The main character of a number of works of Brothers Strugatsky. Brothers Strugatsky: Bibliography, Creativity and Interesting Facts

The main character of a number of works of Brothers Strugatsky. Brothers Strugatsky: Bibliography, Creativity and Interesting Facts
The main character of a number of works of Brothers Strugatsky. Brothers Strugatsky: Bibliography, Creativity and Interesting Facts

The names of the Strugatsky brothers - Arkady and Boris. Born on August 28, 1925 and April 15, 1933, respectively. The brothers are Russian and Soviet writers who also tried themselves in the role of scenarios and co-authors with other writers. Strugatsky is considered to be classics of modern socio-science fiction in the world of literature.

A family

Parents of the brothers - Nathan Strugatsky and Alexander Litvincheva - art historian and teacher. The name of the Father Strugatsky brothers speaks of his Jewish origin. Alexandra married against the will of his parents: because of her marriage with the Jew, her relations with relatives were torn. The father of the Strugatsky brothers served during the Civil War to Commissioner of the Cavalry Brigade, later - a political officer of the Soviet commander Frunze. After demobilization, he became a party functionary in Ukraine. There he met his future wife. In January 1942, the commander of the folk militia company and the Samotkov-Shchedrin public library officer tragically died, while his wife died in deep old age, shortly after receiving the title of Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation and Cavaller the Order of the Hall Sign.

First attempt

His first fantastic worlds Brothers Strugatsky began to create before the war. Speaking more precisely, the first feather tried Arkady. According to Boris, it was the prosaic work of the "find of Major Kovaleva", which, unfortunately, was lost during the blockade of Leningrad. The first reached by the story of Arkady was "how Kang". In the 50s, he continued his writer attempts, and soon the story "Fourth Kingdom" appeared. The first real publication of Arkady Nathanovich became the story "ashes of bikini", which he created in collaboration with Lvi-Petrov during the ministry in the army. Its author devoted sad events during the tests of the hydrogen bomb on the Bikini Atoll.

Boris began to try to write from the beginning of the 50s. The brothers did not lose contact and shared the ideas of works in written correspondence and at personal meetings during Arcadia's holidays from military service.

First joint creativity

The first common creation of two Strugatsky brothers became a science fiction story "From the outside", which they later recycled in the story. This story published the publication of "Technique - Youth" in 1958.

In 1959, the brothers released their first book - "Country of Bagrov Tuch". According to rumors, this work was created on a dispute with the wife of Arkady - Elena Ilinichnaya. By 1957, a draft of the work was prepared, but the editors postponed the publication for a long time. Other works are associated with these works: "Way to Amelite", "Traineers" and stories from the debut joint collection of the Strugatsky brothers "six matches". So began a long cycle about the fantastic world of the future, which received the name of the world of noon. According to the authors, they themselves wanted to live in this universe.

For many decades, Strugatsky brothers were the best authors of Soviet literary fiction. Their multifaceted creations reflected the gradual formation of writing skills and the worldview of the authors. Each written product of the brothers initiated new disputes and long-term discussions. Not once, the critics were compared the world of Strugatsky with the fantastic world of the future Ivan Efremov, which he described in his famous work "Andromeda Nebula."


The first works of the brothers corresponded to all the framework of socialism, but at the same time they kept their unique features: their characters were not "schematic" - they were endowed with individual features and character, and at the same time remained humanists, intellectuals and brave researchers who pursue the ideas of world development and scientific and technological progress. In addition, their heroes allocate their individual language - this simple, but the expressive reception made heroes alive and close to the reader. Such characters fell very successfully for the period of "thaw" in the USSR, thereby reflecting the desperate hope for the best future and technological progress in science, as well as for warming in interpatrietic relations.

Especially significant book in those days was the story of the Strugatsky brothers "noon, the XXII century, which was successfully portraying the optimistic perspective of the future of the human race, in which enlightened and happy people, intellectual and brave satellite researchers, creative personalities, inspired by life.

But in the "distant rainbow" tense motives begin to sound: a disaster on a remote planet, which occurred due to the experiments of scientists, raised the question of the moral choices of a person in a difficult situation. This is a choice between two bad outcomes, one of which is even worse than the second. In the same product, the Strugatsky brothers raise another problem: how will those who do not know how to think creative will live in the world?

To meet with your own past and think whether it is possible to get rid of the "Paleolithic consciousness", it was necessary to hold the story of the story "an attempt to escape," and after the authors, they were puzzled by this problem and employees of the Institute of Experimental History in the work "difficult to be God." The brothers also affect topical issues of modernity, drawing a grotesque picture of futuristic consumer society in the story "Predatory Things of the Century." This work has become the first in the Russian literature of antiutopia in utopia, which has become very specific to Soviet literature.

In the 60s, other extraordinary works are written. For example, sparkling good-natured, but with a topical humor, the work of the Strugatsky brothers "Monday begins on Saturday" so liked the readers that soon they wrote the continuation, which was called the Troika Tale, where humor had already lost the place of straight satire. This work turned out to be so scandalous that soon Almanac "Angara", where the "fairy tale" was published, stopped being published, and the story itself was unavailable for readers for a long time. The story "snail on the slope" was expected to be the same fate, in which the action takes place in the forest and in the Department of Forest Affairs: the whole situation described in the book strongly reminded the bureaucratic situation in management. Soviet criticism did not see much more important thoughts on the impending progress, which demoloses everything that prevents him from rush faster.

"The second invasion of Martian: notes of a sensible" is also a satirical work that was not met with critics good-naturedly. Even the names of the characters borrowed from the heroes of the Greek legends could not be taken on the allusion on the current situation now. The authors make a serious question about honor and personal dignity of man and all mankind. A similar topic sounds in the story "Hotel" from the deceased mountaineer ": Is the person ready to meet with an alien race? This work was the experiment of the Strugatsky brothers to mix the science fiction novel and detective.


Since the beginning of the 70s, Strugatsky returns to the Universe afternoon and invent a "inhabitable island", "Guy from the Underworld" and "Kid". Soviet censorship carefully followed the works of the brothers. When preparing for the printing of the "inhabitable island", they had to make more than 900 edits before in 1991 the essay was printed. In the 70s, the brothers practically did not produce books.

The famous story of the brothers Strugatsky "Picnic on the side of the side" was published in the journal, after which the past 8 years did not appear in bookseeds. The topic was announced the topic of zone - territory, where the mysterious events began to happen after visiting the aliens, and stalkers - brave, secretly climbing on this zone. She gained its development in the film Andrei Tarkovsky Stalker, which was shot in 1979 according to the Strugatsky scenario. Only after the actually happening the Chernobyl disaster, the story was reflected in the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R., as well as in numerous works on its reasons. Only in 1980, the Picnic on the side of the sidelines, the Strugatsky brothers included in the collection "Unassigned meetings", but in abbreviated format. Strict censorship of that time did not give a freely sigh of young authors.

