Tekakery works. Biographies, stories, facts, photos

Tekakery works. Biographies, stories, facts, photos
Tekakery works. Biographies, stories, facts, photos
This volume includes parodies, essays, journalism 1833-1848. The work of this period indicates the latitude of interests and deep erudition of Tekkesea; It was a kind of preparation for the creation of the widest panorama of modern English society in the "Vanoravia Fair" (1847-1848). Translation from English A. Polyivanova, E.ber, E.Shakhova, E. Corotkova, Ya.Zerztein, R. Bobrova, I. Terstein, E.Linetskaya, Yu.Zhukovka, comments I.Zerzter.

In the satirical novel William Maikpis Tekckery "In the Noble Family" in the translation of the hope of Davydovna Vilkin, vivid and sharp words, the defects inherent in the English middle class are ridiculed: such adopted in noble families and flattery, passion for vulgar luxury or behavior. Lovelass Brandon and artist Fitch - this is where the author gave free to his brilliant wit and without constraints, the English "noble" society was ridiculed.

William Tekcket - Virginians (Book 1)

In the library of one of the most famous American authors hang on the wall of two crossed swords: they were wearing its ancestors in the days of the Great American War of Independence. One valiantly served as a king, the other was a weapon of a courageous and noble soldier of the republic. The name of the owner of these now peaceful relics enjoys equal respect and in the country of his ancestors, and he is in his homeland, where the talents like his talent are always a warm welcome.

William Tekcket - Virginians (Book 2)

Forward, hired troughs, amend your run on Strand and Fleet Street George Warnington in a hurry to the aid of a rampant in the conclusion of a brother! Anyone who remembers the London Street and the London Carriage of those times perpetuated by Hogarth, can easily imagine how long the time has stretched and how long it seemed the path.

In the twelfth, the collections of works by W.Te.Telli includes works of the last period of the writer's work. This includes the most significant stories, essays and an unfinished novel "Denis Duval", written by C1848 to 1863. Translation from English I. Kornstein, Z. Alksandova, R. Pomerantseva, M. Ryrei, I.Zerzker, G. Shanman, M. Boekker, V. Rogova, Comments from Shanman.

"Notes Barry Lyndon, Esquire" - First Roman William Tekcrei. It has a rapidly developing, laconic, even a dry eyes of an eyewitness, where the events of half a century are depicted - a story, like two drops of water similar to genuine documents of the XVIII century.

History Henry Esmond occupies a special place in the work of W. Tekkesey. He was written in the form of memoirs. We take pictures of the life of the notable noble family of the late XVII and early XVIII century. Gradually, the circle of observation of the narrator expands, and in front of the reader there is a wide cloth, which captures the picture of the life of the whole historical period. The story is conducted on behalf of Colonel Henry Esmond, the participant of the events depicted.

This can be called anything - "light", "glamor", "party" ... The essence does not change.
Chase in fashion. Laying before higher, contempt for the lower. Funny readiness at any cost to "surpass Paris." Snobbery? And what else!
Did something changed in the past century? The minimum, is that instead of fashionable tailors appeared couture, and the magazines for the "Lady and Gentlemen" became glossy.

Satyrian tale of the classic of the XIX century English literature. It is equally going to self-tirana, and their asphic approximate, and in general, all the guards, hypocritters, ignoramuses and fools, which are very difficult to fix, but it can be sharp and evil that it does not want to follow their example to anyone.
Masterfully completed caricature drawings of the author perfectly complement the text.

God gave Miss Catherine with rare beauty, and since the glory came out of the county, there was no visitors in Harchevna. It happened, farmers wrapped on the road from the market will align about the extra mug of Ale, - but it's worth Catherine to appear with circles on a tray, and you look, El will drink to droplets and money paid full; Or traveling traveler after dinner will gather in the way to get to Coventry or Birmingham by night, and here ...

William Makepis Teckerei - An outstanding English Prose writer, recognized master of realistic novel, one of the most famous National novelists of the XIX century - appeared on July 18, 1811 in the Indian Calcutta, where his grandfather and father served. In 1815, William's father, a wealthy major official of the local administration, died, after which the 6-year-old boy was transported to London to obtain education. In 1822-1828 He studied in Chartherhaus, an old aristocratic school. At this time, young trees with special interest read the books of defo, filding and swift; Among friends heard a big witty, wrote talented parodies.

After graduating from school, it has been throughout 1829-1830. He studied at Trinity College of Cambridge University. In these years, he was a publisher of a student humorous magazine, in which his own writings appeared, eloquently speaking about the gift of saticaries. Without having done, Tekkrei went to Germany, where his acquaintance was held with Goethe, later he left for Paris, where he took painting lessons. In 1832, Tekkerei took into possession of solid capital, but losing to the cards and unsuccessful attempts to become the publisher quickly deprived of his state.

