Singer Natalie - biography, personal life, children, husband. How old is the famous singer Natalie

Singer Natalie - biography, personal life, children, husband.  How old is the famous singer Natalie
Singer Natalie - biography, personal life, children, husband. How old is the famous singer Natalie

    Natalie was born on March 31, 1974, that is, next year she should be 4 years old. And now, in 2013, she is 39 years old. The singer is married and has two children. Recently on Let them say there was a program where Natalie told how hard it was for her children, she could not get pregnant for a long time, but she went to church and begged, and God gave her 2 sons.

    Singer Natalie is now 39 years old. She met her future husband Alexander Rudin at a rock festival at the age of 16, and at the age of 17 she married him. For 10 years, the spouses did not manage to have children. And now Natalie has 2 children. The first son, Arseny, was born in 2002. The second son, Anatoly, was born in 2011.

    Natalie? (Natalya Anatolyevna Minyaeva, married to Rudin) was born in the city of Dzerzhinsk on March 31, 1974.

    She is married to Alexander Rudin (the wedding took place on August 24, 1991). The family has two sons: the eldest is called Arseny, and the youngest is Anatoly.

    Only now there was an advertisement on TV, that tomorrow in the program Let them say there will be a topic with her participation. She is married and has two children, but as it turned out, she could not have children for 10 years. And how many years I don’t know, but I think about 40.

    Singer Natalie was born in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region on March 31, 1974. She graduated from a music school, a pedagogical school. Worked as a teacher primary grades... She became a singer, performed in the music group Pop Galaxy. She composed and performed songs. Since 1993 he has been living in Moscow. She is married to Alexander Rudin, has two sons born in 2002 and 2011.

    Natalie came to fame in 1997. A clip with the song The wind from the sea blew; was shown on all television channels. Tours a lot in Russia and neighboring countries. V recent times performs the hit God, what a man.

    Singer Natalie was born on March 31, 1974. This year she turns 40. On this moment she is famous for her two hits The wind blew from the sea; and Oh my God, what a man and one of the freshmen Nikolai, kolya.

    Natalia Rudina (singer Natalie) soon - 03/31/14. will be 40 years old. But you can't tell by her appearance - she looks great, she can be given no more than 25-27 years.

    Rudin is a surname by her husband, his name is Alexander. They have two sons - Arseny and Anatoly.

    Recently Natalie starred in the video for the song Nikolay, Kolya together with Nikolai Baskov. The song is quite funny, and the singers in the puppet looks are stunning.

    Singer Natalie (Natalya Rudina) was born on March 31, 1974 in the Dzerzhinsky district of the Novgorod region. That is, now she is 39 years old. She and her husband have two sons - Arseny and Anatoly. The main fame was brought to her by the song The wind blew from the sea; in 1987.

    Singer Natalie (Natalya Rudina) was born on March 31, 1974, popularity came to her after she recorded the song Wind from the sea blew; which became a hit in the summer of 1997 ... currently the singer has loving husband and two children, she retained a wonderful figure and looks great, never resorting to help plastic surgeons... You can read about Natalie's creative achievements and plans here.

Name: Natalie

Date of birth: 03/31/1974

Age: 43

Place of birth: Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region

Height: 1.65 m

Activity: singer

family status: Married

Natalya Anatolyevna Rudina (Minyaeva) was born in a young industrial town in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Today she is a Soviet, Russian pop singer, composer and songwriter. Since 1993 she has been known under the pseudonym Natalie. After returning to the stage in 2014, everything large quantity people became interested in the work of the singer Natalie, her biography, family, children and a photo of the star.

The biography of the singer Natalie begins in the city of Dzerzhinsk. The girl's family is the most ordinary. Parents are ordinary employees of a local chemical plant. Dad - Anatoly Nikolaevich Minyaev, deputy. the head of the electrical energy service. Mom - Lyudmila Pavlovna, worked there as a laboratory assistant in the "Monomer" workshop. In 1978, the Menyevs had more children - twins Anton and Olesya. Although this is rarely advertised, their joint family photos are available on the Internet.

At the age of 6, Natalya went to school number 37. She studied perfectly well, the teachers could not get enough of an intelligent, active, talented girl. She participated in various events and circles, in school KVN... In the summer, she rested in a children's camp, where she learned to play the guitar and for the first time showed herself as a composer, coming up with songs for her friends. In 1991, together with a general education certificate, Natasha received musical education in piano and vocals.

