman:Sir, I read yesterday in the newspaper that the mood, according to scientists, has its own color, your shade. If a person is excited - he has a mood of red, purple, scarlet color. If calm is blue, purple color. And if the next issue of our concert is waiting - what do you think, what color is his mood?
4th gentleman:
Well, I do not know. Maybe ask our viewers (Answers from the Hall).
3rd gentleman:I hope that among us there is not a single person who has a black mood. So let's get all the colors of your moods in one big colorful rainbow. In the rainbow good mood. And so that my words do not disperse with the case, I invite to the scene ...

(Music number.)

5th gentleman: You know, Sir, that before the pop songs were called serenades. How they sang, you probably know. The young man at midnight came under the balcony to the lover and at the light of the moon sang her about his love. She, as the tradition demanded that the tradition, pulled out a flower out of a pot and threw it his beloved. In my opinion, fine.
6th gentleman: And if it came to this day! Imagine? He comes at midnight for a balcony of a sixteen-storey house, behind his back is a rock band that performs rock serenade. Applause will definitely not be. Well, the flowers will probably fly, only with the pots ... from the beloved neighbors. I think that the next composition (dance) will not cause you a similar reaction.
7th gentleman:I want to congratulate our women teachers. Let them work with us hardly, let them not always be good at home, but it is on this day that let your concerns and anxieties leave you.

1st gentleman:
Star falls from heaven,
And birds fly to the edge of distant,
But with you remains forever
Light women, beautiful and high.
7th gentleman:
From the heart to heart, from dreams to a dream,
Light women pave the way invisible,
Open only by eternal kindness
And truth, and love is unique ...
1st gentleman:
Sparkle dews, melt clouds,
Comes a new day usually
And the universe is glowing while
Women's light Welcoming in the Universe!
2nd gentleman:
In short, but such a beautiful day women are dedicated to the poems that are talking about love and loyalty. Poets and artists are famous for a woman, whose name is a mother whose name is love, whose presenlation is to give life, repelling and dream!
3rd gentleman:And we join poets and artists and pitying our girls. For you, cute, gentle, our beloved ...
4th gentleman: The ringing of the guitar, the violin sound, on the steppes fires and knock. Song, dance Zalijatsky, here on stage he is Gypsy.

Executed dance. On stage, all the presenters and speakers.

5th gentleman:On this our evening ends. And we say again: with the holiday you, cute women! And let you do not leave patience, which you need everyone now.
6th gentleman:Let your kindness bring warm in the heart of the people around you. Let music, music of love and kindness always sound in your house.
7th gentleman:And let everyone admire your beauty. After all, you are the most beautiful thing that is. You are the most beautiful, gentle and discerned flower in the world.
Bye! To new meetings!

Curtain is closed. Sounds the melody of "air corn". The curtain opens. On the stage, when the light is turned off, the gaming drum is blurred. Because of him, the leading - the girl and the young man, dressed in the costumes of the 80s. Passing by the drum, the young man launches it. Moving to the forefront, leading sing:

The drum rotates

And the Earth rotates.

Cute women's holiday to us

Returns again.

Familiar theme

We decided to take together.

On the fact that

To open us "Ah, Lotto!"

Girl(on the background of music). Today is the circulation!

Young man. First circulation!

Girl. New circulation!

Together.Circulation "Ah, Lotto!"


Not cars, not moto -

Circulation where someone can

Sing, say

Wash anything.

Girl. And yet, probably, do not everyone understand what is "ah, lotto!"

Young man. Why? After all, what is "Sportloto" known?

Girl. Yes!

Junior. Well, what is "ah, lotto!" You can just guess.

Girl. "Ah" is just ah! And "Lotto" is just a lotto - a well-known game.

Junior. And once this game, let's play!

Music sounds "Drum rotates ...". Because of the scene, seven girls in the same costumes with huge multi-colored balls come to the scene. On each meter it is written in one letter: "A", "X", "L", "O", "T", "O", "!". On the back of the balls are attached figures from 1 to 6. Girls are dancing.

Leading (sing).

The drum rotates

And the Earth rotates.

Maybe we are therefore

The holiday is returned.

That's so, that's what -

Play all the hunt ...

On that

And the lotto is invented.

On that

There is "ah, lotto!"

On the last lines of the girl are built into the same line, making up the audience on the balls with "Ah, Lotto!".

Junior (referring to the lead). It seems to me that we are with you only aham around our lotto!

As if we were not told: "This is" ah, lotto! " Not ah! "

Girl. Well, enough to squeeze!

Young man. But once this lotto, it must necessarily play something.

Girl. Of course!

Junior. Sportloto play certain types of sports ...

Girl. And in "Ah, Lotto!" We will play songs, dancing, congratulations, surprises and much more ... A young man. ... for our lovely women!

