Performance with the participation of Churikova. People's Artist of Russia

Performance with the participation of Churikova. People's Artist of Russia

Churikova Inna Mikhailovna was born on October 5, 1943 in the city of Belebey in the territory of Bashkiria. Her family was far from art and devoted his whole life with the land: Mikhail Kuzmich, Father Inna, worked as an agronomist, and Elizabeth Zakharovna's mother - Agrochemistry and Soilovehold. When Inna was still a baby, her parents diverged, and she and her mother left his native town. They often moved until they settled in Moscow. They lived very modestly, not particularly distinguishing the lifestyle from many other families of that time. Elizabeth Zakharovna found a job in the Moscow Botanical Garden. Mother devoted himself all his work, leaving a girl one house. Inna grew up a dreamy child, she often imagined himself a princess or heroine stories who read the mother or a girl aloud. A girl did not differ from other children. For the first time, Churikova came to the scene in the Children's Summer Camp, there she played a secondary role in the formulation. Since then, the dream becomes the actress completely absorbed it. In the ninth grade, Inna entered the theater studio at the Stanislavsky Theater. Her teacher became the great Soviet actor Lev Elagin, who helped to reveal the acting talent. Inna turned out to be a diligent student, she was ready to play even young roles and did everything, just not to become part of the extras. After graduating from school, Churikov submitted documents immediately in several theater institutions. In the Studio School, MCAT examiners asked the girl to read the poems, and the young artist began to reclaim Pushkin, closing his eyes as her mother recommended. The receiving commission raised the girl on laughter, and Inna did not do. Then she went to Shchepkinskaya School, where they were not taken due to non-standard appearance, which did not like teachers. As a result, Churikov safely passed the exams in the Schukinsky school and was on the course of the actors of Leonid Volkov and Pavel Tsygankov. In 1965, Inna graduated from the famous educational institution with a red diploma. In his youth, she actively begins to engage in active theater activities. In 1965, Inna was distributed to the theater on a distant Kamchatka, but the mother intervened. She put every effort to keep her only daughter to live in Moscow. Churikova began to go to the samples in Moscow theaters. Most of all the artist wanted to get to the famous Satira Theater, where her idols were played by Tatiana Peltzer and Vitaly Doronin. But Inna did not take there, the same fate was minted in the theater of Yermolova. Together with the guys from the school, she went to the theater of the young viewer, having received a full-fledged place in the troupe. For a long time, the artist played exclusively minor characters, among whom were beasts and comedy figures like Baba Yaga. Thanks to the participation in the psychological performance "For the prison wall", theatrical critics noticed the actress. In the theater of the young viewer Churikova worked for three years, after which only occasionally participated in various productions and performances, actively filming in the cinema. Churikova returned to the theater in 1973, being already a fairly famous actress of cinema. The head of the famous Moscow Theater "Lenk" Mark Zakharov offered a talented artist's role in the play "Til", with which she debuted on the stage of the theater in 1974. Over time, Inna has become one of the leading actresses of the theater: she played Fekla Ivanovna in the formulation of "marriage", Opelia and Gertrud in Gamlet, Arkadin in the "Seika" and other roles. Inna Mikhailovna still continues to play "Lenkom". One of her last serious and famous roles - Alienor Aquitanian from the production of the Aquitan Lioness, with which she went to the scene in 2011. The performance is very popular with the viewers so far.

People's Artist of the USSR, actress Theater and Cinema

In 1965. She graduated from the theater school. M.S. Shchepkin (Teachers V.I. Tsygankov and L.A. Volkov). After graduation Worked in Moscow Tyuza. Since 1968, he was engaged in the activities under contracts.

Since 1975. - Inna Churikova is the actress of the theater Lenk . Also played in the theater them. Chekhov, in the entrepreneurs of the producer center "Theatr" N. Ptushkin and "Art Club XXI".

To the cinema Inna Churikova Debuted still a student, playing in 1960 in the film "Tuchi over Borsky" . In the future, she starred in many paintings, including films created by her husband, film director Gleb Panfilov. Among the pictures in which I. Churikova played, such famous paintings as: "I walk in Moscow", "Morozko", "Elusive Avengers", "Start", "That Munghausen", "Dead Souls", "Mother" , "Shirley-Mirley", "Narrow Bridge", "Vivat, Anna!" other.

Member of the Russian Academy of Cinematographic Arts "Nika".

Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts.

