Ilya Rodim residents - General of herds. Last three wars

Ilya Rodim residents - General of herds. Last three wars

8. 3. 1905 - 13. 4. 1977

Alexander Ilyich Rodim citizens - Soviet warlord; a warrior officer in the ranks of the Spanish Republicans; Commander of the 32nd Guards Rifle Corps of the 5th Guards Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front.

Born on March 8, 1905 in the village of Charlyuk Charlok district of the Orenburg region in the poor peasant family. Russian.

In the Red Army since 1927. Member of WCP (b) / CPSU since 1929. In 1932 he graduated from the Military School named after VTCIK. He participated in the Civil War in Spain (under the pseudonym "Captain Pavlito"), in a liberation campaign to Western Belarus. In 1939, he graduated from the MV Military Academy. Frunze. In 1940 he participated in the Soviet-Finnish war.

During the Great Patriotic War A.I. The submarines commanded the landing brigade and the famous 13th Guards Order of Lenin Rifle Division that heroically defended Stalingrad. Since 1943, he is the commander of the 32nd Guards Rifle Corps, with whom he reached the capital of Czechoslovakia - Prague.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union, with the presentation of the Order of Lenin, Major Podimsev Alexander Ilyich was awarded on October 22, 1937 for the exemplary performance of a special task in the troops of Republican Spain. After the establishment of a sign of special differences, he was awarded the medal "Golden Star" No. 57.

The second medal "Golden Star" (No. 6049) Commander of the 32nd Guards Rifle Corps Guard, Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant, was awarded by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 2, 1945 for the skillful leadership of the troops during the forcing the Oder River on January 25, 1945 in the Linden area (Poland), personal heroism and courage.

After the war, he graduated from the highest academic courses at the Academy of the General Staff, was the commander of the compound, the assistant commander of the military district, the main military adviser and the Military attache in Albania. Since 1956 served in the troops. Since 1966 - in the group of general inspectors of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. He was elected by the deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR of the second convocation and deputy of the Supreme Council of the USSR of the third convocation. He is the author of several books "under the sky of Spain", "on the last border" and others.

The famous Soviet warlord died in the city of Hero in Moscow on April 13, 1977. Buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Awarded three orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, the four orders of the Red Banner, two orders of Suvorov of the 2nd degree, the orders of Kutuzov 2nd degree, Bogdan Khmelnitsky 1st degree, two orders of the Red Star, medals, as well as orders and medals of foreign states .

Honorary Citizen Volgograd.

Bronze bust A.I. Rodimitseva installed on his homeland in the village of Charlike, a monument and a memorable stele - in the city of Orenburg, bust - in Kursk, memorial plaques - in the cities of Heroes Moscow and Volgograd. The names of Rodimitseva are the streets in the village of Charlyuk, the cities of Volgograd, Orenburg, Chernigov, Kiev, in the village of Tomarod, Belgorod region. His name was awarded to School No. 2 in the village of Charlyuk, Lyceum No. 3 of Orenburg, School No. 53 of Kursk, School of Olympic reserve in the city of Hero Volgograd, Svorbarda SuperThellera (Gero-Hero Murmansk).

On the eve of Victory Day, we present to the attention of our readers a story about the fate of one of the main characters of a turning point for the Stalingrad Battle of the Colonel-General Alexander Rodimitseva, twice the Hero of the Soviet Union.

"In those days, seventy years ago, the fate of our Fatherland was decided. In Volgograd, an inscription on concrete slabs is still preserved on a steep shore: "Guardsmen's guardsmen were fighting here."

One day, we came to this memorable place together with Natasha Rodinsey, the daughter of General. Natasha told me: "After the departure of the father in the soul, such pain and emptiness. I found the consolation that I began to collect my memory of him. Meets with those who fought with his father. "

We have been known for a long time. I used to be in their house. It happened that Colonel-General A.I. Rodimans gave me the last interview in his life.

And Natasha all his life with unusual energy tried to visit where her father fought, carefully retaining every testimony about him - even if it is just an episode, one line.

From the memoirs of the German Colonel Adam: "On September 12, 1942, General Paulus was called in Hitler's bet in Vinnitsa. Paulus reported on the upcoming seizure of Stalingrad. After the report, Hitler casually turned the map of Stalingrad, saying: "Everything has already been done. The Red Army is broken, and the city will not be able to protect. "

These days on the left bank of the Volga in the armor were secretive to the River Shelves of the 13th Guards Division, which was commanded by General A.I. Rodimans. On the night of September 15 began crossing. In those watches, the Germans have already entered the coast of the Volga in the central part of the city. By crossing the enemy fired from guns and mortars. The river was boiling from explosions. Guardsmen Rodimitseva had to forcing the Volga under the enemy's fire. The explosions were treated boats and barges. Hundreds of warriors died in the lead waters of the river. And those who went to the right bank, jumping from the bargain, entered into battle.

Subsequently, herds recalled: "German aircraft rushed over our heads. The walls of the houses collapsed, stuck iron. Clouds of smoke and dust cut their eyes. We had to step in this fatal hell to drive off the Germans from the Volga, take the coastal streets. "

Rows from combat reports of the first days of battles: "Lieutenant Shibanov with a group of fighters, having interrupted the German tool calculation, captured the gun and turned it against the enemy's cherished enemy. Red Army Falls The grenade destroyed the approaching tank. Senior Sergeant, Dynkin, through the ruins, passed into the street, occupied by the Germans, rose to the attic, destroyed the calculation of the German machine gun, which blocking the path of the coming company. " Every place of the Earth, the guardsmen took with the battle.

From the memories of Marshal GK. Zhukova "13, 14, September 15, 1942 for Stalingraders were severe, too heavy days.

The opponent stepped over a step broke through the ruins of the city to the Volga. Fracture to these heavy and, as time, it seemed, the last clock was created by the 13th Guards Division of A.I. Rodimitseva. Her blow was completely unexpected for the enemy. "

For us, it is the story page. For Natasha, the submerged documents and memories of veterans are the news of the Father from the distant past. She had been in his native village of Charlike of the Orenburg region. Caught still those who once called her father just - San. The family of herds lived on the outskirts of the village. Their street, where the poor families settled, called a tearing away.

In the village remembered such a case. Once Sanne did not come to school. What happened? It turned out - the lapties were worn out. The teacher of Vera Athenogenovna brought him new ones. The child, he was 13 years old, Alexander had already had to survive the cruelty of war, civilian. In the eyes of the whole village, his father was scared to death scored the Cossacks-Dutov. Sanya became the breadwinner of the family. There was an apprentice at the shoemaker. Brew for any job. And at 22, it appeared before the draft commissions. Could he think then that he would be twice the hero of the Soviet Union, and his bust would be installed in the center of his native village?!

After graduating from the urgent service, Alexander Rodimov submits a report: he decided to seriously learn the military business seriously. He was accepted in the School of Kremlin cadets, from which many officers will come out of the walls later, which later became generals and even Marshals.

Natasha remembers Alexander Ilyich loved the poems of Konstantin Simonov! Especially - "Spanish plate spin." This is the memory of Spain. In 1936, he told Wife Catherine that he was sent on a business trip to help in harvesting in Mongolia, "and in fact went to Spain, where the civil war began. He becomes one of the advisers in parts of the Republican Army. Here he is called Captain Pavlito.

Subsequently, looking for materials about the Military biography of the Father, Natasha Rodimitseva read out the memories of the writer Mary Fortus, who became the prototype of the heroine of the film "Salute, Maria".

