Scientific popular magazines about science.

Scientific popular magazines about science.
Scientific popular magazines about science.

Scientifically popular literature literary works on science, scientific achievements and scientists intended for a wide range of readers. Scientifically popular literature is aimed at both specialists from other areas of knowledge and on ... ... Wikipedia

Scientific Popular Literature - Literature devoted to the presentation of scientific ideas in the form, an accessible understanding of the wide range of readers of non-specialists. For the rise of the generation of N. P.L. Source of knowledge of the diversity of the world, admission to the joy of the first independent scientific ... Pedagogical Terminology Dictionary

Russian magazines. I. Korlaska journals of the heyday of the serfdom (XVIII century). As in the West, in Russia, J. appeared later than the first printed newspapers. Their appearance was caused by the development of economic and public life and, in connection with ... ... Literary encyclopedia

Magazines - magazines. In St. Petersburg, the first Russian magazine "Monthly historical, genealogical and geographical notes in" Vedomosti "(1728-1736 and 1738-1742) - Literary art and scientifically popular ... ... Encyclopedic Directory "St. Petersburg"

The first Russian magazine "Monthly historical, genealogical and geographical notes in" Vedomosti "(1728 1736 and 1738,1742) began to go out in St. Petersburg (1728 1736 and 1738,1742), a literary and scientifically popular application for the newspaper" St. ... St. Petersburg (Encyclopedia)

Work on the science and her creators intended for non-specialists in this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. Transformation of science in a productive force, high rates of its development, growing differentiation and integration, its social character attracts ...

The first Moscow magazine "Useful entertainment" was referred to literary publications ("literary magazines"). In 1762 Professor I.G. Reikhel issued a "meeting of the best writings to the dissemination of knowledge and the work of pleasure ..." magazine, ... ... Moscow (Encyclopedia)

Church magazines - Rus. Periodic editions of the con. XIX NCH. XX century, mostly either partially dedicated to church singing. "Music and singing" monthly g., Published notes for one-haired and choral singing, piano and other tools and articles about music. ... ... Orthodox encyclopedia

Periodic editions for children of preschool, junior, medium and older school age. In Russia, the first children's magazine "Children's reading for the heart and mind" (1785 89), founded by N. I. Novikov, wore an educational character. IN 1 … Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Conquered Caucasus, Kaspari Alvin Andreevich. The book "Conquered Caucasus" first saw the light in St. Petersburg in 1904. Alvin Andreyevich Kaspari - a leaving from Germany, the Russian publisher and bookseller. He published the magazines "Motherland", ...
  • The conquered Caucasus: the struggle for the Caucasus. Great feats of Russian commander and warriors. Caucasus. The well-being of the magnificent region, Kaspari A .. The book "Conquered Caucasus" first saw the light in St. Petersburg in 1904. Alvin Andreyevich Kaspari - a leaving from Germany, the Russian publisher and bookseller. He published the magazines "Motherland", ...

We have already talked about the famous Russian scientific and popular journals, but should not say that Russia is not the whole world, and therefore there is a publication abroad, which may surprise at all, and often much more than domestic analogs. That is why today we will talk about popular science journals of abroad.

It is worth noting that there are their huge quantities, but not every resource or magazine can boast of special achievements or materials that they publish. In order to cut the grains from the spurred, we will talk about the most famous and famous, about those who have proven that the quality of the material is always worth in the first place. Let us turn to the top 5 scientific and popular foreign journals.


In fifth place - Scientific American - from a smaller to more, this is today's motto. And the fifth position boldly and confidently occupies the oldest scientific and popular magazine of the United States, who was published back in 1845 - Scientific American.

Initially Scientific American The magazine did not appear as such, it was a newspaper consisting of four pages in which wrote about new inventions. Most of the attention of the newspaper paid to the US Patent Office reports, which is not surprising, since the authority was the best source of useful information at that time. Over time, the magazine has ever developed more and more, its volume has increased, and not only to write about what discoveries occurred.