Husband - Gleb Panfilov, Soviet and Russian film director and screenwriter, People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Honored Artist of the RSFSR (12/23/1977).
People's Artist of the RSFSR (3.07.1985).
People's Artist of the USSR (05/16/1991).

In 1965 he graduated from the theater school. M.S. Shchepkin (teachers V.I. Tsygankov and L.A. Volkov).

Since 1965 - Actress of Moscow Tyuza.
Since 1968, he worked under contracts.
Since 1975 - Actress Theater. Leninsky Komsomol in Moscow (now - Lenk).
Member of the Russian Academy of Cinematographic Arts "Nika".
Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts.

Husband - Gleb Panfilov (genus May 21, 1934), Soviet and Russian film director and screenwriter, People's Artist of the RSFSR.

theater works

Moscow Theater of the Young Spectator:
Baba Yaga - "Two Maplen" E. Schwartz (Stopping E.S. Evdokimova)
Fox - "Boy-Zaknayka, three pigs and a gray wolf" S.V. Mikhalkov (Studying E.S. Evdokimova, Director E.N. Vasilyev)
Javronia - "Trusokhostik" S.V. Mikhalkov (Stage V.K. Gorlyova)
"For the prison wall" Y. Herman
Taras's wife - "Ivan-Fool and devils" L. Ustinov software based on fairy tales L.N. Tolstoy (production O.G. Gerasimov, director V.I. Shugaev)
Varya - "Male of seventeen years old" I. Palestky (P.O. Homsky, director G.L. Annapolsky)

Theater "Lenk":
1974 - Nel; Bethkin. Anna - "Til" G. I. Gorin (based on Sh. De Koster) (MAKA RAM), director Yu.A. Makhaev)
1975 - Anna Petrovna (Sarah Abramson) - "Ivanov" A.P. Chekhov (setting MA Zakharov and S.L. Stein)
1977 - Ophelia - "Hamlet" V. Shakespeare (Statement by A. Tarkovsky, director V. Sedov)
1983 - Woman Commissar - "Optimistic Tragedy" V. V. Vishnevsky (Statement M.A. Zakharova)
1985 - Ira - "Three Girls in Blue" L. Petrushevskaya (MA
1986 - Gertruda - Hamlet V. Shakespeare (production G.A. Panfilova)
1988 - Cleopatra Lvovna Mamaeva - "Sage" A. Ostrovsky (MAKE MA. Zakharov)
1992 - Inna - "... sorry" A. Galin (Statement G.A. Panfilova)
1994 - Irina Nikolaevna Arkadina - "Seagull" A. P. Chekhov (Stopulation of MA Zakharov)
1997 - Antonida Vasilyevna - "Barbarian and Yeretik" F.M. Dostoevsky (setting MA Zakharov, director-scenographer O.A. Shaincis)
2000 - Philman Marturno - "City of Millionaires" (on the play by E. de Filippo "Philman Marurno") (R. Samgin, Head of M.A. Zakharov)
2004 - Eleonora - "Tout Payé, or everything paid" by comedy I. Zhamiak. (director Ello Nyugannen)
2007 - Focla Ivanovna - "Marriage" N. V. Gogol (MA.SAKHAROVA)
2011 - Alienor Akvitan - "Aquitan Lioness" (based on the play D. Goldman "Lion in winter") (production G.A. Panfilova)
2012 - Grandmother of the Eument - "False to Salvation" (according to A. Kamasy) (G.A. Panfilova)

Remaining performances:
Tatiana - "Old Virgo", dir. B. Milgram (Producer Center "Theatr" N. Ptushkin)
"Mixed feelings" (theater them. A. Chekhov)
"Ovechka" (Anti-Club XXI entrepreneurs)
Elizabeth second "Audience" (2016, production G.A. Panfilova) - Theater of Nations

(List of roles is compiled by Pavel Tikhomirov)

prizes and awards

Silver Medal Masarika (Czechoslovakia) - awarded the role of Maples in the Fairy Tale "Frost"