Maria Fortus was a translator and knew Alexander Ilyich personally. Only one episode of her memories: "Once again, I and Sasha Rodim residents were on the team paragraph of the Brigade. The commander Enrique Lister suddenly saw that the tanks supported by the team for some reason changed the direction. There was no connection with them. It was a dangerous moment of battle. Sasha Rodimov rushed into the car and rushed to the tank column. In the entire field explosions were heard. We saw how he drove up to the head tank, jumped on armor and banked for the hatch. Transferred the order to the commander of the tank platoon. When he returned, we saw holes on his leather tuber. And it is like a conspiracy. The brave man was. "

Marshal K.A. Metskov, who fought in Spain, wrote about the Rami: "I often saw him in battle and was able to appreciate its quality. Not once happened that in the hardest setting he knew how to turn the fight and achieve victory. "

In 1937, A.I. The herders were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

And again - study. Rodimans adopted at the M.V. Military Academy Frunze. Books, cards, schemes. Former rustic boy understood how much he had to learn. In Stalingrad, General Rodimtsev was 37 years old. He fought in Ukraine, defended Kiev, escaped from the environment, retaining people and weapons. In 1942, for the liberation of the Kursk city, the Tim Division was awarded the title of Guards.

... Coast of Volga, exhausted by dugouts and dugouts. In one of them - the headquarters of Rodimitsev. Before the front edge of only 200 meters. Glarda Guards: "There is no land for us!".

Years will be held, and the topic of defense Stalingrad will be controversial. There will be many speculations about who fought on the Volga then showing the resistance that struck the world. There will be writes who will give a simple answer. The whole thing, they say, in the fact that the Penal battalions fought on the Volga shore. And this bike will go through the light. But only in Stalingrad was a completely different story.

Airborne buildings were sent to the Volga - the elite troops of the Red Army. In each company, soldiers were selected, as now in special forces. Division A.I. Rodimitseva is the former 3rd airborne building, first arrived in Stalingrad. Soon, a few more airborne buildings will be transferred to the Volga, which will occupy defense in the city. Many thousands then folded their heads in the battles on the streets of Stalingrad.

In an interview of A.I. Rodimans told me: "After the war I was often asked - how could we stay on the last border when 200-300 meters remained to the Volga? Marine paratroopers passed special training. They were psychologically prepared, to fight in the rear of the enemy, fight in full surroundings. The fighters owned not only with all kinds of small arms, but they also knew how to explore and knew a sapper case. "

It is now even difficult to imagine, with what excitement people were waiting for every message about the battle in Stalingrad. For the victory on the Volga at the factories, "superplan accounts" of brigades who produced military equipment were opened. The names of Stalingrad called partisan detachments. Residents collected funds for buying tanks and aircraft, in the "Common Boiler" handed over their savings and values. In many countries of the world, people with hope and anxiety waited for messages from Volzhsky strongdiny.

I was told in Paris Princess Z.A. Shakhovskaya, the emigrant, who became a member of the resistance, as they at night they listened to the news on the battles about the battles in Stalingrad, from hand writing leaflets in support of our warriors and, risking their lives, put them out on Parisian homes.

Chilean poet Pablo Neruda wrote about Stalingrad: "The sailor in the middle of the furious sea is looking for one star in the sky - the star of the burning city."

The name of General A.I. Rodimitseva often sounded in Soviet Soviet. Journalists who visited the fighting Stalingrad called him: a courage.

... I remember how together with Natasha Rodimsey, we have long stood at the legendary house of Pavlov, which is now known worldwide. Now they lead excursions. In this house, the Guardsmen of General Rodimitseva fought. This is what Alexander Ilyich told me about this: "Somehow at the end of September 1942, we watched a four-story house for a long time, which closed the area from us. From him, the Germans were shooting. But how many of them in the house, we did not know. I ordered to send a group of scouts to the house, which was headed by Sergeant Yakov Pavlov.

Waving at night in the house's entrance, the scouts heard German speech, clad metal. Night battle in the building is the hardest battle. Faith, resourcefulness, courage solve its outcome. In the morning, Pavlova came a report that they knocked out the Germans. We sent reinforcements into the house - armorboosters, machine gunners, snipers, mortar rows. At night, the fighters breakdown to the Volga, which was delivered ammunition and food. Of course, we did not select a special garrison by national composition. But here, the shoulder to the shoulder, the Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Belarusians, Georgians, Jews, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, were fought ... No one thought how many attacks were withstanding the defenders of this house, but the Germans could not take it to the very end of the Stalingrad fighting. "

The feat of this garrison entered the story. 58 days fought Pavlov's house. This is more than the troops of some European states defended.

However, Pavlova's house became famous because he was the only one. It was typical in those conditions of the defense. The buildings of the mill, the Martenovsky shop, Elevator became the same fortresses in Stalingrad.

General of herds often visited this house. Hence the most convenientness was to watch the front edge. He described this soldier's fortress so: "The windows were turned into embrasures, laid by brick, heating batteries. Under them - at the ready, cartridges, grenades, machine-gun tapes. The garrison occupied a circular defense. In the corner of one of the rooms I saw Samovar. Boiling water bred concentrates. "

Many events in Stalingrad remained in his soul the non-healing wound, "Alexander Ilyich said me. Such was the memory of the defenders of the urban station, which became the Brest fortress for his division. It fought one of the best battalions who commanded the senior lieutenant F.G. Fedoseev. They were surrounded. German tanks came to the station square. Forces were not equal. Lieutenant oscillations wrote a note: "Let the whole country know - we have not retreated. While we are alive, the Germans will not pass. " Such a price was performed in Stalingrad Order: "Neither step back!". "I remember how to train the Volga treasured, exhausted fighter. He said that all the defenders of the station died, "with pain, many years later, told me herds.

German General Derr wrote: "For each house, shop, water tower, the railway mound was carried out a fierce struggle that did not have equal. The Russians exceeded the Germans in the use of the area, were more experienced in battles for individual houses, they took a solid defense. "

... and again I can not not say about the daughter of the general. About what spiritual generosity she gave the surviving veterans. In the house of Pavlova, the machine gunner Ilya Voronov fought. When the fighters went to the offensive, it felt fragments - more than twenty injuries. Feet and left hand. And this crippled person found the strength of throwing grenades, pulling the cock to the teeth ... Natasha found a veteran. He lived in the village of Glinka Oryol region. And here is one of their meetings.

"Ilya Vasilyevich wrote what rides from the south through Moscow. Rule in the building of the Kursk station. How to find him here? Please declare radio. No one comes. I am looking for a train that goes to the eagle, I don't know the carriage. I decided to play all the wagons starting with the tail. I ask for conductors. "Do you have a veteran on crutches?" Finally I see - here he, Ilya Voronov. He is glad, and I am even more. A neighbor is respectful of me: "My daughter of my commander Rodimitseva, and adds joyfully. "I knew that she would come."

One of the streets in Volgograd is named after Ilya Voronov.

But moments of victory in Stalingrad, as General A.I. described them. Rodimans. Behind the months of street fighting remained: "The field phone rang on January 26, 1943. She reported the commander of the regiment Panjoin, who was on the skates of Mamaeva Kurgan: "Strong artillery shooting is heard from the west." We understood what it means. By that time, the German group of Paulus was completely surrounded.

Every day the ring around the enemy was compressed. We were approaching from the West, from the Volga steppes of the troops of the Don Front. For us, defeated on the last blocks of the Earth over the Volga, this news was a holiday. And it was necessary to happen that the army of PI was published on our site. Batova, with whom I became friends back in Spain! I ordered immediately to connect with the advancing troops. At about nine in the morning, we saw the silhouettes of tanks "thirty highways" in the snowmall. What happened here! People fled to each other knee-deep in the snow. Victory!

We survived so much in Stalingrad, what seemed to me - the happiest day came in my life. On the site of the meeting of two fronts on the same day, we decided to forever to put the tank, on which it was written on the armor: "Chelyabinsk collective farmer." It was the first monument established in Stalingrad. "

After Stalingrad, General of herders became the commander of the 32nd Guards Rifle Corps, fought on the Kursk arc, participated in the liberation of Ukraine, Poland, forced Oder, took Dresden, finished war in Prague. In 1945, he began twice the hero of the Soviet Union.

