Swan loyalty. Drawing a gouache steppotno

Swan loyalty. Drawing a gouache steppotno
Swan loyalty. Drawing a gouache steppotno

Each bird has its own distinctive quality. Knowing and applying them when drawing you can achieve complete similarities with these representatives of these creatures. For example, the swan has a long neck and a small head, and he also has a black feathers color, which over time become white.

The following materials are necessary for drawing a swan:

  • color pencils of blue, blue, yellow, brown and black tone;
  • black marker;
  • ordinary pencil;
  • paper;
  • eraser.

Figure steps:

1. The swan has a curved neck. Therefore, for this purpose, we draw a curl in the form of a number "2". The beginning of the curl will be head, but the middle of the neck. Try to lengthen it as much as possible, but do not overdo it.

2. Now from the beginning of the curl in the figure will carry out the line. It must completely repeat the bends of the first curl, however, between them should keep the distance! Beautiful elegant neck ready. Go to the body. In the middle of the head, draw the eye of the bird in the form of a small mug.

3. From arcuate lines draw the silhouettes of the body. From the eye down at an angle will spend a small line for further creating beak.

4. Go to the rightmost corner of the picture and depict the bird feathers on the wings and on the tail.

5. Then switched to the head and start drawing it in detail. Draw eyes. Such a one more circumference and cilia. From the line spent from the eye, we draw curved segments on both sides and get the beak of the bird.

6. At the bottom of the body under the wing, we draw the swan paw.

7. We begin to gradually circle the whole drawing with a black marker. Complete them and small parts on the wing in the form of feathers of different sizes. Dorisyu water, swan floats in it. We will certainly clarify the silhouette of the drawing and, if necessary, correct.

8. Take a black pencil. Since the swan is white, then, to give a pattern of volume, we make strokes with light movements and only near the contour.

9. Yellow pencil paint the beak and the paw of the bird. Orange pencil add strokes.

Beautiful and noble bird, swan, can be drawn in a wide variety of variations. These can be animated figures, and schematic, and more picturesque, close to reality. However, always swan will look like a chic and elegant character. But if you want to learn how to draw a swan, then it should be spent some time on the study of the common characteristics of the design of its physique. Do not think that you can draw this bird quickly and easily. Especially if you have little experience and skills in drawing at all. Therefore, we present you a small lesson of how to draw a swan in stages, with visual material presented in the photographs, to be easier to learn. Figure for training We have chosen least close to painting, because the cartoon option is better suitable for drawing by newcomers.

Features of the equipment drawing

If you want to know how to draw a swan pencil, then pay attention to some elements of the design of his body. The swan is elegant, so the sketches of this bird should always be performed with smooth lines, graceful strokes and bends. In order to understand how to draw a swan, you need to take into account the obligatory elements of the physique of this graceful bird. These are part parts like a long neck, a red wide beak, a neat head, a small eye, a wide wings and a tail with a very fierce plumage. In general, the bird must necessarily look elegant, and not angular or heavy with elements, shaded bold lines. Those who know for sure how to draw a swan correctly, will never lose its drawing with large sizes of individual parts or volumetric solid strokes. If you understand all the subtleties of the image of such a bird, then you can proceed to direct performance.

Draw a swan

The first step is very simple. It is necessary to draw a simple anoscele triangle, which is exactly as indicated in the picture.

Then we connect the elegant dotted lines two of these oval exactly as in the photo.

Following this dotted line, we form a swan silhouette as shown in the figure, and an unnecessary eraser.

Everything, now the triangle can be removed, and the silhouette of the birds draw more clearly. The next step - draw wings and head. Wings in our swan are folded, respectively, and draw them. Smooth arcuate lines give wings the shape and detail of the plumage. Then draw the beak and eyes. Then the wavy line of water, according to which the swan is depicted floating. We do everything as shown in the picture.

The last stage of our drawing will be that we necessarily have more fat strokes should draw a special detail on the swan head. This is a kind of connection that is stuck from the beak to the eye. Do not forget also to draw a paw and slightly to shower the wings of the birds, closer to the neck.

If you wish, you can paint the background or a wave of water at which the bird is floating. Your handsome swan is ready! You learned and now you know how to draw a swan pencil. This is undoubtedly useful in your creative life. We wish success in artistic art!

