Music producer - who is it really? Who are musical producers or why music died.

Music producer - who is it really? Who are musical producers or why music died.
Music producer - who is it really? Who are musical producers or why music died.

Surely you had to hear about such a profession as a musical producer. These people run real legends, all beginner bends and soloist musicians dream of a meeting with them, and for a good producer literally arrange struggle.

But who is this man? Why is he so important in music and why always stay for the scene?

We tried to answer all these questions and tell about one of the most controversial modern professions.

How do we represent the producer

Situation: Talented guy Artemka every evening pleases friends and neighbors with steep songs under the guitar. He wrote them all himself. It is true not bad. And here, all friends converge: "The topic, you urgently need a producer"!

According to the established opinion of most of the majority, this most producer looks like a certain solid uncle (less often - aunt) with a large pressing with carbohydrate press and an even greater press of evergreen bills.

The producer feels the smell of money talent for the mile and is ready to take up the promotion of the young (not always) to dating, getting his pretty percentage for it.

It is worth finding our talented artem to find the most producer, as a few days he will wake up famous, and dreams of a spacious apartment in the center of the capital, expensive cars and exclusive clothes will be closer.

Ether to radio, clips, promotion of albums - all this will take this, in truth universal man. In reality, everything is completely different.

Who is a producer in fact

By itself, the word "product" happened from english word. "Product" - product. It is not difficult to guess that the task of producer in the production of a ready-made musical product that will be sold.

After a runaway acquaintance with our hero Artem, the producer asks to show all the musical developments that the talented guy has.

The future star is better to get used to good sound. Audio portable player with fully rethought design. But beauty in this model is not only outside, but also inside. W. FIO X7 II. There are all trumps in order to play music as natural as possible.

Imagine, a 4-nuclear RK3188 processor, 2 GB of operational and 64 GB of memory, as well as the new ESS Saber 9028 DAC, is installed in the player.

The producer requires absolutely everything: from the struck texts, the coronal sketches of not the most harmful chords before, seemingly ready songs. All this material will be recycled and streamlined so that it turned out either a full-fledged album, or, at a thin end, a balanced single.

Producer's task - help a novice musician make ready music materialTo then sell it successfully. It is he who puts emphasis in music and, in fact, creates an image of the future performer or a team.

Before the musical producer is the mass of goals and tasks. Only under the condition that he understands all the subtleties of producing, the project will be doomed to success.

What are the responsibilities from the producer

Unlike the film industry, the musical producer at the same time dozens of tasks. On the shoulders of the executive producer fall:

Quality control of both whole albums and individual songs;
- monitoring music recording, style definition, approval of arrangements;
- selection of scripts for clips;
- development of image and thinking of a public image;
- selection of technical staff: from musicians to sound engineers and installations;
- control of the finance and financial effect on the production of tracks and albums;
- negotiating with radio stations and television studios in order to promote the product.

In the life of our hero, Artem producer - and the king, and God. It is with this person that a novice musician or a team spend the longest time.

Being a executive producer, the very "authoritative decade" can also perform the role of the SoundProdyusser. It is this person that helps to make musical scraps and text pros good compositionwhich, as it is customary to say "Piple,".

The SoundProducer separates the whole husk and is preparing for the future track only best Material. He also conducts an assessment of the song and acts as the main criticism of a potential star.

What are the producers

In fact, the producer implies a whole string of specialists from different spheres. In addition to the musical and executive producer, there are still:

Theatrical producer;
- television producer;
- Producer of computer games;
- Linear producer - manages the work of the personnel and is engaged in issues that do not concern creativity;
- General producer.

Feature to produce is that one person can perform the duties of several specialties at once. In realities russian show business Often this is exactly what happens.

How much does producer earn

It is this question that worries almost any musician. The producer fee directly depends on a number of factors:

Experience and authority in the music industry - the more famous producer, the more expensive its services will cost;
- the success of the musical team: the number of concerts, positions in charts, sales of albums;
- his own skills "To be in the trend" - the producer must feel that today is listening to the majority and that, in the literal sense of the word, will be sold.

