Tamara gverdtsiteli - biography, personal life, songs, photos of the singer. Great Georgian singer: biography

Tamara gverdtsiteli - biography, personal life, songs, photos of the singer.  Great Georgian singer: biography
Tamara gverdtsiteli - biography, personal life, songs, photos of the singer. Great Georgian singer: biography

Tamara Gverdtsiteli is a talented singer, performer of romances, actress, born on January 18, 1962 in the sunny capital of Georgia, Tbilisi.


If Tamara's father was a pure-blooded Georgian, a representative of an ancient and sufficiently wealthy family, then her mother grew up in Odessa and had a Jewish nationality. So in Tamara, two hot bloods intertwined, and the result was a fire girl who managed to ignite the love of music in the hearts of millions of people.

It all started with the fact that at the age of three, my mother saw in her daughter extraordinary musical abilities. So Tamara ended up within the walls of a music school before she came to general education. Moreover, the school was not simple, but the best - at the Tbilisi Conservatory, where only the most talented children were admitted.

But the girl not only easily passed the qualifying competition, but also quickly became a young star of the Mziuri children's musical group, which was known throughout the Soviet Union. Children sang Georgian national songs in modern processing and toured a lot.

Carier start

After receiving the certificate, Tamara remained within the walls of her native conservatory and decided to continue her studies in two areas at once - composition and piano. She was madly in love with classical music and romances, which she performed brilliantly at numerous concerts.

During her student years, Tamara performed a lot, often toured with various groups and took part in almost all prestigious music festivals. In 1982, she even managed to leave for Dresden, and a little later represented Georgia in San Remo. Moreover, the artist's repertoire was constantly expanding, but she remained once the chosen musical direction - Georgian music.

Real popularity

Tamara managed to make herself really loud only in 1988, when she successfully performed at the prestigious international Bulgarian festival “Golden Orpheus”, and on the second day after the TV broadcast, they started talking about her as a talented and well-established young singer.

In the wake of her success, Tamara releases her first music albums, which include the best songs performed in five languages. They only fuel interest in the young singer. And now she begins to travel around the country with her own concert program. She is often invited to group concerts in Moscow, she has repeatedly become a laureate of "Song of the Year".

In 1991, at the invitation of Michel Legrand, Tamara leaves for France, signs a contract with him and begins to actively perform at Olympia, and then in other foreign countries. But in the early 2000s, she again spends most of her time in Russia.

To date, the active creative life of the singer continues. She acts in films, takes part in popular TV shows and remains loved by millions of fans.

Personal life

Unfortunately, the singer's personal life was far from being as successful as her stage career. For the first time, a girl tied herself with family ties when she was barely 19 years old. Her husband was a wealthy and respected person, the chairman of the Georgian State TV and Radio Giorgi Kakhabrishvili.

With first husband and son

The singer lived with him for 11 years and gave birth to her only son, Sandro, who now lives in England. The age difference between the spouses was almost 20 years. Perhaps this was one of the reasons for the divorce, and perhaps the fact that the respectable husband did not like the touring life of his young wife too much.

For the second time, Tamara married a successful lawyer, but after a few years he decided to emigrate to the United States, and Tamara flatly refused to leave her homeland. The marriage broke up again. Tamara made the third attempt to create a happy family with a famous cardiac surgeon. But it was not crowned with success either. The couple lived together for only a few years.

Soviet, Georgian and Russian singer and actress, composer. People's Artist of the Georgian SSR (1991) and the Russian Federation (2004).

Tamara Gverdtsiteli. Biography

Tamara (Tamriko) Mikhailovna Gverdtsiteli was born on January 18, 1962 in Tbilisi in the family of the cyberneticist Mikhail Pavlovich Gverdtsiteli and the teacher of Russian language and literature Inna Vladimirovna Kofman. A year later, Tamara's younger brother Pavel was born.

The girl showed her talent for music very early. According to her relatives, Tamunya began to sing (as her parents affectionately called her daughter) before she learned to speak - when she was not even a year old. Absolute ear for music and a beautiful deep voice left no doubt that Tamara was waiting for a career as a singer, and she gave her first concerts at home, standing on a stool and performing fashionable novelties, old romances and folk songs for her loved ones.