1985 - State Prize of the RSFSR named after Brothers Vasiliev, for the performance of the lead role in the film "Vassa".
1996 - State Prize of the Russian Federation, for the role of arcadine in the play "Seagull" by play by A. P. Chekhov.
1997 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree.
2007 - Order "For merit to the Fatherland" III degree.
2013 - Order "For merits to the Fatherland" of II degree.
2010 - Officer of the Ordena of Arts and Literature of France.
1976 - Prize of Leninsky Komsomol, for creating images of contemporaries in the cinema.
1984 - The owner of the Prize "Silver Bear" of the Berlin Film Festival in the nomination "Best Women's Role", the film "Military Field Romance" (1984).
1969 - Prize the jury of the International Film Festival in Locarno for the best execution of the feminine role (the film "In Fire Fire is not", 1967).
1970 - The title "Best Actress of the Year" to survey the magazine "Soviet screen" (for the role of Pasha Stroganova in the film "Start", 1970).
1984 - the prize for the "best female role of the second plan" of the ICF in Valladolid (film "Military Field Romance", 1983).
1993 - Laureate of the Triumph Prize in the nomination "Actress of the Year".
1991 - Nickname Prize winner in the nomination "Best Women's Role", the film "Rib Adam" (1990).
1991 - Prize of the International Federation of Kinopresses in the "Best Actress of the Year" nomination (film "Adam Eda", 1990).
1993 - Prize of the International Federation of Kopnopresses in the nomination "Best Actress of the Year" (film "Cosanovs", 1993).
2004 - Nick Prize winner in the nomination "Best Women's Role of the Second Plan", the film "Bless Woman" (2003).
2013 - the laureate of the special prize of the Nika Prize in the nomination "Honor and dignity" in a pair with Gleb Panfilov.
2004 - Golden Eagle Prize winner in the nomination "The Best Women's Role of the Second Plan", the film "Idiot" (2004).
2007 - Winner of the Golden Eagle Prize in the nomination "The best female role on television", the film "In the Circle of the First" (2007).
1994 - the owner of the Prize Film Festival "Kinotavr" in the nomination "Best Women's Role", the film "Year of Dogs" (1994).
1994 - the owner of the Prize Film Festival "Kinotavr" in the nomination "Best Women's Role", the film "Casanov's Cloak" (1993)
1994 - Prize of the Film Festival "Women's World" in Naberezhnye Chelny "For the classic embodiment of Russian female character" (film "Year of Dogs", 1994).
1994 - Prize of the St. Petersburg International Film Festival "Festival Festival" for the "best female role" (film "Year of Dogs", 1994).
1994 - Prize of the TV program "Express Cinema" "For femininity, talent, humanity" at the St. Petersburg International Film Festival "Festival Festival" (film "Year of Dogs", 1994).
1995 - Crystal Turandot Prize in the nomination "Best Women's Role" for the execution of the role of Arkadina in the play "Seagull" theater "Lenk".
1997 - Crystal Turandot Prize in the nomination "Best Women's Role" for the execution of the role of Antonides Vasilyevna in the play "Barbarian and Hehetik" Theater "Lenk".
1997 - International Prize named after K. S. Stanislavsky for an outstanding contribution to the development of domestic and world theatrical arts for performance of the role in the play "Barbarian and Hehetik" Theater "Lenk".
2001 - The Golden Mask Award is a special prize of the jury of the dramatic theater and the theater of dolls for the role in the play "City of Millionaires" on the play of Eduardo de Filippo in the Lenk theater in a duet with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.
2002 - Gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation - for a great contribution to the development of theatrical art.
2003 - the laureate of the Teffi award in the nomination of the Female role in the television film / TV series (the film "Idiot", 2003).
2003 - Winner of the National Prize of Film Criminics and Kinopresses "Golden Aries" for the "best female role of the second plan" (the film "Bless Woman", 2003).
2004 - Winner of the acting award in the field of theater, cinema and television "Kumir" in the nomination "Prize Cummy 2004 - the Curd of the Year" for the role of Eleanora in the play "Tout Paye, or all paid" Lenk's "theater", as well as for the role of the general In the television series "Idiot" (2003).
2004 - Laureate of the Tsarsko Selo Art Prize "For a creative contribution to the development of Russian culture and art and strengthening international cultural ties."
2004 - Gold Medal named after N. D. Mordvinov II International Theater Forum "Golden Vityaz" "For an outstanding contribution to theatrical art."
2009 - Prize of the Film Festival "Vivat, Cinema of Russia!" In St. Petersburg for the "best female role" (film "The secrets of palace coups. Movie 7" Vivat, Anna! ", 2008, the role of Anna Ioannovna).
2011 - Spectator Prize "Zhzhiva Theater" in the nomination "Actress of the Year" for the role in the play "Aquitan Lioness" theater "Lenk".
2011 - Prize of the 20th anniversary ceremony "Crystal Turandot" in the nomination "Theater Treasure".
2011 - an independent Star Star Prize for the "best female role" in the play "Aquitan Lioness" theater "Lenk".
2014 - Russian National Acting Prize named after Andrei Mironova "Figaro"
2015 - Nika Prize in the nomination "The best female role of the second plan" in the picture "Country 03".
2017 - Crystal Turandot Prize in the "Best Women's Role" nomination, for execution of the role of the British Queen Elizabeth II in the performance of the Nations Theater "Audience".
2018 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" I degree - for a great contribution to the development of domestic culture and art, media, long-term fruitful activities.
2019 - Laureate of the Russian National Prize "Golden Mask"