In addition, the magazine at the beginning of the 20th century was distinguished himself that I published the Encyclopedia of The Americana (which is considered one of the largest encyclopedia in English) in 16 volumes. It is also interesting to look at and how the magazine has changed its direction as part of the choice of the target audience.

It is impossible not to note the fact that there is a domestic version of the magazine - "in the world of science", which was published from 1983 to 1993, and after stopping the press, he again launched in 2003. However, he failed to collect the same audience, it is not difficult to determine this, it is enough to compare the circulation of the classic "sciam", which is about 500 thousand copies and a little more than 12 thousandth "in the world of science."

Along with the printed, there is an electronic version of the magazine, it is not difficult to find it on the Internet.

4. Scientific and Popular Magazine Discover

Fourth magazine Discover. - initially chose his audience of non-professionals in the world of science, however, simplifying the concept of filing the material, the magazine did not use materials about various kinds of "mysterious" phenomena such as UFOs, a snowman, etc. - Discover. In fact, the goal of the magazine initially could be interpreted as the search for the "golden middle" between scientific publications and light scientific and popular notes. Coming out in 1980 for the first time, the magazine was almost immediately able to conquer the confidence of the audience. In addition, it was here that quite serious scientific materials were published here, the authors did not forget that he would help to lure the reader. It is such a bait and an article about psychology and psychiatry. However, the magazine was the interest of their reader. One of the most popular headings was "skeptical about", in which the author tried to disclose the myths and fakes of the scientific world. Thus, this rubric has become the most read for several years. However, in two decades (in 2006), the magazine policy will undergo modifications associated with the change of management and many of the headings will disappear, and the magazine design will change.

Despite the fact that the magazine has written about serious things during its existence, this did not prevent the traditions of the "Propelle Raffle", when one article came out comic and in its essence was a hoax about what was written in the next issue of the magazine. However, it was impossible not to notice it, but even the refutation of the article-drawing still caused indignation from the readers of the magazine.

There is a magazine and at the moment, however, it is released only abroad, without having Russian-speaking analogues. We own the language can read the electronic version, and for those who do not have developed with knowledge of English, we can advise you to search for research and popular programs in Russian from Discamer magazine (such).

3. Popular Mechanics magazine

At the third position there is a magazine Popular Mechanics (popular mechanics), which has enormous popularity as abroad and in the CIS, about its Russian analogue we are already. So, meet - Popular Mechanics.. It makes sense to talk a lot about this journal, a part is known, and we mentioned the part last time.

However, a few words say still worth it. Popular Mechanics from January 11, 1902 and is a classic representative of the magazines of the popular science genre. The current circulation is more than 1 million 200 thousand copies, produces its publications in some countries of the world (including Russia, South African countries and others). There was a publication in Latin America, but it was forced to close.

Despite the fact that the circulation compared to the 80s of the 20th century decreased, it is impossible to say that the magazine has lost the audience. Reducing the circulation of 400 thousand is more connected to a greater extent with the fall of the interest of readers, but with the development of the Internet, which allowed to create electronic versions of printing options.

By the way, the site from English-speaking popular mechanics is available, and the subscription to this prestigious publication will cost you only at $ 12 per year, but on the domestic analogue of the site will not work out a subscription, however, you can register and free to buy magazines (old number - 59 rubles, new - 99 rubles, and the annual archive will cost 590 rubles).

2. Scientific Journal Popular Science

In second place in our top stands Popular Science.The present embodiment of popular science is currently produced in 45 different countries of the world, more than 30 languages, has many premiums and awards - Popular Science.