Inna Vladimirovna tried in every possible way to support and develop her daughter's talent: she often learned songs with her, accompanying her on the piano, she herself sang lullabies for her at night in different languages, she also brought six-year-old Tamriko to a special music school at the Tbilisi Conservatory.

At the age of ten, the young singer became one of the soloists of the Mziuri children's ensemble, created in 1971 by Rafael Ghazaryan, who was soon replaced at the head of Guram Jaiani. The VIA, which very soon won the hearts of listeners and became very popular, consisted of about twenty girls who not only sang, but also accompanied themselves on various instruments.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli: “The leaders invited me to“ Mziuri ”. One of them, Rafael Arkadyevich Ghazaryan, asked my mother, after our common meeting, to bring me to the audition so that there was a general decision of the pedagogical council. The teachers were delighted. They expressed it with restraint, naturally. From then on, my stay at Mziuri began, and this is such a childhood - screen, stage. "

The repertoire of "Mziuri" (translated from Georgian - "Sunny") consisted of songs of various directions: children's, pioneer, patriotic, folk, pop hits, which were performed in Georgian, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Russian, Ukrainian, English and even in Japanese. Participation in this wonderful team, which was awarded the title of laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize in 1976, became a good school of performing skills for Tamara, gave the experience of the first tour (with the ensemble she traveled all over the Soviet Union and visited fifteen foreign countries) and recording in the studio.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli wrote her first song at the age of 12, dedicating it to her classmate, with whom she was very friendly. The girls sat at the same desk, sang together in the choir, but one day Tamriko found out that her friend's life had tragically ended. In memory of her, the young singer, who was deeply upset by the tragedy, wrote a song with the lines: “You were like a swallow fluttering through the meadows, but yesterday was hidden in your heart, because today you are not with us”.

After leaving school Tamara Gverdtsiteli She entered the V. Serajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatory in the piano class, while continuing her vocal studies, she also tried herself as a composer.

In 1980, upon her return from Moscow, where Mziuri took part in the cultural program of the XXII Summer Olympic Games, Tamara became a soloist of the Georgian State Television and Radio Symphony Orchestra.

In 1981 Tamara Gverdtsiteli becomes a laureate (2nd place) of the All-Union competition of young performers of Soviet songs in Dnepropetrovsk and the winner of the international youth song competition "Red Carnation" in Sochi.

A year later, in 1982, the singer takes part in the popular music competition in Dresden (GDR), as a delegate from the Georgian Komsomol members goes to the XIX Congress of the Komsomol and records the first solo single “Debut. Tamara Gverdtsiteli ".

In 1985, the All-Union Recording Company “Melodia” released the first LP of the singer “Music: Tamara Gverdtsiteli Sings”.

In 1988 Tamara Gverdtsiteli with the performance of the song "Dedication to Edith Piaf" she won the first prize at the International Competition of Vocal Performers "Golden Orpheus-88" in Bulgaria.

In the second half of the 1980s, Gverdtsiteli performed as an invited guest at the International Song Festival in Sopot, at the Italian Song Festival in San Remo, and also as a member of the jury participated in many song shows.

In 1989 Tamara Gverdtsiteli was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR, in 1991 - People's Artist of Georgia.

In the 1990s Tamara Gverdtsiteli he actively tours the republics of the former Soviet Union and far abroad, performing both with solo programs and in group concerts, and has been filmed on television.

In 1991, an acquaintance took place Tamara Gverdtsiteli with the French composer Michel Legrand, composer of the music for the world-famous film Les Parapluies de Cherbourg. A trip to Paris brought the singer a contract with Legrand and her first concert at Olympia, one of the most famous concert halls in the world.

In 1992 Gverdtsiteli's second longplay "Tamara Gverdtsiteli sings her songs" was released. In 1995, a concert tour of the United States took place, which included a performance at the famous Carnegie Hall. At its end Tamara Gverdtsiteli for some time she lived in America - first in New York, then in Boston. In 1996 the third disc of the singer "Thank you, Music, you!" Was released.