The main theme of the creativity of the Brothers Strugatsky was the problem of choice. It was she who became the foundation for the story of "billion years to the end of the world," where the characters stood before a difficult choice between a peaceful life with the refusal of their own principles and beliefs and the threat of death while trying to preserve their identity. At the same time, the brothers write the romance "Grad doom", where the authors are attempting to create a dynamic model of consciousness typical of wide sections of society, as well as trace his fate against the background of changing social realities, exploring its changes. The heroes of this novel, as well as the heroes of the novel "Chrome fate," are endowed with autobiographical details.

Peak creative thoughts

The brothers again turn to the world of noon in the novels "Beetle in the anthill", "Aelita award and" Waves are quenched ". These works failed under the utopian theme in the creations of Strugatsky. In their opinion, technical progress is not able to bring a person of happiness if he cannot abandon his animal entity, burdened by malice and aggression. It is upbringing that it is able to make a real man with a monkey with a capital letter - a reasonable and intellectual outcome of human development, according to the Strugatsky brothers. The topic of growth over himself and the education of the person sounds in the novel "burdened by evil, or forty years later."

The last common work of Strugatsky became a play "Jews in Peter's city, or weightless conversations about the candles", which became a kind of warning of an overlooking the optimistic hopes of man of recent times.

Separate works

Arkady parallel with common creativity and independently under the pseudonym S. Yaroslavtsev. Among such works, the story of "Details of the life of Nikita Vorontsova", the burlesque fairy tale "Expedition to hell", the story "The Devil among people." In each work, Arcadia sounds the subject of the inability to change the world for the better.

After the death of Arcadia in 1991, Boris continues literary creativity. He takes the pseudonym S. Vititsky and releases the novels of the "powerless world of this" and "search for the destination, or the twenty-seventh theorem of ethics". With these books, he continues to explore the phenomena of the future and study the ideas of influence on the surrounding reality.

Other activities

In addition to writing books, the Strugatsky brothers also tried themselves in scenarios. According to their works and with their editors, several movies were delivered.

Also, the brothers were engaged in translations from the English novels of Hol Clement, as well as Andre Norton and John Wyndem. For translation activities, they took the pseudonyms S. Pobedin, S. Berezhekov, S. Vititin. In addition, Arkady Strugatsky translated the stories of Acutahagava Ryunca from the Japanese language, as well as Noma Hiroshi, Cobo Abe, Santyhei Enth and Natsuma Soseks. I did not bypass the translation and medieval novel "Tale of Esuitsune".

Boris did not lag behind his brother, also conducting violent activities: For a complete collection of their joint writings, he prepared extensive "Comments to the completed", which were later published by a separate book. On the official website of Strugatsky even published a video interview in which Boris answers more than 7,000 readers and critics questions. The brothers were open to dialogue with their reader.

  • Fans often use Abbreviation "ABS", which indicate the names of Arcadia and Boris Strugatsky. It is used not only in oral references to the brothers, but even in printed publications.
  • On Socketon in 1989, a bill was published under the name "Two Strugatsky". Shortly before the death of Arcadia on Volga Cone was presented "One Stroke."
  • In St. Petersburg in 2014, the Square in the Moscow district was given the name of the Strugatsky brothers.
  • There is no grave of Strugatsky, because on the will of their dust after cremation was ordered to dispel over exactly these places: Arkady wished his dust to be dispelled over Ryazan highway, and Boris wished to stay over the Pulkovo observatory.
  • In 2015, enthusiasts planned to create a museum in the St. Petersburg apartment of the brothers, but the discussions on the bill with the authorities of the Moscow region are still underway.
  • Brothers Strugatsky - the only Russian writers whose works are called abbreviations: for example, the "country clouds" - SBT.
  • The expression "and the hedgehog is clear" it became known precisely thanks to Strugatsky, although his creator was V. Mayakovsky. Involving the expression received after the story of the "Country of Baghrov Tuch", and later - in the Soviet boarding schools, in which children were gained in classes A, B, B, G, D - those who study two years, and e, well, and those To whom one.

So the brief biography of the Strugatsky brothers looks like. The contribution of the brothers in fantastic literature of the Soviet Union and Russia is immense: almost all his free time they devoted to creativity and reflections. Each of their work is permeated with a subtle thought and deep studies not only technological innovations, but also human's mental peppets.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky on the balcony. 1980-E. Birth name:

Arkady Nathanovich Strugatsky, Boris Nathanovich Strugatsky


S. Berezhekov, S. Vititin, S. Pobedin, S. Yaroslavtsev, S. Vititsky

Date of Birth: Citizenship: Occupation: Years of creativity: Genre:

Science fiction

Debut: Prizes:

alert Prize

Works on the site LIB.RU

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky (Brothers Strugatsky) - Brothers Arkady Nathanovich (28.08.1925, Batumi - 10/12/1991, Moscow) and Boris Nathanovich (04/15/1933, St. Petersburg - 19.11.2012, St. Petersburg), Soviet writers, co-authors , screenwriters, classics of modern scientific and social fiction.

Arkady Strugatsky graduated from the Military Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bin Moscow (1949), worked as a translator from English and Japanese, editor.

Boris Strugatsky graduated from the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of the University of Leningrad (1955) with a specialty "Star Astronomer", worked in the Pulkovo observatory.

Boris Nathanovich began to write from the beginning of the 1950s. The first artistic publication of Arkady Strugatsky - the story "Susta Bikini" (1956), written in conjunction with Lvir Petrov still during service in the army, is devoted to tragic events related to the testing of the hydrogen bomb on the Bikini Atoll For that time, an example of "anti-imperialistic prose".

In January 1958, the first joint work of the brothers was published in the magazine "Technique - Youth" - a science fiction story "From the outside", reworked later to the eponymous story.

The last joint work of Strugatsky became a play - the warning "Jews in Peter, or asleep conversations for candles" (1990).

Arkady Strugatsky wrote several works alone under the pseudonym S. Yaroslavl: the burlesque fairy tale "Expedition to hell" (1974, part 1-2; 1984, part 3), the story "Details of Nikita Vorontsova" (1984) and the story "Devil among people "(1990-1991), published in 1993.