Sound applause.

Young man. Of course, dear guests, in our lotto there are no cash wins ...

Girl.Because, as you know, not in the money happiness.

Young man. What will be the winner in this case?

Girl.Good smiles, joyful faces, good mood!

Junior. And what then do we all get everything?

Girl. Let's hope for applause! And this is quite a lot!

Young man. Then let's start the draw?

Together. Let's start!

Sounds the melody of "air corn".

Presenters are sent to drum.

Girls with balls leave the scene. Leading spin drum, take out balls, for example, a young man - red, a girl is blue.

In each ball, the cards should be in advance with the indication of a certain song, dance, congratulations, etc. - depending on which concert numbers suggest to include in this concert organizers of the holiday.

Junior(referring to the lead). What fell to you?

Girl (reads a card). Song performed by the group (name). And you?

Junior (reads a card). Dance ... (name)

Girl. Well, well, dear friends, we are glad to delight you! All these numbers will be executed now for you.

Performed song and dance.

Girl. Today in the program of our glory we want women the most beautiful, those whom we love and honor.

Young man.

We wish you in this holiday

Live with smile, blossom.

Look always beautiful

So that the eye does not take!

Spectator applause sounds.

Leading performed by a duet song.

Girl. We continue our draw and get the following balls.

Against the background of the "Air Corn" music, the leading balls get balls from the drum.

Junior (opening a card). "Congratulations to the head of the N-Sky District County ... (F. I. O. Heads).

Girl. And I have - "Congratulations to the deputy of the city Duma of the N-Sky Downtown ... (F. I. O.). Dear ... and ... (F. I. O. Heads and deputies)!

We invite you to the scene.

Congratulations to chapters and deputies.

Girl. Thank you!

Performed song without ad.

Young man. Congratulations of men continues the soloist of the vocal group ... (name of the group and I. F. Solist).

Performed song.

The melody of the introductory song sounds.

Playing balls, girls appear on the stage.

They are singing:

The drum rotates

And the Earth rotates.

Raffle medium viewers

In the hall begins.

That's so, that's what

Play all the hunt ...

On that

And invented lotto,

On that

There is "ah, lotto!"

Junior(referring to the lead). Pay attention to these balls. As you already know, there are only seven. Six of them are directly related to our expensive guests. Do not trust? Let's check! Girl. Dear friends! You call any number from one to six, and I will try to explain what it relates to all of us.


Young man.So that it does not arise confusion, we will do this: the girls standing next to me will alternately throw the ball to someone from the audience. He catches him, calls the number and returns the ball to us. And I give an explanation. Clear? Then try!

Any music sounds background. The first three girls with numbers 1,3,5 throw balls into the hall.

Some of the audience catches them and calls numbers.

Leads give explanations to numbers.

Young man. Thanks to the number of three, we will introduce you, dear friends, with amazing women for whom this number has become happy.

Meet - (F. I. O. Gosti) - Head of Minors Department, Senior Militia Lieutenant, which has three stars on the chains.

Sound applause.

Young man. (F. I. O. Gosti) - Chief Doctor of the Central District Hospital, which has three types of education: Higher medical, higher legal and graduate school.

Sound applause.

Junior. Dear women! We ask you to get up. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday and hand these wonderful gifts!

Leading represent women in the hall, one of which has three higher education, and the other - three stars on the chains. Young men hand over these women gifts.

Spectators are applauding

Girl. You called the figure five. Everything is simple here. Among the guests present at the festival, we congratulate the heart (F. I. O. Gosti) - the head of the organizational and legal department of the administration of the N-district urban district, which received a red diploma, who graduated with honors from the Pedagogical University of the city (name).

Sound applause.

Junior. Dear (I. O. Guest) \\ Let this number and will continue to be happy for you! Take this memorable gift from us!

Any music sounds background. Young woman hands a gift. Applause of viewers.

Young man. About the figure one can speak infinitely. With it, we associate all the events that happen to us for the first time in life: the first love, the first flowers, the first recognition.

But there are women in our life, who are also the only. The only woman in the administration of the N-district urban district and among the deputy heads - (F. I. O. Guest). We welcome her in this room!

Happy Spring Holidays You, (I. O. Guest)

Sound applause. Gift delivery.

Girl. But if you turn to the calendar, the holiday of March 8 is also the only one, and we celebrate it once a year.

Junior (on the background of music). Cute women.

Let it be light!

Let the sadness go

Dreams will come true

Let them bring joy

Blue winds

And the smiles are given

People and flowers!

Music sounds. Girls with balls leave the scene.

Song without ad. At the end of the room, any music sounds. On the stage, girls with balls come out.

Girl. And again we launch the balls into the hall! Dear guests! I remind you that having caught the ball, you must call us his number.