Late 1990s Tamara Gverdtsiteli moved to Moscow. In the 2000s, the singer continues to tour, records music and songs for films, performs at concerts and on television, and releases discs.

Theatrical debut took place in 2005 Tamara Gverdtsiteli... She took the stage in the role of Dulcinea in the performance of the Theater of the Russian Army "The Man from La Mancha", staged for the 90th anniversary of Vladimir Mikhailovich Zeldin, directed by Yuliy Gusman.

Also Tamara Gverdtsiteli She successfully performed as an opera singer: at the Dnepropetrovsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, she plays the main role in the opera Carmen.

In 2006, Tamara Gverdtsiteli played Maria Svanidze in the television film "Stalin's Wife", the directorial and screenwriting debut of Mira Todorovskaya.

In recent years, the singer's work schedule included shooting in the TV series "House of Exemplary Content", in the musical programs "Two Stars", "The Phantom of the Opera" and others.

In 2010, together with Dmitry Dyuzhev, a concert program "Winter Waltz" was prepared, which premiered at the Moscow International House of Music.

Tamara Mikhailovna Gverdtsiteli is the owner of numerous prizes and awards, including the Order For the Revival of Russia. XXI century ", the Order of Catherine the Great I degree, the Order of Diaghilev I degree, the silver medal named after Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin" For Contribution to the Development of Culture and Art ", the Order of Honor, the Einstein Prize (nomination" For Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Culture and Art and Strengthening Friendship of Peoples ”), the“ Best of the Best ”award and many others.

In 2004 Tamara Gverdtsiteli awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, in 2006 - the title of People's Artist of Ingushetia.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli. Personal life

Tamara Gverdtsiteli she was married three times. The first husband of the singer became in 1984 the director, later the deputy chairman of the State TV and Radio of Georgia Giorgi Kakhabrishvili.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli on her first marriage: “I was in Afghanistan. These words were heard over the phone. The proposal sounded so convincing. Either it seemed to me, or it happens with people when you feel that a person is far away, you don't know what lies ahead ... I could only say in a modestly trembling voice: "Yes, I agree."

In a marriage with him in 1986, a son, Alexander, was born. In 1995, Gverdtsiteli and Kakhabrishvili divorced.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli's son Alexander is studying at the Faculty of Mass Media and Culture at The University of the Arts London.

Second husband, an emigrant from the Soviet Union, a lawyer and businessman named Dmitry, Tamara Gverdtsiteli met in the USA in 1996. Soon after they met, the wedding took place, but the marriage did not last long - in 1998 Dmitry died of a heart attack. However, even after the death of her husband, Tamara, in her words, feels a connection with him and sings as if for him.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli still speaks of her second husband as her only great love: “In addition to great joy, surprise, I was overwhelmed by the feeling of this all-consuming love. You think you've been through so many trials that you just have to enjoy the relationship. Dmitry agreed that Tamara would continue to pursue a career, accepted that for this it would be necessary to move to Russia ... This man was ready to go for love. "

In 2001, the singer married for the third time - to a cardiac surgeon Sergei Ambatelo, working at the Center for Cardiovascular Surgery. Bakuleva. The doctor saved her life. But this marriage did not last long. In December 2005, the marriage was officially terminated.

As Tamara Gverdtsiteli said in an interview about her third marriage, "it would be better if I were not in his life, and he in mine."

Tamara Gverdtsiteli rarely gives interviews and does not tell details about her personal life. The singer made an exception for the program "The Fate of a Man" on the channel "Russia 1". In a conversation with the host Boris Korchevnikov, Gverdtsiteli shared the most intimate.

According to a family legend, the Gverdtsiteli clan received its surname in the XIV century. The distant ancestor of Tamara Mikhailovna, who selflessly fought with the Turks for the independence of his native Georgia, was wounded in one of the battles. The tsar, seeing one of his subjects, who, despite being wounded, did not leave the battlefield and continued to desperately fight the enemies, he named the brave man Gvredtsiteli, which in Georgian means “bloody side” (literally “red side”).