As with the magazine "Popular Mechanics", in an additional presentation this edition does not need, but not to say anything about it too. Initially, the magazine published the work of contemporary scientists, such as Darwin, Huxley, Pierce, Kettel and others, but the popularity, "popular science" found not immediately. And if during his appearance, the magazine managed to attach attention, then every year its popularity was faded, until finally, at the beginning of the 20th century he was not sold to a new publisher (by the way, this publisher was James Kettel, the articles of which were not once published in Popular Science). However, it did not help the magazine and in 1915 he was again sold. It was from this time that the active life of the magazine began and his flourishing. Almost virtually a century Popular Science organizes an innovative project - a betting platform for bets on the prediction of the newest inventions of humanity.

Now the journal is to achieve respect and popularity, which has erected it almost to the top, at least by the circulation (1.323.041 pcs. Copies - impressive, isn't it?), Popular Science takes at the moment the second line, and it is interesting or not. Already judge you.

1. Winner rating National Geographic magazine

The prize for the first place we decided to give a magazine National Geographic - Finally, we reached the publication, which in our opinion deservedly occupies a leading position among popular science magazines in the world. National Geographic. It is published in many countries, the magazine is produced in 33 languages \u200b\u200band not just achieved such popularity.

Binding in 1888, his parent was the national geographical society, which arose only 9 months before. Initially, only scientific articles were published, and the illustrations did not appear in the journal until 1905. It is since 1905 and the history of the magazine begins as a popular science.

With this year, a magazine is connected with a lot, but the most key, undoubtedly this appearance in the issue of the magazine of the mysterious and unknown in those times of Tibet. And this was the key event because these photos actually saved the magazine from ruin and created a corporate identity. It is noteworthy that in the territory of Russia these same photos, people saw in 1901 and only after 4 years the authors of the photographs (Russian travelers - Buryat Gombozheb Tsybikov and Kalmyk Ovus Nizunov) sold their work National Geographic.

National Crash Service

"Market of scientific and popular magazines"

Analytical Overview

Moscow 2012.

Market overview not

1.Positioning in the magazine market

2. Classification of popular science journals

3. Circulation and audience

5. Distribution of popular science journals

6. Public policy in relation to popular science journals

7. Is there a market? (About magazine and journalistic corporations, competition and struggle for the autonomy of this field)

Market overview not

This is the first analytical review of a separate segment of the press market prepared by the National Circulation Service. Such reviews we will prepare every month.

Why did we start this project, "reviews"? For 13 years of work in the field of crucible statistics, a certain material has been accumulated. There was a need to understand what is behind the numbers of subscription, retail, advertising budgets and the number of publications. What is the relationship between all these figures and content of magazines, between the economy of publications and the interests of their audience.

Why did we start with popular science journals? First, this segment is not very large, only four dozen publications. Start, for example, with women's magazines would be suicide. Secondly, these magazines fulfill a completely obvious social function. Education mission. Thirdly, this segment has a rather clear and transparent internal structure, which facilitates its description. And finally, most of these magazines were just interesting to read. So we have enjoyed during working hours.

What did we get, what are the main conclusions?

The conclusion is the first: there is no single market of scientific and popular magazines in Russia.That is, there is a segment of the press, combined by the similarity of the content, and the market as a competitive field - no. It disintegrates on three isolated groups of magazines.

A group of successful magazine business projects. The leader of this group is the domestic magazine "around the world", and the main array of this leadership group is licensed, that is, Russian analogues of foreign journals.

The second group is a Soviet scientific and popular classic that is trying to survive in modern conditions. It turns out hard and poorly.

The third group is RAS magazines, state and departmental, who live almost out of the market and depend only on their founders.

These three groups are not interested in each other and few people know about each other. They live in different conditions, do not constitute a single competitive space.

Conclusion Second: the segment of research and popular magazines has the potential of development. The emergence of new successful players is possible. Niche of historical magazines is not saturated and, in general, a broader nice popularization of social sciences, sociology, social psychology. Niche of psychological magazines can also accommodate new players.

Where will new actors on the field of a popular science press? First, there are still major foreign journals that can come to the Russian market. Secondly, the example "around the world" shows how successful the combination of the Russian-Soviet scientific and popular classics with modern management and advertising capabilities can be. The idea to "promote" in a similar way and turn into a successful media business at least "young naturalist", at least "chemistry and life" does not look utopia.