In 1837, two events occurred at once, in the rad who changed the biography of Tekkesea: he married and decided to make literature seriously. The first step was worth him later than the big sufferings, because The wife became a victim of a mental illness, and the Tekkeley's fatal life had to live with two daughters separately from the former spouse. His fate as a writer turned out to be much happier, although everything turned out not immediately.

At first, Tekkerei collaborated as a journalist and artist-cartoonist with various periodicals, and it was in periodic printing that his works were printed. In 1836, the fate brought him to Dikkenon. She was talking about the fact that Tekreki illustrates the "posthumous notes of the Pickwick Club", but they did not take place by tandem.

In the 30s. William Makes was written a large number of literary and critical articles, in 1844 - the first large novel - "Notes Barry Lyndon". For 1846-1847. Tekkerei wrote a "book of snobs", in which a whole gallery of social types of modern society appeared in front of the reader.

1847-1848 Every month the issues of the novel "Vanity Fair. Roman without a hero. " He became the first work signed by the author's real name (before that he worked exclusively under pseudonyms). The novel became his main creative achievement, brought him world fame, financial security, promotion of social status. After writing the "Vanity Fair" before the Tekker, the doors to the Higher Mature Society opened.

The continuation of the ideas of the "Vanity Fair" and realistic traditions are generally traced in other large novels of William Techkeva - "Penennis" (1848-1850), "History Henry Esmond" (1852), "Newcoma" (1853-1855), "Virginians" (1857-1859) et al. However, his creative heritage includes not only novels - it is very diverse from the point of view of genres, although it is one of the standpoint of ideological-artistic orientation. Tekkerei was the author of ballads and poems, humus, comic stories, fairy tales, essays, parodies. The writer performed in England and the United States with lectures that were collected and published in 1853 as "British Humorists of the 18th Century".

In 1859, Tekkerei took the position of publisher editor of the Cornhill magazine, which he left, intending to write a new novel "Denis Duval". However, he did not have time to implement this idea, died of a stroke on December 24, 1863. The London Cemetery of Kensal Green was chosen by the London Cemetery.

Biography from Wikipedia

William Makepis Teckerei (English. William Makepea Troweray; In Russian texts there is a transliteration option Tank; 1811-1863) - English Satir writer, master of realistic novel.

William Tekcket was born on July 18, 1811 in Calcutta, where his father and grandfather served. In early childhood, he was transported to London, where he began to study at Chartherhaus School. At the age of 18, he entered the University of Cambridge, but stayed by a student no more than a year. At the university, he published a humorous student journal, the title of which, "snob" (eng. Snob), shows that the question of "snobs", such a lot of it occupied him later, already then caused his interest. Tekcrei since childhood was famous among his fellow parodies. His poem "Timbuktu", printed in this magazine, testified of the undoubted satirical talent of a novice author.

Leaving Cambridge in 1830, Tekkerei went on a trip to Europe: he lived in Weimara and then in Paris, where he studied painting from the English artist Richard Bonington. Although the drawing did not become the main occupation for Tekccoray, afterwards it illustrated his own novels, demonstrating the ability to transmit the characteristic features of his heroes in a caricature form.

In 1832, having reached the age of majority, Tekkrech received inheritance - income of about 500 pounds per year. He quickly missed him, partly losing to the card, partly - in unsuccessful attempts of a literary publishing house (both newspapers funded by him, The National Standard. and The Constitutional, went bankrupt).

In 1836, under the pseudonym the Teof Vagstaf, he released a Tomik called "Flora and Zephyr", which made himself a series of cartoons on Maria Taloni and her partner Albert, tours in the London Royal Theater in 1833. The cover of the publication paroded the famous chaln lithograph, depicting Taloni as a flora.

In 1837, Tekkerei married, but family life brought him a lot of bitterness due to the mental illness of his wife. After the wife had to isolate, there lived two daughters in society (the third died in infancy). His eldest daughter, Anna Isabella (in marriage Lady Richmond Ritchi), also became a writer, her memories of the Father - a source of valuable information.

First Roman Tekkemea "Catherine" ( Catherine) was printed in the journal Frazer's Magazine In 1839-40 years. In addition to continuous cooperation with this magazine, Tekcrech wrote for THE NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINEwhere under the pseudonym Michael Titmarsh appeared his "Book of Parisian sketches" ( The Paris Sketch Book). In 1843 he was published "Book of Irish sketches" ( Irish Sketch Book).

According to the usual, the custom of the tecker was printed under a pseudonym. Publishing the novel "Vaschevia Fair", he first subscribed to his real name. At the same time, he begins to cooperate with the Satir journal "Panch", in which his "Note of Snob" appears ( Snob Papers.) and "Ballads about the ix polisman" ( Ballads of the Policeman X).

"Vaschevia Fair", which saw the light in 1847-1848, brought real fame to his author. The novel was written without exactly a definite plan: Tekket was conceived by several major characters and grouped around them different events with such a settlement so that the publication in the journal could be stretched or quickly finished - depending on the reader reaction.