Last Life A.I. Rodimitseva in Moscow School No. 26 The museum was opened dedicated to the heroic 13th Guards Rifle Division.

Two thousand people took part in its creation - veterans, teachers, schoolchildren and their parents. In the shop windows - valuable historical materials: photos, front letters, handwritten memoirs, books. On the walls - portraits of heroes. Here are the lessons of courage, excursions are held for other schools. Natasha Rodimitseva became the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Division, director of the school museum.

For many years, she collected memories, documents, and the book "My Father General Rodimans" was ripe, the whole circulation immediately crushed museums, veterans, friends. However, every time we meet with Natasha, she says with an oblivion about what new materials found about the father and his fellow soldiers and repeats: "Still so much work!"

Again, she, who did not see the war, mentally throws that fiery line, behind which the roar of explosions and whistle bullets. The farther, the odds seem to her ... "

In contact with

Aleksandr Rodimcev Career: Hero
Birth: Russia, 8.3.1905
During the Great Patriotic War, A. I. Podim citizens commanded the 13th Guards Order of Lenin Rifle Division, which was part of the 62nd Army heroically defended Stalingrad. Then he commanded the Guards Rifle Corps, reached the capital of Czechoslovakia Prague. On June 2, 1945, A. I. Podimtsev was awarded the second gold medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union. He was also awarded by many orders and medals. He was elected by the deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR of the second convocation and deputy of the Supreme Council of the USSR of the third convocation.

Alexander Ilich Podimtsev was born in a poor peasant family. By nationality, Russian. Member of the CPSU since 1929. In the Soviet Army

since 1927. In 1932 he graduated from the Military School named after VTCIK. Participated in the Civil War in Spain, in the liberation of Western Belarus.

The title Hero of the Soviet Union A. I. Rodimtsev was awarded on October 22, 1937 for the exemplary performance of a special task. In 1939, he graduated from the M. Frunze Military Academy.

After the war, he graduated from the highest academic courses at the Academy of General Staff, commanded the connection. Currently, Colonel-General A. I. Podimtsev is in a responsible position in the ranks of the Soviet Army. He is the author of several books.

On the central square of the district village, Charluck, extensively sprawling on the expanses of the Orenburg steppe, installed a bust of the hero twice. The older generation people remember the one who is broadcast from bronze, the barefoot boy from the poor family of Ilya Rodimitsev, remembers his shoe apprentice.

For a long time, in 1927, a rural boy, Alexander Rodimtsev, was called on real, left his native places. Since those distant times, Alexander did not have to return to his native hut for a long time. He came home to the soldier to the first. Came cadet; She told how stood on the clock at the door of the Mausoleum. I came with a red commander. Even before the war, Colonel, he came here, as simple. And only from the newspapers found out fellow villagers that their countryman earned a high title of hero.

And later, the Great Patriotic War arrived by the general to open his bronze bust twice the hero. And the relatives and her here more than half said that the bust is as if it looks like, but it is not easy to know the bronze of the blond and light-eyed Orenburg Cossack.

Here, Alexander Ilyich Rodimitseva was chosen in the Supreme Council of the USSR, here it is constantly when a few free days will be lit. And in Moscow, the apartment of General is something like a permanent representation of the village of Charlyuk. According to whatever case, fellow countrymen in the capital, there are close monastery in Moscow.

But the owner of the Charlyak Cossacks are infrequently found in Moscow. He in service, in the army, lives in soldiers.

The Great Patriotic Mahalovka found Colonel Rodimitsev in a small town in Ukraine. He commanded an airfraent brigade, mastering a new military profession. After all, he began in cavalry, and in a distant country, which fucked for his freedom, was a co-gun volunteer. Airways were strongly proud of their commander hero of the Soviet Union. Nobody told nobody about himself, but in the midst of the fighters subordinated to him, the legends about the captain of the Republican Spanish Army, which broke the fascists the road to University Gorodishko in Madrid. The captain replaced the gunner and forced the fascists to roll back.

They talked about the fact that herds were the only one of those who made the famous Harama's little Spanish river, which became impassable for the enemy Rubezh.

Yes, herds were on Guadalajar, was under Brunet and under the Terrel. The redarmeys of urgent service, infantrymen, with dignity wearing blue petrolers paratroopers, saw in their commander the standard and sample. And it is time for them, twenty-year-old, bring evidence that they are worthy of their commander.

The paratroopers were thrown on the defense of Kiev. It has not yet been time to apply airborne parts by their direct intended purpose. And although actually, the direct direction of these fighters was the heroic act, and they made it.

The Red Army officers under the command of Rodimitsev focused on the main street of Kiev Khreshchatyk. And when the Hitler's generals have already prepared the telegram that Kiev is captured by them, the submerged shocks caused fascists. 20 days of August, the forty-first year, the airborne cozen, in the one that was included by the Rodimitsev Brigade, led fierce battles, then the occupation of those who were moving into hand-to-hand contractions. Supported by artilleryrs, paratroopers moved a day of meters per 800. But they walked to the West. West in August 1941! Who participated in the Patriotic War, under any circumstances will not forget that the most tragic month will understand what it meant to step to the West for that time. The paratroopers took place with continuous battles of 15 kilometers to the west to hold the defense in the Goloseevsky Forest, this campus of Kiev.

Such is the combat baptism of the servant who commanded herds. The heroism of their commander was transmitted by this young, under no circumstances did not have bought guys.

At the end of August, the brigade was withdrawn from north of Kiev in order to continue learning an airway specialty. But at that time, the circumstances were changed soon, and on September 1, the paratroopers of Rodimitsev were once again in battle. They became on the Syme River and did not give the fascists to overcome the way either step, while they were not one hundred percent surrounded. Sophisticated actions of the core broke through a sturdy ring and in three-day battles, causing huge losses to enemy, left the environment. The skill of battles on the Syme River was added to the experience of fighting on the Harame River. Then the colonel, the head of the brigade, did not know that he would have the news of battles on the Volga, but he was remembered that he would force the Vistula and Oder, he would see Elbe. The appearance of General Ognev in a famous play of the front, which appeared in those days, reproduces a lot of unclean power inherent in herds, in the part of which Alexander Korechuk was more than once.

I arrived in the division, which was commanded by Alexander Rodimites, at the end of 1941. Division this was created from the very airborne part, which fought in Kiev and in the Sejm. I had to meet with the hero of the Soviet Union by Alexander Ilyich Rodimsky, but I first saw him in a combat situation in the snow-covered fields of the Kursk region. Yes, we were already in the center of Russia, but the atmosphere in the Division somehow happily did not fit the hardest situation in the front. In the troops were preparing for the offensive. The division commander took me with him to the forefront. We came to the fighters who were commanded by the young hero Oleg Kokushkin, for six months of the war three times awarded the Order of the Red Banner. I heard Kokushkin and herds talked with fighters lay down on slippery, covered with fried snow.

Cold. And how to warm up, comdive friend?

We move forward, take the town of Tim I will warm up and we will define the new year, somehow my homemade the submarines answered.

Fire in front of a dozen, comrades Commanders ...

So, it is necessary to overcome his way as soon as possible.

This offensive operation ended with success. Tim was taken.

The name of Rodimitseva is extensively known in our people, and it is customary to combine his glory with battles for Volzhsky hard. But I stopped as in detail in the initial period of the war, which for the 13th Guards Division, courage was prepared by harsh battles, was a continuation of fights on Khreshchatyk and under Tim, and for her commander and continuation of fights in the university town of Madrid and under Guadalajara.