Churikova Inna Mikhailovna - Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema. People's Artist of the USSR (title was assigned in 1991).

When entering the theater school, Inna Churikova was made to understand that the path to the movies was closed for her. Not with her appearance ... The daughter of the mother's mother Inna Churikova, did not be afraid of this terrible sentence. She successfully entered another educational institution - Shchepkinsky Theater School. And even after graduation, the graduate did not offer work.

For three years, Inna Churikova played in the theater of the young viewer. He played in the crowd. And even the role of Baba Yaga seemed to her a serious event. He played Inna so that Baba Yaga was a favorite character of children. One day, Churikov was removed in the role of fox, which she played in a tale about the hare. Allegedly, fox "defiantly sexy."

And then there was a meeting with Gleb Panfilov. Meeting fateful. Then there were Roll and In the films "In Fire Brody", "Start", "I ask the words", "Theme", "Vassas", "Mother" ... and many roles in the theater. Leninsky Komsomol.

State awards:

  • Order "For Merit to Fatherland" III degree (July 27, 2007) - for a great contribution to the development of theatrical art and many years of creative activities
  • Order "For merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (August 25, 1997) - for great merits in the development of theatrical art
  • State Prize of the Russian Federation (1996) - for the role of arcadine in the play "Seagull" A. P. Chekhov
  • State Prize of the RSFSR named after Brothers Vasiliev (1985) - for the execution of the lead role in the film "Vassa"
  • Prize of Leninsky Komsomol (1976) - for creating images of contemporaries in movies
  • People's Artist of the USSR (1991)
  • People's Artist of the RSFSR (1985)
  • Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1977)
  • Tsarskostskaya Art Prize (2004)
  • Officer of the Ordena of Arts and Literature (France, 2010)

Cinematographic, television and theater awards:

  • Nika
  • Prize
    Best Women's Role (Rib Adam, 1992)
    The best female role of the second plan ("Bless Woman", 2004)
    The best female role ("Casanov's Cloak", 1994)
    The best female role ("Ryaba", 1995)
    Golden Eagle
  • Prize
    Best Women's Role of the Second Plan (Idiot, 2004)
    The best actress on TV ("in the first circle", 2007)
  • Prize
    The best female role ("Year of Dogs", 1994)
    Berlin Film Festival
  • Silver Bear Prize
    Best actress ("Military Field Romance", 1984)
    Other awards
  • The best actress of 1971 to survey the magazine "Soviet screen" (for the role of Pasha Stroganova in the film "Start")
  • Kumir Prize for 2004
  • Spectator Prize "Zhzhiva Theater" for 2011 (in the nomination "Actress of the Year" for the role in the play "Aquitan Lioness")
  • Prize "Crystal Turandot" (1995, 1997)
  • Award "Golden Mask" (2001, Spec. The prize of the jury of the dramatic theater and the theater of dolls - together with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan in the play "City of Millionaires" E. de Filippo, Lenkom, Moscow).
  • Prize "Triumph" (2001).
  • Award "Theater Star" (2011).

Theater work:

  • "Til" (on the play year of Gorina) (1974) - debut on the stage of the theater "Lenk"
  • "Hamlet" Shakespeare
  • "Ivanov" A.P. Chekhov
  • "Optimistic tragedy" V.V. Vishnevsky
  • based on the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Player"
  • ... sorry.
  • “ ” by play N.A. Ostrovsky "On all sages of pretty simplicity."
  • A.P. Chekhov
  • N.V. Gogol.
  • "TUT PAYÉ, or all paid"
  • "Aquitan Lioness" (2011)

Filmography. Roles in movies and on television.