After the death of Arkady Strugatsky in 1991, Boris Strugatsky, according to his own definition, continued to "cut a thick log literature with a two-handed saw, but without a partner." Under the pseudonym S. Vititsky came out of his novels "Search for the purpose, or the twenty-seventh theorem of ethics" (1994-1995) and the "powerless world of this" (2003).

Strugatsky are the authors of a number of filmcenerey. Under the pseudonyms of S. Berezhekov, S. Vititin, S. Plyazage brothers were translated from the English novels Andre Norton, Hol Clement, John Wyndem. Arkady Strugatsky translated from Japanese stories of Acutahagava Ryunca, novels Cobo Abe, Natsuma Soseks, Noma Hiroshi, Santyhei Ento, medieval novel "Tale of Yoszune."

The works of Strugatsky were published in translations in 42 languages \u200b\u200bin 33 countries of the world (more than 500 publications).

The names of Strugatsky called the Small Planet [[(3054) Strugatskia | No. 3054, open September 11, 1977 in the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.

Brothers Strugatsky - winners medals "Symbol of Science".

Essay of creativity

The first noticeable product of the Strugatsky brothers is a science fiction story "Country of Baghrov Tuch" (1959). According to memories, the story "Country of Bagrov Cloud" was launched on a dispute with the wife of Arkady Nathanovich - Elena Ilinichnaya. Tied with common heroes with this story continuation - "Path to Amaltea" (1960), "Travelings" (1962), as well as the stories of the first collection of Strugatsky "Six Matches" (1960) laid the beginning of a multi-volume cycle of works about the future world, in which the authors I would like to live. Strugatsky color traditional fantastic schemes are plenty of strokes and collisions, the vitality of images, humor.

Each new Strugatsky book became an event, caused bright and contradictory discussions. Inevitably and repeatedly many critics were compared to the world created by Strugatsky with the world described in the utopia of Ivan Efremova "Timbal Andromeda". The first books of Strugatsky corresponded to the requirements of socialist realism. A distinctive feature of these books compared with the samples of the then Soviet fiction was "unseable" heroes (intellectuals, humanists, a scientific search and moral responsibility to humanity), original and bold fantastic ideas about the development of science and technology. They organically coincided with the period of "thaw" in the country. Their books during this period are permeated with the spirit of optimism, faith in progress, in the ability of human nature and society to change for the better. The program book of this period was the story "Noon, XXII century" (1962).

Starting with the age of "hard to be God" (1964) and "Monday begins on Saturday" (1965), in the work of Strugatsky, elements of social criticism appear, as well as modeling of historical development options. The story "Predatory Things of the Century" (1965) was written in the traditions of the "Roman warnings popular in the West.

In the mid-1960s. Strugatsky become not only the most popular authors in the genre of science fiction, but also by the expressants of the sentiment of a young, opposition-minded Soviet intelligentsia. Their satire is directed against the All-Russian Bureaucracy, Dogmatism, Conformism. In the titles of "Snail on the slope" (1966-1968), "The Second Invasion of Martian" (1967), "Treasure Take" (1968) Strugatsky, masterfully using the language of allegory, technicians and hyperboles, create bright, grotesque pointed paintings of social pathology generated by the Soviet variant of totalitarianism. All this brought in Strugatsky sharp criticism from the Soviet ideological apparatus. Some of the works already published by them were actually withdrawn from circulation. The novel "Gadsky Swans" (finished in 1967, published in 1972, Frankfurt am Main) was banned and distributed in Samizdat. Their works with great difficulty went out in minor publications.

In the late 1960s and in the 1970s. Strugatsky creates a number of works with the predominance of existential-philosophical issues. In the Talk of the Kid (1970), "Picnic on the side of the road" (1972), "For billion years before the end of the world" (1976), issues of competition of values, the choice of behavior in critical, "border" situations and responsibility for This choice. The topic of the zone - the territory on which, after visiting aliens, strange phenomena occur, and stalkers - bravery, who secretly penetrate this zone, was developed in the film Andrei Tarkovsky Stalker, shot in 1979 according to Strugatsky scenario.

In the novel "Grad doomed" (written in 1975, published in 1987) the authors build a dynamic model of Soviet ideologized consciousness, examine the various phases of its "life cycle". The evolution of the main character of the novel, Andrei Voronin, symbolically reflects the spiritual experience of generations of Soviet people Stalinist and poststalin eras.

The last novels of Strugatsky - "Beetle in an anthill" (1979), "Waves are quenched by the wind" (1984), "Evil Evil" (1988) - indicate the crisis of the rationalist and humanistic-educational foundations of the world's worldview. Strugatsky are now questioned as the concept of public progress and the power of mind, its ability to find an answer to the tragic conflicts of being.

In some works of Strugatsky, the father of which was a Jew, traces of national reflection are noticeable. Many critics see in the novels "Inhabited Island" (1969) and "Beetle in an anthill" Allegorical image of the situation of Jews in the Soviet Union. One of the main characters of the novel "Grad doomed" - Iza Katrman, in whose lives, many characteristic features of fate of the dick (see Hallet) of Jew focused on. A publicistically frank criticism of anti-Semitism is contained in the novel "Evil Evil" and in the play "Jews in Peter" (1990).

Strugatsky always considered themselves Russian writers, however, to alluses for Jewish topics, reflections on the essence of Jewry and his role in world history, they treated throughout the creative path (especially since the late 1960s), it enriched their work with nontrivial situations and metaphors. The additional drama reported by their universal search and insights.

Boris Strugatsky for the complete collected works of Strugatsky prepared "Comments to the completed" (2000-2001; came out with a separate publication in 2003), in which the story of the creation of works of Strugatsky was described in detail. On the official Internet site of Strugatsky since June 1998, an interview continued in which Boris Strugatsky has already responded for several thousand questions.

Collections of Strugatsky essays

Until now, in Russian, four complete collections of writings A. and B. Strugatsky (not counting various book series and collections) are published. The first attempts to publish the collected works of authors were taken in the USSR since 1988, as a result of which in 1989 the Publishing House "Moskovsky Worker" was published a two-volume assembly of "Selected Works" by edition of 100 thousand copies. His feature was the text of the story of the Troika Tale, specially prepared by the authors for this meeting, which is an intermediate between the Angarsky and Smenovsky option.