Producer who earns well, is simply obliged to listen to music in an original form. New reincarnation of player Fiiio X5 III - This is the choice of those who understand what the truly high-quality sound means. However, rather it is not a player, but a real musical computer with Android OS on board.

The manufacturer provided two slots under the microSD card, built a Wi-Fi module and added three audio ports at once: balance sheet, "minider" and coaxial, combined with linear. As a DAC, two independent AK4490 chips are used.

Another model of the model is the ability to use as a USB DAC. No competitor is capable of this.

Name the range of financial remuneration of producer is almost impossible. Young, but a talented producer can raise a novice musician for several months on the peak of popularity (we will be realistic: if the sharks of show business), taking a symbolic amount for this.

Where to find it

Artemka wants to be famous and famous, but how does he do it? Where to look for a producer? There are several options here.

Firstly, lately Talents are particularly popularized through the show, like "voice" and their like. So, the same producer can wait for Artem in the hall, or to enter the jury. And if the guy is impressed by the producer, he is waiting for a counter offer.

Secondly, produce centers are scattered throughout the country, where the management promises to make a star from almost every little talented singer or musician. Of course, not free, and not always with a result of 100%.

Finally, if you are sure own power, prepare for the independent assault of the producer of interest to you, which has been leading one of your favorite teams for several years. Prepare a drive with records and forward to the siege of the fortress. The synthesis is the main advantage in show business.

On the way to the Producer Center, you need to morally charge the decisiveness from lossless music. Recipe "cocktail for assault" is simple: load the tracks into the player Fiio X3 III, Connect headphones to the balance port, the classic "Jack" or pair of Bluetooth, and enjoy the unique sound.

In FiO X3 II, dual PCM5242 chips are used, which perfectly showed themselves in the ratio of signal / noise level ratio. Music distortions This model simply does not allow.

We will not tell about the "unofficial" ways to go to producers. In the end, the producer is the same person and he has his weaknesses.

    Mark Whitaker (eng. Mark Whitaker) Music producer Right from San Francisco, in 80 e who was the manager of the Exodus group and sound engineer groups Metallica.. Whitaker took part as a producer on the debut album EXODUS under ... ... Wikipedia

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    Music producer (eng. Music Producer) The person responsible for the image, the musical style of the performers and the process of recording. His maintenance is usually monitoring the quality of sound, determining the repertoire and the general ideology of the project ... ... Wikipedia

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  • From the Fan derVer to the producer. Business people in the USSR, Yuri Aisenshpis. The famous music producer Yuri Aizenshpis talks about his life in the Soviet Union. The first producer in Russia at the beginning of his biography was engaged in Farthanovka. A few years later with his ...

You have an extraordinary vocal talent, but do not know how to present it correctly? Do you strive to achieve stunning success on the field of show business? .

Who is a musical producer and where to find it?

The musical producer is a completely indispensable person in the process of successful promotion of the career of the artist. In his authority includes control over the definition individual style and the development of a unique image of the artist, as well as the constructive selection of poems and musical arrangements. In addition, the producer leads common process Records of musical material, as well as determines the general trends in the development of a specific project. This process in colloquial speech is called "unwinding a public image." In addition to controlling the writing and recording of songs, the shooting of new video clips and the organization of concerts may also be part of the producer. Artist is creative person, in dire need of administration, however, this relationship is mutual because the producer does not happen without an artist.

There are many ways to find a musical producer, it can be personal connections with active figures of show business, the Internet and various media. Today you can highlight the four main ways to search for producer:

1. Labels.

Currently professional promotion creative projects Different production centers (labels) are engaged, to search for which you can use the recommendations of familiar or, simply dial the desired request in any search engine. In this case, the company's interests represent several people interested in promoting the artist.

2. Specialized solid producers.

Most often, such professionals themselves are looking for musicians, so in order to attract their attention, you should place your ads in all available sources of the media: printed publications, broadcasting, internet and television.

3. Wide well-known producers.

Popular producers should contact directly. As a rule, they are always interested in new ideas and inhaled big money. talented musicians. Contact details of such producers and links to their sites can be found without any problems on the Internet.

