Scarlet Sails staging an excerpt for a school play. Scarlet Sails

Scarlet Sails staging an excerpt for a school play. Scarlet Sails


« Scarlet Sails»

Scene 1

(An old sailor sits in front of the curtain)

old sailor : Longren - a sailor of a large brig, finally leaves the service. On the day of his return home, he did not see his wife Mary on the threshold. Instead, there was an excited neighbor.

Neighbor: I followed her for three months. Look at your daughter, sailor.

Neighbor: Mary is dead.

(The old sailor sits on the bench, soundssad music, reminiscent of a lullaby. Then, the old man takes the child away and sits down to planboats).

old sailor : Longren said goodbye to his comrades, took the calculation. And he began to raise little Assol. In order not to die of hunger and feed the baby, he made models of boats, boats, and large ships. And then he offered them to local shops and merchants in the market.

(The baby runs out, falls, the father carefullypicks up her daughter and puts her on her knees).

Assol : Dad, why do all the children in the village have mothers, but I don’t. Where is our mom?

Longren : Our mother is far away, in wonderful country She is a daughter in Paradise. And he looks at us from heaven, looks and rejoices - what a beautiful and obedient girl you are growing up.

(Assol, playing, leaves, the sailor continues his work and falls asleep. Assol runs out - a girl, strokes her father on the head - takes pity on him).

Assol : poor, tired. Daddy, how I love you! (thinks). But I’ll take it and help you, I’ll take the basket to the merchants myself.

(Takes a basket with ready-made toys, goes to the middle of the stage, plays with boats)

old sailor : Asso-ol, come to me, baby.

Assol: (scared) Oh, good morning, grandfather!

Old sailor: Kind, kind, dear. Where are you heading?

Assol : I want to help my father. Look what ships.

old sailor : Yes, your father makes good toys!

Assol : Look, this frigate is the most beautiful (shows a ship with scarlet sails)

old sailor : I don’t know how many years will pass, only one fairy tale will bloom in our village. You will be big, Assol. One morning in the distance of the sea, a scarlet sail will sparkle under the sun. The shining bulk of the scarlet sails of the white ship will move, cutting through the waves, straight to you. Then you will see a brave handsome prince; he will put you in a boat, bring you on a ship, and you will leave forever for a brilliant country where the sun rises and where the stars descend from heaven to congratulate you.

(Assol - a girl in dreams sings “Littlethe country".)

Scene 2

(Market, traders lay out their goods.The fishermen are trading).

Fisherwoman: Longren and her daughter went completely wild.

Merchant: Yes Yes. Damaged in the mind, the man says - they are waiting for the overseas prince, and even under scarlet sails.

(Assol comes out with a basket, passes by).

Fisherwoman: Vaughn, look, the madwoman has gone!

Merchant: Hey crazy Assol! Look here, red sails are floating.

(Assol rushes towards the sea, with tears oneyes run away to the old sailor).

old sailor : (referring to Assol) Naive girl, how cruel the crowd can be!

(Dance of fisherwomen and merchants. Enters the stageGray with his team, sees her sobbing on her shoulderold fisherman Assol. Sad Assol leaves. Gray approaches the old fisherman and asks his).

Gray : You probably know all the residents here. And who was that girl? I'm interested in her name.

old sailor : Ah, this is Assol.

Gray : And why is she so sad?

old sailor : This girl lives in a dream that one day a scarlet sail will sparkle in the sea distance under the sun, and a large ship will move towards her. The brave handsome prince will take her to a brilliant country.

But human envy and anger completely ruined the poor thing's life.

(Market parting. Gray sings "Free Wind".After the song, the boatswain approaches the captain)

Boatswain : What are the orders, cab?

Gray: The team to the ship, and you and I have a very important matter for me. .(Leave)

scene 3

(The deck of the ship is assumed. The sailors are dancing a dance. Gray and the boatswain return, in the hands of the boatswain is a roll of scarlet silk).

old sailor : Gray visited three shops, emphasizing the accuracy of the choice of fabric for sails, stubbornly choosing the right color and shade.