Natalie in her youth

In 1990, Anton invites Natalia to his school music group"Chocolate bar", where the girl copes with the role of the soloist. In May 1990, together with the group, the singer storms the annual Dzerzhinsky rock festival.

By the age of 16, Natalie manages to record two of her albums with the names:

    "Pop Galaxy".

In this she was helped by the teacher of her native music school and future husband stars Sasha Rudin. Around the same time, having easily passed the casting, Natalya first appeared in films (from the Lenfilm film studio) on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the city of Dzerzhinsk. The shooting contributed to the growth of the artist's popularity in her native land to a large extent.

Oddly enough, Natasha did not betray her childhood dreams of becoming a teacher. In 1991 she entered Dzerzhinsky teacher training college and gets married.

After graduating from the pedagogical college, the girl finds a job in the local school number 22, as a teacher elementary grades... There, together with colleagues, children and their parents, Natalia sang songs of her own composition. However, it did not last long. Peers did not indulge such a profession with respect. And in the early 90s, even meager teachers' salaries were paid from time to time. Then reality forces Natalia to descend, as they say, "from heaven to earth" and go to conquer the capital.

In 1993 Natalya and her husband moved to Moscow, and Sasha began to pursue Natalia's career closely. According to the singer herself, it was due to the efforts of her husband that she was able to become popular. Sasha was able to contact the famous producer Valery Ivanov and show him audio recordings of his wife, as well as a video from a performance in a local recreation center. On the videotape was Natalya's performance, in a dress resembling a "night butterfly", squatting awkwardly and writhing around the stage. Alexander was asked to hide this tape and not show it to anyone else. Valery nevertheless decided to take on a beautiful and then unknown singer, but already in the form of an ordinary girl "from a neighboring yard" - Natalie.

The song "The wind blew from the sea" made the singer famous

From 1994 to 1996, several albums of the singer "The Little Mermaid", "Pink Dawn", "Snow Rose" hit the music counters. But they turned out to be a failure, although the producer seemed to feel future success and continued to pursue a career as a girl. He spent about 18 thousand dollars on Natasha. And in 1997, together with "The Wind Blew from the Sea" to the singer came a stunning rise in popularity. In the video with the singer, the then popular group "Nancy" was filmed. And according to the results of the year, the song got into the top 5 and becomes business card singers.

An interesting fact: Natalya and her friends sang "The wind from the sea blew" back in the children's camp, but then the singer had no idea that this particular song would make her all-recognizable.

Thanks to the composer Alexander Shulgin, the song received an interesting and easy-to-remember sound. It is interesting that on the album it was stated “the author is unknown”, and “applicants” for authorship were immediately announced. Endless showered litigation with those eager to snatch success, but the authorship was proved by Yuri Malyshev and Elena Sokolskaya. The hit was a crazy success, at each performance Natalia sang it several times in a row.

Singer Natalie on stage

It would seem that a phenomenal success awaits the girl: fans, many pleasant words and gifts, invitations to concerts, awards. Natalie toured a lot, but her music did not become as popular as before. Neither the songs from the album "counting" in 1999, nor the "first love" in 2000, nor "Do not fall in love" in 2001, could make up for the success of "The wind blew from the sea." Natalie got used to the fact that she is an artist of one song ... Star colleagues predicted an ambulance for Natalie creative death: "As the song gave birth to you, so it killed." And the singer tried to smile through her tears. Moscow taught differently of course. She taught eternal youth, made it clear what it means "Moscow does not believe in tears."

Natalie clung to the stage with all her might - she agreed to any work, and she was ordered to the table for the holidays by influential and not very influential businessmen (among them there were even local gang leaders). There, Natalie more than once found herself in a "slippery" situation - threats, weapons, a sea of ​​alcohol drunk by guests and unpleasant offers for money. I tried to negotiate with the guests as equals, because sometimes events developed according to the laws of criminal dramas.

But where to find new source forces? Severe depression crushed Natalia like a stone slab. Calm in life frightened the girl, she did not know how to live without people. She did not know what to do, where to put herself, how to be alone with herself. In that year, the country could lose her, because Natasha tried to commit suicide. But long years kept this secret. The singer did not tell anyone about the fact that she was not allowed to sleep at night. The indifferent world was too cruel for her. Leaving was easier than fighting. Forgetting careers and interesting biography famous singer, Natalie dreamed of simple female happiness. The family must have children. But it did not work to give birth to a child.

Natalie is on top again: “Sometimes it seems to me that this is a national joke” ...