Tamara Gverdtsiteli, like many artists, has her own superstitions: for example, the singer tries never to play at a white piano, preferring a black one, goes on stage only from the left sidestage and carries talismans everywhere with her - two dolls loved from childhood.

When Tamara Gverdtsiteli got married for the first time, her wedding was honored by the presence of Margaret Thatcher, then Prime Minister of Great Britain. The reason for this was not that the "Iron Lady" was a fan of the singer's talent - it was on that day that Thatcher, who was on a visit to the USSR, was taken on an excursion to the best registry office in Tbilisi.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli performs songs in more than ten languages: Georgian, Russian, French, Italian, Spanish, English, Hebrew, Ukrainian, Armenian, German, etc.

For the first time about Michel Legrand Tamara Gverdtsiteli I found out 25 years before personal acquaintance. Seven-year-old Tamriko was moved to tears by the film "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg" and the music written for it by the French composer.

Discography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

Debut. Tamara Gverdtsiteli (1982) (minion)
Music: Tamara Gverdtsiteli sings (1985)
Tamara Gverdtsiteli sings her songs (1992)
Vivat, King! (1994)
Thank you, Music, you! (1996)
The best songs of different years (2000)
Dedication to a Woman (2001)
Vivat, Love, Vivat! (2002)
I dreamed about the sky yesterday (2002)
Favorites (2003)
Music - the temple of the soul (2004)
Air kiss (2008)
Favorites (2008) (MP3 album)
The Best (2009) (2 CD)

Filmography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

  • House of exemplary content (TV series) (2011)
  • Stalin's wife (TV) (2006); role: Maria Svanidze
  • Griboyedov waltz (TV) (1995)
  • Mziuri (TV) (1973)

CHISINAU, 18 Jan - Sputnik. Tamara Gverdtsiteli, one of the most talented Georgian singers on the Russian stage, celebrates her 55th birthday.

The singer's father is from the ancient Georgian noble family Gverdtsiteli, her mother is Jewish, the granddaughter of an Odessa rabbi.

Gverdtsiteli performed with Michel Legrand, who, introducing the singer to the audience of three thousand, said: "Paris! Remember this name." And Tamara conquered Paris.

She sings songs in more than ten languages: Georgian, Russian, French, Italian, Spanish, English, Hebrew, Ukrainian, Armenian, German, etc. Tamara Mikhailovna's talent is limitless - the artist sings in operas and musicals, acts in films, and also participates in various musical and entertainment projects on television, according to Sputnik Georgia.

Russian and Georgian singer Tamara Mikhailovna Gverdtsiteli was born on January 18, 1962 in Tbilisi, Georgia.

Her mother is from Odessa (Ukraine), her maternal grandfather was a rabbi, with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he took his family to Vorkuta for evacuation, then made the family move to Georgia. Mother worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature. Father is a cyberneticist.

In the early 1970s, Tamara performed in the children's pop ensemble "Mziuri", in which she toured extensively in the former Soviet Union.

After graduating from a special music school, she entered the Tbilisi Conservatory and graduated from it in composition and piano, and also graduated from a special college (vocal class).

At the age of 19, Gverdtsiteli became a laureate of the First Prize of the international competition "Red Carnation" in Sochi, participated in the popular music competition in Dresden (1982). In 1988 the singer won first prize at the international competition "Golden Orpheus" in Sofia. As a special guest she performed at the pop song festivals in Sopot (1989) and San Remo (1990).

In 1991, Tamara Gverdtsiteli was invited to Paris, where she met the French composer Michel Legrand. In the same year, their joint concert took place. In 1994, the singer gave a recital at the Olympia Hall in Paris. In 1995, Tamara Gverdtsiteli gave concerts at New York's Carnegie Hall, in which Legrand and the Arsenal ensemble of Alexei Kozlov took part. In April 1996 Tamara Gverdtsiteli and Michel Legrand performed at the Assembly Hall in New York.

At the end of 1995, the singer decided to return to concert venues in Russia and the CIS countries.