For the "Vanity Fair" followed the novels "Penennis" ( Pendennis, 1848-50), "ESMOND" ( THE HISTORY OF HENRY ESMOND, 1852) and "Newcoma" ( The Newcomes, 1855).

In 1854, Tekreki refused to cooperate with Panch. In the journal Quarterly Review He published an article about Illustrator John Liche ( J. Leech's Pictures of Life and Character), in which he gave the characteristics of this cartoonist. By this time, the beginning of the new activity of Tekkesea: he began to read public lectures in Europe, and then in America, which prompted the success of Dickens. However, unlike the latter, he read no novels, but historical and literary essays. From these lectures that had success among the public were two of its books: "English humorists of the XVIII century" and "Four Georg".

William Teckerei died on December 24, 1863 from a stroke and was buried at the London Cemetery Kensal Green. His last novel, "Denis Duval" ( Denis Duval), remained unfinished.

Characteristic of creativity

The basis of novels and humorous essays of Tekkesea is his pessimism and a realistic image of English life, the truth of life the author wanted to oppose the conditional idealization of typical English novels. In the novel of that time, an ideal hero or heroine was assumed, however, taking his best work - "Vanity Fair" - novel without a hero, "puts into the center of action of vicious or at least selfish. Based on the belief that in the life of the evil is much more interesting and more diverse in goodness, Tekkrech studied the characters of people acting from evil motivations. Depicting evil, vices and petty characters, he thus preached positive ideals, at the same time, fond of his vicious heroes, he excited a greater interest of the reader.

A pessimism in combination with humor, giving them vitality and, at the same time, is a real artistic thing in the works of Tekkemea. Although in its realistic techniques, Tekkerei is similar to Dickens, it differs from him because it does not make concessions to a sentimental idea of \u200b\u200bEnglish virtue, but mercilessly draws people in all their unattractiveness. His novels turn into satire, with a bright image of human vices in a very unsightly form.

Becky Sharpe, the heroine "Vanity Fair" - a poor girl who set itself the goal of "getting up" in life. She is not shy in choosing funds, using his mind and beauty to let the intrigues of the people needed: she fascinates the rich old bachelors, coming out to marry her who loved her young officer, she deceives him. Despite the fact that her tricks are open, it is arranged so as to keep the position in the light and the opportunity to live in luxury. In the form of Becky Sharp, greediness, fisiness and egoism, characteristic of people absorbed in the everyday benefits, are brightly embodied.

The heroine of the novel and other negative types are written by the author especially interesting, other characters of the novel - Virtuous Emilia Sadley and other victims of Becky - rather boring and colorless, except for those who prevail the comic and ugly features - as in Hona Joe Sadley.

The main actors of the novel "Penennis" - Egoist-Uncle and his frivolous nephew, subject to weakness and misunderstandings of youth. They both remain human in their mistakes; These are the rest of the unfriendly characters of the novel: the Irish family of Kostiganov, Intrigan Blanche Amory. In "Newcomm" - the continuation of Penennis - Tekkrech shows how people tend to deceive others and become victims of deception. Withdrawing a whole gallery of life, with a brilliant humor of the pictures of the images, Tekkket turns the novel into the real satire: for family life, on women who bow to wealth and knowledge, on the "ingenious" young artists who do nothing, but are topped with ambiguous dreams. The pessimism of the writer introduces a tragic note to the final of the novel - the ruined Colonel dies in his community shelter.

"Esmond" and "Virginians" - historical novels from the May XVIII century. The heroine "Esmond" is the embodiment of a shallow, vain and egoistic soul in a beautiful body. Although there are noble characters issued in these novels, the total atmosphere is impregnated with sadness. The author demonstrates that the result of low motives, even if they are achieved by some external benefits - always segregated.

Giving in his novels the history of entire families, the techkeery deepens the realism and reaches the epicness of the narrative, deriving characters outside the typicality characteristic of the England alone.

The entire shine of the Satyrian talent of Tekkesea is manifested in his "sticks of the snob" and "from the notes of yellowopluid, which are witty caricatures for higher English society.



  • "Career Barry Lyndon" / English. THE LUCK OF BARRY LYNDON (1844)
  • "Vanity Fair" / English. Vanity Fair (1848)
  • "Rebekka and Roven" / English. Rebecca and Rowena (1850)
  • "Virginians" / English. THE VIRGINIANS (1857-1859)
  • "Penennis" ( Pendennis, 1848-50)
  • "Newcoma" ( The Newcomes, 1855).