Against the background of the melody, the girls throw balls with numbers 2, 4, 6 into the hall.

Young man. Two numbers for any woman welcome. After all, each of them dreams to be next to her there was a second half. Well, and if twins are born from a happy marriage, then the woman is doubly.

Girl. Welcome! Before you happy mom - (F. I. O. Guest), having two daughters. We congratulate you, (I. O. Guest), with double happiness and the holiday of Spring!

Gift delivery. Applause of viewers.

Junior. Four digit! This year, she increased the circle of admirers and fans of a talented, charming and pretty girl who developed and crossed the four collections of original costumes!

Girl. Fashion always steps next to us,

Somewhere serious, somewhere ridiculous.

Fashion in affairs and actions, but before - the main fashion is a fashion in clothes.

Junior. (I. F. Guest) - fashion designer of creativity! We are proud of your success and wish you creative flights!

Gift delivery. Applause.

Girl. Dear friends! We offer you the last squeak of fashion created by the hands of this amazing wizard.

Girls with balls leave the scene. The fashion theater begins showing the "Paradise birds" collection.

Young man. Figure six!

Girl. Six numbers need to be guessing in "Sporto" to win 100 thousand. We agreed: so that at least something our lotto was distinguished from Sportloto, we will not play money today, and we will play concert numbers.

Sounds "Air Corn". The leading drum cool, get two balls from it and declare two songs.

Junior. The following songs are given to you: group ... (first group name).

Girl. ... and group ... (The name of the second group) ... Meet!

Two songs are performed.

Junior (referring to the lead). I ask you to get the next ball!

Girl. Can I have three?

Sounds "Air Corn". The young man takes three balls, reads cards and announces the numbers.

Girl. Today, in this spring day you congratulate you on the holiday ... (Soloist names and song name.)

Performed block numbers.

The melody of the introductory song sounds. On the scene, dancing, girls with balls and leading. In their execution, a verse sounds:

The drum rotates

And the Earth rotates.

Our view

This is completed.

That's so, that's what

Play all the hunt ...

On that

There is "ah, lotto!"!

Against the background of music, you continue to sound the wishes of the young man.

Junior. Cute women! Happy holiday you!

Sincere smiles

And events of good

Small surprises

And good luck is huge!

we wish you in this beautiful spring day!

Girl. Bye! To new meetings!

Music sounds. Curtain closes. Spectators leave the hall.

Lead 1:Good day!

Lead 2:Hello!

Lead 3:We are glad to welcome all those present in this room.

Lead 1:Happy holiday,
Happy holiday,
With a gentle holiday,
Wonderful, beautiful.

Lead 2: Happy holiday,
Love and attention

Everything: Happy female charm.

Lead 3: Woman is spring,
The image is blooming and gentle.
Woman is always
The world is radiant, boundless.

Lead 1:Dear women! You are welcomed by students 1 and 2 classes (poems, song "This is Mother's Day").

Lead 2:Among the spring first days
March 8 All more expensive.
Spring and women are alike.

Lead 3:Successes to you, Health to you
And happiness will wish
And with a gentle holiday spring
We heartily congratulate all women in this hall of the student 3 and 4 classes.

(Poems, Song "Spring Day")

Lead 1:Mom, mommy ... how much heat is tatting this magic word, which calls the closest, native person!

Lead 2:The word "mother" is a special word. It is born as it were with us, accompanying us all his life.

Lead 3: Dear teachers! You want or do not want, but in each of us there is a small particle that the teacher invests in us as a mother. We know, you worry about us, worry. Not in vain teachers call "our second mother". For the milestone of women - teachers sounds the song "Mommy" performed by Ushakova Ksenia.

Lead 1.: Accept our congratulations
Let your mood
Always blooming like lilac,

Lead 2:Let life be beautiful
And the children are always happy
Good luck, happiness and good!

Lead 3:You welcome girls 5 (poems)

Lead 1.: Be forever welcome
And everyone is loved,
Always charming
And irresistible.

Lead 2.: Eyes your happiness
Let eternal shine
And in the life of you only
Friends surround.

Lead 3:Please accept the song "Our Moms" (Andrei, 5 and 6 CB.)

Lead 1.: We wish you and happiness, and love,

Lead 2.: Health to you on a hundred long years,

Lead 3:Cute women, you congratulate you boys grade 6 (verses)

Lead 1.: Snow splashed from solar splashes,
And the wind sings recklessly.
In March, Nature is not at all strict -
In honor of the holiday of our grandmothers.

Lead 2: All women at any age and not only on the holiday, but every day they want to look young and beautiful, talk about purchases and new outfits.

Lead 3: It is about this that the main heroine is dreaming that Samsonov Andrei and Karina's Samsonov. (Scene "Golden Egg")

Lead 1.: From year to year you congratulate you
We wish you happiness and warmth,
And in this year we wish you
Say all warm words.