Full collections of the compositions of Strugatsky today make up:

  • Meeting of the compositions of the publishing house "Text", The main body of which was released in 1991-1994. Edited by A. Roadra (under the pseudonym A. Mirokels) And M. Gurevich. The compositions of the works were built in a chronologically-thematic order (for example, "noon, the XXII century" and the "distant rainbow" were published in one volume, and "Monday begins on Saturday" and "TRIKE TRAY"). At the request of the authors to the meeting, their debut story "Country of Bagrov cloud" was not included (only as part of the second additional volume). The first volumes were printed with a circulation of 225 thousand copies, subsequent - 100 thousand copies. Initially, the edition of 10 volumes was expected, to each of which A. Mirr wrote a brief preface, he also belonged to the biography of A. and B. Strugatsky in the first volume - the first of the published. Most texts have been published in "canonical" versions known to fans, however, the victims of the censorship "Picnic on the side of the sidelines" and the "inhabitable island" were first published in the author's editorial board, and the "Troika fairy tale" - in 1989 in 1992-1994 . Four additional volumes were seen, including some early things (including the "Country of Baghrov Tuch", included at the request of readers), dramaturgical works and filmceneres, the literary record of the film A. Tarkovsky "Stalker" and things published by A. N. and B . N. Strugatsky independently. They were printed with circulations from 100 thousand to 10 thousand copies.
  • Book Series "Worlds Strugatsky Brothers"The initiative of Nikolai Yutanov's publishing companies Terra Fantastica and AST since 1996. Currently, the publication has passed to the publishing house "Stalker" (Donetsk) in the framework of the "Unknown Strugatsky" project. As of September 2009, 28 books, printed by a circulation of 3000-5000 copiers, saw in the series. (Preprints follow annually). The texts are confusing thematically. This book series still remains the most representative assembly of texts related to life and creativity A. and B. Strugatsky (for example, the translations of Western fiction, made by Strugatsky, were not published in other collections of writings, like a number of dramaturgical works). Within the framework of the series, 6 books of the project "Unknown Strugatsky" are published, containing materials of the archive of Strugatsky - drafts and unrealized manuscripts, a working diary and personal correspondence of the authors. "Chrome fate" was published separately, without a plug-in story "Nasty Swans". "Troika's tale" was first published in both editions - "Angarskaya" and "Smenovskaya", and since then it is reprinted only in this way.
  • Collection of writings of the publishing house "Stalker" (Donetsk, Ukraine), implemented in 2000-2003. In 12 volumes (the edition of 11 volumes was originally assumed, published in 2000-2001). Sometimes it is called "black" - in the color of the cover. The chief editor was S. Bondarenko (with the participation of L. Filippov), Toma was out of circulation of 10 thousand copies. The main feature of this publication was his approach to the format of the academic selection of works: all texts were carefully cooled with initial manuscripts (when it was possible), all volumes are equipped with detailed comments by B. N. Strugatsky, selected fragments from criticism of its time and so on. accompanying materials. The 11th volume was devoted to the publication of a number of completed, but not published in its time compositions (for example, the debut story of A. N. Strugatsky "How Kang" kang "1946) was also devoted), there was also a significant part of the journalistic works of Strugatsky. All the texts of the compositions of the workshops were grouped in chronological order. The 12th (additional) volume includes the monograph of Polish literary critic V. Kaitoha "Brothers Strugatsky", as well as correspondence B. N. Strugatsky with B. G. Stern. In electronic form, this collection of essays is available on the official website of A. and B. Strugatsky. In 2004, an additional circulation was published (with the same ISBN), and in 2007 it is a collection of works reprinted in Moscow AST Publishing House (also in black covers) as a "second, revised edition". In 2009, it also went out in another decoration, although it was also indicated that his original-layout was made by the publishing house "Stalker". Tom in the publication "AST" 2009 is not numbered, and marked years of writing texts included in them (for example, " 1955 - 1959 »).
  • Collection of essmo publishing house In 10 volumes implemented in 2007-2008. Tom published both within the Founder Fathers series and in multi-colored covers. Its content did not follow a chronological order, the texts were published on the collection of the works of "Stalker" with the application "Comments to the passed" B. N. Strugatsky.


The year of the first publication is specified.

Novels and Tale

  • 1959 - Country of Baghrov Cloud
  • 1960 - from the outside (based on the story of the same name, published in 1958)
  • 1960 - Path to Amalte
  • 1962 - noon, XXII century
  • 1962 - Trainees
  • 1962 - Attempt to escape
  • 1963 - distant rainbow
  • 1964 - hard to be god
  • 1965 - Monday begins on Saturday
  • 1965 - predatory things of the century
  • 1990 - anxiety (the first version of the snail on the slope was written in 1965)
  • 1968 - Snail on the slope (painted in 1965)
  • 1987 - Wax swans (written in 1967)
  • 1968 - the second invasion of Martian
  • 1968 - Trek Trek
  • 1969 - Inhabited Island
  • 1970 - Hotel "At the deceased mountaineer"
  • 1971 - Maly
  • 1972 - Picnic on the side
  • 1988-1989 - Conditioned (written in 1972)
  • 1974 - Guy from the Underworld
  • 1976-1977 - for a billion years before the end of the world
  • 1980 - Tale of Friendship and Needless
  • 1979-1980 - Beetle in anthill
  • 1986 - Chrome fate (written in 1982)
  • 1985-1986 - Waves are quenched by the wind
  • 1988 - burdened by evil, or forty years later
  • 1990 - Jews in Peter, or asleep conversations for candlelight (play)

Collections of stories

  • 1960 - six matches
    • "Out" (1960)
    • "Deep Search" (1960)
    • "Forgotten Experiment" (1959)
    • "Six matches" (1958)
    • "Skiber Test" (1959)
    • "Private assumptions" (1959)
    • "Defeat" (1959)
  • 1960 - "Path to Amaltea"
    • "Path to Amalteya" (1960)
    • "Almost the same" (1960)
    • "Night in the desert" (1960, another name of the story "Night on Mars")
    • "Emergency" (1960)

Other stories

The year of writing is specified

  • 1955 - "Sandy Half" (first published in 1990)
  • 1957 - "Out"
  • 1958 - "Spontaneous Reflex"
  • 1958 - "Man from Pacific"
  • 1959 - Mobi Dick (story excluded from the reissue of the book "Noon, XXII century")
  • 1960 - "In our interesting time" (first published in 1993)
  • 1963 - "To the issue of cyclotation" (first published in 2008)
  • 1963 - "The first people on the first raft" ("Flying nomads", "Vikings")
  • 1963 - "Poor Evil People" (first published in 1990)


Translations of the Brothers Strugatsky

  • Abe Cobo. Just like a person: tale / lane. with jacket S. Berezhkova
  • Abe Cobo. Totoskop: story / lane. with jacket S. Berezhkova
  • Abe Cobo. Fourth Ice Age: Tale / Per. with jacket S. Berezhkova

Often the Strugatsky brothers asked: "How do you write together?" Not only have they lived in different cities, so also brothers, and everyone is baptized by each. Indeed, contradictions happened, but did not reach the quarrel. The secret is simple - the brothers initially invented the scheme how to "destroy" conflicts, if the plots of one work at Arkady and Boris, so to speak, do not converge. Just throwing lots. Who won - the truth.