Fairy tales

  • "Ring and Rose" / English. The Rose And The Ring (1855)


In Russian, the transfers of the compositions of Tekkesey appear since the 1850s. In Russian, his works were published in particular, in the translations of E. N. Akhmatova. Separate edition of the "Vanity Fair" (St. Petersburg, 1851; The same under the title "Bazaar of the life of everyday bustle" (St. Petersburg, 1853); the same (St. Petersburg, 1873); the same (translation I. I. Vited St. Petersburg, 1885); "History of Penennis" (St. Petersburg, 1852), the same (St. Petersburg, 1874); the same (translation I. I. I. I. Veddnsky, St. Petersburg, 1885); "Book of Mishura" (the translation of the Golenchev-Kutuzov, Moscow, 1859); "Newcoma" (St. Petersburg, 1856); the same (Transl. S. M. Makova, St. Petersburg, 1890); "Essays of English Mravov" (Transl. F. Nenarokomova, St. Petersburg, 1859); "Lovel Widovets" (St. Petersburg, 1860); "Notes of Mr. Yolteroplyusha" (St. Petersburg, 1860); "Goras Saltown" (St. Petersburg, 1862); "Satir essays" (St. Petersburg, 1864); "Adventures of Philip in his light wandering" (St. Petersburg, 1871); "Muscale Wife" (St. Petersburg, 1878); "Collected Works" (in 12 tt., St. -Petherburg, 1894-1895).


  • Barry Lyndon - Stanley Kubrick's film (1975)
  • Do not leave - 2 serial film Leonid Nechaeva (1989)
  • Vanity Fair - TV Serial (1998)
  • Vanity Fair - Mira Mira Nair (2004)


From ed. cit. Techkeery is the best way out. Since 1880 ("Edit de Luxe", 24 tons.).

  • Hannay, "Memoir of T." (1864)
  • Taylor, "T. The Humourist a. The Man of Lettres "(2nd ed., 1868)
  • "ThakeRayana? Notes a. Ancecdotes "(1874)
  • A. Trollope, "T." (1887, "ENGL. MEN OF LETTRES")
  • Conrad, "T. EIN PESSEMIST ALS DICHTER »(1887)
  • H. Merivale and Marzials, "Life of T." (Lond., 1891)
  • "Chapters from Some Memoirs" Dochers T. (Lond., 1894)
  • Jack, "T., A Study" (Lond., 1895)


Theofile Wagstaff (Theofile Wagstaff)

Golia Muff (Goliah Muff)

Michael Titmarsh (Michael Titmarsh)

Mikel Angelo Titmarsh (Michael Angelo Titmarsh)

John Fitz-Boodle (John Fitz-Boodle)

William Makepis Teckerei (William Makepea Thacseray) - English Satir and Publicist writer, master of realistic novel.

Born in India in Calcutta on July 18, 1811 and was the only child in Richmond - an official held at the administrative service in India, and Ann Tekcker. The second name "Makepis" received according to the family tradition in honor of his grandfather, who was a martyr Protestant in Queen Mary. At the age of five, his father lost. Six years was sent to receive education in England, where he first brought up in a private board, then he entered the Chartherhaus school. Soon, his mother moved to London, after the death of her husband, he was secondary married. At the age of eighteen, Tekreki entered Trinity College of the University of Cambridge at the Faculty of Law, but a student stayed no more than a year. At the university, he published a humorous student magazine, the title of which, "Snob" (English "The Snob") shows that the question of snobs then caused his interest. The texts of the journal often signed by different names (D. J. Ramsbottom, F. Tudge et al.). Tekckerei since childhood was famous among his fellow parodies and satire. His poem "Timbukta", printed in the magazine, is a clear confirmation of this.

In 1829, part of the holidays spent in Paris, studying French and German. In 1830, without finishing even the course of the university, went on a trip to Europe. To begin with, I went to Germany, where I visited Weimar I.V. Goethe. At some point, the translation of Schiller's poems and other German poets was not even going to write a book about German nravas and customs. But serious information did not assemble. Then, thinking about the future, I decided that it would be nice to join the lawyer's colleague. In 1831, he returned to England and entered Middle Temple, but he quickly passed the jurisprudence, and he finally understood that this profession was not suitable for him. In 1832 he lived in Paris six months. There he took an active part in public life, attended the theaters, studied painting from the English artist Richard Bonington. And although the drawing did not become the main occupation for Tekkket, afterwards it illustrated his own novels, demonstrating the ability to transmit the characteristic features of his heroes in a caricature form. In his graphic works, not only household scenes were displayed, but also the acute political moments of public life. Subsequently, about 2,000 drawings of Tekkesee to their works were collected in a separate publication "Tharerayana".

In 1832, having achieved majority, he received inheritance - income of about 500 pounds per year. However, he quickly missed him, partly losing to the card, partly in unsuccessful attempts of the literary publishing house (both the newspapers they financed, "The National Standard" and "The Constitutional", went bankrupt), partly due to the collapse of the Indian Bank, where the rest were invested Father money.

Since 1833, Tekreki became the dedicator of the Radical magazine "The National Standard" ("National Banner") and his correspondent on international issues. After the bankruptcy of the magazine again went to Paris, where he continued to take drawing lessons.