And the 13th Guards Division, under the command of General-Major Alexander Rodimitsev, later, the fighting near Kharkov was in the reserve on the left bank of the Volga. The Guardsmen were worried: they were in the rear, when they were on the approaches to Stalingrad such heavy battles. But his lords himself were calm, or rather, did not give out his excitement. In the Red Army Gymnaster with the general butters, in a simple pilot, from dawn to a deep night he worked out with fighters tactics of street fight.

The distinguishing property of the general was always a cheerful lack of anxiety, nor a bit of not talked, strongly natural. He had already had 15 years of army service by the shoulders by the shoulders, the last path from the soldier to the general, who graduated from the Frunze Military Academy, a real military bone, coming did not lose some kind of sincere, without a small home tone in a conversation with the fighters. He could without additives, without going to lead a conversation with a private fighter and an officer as equal to the previously responsible for the fate of the Motherland.

The position in the Stalingrad area has become strongly heavy since the twenties of August 1942. But the most difficult days came in mid-September. This is then the 13th Guards Division received an order to focus in the Red Sloboda area and cross in the middle of the city.

This crossing of the Guards Division has already entered the story, there was a lot about it. But again and Syznova makes it often thorn the heart of the past about this crossing through the Volga. Division was shipped in the place that the Nazis chose for themselves; In this place they intended to join the defeated town. Right in the edge of the main strike, the enemy stood up the edge of our 13th Guards. The division went there, where hundreds of enemy tanks were already focused, selected infantry divisions. On the bank of the river, as evidenced by the memories of Marshals Eremenko and Chuikov, we have already been put into Makhach the last forces.

This one of its kind crushed under the hurricane fire of the enemy could not be supported by our artillery fire would have fallen in their. From the rustled tanks of the refinery in the Volga, fuel resulted. The dusted river, the fever was extinguished only by fascist shells, tearing through everywhere.

Through the most absolute flaper, the bronzector of the Volga Flotilla, Barge, Boats, Barcasses with Guardsmen.

If you have been in Volgograd in recent decades, you know the wonderful embankment, granite terraces descending to the river. In this place, the 13th Guards Division was transported. On a towing boat, called for some reason the Japanese name Kavasaki, crossed the Volga and the Division headquarters led by General. The headquarters closed the crossing and was transferred to the day, that is, in the conditions of the national danger.

Having lost the number of fighters when forceing the Volga, the 13th Guards became one of the equal parts that defended degrees. Nearby there were other divisions and brigades, each of which is not less than the 13th Guards, worthy of being glorified in songs and legends.

Guardsmen Rodimitseva with the go joined Mordico to the 62nd Army to defend the big town. I have been a little time in this division in a segment of the time of defense of the Volga hard. Not being a military specialist, I, nevertheless, could not fail to captivate the military science that the chief of the division was continuously occupied. Returning from the avant-garde, he was together with officers headquarters leaning over the map, becoming at the same time as a teacher and student. In the continuous screamer of artillery breaks and automatic shooting, the former sound background of this battle from its beginning to the end, her lords of their calm, domestic voice did any time of the battle, put the tasks, weighed for and against. So it was also in the gallery, where the oxygen lacked, and in the pipe, where the headquarters poured with water.

I have already spoken about the calm of the general. I did not have to see him annoyed. But I saw him admired. Turning herders enthusiastically and on the actions of other divisions, and about their commanders, and the warriors subordinate to him.

I will not reproduce the history of the house of Sergeant Pavlova. This heroic act of fighters of the 13th Guards is spaciously known. Two months defeated the small garrison of the ruins of the house, which became an impregnable fortress. I just want to remember that Sergeant Pavlov learned that he was a hero, only in the summer of 1945 in Germany, in the days of demobilization. After he was not easy to get wounded in his home and was evacuated in Lazaret, he returned to the front a little (in other parts) to stop waking wound, recover and re-enter the face. One day he saw the release of the newsreel House Pavlov, but did not say to anyone that it was a dwelling named after him.

This fact characterizes one of the Guards of the Division of Rodimitsev, may be no less dazzling than its heroic act in a flaming city on the Volga. So brought up the general of the Guards of his division, starting with himself.

Among the incredible, who struck the world of heroic actions of the 13th Guards is prohibited not to attribute to the urban station. It died here all the fighting and, while were alive, the station did not pass.

I remember the inscription on the wall: Guardsmen's Guardsmen stood to death here.

This was written not after that, the fights were drawn by these fighters that expired blood, but continued to be thorn.

The dominant height of the city on the Volga Mamaev Kurgan, at the top of which at the present moment the statue of the Mother of Motherland and the Park of Eternal Glory grows, was taken by the storm Guards of the Division. To more accurately determine the image of a division in the defense of the city of the Hero, I will allow myself only to refresh my memory again to the reader that by the time of the division's crossing through the Volga on the shore, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Central Embankment, fascist automatic gunners have already been commissioned. Then the guardsmen managed to beat off a little streets, take the station and system of central quarters. The city center never got his enemy beat off and kept in the hands of the Guards of the 13th Division.

Rodimans will join the Volga, the rudes of the German Radiomashin. And the general in the smoke-scrambled coat and the soldier's hat passed on the command points of the regiments and battalions. Let's say right, it was not long paths, but an arbitrary meter threatened to death. How many attacks of fascists reflected the division? This, perhaps, can not be counted.

I remember, the division summed up to the 25th anniversary of the October Revolution. Some numbers are preserved in memory: 77 tanks burned, more than 6 thousand enemy fighters and officers were destroyed. Later, the captive troops of Paulus showed significantly more impressive numbers. But in the division, the whole roads were imprisoned.

In those days, the Spanish Republicans gathered in London sent a teligram's herds. It said: the glorious armor of Stalingrad people and the Red Army ... is a symbol of unshakable human freedom.

The general was located in the city from the moment of crossing the victory. On January 26, he was coupled with a group of fighters came out on the sounds of the artillery cannonade, which came from the West. In the battalions of the division, only dozens of guardsmen remained, and they rushed after the general. I saw her herds presented a cloth to the fighters of the division of N. T. Tavktskaladze, who broke into the december from the banks of Don. It was a homemade banner; A purple pencil was written on a chicken mushroom with a violet pencil: from the Guards Order of Lenin of the 13th Rifle Division in the meeting of January 26th. I do not know where at the current moment it is a cloth string, but it seems to me that it is the historical relic of the Great Patriotic War. His transfer to the hands of fighters who came from the West symbolized the dissection surrounded in the Stalingrad region of the enemy grouping into two parts.

For battles in the area of \u200b\u200bStalingrad, the Hero of the Soviet Union, General of herders was awarded the Order of the Red Star. From here, the general road of General and leading them to the West began. The general was appointed commander of the corps, which included the 13th Guards. The battle road of the hull was held in the places where the airless brigade fought, and later the 87th Infantry Division, which became the 13th Guards. The body fought under Kharkov, freed Poltava and Kremenchug, forced Dnipro.

The starting point for the beginning of this path was the famous Prokhorovka, fighting on the Kursk arc. The fight under Prokhorovka went down in history as one of the grand battles. Sometimes in the stories about Prokhorovka, the image of infantry is moving on the second project. And this image was great and serious, because some tanks could not be cited with the hordes of the enemy, trying to apply a Kursk bridgehead for a decisive onset, scheduled for the enemy for the summer of 1943.

The tank joints of the Soviet Army came out in this battle of Lan in hand with the infantrymen of Rodimitsev. And after all, the battles turned on Ukrainian Earth.

Great significance in this section of the front had the backbank of the city and the zero zode. Case Divisions received the name of Poltava and Kremenchugsky, the commander was awarded the title of Lieutenant General.