In 2012 at email singers send a poem "Oh God, what a man!", Natalia writes music to him and shoots a video clip. Already after 2 months, this song blew up all the charts, the super song until 2015 did not leave the first lines of "Golden Gramophone", " Russian radio"," MuzTV ", etc. As of July 2016, this video on YouTube has already gained about 47 million views. Natalia was awarded the RuTV award in the nomination "Sometimes they come back" and the Fashion People Awards "Comeback of the Year".

New surge in popularity in 2012

In 2013, Nikolai appears with Nikolai Baskov, and a little later, the equally successful You Are Such, with Djigan.

Since 2014, Natalya has increasingly appeared on the television screen: "Just the same" of the first channel, the TV show "HIT", and even voiced Joy in the cartoon "Puzzle".

“… And a point”, not a point, but an ellipsis, she was afraid to believe in another success. Natalia did not know how long it would last. And with this question, the girl went to the psychic Delors. The psychic prophesied changes in her personal life. Natalie was deeply impressed by the abilities of clairvoyants, which, according to her, simply made the singer think about the future and her life in general.

Natalie and MC Doni

Then Deloram predicted her future triumph, when the words of the song had not yet begun to be written. Since then, they have become great friends. They often meet and gossip openly. It is stupid and not dangerous to hide mental anguish from a psychic of this level. In addition to success, Deloram then predicted another pregnancy. True, not a daughter was born, but a third son.

In 2015, Natalya becomes a co-host of the talk show "People will judge" on "Russia-1", which was broadcast from June 15 to July 9. And on October 7, 2015, the birthday of the President of Russia, the song "Volodya" was presented.

Despite the next stellar takeoff, Natalia remained common man, and sometimes it seems as if she does not believe in her popularity, thinking that this is an obsession.

Singer Natalie: photo

The singer has a new prayer ritual before each stage appearance. Recently, Natalya has often given free concerts on Moscow Square. Now she can afford it.

"Oh God, what a man", with bated breath, all the fans were waiting for the solution to this mystery. When asked, Natalie only smiled mysteriously. All this time, the one to whom every line of songs was dedicated, remained in the shadows.

"My biography. The three of us have always lived. I (singer Natalie), he and show business - this is our family. Everyone asked to show photos of children and husband. I was afraid to jinx it "

August 1991, a few days after the Emergency Committee, the residents of Dzerzhinsk were not yet accustomed to the fact that Soviet Union disintegrated, and in the Minyaev family there is a holiday. Eldest daughter Natasha marries Sasha Rudin. Alexander doted on his chosen one and tried to help and support her in everything. In those hungry times, large banquets were not affordable. But the young husband tried. And the wedding was played at his expense.

With husband Alexander Rudin

He was 20 years old, and she was only 17. For the marriage to take place, Natalia's mother had to get a false certificate of her daughter's pregnancy. Why such a rush? Natasha was going to get married when she was 13, looking for a prince. The gentlemen changed, but the girl still could not find that one.

Natasha and Sasha met at the same rock festival where the girl performed with the "chocolate bar". Alexander invited her to record a couple of songs in the studio. Then Natasha agreed to the studio, and then to the marriage proposal.

Alexander did his best to career growth wife, he looked for producers and composers who worked with the singer. Together they moved to Moscow and fought for a place in Russian show business... Moscow met the aspiring singer with hostility. Natalia tried several times to go home. There was nowhere to live, together with Alexander they spent the night right in the studio, on the cold floor, without blankets and illusions. They were haunted by a constant feeling complete loneliness in the many-sided Moscow crowd. And the impregnable city surrendered after 5 years.

Natalie with her older children

"God, what a man" is about him. About Alexander Rudin. He always hid from cameras at the sight of journalists and avoided interviews. But he had something to tell: 15 years of oblivion, the absence of children, and prayers heard by God.

Natalia did not manage to find out the joy of motherhood for a long time. There was a period when Natalie fell into despair and went with her mother to local healers. Begging for children from God.

For about 10 years, the singer was haunted by unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant - miscarriages, frozen pregnancies, reports the Rosregistr portal. In 2001, Natalya again finds out that she is pregnant. The family worried for a long time about the safety of the baby in the womb, but nothing happened. And it seems that the prayers of the singer Natalie came true, and the biography was finally replenished with a long-awaited event in the family, the first of the children was born long-awaited son singer - Arseny (photo can be found on the Internet). The baby was born with a healthy height of 51 cm, weighing 3.5 kg. After 9 years, another one is born - Anatoly.

Natalie gave birth to her third child

All the rare pauses between tours were dedicated to the most beloved men. Natalia smiled with real female happiness. Children and a reliable husband. Now the girl has everything she once dreamed of.