© Sputnik / Vitaly Arutyunov

On account of Gverdtsiteli, several studio albums with songs not only in Georgian and Russian, but also in French, Italian, Spanish, English, Hebrew, Ukrainian, Armenian, German and others, RIA Novosti reports.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli performed the part of Carmen on the stage of the Dnepropetrovsk Opera House with the Milanese baritone Giovanni Ribiquiezu.

In 2016, the singer performed at the international festival "Spasskaya Tower", where she performed the composition "Eternal Love" in a duet with the famous French singer Mireille Mathieu at the closing ceremony.

© Sputnik / Prostyakov

Since 2004, she has been engaged in the role of Aldonza-Dulcinea in the play "The Man from La Mancha" at the Theater of the Russian Army, where she played in a duet with Vladimir Zeldin.

In 2000, Gverdtsiteli received Russian citizenship.

The singer has received many titles and awards. In 2004 she was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. In 1991 she was awarded the title of People's Artist of Georgia, in 2006 - People's Artist of Ingushetia.

© Sputnik / Kirill Kallinikov

Biography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

She is called Tamara the queen of music. In the singer, two ancient bloods - Georgian and Jewish - are surprisingly united. Tamara Mikhailovna's father, Mikhail Pavlovich, is a descendant of the ancient Georgian princely family Gverdtsiteli, a cybernetic scientist. Mom, Inna Volfovna Kofman, a Jew by nationality, taught Russian language and literature at a Tbilisi school. From early childhood, Tamunya, as Tamara was called in the family, showed outstanding musical abilities and demonstrated perfect pitch. Mom tried to support her daughter's talent and develop it. At the age of seven, she took Tamara to a music school at the Tbilisi Conservatory, where she easily entered. A few years later, Tamara became a member of the Mziuri (Solnechny) children's ensemble. All twenty girls 10-11 years old, members of the ensemble, had outstanding abilities and not only sang, danced, but also played different musical instruments, each on several. Tamara played guitar and piano. As part of the ensemble, Tamara Gverdtsiteli toured the Soviet Union and abroad a lot and gained invaluable experience of stage performance in front of a large number of spectators.

After graduating from school, Tamara Gverdtsiteli remained at home - at the Tbilisi Conservatory, enrolling in the piano and composition department. Already in her third year, she became a soloist of the Georgian State Television and Radio Orchestra. And at the age of 19 she won the international music competition "Red Carnation", which was held in Sochi. In 1982 she recorded her first EP-EP, Debut. Tamara Gverdtsiteli ". But the record "Music: Tamara Gverdtsiteli is Singing", released in 1985, brought real fame throughout the entire Soviet Union. In 1988, Gverdtsiteli received international recognition, becoming the winner of the Golden Orpheus competition held in Bulgaria. She was recognized and loved in Europe. She is no longer a contestant, but an accomplished and recognized singer, who herself became a member of the jury of music competitions and festivals.

In 1991, the singer met her idol, the French composer Michel Legrand. Legrand, in collaboration with another famous Frenchman, Jean Drezard, a poet, wrote several songs for the Gverdtsitel. And in 1994 Tamara Gverdtsiteli already performed at the Olympia concert hall in Paris. The three thousandth hall received her very warmly. The joint work of Gverdtsiteli and Michel Legrand was very fruitful and defining in the singer's life. According to Gverdtsiteli, Legrand opened new paths for her.

The nineties for Tamara Gverdtsiteli were marked by significant foreign tours in the USA, Canada, performances in the largest concert halls. The singer even lived in the USA for several years.

In the late nineties, Gverdtsiteli returned to Moscow and decided to stay. The country has changed, the interests of the people have changed. Tamara Gverdtsiteli worked a lot, wrote songs, performed a lot, and her popularity increased again. She has many duets with other stars, she takes part in a TV show, especially their duet with Dmitry Dyuzhev in the show "Two Stars" was remembered, the winner of which they became. The singer has several roles in films and serials, as well as theatrical works (the musical "The Man from La Mancha" by the Army Theater, the opera "Carmen" at the Dnepropetrovsk Opera House).

Personal life of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

The first husband of Tamara Gverdtsiteli was Georgy Kakhabrishvili, Deputy Chairman of the State TV and Radio of Georgia. Tamara was much younger than her husband, and at first her family was against marriage. In 1986, the singer's only child will be born in the family - the son of Alexander, or Sandro. Now he lives in England. In 1995, Tamara Gverdtsiteli divorced her husband.