Together with his troops, he entered the general and in that petty dear, where the flight was deployed before the war. Many rivers lay on his way around the territory of Motherland: Vorskla, Psle, Dnipro, Bug, again, the Bug he willolaidist, in the end, Dniester. And at all time, entering the shore, the general recalled the most difficult crossing in his life through the Volga and the distant River Ebro and Haram. But in war memories are needed only for action. And in the field book of the Corps Commander All this was recorded dry and delivering rivers forcing ... without the support of artillery ... With the support of artillery ... under the influence of an opponent's aviation ... with immediate unfolding combat order and seizure of a springboard on the right bank ... There is such an entry: forcing the water barrier under the influence of the storming and bombarding aircraft to 600 airplanes per day ...

Summer forty-fourth year memorable fighters of the Guards Corps forcing Vistula in the Sandomieri area. On the famous Sandomirly, the fascists threw four tank divisions against the crucible of Rodimitsev, one mechanized and two infantry. But is it really allowed to push in the vistol of those who could not appear in the Volga?

The corps strengthened at the Sandomira line, which he made a brave jerk and, breaking through a very fortified positional defense of the enemy, persecuted the enemy to Oder, cooked Oder. Many hard days was on this path. I did not see the Rodimitsev in despondency. In a rigorous moment, he only broke out from somewhere from the Orenburg steppes taken by the word Shaitan.

The wet European winter of 1945, herds met on the territory of Germany. He was preparing troops to a decisive jerk, to the offensive, ended on April 24, 1945, access to the Elbe in the city of Torgau.

Under the walls of this Suede Fortress, the Guards meets with allies troops. The meeting entered the story. American soldiers, the army tract of which in the second important war was importantly lighted and shorter than our path, were surprised by glooming, health and the youth species of guardsmen, who had just left the fierce battle. It was a healthy celebration, a joyful summit, and, it would seem, for the Rodimitsev and his corps, who passed the roads of war more than seven and a half thousand kilometers, Mahalovka was already over. But no! The corps received an indication to turn to the south, in severe battle, he took the senselessly destroyed by the bombing of the Allies of Dresden. But here, on May 7, Makhlovka for Rodimitsev has not yet ended.

The body received a fresh team by a rapid throw to the south to save the system of czechoslovakia cities and to submit Prague, where the hollows of a popular uprising broke out. The speed and power of this operation seem to be incredible at the current time: because the casing troops participated in April 1945 in the hardest battles, any of which seemed the last and final. But did not have time to come close to the only face, as the need arose to rush to a new one, even more complex battle.

In Moscow, the solemn salts of the victorious salute, already in the building of the engineering school in Karlshorst, the German Feldmarshal Kaitel a trembling hand signed an act of complete surrender, and the czechoslovakia czechoslovakia.

Guardsmen burst into Teresin, where thousands of prisoners were already bent for shooting Czechs, Russians, Magyars, inhabitants of many European countries. Lady Guardsmen for 30 minutes, for fifteen minutes, everything would be over.

At that very moment, General reported: Lady gave birth to a shot in the crowd. Rodimites ordered immediately to bring her to the Medsanbat of the 13th Guards Division, already approached Terezin. After the battle of herds arrived in Medsanbat and found out that the Uzpet from Hungary, the exhausted, weighing the only number of 40 kilograms, gave birth to a girl. It was an event that excited all the inhabitants of Teresin. There was a news of the body: the girl and milf alive, the child was called the Russian name of Valya.

Running for the years ahead, I will say that Valya Badash, a citizen of the Hungarian People's Republic, a teacher of the Budapest University, and Colonel-General Alexander Podimtsev are honorary citizens of Teresin in Czechoslovakia and met there at the celebration of the next Victory Day.

But then their summit in the Medsanbat of the 13th Guards Division was a one-minute. The troops rushed to Prague and through a few hours have already been fighting for her back.

But here the Great Patriotic War did not end for Alexander Rodimitseva and the Corps who was under his command. It was necessary to rush to support the flaming city of Kladno.

The combat path of the landing brigade, next of the 87th Rifle Division, which became the 13th Guards, and, in the end, the corps, in the one that was included 13, 95 and the 97th Guards divisions were estimated from a family and a half thousand kilometers. For these seven and a half in Czechoslovakia, another five hundred.

The victories of the brigades, divisions, and after the corps were not only the personal success of their commander.

Always, when I was at the headquarters of Rodimitsev, I saw him surrounded by faithful companions of political workers and headquarters, heads of service and childbirth forces. Taking conclusion, the boss was consulted for a long time with them, together with them produced a draft operation.

And not a lacker that the political workers of the 13th Guards Division M. S. Shumilov, G. Ya. Marchenko, A. K. Shchur became generals in fire fighting.

There are feats that make a fighter with a hero in a strikingly weekly time: the only day forcing the river, one dark time of the burning tank, instantaneous, unparably bold assault catch. But there are feats that you will not define the day, moments. The second Golden Star caught fire at the chest of General Alexander Rodimitsev as a sample of thousands of heroic deeds committed by the fighters of his compounds, westing and led by him. Of course, the homeland has taken into account the personal courage of the general of the hero and in everything.

All these years, the general was engaged in the upbringing of troops, raising a fighter. The army, who became the Komsomol and Communist in her ranks, is considered in the military environment by a person's legendary personal courage. As an eyewitness confirm: yes, for the general Rodimitsev, the concept does not exist. But not the recklessness, but humble, accurate calculation was forever standing at the head of them in a combat atmosphere. For a happy randomness, no pool nor the only spicker has never bought it. He came out of the war with a young man, with a slightly silver head and cheerful young eyes in heavy, like swollen from four-year insomnia centuries. He currently continues to serve in our armed forces. The second rhombus, testifying to the end of the Higher Military Academy, appeared on his uniform next to many orders who were awarded His Motherland, Crosses and Stars, which were noted by the valor of foreign states.

Having visited his old combat comrade, I fell in his writing paper on his writing desk, folders with manuscripts. When free time breaks, the general records the small and great events of their combat life. These are not memoirs in the narrow sense of the word, but rather the stories of a person. A lot of books Alexander Rodimitseva has already come to the reader. This is the result of the fifteen-year labor book under the sky of Spain, these are stories for children Masha Mousetrap, documentary story on the last turn, the people of the legendary feat, yours, Fatherland, sons.

I am constantly surprised by the memory of the general. When in 1968 on the banks of the Volga, the 25th anniversary of the Stalingrad Victory was celebrated, more than a hundred former Guardsmen of the 13th Division came to the places of fighting. Of each of them, the general called at the meeting by name, with each he was thinking about.

Celebrations in Volgograd approached the end. We have already gathered to leave the hotel at the station when the number knocked into the gate. He entered the elder, a slightly crumpled man, introduced himself:

Private guards.

General once learned him met in the regiment, who commanded I. A. Samchuk.

The former Guardian of the legendary division, it turns out that the last four years work at Mamaev Kurgan, where he was wounded and was once awarded. He currently took part in the creation of a monument on Mamaev, his share fell to carving at a granite names of his comrades in the hall of the Eternal Fame.

Guardsman took out a large jar of jam from Avoska and handed it to general with the words:

From our guards family.

About how nicely knows the lords of each of his soldiers, testifies to the new book. The general writes about the ordinary artillers of the bull, distinguished himself in battles near Kharkov, who fought in Stalingrad and the died on the Kursk arc. The first publications about the Hero of the Soviet Union Bykov called a response found a friend of the life of the hero, also former Guardian 13th, said that the hero's siblos serves as the current time in the army. The lords went to the Kiev fighting area, found a soldier and son of a soldier, spoke in part with memories of the father of the ordinary term service.

The book about the bull is called will remain alive.

And today, coming to the troops, the general considers his duty to click servant, teach them so that the adequateness of the defenders of Madrid, Kiev, Stalingrad, the heroes of Sandomirlasm, and the liberation of Prague.