Gray: I brought red silk, we will make sails from it, (dreamy aside) I need scarlet sails so that she notices us from afar .(to the dumbfounded team) Let's get to work and have everything ready in the morning!

Good morning neighbor.

Was it a good catch yesterday?

Come on, by the evening the storm will break out, look how the sky has turned scarlet!

Brothers! Look!

Payca! Scarlet!

How dawn!

Yes, this is a huge frigate!

A ship with scarlet sails!

(Assol jumps onto the stage. Silent scene.Music of hope sounds. The crowd disperses. Graygoes to Assol)

Gray: Did you recognize me, Assol?

Assol : Oh, how long I've been waiting for you!

(Grey kneels, puts Assol on his fingerring. He gets up and hugs the girl. Sing a romantic song.)

old sailor : Be happy Gray and Assol. Let the shining bulk of the scarlet sails of the white ship move, cutting through the waves, straight to happiness!

(Final song).

valentina panina
"Scarlet Sails". Holiday scenario for March 8 for children of senior preschool age

Leading: Good afternoon, dear mothers, grandmothers, guests!

8 Martha This is a special day in every woman's life. On this day, all women are incredibly beautiful. Their eyes glow with joy and happiness - your eyes, dear women. From everywhere you hear compliments and congratulations addressed to you. Dear, dear, please accept warm words of congratulations from us on this wonderful happy holidays and good wishes, love and happiness. And a small gift prepared by your children. Let's just say that this gift is a bit unusual. Today for the first time we present to your attention the musical « Scarlet Sails» ….

Sounds like the intro to the song "Morning Begins". Children come out, create the effect of playing on the street, the boys collect a large pyramid on the floor; others play with a ball. Third perform 1 verse and chorus

Boy1: What a good, good morning today! True guys!

Boy 2: Yes, and the sun is shining brightly brightly.

Boy 3: And all because today is a special day - festive, 8 Martha.

Boy 4: Exactly, where are our girls?

Boy 5: Look, here they are.

Dance "Fashionistas"

Girl1: Hello boys!

Boy 1: WITH happy holiday to you girls.

All girls: Thank you.

Boy 2: Where did you stay so long?

Girl 2: Did we prepare gifts for mothers? And you, what will you give? Already decided?

Boy: Not yet. I want to give something special, but we don't know what yet.

Girl 3: (referring to the boy) Listen, yesterday my grandmother told a story about the pearl of the Seven Seas.

Children: What's the story?

Chorus: Tell us, tell us!

Girl: Far, far beyond the seven seas, beyond the seven winds Mysterious Island. And on this island the biggest, most beautiful pearl is hidden. Pearl of the seven seas.

Boy: Is she magical?

Girl: Many brave sailors tried to find this island in order to get the pearl. After all, it brings happiness and good luck.

Girl: Ouch! Yes, it's all fairy tales! There is no pearl.

1. Boy: And I think that this pearl actually exists!

2 boy: I believe in it too!

Boy: And let's go to this island right now and find her!

Girl: And do not be afraid, because you have to swim across the seas and oceans.

Song "Wave"

Boy: Not at all, not scary. We have a brave and courageous captain. (Captain makes a solemn circle.)

Captain: Sailors! Everyone on deck! Give away the moorings! Full speed ahead!

Song "Ship"

Girls: Bon Voyage!

Sounds like the sound of the sea.

Captain: Boatswain, what do you see ahead?

Boatswain looking through binoculars: Captain, right on the course - goldfish!

Captain: Stop engines. We walk quietly so as not to frighten away such beauty.

Dance "Goldfish"

Captain: We continue our way. What's happened? (looks at)

Boatswain: Captain, a black-flagged schooner is heading straight for us.

Captain: What do you hear, radio operator?

Captain: All hands on deck! It's pirates!