In 1836, he met with Ch. Dickens, who was looking for an illustrator for the "Notes of the Pickwick Club", but their creative union did not take place. From this time, the tekreki under various pseudonyms began to cooperate with England magazines. Under the pseudonym Theophile vagstaf He released Tomik "Flora and Zephyr", which made himself a series of cartoons on Maria Taloni and her partner Albert, tours in the Royal Theater in the London theater in 1833. The cover of the publication paroded the famous chaln lithograph, depicting Taloni as a flora.

Shortly after that, stepfather helped a step in the magazine "The Constitutional" as a Paris correspondent. Some time, the tecker enthusiastically wrote articles, criticizing the policy of King Louis Philipp. However, on July 1, 1837, the magazine was liquidated. To make money I had to write works for various periodicals: "Galignani", "Times".

In 1837, Tekkerei was combined with a marriage with Isabella Show, but family life brought him a lot of bitterness due to the development of mental illness from his wife. Four years later, he, his wife and two of their daughters sailed on a steamat in Ireland. Isabella unexpectedly decided to commit suicide. She was prevented, but she spent the rest of his years in the house for mentally ill. And William could not do anything, because the English society was against divorces. After the spouse had to isolate for all his life, he gave two daughters (the third died in infancy) on the care of the mother and stepfather. And only in 1846 he bought a house and translated the girls there. His eldest daughter, Ann Tekkerei-Ritchi (1837-1911), also became a writer. The youngest - Harriet (Minni) (1840-1875) - married a famous critic Leslie Stephen.

From 1839, after the publication of the satirical story "Catherine" ("Catherine"), in some sources exaggerated by the novel, the writer began to cooperate with Frazer's Magazine magazine. He did notes with annual exhibitions. In addition to continuous cooperation with this magazine, Tekkrei wrote for "The New Monthly Magazine", where in 1840 under the pseudonym Michael Titmarsh. His "Book of Paris Sketch" appeared ("The Paris Sketch Book"). In it, he from a democratic position attacks the French monarchy Louis Philipp.

Techkeree was a versatile man. He was a member of a multitude of clubs for various interests (for example, "Garrick Club" since 1833, "Reform Club" from 1840, "Club by The Committee" from 25.02.1851). Traveled a lot: Was in Belgium (1840), in Germany, where he went with his wife to the waterproof, in Ireland, where he went in 1842, in France, in 1844 visited Athens, Constantinople, Jerusalem and Cairo.

According to the usual, the custom of the tecker was printed under the pseudonym. Publishing the novel "Vanity Fair" (1848), he first subscribed to his real name. It was this book, which published in the journal "Punch" by monthly issues, brought him fame. Cooperation with a satirical magazine has become permanent, there was his "Snob's Notes" ("Snob Papers") and "Ballads of the Policeman X" ("Ballads of the Policeman X").

In 1845, after returning from a trip to the East and to Italy under the pseudonym Michael Angelo Titmarsh. Missed the comic diary "Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Cairo", where she was surmed by his travelers.

Around 1846, the number of his articles, essays and essays in the periodicals decreased, the writer focused on large works, began to draw more illustrations and cartoons. For the "Vanity Fair" followed the novels "Pendennnis", 1848-50), "ESMOND" ("The History of Henry Esmond", 1852) and "Newcomes", 1855).

In 1851-1853 He performed in London, Oxford, Edinburgh and in the United States with lectures on the literators of the 18th century, partly encouraged by Dickens. However, unlike the latter, he read no novels, but historical and literary essays. Of these lectures, who had success among the public, were two books: "English humorists of the XVIII century" and "Four Georg".

In 1854, Tekreki refused to cooperate with Punch. In the magazine "Quarterly Review" he published an article about Illustrator John Liche ("J. Leech's Pictures of Life and Character"), in which he gave this cartoonist.

In 1855, he made the second round in the United States - visited New Orleans and Philadelphia. In April 1856 he returned to England, where he continued to lecture.

In 1859-1862 He became the editor-of-Publisher "Cornhill Magazine" ("Cornhille magazine"). Due to the deterioration of health in April 1862, left a job.

William Teckerei died on December 24, 1863 from a stroke and was buried at the London Cemetery Kensal Green. His last novel, "Denis Duval" ("Denis Duval"), remained unfinished.

Fantastic in the work of Tekkesea.

Basically, the writer adhered to the principles of realism. However, he was not alien to riding the shortcomings of society in the form of magical fairy tales for children and adults. So, for example, in a fairy tale "Ring and Rosa, or the history of Prince Obalt and Prince Redela" Magic is reproving the life of several kingdoms and changes the fate of the heirs of the throne. And all because the fairy black wand forgot to invite to the christening. After was unrivorous, she turns the gatekeeper into the copper door hammer and gives the princesses of the Power standing on the threshold of war, the "droplet of adversity". From the princess, the girl turns into a servant ... Another heiress throne, capricious and angry. And it is time for walling. Fairy gifts to Prince Obalt and rebuild intervene. Magic ring and rose, increasing the attractiveness of owners, move from hand to hand, are transmitted or simply thrown out with anger, which is why many more curious situations arise. Black wand, repenting, trying to correct the situation and help in love to understand, because true love does not need magical means.