Mikhail Weller about who were famous brothers for a huge country:

Oh and healthy they were guys! One hundred ninety-two sprouts and shoulders under the sixtieth size. Solva claimed that Arkady's norm was one and a half liters brandy. After that, he could be elegantly and expelled about literature.

At one of the literary meetings in the house of Komarovo's creativity, when the speech was held by Arkady Strugatsky, he was suddenly muttered in a bunch of smoking open doors:

Let's hide, guys. While Arkady in the Fillet was drunk. He can.

Arkady Nathanovich Strugatsky was born in Leningrad in 1925. Boris - in 1933 Eight years difference is a natural reason that the younger brother, taped in the boyish life of the senior, was formed under his influence. And later, when the position with age is equal, the image of thoughts and the whole worldview turns out to be common.

At the same time, Arkady was a philologist-Japan, the translator referent and served in the pursuit of more than one year - at the most eastern borders. Note that the elements of the Japanese flavor, the details and terms, rites and weapons entered Russian literature of the last decades precisely with his light - heavy? - hands. Boris, in the specialty, on the contrary, Star Astronomer and most of his life worked in the Pulkovo Observatory. Arkady was the Chubat, saturate, appeal and cool. What shadowed a lucavo-wise smile, friendly manners, rustic hair and a burdock ears Boris.

They dressed as spent Soviet engineers. These flannel shirts, these nylon jackets, these rabbit earrings and the worn pants ... Nothing from the celestial, from the brilliance of stars. And apartment in Khrushchev, small-sized standards in the bedrooms. The Zaporozhets car adequately completes the portrait of a genius in the interior. High style. Be, not seem to be. The genius does not need attacking and affecting. And it is not determined by the assessment of official instances or their mirror reflection - professional parties.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky on the balcony of the Moscow apartment of A. Strugatsky. 1980-E.

In such a distant in 1966, the youth, which would now be called "advanced", read three authors and was proud of: Bradbury, Lem, Strugatsky. "It is difficult to be God", unsurpassed to the purity and the elegance of ironic-romantic style, made them famous. "Monday begins on Saturday" turned the Strugatsky in the idols of countless RII and KB, students and laboratory technicians. "Snail on the slope" attracted the aistently snobs and sophisticated intellectuals.

"Dedicular intelligentsia" - this is how a hundred years earlier would be defined by the main reader of Strugatsky. Cream of middle class, brains and conscience of the country. Those who are in the opposition of power, while believing in good and in their forces.

What is amazing: generations change, time flows, and Strugatsky find readers in every adhent generation, and remain with it, and do not disappear from the counters.

And the artistic component is stronger. Poetic start. Steel stem of the plot, about which they repeated so much to their students. Transparent language, like clean water crystal. Live characters, savory phrases - and calm wisdom without failure.

"Well, then? When will you defeat your enemies? And install the fair mode? What will you do then? Sweet to eat? - Yes! Then we will eat sweetly, and drink, and have fun, and freely enjoy life! We deserved it, damn it! - That's it. And then what? - Sorry? I do not understand you, senor. And what else? "

This dialogue was addressed to us - forty years later, which absorbed into this political correctness and civilized world - extinct without a goal and idea. And do not say that you have not been warned!

How do they work together? It was approved by a single dedicated: one sits behind the machine and knocks on the keys, sometimes accompanying the appearance of the text reading out loud. The second lies on the sofa, or drinks coffee in the chair, or paces with a cigarette. Sometimes inserts his phrase or paragraph, continuing the thought and scene of the co-author. After several pages or in an hour and a half, they change places. Style, intonation, the course of action is one for both. From direct responses about the technology of co-authorship Strugatsky always shied. They only said that they first discuss and coordinate all by phone: Arkady lived in Moscow, Boris - in his native Leningrad.

As of Soviet power, their fans clubs arose in different cities and played their books. More none of the Soviet writers could not boast of this.

Anyone their book begins as a game. Complete convention, entertaining fairy tale. Time passes, and you find that that light fabulous world remained in you and gained stiffness: this is our real world in one of his deep entities, open by the artist's talent.

No one of the Soviet writers of this era of the new word in Russian has not introduced. Word "Stalker" heard? "Picnic on the side of the road" became a steady turnover.

No modern Soviet writer was so much translated. Hundreds of publications on all civilized and less civilized languages \u200b\u200bof the world: the exact number was difficult to account for accounting (there were reasons for that). They could be rich - but Vaap (the All-Union Copyright Agency) of the USSR took 97 percent (!) Fees in favor of the state.

For official criticism, they did not exist. Some envied their brilliance and glory, others believed "real literature" in the form of exclusively "critical realism" in the peak of the realism of the "socialist". For a piece of state cake, writers firing each other alive, and squeamish mocking Strugatsky kept away from the "literary process".

Between them and their readers never stood other people's opinions and state bait. And in the readers was half of the whole of the country's intelligentsia. That half, whose forehead was higher, and shores in front of smaller. Then the young intelligentsia became elderly, and a new generation of matured schoolchildren was added to readers.

Their language delivered pleasure, the plot was delayed, and the thought was forced to think. Students, engineers and doctors, lawyers and journalists - a layer, from which the elite is formed in normal countries, - shoved the phrases of Strugatsky, as a password.

Strugatsky never wrote fiction (in a matter of understanding). Strugatsky wrote tough and piercing anti-nightopias. The only ones in the deaf and impenetrable Soviet empire they managed to be free between all writing.

Antiutopia was a prohibited genre: no liberty, the party will indicate and will predict everything you need itself! But ... "Fantasy", Youth, Lightweight Genre, Jules Verne, see ...

... And Strugatsky always loved for imbibeability, for tough and active optimism. Heroes always fought for what they believed. They fought with such a convinced force that the victory was inevitable. Even if she went beyond the book.

Facts from the life of the Strugatsky brothers:

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky are the only Russian writers whose novels in their homeland readers are denoted by abbreviations.

According to one version, the reason for this was the negative attitude of the Soviet authorities to the creativity of the Strugatsky brothers after the publication of the novel "Nasty Swans" - allegedly with the help of such a simple cipher fans of the creativity of fictions avoided possible trouble with the official bodies. On the other, it is due to the fact that the names of the writers after the appearance of their first works readers for the convenience of the designation reduced to the ABS, and then suffered this principle on the names of the novels.