  • 1960 - Clouds over Borsk - Rake
    1963 - I walk in Moscow - a girl at the competition

People's Artist of Russia

Laureate of state premiums

Actress Theater Lenkom

Born in Belibaya Bashkir ASSR (in evacuation). Upon returning to Moscow, in school years, he entered the theater studio at the Stanislavsky Theater. After graduation in 1965, Shchepkin's theater school debuted in Mtüza, where he worked from 1965 to 1968, playing Babu Yagu and other fabulous characters. In 1967-1970, Panfilov was filmed in the films of Gleb Panfilov "on the fire of Brody" and "Start", which made it one of the most visible actresses of their generation.

In 1974, Mark Zakharov was invited to the theater named after Leninsky Komsomol ("Lenk") on the main female role in the play "Til". Since 1975 - in the body of the theater "Lenk", where it remains the leading actress to this day.

Among the roles in performances Mark Zakharova: Nela ("Til"), Anna Petrovna, she is Sarah ("Ivanov"), a female commissioner ("Optimistic tragedy"), IRA ("Three girls in blue"), Mamaeva ("Sage"), Arkadina (" Chaika), Antonida Vasilyevna ("Barbarian and Hehetik"). Fillman Marturno ("City of Millionaire", production - Roman Samgin with the participation of Mark Zakharov), Eleanor.

In the performances of Gleb Panfilova: Gertruda ("Hamlet"), Alienor (Aquitan Lioness), Grandma ("Lies to salvation").

Played Ophelia in Gamlet Andrei Tarkovsky and Eleonora in the play of Elmo Nyughanna "Tout Payé, or all paid."

He starred in more than forty films, including nine pictures of her husband, Gleb Panfilov.

Favorite filmography: "Country Oz" (director Vasily Sigarev), "without guilt guilt", "Mother", "Theme", "Vassa", "Valentina", "I ask the words", "there is no fodder", "beginning", television series "In the first round" (director Gleb Panfilov), the TV series "Idiot" (director Vladimir Bortko), "Bless a woman" (director Stanislav Govorukhin), "Shirley Murley" (Vladimir Menshov), "Year of Dogs" (director Semen Aranovich) , "Ryabina" (director Andron Konchalovsky), "Casanov's Cloak" (Alexander Galin), "Courier" (director Karen Shahnazarov), "Military Field Romance" (director Peter Todorovsky), "The same Münhhausen" (director Mark Zakharov ), "Elusive Avengers", "Stryakuha" (director Edmond Keosayan), "Elder Sister" (director Georgy Nathason), Morozko (director Alexander Row), "Thirty-three" and "I'm walking around Moscow" (director George Dannelia ).

Among the awards and premiums:

Order "For merit to the Fatherland" of the II degree;

Order "For merits to the Fatherland" III degree;

Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree;

Officer of the Ordena of Arts and Literature (France);

Prize the jury of the International Film Festival in Locarno for the best execution of the female role, the film "There is no firefire" (1969);

The Prize of the Berlin Film Festival "Silver Bear" in the nomination "Best Women's Role", film "Military Field Romance" (1984);

Four times the winner of the award of Nika: in the nomination "Best Women's Role", the film "Rib Adam" (1992); in the nomination "The best female role of the second plan", the film "Blessing" (2003); in the nomination "Honor and dignity" in a pair with Gleb Panfilov (2013); In the nomination "The best female role of the second plan", the film "Oz" (2016).

Laureate of the independent Award "Triumph" in the nomination "Actress of the Year" (1993);

Three times laureate of the "Crystal Turandot" premium in the nomination "The best female role" - for the role of arcadine in the play "Seagull" (1995), the role of Antonida Vasilyevna in the play "Barbarian and Hehetik" (1997) and in the Nomination "Theater Testament" (2011) ;

International Prize named after K. S. Stanislavsky for an outstanding contribution to the development of domestic and world theatrical art - for the role in the play "Barbarian and Hehetik" (1997);

The special service of the Gold Mask jury for the role in the play "City of Millionaires" in a duet with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan (2001).

Laureate of the "Teffi" award in the nomination "Female role in the television film / TV series" (film "Idiot", 2003).

The laureate of the acting award in the field of the theater, cinema and television "Kumir" in the nomination "The Cummyr of the 2004 premium - for the role of Eleanor in the play" Tout Payé, or everything paid for ", and for the role of the head of the eadan in the television series" Idiot "(2004).