The Sultan Stork fairy tale (Sultan Stork) is an ironic variation based on a similar fairy tale "Calif-Stork" Gauga. In it, the ruler also turns to the bird.

Elements of fantastic realism are present in the essay "The History of the Future French Revolution" ("The History of The Next FRENCH Revolution"), the stories "Damn and painter" ("The Painter's Bargain") and the "Ghost of Blue Beard" ("The Bedford Row Conspiracy" ), Fairy Tale "Devil's Parish" (T "He Devil's Wager"), as well as in the story "The Speaking Machine" not translated into Russian.

Note to biography:

  • The pseudonyms of Tekkerea, under which articles and essays published in the periodicals: Thomas Carlyle, Lady Charlotte Bury, Patrick Fraser Tytler, Hon. George Sidney SMYTHE, R. H. Horne, J. H. Burton, E. J. Lane and many others.
  • Most of their works (novels, stories, stories, essays, articles) Tekcrech wrote from the first person - the person who some foreign sources also date to the author's aliases. it A Gentleman in Search of a man-servant; ARTHUR PENDENNIS; Boldomero Espartero; Charles James YellowPlush; Fitzroy Clarence; FOLKSTONE CANTERBURY; Frederick Haltamont de Montmorency; George Savage Fitz-Boodle, ESQ.; Growley Byles; Harry Rollicker; HENRY ESMOND, ESQ.; IKEY SOLOMONS, ESQ., Junior; Jeames de la Pluche; Jeames of Buckley Square; John Corks; Lancelot wagstaff; Leontius Androcles Huggglestone; M. Gobemouche; Major Goliah GaHagan; Master Molloy Malony; Michael Angelo Titmarsh; Miss Tickletoby; Mr. Brown; Mulligan of kilballymulligan; One of themselves; Peter Perseus; The Fat Contributor; The Honorable Wilhelmina Amelia Skeggs; Theophile Wagstaff; Theresa Macwhorter.
  • After school, Tekreki entered the Trinity College of Cambridge University, however, the happy and fruitful university period soon ended: the young man played in the card, and then lost the rest of his significant state at the collapse of the Indian real estate agency.

    At first, Tekcrech tried himself in graphics and painting. He took drawing lessons in Paris, subsequently illustrated his works. In 1836, he almost took place his creative union with Ch.Dikkens, who was looking for an artist for the posthumous notes of the Pickwick Club. He married in the same year on Isabelle Sho, he seriously appealed to literature. In the next decade, the composition of the teckeree in small genres (often under pseudonyms) decorated the pages of the best periodic editions of that time. In a series of literary parodies of the novels of the famous authors (Novels by Eminent Hands, 1839-1847), the writer showed a discerning taste and an excellent sense of style. In the past, the sympathy of Tekkemey was given to the eighteenth century, the age of reason, and personally - the city of Filding, T. asollette and other enlighteners. Tekkerei did not accept the idealization of the Middle Ages in Romanov V.Skotta, and his most stubborn parody was the Blessed End of Avengo - Rebecca and Rovena (Rebecca and Rowena, 1850). The son of his time, the tech, however, was not free from Victorian prejudices and, for example, in the characteristics of his favorite filding (Lectures, English humorists) showed himself a very strict moralist.

    The family life of Tekckerewa was dramatically. He had three daughters, but because of the developed mental illness of his wife, the spouses were forced to part. Tekkerei returned to the bachelor life, giving two daughters (the third died) to the care of the mother and stepfather. In 1846 he bought a house and transported daughters there.

    Glory and material well-being came to Tekker in 1847-1848, when the vanity fair (Vanity Fair) was published monthly issues. Roman tells about closely related among themselves, but in many ways the opposite fate of the two girlfriends on the boarding house; The time of action is the first decades of the 19th century. In the image of the bright adventurist of Rebecca Sharpe, for the sake of the position in the society forgot about conscience and honor, the writer gave a historically concrete English version of Balzakovsky Rastinyak. The name of the novel and the comprehensive image of the "Fair of the life of the life of the life" came from the Allegoric Roman D. Benyana Path of Pilgrim. An exposure of deeply struck by the Society of hypocrisy, selfishness and moral uncleanness, Tekckereius gave a meaningful subtitle to his essential novel: a novel without a hero.