Natalie amazes fans with a demonstration of a beautiful figure and numerous photos in a swimsuit. The singer really looks no worse today than in her youth. The girl does not hide the fact that people in white coats are involved in her beauty (botox on the face, breast surgery). Natalie is not at all afraid to be natural, frank and funny. She easily agrees to interviews, for example, in a beauty salon with unadorned roots or a wet head.

After long oblivion, Natalie doesn't want to hide anything from her fans. The returned popularity forced Natasha to create her Instagram account in 2014. Now singer Natalie is actively updating the feed of her biography, every now and then, pampering fans with new events in the family, exposing photos of her children and her husband.

Natalia does not hide the fact that several specialists are working on her image. But he believes that in no case should you get used to it, otherwise you can lose yourself.

Singer Natalie now

The main event in the life of the singer Natalie in recent years is new fact in her biography concerning her family and husband, in 2017, photos and information appeared on the Internet that the 43-year-old star gave birth to her third son, Yevgeny, in April. According to the singer, the family is really very happy. For 27 years, the singer Natalie, together with her husband, overcame all the obstacles of her biography, became a large family(three children) and managed to keep love, which is noticeable in the photo. This rarely happens in modern society, especially for celebrities.

Biography of the singer Natalie: family, children are definitely a source of her creative and psychological inspiration, and beautiful photos that the girl gives to her fans.

Natalie - famous Russian pop singer... Now, it is probably difficult to find at least one individual who does not know or have not heard about this artist. Natalie is both a performer, a composer, and an author of poetry. She conquered thousands of fans, and not only using her singing talents. Despite her no longer young age, Natalie looks great. The girl has a certain zest that catches the eye. I always want to look at her, at her behavior on stage, how she moves. The artist is very attractive, smiles a lot and is open to the world. Her look is good-natured and predisposes to trust. Natalie has incredible charm. Her voice fascinates many. There is no need to be surprised that the singer Natalie has a huge number of fans who admire her and admire her work.

Natalie's real name is Natalya Rudenko (before Minyaev's marriage). For the first time her name was sounded after the performance of the hit "The wind blew from the sea." This piece has become a favorite song of many listeners. Easy motive and the repeated words of the hit sounded literally in every home.

Thanks to her gorgeous appearance, Natalie won the hearts of a million men who cannot be taken away from TV screens when her performances are on.

Natalie is a successful woman and a caring mother of three. The artist is always interesting to watch, so many people are interested in the biography of the singer Natalie.

Height, weight, age. How old is Natalie (singer)

Natalie is gifted with a good figure, dresses with taste. Therefore, looking at her, one gets the impression that you see a very young girl who is not subject to temporary changes. Many admirers of Natalie's creativity are interested in her external data, such as height, weight, age. How old is Natalie (singer) - a frequently asked question. Few will believe that the heroine will celebrate her 45th anniversary this year. She looks great and is brewing.

The growth of the singer Natalie is 165 centimeters. Its weight is about 58 kilograms. Natalie is in great physical shape.

Artist by horoscope Aries. Perhaps that is why there are notes of determination, stubbornness, perseverance and self-confidence in her character. Along with these qualities, Natalie is a very friendly and open person.

Biography of Natalie (singer)

Natalie's biography (singer) is of genuine interest to many. And not only the admirers of her work. The artist was born on March 31, 1974 in the town of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. Her family was no different from their own kind. Parents were workers at the Plexiglas chemical plant. Father - Anatoly Nikolaevich, held a managerial position, replaced the chief power engineer of the plant. Mother - Lyudmila Pavlovna, worked in the laboratory. Younger generation three were born in the family, Natalie also has twin relatives, a brother and sister, Anton and Olesya.

Natalie studied in a regular Soviet school... School years were filled with a lot of positive impressions. Natalie never sat still, she always wanted to be in the thick of things. She was noticeably different from her classmates, was an activist, played the leading roles in almost most of the festive events (concerts, theaters, KVNs, hikes, etc.).

At school, young Natalie was fond of writing poems and songs dedicated to everyone around her. real people- students and teachers. Her addiction to music manifested itself very early, and she tried in every possible way to develop her musical ability... So, the artist studied piano and successfully graduated from a music school.

After receiving secondary education, Natalie decides to devote herself to pedagogy and enters the Pedagogical School, graduating from which, returns to the walls of her school, taking the path of a teacher. Throughout this time, music continues to occupy the future star.