Lead 2: Spring holiday let him brings
Only joy, happiness, warmth.
Let all sorrow disappear
There will be no superfluous quarrel in the house.

Lead 3.: From southern edges for rapid fields
Spring is approaching us;
And it became on the light of light and warm -
In honor of the holiday of our moms.

You are congratulated by the high school students of the song "Mom, you're better than all"


Lead 2: Let the first snowdrop
Give you tenderness!

And happiness, and joy, and only good!

(Final song - all)

---Elena Evgenievna

Let the first snowdrop
Give you tenderness!
Spring Sun will give warm!

And the Martov Wind will give hope
Good luck, and joy, and only good!

Health to you on a hundred long years,
And this, right, expensive.
In the work - production victories,
In family life - happiness and peace!

Elena Ignatievna

Let it always be a female day ends,
Let them sing in your honor a stream,
Let the sun smiles you
And men give you flowers.

Tatiana Nikolaevna

With the first droplets, with the last blizzard,
Happy early spring holiday.
You congratulate you, we wish you heartily
Joy, happiness, health, love!

Zoe Nikolaevna
Among the spring first days
March 8, everyone is more expensive.
On the whole earth, for all people
Spring and women are alike.
Successes to you, Health to you
And happiness will desire.
And with a gentle holiday spring
Congratulations we cordially.

--- Nina Petrovna

Take our congratulations
International Women's Day!
Let your mood
Always blooming like lilac

Valentina Dmitrievna
Let life be beautiful
And the children are always happy
Let your house be a complete bowl!
Good luck, happiness and good!

--- Tatiana Alekseevna

Be forever beautiful
And everyone is loved,
Always charming
And irresistible.

Your eyes are your happiness
Let eternal shine
And in the life of you only
Friends surround.

---Valentina Ivanovna

We wish you and happiness, and love,
So that all dreams and chayan have come true
With a good mood so that you
Nowhere and never parted.

---Nina Nikolaevna

Happy female holiday, with the beginning of spring,

With the first spring protaly!

Be healthy and happy you,

The success of big you and small.

Characters: Movement-men (2 people), leading girls (2 people).

Props: Souvenir dolls; Packages with raisins; cake; mixture for cakes; Liza magazine; shampoo.

Concert's move

The scene is festively decorated, on the sides - 2 racks for the leading. Music sounds. The curtain opens, on the stage of men dancing and sing.

Spring day has come,

He bloomed with flowers.

A man was waiting for him,

And this hour came.

Droplets of the melody sounds,

And my heart is knocking

And about love

Says to beautiful ladies.

Two young men leading remain on the scene.

1st man. Yes, which only does not make spring with us. I'm standing on the stage I, and the girls around are so beautiful, so cute that they fit to fall in love.

2nd man.

Well, where you, knights,

When sword, at a raincoat?

When there are girls such!

1st man. What do I say? Cute ladies, allow you to congratulate you in my face with the coming spring. Shine like stars, fly, like on wings, think for three ...

2nd man. And not on three, as men do. Let our hearts with your fights always in unison.

1st man.

In the shower we have such a rise.

That we are now singing for you.

Performed on the motive of the song L. Agutin "Hay-Hop, La La Lea".

Hay-Hop, La La Lea,

Do not get tired of repeating.

Hay-Hop, La La Lea,

Spring holiday!

Hay-Hop, La La Lea,

On this day should sound.

Hay-Hop, La La Lea,

Only the words of love!

2nd man. By the way, it is known that we, men, think about women on average 1 time in 5 minutes.

1st man. Yah? And women?

2nd man. And women about men are much less likely.

2 presenters come out.

1st girl. Ah, dear men, we do not think.

2nd girl. We just meet.

1st girl. And today I will spend next to you.

1st man.And this will create that atmosphere of immediacy and comfort, which a woman always brings with him.

2nd girl. Thanks for the compliment.

2nd man. Do not. We, actually, could and alone perfectly spend this evening, but if we are equal rights ...

1st man. That's that.

1st girl. Right, nothing can be done. You are without us, women, and you can't live five minutes.

2nd girl. And, in general, who feeds you, will you wear?

2nd man. Female.

1st girl. Who cares from bad actions?

1st man. Police!

2nd girl. Okay. Then so. Inferior to a woman in the bus who?

1st girl. Female.

Men. What a woman?

1st girl. That that is younger

2nd man. Not true. I always and everywhere I give up a woman's place. So now I am inferior to you on the scene and the honorable right to announce the first issue of our concert.

The number is executed.

1st man. Here we are men's half, on stage again.

2nd man.

There is a reason.

After all, we are men

If you figure out

On the eve of the holiday

Do not relax.