    The spirit of criticism is imbued and other large-scale threaded novels: Pendennis, 1848-1850), History of Henry Esmond, 1852), Newcomes (The Newcomes, 1853-1855), Virginians (The Virginians, 1857-1859) , Adventures of Philip (The Adventures of Philip, 1861-1862). The writer found time for more modest literary enterprises: released five Christmas books (among them the housing ring and rose - The Rose and The Ring, 1854), wrote poems and ballads, read lectures in England and America (published in 1853 called English humorists The XVIII century - The English Humourists of the Eightenth Century), edited Cornhill magazine ("Cornhill", 1860-1862), where his catching was released, Widovel (Lovel the Widower, 1860), Philip and notes about different differences (Roundabout Papers , 1860-1863) - A series of essays written with the magnificent ease and demonstrating the wise maturity of his views on life. Two years later, Tekkerei left the magazine and began a new novel, Denis Duval (Denis Duval, 1864). The novel was not completed - the writer died.

    In novels, stories and essays, Tekkesey is deployed the widest picture of human existence, but it does not cover all social groups equally: the lower classes are relatively small. The writer was mainly with the highest circles of society and was especially interested in people who raised the reprehensible way, from the mercy or thanks to the tight wallet. He brought this multiple breed in the book of snobs (The Book of Snobs, 1846-1847). Briton, argued with the tecker, is typical of the desire by any ways to take a higher position.

    Tekkerei loved to tell stories and comment on them in the story of the story. Even the story of modernity, he played the role of the historian: the elected material represents the public domain, and in relation to it should be withstanding the distance. In the final of the Fair, the vanity of the Tekcrech went even further, introducing himself to the "puppeteer". This brilliant find has connected the cube technique to the art of keeping the story. The author fluently interprets about his characters and the course of action, as if the reader sits side by side with him and, together, watch the performance phantasmagoria. The image of the reader-interlocutor (from the filding - reader-friend) enriched the art of the narration.

    Witness William Tekckery writer is known to contemporaries thanks to the satirical novel "Vanity Fair", but in his bibliography a lot of valuable works, from the "books of snobs" to the fairy tale "Rose and Ring". For 52 years of life, the Englishman created dozens of novels and the leaders, implant society and power, and remembered the world as a "witty" word artist.

    Childhood and youth

    William Makepis Tekcket was born on July 18, 1811 in Calcutta, Colonial British India. The boy is the only child in the family of Richmond Techkeea and Ann Becher, who lacked parental love. Father died in 1815 from fever, and a year later the mother sent her son to England. The child was painfully survived the separation: judging by the portrait of William and Ann, written by George Chinnery in 1813, there was a close family relationship between them.

    In 1817, the woman married the first love Henry Karmaikla-Smith. 3 years later, the couple moved to England. The son saw his native face after a long parting, but not for long: he was sent to the closed school Charterhouse in London. Here the boy became friends with John Lial, the future cartoonist.

    In the last year of study, William got sick, and the arrival in Trinity College Cambridge had to be postponed until February 1829. The young man was not interested in accurate science, he published satirical articles in the University magazines "The Snob" and "The Gownsman". So failed to adapt to study, Tekkrei left Cambridge in the 1830th, having passed to Paris and Weimar, where acquaintance with.

    At 21, a young man received an inheritance from his father. Part of the money William lost to the card, another invested in the unprofitable newspapers "The National Standard" and "The Constitutional", which planned to be published. The collapse of the two Indian banks, where the remains of the inheritance were lying, turned the teckeree into the poor. The Englishman earned the bread painting of cartoons, which later decorated the pages of his writings, simultaneously published in the magazine "Fraser" s magazine ". In this edition, the first significant work of the writer" Katerina "was published.


    To create "Katerina", Tekckeree pushed the biography of Jack Sheppard, English thief and fraudster of the early XVIII century, written by William Harrison Einsworth. The novelist had an almost flattened description of a dangerous criminal, and Tekkrey decided to portray the world of crime as it was - ugly.

    The main character of the story was Katerina Haze, the last English woman, burned alive on the fire. The reason for such severe punishment was the murder of her husband. Despite the intention of the writer, finding the criminals, Katerina causes compassion as two of her lovers, assignments of murder.

    The resulting work did not like Tekker, so at his life "Katerina" saw the light once: from May 1839 to February 1840, the story was published on the pages "Fraser" s magazine "under the pseudonym Iki Solomons, Esquire, Jr.

    In 1844, in the same journal, the second novel "Career Barry Lyndon" came out, later reprinted under the name "Notes Barry Lyndon, Esquins, written by him". In the center of the narration - a nobleman-a fake from Ireland, who tries to get rich and enter the society of English aristocrats.

    In 1975, the novel was shielded. Barry Lyndon became one of the best films of the director: he was awarded four Award awards.

    Ryan O "Neal in the film" Barry Lyndon "

    In the late 1840s, William Tekkesey's name was discussed thanks to 53 short sarcastic notes, which in the 1848th came out in the collection format and got the name "Snob Book". But world fame to the writer brought the novel "Fair of Vanity". According to the quotation of the British himself, this work ascended his "to the top of a creative tree".

    The events of the novel unfold against the background of Napoleonic wars. Despite the threat of the destruction of the usual state system, the heroes of work are experiencing only for their lives and good: ranks, titles, material well-being.