Dance of the Pirates

1 Pirate: Aha! Gotcha! Give back your jewels!

Captain: They are in front of you - this is my team.

2 Pirate: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Are you all kidding? And you can't joke with us! Give me back your ship.

Captain: And do not think! We have important business. Are we sailing for a gift for OUR moms?

1 Pirate: Think? Surprised!

Boatswain: How heartless are you? Don't you have moms?

Pirate: I have a gun and one eye.

2 Pirate: And I only have old wounds.

Boatswain: Do you want us to tell you about mothers.

Pirates: We want. And sit in a semicircle on the floor.

Pirates (touched)

First Pirate: Oh, I remembered my mother, she fed me with mother's porridge.

Second Pirate: Yes, not mother's, but semolina. And I remembered my grandmother.

She told me: "Don't touch the dynamite - you'll be left without eyes!"

How right my poor grandmother was.

Captain: Now you understand that we have nothing more expensive than mothers.

Pirates: Understood, understood. We will even give away our treasure.

Pirates take out a chest with tools

Pirates: This is for you, but it's time for us.

Sailors play instruments

Captain: And now we don't have a minute to waste. Full speed ahead!

Boatswain: There is a desert island on the horizon.

Captain: Drop anchor. Team to go ashore.

Dance of the Papuans

They solemnly carry out a stand, a small pillow, a shell with a pearl.

1 sailor: Is this the pearl of the seven seas?

2 sailor: So we found this island!

leader: Greetings, strangers! Welcome to my island. What brings you here?

Captain: We went in search of the pearl of the seven seas.

leader: Why do you need this gem?

Captain: We want to find it and give it to mothers, let it bring them happiness and good luck.

leader: .No one has yet been able to reach our island. And you, an outsider, together with your team, could! For courage and courage, I give you the pearl of the seven seas. May she bring you good luck.

Captain: Thank you. leader: Farewell! Favorable wind!

The soundtrack of the song sounds "Free wind".

Close the curtain.

And at this time to the music of the song "Morning Begins" the girls reappear.

1 girl: How are our boys?

2 girl: Something I'm very worried about them.

Girl: Look! Look! Scarlet sails on the horizon!

Sailors descend from the ship, follow the captain. The boys hold pearls in their hands, give one to the girls and sing a song about their mother with them.

Leading: Dear mothers, grandmothers! Today your children have once again proved how much they love you and are ready for incredible accomplishments for you. We are confident that this pearl will become the most important jewel in your life for you.

Children give pearls to mothers.

musical performance based on the play "Assol" P.I. Morozova

stage director: S.A. Chvokin
artist: S.A. Gyulamirov

Almost everyone knows the story of Assol: the sailor Longren lives as a hermit in a small fishing village. He is a widow, spends his days making toy boats and barely making ends meet. Neighbors bypass Longren's house, considering him unsociable. The old man is accompanied by his daughter Assol - only she understands and loves her father. Once, the girl is predicted that the day will come, and the handsome prince will take her away on a ship with scarlet sails, and this fairy tale becomes hers. cherished dream. All her life she waits for her betrothed by the sea, ignoring the laughter of those around her. And one day her dream comes true...

The new production of the Cossack Theater is the musical performance "Scarlet Sails", based on the play "Assol" by playwright Pavel Morozov, based on the work of Alexander Grin.

"Scarlet Sails" is one of the most romantic and life-affirming stories that won more than one youthful heart.

Green's work has been cult for several generations, a symbol of beauty, youthful romanticism, love and freedom. Such a play today is very necessary for the young audience. After all, this story is about the fact that no matter what, you must definitely believe in your dream, no matter how hard it is, about how important it is to keep hope when the hopes of others have already gone out.

Adults will also be interested in this performance, because it returns to youth, dreams and first love, making you believe that miracles do happen!

This good story- the best cure for disappointments in the hectic everyday life.