4. Participation in various shows.

Many modern artists Successfully position their capabilities using participation in various projects, such as "factor, A", " National artist"," Star Factory "and" New wave" This method of informing his art to the audience is very effective, as a rule, truly gifted performers are found by producers after the very first speeches. The Russian public is well known such talented winners and participants from the television project "Star Factory", as, group "" and many others.

The essence of musical producing

Music reinforcement is the development of the original style musical project and the creation of his scenic image. Such work implies the formation of ideological and artistic directions and the implementation of organizational and financial control over the activities of a separate performer or a whole musical team. The producer can participate in both the work of a whole project, and above its individual songs, albums, clips or concert performances. To quickly implement the promotion of the artist, it selects a special technical team, which includes:

  • assistants;
  • scripts;
  • operators;
  • sound operators;
  • directors;
  • sound engineers;
  • editor;
  • sound producers.

All major recording studios, as a rule, have their own producers. In spite of this, modern musicians Foreign experts are invited quite often, and in some cases they even resort to independent producing own project. However, it should be borne in mind that the producer is a separate profession that requires special profile education and colossal experience. In the ranks of such experts, it is almost impossible to break through if there is just one desire, this is a separate creative caste of professionals in which everyone knows each other. A successful musical producer combines many such talents as: magnificent taste, fine intuition, the ability to navigate in information and sociability. Such a person must combine the pressure of the composer, the arranger, the organizer, accountant and the leader.

The need for musical producing

Modern pop dictates strict conditions for promoting artist career. It requires performers not only complete dedication, but also strict adherence Separate rules. The popularity of the artist, in addition to the relevant vocal abilities and external data, largely depends on its producer. Many wonderful singers, singers and musical groups remain unnoticed in the shadow of their less talented, but more "promoted" colleagues. The primary task of any musician to achieve this success is the right presentation of its talent. The rapid development of the technical capabilities of the processing of sound, as well as with an abundance of popular musical genres and stage images, require creative creation and methodical work of an experienced producer above the scenic manner of the artist.

Any modern singer, singer or musical team can spend the whole years to develop unique style And sound before obtaining the recognition of the public or at least get the possibility of professional recording of the debut album. Despite the tremendous work done by talented artists, they rather rarely independently achieve the present success. Professional producing a successful album is a real art requiring special knowledge and skills. Without exaggeration, it can be argued that all depends on the producer musical career artist. Proper cooperation with a talented leader can inspire artists on best manifestations their abilities. That is why the fact of mutual understanding between the artist and his artistic director. At the same time, the incorrect organization of such cooperation is able to completely destroy the project and forever to deprive the artist of the desire for the implementation of creative potential.

1. Mutual choice.
Currently, the choice of producer is the easiest way to do through the appeal of the artist in recording company. Most often, such organizations offer their approved project development schemes. And it is not surprisingly because teams of specialists of such companies have thorough knowledge and experience in successful promotion of artist. However, it should also be considered the fact that very an important point In successful collaboration of the artist with producer, the presence of general views and mutual sympathy;

2. Proper definition needs.
Before making a choice of producer, each artist should have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat he wants to get from these relations:

  • The first thing to determine the artist is your own idea of \u200b\u200bwhat exactly the project should be. In the event that your own imagination is not enough - it should be fully rented on your producer;
  • The artist should really evaluate his vocal abilities and take the fact that in the event of insufficient talent, technical alignment of vocals is necessary, which is quite expensive;
  • The singer must be fair to evaluate its songwriters necessary for proper selection repertoire and search for free authors and song composers;
3. Definition of priorities and the beginning of cooperation.
Before choosing a producer, it is necessary to familiarize himself in detail with its works and to realize whether its creative ideas coincide with the tasks and wishes of the artist. For this purpose, you should find detailed contact information about the alleged partner. Most of Producers today have their own sites and record labels, which turns out to be quite enough to determine creative compatibility with a future colleague. It should also be borne in mind that the producer must be interested in a specific singer, a singer or a whole musical team. Otherwise, there can be no speech on further cooperation. At this stage, the following steps are very important:
  • The demo representation recording allows the producer to familiarize himself with the artist;
  • Preparation of a list of questions for producer, answers to which in obligatory must be folded general view Producer on artist and its prospects. Mutual expectations should initially coincide;
  • Evaluation of the proposed studio and its technical capabilities. This place should be not only equipped professional technician, but also be quite comfortable for a long time;
  • The determination of the cost of producer services largely depends on its qualifications, as well as from the artist's career status. For example, payment of the local producer services in spouting an unknown musician can correspond to the hourly rates of the studio plus additional pay for producing. Working with well-known producers is quite expensive, especially for young "unranded" musicians. The exact cost of this work is determined in a purely individual order;
  • The signing of an agreement on producing is an important point of future joint creativity. In this document, rates of services, timing of cooperation, wishes and expectations should be clearly stated. If the production company signs an agreement with the artist, this suggests that it will be fully responsible for its development within the framework of the agreed conditions. In this case, there are also future interests of the parties from the sale of recorded albums and possible artist tour. In this case, a very important point is the coordination of the overall budget of the promotion of the artist. Any arrangement between the artist and producer must necessarily conclude in writing.

There should be an attention to inexperienced artists at that time that to make maximum control over their creativity and real savings of money, it is necessary to strive for the co-producing of your own project. This is easy enough to agree, being an independent musician. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that any recording company will present high demands on the experience of producer and its ability to make the right decisions. This suggests that, even in the co-producing artist with a producer, the opinion of the project manager always remains decisive.

Do you have any idea about how other people could sound on the radio? Do you dream that your composition conquers the tops of the charts? From this article you will learn how to become a musical producer.


Part 1


    Learn to play some musical instrument. To become a producer, you are not necessarily to be a virtuoso, but a trained ear and knowledge of music theory will be very and very useful for your career. You also have to try to compose your own composition, master musical pace Or even learn to play on notes. Being on the other side of the resonant deck, you can much better assess the one or another composition. Think about one of the following main tools:

    • Piano / synthesizer. Perhaps, for the producer, these are the most necessary and widespread tools, the ability to play something on the piano is incredibly useful. It doesn't matter if you are trying to formulate some idea or want to record the musical phrase, it is almost impossible to do without piano.
    • Guitar. Having mastered the guitar, you can easily sort out the strings and immediately make a big step towards pop and rock music.
    • Bas-guitar. Underparted, but absolutely necessary, bass guitar will help conduct a rhythm section and create a basis for producing.
  1. Collect technology. To learn how to create music and be able to manage it, you will need to learn how to use the resonant deck and how large quantity Music processing programs. If you have not been able to work in the producing while it was not possible, you can start with Cubase, this sequencer program is great for beginners.

    • The sequencer program like CakeWalk Sonar, Reason and Pro Tools are used by the producers to correct and change the music they write. Hip-Hop and Dance Producers can use FL Studio, it is also suitable for the ass.
    • If you would like to produce hip-hop music, think about investing in Sampler. The producers of the Golden Age, like Pete Rock and Dj Premier, are popular with MPC60, SP1200 and S950.
  2. Basics of mixing. Understand what to mix the track: how to merge all incompatible sounds into one sweet mix.

    • Understand the difference between "in the box" and "outside the box." The box means that you are mixed only with computer Program; Out - using a resonant deck and other non-computers.
    • Understand the difference between stereo and mono mixing. Stereo mix are two tracks in one song, one - for the left ear and one - for the right; Mono - one sound for track.
    • You need to know what to put into the center of the mix. Usually in the center of the mix, not on the side of the Bass-guitar and vocals. Other tools and producing items can be slightly moved to the left or right, it is done to create a more complete sound.
  3. Start studying music. Treat seriously learning. Musical producers exist in the business of creating music, often with the help of other songs. Especially diligently examine music should hip-hop producers, because their work is to take the samples of other songs and process them into another batch. Without studying music, you simply limit your own capabilities.

  4. Think what sounds will be well combined. The task of the musical producer is to create an exciting, piercing music. Often for this it is necessary to explore various sounds and interaction of different musical genres.