Also read the biographies of famous people:
Alexander Salov Aleksandr Salov

Hero of the Soviet Union (03/21/40). He was awarded the Order of Lenin.

Alexander Semenov Aleksandr Semenov

Hero of the Soviet Union (03/21/40). He was awarded two orders of Lenin, four orders of the Red Banner, the 2nd degree cutuzov orders, Bogdan ..

    - (1905 77) Russian commander, General Colonel (1961), twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1937). Participant of the Civil War in Spain in 1936 39. In the Great Patriotic War, the commander of the Guards Rifle Division, distinguished in the battles ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - [R. 23.2 (8.3) .1905, p. Charlok, now Orenburg region], Soviet military leader, General Colonel (1961), twice Hero of the Soviet Union (10/22/1937 and 2.6.1945). Member of the CPSU since 1929. Born in the peasant family. In the Red Army since 1927. He graduated from ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (1905 1977), General Colonel (1961), Hero of the Soviet Union (1937 twice). Participant of the Civil War in Spain in 1936 39. In the Great Patriotic War, the commander of the Guards Rifle Division, distinguished in the battles near Stalingrad, and ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Rod. 1905, mind. 1977. The commander. Participant of the Civil War in Spain (1936 39), the Great Patriotic War. Guards Rifle Division under the command of R. distinguished himself in battles near Stalingrad. After the war on command posts. Twice the hero ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    - ... Wikipedia

Orenburg, Stela Chernigov, Memorial Plank (House) Annotation board in Chernigov Memorial board in Moscow Memorial Plank in Volgograd Monument in Cheremisinovo Orenburg, Bust Volgograd, Wall Rodimitseva

Rodims Alexander Ilyich - Soviet warlord; Military adviser in the troops of the Spanish Republicans; Commander of the 32nd Guards Rifle Corps of the 5th Guards Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front.

Born on February 23 (March 8) of 1905 in the village of Charlike now Sharlyak district of the Orenburg region in the poor peasant family. Russian. From early childhood, Batracil, after the death of his father in 1921 he worked in a shoe workshop.

In the Red Army since September 1927. It is called for an urgent service in the convoy of the Troops of the USSR OGPU, served in the 28th Rifle Convoy Battalion. Member of WCP (b) / CPSU since 1929. After graduating from life in September 1929, he received, and in 1932 he graduated from the Joint Military School named after the All-Russian WFIC in Moscow. From March 1931 served in the 61st Cavalry regiment of the 36th Cavalry Division of the Moscow Military District: the commander of the cavalry platoon, the commander of the platoon of the regimental school, the squadron commander.

He participated in the Civil War in Spain (under the pseudonym "Captain Pavlito") in the positions of the military adviser at the military units of the Republican Army since September 1936 to August 1937. Active participant Defense of Madrid, battles on the Harama River, in Bruheta, Teruel, under Guadalajara. Was disting from personal courage in battles.

The title of the Hero of the Soviet Union, with the presentation of the Order of Lenin, the older lieutenant Herds Alexander Ilyichawarded on October 22, 1937 for the exemplary performance of a special task in the troops of Republican Spain. After the establishment of a sign of special differences, he was awarded the medal "Golden Star" No. 57.

After returning from Spain, the senior lieutenant was awarded the title of "Major". Since September 1937 to January 1938 - commander of the 61st Cavalry Regiment. In 1939, he graduated from the MV Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze. From May 1939 - Deputy Commander of the 36th Cavalry Division of the Belarusian Special Military District, participated in the liberation campaign to Western Belarus in September 1939. In January - March 1940 participated in the Soviet-Finnish War.

In 1940, he was sent to airborne troops and was trained in courses at the Military Academy of the Command and Navigational Composition of the RKKA Air Force. At their end, in May 1941, he was appointed commander of the 5th airborne brigade in the Kiev Special Military District.

From the first day of the Great Patriotic War, Colonel A.I. Rodimans - in battles. His brigade was withstanding the onslaught of the enemy in the first months of the war, and in August 1941 he played an outstanding role in a successful conferdar near Kiev, when the enemy was discarded from the capital of Ukraine by 15 kilometers and refused the storm plan of the city. In September 1941, the brigade fell into the Kiev boiler and three days led a defensive battle at the turn of the Sim River, covering the waste of armies. Almost a month later, the driving parts of the brigade headed with their commander broke out of the enemy ring.

From November 1941 - the commander of the 87th Rifle Division. As part of the 40th Army, the division was successful defensive and offensive battles at the Kursk direction and for successful fighting in January 1942, one of the first received the Guards Banner, becoming the 13th Guards Rifle Division. In March 1942, Division was awarded the Order of Lenin. Then the Guards Rodimitsev in the 38th and 28th armies led stubborn defensive battles on Voronezh, Valui direction and in the large radiation of Don. In July 1942, part of the division were brought to replenishment under Stalingrad. Guard Major General (05.21.1942).

In early September 1942, the commander and fighters of the 13th Guards Order of Lenin of the Rifle Division (62nd Army of the Stalingrad Front) entered into the main battle of his life - they crossed the enemy under a squall fire with the fight through the Volga and knocked out Germans from the coastal quarters of Stalingrad. On the night of September 16, 1942, Mamaev Kurgan was taken by storm. There were months of unparalleled defense in the ruins of the city, dozens of enemy counterattacks every day, a constant drawback in humans and ammunition and unprecedented persistence in history. After the defeat of the German troops in Stalingrad, the division was brought to the reserve of the rates of the Supreme Command.

From May 1943 to the end of the war, Lieutenant General (from January 17, 1944) A.I. Rodimans - commander of the 32nd Guards Rifle Corps in the Moscow Military District, from July 1943 - in the 5th Guards Army. He fought on the steppe, Voronezh, 2nd and 1st Ukrainian fronts. At the head of the corps, he participated in the Kursk battle, in the battle for the Dnieper, in Znamenskaya, Kirovograd, Lviv-Sandomira, Vorolo-Oderskaya, Lower Silesian, Berlin, Prague operations.

In the Visolo-Oder Operations of the 32nd Guards Corps of the 5th Guards Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front On the first day of the offensive, the many-sheltered defense of the enemy was released by the cities of Busko-Zdroj, Radislav, Pinchow and launched a rapid attack in the depths of Polish territory. On January 17, the corps distinguished himself when the largest city of Czestochowa was released, on January 20, the Polish-German border crossed, on January 21, the German city of Kraizburg was taken. On the night of January 25, the Guardsmen of Rodimitsev with the go forced the Oder River and in the coming days expanded the bridgehead, freeing the major cities of Brig and Olau. Throughout the operation, General of herders were in the advanced combat order of the troops, skillfully commanded its parts, flexibly manifested by the forces and means, filed a personal example of courage and composure.

INthe medal "Golden Star" (No. 6049) commander of the 32nd Guards Rifle Corps Guard Lieutenant-General Rodim citizens Alexander Ilyichawarded by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 2, 1945 for the skillful leadership of the troops during the forcing the Oder River on January 25, 1945 in the area of \u200b\u200bLinden (Poland), personal heroism and courage.

After the war, he continued to serve in the Soviet Army, until May 1946 continued to command the same corps. He graduated from the highest academic courses at the Higher Military Academy named after K.E. Voroshilova in 1947. From March 1947 - commander of the 11th Guards Rifle Corps. From February 1951 - Assistant Commander of the Troops of the East Siberian Military District. From June 1953 to July 1956 - the main military adviser under the Albanian People's Army and the military attache of the USSR in Albania. From November 1956 - First Deputy Commander of the Northern Military District. From May 1960 - the commander of the 1st Army in Ukraine. From March 1966 - a military consultant in the group of general inspectors of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

He was elected to the deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR of the second convocation and deputy of the Supreme Council of the USSR of the Third convocation (1950-1954). He is the author of several books "under the sky of Spain", "on the last turn," "Guardsmen stood to death," "People of the legendary fit", "Masha Mousetra" and others.