The performance "Scarlet Sails" is full of sonorous, memorable music, interesting choreographic numbers.


  • Assol– Maria Miroshina
  • Longren– Valery Tyurin, Yuri Morozov
  • aigle– Nikolai Chapaikin, Pavel Lagovsky
  • Mom Assol– Irina Tikhonravova, Lyudmila Romanyuk
  • Gray– Maxim Sytin, Sergei Yachmenev
  • Hin Manners– Alexander Ryzhmanov
  • Myra Manners– Anastasia Chvokina
  • Louise– Yulia Dobronravova, Yulia Dronova
  • Greta– Olesya Morozova, Irina Nikerova
  • Sailor Chester– Andrey Grigoriev
  • Sailor Phil– Vadim Miroshnikov
  • Sailor Tom– Alexander Krivich
  • damsel– Julia Dronova

Scene for valentine's day holiday. Scene "Scarlet Sails" for high school students. The scene can be part of the Valentine's Day scenario for schoolchildren.

Scene 1. The meeting of little Assol with the "wizard Egle".

VOICE-OVER: Little Assol played with a boat made by her father. The ship had scarlet sails. Assol launched the boat into the stream, and he sailed away. Frightened that she might lose a toy dear to her heart, Assol rushed to run after the ship with scarlet sails. The boat was fished out by Egl, a well-known collector of songs, legends, traditions and fairy tales, who was traveling on foot.

AIGLE: I swear by the Grimms, Aesop and Andersen, this is something special. Listen, you plant! Is this your thing?

ASSOL: Yes, I ran after her all over the stream; I thought I would die. Was she here?

EGL: At my very feet. The shipwreck is the reason I, in my capacity as a coastal pirate, can give you this prize. The yacht, abandoned by the crew, was thrown onto the sand by a three-inch shaft - between my left heel and the tip of the stick. (He taps his cane.) What's your name, baby?

ASSOL: Assol. (Hides the toy given by Egle in the basket.)

AGLE: Good. I really didn't have to ask. your name. It's good that it's so strange, so monotonous, musical, like the whistle of an arrow or the noise of a seashell: what would I do if you called yourself one of those euphonious, but intolerably familiar names that are alien to the Beautiful Unknown? Moreover, I do not want to know who you are, who your parents are and how you live. Why break the charm? Sitting on this stone, I was engaged in a comparative study of Finnish and Japanese subjects ... when suddenly the stream splashed out this yacht, and then you appeared ... Just the way you are. I, my dear, am a poet at heart - although I have never composed myself. What's in your basket?

ASSOL: Boats (shaking a basket) ... a steamboat and three more such houses with flags. Soldiers live there.

AGLE: Great. You were sent to sell. On the way, you took up the game. You let the yacht float, and she ran away - right?

ASSOL: Have you seen it? Or did you guess?

EGL: I knew that. Because I am the most important magician. You have nothing to fear from me. On the contrary, I want to talk to you to your heart's content.

EGLE (looks into the hall and speaks to the audience): An involuntary expectation of a beautiful, blissful fate. Ah, why wasn't I born a writer? What a glorious storyline.

EGL (Assol): Come on, come on, Assol, listen to me carefully ... I don’t know how much years will pass, only in Kapern one fairy tale will bloom, memorable for a long time. You will be big, Assol. One morning, in the sea, a scarlet sail will sparkle under the sun. The shining bulk of the scarlet sails of the white ship will move, cutting through the waves, straight to you. This wonderful ship will sail quietly, without screams and shots; many people will gather on the shore, wondering and gasping: and you will stand there. The ship will approach majestically to the very shore to the sounds of beautiful music; elegant, in carpets, in gold and flowers, a fast boat will sail from it. “Why did you come? Who are you looking for?" the people on the beach will ask. Then you will see a brave handsome prince; he will stand and stretch out his hands to you. “Hello, Assol! he will say. “Far, far away from here, I saw you in a dream and came to take you forever to my kingdom. You will live there with me in a pink deep valley. You will have everything you want; we will live with you so amicably and cheerfully that your soul will never know tears and sadness. He will put you in a boat, bring you on a ship, and you will leave forever for a brilliant country where the sun rises and where the stars descend from the sky to congratulate you on your arrival.