The Strugatsky brothers guess a couple of Karpov - Kasparov a year before the birth of Kasparov.

In the novel "Noon, XXII" (1962), the "Casparo-Karpov method" is mentioned - a rigid coding system on the crystalline quasibomass of the biological code (in fact - the identity transfer technology to another carrier). Before the beginning of the famous chess match for the title of world champion between Anatoly Karpov and Harry Kasparov, 22 years remained. Anatoly Karpov at that time was the eleventh year, and Harry Kasparov was born a year later after the reversion of the novel.

Strugatsky brothers did not like some of their works. Boris Strugatsky:

"A story about friendship and unfinished" is one of two or three of our leaders that "one could not write." It is written under pressure from circumstances, to the creative process of relations not having. We did not love her for themselves - as well as the "country" ("Country of Bagrov Tuch"), "Guy" ("Guy from the Underworld") and "Baby".

The total circulation of the works of the Strugatsky brothers exceeds 40 million copies. In addition to Russian publications, their books have withstood more than 620 publications in 42 languages \u200b\u200bin 33 countries of the world.

In the works of Brothers Strugatsky, the main characters are practically not found - women.

The overwhelming majority of the main actors of practical all novels, the agents and stories of Strugatsky are men. Women if they appear on the pages of works, turn out to be much less relief: for example, I am glad to Gaal in the "dressed island", the wife of Rada Shukhart in the Picnic on the side of the road, Kira in "difficult to be God."

Boris Strugatsky:"We were not skillful and even, in my opinion, were afraid to write women and women. Why? I do not know. Maybe because they confessed the ancient principle: women and men are the creatures of a different breed. It seemed to us that we knew and understand men (men themselves), but none of us would rush to declare that he knew and understands women. Yes, and children, if it happens! After all, children are definitely the third special kind of sensible creatures living on earth. "

Boris Strugatsky

The Strugatsky brothers did not consider their creativity by anti-Soviet, and themselves - dissidents.

Despite the fact that the official Soviet bodies and censorship were often regarded by works as slanderous, and in the environment of dissidents, the creativity of the Strugatsky brothers was especially popular, the writers themselves never considered themselves anti-laws or dissidents. Foreign publication Tale of the "shy swans" only strengthened this attitude, despite the fact that after it the authors had to officially disappear from the exit of the work in the West, publishing a letter on the pages of the Literary Newspaper.

Boris Strugatsky: "They (the works of Brothers Strugatsky) are permeated with the rejection of totalitarianism and bureaucracy. But since the USSR was a genuine triumph of totalitarianism and bureaucracy, such our stories, as the "snail on the slope", "Treasier's Truck" and even a "inhabited island", were perceived by particularly the robust ideologists of the regime as "anti-Soviet".

The Strugatsky brothers did not believe in the existence of an extraterrestrial reason.

Direct instructions on the existence of other civilizations are contained in such Strugatsky novels, as "difficult to be God", "Kid", "Inhabited Island", "Picnic on the side of the road", "Hotel" at the deceased mountaineer. " At the same time, the authors themselves considered the presence of an extraterrestrial reason precisely as a fantastic idea.

Boris Strugatsky:"In the existence of" other mind "- on Earth, or even in the Universe - I do not believe: I have no reason for this. And although it is still possible to count on the universe - it is too much huge in space and time so that at least something (for example - the mind) existed in it in a single copy, the land is our, on the contrary, too small to be so huge, Almost dimensionless, incredibly active thing, as a mind, could exist here, remaining unnoticed. "

"And with Hawking (arguing that the human mind is alone in the universe) I almost agree. And even more agreed with Joseph Shklovsky - this is our wonderful astrophysicist, he even at the end of the 1960s in the sense that there is a different mind in our universe, but it is extremely rare. I think he is right. After all, our universe is so huge in space and time, which would be strange if at least something existed in it in a single copy. "

Many famous science fiction writers are direct students of Strugatsky.

Not all readers knew about the existence of a literary association under the leadership of Boris Strugatsky. This fact was widely fame in 1996 after the release of the first issue of the collection of fantastic works "Time of students", in which the works of the participants in the litectuation were published.

Arkady Strugatsky, 1964, © ITAR-TASS archive

Scale without a computer.

According to memories of relatives and close Arkady Strugatsky, it was very conservative in the technique. Even when Brother Boris had his personal computer, Arkady Nathanovich was not seduced by an electronic novelty and until the end of the days printed his works on the typewriter.

Arkady Strugatsky perfectly knew Japanese

Fortist studied at the Military Institute of Foreign Languages, and later served as a divisional translator in the Far East. Its specialization were English and Japanese. Even after the demobilization, the work on the translation of foreign literature he did not leave.

In the works of the Strugatsky brothers, the Bible is very often quoted, although they themselves have never been believers.

Multiple quotes from the gospel and the glory of dissidents forced many readers to see in the books of the Strugatsky brothers religious subtext, and their authors are counted to secret believers. In particular, a common interpretation of the image of Maxim Cammeror in the novel "Inhabited Island" was a comparison of his story with the history of Christ, who was in peace to redeem his estimates of his death. However, the Strugatsky brothers themselves never considered themselves believers or religious people.

Boris Strugatsky:"The fact is that we are, both, highly appreciated the Gospel (the Old Testament is to a lesser extent), as a brilliant literary work: the impeccable plot, painful-wonderful intrigue, amazing the imagination hero. Quote this text, or retell it, or freely refer to it, or embed to our any new plot gave us true pleasure and seemed very fruitful. At the same time, the religious ideas of the Bible remained intellectually and emotionally alien, and ethics, on the contrary, is understandable and close. Curious situation. In some sense, even implausible. "

Arkady Strugatsky

The expression "and the hedgehog is clear" has become popular thanks to the brothers Strugatsky

The source of expression "and the hedgehog is clear" - the poem of Mayakovsky ("Clearly even a hens - / This Peter was burzhuy"). It turned out to be widespread first in the story of the Strugatsky Country Clouds, and then in Soviet boarding schools for gifted children. They were gaining adolescents who were left to study two years (classes A, B, B, G, D) or one year (classes e, f, and).

Pupils of a one-year flux were called "hedgehog". When they came to the boarding school, the bienniums were already ahead of them on a non-standard program, so at the beginning of the school year, the expression "Yellow is clear" was very relevant.

On the plot of their novels shot 17 films

Among which - "Stalker" Tarkovsky, "Eclipse Days" by Alexander Sokurov, "Nasty Swans" Konstantin Lopushansky, "Inhabited Island" Fyodor Bondarchuk.

The literary premium of the Strugatsky brothers is awarded in their "middle birthday".