The singer married a successful lawyer for the second time, but his decision to emigrate put an end to the relationship.

The third wedding of Gverdtsiteli took place with Sergei Ambatelo, a cardiac surgeon. 4 years later, in 2005, the marriage broke up.


  • I've always had a lot of fans, but they were just fans, and that's great. A talent must have admirers. Otherwise, you probably shouldn't create, sacrifice something ...
    Not everything is measured by women's luck, there must be something a little higher in tone.
  • If I sit at home and bake khachapuri, I will end not only as a singer, but as a woman and as a person!

This year, People's Artist of Russia Tamara Gverdtsiteli celebrated her 56th birthday. In the program "The Fate of a Man". Tamara Mikhailovna remembered her parents and the most important men of her life.

The singer told about her roots: her mother is the great-granddaughter of the rabbi of the Odessa Choral Synagogue, and her father is a descendant of the ancient Georgian noble family Gverdtsiteli.

The first wedding of Tamara Gverdtsiteli was attended by British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who was then the idol of the singer. The "Iron Lady" was brought up by a case: Eduard Shevardnadze decided to show the high-ranking guest the best in Tbilisi, the new registry office. The delegation arrived at the time of registration of the marriage between Tamara and director Giorgi Kakhabrishvili. The singer later said more than once that she was happy to see the woman whom she always wanted to imitate.

Tamara Mikhailovna lived with her first husband for 11 years. It was in this marriage that the singer's only child was born - the son of Alexander (Sandro), who is now 32 years old. Giorgi Kakhabrishvili did not want the artist to devote all her strength to her career, and tried to make her a housewife:

“At first it was like that, I was a good hostess. I survived the divorce of my parents and forever remembered this terrible feeling, especially since their separation was very painful, ”recalls Gverdtsiteli.
Subsequently, Tamara moved with her son to Moscow, while her husband remained in Tbilisi. After that, the couple finally divorced. The son was sympathetic to the parents' divorce and did not blame any of them.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli calls her second, common-law husband, lawyer Dmitry, who was from Baku, her only great love in her life. Geography intervened in their relationship: the husband emigrated to the United States and lived in Boston for a long time. Tamara tried to live in America, but she was irresistibly drawn by the stage and creativity. Dmitry was sympathetic to her decision to return:

“He was ready for anything for me, even to leave Boston for Moscow. I refused to give birth to a child for him - and he agreed to this. This man was ready to go for love. "
One day her husband called her from Boston: “Tamara, I love you. Hold on, I'll be there soon. " The singer was delighted, but at night her happiness was cut short by a phone call: Dmitry suddenly died of cardiac arrest. The singer recalls: “I did not want to accept his death, I did not understand how this could happen. I am absolutely sure that he hears me singing for him on stage. "

After the tragic death of her beloved, fleeing loneliness, Tamara tried to find happiness again. The artist married a cardiac surgeon Sergei Ambatiello. The relationship lasted about five years and ended in high-profile divorces in 2005. According to rumors, the third husband of the star abused alcohol and could even raise a hand to her. The singer herself refused to go into the details of the breakup:

“I, trying to save myself from loneliness, from tormenting memories of lost love, made an unforgivable mistake.
She let into her life a person who should not have been in it under any circumstances. I don’t mention his name and I don’t want to talk about our relationship, or about the reasons why we broke up. Any explanation will be private. The main thing is that he could not understand either me or my feelings ... ”.

After a difficult divorce, Gverdtsiteli stopped discussing her personal life with journalists. She assures that a woman can be happy alone, and calls the only man in her life today, her son Alexander.

The singer loves to gather close people in her free time and for many years has been friends with the family of the bard Oleg Mityaev, who wrote the song "Letter from Mother" for her.
In addition to native languages ​​from childhood - Georgian and Russian, Tamara Mikhailovna is fluent in French, English, Italian and speaks a little Hebrew. The artist's repertoire includes songs in more than ten languages ​​of the world.