1st man.

So now without spending

Hear you mayor congratulations.

Congratulations to the mayor of the city. At the end of the congratulations, the mayor pretends to all women a basket of flowers.

2nd man. Cute ladies, as you already, probably noticed, all gifts and congratulations today exclusively for you.

1st man. You do not seem to you: the more you make gifts a woman, the more it becomes more?

2nd man. That she is a woman.

1st man.Yes, but after March 8, the question arises: "Can a woman make a millionaire?"

2nd man. And the answer suggests itself: "Maybe if before that he was a billionaire."

1st man. But we, men (city name), it does not threaten.

2nd man. But to conquer a million female hearts - please!

The number is executed. After the issue leave girls leading.

2nd girl.

OX are these men!

Fire in our destinies!

They came, saw, won.

Surround warm, attention

And from this on the heart melts ice.

Will provide admiration, understanding

Turn our entire lives in the pact.

And sometimes you will not understand:

In a dream you or in reality?

1st girl. Do not forget: a man is a tangle. If you give him too much freedom, he blooms. Too little - warent.

Men's leaders appear.

1st man. Well, girls, all about sad?

2nd man. Maybe you will tell us too "get shattered"?

1st girl.

Yes, there are no boys,

What are you talking about?

You only pay attention to the hall.

There with admirable hundred eyes

Just just on you.

2nd girl.

Gifts have come a moment

As your most weighty compliment.

1st girl.

Dear ... Women!

Men are invited to the scene ...

(declares women's names).

1st man.

How many women, in fact!

All beautiful, all in business!

2nd man.

We are talking to you:

"Only only you to Bogatvim!"

And today you are presented

1st man. Which are exactly eight!

Give flowers - one to one woman.

2nd man.

To surprise the whole female world

You give you a souvenir.

He is with a bright ribbon, fringe.

Here you have a doll ...

1st man. One by one!

2nd man.

Probably you will have to be surprised

Hearing their name "Margenitsa".

Bulgarians them spring sometimes

Award women.

1st man. But only one!

Give souvenirs. Women go down to the hall.

Well, how, girls, we justified the hopes?

2nd girl. You are just great!

2nd man. Yes, we ... they knew about it!

1st girl.

But you, I think, should not be accomplished

After all, our evening should not be interrupted.

2nd man.

I understood what we were stolen with you!

After all, the performer we did not call the song ...

1st man.

So let them declare it

About us, men, they know so much!

Men leave. Girls declare number.

1st girl.

I do not understand and herself,

What you brought me crazy.

1st man.

Advantages I do not consider

After all, in the ATS lists I have.

And today we are friends with friends

Ready to speak before you.

1st girl.

I have a release to declare

Men from ATS - they should be appreciated.

The number is executed.

2nd girl. ... (the name of the lead), you know, only thanks to us, women, you are men feel the true measure of their value, their height or smallness. And it helps you take a worthy place in life.

2nd man.... (leader's name), you are right. Next to you I feel like a general. And, as they say, do not smear the semolina porridge on the plate, and check me out in the case!

2nd girl. Excellent! I offer you the role of the commander of the parade.

2nd man. I take the brazers of the board in your hands. The scene is invited ....

Calls the names of women who are honored. They rise to the scene.

2nd man.

May this day

All in gifts, colors!

If I were Schwarznegher,

Wire you on your hands.

Hand flowers.

2nd man. But now I have in my hands, small, wrinkled, brown. By the way, not every woman has it.

2nd girl. What are you talking about?

2nd man.

I think for the honor

Explain, (name), you.

Raisin - This feature of our ladies.

2nd girl. Agree. These women deserve special attention. And where, ... (name), are your wishes?

2nd man.

Izyme I sweet

Let women give

I wish everyone

Have a highlight of yours.

Put women bags with raisins.

2nd girl.

And these girls

We do not need to represent.

The raisin is in them,

Yes, what is needed.

The number is executed.

1st man... (the name of the lead), do you not notice any changes in me?

1st girl. Well no. What?

1st man. I want to admit that I was strangely clone on the right side. Here I go straight, and the nature does not torment the right.

1st girl. And what to right?

1st man. Attractive women.

1st girl. Yes! And these attractive, known in our city, women invite to the scene.

The girl leads calls the names of invited women. At this time, men-presenters appear on the scene. They have hands behind their backs.

1st man.

Dear women!

Before you, we are unable to resist

From all men, I apologize to take.

Men hand flowers to women.

2nd man. Yes, when women around you are so charming, life seems to be a rack pastry. For you!

Gets the cake, biting, leaves.

1st man.

Dear ladies!

Today we got for you cakes in packages,

So that you bake them, but we did not prede.

Hands each mixture for cakes. Women leave the scene.