How to draw a princess - swan gradually for children

Creation of training, exhibition or competitive works
Paper A 4 Watercolor, simple pencil, gouache, brushes.
Training swan painting, fill the background in different ways.
Develop curiosity, fantasy, imagination.
Improve the skills of composite leaf construction.
Educational: Expand knowledge of waterfowl birds
About the features of the appearance, lifestyle.
Fine tasks: To acquaint with the adoption of the background (color stretch and drawing by strokes),
Learning to draw a swan by passing the magnitude and proportion of the body parts of the bird and various movements.
Technical tasks: Develop an idea of \u200b\u200bthe diversity of colors and shades, teach the creation of flowers and shades, mixing them on the palette; Continue forming thin lines drawing skills with the end of the brush.
Educational challenges: Sweep the ability to see excellent in the surrounding reality, to educate accuracy and love for creativity, develop memory and visual control, independence, waving fantasy and imagination, patience.
Preliminary work:
Reading a fairy tale A.S. Pushkin "Tale of Tsar Saltan, about his son's nice and mighty bogatyr Prince Gwidone Saltanovic and about the beautiful princess swans", conversations about waterfowl, viewing illustrations.

The most beautiful birds are not only among waterfowl, but among all others, swans are considered right. These birds often become heroes of epic, fairy tales and songs. And the ancient astronomers gave one of the constellations the name of the swan.

In early spring, when reservoirs are just beginning to be released from ice cover, swans return to their homeland from warm countries. Swans are waterfowl, they will settle there, where lakes and swamps are arranged their nests on the islands, away from people and predatory animals.
Among the waterfowl swans are the largest. Their wings in a swing reaches two meters, and the weight can reach the fifteen kilograms. But, despite such a big weight, swans are very well held in the air and can fly thousands of kilometers during seasonal migrations.

These birds usually eat grassy plants, which they mined both on land and in water. Their long neck helps to get feed from the bottom of the reservoirs. In addition to various grass, swans still eaten insect larvae, as well as small racks and mollusks.
In family life, swans are distinguished by consistency. Once the formed pair never breaks up. Well remembers swans and their nests that use several seasons in a row. Every year they improve and extend their home, which can reach in diameter of two meters.

After about forty days after the start of sitting in the nest, chicks appear covered with gray down. The chick is not at all similar to its snow-white parents, but really resembles a nasty duckling from the famous Stretch of Andersen ..
Late in the fall, when the first snow falls on the ground, the swans gather in flocks and the beautiful wedge fly into warm countries until the next spring.
All types of swans are listed in the Red Book and the hunt for these majestic birds strictly forbidden. Lion beltnaya

1. War down the horizon line.

2. In the center of the leaf, we draw a semicircle. This is a swan torso.

3. Now draw your head and with the help of a long neck together with a torso.

4. Now we need paints. On the palette we mix white with purple. And paint half the sky.

5. Now mix scars with white. And paint the lower half of the sky.

6. Rinse a tassel well, and a wet brush make a color stretching, i.e. Smooth transition from lilac to pink. Longitudinal brush movements.

7. Now draw waves in the sea. We mix blue with white and draw small stripes (waves)

8. We continue to draw waves. Mix purple with white add waves. And now scarlet with white. Fill our sea with multi-colored waves.

9. Now color our swan. In white paint add a drop of yellow. And by this color to the swan.

10. Mix green with blue and draw the roots on the far shore. Bruster moves from water up.

11. Draw a reflection of the swan in the water.

12. Now green roots that grow closer to us.

13. Add to green yellow paint and draw the leaves of the roaming.

14. Now the reeds themselves.

15. Draw the beak and eye swan.

16. Now we start drawing the wing.

17. Add more feathers.

18. We draw the second wing.

19. Draw a tail. If this is our princess - swan, you will draw her a crown. Here, our princess is ready - swan.

Hi, reader. If you have not watched my previous bird lessons, I advise you to see the lessons about and. And in today's lesson I will show how draw a swan pencil stages. Swan is a symbol of love, loyalty and all the best, that only there is in the relationship of men and women. Lovers often come to the lake, in order to feed the swans and just admire with their beauty. Even lonely people love to look at these birds. I assume that the white swans are associated with the image of the angels. Watch for this bird on the pond: it is in terms of its graceful and smooth movement on water, the majestic and royal bending of the long neck. And no accident, we are found in the fairy tale Pushkin Tsarevna-Swan. I think the writer also got a special beauty and splendor in this bird.