    • George Martin, colorful producer of Beatles, introduced into pop music what we call "ethnic music". He helped introduce into popular songs of Indian music, this is a real meeting of the East and the West.
  5. Create music. Do what you most like: Punk, SKA, Rap, R & B, Country, Funk, Jazz, etc. At the beginning, it is better to concentrate efforts on the development of some kind of style. This will allow you to make yourself a name in some one genre, and then go to something else. Hip-hop, R & B and pop is easier for beginners because they are used less tools.

    • Gradually start experimenting with different genres. The more genres you master, the more opportunities you will have (and more customers). Try, however, at first not to spray. How should one genre be lightened and only then go to the next one.
  6. Recycle some old hit. Take famous song - Preferably a simple - and give her your own sound. What is its potential? Can you make it better? What is your vision of how this song could be transformed into something completely new?

    • Create a few versions, it will allow you to evaluate the possibilities. Make the reggae version of the song "The Wall" or recycle a little-known jazz composition in hip-hop. Do not limit yourself to the framework.
  7. Collaborate with other producers. Some of the most famous compositions Were created as a result of cooperation. Do not be afraid to turn to the producer who admire, and ask, would not want to work together. Joint work brings success because it is possible with his help strong damn Hide your weaknesses and possibly the opposite.

    Part 2

    Producer business
    1. Start your dating. Tell the family and friends that you produce music. Order business cards. Collect ads. If the prices you offer reasonable, customers will not wait to wait. Take a little per hour or song.

      • It would be good to make the first steps to a couple with a friend or family member. Some of your friends sings cool? Does uncle play a tube? Run them and samples show potential customers. (Remember, the family is separate, business separately).
      • If nothing comes, offer to work voluntarily, it will help create a reputation. There is nothing wrong to work for free, of course, if you are not exploited. Leaving about himself very good first You can even get the impression on voluntary work if, of course, your work is worth it.

Dante - Despite the fact that the career of this pop artist began only, he has no longer enough success - support from music channels and radio stations, concerts, speeches, nominations in professional prizes and the most important, attention and love of the public. And what is the most interesting, all this he reached himself, without producers and labels. We met with an artist and talked about how Dante combines creativity and management and whether it was difficult.

Let's start with a simple .. why did your creative way?

My professional creative path began quite recently. It all started with a music school, participation in various vocal contests. The first full-fledged song was recorded at the age of 14. After that, I realized that with the composite, I have complete mutual understanding. Gradually, I improved in myself the skills of writing songs. I started to master and explore the musical industry. And about the years after 7-8 years I began to firmly understand how the song should sound, so that she liked it absolutely to everyone. Now my songs play on the radio and find a response in the hearts of the listeners, so I understand that I do everything right.

First, I want to immediately note that if I do not have my producer, it does not mean that I have no team. For any artist, this is probably the most important thing - to find its people who will simply believe in you. Then everything will be obtained.

The artist should first be focused on creativity, should understand what it is he who carries his listener and how the public will react to him. At the same time, if you, as an artist, you want to keep the whole project in your hands, then the creative part and management should be combined. It is necessary to learn and it comes with experience. But it is precisely this is the key to a long-term career and independence from producers.

In Russia, the word producer is rather an investor, a person who finances the project and therefore believes that is a key person. In the States, the opposite position: there is no concept of producer, there is a musical producer - a person responsible for all musical material, and there is a general manager from which the success of the project largely depends. What is your point of view?

I will say that in Russia now the story is gradually changing. There were already quite a lot of artists who say they are without producers, but they work with PR companies or independent managers from the music industry. I'm not an exception. In my team, there are 3 people with whom we are discussing all questions and cases. It is also very important to interact with your fan clubs, I don't even have fans, but family #DanTefamily. Now the listener is the most important producer. You can ask your fans directly like them new song. I am not a supporter financially depend on someone, so I, of course, closer to the American version. There is a musical producer, and there is a manager - it is very correct. I, for example, in my project, occupy the status of a musical producer, I always choose all the material. But the actist will never be able to combine all the skills. I spent about 4 years on the formation of my team. I have been looking for those people with whom I will be very simple, understandable and effectively work. And so I believe that the times of investors' producers who do not understand the musical industry ended.