1st man. While the recipes of the ladies are discussed, ... (the artist name) on the stage stands.

The number is executed.

2nd man. Once God with a big bag of gifts ran over various countries and gave women.

In India, he gave hard work,

Africa women - passion

France women - piquancy,

German women - business,

Women of America - businesslikeness.

2nd girl. And women of our city?

2nd man. That's when he flew over our city, the bag broke ...

2nd girl. AND...

2nd man. And all the gifts fell on some happy.

2nd girl. Among them, no doubt were ... (lists the names of women).

2nd man.

About women marked by God!

I dreamed of donating

Crystal pile of vaz ...

Male leads leading.

1st man. And I already bought flowers for you.

The 1st man presents flowers to women.

2nd man.

What's wrong with you?

Did you generous, in no way?

1st man.

Yes on that day

Anyone would do so.

1st man leaves.

2nd man.

Man - Eternal to the woman of the Support,

Therefore, accept Lisa magazine.

2nd girl. Tips are different you will find in it.

2nd man. He will like you - the other will acquire.

After the presentation of magazines, women occupy places in the hall.

2nd girl.

But I only have to say

What now on the stage will perform ...

The number is executed.

1st man. Often communicating with women, I made a conclusion for myself: they are mysterious people. They know who they like, but do not know who they love.

2nd man. Whether it is impossible to enlighten them on this matter and say that - me!

1st man. Yes, you can, of course! But only I noticed: no longer applaud you, but ... (calls the performer).

The number is executed.

1st man. Look at my companion. Quite a modern girl. But looking like her hair shifts ...

2nd man. As witching lights dance in her eyes, you remember the fairy tales about the marine princesses and mermaids, which appeared from the water depths and carried the travelers behind them who lost their heads.

1st girl.Yes, there must be some kind of mystery in a woman.

1st man. Who said that today all the secrets are disclosed, all the riddles are solved? See the same men, do not lose your head.

1st girl. After all, now on this scene will come out ... (lists the names of women).

1st man.

Truly here each mermaid.

For women, for such, quite

Flowers are not a pity.

So that your hair forever

Men captivated.

We are soap for hair

Shampoo replaced.

Men hand to women perfume sets. The number is executed.

2nd man. It has long been that the world is managed by men.

2nd girl. And at the same time, men manage! "Women.

2nd man. Yes! Where do we go? Some girls are shooting the right to the right, others - to the left. We are everywhere under cross-fire and ...

1st man. We act as a target.

2nd girl. You can say you have no exit from the current situation.

2nd man. There is, of course, but find it a little more complicated than it seems. Especially if beautiful girls surround us everywhere: at work, at home, on the street, in the entrance and shop. And they surround us all the time, surround ... But only a few dared to take us in captivity. And as I would like to spend this evening next to a captivating girl.

2nd girl. In this case, I am glad to announce that from now on all your actions are under my sensitive leadership. And the first thing you need to do is invite to this scene ... (artist name).

The number is executed.

2nd girl. Of course, about Great Cossack!

1st girl. Thrust to change places and life combinations was in his blood.

2nd girl. And this blood periodically boiled! Kazanova fell in love with each of his women.

1st girl. A striking detail! He always offered to marry!

2nd girl.Therefore, in the spring, my dear, be a greedy heart: Do not look for your Kazanov.

1st girl. Distinctive features are: is burning unevenly, but brightly and immediately proposes to marry.

2nd girl. But the following men hands and hearts will not offer.

1st girl. But the fiery performance in honor of the beautiful ladies guarantees.

The number is executed.

1st girl. Women, girlfriends!

2nd girl. Ladies and girls!

1st man. If there was no this holiday, it would still have to come up with.

2nd man. Because where you look, everywhere you, cute women!

1st girl. In polyclinics - women, in hotels - women, in restaurants - women.

1st man. And where are these idlers hide?

2nd man. We drink, smoke, play dominoes, eat, we are lying on the sofas, and then we live in complaints about it!

2nd girl. We earn more than you.

1st man. We have already humbled with this.

1st girl.And dress more beautiful.

2nd man. Now and we are trying to take something - a chemical curling, lace collars, earrings in the ears ...

1st man. But where?! With Lisin on the head and earring in the ear will not leave.

2nd girl. But if it were not for you, then who would give us flowers on this day, wore in her arms, said wonderful words?

2nd man. Our cute ladies, our miracle, our decoration!

1st man. Congratulations! We kneel and bow low heads!

Men. Be happy!

Props: Flowers and gifts for women; Congratulatory telegrams.

At the entrance to the lobby, festively decorated, guests meet the oven orchestra. Buffet works. Fashion Theater demonstrates the display of season models. At the agreed time, leading invite guests to the hall, where the scene is festively decorated. Music sounds. Against the background of music in the record, words sound:

Spring! Love!