ASSOL: Is that all for me? Maybe he's already arrived... that ship?

EGL: Not so soon, first, as I said, you will grow up. Then... What can I say? It will, and it's over. What would you do then?

ASSOL: Me? I would love him if he doesn't fight.

EGL: No, he won't fight, he won't, I vouch for that. Go girl and don't forget what I told you. Go. May peace be with your furry head!

More than once, agitated and timid, she went out at night to seaside, where, after waiting for the dawn, she quite seriously looked out for a ship with scarlet sails. These moments were happiness for her; it is difficult for us to go into a fairy tale, it would be no less difficult for her to get out of her power and charm ...

And her wait was not in vain. Once sleeping Assol was seen by Captain Arthur Gray.

Everything moved, everything smiled in him. Of course, he did not know her, or her name, and, moreover, why she fell asleep on the shore, but he was very pleased with this. He loved pictures without explanations and signatures. The impression of such a picture is incomparably stronger; its content, not bound by words, becomes boundless, asserting all conjectures and thoughts.

Gray removed an expensive old ring from his finger, thinking, not without reason, that perhaps this was suggesting something significant to life, like spelling. He carefully lowered the ring onto his small little finger, which was whitening from under the back of his head. Littlefinger moved impatiently and drooped.

In the tavern, Gray asked about the girl he saw. And he found out that her name was Assol and she was waiting for a magical ship with scarlet sails, on which a handsome prince would sail for her.

Gray bought the scarlet silk in the shop and, having made sails out of it, went to his beloved...

Scene 2. Scarlet Sails.

Assol, seeing a ship with scarlet sails, rushed to the sea.

ASSOL: I'm here, I'm here! It's me! Music sounds. Gray descends to Assol. ASSOL: You are exactly the way I imagined you ...

GRAY: And you too, my child! Bot, I'm here. Did you recognize me?

Assol nodded, holding on to his belt, closing her eyes. Assol and Gray stand under scarlet sails.

GRAY: Why are you closing your eyes?

ASSOL: I'm afraid that all this will disappear if I watch... You came so magically...

GRAY (laughing): I dreamed about you a long time ago.... In your eyes all the best.

ASSOL: Will you take my father to us?

The scarlet sail is lowered.

VOICE OVER: We'll move away from them now, knowing they need to be alone. There are many words in the world different languages and different dialects, but by all of them, even remotely, you cannot convey what they said to each other on this day ...

February 10, 2016

Screenplay based on the story by Alexander Grin
"Scarlet Sails"

Compiled by: teacher of the highest category E.N. Kinast

Closed curtain. On it is an image of a ship with scarlet sails.
The introduction is music, reminiscent of the sound of the sea.
The curtain opens. In the left corner of the scene there is a table with a candle in an "ancient" candlestick, an armchair with a blanket thrown over it. There is a thick book on the table, in which instead of a bookmark flowering branch. Silently, putting a finger to his lips (as if urging the audience to quiet down and listen), the author enters. He sits down in a chair and starts...