How to draw a swan pencil stages

So, proceed to drawing. Step one.
In the center of the leaf, draw a circle. Below, we have a symmetrical shape, similar to the form on the egg. And now we need a neatly curved line to connect them - it will be a torso. You need to draw carefully. Step second. Top draws a little circle for swan head. And connect it with the torso lines.
Step Three. Line show the level of the eye and add the beak of the swan. Showing yellow.
Step fourth. On the top of the swan from above there is a special color of the beak. Let's make it black. Add a round eye. Only one eye is seen.
Draw a head. First, the beak: elongated and not very sharp. We will argue a scalp several times, leaving a small step fifth. We supply the sketch of contours - it will turn out a good sketch of a swan pattern. The wavy lines from the bottom shows what it is on the water.
Step six. Let's take him a tail. In all birds, the tail is approximately the same, with the exception of some exotic. These feathers sticking out of the ass.
Step seventh. On the neck we make a hatching in the form of the letter DUBE W, it will create the effect of the swan. Around the bird draw waves.
Step eighth. We take over the back background. Usually, the reservoirs are growing with nasty.
Step ninth. In addition to vegetation, you can still draw clouds for realistic. Stroke ass background and supply the contours of the swan body to stand out against the background.
Step tenth. Finishing stage:
It was a lesson about how to draw a swan pencil phased. I wish you success! More interesting lessons.

Swan is a very beautiful bird. Its beautiful wide wings and especially a small elegant neck emphasize the noble grace of this bird. Draw swan is not so difficult. His body consists of a large round belly, long elongated neck and huge wings. The most important thing is to paint the neck and wings, it is them the most important parts of this bird. The legs at the Swan are short, so it is simple enough to draw them. All this we take into account when we will learn draw swan Phased by a simple pencil.

1. Initial contours

Start the swan pattern with simple contours for the shape of the body and wings. Draw oval for the body with a slope, just like on my drawing. Top add the curved letter "s" a long arc with a small circle at the end. These contours will serve as a good guide guide and neck in the following drawing stages.

2. The contours of the wings of the swan

Now add curved lines for large swans wings on the sides. From the bottom of the oval, draw the circles with drops. They will serve contours for swan legs.

3. Draw an elegant bird neck

The main difference between the swan from the goose is an elegant, long neck, so make sure that the neck does not get too thick. Otherwise, your swan will rather look like a goose. Circuit the initial contour neckline on both sides with parallel lines, accurately following the bending of the original line. At the end of this step, add a triangle for the beak on the head.

4. Draw wings swan

Draw, focusing on the initial contours, the bottom of the wings of the swan, pursuing large feathers. But just do not draw fully feathers at this stage, we now need only their primary outlines. Draw on your head and specify the form of the beak slightly.

5. Final stage drawing

In order to draw a swan It is beautifully necessary in the details to draw his feathers, evenly arrange them along the wing. First, draw small feathers, which are closest to the base of the wings, and gradually move to the longest feathers, most distant from the body. Slide almost to the eye the beak area in black. Draw on the tail and stomach swan a little fluff, as well as stitching with a simple soft paw pencil. Strongly shadow a simple pencil figure swan No need, since most often white swans.
To revive the landscape, the swan pattern can be drawn two swans, because these birds live only in pairs. And the educated couple keeps loyalty to each other all his life. Therefore, the swan pair is considered a symbol of any wedding.

Although swan and does not have such a colorful color as this parrot, but still more beautiful than him, right? In this lesson, you can draw a gradually beautiful parrot Ara.

The duck looks like a swan, but only her neck is short and beak a little different. If you managed to draw the swan correctly, then this lesson will not seem difficult to you.

Draw a sparrow is difficult, much easier to draw a large bird, such as a swan. But if you draw a phased pencil, then the sparrow will turn out as a real, the main thing is to accurately make the primary contours of the pattern.

In this lesson, you will learn how to draw an eagle in stages, a simple pencil. The eagle is one of the most predatory birds, he can even be in his paws even a small lamb.

Fox is the most dangerous "neighbor" for swan. She ruins the nests of swans, eats their eggs and can even drain the chick. Sometimes a fox damages the wing of an adult bird and then the swan cannot fly into warm countries and remains alone to wintering.

If swans can be seen in many parks, then the stork can be found only away from the city. Often they make nests right on electric pillars, near the house, because they are accustomed to people and trust them.

The pigeon and swan are a symbol of purity and the world, so often wedding ceremonies are decorated with pictures of these birds.