Flowers! Women!

Men, in the knightly impulse,

His beautiful half

We decided to give a holiday.

So, madam, and ladies,

And the whole wonderful female floor,

We will give you from the heart of the holiday.

So let him like you!

The light fills the scene. On the stage, a female vocal group. The song sounds in its performance.

After the group's speech, 2 leading groups are published on the scene. They congratulate the soloist with the holiday, hand the flowers.

1st presenter. Good evening, dear friends!

2nd presenter. Hello! We are glad to see you at this wonderful holiday evening our guest. All the fair sex representatives we congratulate on the holiday of Spring!

1st presenter. Be happy and healthy! Be gentle and loved, our charming guests!


2nd presenter. Probably you heard such aphorism: "Everything that is in the life of beautiful is from a woman! This is true. Nature endowed it with amazing abilities, the ability to create real wonders.

1st presenter.Yes, women are a unique and unique phenomenon. And this is manifested in everything: in the expression of her face, voice sound, hand movies, plastic.

2nd lead. No wonder it is often compared with the flowers delivering to people joy. And it is she who hurry to give the favorite first spring, flowers.

1st presenter. Today, men of our city prepared you a big bouquet of the festive program that we ...

2nd lead. ... We want to present you from the heart. Meet an exemplary choreographic team ...

Executed dance.

2nd lead. Day March 8 is spring dawn. It is from this day that the spring begins, because our faces from smiles will be greatly joy, and from flowers and outfits in spring bright and sunny around.

1st presenter. We wish you, lovely women, always to be in Lada with life and with you, we wish to be healthy, beautiful, happy and loved ones.

2nd lead. Let the first spring holiday give you strength, vigor, love and good luck. And we sincerely give you a song ...

Song sounds.

1st lead. On March 8, all men are in a hurry to present sincere wishes and congratulations to their favorite women.

The young man takes the congratulatory telegrams. The presenter reads one of them.

2nd presenter. And here is the first congratulatory telegram to our ladies:

"Bride, sisters,

Favorite mothers

And our grandmothers,

And daughters, and wives,

Today we all of you,

The most beautiful

With spring young

Congratulations in love.

Today we are

Pretend bouquets

And our hearts

And our recognition,

What is yours

Smile warming up

And there is no more relative

More expensive and more painted. "

Men enterprises ...

Applause in the hall.

2nd presenter. Cute women! Let the most expensive people for you tell you this day!

Your confession in love addresses you ...

Song sounds. The young man hands in flowers performer.

1st presenter. In this spring festive day named "Woman", one of the most kind of feelings is associated, which is given to know a person - a sense of love.

2nd presenter. With the words of congratulations, love, gratitude and respect for you, the head of the administration appeals ...

Congratulations to the head of the city. Boys make a basket of colors as a gift to all women from the head of the city. Applause.

1st presenter. Our city is largely female, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity here more. So, in many ways, the vital activity of our city depends on women.

2nd presenter. They are very different, these women. Unlike and the problems that are worried. But each of them can safely say: "I myself. I myself build my fate, I make decisions, I am responsible for my actions.

1st presenter.

Does not climb in a handbag for the word

Divine ... (Name) N-ov (surname).

But even negation in her mouth

Sounds like music in verse!

2nd presenter.

... (FULL NAME) - chief editor of the newspaper ...

We ask you to rise to our scene.

1st lead. ... (FULL NAME) - Chief Doctor of the Central Hospital.

Beautiful eyes and sensual lips.

Little, charming, modest.

Her Men's Men's Men

And the rest ... just crazy!

Rises to the scene.

1st presenter.

... (FULL NAME) - Honorary Citizen of the city.

"Do not grow up the soul of veterans" -

This song, of course, about you.

To go on peace - too early.

Well, the grandchildren will raise - just right!

Rises to the scene.

2nd presenter. ... (FULL NAME) - Head of the Municipal Department of Education.

She is not only stunningly charming,

She, to that, more, insanely interesting.

In it feelings of scope and thoughts depth.

Charming and charming she.

Rises to the scene.

2nd presenter. ... (FULL NAME) - Head of the Financial Department of the City Administration.

Space Energy is full:

Charming, decisive, smart.

With a hot heart and computer calculation.

Her advantages - no account.

Rises to the scene.

1st lead. ... (FULL NAME) - Head Gorono.

She cherishes old people

Children stretch to her.

And another one can not

Find in the world.

She is our common magnet,

Pole attraction,

I carry my insult

And their doubt.

Rises to the scene.

2nd presenter. ... (FULL NAME) - Director of the educational institution No. ...

In the constellation of our women today

She is undoubtedly Mile and more beautiful.

God gave her by force, talent.

Men compared her ... with a diamond!