A little later, the young girl was called as a vocalist to the young collective "Chocolate Bar". This is how it began musical career... Here she immediately becomes the author and performer of several songs. A little later, Natalie moved to another, more popular group with the ambitious name "Pop Galaxy".

Natalie has overcome many obstacles in her pursuit of success. It is not easy to conduct your activities in such a way as to become noticeable. the right people... But Natalie succeeded, after she moved to the capital in 1994, producer Valery Ivanov began to look closely at her almost immediately. Here, not the last spoke in the chariot turned out to be Natalie's husband Alexander Rudin, it was he who shared with his acquaintance the recordings of the aspiring singer. Valery Ivanov approved of her musical creations and decided to "promote".

At the very beginning, Natalie's songs were circulated rather badly, but sales were at the level. Then there was the single "Pink Dawn", which moved the singer one step closer to her dream. A year later, the collection "Snow Rose" was published and the first filmed video appeared. So far, the young artist has not received invitations to concerts, so sometimes Natalie was forced to stay performing at small private events, mostly as an opening act.

Already in 1998 the hit “The Wind blew from the sea” was released, as well as the disc of the same name. And this led to incredible success... As they say, Natalie woke up famous. Throughout our territory there is not a single living soul, whose head does not have the lyrics and melody of the song. They sounded everywhere. Then there were new songs, big concerts.

Natalie's collaboration with her first producer came to an end in 2002. But at the same time, several more albums appear, which, on the basis of the general wave of popularity, are very warmly received by the audience.

In 2012, another masterpiece "Oh my God, what a man" stands out, followed by another, still stormy wave of glorification of the artist. At least the fact that Natalie unexpectedly became a nominee for the “Return of the Year” and “Sometimes They Come Back” awards speaks for itself. Then she was 38 years old. Many started talking about her, she had many admirers among the younger generation.

In 2013 the hit with Nikolay Baskov "Nikolay" was performed. Soon, the woman becomes the owner of the "Best Video Clip" award from the RU.TV channel. The joint composition with rapper Djigan achieved great success. The song "You are so" also received incredible fame.

In 2014, Natalie appeared in the music and entertainment show "Just the same". Then she accepted a bold invitation to the "Battle of Psychics". The channel "Russia-1" also expressed a desire to see the singer, which has gained momentum again, on its air, inviting her to host the program "People will judge." The pop diva also worked hard in the voice acting, in the cartoon "Puzzle" Joy speaks in her voice. In 2016, in honor of the birthday of the head of state, Natalie presented the song "Volodya".

In general, during my career talented singer has released 13 studio albums, over two dozen singles and four compilations.

Now Natalie does not stop, pleases her admirers with all the new achievements in music. It can often be seen on free concerts within the framework of events at the federal level.

Natalie's personal life (singer)

Thanks to her irresistible appearance, Natalie has never been deprived of the attention of men. Many people liked her. The personal life of Natalie (the singer) originates at a very young age of the heroine. While still a seventeen-year-old girl, she married for love. But not everything was as simple and easy as it seemed.

Natalie has had several miscarriages in a row. It was infinitely difficult for her to get rid of her depressed state. But Natalie showed strength and determination here. She continued to study musical creativity... And after several years of marriage, fate awarded the singer with a son. The first boy was awarded the name Arseny. Later, the second son, Anatoly, was born, and after a short time, the third. Natalie is sure that she was able to give the world as many as three children for a reason, that her prayers were still answered.

Natalie's family (singer)

Natalie's parents were objectively not connected with music. They worked at a chemical plant. But both father and mother supported their daughter in every possible way in any endeavors. From the very beginning, they predicted for a daughter big success... Natalie recalls her childhood with special fondness and thanks her parents for good upbringing, positive attitude and home comfort.

Now the family of Natalie (the singer) is large and happy. A woman manifests herself not only as an artist, but also as a beloved wife and caring mother. She has a beloved husband and three wonderful sons. Together with the chosen one of youth, they have been living for more than 22 years. Natalie showed by her example that it is possible to choose a companion for life in young age and not to be mistaken. Principal in family relationships considers mutual support, trust and love.

Children and pregnancy Natalie (singer). Has given birth to the third child

Children are a rather sensitive topic for singer Natalie. To experience the role of a happy mother, she had to overcome many difficulties. It is known that before the birth of her first son, Natalie had several miscarriages. The artist was very worried about this, and almost fell into depression. But faith in God helped her to cope, gave her strength. She did not waste time in prayer, her efforts were rewarded. In 2001, the young artist had her first child.