If necessary professional education In order to become a producer? Or sufficiently knowledge of the basics of promotion and the base of useful and established in the liabilities industry?

Double question. In order to become a musical producer, musical education is mandatory. In order to become good managerYou just need to have a big practice. And, for example, the singer of 16 years can already be perfectly aware of what and how it works in show business to achieve the desired results. Therefore, everything will be strongly dependent on the character, its material and situations.

How to become a musical producer? How to start, how to continue? Space step by step.

First you need to finish music school and understand what musical styles, Musical format what music is. Already then start learning the industry. To understand what is "Hook" and how to write a memorable text and a melody, what is "hit". Naturally, you need to find such a sound-producer that can be ingeniously working in all styles. After you have decided on the style, you can choose the sphere of influence - super commerce, top commerce and mega-relevant. Also, the musical producer must clearly understand, in the name of which he does everything. There are so many producers who are engaged in non-commercial music, to a greater degree for art.

The main practical skill personally for me is that it is very rare to hear an objective view about his music. First of all, you need to be ready for criticism. If your music is criticized, it means that you forced people to respond to you. And when you are silent in response, then, most likely, people are afraid to criticize, because the song is frankly bad. Not always your hit will understand immediately and therefore you need to act on one simple scheme "I know how and I will prove it to you!" You need to work a lot, but do not process. To believe a lot in yourself, but not becoming very self-confident. And one more thing is important for any musician is inspiration. Draw strength and energy from everywhere that surrounds you.

How do you feel about such a concept as "format", which is so loved by radio and TV? Have you had to customize your songs under one or another radio station?

The word "format" is a complicated thing now. Sometimes we face that an absolutely non-format track may sound on the most top radio stations. Beginner artists have to customize their songs under the radio. I have not had to do this until, since I already had a huge experience before going to large scene And now I am able to create that product that will be interesting to everyone. And I myself love listening to cool pop music.

Is there plans to create your own label? What is the difference between the producer center from the musical label?

In fact, this is a very wide question. The creation of a musical label is, first of all, independence is the ability to deal with the distribution of your material. Young artists who come with their songs to produce centers and on the label must be aware of important differences: PC is a place where the star will do from the artist. The music label does not carry any duties to the musicians. And bringing a song on the label, the artist gets the possibility of monetizing its content.

What qualities should producer in Russia be posted so that his project has achieved success?

Stress resistance, and this quality should be in a triple size. Any producer always understands that from the first days of working with the artist it will not be easy.

What is more important - a strong producer or distinctive artist?

More importantly, when a strong producer and distinctive artist together. And when one side in this bundle is lame, the situation will be very deplorable. Therefore, all young artists I wish to find very strong directors and managers who will support you.

What is for you success. When can I say that the producer became successful?

Success is a very individual story. In my picture of the world is the creation of several 100% hits that will glorify me on the whole world.

Your idols and why.

To be honest, I have no idols. For me there are a lot of cool musicians in the world, famous and unknown, which I love and respect. I love creativity Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson., Lady Gaga... I watched how they developed their creativity, studied their biographies and study on their huge experience.

What are the biggest difficulties waiting for beginners and not only producer? Give your examples from practice and how you coped with them.

The greatest difficulty that overtakes any producer is to prove to everyone that your artist is the best. The artist is a very difficult structure and difficult person. First of all, you need to cope with your own fears, uncertainty, inner unrest. Any producer must be very scenario to move towards his goal and clearly understand what he does right, and what else to work.

First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand your goals and opportunities. Read books on psychology. It is necessary for improving self-esteem both producer and artist. To read some motivating articles and books. I understand that it may look trite and ridiculous, but when you say to myself the same phrase 20-30 times and it enters into your subconscious, move to the intended goal will be very simple. Learn books about the music market and attend interesting seminars for promoting social networks. Feel free to learn and gain experience.

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