"On June 21," Middle Birthday (between August 28 and April 15) ", the date that" official "is, of course, is not, but according to the tradition, this day in St. Petersburg, there is a presentation of the annual literary premium. A. and B. Strugatsky. "

International literary premium. A. And B. Strugatsky was established in 1998 and awarded since 1999 in two nominations: "For the best artwork (Roman, story, story)" and "For the best critical-journalistic work about fiction or on a fantastic topic (article, review , essay, book) ". More often than others - three times - the poet, writer, journalist Dmitry Bykov, twice - Writers Mikhail Asspensky and Vyacheslav Rybakov (both of the Leningrad Lito, who led Boris Strugatsky) became the laureate in the nomination. The most titled winner of the award in the nomination "Criticism and Publishing" is the writer Kir Bulychev - he twice honored the awards.

Joke, called name.

Writers believe that the true name of the novel often comes after it is written. But there are exceptions. Boris Strugatsky told: Even in the early 60s, one good friend played him, arguing that in the Leningrad House of the book a new book of Ernest Hemingway "Monday begins on Saturday." Boris Nathanovich Haldnya killed in search of this novel. When the deception was revealed, the writer did not indignant. But the invented name of the non-existent work remembered. It was liked by Strugatsky his deep aphorusticity, and subsequently the brothers used him for their famous story.

Boris Strugatsky

Principle of creativity

Each writer has its own signs. Boris Strugatsky never answered the question: "What are you working on now?" He considered him almost offensive.

Never say "I do." Always only: "Made," he explained to everyone in a row. - Excellent rule. Recommend.

They came with another planet

Incredible popularity gave birth many rumors and legends. Some romantically configured fiction lovers in the early 70s appeared the idea of \u200b\u200bFix: their favorite authors, the Arkady brothers and Boris Strugatsky, are not really people at all, but agents of a powerful extraterrestrial civilization. Reached curiosity. The science fictionists received a lot of letters, where they were offered, since they were "stuck in this time on earth," they apologized for the fact that modern technology was not as developed to repair their ship ... Perhaps it was the highest form of confession of fantastic authors .

Both brothers after death, according to their will, not just cremated, but also dispelled their dust from a helicopter over the Pulkovo observatory, where BNS had once worked.

Based on:

1 1 0

Director of Niichvo. One in two faces. Administrator, slowly becoming a big scientist. It is used to start a conversation with the words: "so".

0 0 0

Cinechanic Niichvo.

4 4 0

Born in 1938, Russian, member of the WRCSM. Wear glasses. At the first acquaintance, it is dressed in a gray geereh jacket, jeans worked with "lightning". Smokes Drives a car. In Nichavo, he holds the position of the head of the computing laboratory. Lives in a hostel of the institute. Delivers a room with Victor Korneyev. Already working at the institute reflected the beard. At the time of the events described are not married.

1 3 0

Specialist in transport vehicles with a nuclear wheel drive, worked for many years in the Gobi desert. It receives a proposal to participate in the planned expedition in Venus, agrees and becomes a member of the crew of the experimental photon plant cooler "Khii-2". After the expedition returns to Earth and enters the Supreme School of Society. There is a way from a transport specialist to the famous captain of interplanetary ships. One of the main heroes of the story of the "Country Cloud" country and other works of the "presumption" cycle.

0 0 0

Underfloor, a former professor psychiatrist, a former prisoner, repressed by the regime.

0 0 0

Plenipotentiary agent Bureau of emigration. Harmontsev agitated from the surroundings of the zone.

0 0 0

Outdoor Vurdalak. Wivariya Nichavo.

0 0 0

Secretary and Mistress A.M. Voronina.

1 0 0

Doctor of Science, Professor. Scientific consultant Troika. Hair cuts under the pot so that no one has seen his ears.

0 0 0

"A low slender person, very pale and completely gray, although in the face of him, thin, with clear, correct features, he could not give more than thirty-five years old." The commander of the Khius Plantolate and the head of the first expedition in Venus in search of "uranium hondep".

0 0 0

Trashman, policeman, editor, senator, participant of Zigzag operation; In real life - star astronomer.

1 0 0

School girlfriend Anton and Pasha.

0 1 0

Revolutionary and professional riotrist, leader of many uprisings. Earlier was saved by Rumata with a helicopter. One of the few who is aware of the real personality of Anton.

1 0 1

Berbridge Son Sumper. It was "dropped" with the fallen ball in the Golden Bowl.

2 1 0

Done Rumata. The full name of Pampa Don Bau-no-Suruga-no-Gatta-No-Arkanar. Rich aristocrat from the province.

0 0 0

Worker in the Bardachka Richard G. Nunan.

1 2 0

One of the heroes of the story "Country of Bagrov Cloud".

Pilot, one of the best cosmonauts in the world. Member of the first expeditions to the belt of asteroids.

0 0 0

The head of all the criminal forces of the Fair. Collaborated with both Don Rumata and Don Reba.

0 0 0

Janitor in the city.

3 3 0

Employee department of universal transformations. Master. "Hefty Children." "Rude". Lives in a hostel of the institute. Delivers a room with Alexander Privalov.

1 2 0

Employee of the department of inaccessible problems. Works in the laboratory of the Oire-Oir novel. Master. Native of the city of Murmansk. Redhead, mustle. Smokes

2 6 0

"Wonderful geologist and an experienced interplanetary traveler." The hero of the works of the "presopdious" cycle. Planetist. Friend friend.

0 0 0

Senior Zul-Transport Test Brigades.

0 1 0

The main character of the story of the Brothers Strugatsky "Guy from the Underworld", a resident of the Giganda Planet, cadet of the III course "School of Fighting Cats" - located in the capital of the Alai Duchy of the Military School, preparing a special forces fighters.

5 1 0

One of the heroes of the story "Inhabited Island".

Private martial guard on the Sarakhet.

0 0 0

Born in 2104. During his studies in the ANYUDINA SCHOOL-INTERNATE IN 2118, I decided the flight on Venus together with my friends: Mikhail Sidorov (Atos), a field of bumps and Alexander Kostilin (Lin), "however, Tenin teacher revealed their idea. Received a doctorate of science in the field of xenopsychology. In 2133 he was the head of the expedition to Leonid, who had established first contact with Leonidyans. However, finding the first signs of a reasonable life on the planet, the communas decided to immediately leave the planet and provided the opportunity to establish contact to employees of the commerce. In about 2162, he became the head of the compell, personally coordinated the project "Hungal in Space". Participated in "Great Revelation". In 2199, together with Leonid, Gorbovsky represented people in negotiations with Ludenas.