Nine years later, Natalie again made her husband happy - her second son was born. Now Natalie and her husband dreamed of a daughter. The singer herself did not show her family, she was afraid of the evil eye. The topic of children and pregnancy of Natalie (singer) remained closed. Has the singer given birth to her third child or not? - frequent request on the network. Many were worried about her health condition. A little later it became known that in April 2017 Natalie (the singer) felt the joy of motherhood for the third time. And although it turned out to be a boy again, the young parents are very happy again.

Son Natalie (singer) - Arseny

Son of Natalie (singer) - Arseny, the first long-awaited child artist. A boy was born in 2001. For a long time, the singer hid her son from the cameras of journalists, she was afraid of the evil eye. After all, as mentioned above, before that Natalie could not bring the pregnancy to birth for a long time, she had miscarriages several times. But, fortunately, this did not break the artist. Faith in God and prayers helped her to cope with difficulties and overcome all obstacles.

At the moment, the first heir, Arseny, has become a completely adult formed guy. It is not yet known whether he will work in the same field as his mother. But in any case, Natalie and her husband will support and approve of any undertaking by the boy. The choice is for the young man.

Son Natalie (singer) Anatoly

The son of Natalie (singer) is Anatoly, he was given the role of the second child and the middle of the brothers. The boy is 9 years younger than his brother Arseny. He was born in 2010. Tolya's future has not yet been determined. Parents try to pamper him, give him good gifts... However, the boy grows up to be polite, well-mannered and generous.

Anatoly is studying at a special school. The guy is growing up as a living example of his parents.

Already in the year before last, Natalie and her husband acquired another offspring. His parents named him Eugene, thereby breaking the tradition of naming all males by names starting with the letter "A".

It should also be noted that now Natalie does not hide her children from journalists. There are many family photo, and you can also find footage from the hospital.

Natalie and Alexander are happy in their long family union. Popular singer always finds an opportunity to devote time to his family.

Natalie's common-law husband (singer) - Alexander Rudin

Natalie's common-law husband (singer) - Alexander Rudin - the first and only love artist. Alexander swarmed in 1970. Their acquaintance took place yet school years... Natalie first performed at a rock concert when Alexander Rudin approached her after the performance and offered to record songs.

Natalie and Alexander Rudin immediately felt attracted. Later it turned into a visit to the registry office. This fateful decision was carried out in 1991, a difficult year for the country. In those years, the artist was not yet an adult, and in order to register the marriage, the parents collected a heap of documents confirming the pregnancy of their daughter.

Alexander Rudin is the most a common person... The husband, however, rendered great assistance to Natalie's development as a singer. Interestingly, at the beginning of her career, Natalie in every possible way disguised the fact that she was married. This was necessary for the good promotion of the young artist.

The couple moved to Moscow together and began to conquer the capital. Alexander Rudin strongly supported the aspiring artist. It was he who took the cassette with the recordings of the first samples of the singer to her first producer, Valery Ivanov.

The couple had difficulties with childbirth for many years. But in 2001, fate gave them the coveted firstborn - the son of Arseny. After 9 years, the family was replenished with another boy - Anatoly. Singer Natalie and Alexander Rudin wanted to "dilute" the boyish collective with at least one girl. In 2016, Natalie became pregnant again. But April 2017 was marked by the birth of a little man, which has already become a tradition. It was customary to call him Eugene. And although it turned out to be not a daughter, as the spouses dreamed, Natalie and Alexander Rudin are overwhelmed with happiness - they will again experience the role of young parents. Now they live big friendly family... They are very proud of their children and continue to dream of a daughter.

Natalie and Alexander Rudin have been married for more than 25 years, but everyone also has passionate feelings for each other.

Natalie authoritatively declares that this is the most the best man in her life. She is grateful to fate and God for her beloved husband, caring father and just a real man. Perhaps the masterpiece "Oh God, what a man" was written exactly for Alexander Rudin.

Photo of Natalie (singer) before and after plastic surgery

Singer Natalie has always amazed with her beauty. And in her middle years, she amazes fans with a charming appearance. Looking at her now, one is amazed at her beauty. Involuntarily it begs: “Did Natalie plastic surgery? ". She did make some adjustments to her appearance.