    Tekkerei called the "Vanity Fair" "Roman without a hero", but the pupils of the Pension Miss Pinkerton, Emilia Sadli and Rebecca Sharpe are in the center of the narration. The first girl from the secured family, Chista miseles and Milovoid, but not endowed with a special mind, and her girlfriend is akin to the artist and a dancer who is ready to go on their heads for the sake of place under the sun.

    In the course of the work, the writer as if comparing two heroines: who lives better, who has more money - and who is happy. Each achievement of girls is a successful marriage, a major inheritance, the birth of a child - the trees rigidly ridiculed. It represents society as a fair on which everything is bought and for sale: values, love, respect.

    After the return of the novel, the writer was accused of an unnecessarily dark paint in the image of the company in an excessive dark colors, which Tekkrech answered that he sees people "disgusting stupid and selfish." However, the aristocrats and landowners, officials and diplomats, the Englishman did not pursue their goals to humiliate. On the contrary, I wanted to force the society to reveal the eyes to your own ignorance and arrogance.

    "Vanity Fair" is the most popular work of Tekkesea. At the moment, more than 20 shields are removed: dumb and sound films, radio stations, television series. The most "fresh" video action of the novel - the 7th serial series of 2018 with and Claudia Jesse in high roles.

    Having achieved a writer triumph, the Englishman did not throw writing. In 1850, the light saw the novel "Penenninis" (another name "History of Penennis, his success and infusion, his friends and his worst enemy"). The main character is Arthur Penadnance, a rustic guy who goes to London to find a place in life and society. Literary critics noted that the characters from this novel inherited the characters of the heroes of the "Vanity Fair".

    2 years later, Tekkerei released the "story of Henry Esmond" - the novel that the writer considered the best in the bibliography. Nevertheless, the English writer George Eliot called the work "the most uncomfortable book, which you can imagine." Such a review of the contemporary of Tekkemey Dalae because, throughout the novel, Henry Esmond seeks the location of the young girl, and the story becomes marrying on her mother. In 1859, the story was continued in the novel "Virginians".

    Personal life

    On July 20, 1836, William Tekcrech took In his wife Isabella Getin Show. Three children were born in the family: Ann Isabella (1837-1919), Jane (1839, died at the age of 8 months) and Harreieta Marien (1840-1875).

    The birth of the third daughter Harriet turned into a tragic event in the personal life of the writer: the postpartum depression began at the spouse. In September 1840, Tekkerei, wanting to help Isabelle overcome a difficult period, went with her to Ireland. During the crossing, the woman jumped out of the window to the open sea, but she was saved.

    In November 1840, the mental state of the Writer's wife deteriorated, it took professional care. For the next 5 years, the woman spent in Paris's psychiatric clinics, then the nurses were observed behind her. She never cured, but she survived her husband for 30 years, dies in 1894.

    Even when Isabella Nastiga Nastiga, Tekkerei remained faithful to the spouse in the legal sense, but he had a novel with a married British writer Jane Brookfield and some Sally Baxter.

    The most famous daughter of William is Ann Isabella - a bright representative of the late Victorian literature. And the younger child of the writer, Harriet, married the English historian Sir Leslie Stephen. The pair had a daughter of Laura, who inherited a mental disorder from the grandmother Isabella Getyn Show.


    William Techkeea's health began to deteriorate in the early 1850s, he was tormented by incontinence. In addition, the writer felt that he had lost inspiration. Because of this, he began to abuse food and drink, healing the "greatest literary incineration." The favorite seasoning of the British was red pepper, the frequent use of which destroyed the digestive system.

    On December 23, 1863, returning home after dinner, the writer suffered a stroke. The next morning, December 24, Techkeea discovered dead.

    The death of the 52-year-old Englishman became a surprise. The funeral in Kensington gardens visited more than 7 thousand people. The body of the writer rests on the Kencal Green Cemetery, and in Westminster Abbey, a memorial bust of Tekkesey, winged by the French sculptor Carlo Morroetty, was installed.


    • 1839-1840 - "Katerina"
    • 1844 - "Notes Barry Lyndon, Esquire, written by himself"
    • 1848 - "Snob Book"
    • 1848 - "Vanity Fair"
    • 1848-1850 - "Pendenness"
    • 1852 - "Married Ladies"
    • 1852 - "History Henry Esmond"
    • 1855 - "Rose and Ring"
    • 1857-1859 - "Virginians"


    Courage does not come out of fashion never.
    Good humor is one of the best elements of clothing that can be worn in society.
    A woman often dresses the donkey in fullness and brilliance of his imagination, admiring his tagumoy as a courageous simplicity, bowing to his selflessness as before courageous pride, seeing majestic importance in his stupidity.
    Always be right, always to go across, not doubting anything - it is with the help of these qualities that the stupidity manages the world.
    What love and loyalty can be compared with love and devotion of nurses with good salary.