A t o r Now I'll tell you a story romantic love Assol and Gray.
This is the story of the life of the girl Assol, who lost her mother in infancy. The sailor father raised Assol well, without stopping her from dreaming, believing in miracles. One day, the girl met in the forest an old collector of fairy tales Aigle, either jokingly or seriously telling her that when she grows up, the prince will come for her on a ship with scarlet sails.
Egl The mass of scarlet sails of the white ship will move, cutting through the waves, straight to you. (switch on video No. 1) This wonderful ship will sail quietly, a lot of people will gather on the shore. The ship will approach majestically to the very shore to the sounds of beautiful music; elegant, in carpets, in gold and flowers, a fast boat will sail from it. “Why did you come? Who are you looking for?" the people on the beach will ask. Then you will see a brave handsome prince; he will stand and stretch out his hands to you. “Hello, Assol! - he will say. - I saw you in a dream and came to take you away forever. You will live in a brilliant country where the sun rises and where the stars will descend from the sky to congratulate you on your arrival.
And with Sol, Assol believed and began to wait ... More than once, worried and timid, I went to the seashore, where, after waiting for the dawn, I seriously looked out for a ship with Scarlet Sails. These minutes were happiness for me; It is difficult for you to go into a fairy tale, it would be no less difficult for me to get out of its power and charm.
And in th about r Once Assol told this story to a beggar, he, in turn, told it in a tavern. Since then, the inhabitants began to laugh at her.
As the years passed, Assol matured. Once, early in the morning, a ship moored to the shore where Assol lived. Its owner and captain was Arthur Gray, a noble and courageous young man.
Together with his friend, Gray decided to go to the city. On the shore, near a large and sprawling tree, he saw a sleeping girl. Gray squatted down, looking into the girl's face: she was beautiful. Then Gray, carefully so as not to wake her up, put a ring on her finger. Assol continued to be in the power of sleep. Gray quietly left. After a while, Assol woke up, Gray's radiant ring glittered on her finger.

A s o l Whose joke is this? Whose joke? she exclaimed rapidly. – Am I sleeping? Maybe you found it and forgot? I can't explain what happened, but a strange feeling takes over me.
And on the other hand, by chance, as people who can read and write say, Gray and Assol found each other in the morning summer day full of inevitability. The young man, meanwhile, decided to ask one of the locals about her.
Grey. Of course, you know all the inhabitants here, I'm interested in the name of a young girl in a white dress, between the ages of seventeen and twenty. I met her not far from here. What is her name?
Citizen This must be Assol, there is no one else to be.
And the other day, Gray was told about how, seven years ago, a girl spoke on the seashore with the song collector Egle.
Now he acted decisively and calmly, knowing to the smallest detail everything that lay ahead on the way. His plan took shape instantly.
Grey Assol will definitely see a ship with scarlet sails.
And in thor Gray bought 2000 meters of scarlet silk and after a while the ship with scarlet sails went to sea.
Gray Now, when my sails are glowing and the wind is good, I come to the one who is waiting and can wait only for me, but I don’t want anyone else but her, maybe precisely because thanks to her I understood one simple truth . It is to do so-called miracles with your own hands: when a billionaire gives a poor man a villa, and a jockey even once holds a horse for the sake of another horse that is unlucky, then everyone will understand how pleasant it is, how inexpressibly wonderful. But there are no lesser miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness, and - at the right time, the right word. Owning it means owning everything.
And then a ship with scarlet sails appeared on the horizon, and Assol saw it. Soft music poured from the white deck under the fire of scarlet silk (video #2).
And with sol Not remembering how I left the house, I ran already to the sea, picked up by the irresistible wind of the event; at the first corner she stopped almost exhausted; my legs gave way, my breath broke and went out, my consciousness was hanging on by a thread. Beside myself with fear of losing my will, I stamped my foot and recovered.
I saw a boat full of tanned rowers leave the ship; among them stood the one whom, as it seemed to me now, I knew, vaguely remembered from childhood. He looked at me with a smile that warmed and hurried.
Gray Assol screwed up her eyes; then, quickly opening her eyes, she boldly smiled at my radiant face, and breathlessly said:
And with about l Absolutely such.
Grey, and you too. Here I come. Did you recognize me?
And in the second everything was a dream, where light and water swayed, spinning, like a game sunbeams on a radiant wall.
Again Assol closed her eyes, afraid that all this would disappear if she looked. Gray took her hands. The girl's eyes finally opened clearly. They had all the best of a person.
" Friends! With all your heart believe in miracles, and they will surely come true!