The artist herself is not ashamed of the circumstances that sometimes she still resorts to the help of surgeons in appearance. But one cannot say that she is carried away by this to fanaticism. In Andrey Malakhov's program “Let them talk”, Natalie said that her breasts were done by professionals, since after giving birth she naturally lost her attractiveness and elasticity. Her lips are also slightly pumped with Botox. There are many photos of Natalie (singer) before and after plastic surgery on the Internet, but you will not find obvious changes there. The artist believes that all edits and changes should be in moderation.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalie (singer)

After some decline in popularity, Natalie does not hide any of her areas of life from admirers. Thus, there is Instagram and Wikipedia Natalie (singer). It's easy to learn about recent developments from the life of a popular artist.

Natalie is actively updating her Instagram page. Often uploads new posts, indulges fans with revelations from privacy, exposes videos of concerts, etc. Millions of admirers of her work are subscribed to her account.

Wikipedia presents detailed information about the life and work of the singer. Here you can find the highlights of her biography, her creatively... The information is reliable and accessible to every Internet user.

Singer Natalie talked about her life, children and how she was almost raped.

Natalie visited the studio of the program "The Fate of a Man" with Boris Korchevnikov. She admitted that she paid too much for meteoric career and deafening glory. The artist lost on early dates first child, and a year later a new tragedy came to her family.

“It was at the age of 18 and 19, one after another ... First there was a miscarriage, and then a frozen pregnancy. But at that age I did not fully realize what had happened, my youth ... I was frightened by the fact, because for a certain period of time it was repeated. It was only when I got to the hospital that I met women who had different fates... In the hospital, I heard so many conversations! ”, The singer shared.

Natalie said that her husband Alexander, with whom she has been happily married for almost 27 years, supported her during a difficult period. At that time, the couple sent all their strength to work. In 1998, Natalie released her first hit, "The Wind Was Blowing from the Sea." The singer woke up famous, gathered full halls, fans lay in wait for a star at the entrance, some fainted when they saw an idol in real life... “The time has come for opportunities. I thought that the performances would take place, and I would return home to Dzerzhinsk. Sasha and I have already begun to make repairs in my grandmother's apartment, which we inherited. At that time, neither me nor my husband had any plans to stay in the capital. We just wrote songs for ourselves sooner. But Moscow did not let go, there were constant concerts. Some fans came to my performances 90 times, ”the artist recalled.

Natalie admitted that it was at the peak of popularity that she dreamed only of children and a calm family life... “Once I came to the temple to ask for a child. I prayed for nine hours. And so, soon my first son appeared in my life, ”said the artist. In 2001, Alexander and Natalie had their first heir, Arseny, nine years later, Anatoly. And in April last year, the whole country learned that the national favorite became the mother of another boy, whom she named Eugene.

“Before the children were born, I bought three teddy bears: orange, light and brown. They always traveled with me. And it must be the same, Arseny was born with red hair, Anatoly, as he himself says, is a natural blond, and Zhenya is brown-haired, ”Natalie said.

In 2013, the artist had another take-off in her career. Composition "Oh God, what a man!" hit the top of all domestic charts. Natalie began to tour a lot again. After one of the concerts, the singer returned to her hotel room, where she found unfamiliar man who lay in wait for her after the performance.

“I don't even know how to describe it. The situation was comical, but also tragic at the same time. I have had a number of performances outside our country. Once, having worked on the stage, I came to the hotel and lay down to rest. And then I see a man of eastern appearance through the balcony into the room. Apparently, he thought that it was possible - just to get to me and I would not refuse ... I was not at a loss, I immediately ran out of the room. That's when I realized that there are very dangerous situations in which I have to defend myself. At that moment, the husband was talking with some men, they distracted him. These people were armed. But I figured out the chief among them. As a man with a man, I just talked to him, explained that this is not possible. I am very grateful to Sasha that he didn’t bother with them, as most husbands would do. He understood that I can agree on my own, ”Natalie said.

At the end of the program, the singer repeated several times that today she is absolutely happy. At 43, not everyone can become a mother, and even for the third time. Natalie considers the birth of her son Evgeny a miracle. The artist turned to herself in the past: “Dear Natasha, never be afraid, love. Oh, I am something short. Believe in yourself, trust people. Everything will be fine! ”, Summed up the star.

Our article will tell you about the singer Natalie. The biography of this beautiful blonde artist is quite rich. We will tell about the most significant and main moments of her life further.

The childhood of the singer

In 1974, on March 31, a little blonde girl was born - Natasha Menyaeva. It happened in the small town of Dzerzhinsk, in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Natasha's childhood was practically no different from the life of an ordinary Soviet child. First there was Kindergarten, then school, then institute.

The girl's character was soft and flexible. As her mom says, it was just wonderful child- the dream of all parents. She never disobeyed and devoted her mother to all her affairs, including love affairs.