Rises to the scene.

1st lead. ... (FULL NAME) - the main director of the house of creativity.

She is not a woman,

And just - phenomenon.

Men in March her


She can put them in a rank

And sing your favorite songs!

Rises to the scene.

2nd lead. ... (FULL NAME) - Head of the Department of Housing and Communal Services.

You are feminine

Like lily of the valley and tulip.

As a nymph, (name), you

And how the goddess of Leda!

But you can sometimes

Go on a ram

When the Taran is achieved victory.

Rises to the scene.

1st presenter. ... (FULL NAME) - Chairman of the City Council of Veterans of War and Labor.

About this woman

That's how the poet said:

"Wonderful women

In the world, right, no! "

Rises to the scene.

2nd presenter. Happy holiday, dear women! These words are a reflection of love and warm to you! Take from the head of the city ... these flowers and these gifts!

Music sounds. Available flowers and gifts.

1st presenter.

With such women

In the new century, enter,

And rebuild and

The crisis will overcome.

2nd presenter.

With such women

We will not disappear.

With such women

Always young!

Under the applause of women go down to the hall.

2nd presenter. Once again we congratulate you on the holiday! Let always be with you sensitivity, loyalty, the heat of the sun, the light of the moon, that warming and fill hearts. You congratulate you on the holiday ...

Song sounds. The young men are handing flowers performers.

1st lead. Today I collected our long-time and kind friends in this hall, and such a meeting is always a gift. And on the holiday - especially. What a good reason for men once again to show at the meeting attention to women! On the stage, the winner team of the club fun and resourceful ... (organization name).

Congratulations to the KVN team. Leaving, team members give flowers to women in the hall. Leading goes in new costumes. They have in their hands - telegrams.

2nd presenter. At your address, lovely women, congratulatory telegrams continue to arrive.

Read one of them.

"Dear women!

Allow me to congratulate you

This day is good

That you are on the pedestal

Among the colors of overseas,

In the Martov Garden.

Good he is because

Understand men

Became how you need

Love ... all the rest

Days per year. "

Love you and happiness!

Men ... (organization name).

1st lead. Choreographic studio joins these congratulations ...

Executed dance.

2nd presenter. There are beautiful trees that preserve the foliage to the most frosts and after frosts, to the snowy blizzards, are green. They are wonderful! Such women are: moved everything in the world, and they themselves are getting better. There are such women in our city. Meet their friendly applause.

The presenter presents honorary women - holiday guests and invites them to the scene.

2nd presenter. In this bright spring day, let me express words of gratitude. This is how the comfort is created in the house and at work, thanks to patience and hardworking, kindness is also clarified by our complex reality.

1st presenter. This is your men draw strength, inspiration, thanks to you the world is still beautiful. Spring you mood!


2nd lead. You, dear women, today are devoted to the most sublime, the most tender and beautiful words with which the leaders of organizations and enterprises appear.

Men are the leaders of enterprises and organizations, rise to the stage, congratulate women on the holiday, give a basket of flowers, gifts.

1st presenter.

Today's holiday

Colors flooded:

Our hearts - a bouquet of flowers,

Our ladies are a bouquet of flowers,

Our smiles are a bouquet of flowers ...

2nd presenter.

And our songs are a bouquet of flowers.

Today we give this bouquet to you!

Song sounds. Boys give flowers to performers.

2nd presenter."Woman - Dream!" - exclaim poets and writers. And we would very much like today and always in women came true their dreams.

1st presenter.Yes, at least this: let all men be limited to women faithfully and express their love and admiration.

2nd presenter.Let be!

The young man reads the poem V. Kadyaev "Stop, instant".

1st lead. You, cute women, congratulates the KVN team with the holiday ... Meet friendly applause!

Speech team.

2nd lead. When Venus appeared from the sea foam, the men bent in front of her in a bow. Since then, men are eternal fans of women ...

1st lead. ... And especially those who give beautiful songs.

Songs song. Young men handy flowers flowers.

2nd presenter. Spring is the time of love and recognition. And every man dreams of giving her beloved sky and stars, the moon and the sun.

1st presenter.

Favorite, the brightest zori - you.

The most faithful heart is you.

The cleanst sky is.

The most tender song is!

Song sounds performed by the vocal group.

2nd presenter.Flowers and women! So it was always on sunny land. So will continue!

1st presenter. Our dear!

On this day, agitated and gentle ...

2nd lead. On the day, gift and surprise, take from the men of our city these first spring flowers.

Music sounds.

Young men (20 - 30 people) from the stage go down to the hall with bouquets of flowers and give them every woman. At this time, all participants of the festive program come to the scene.

1st presenter.On the day of the first spring holiday, I want to wish our women all-all, and most importantly: health, love, beauty ...