The famous Soviet warlord died in the city of Hero in Moscow on April 13, 1977. He was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery (plot 9).

Colonel-General (05/09/1961). For three orders of Lenin (10/22/1937, 10.03.1965, ...), the Order of the October Revolution (7.03.1975), four orders of the Red Banner (06/21/1937, 27.12.1941, ...), two orders of Suvorov 2- degree (08/27/1943, 22.02.1944), 2nd degree cutuvov orders (03/31/1943), Bogdan Khmelnitsky 1st degree (09/23/1944), two orders of the Red Star (03/31/1944, 3.11.1944) medals, as well as orders and medals of foreign states.

Honorary Citizen Volgograd (1970).

Bronze bust A.I. Rodimitseva was installed on his homeland in the village of Charlyuk, a monument and a memorable stele - in the city of Orenburg, bust - in Kursk, monument - in the village of Curcemic Kursk region. Memorial boards are installed in the cities of Heroes Moscow and Volgograd, in the city of Orenburg. The names of Rodimitseva are the streets in the village of Charlyuk, the cities of Volgograd, Orenburg, Chernigov, Kiev, in the village of Tomarod, Belgorod region. His name was awarded to School No. 2 in the village of Charlyuk, Lyceum No. 3 of Orenburg, School No. 53 of Kursk, School of Olympic reserve in the city of Hero Volgograd, Svorbarda SuperThellera (Gero-Hero Murmansk).

Biography is complemented by Anton Bocharov

Alexander Rodimsev

INthe Leliki Patriotic War found Colonel Rodimitsev in a small town in Ukraine. He commanded an air brigade, mastering a new military specialty. After all, he began in cavalry, and in Spain, he was a master-gunner. The air sentitals were very proud of their commander - the hero of the Soviet Union. Nobody told nobody about himself, but among the subordinates to him the fighters went the legends about the captain of the Republican Army of Spain, which broke the fascists to the university town in Madrid. The captain replaced the gunner and forced the fascists to roll back.

They talked about the fact that herds are one of those who made the famous small Spanish river Harama, which became an impassable for the enemy of the frontier.

Yes, herds were on Guadalajar, was under Brunet and under the Terrel. The redarmeys of urgent service, infantrymen, with dignity wearing blue petrolers paratroopers, have seen a sample and an example in their commander. And it was time for them, twenty-year-old, to prove that they are worthy of their commander.

The paratroopers under the command of Rodimitsev were thrown on the defense of Kiev and focused on the main street of Kiev - Khreshchatyk. And when Hitler's generals have already prepared the telegram that Kiev is captured by them, the submarine hit the fascists. 20 days of August, forty-first year, the airborne building, which included the Brigade of Rodimitsev, led fierce battles, then the case was cross-to-hand fights. Supported by artilleryrs, paratroopers moved a day of meters per 800. But they walked to the West. West in August 1941! Who participated in the Patriotic War, will never forget this tragic month, will understand what meant for that time - go west. The paratroopers took place with continuous battles of 15 kilometers to the west to keep defense in the Goloseevsky Forest, this campus of Kiev.

Such is the combat baptism of the soldiers who commanded herds. The heroism of their commander was transmitted by this young, never had to do not fought guys.

At the end of August, the brigade was withdrawn from north of Kiev in order to continue learning an airway specialty. But at that time quickly changed the circumstances of September 1, the paratroopers of Rodimitseva were again in battle. They became on the Syme River and did not give the fascists to go through the step, until they were completely surrounded. Sophisticated actions, the housing broke through a strong ring and in three-day battles came out of the environment. The experience of fighting on the Syme River was added to the experience of fighting on the Harame River. Then the colonel, the commander of the brigade, did not know that he would have to fight on the Volga, but he was firmly sure that he would force the Wolf and Oder, would see Elbe. The appearance of General Ognev in the famous play "Front", which appeared in those days, reproduces many features inherent in herds, in the part of which Alexander Korneychuk was more than once.

ANDmy Rodimitseva is widely known in our people, and his glory is customary to communicate with battles for Volzhsky hard. But I still stopped in detail at the initial period of the war, which for the 13th Guards Division, courage was prepared by harsh battles, was a continuation of fights on Khreshchatyk and under Tim, and for her commander - and the continuation of fights in the university town of Madrid and Guadalajara.

And the 13th Guards Division under the command of General-Major Alexander Rodimitsev after the fighting near Kharkov was in the reserve on the left bank of the Volga. Guardsmen worried: Gorky was in the rear, when such heavy battles were going on the approaches to Stalingrad. But his lords himself were calm, or rather, did not give out his excitement. In the Krasnoarmesian gymnaster with the general butters, in a simple pilot, from dawn to a deep night he worked with fighters tactics of street fight.

The position in the Stalingrad area has become very heavy since the twenties of August 1942. But the most difficult days came in mid-September. But the 13th Guards Division received an order to focus in the Red Sloboda area and cross the city center.

This crossing of the Guards Division has already entered the story, there was a lot about her. But again and again makes the heart of the memory of this crossing through the Volga often fight. Division was shipped in the place that the Nazis chose for themselves; Here they intended to enter a defeated city. Right in the edge of the main strike, the enemy stood up the edge of our 13th Guards. The division went there, where hundreds of enemy tanks were already focused, selected infantry divisions. On the end of the river, as evidenced by the memories of Marshals Eremenko and Chuikov, we have already been put into battle the latest forces.

This one of its kind crushed under the hurricane fire of the opponent could not be supported by our artillery fire - they would have fallen in their. From the rustled tanks of the refinery in the Volga, fuel resulted. The dusted river, the fire was extinguished only by fascist shells who ruptured everywhere. Through this solid fire was moving armored vehicles of the Volga Flotilla, Barge, Boats, Barcasses with Guardsmen.

If you have been to Volgograd, you know the wonderful embankment, granite terraces descending to the river. In this place, the 13th Guards Division was transported. On a towing boat, called for some reason the Japanese name "Kawasaki", crossed the Volga and the Division headquarters led by the general. The headquarters closed the crossing and was transferred to the day, that is, in the conditions of the national danger.

Having lost a lot of fighters when crossing the Volga, the 13th Guards became one of the equal parts that defended the city. Nearby there were other divisions and brigades, each of which is not less than the 13th Guards, worthy of being glorified in songs and legends.

I will not repeat the story of the "House of Sergeant Pavlova". This feat of the soldiers of the 13th Guards is widely known. Two months defeated the small garrison of the ruins of the house, which became an impregnable fortress. I just want to remember that Sergeant Pavlov learned that he was a hero, only in the summer of 1945 in Germany, in the days of demobilization. After he was seriously injured in the "His Home" and was evacuated to the hospital, he returned to the front several times (in other parts) to bravely fight, to get wound again, to cure and join the battle again. One day he saw the release of the newsreel "House Pavlov", but did not say anyone that it was a house called him name.

Among the incredible, who struck the world of the feats of the 13th Guards should not be attributed to the fight for the city station. It killed all the fighting and, while they were alive, the station did not pass.

I remember the inscription on the wall: "Guardsmen's guardsmen were stood here."

It was not written after the fighting - inscribed these fighters that expired blood, but continuing to beat.

The dominant height of the city on the Volga - Mamaev Kurgan, at the top of which the statue of Mother Motherland now rows and the park of eternal glory is being grown, was taken by the assault Guards of the Division. To clarify the role of the Division in the Defense of the Hero City Defense, I will allow myself only once again to remind the reader that by the time of the division of the division through the Volga on the shore, in the district of the Central Embankment, fascist automatons were already hostile. Then the guardsmen managed to repel several streets, take the station and a number of central quarters. The city center never got the enemy - he was abandoned and kept in the hands of the Guards of the 13th Division.