From the early childhood Natasha was very independent. She woke up herself, made herself breakfast and went to school.

Natasha was quite active, restless and creative child, which is why the girl became the star of the local school. She took part in all musical and theatrical performances... And this is not surprising, because Natasha was a truly creative and talented person. The teachers loved and appreciated her, and her peers considered her a real star.

From early childhood, the future singer became interested in the guitar. She learned to play on her own.

In the third grade, Natasha, together with her peers, went on an excursion to a music school. Having looked at the situation within the walls of the institution, the future singer was pleasantly surprised. From that very moment, she realized that music is her Universe. After a little thought, the girl decided that she would definitely study there.


Natasha always told her mother about her relationship with the boys. From the age of 13, she was purposefully looking for a husband. Natasha was a very smart girl and before agreeing to go to the cinema with the boy, she arranged a test survey for them. For example, if a guy quickly agreed with her opinion or did not protect her from offenders, she quickly said goodbye to him.

Once the girl told her mother that there was not a single noble boy left in this world. Natasha was so disappointed in her peers that she rejected everyone who got in her way. Later, the girl even stated that she no longer wanted to have anything to do with the male sex and promised never to get married. In response to her daughter's statement, my mother smiled and asked not to rush to conclusions, because everything has its time, and she will definitely meet that one and only.


After a while, the girl decided to study in music school in the piano class, while participating in school amateur performances. In parallel with this, Natasha became interested in writing poetry and music, and performed the resulting songs during school performances.

After leaving school, the future singer Natalie, whose biography interests many, enters a pedagogical university. But this does not prevent her from continuing to make music and write poetry. During this period, Natalie (singer) becomes a member of a group called "Chocolate Bar". But soon, speaking at one of the concerts, the future artist realized that the audience liked not her songs, but attractive appearance... Upset, Natalie vowed that she would no longer study music, but would continue to study to be a teacher.

After graduation, she becomes a teacher of elementary grades in one of the general education schools cities. But later, realizing that this was not her business, she decides to leave the profession.

First steps towards the big stage

In 1992, Natalie, whose photo we posted in the article, becomes a member of one of the popular groups called "Pop Galaxy". This team employs real professionals, to whom she is grateful to this day. As the singer herself says, these people helped her a lot and guided her on the right path.

In the same year, Natalie, whose biography is quite rich, is working on her first studio album entitled " Star Rain". It was after this significant event in the singer's life, the audience appreciated her work for the first time.

Carier start

In 1994 Natalie released another album called The Little Mermaid. After 2 years, the singer shines again and releases another album called "Snow Rose". For the same song, Natalie shoots her first video clip, which is rated positively by all viewers.

Career peak

Real success came to Natalie, whose biography at that time was already of interest to many, in 1997. The super hit "The Wind blew from the sea" brings her a dizzying success. The whole country sings the song together with the singer - from small to large. Natalie goes on tour and gathers huge armies of fans at her concerts.

Career decline

In 1999, the singer records again new album called "Counting". After that, her musical career gradually declined. But, despite this, Natalie continues to write songs and tour the country with concerts.

The personal life of the singer

Singer Natalie, whose biography is quite interesting, meets her future husband at one of the concerts of the Chocolate Bar group. During this period, the singer was completely desperate and no longer wanted to make music. Then Alexander Rudov approached her and invited her to write down joint track... After that, the couple did not part for a moment. At the age of 17, the girl has already married her lover. Hence Natalie's real name is Rudova Natalya.

After a while, the couple wanted to have children. But, unfortunately, they were only haunted by failure. After huge amount Attempts to get pregnant, the singer was already completely desperate and depressed. 9 years have passed, and finally Natalie learned maternal happiness. The first was a boy named Arseny, and after a while his brother Tolya.

Immediately after these significant events the singer forgot about her career, because her family and children completely absorbed her attention. As the singer herself says: "I have always put my family first and would never trade my beloved boys for a career."

Our days

Today Natalie shines again at big stage, which can not fail to please its many fans. Success these days brought her the greatest hit "Oh my God, what a man." After the performance of this song, Natalie conquered the tops of all domestic charts. Also, the singer is invited to all kinds of projects on television. One of them was the “One to One” show, held on Channel One, where the participants parody famous world and domestic stars.


Today, one of the most popular artists in Russia is the singer Natalie. How old she is, surely interests many. Natalie is 41 years old. But this does not prevent her from looking attractive and sexy. So we wish the singer success in her new endeavors!