0 0 0

Professional boxer in real life, adviser to the president of the glass house.

0 0 0

Real name - Digga. Senior mentor, officer. The commander of the unit in which the GAG \u200b\u200bserves. It appears in the story "Guy from the Underworld."

0 0 0

Bug. The inhabitant of the colony of unexplained phenomena with a nice.

0 0 0

One of the heroes of the story "Inhabited Island".

One of the highest officials of the regime of unknown fathers, the head of the Justice system, which is wearing an intrigue against a wanderer.

0 2 0

One of the heroes of the story "Country of Bagrov Cloud".

Friend of Bykov, geologist, worked earlier in expeditions together with a bull, a member of the first flight in Venus in search of a half-footed "uranium Hong Kind."

0 0 0

Meets in the lead "Trainees".

Son Alexei Bykov.

0 3 0

Wife of Rada Shukhart and the object of his constant care.

0 0 0

Negro, friend of Rada, coordinator of the society of militant angels.

0 0 0

Sent-James's Donette, participant of Zigzag surgery.

0 0 0

A young man from giada is fond of mathematics. Civil. Pacifist. Hero of the story "Guy from the Underworld".

Publications of the section Literature

Life on the breeches of fiction

A person - one writer - Arkady and Boris Strugatsky together created about 30 novels and leads, more than two tens of stories. Their works were shielded by such directors as Andrei Tarkovsky, Alexander Sokurov, Alexey Herman.

The Strugatsky brothers were for readers conductors in another, fictional world. And whatever parallel universes they came up with, a person with his strong and weak parties always remained in the spotlight. Because of this, the fictional or predicted worlds suddenly became tangible, familiar and from the relevant.

The first artistic texts of Arkady Strugatsky wrote to the Great Patriotic War. Unfortunately, all manuscripts disappeared in a blockade Leningrad. The first finished story "How Kang killed" dates back to 1946. He was published in 2001.

Fragment of Alexander Maugura Article "Continuous Fountain of Ideas", Magazine "Measurement F" (No. 3, 1990):

"I met Arkady Nathanovich Strugatsky in 1965. It was the time of storms and onslaught in fiction, it was immediately after the story was "hard to be God." It is now difficult to imagine that we lived without Lem, Bradbury, Azimov and without Strugatsky. Today it seems to us that Strugatsky were always, and now the elderly people tell me: "And I grew up on Strugatsky!" And when I ask: "I'm sorry please, but you will grow in fifty, how could you grow up on the Strugatsky?", He responds completely calmly: "They turned me over!"

"It's hard to be God" there was something like a broken bomb. Although we then read the "Solaris" and "invincible." Then the two name immediately got up nearby: Stanislav Lem and Brothers Strugatsky. I remember very well, as I was going on my acquaintances and shouted everything: "I told you that" Country of Baghrov Tuch "is an application for large writers? NATO - READ! " Under this impression, I probably will write fiction and started. In some way, I "the congestion" of the story "hard to be God."

Starting to write fiction, I quickly got to the seminar - as it sounds ridiculous - "Young Guard". Then there was a wonderful editorial office of fiction under the leadership of Sergey Zhemiteis, who, by the way, was the first to publish Strugatsky mass editions, despite the kicks, partner and defeat. At this seminar, I met Arkady Nathanovich.<...> Then I perceived it: "This is the Strugatsky himself!", "This is the brothers Strugatsky!" - That is, already at that time, for us it was classics, for me, in any case. After years,<...> And Arkady Nathanovich became friends.

It must be said that, obviously, the main feature of Arkady Nathanovich is a knottle. For many years I somehow failed to pick up a better word. He is a surprisingly soft man, despite the external all sorts of officer things and acceptors.<...>

There is such a vile thing as a literary table of ranks. Therefore, the scoreboard is a completely different account ... Let's say this: a phantom account. According to millions of people, the Strugatsky brothers are a huge phenomenon in Soviet and partly in world literature. That is, I personally think that they are at least among the five best prosaikov in the second half of the 20th century.<...>

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

Often asked how Arkady Nathanovich and Boris Nathanovich work together - they are, go to the stations of the hospital? In Lithrees, as in any other, there are difficulties. The most important difficulty is that it is absolutely individual production, in which there is no OTC (technical control department. - Approx. "Culture.rf"). One of the most important components of any creative person is the ability to self-criticism. See what it turns out: Strugatsky - incredibly prolific writers, in the 1960s they gave birth to a mountain one after another, one better than another, because within this duet is a completely remarkable distribution of roles. One of the characteristics of Arkady Nathanovich is a continuously working imagination. He continuously invents. The prutkova goatkova was: "If you have a fountain - shutting it." Arkady Nathanovich is just a fountain that no one can never "shut up". And when they began to work together, it turned out, it was obvious that Boris Nathanovich was exactly the critical component that the fountain plugs at that very moment when it is necessary: \u200b\u200b"Stop. We write it down. "

This feature of Arkady Nathanovich is a continuous generation of ideas by Arkady Nathanovich - delivers a lot of pleasure to people around him. He can be fascinating to simproviting, for example, about his military past. I remember these stories - completely wonderful, - he always performed in some funny roles in them, not heroic. For example, there was a cycle of oral stories, as Strugatsky was forced to work as an adjutant and therefore he had to ride a horse. Accordingly, his horse threw off him, respectively, she traveled him about the branches of the trees. When he, unfortunate, moved to a classmate, the stallion on whom he was driving, rushed through the fence, because the fence was a mare ... and a single-wheel hung on the fence with Strugatsky. When he was on duty in a military school - at that time, all officers were assumed to wear checkers and salute at duty, - then in the morning report he almost lifted his chief of school. And when Strugatsky was removed into the sorry, the consequences were completely crushing ... some of these stories were obviously transformed from the actual incidents, and some kind of brilliantly and brushed on the go.

The inspeerable writing of Arkady Nathanovich is just felt in this fountain of ideas that always works. Maybe because of this, Arkady Nathanovich immediately became uninteresting what is already written. I do not know how Boris Nathanovich, and Arkady Nathanovich always loves his last thing. For a while he loves her - as long as the new one appears. But she is no longer interesting for him - because there is a new one in front, you need to invent something else, and now this fiction goes. By the way, in my opinion, this feature is usually death for a creative person. Let's say, because of this, Lem switched to the reviews on an undischarged: the plot and the main thought are absolutely compressed, and all: invented and I will not mess with it! And thanks to the duet, Strugatsky was able to implement all this! "

"Game in beads" with Igor Volgorod. Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. "It's hard to be God"

Brothers Strugatsky. Children noon