"The submarines will be fulfilled in the Volga," the rudes of the German Radiomashin. And the general in the smoke-scrambled coat and the soldier's hat passed on the command points of the regiments and battalions. Let's say right, it was not long paths, but each meter threatened death. How many attacks of fascists reflected the division? This is probably impossible to count.

I remember, the division summed up to the 25th anniversary of the October Revolution. Some numbers are preserved in memory: 77 tanks burned, more than 6 thousand enemy soldiers and officers were destroyed. Later, Poulus's prisoners showed much more impressive numbers. But in the division always "understood" the numbers of success.

The general was located in the city from the moment of crossing the victory. On January 26, he, together with a group of fighters, came out on the sounds of the artillery cannonade, came from the West. In the battalions of the division, only dozens of guardsmen remained, and they rushed after the general. I saw her herds awarded the banner to the soldiers of the division N.T. Tavarkailadze, breakdown in the city from the banks of Don. It was a homemade banner; A violet pencil was written on a chicken mushroom with a purple pencil: "From the Guards Order of Lenin of the 13th Rifle Division as a sign of the meeting on January 26". I do not know where it is now a banner, but it seems to me that it is the historical relic of the Great Patriotic War. His transfer to the hands of fighters who came from the West symbolized the dissection surrounded in the Stalingrad region of the enemy grouping into two parts.

Z.and the battles in the Stalingrad district of the Hero of the Soviet Union General of herders were awarded the Order of the Red Star. Hence the path of the general and leading them to the West began. The general was appointed commander of the corps, which included the 13th Guards. The combat path of the housing was in place of those places where the airless brigade fought, and in the future - the 87th Infantry Division, which became the 13th Guards. The body fought under Kharkov, freed Poltava and Kremenchug, forced Dnipro.

The starting point for the beginning of this path was the famous Prokhorovka, fighting on the Kursk arc. The fight under Prokhorovka went down in history as one of the grand battles. Sometimes in the stories about Prokhorovka, the role of infantry is moving into the second plan. And this role was great and serious, because some tanks could not cope with the hordes of the enemy trying to use the Kursk bridgehead for a decisive offensive planned by the enemy for the summer of 1943.

The tank joints of the Soviet Army came out in this battle hand in hand with infantrymen of Rodimitsev. And then the battles again turned on the Ukrainian Earth. Of great importance in this section of the front was the liberation of the city and the railway node of the Znamenki. Case Divisions received the name of Poltava and Kremenchugsky, the commander was awarded the title of Lieutenant General.

Together with his troops, he entered the general and in that little city, where the air brigade was deployed before the war. Many rivers lay on his way around the territory of Motherland: Vorskla, Psle, Dnipro, Bug, again Bug - he is a tortist, - finally, Dniester. And every time, entering the shore, the general recalled the most difficult crossing in his life - crossing the Volga and the distant River Ebro and Haram. But in the war memories are needed only for action. And in the field book of the Corps Commander, all this was recorded dry and delusito - forcing rivers ... without the support of artillery ... With the support of artillery ... under the influence of an opponent's aviation ... with immediate deployment of combat orders and seizure of a springboard on the right bank .. . There is also such an entry: forcing the water barrier -pod with the impact of the storming and bombarding aviation to 600 aircraft dealers per day ...

L.this is the forty-fourth year to commemorate the fighters of the Guards Corps forcing the Vistula in the Sandomier region. On the famous Sandomira bridgehead, fascists threw four tank divisions, one mechanized, and two infantry vessels. But was it possible to push in the holloh of those who could not appear in the Volga?

The body has strengthened on the Sandomirly bridgehead, he did a bold jerk and, breaking through the enemy's strongly fortified positional defense, pursued the enemy to Oder, crooked Oder. Many hard days was on this path. I did not see the Rodimitsev in despondency. In a stern moment, he only broke out from somewhere from the Orenburg steppes taken the word "Shaitan".

M.circling the European winter of 1945 the submarines met on the territory of Germany. He was preparing troops to a decisive jerk, to the offensive, ended on April 24, 1945, access to the Elbe in the city of Torgau.

Under the walls of this Suede Fortress, the Guards meets with allies troops. The meeting entered the story. American soldiers, whose military path in World War II, was much easier and shorter than our path, were surprised by the guardsmen, healthy and the youth guards, who had just left the fierce battle. It was a big holiday, a joyful meeting, and, it would seem, for the Rodimitsev and his corps, who passed the roads of war more than seven and a half thousand kilometers, the war was already over. But no! The corps received an order to turn to the south, in severe battle, he took the senselessly destroyed by the bombing of the Allies of Dresden. But here, on May 7, the warrior for Rodimitsev has not yet ended.

The corps received a new order - a rapid throw to the south to release a number of czechoslovakia cities and help Prague, where the flame of a popular uprising was broken. The speed and power of this operation seem incredible now: because the casing troops participated in April - - May 1945 in the hardest battles, each of which seemed the last and final. But did not have time to end one battle, as the need arose to rush to a new one, a more complex battle.

IN Moscow has already rare the solemn salts of the victorious salute, already in the building of the engineering school in Karlshort, German Feldmarshal Kaitel trembling hand signed a complete surrender act, and the corps under the command of Rodimitsev still fought in the Czechoslovakia mountains.

Guardsmen broke into Teresin, where thousands of prisoners were already bent for execution - Czechs, Russians, Magyars, inhabitants of many countries in Europe. Late guards for half an hour, for fifteen minutes, everything would be over.

At that moment, General reported: a woman gave birth to a shot in the crowd. Rodimites ordered immediately to deliver it to the 13th Guards division of the 13th Guards Division, already approached Terezin. After the fight, herds arrived in Medsanbat and found out that the Uzpet from Hungary, the exhaust, weighing only about 40 kilograms, gave birth to a girl. It was an event excited by all residents of Teresin. There was a news on the body: a girl and mother alive, the child was called the Russian name of Valya.

Looking for many years ahead, I will say that Valya Badash, a citizen of the Hungarian People's Republic, a teacher of the University of Budapest, and Colonel-General Alexander Podimtsev are honorary citizens of Terezin in Czechoslovakia and met there at the celebration of the next Victory Day.

But then their meeting in Medsanbat The 13th Guards Division was a one-minute. The troops rushed to Prague and after a few hours already fought for her liberation.

But here the Great Patriotic War did not end for Alexander Rodimitsev and the corps who was under his command. It was necessary to hurry to help the blazing city of Kladno. are already on May 13, the team rang out the guns. The combat path of the landing brigade, then the 87th Rifle Division, which became the 13th Guards, and, finally, the hull in which 13, 95 and the 97th Guards divisions were calculated, one and a half thousand kilometers. For these seven and a half in Czechoslovakia, another five hundred.

There are feats that make a fighter with a hero in a surprising short term: one day - forcing the river, one night - a burning tank, instantaneous, unparably bold attack. But there are feats that you will not define the day, moments. The second "Golden Star" caught fire at the chest of General Alexander Rodimitsev as a tweet of thousands of exploits committed by the fighters of his compounds, weighted and led by him.

All these years, the general was engaged in the upbringing of troops, raising the soldier. The army, who became the Komsomol and Communist in her ranks, is considered in the military environment by a person's legendary personal courage. As a witness confirm: yes, for the general of Rodimitsev, the concept of "fear" does not exist. But not the recklessness, but a calm, accurate calculation always led them in a combat situation. For a happy randomness, no bullet, none of a fragment never hurt him. He left the war with a young man, with barely silver head and cheerful young eyes in heavy, as if swelling from four-year-old insomnia centuries ...