The output is the third. State policy for scientific and popular magazines is absent in Russia.There are no clear criteria for the allocation of state support of scientific and popular publications, and the practice of selection of address assistance surprises by non-obvious and subjectivity of choice.

Conclusion fourth.The lack of the market of this press segment is due to the fact that scientifically popular magazines have no profile advertising segment, such as women's or automotive magazines. But there is a market of scientific ideas and texts that are popularly set out. This market generates a huge army of consumers of these ideas and texts is the former Soviet intelligentsia, "educationals" and their children. The lack of infrastructure of this market, that is, the corporations of magazines and corporations of journalists of this profile, this is not an objective pattern, but simply the lack of initiative, supported by the minimum resource. A dense communication environment, a constant exchange of reviews and mutual professional criticism, collective protection of the popular science field from Petrikov and "Fomenok", this is not a complete list of topical tasks of such corporations.

In understanding what happens in the segment of popular science periodicals, Igor Kharicheva, General Director of Knowledge - Power, Leonid Naumova, Director for the Dissemination and Licensing of the Eid "Around Light", Elena Lozovskaya, Chief Editor of the Journal and life ", Egor Bykovsky, chief editor of the magazine" Science in Focus ", Lyubov Strelnikova, chief editor of the journal" Chemistry and life of the XX1 century ", Mikhail Kobylinsky, chief editor of" History in detail ", Maxim Borisov, Scientific Editor" Science in Focus ", Lettering the editor of the newspaper" Trinity Operation ". We thank these colleagues for help in preparing this review.

Igor Yakovenko,

General Director of the National Circulation Service

Market of scientific and popular journals of Russia

Analytical Overview

What happened in the 90s with scientific and popular logs of Russia can be illustrated by the table:

(From the article by A.G.Vagananova "Scientific and popular journalism and prestige of science in the public consciousness", / Russian Chemical Journal (LRCHO them. D.I. Imendeeva). - 2007. - T. 51, N 3. - S. 86-90.)

The sad record for the fall of the circulation among popular science journals belongs, perhaps the magazine "Young Naturalist", whose circulation decreased from Soviet times 320 times. Approximately the same level of incidence of circulation at the "Young Technique".

If in general, the thrown of periodicals fell on average by an order of magnitude, the domestic scientific and popular magazines collapsed on average for two orders of magnitude. In addition to them, such a collapse survived, perhaps, only the market of "thick" literary and art journals.

The external reasons for the crisis of the domestic scientific and popular press, such as the lowest prestige of science in modern Russian society and the fall in the standard of living (and therefore the purchasing power) of the most mass reader's audience of this type of publications are outside our consideration. The purpose of the review is a description of the market of popular science journals, its internal structure.

  1. 1. Magazine Positioning

Various catalogs and press directory give a variety of logs of magazines that are placed in the "Scientific and Popular" heading. Since the only and sufficient basis so that the magazine is marked by the vulture "Scientific and Popular" is the desire of the publisher, there are incidents. For example, the Russian Post Catalog refers to the popular science publications "AIDS-INFO", placing this edition next to the magazine "in the world of science." Next door to the "news of cosmonautics" also marked "Scientific and Popular" in the catalog there is a "UFO" magazine, further the newspaper "Healing", which also gives the following characteristics of its content: "Secret recipes, secrets of rejuvenation, money magic, state -wing tips Healers. " The youth magazine "Change" and other publications are given to the number of "scientific and popular", which are clearly not clear. Obviously, it is necessary to outline its borders to describe and analyze the market, and thereby determine the list of subjects of this market.

For inclusion in this review, 5 criteria were formulated, each of which is not necessary or sufficient:

  1. Self-optation, that is, the magazine itself refers to popular science.
  2. External positioning. The publication includes a scientific and popular section of the catalogs and reference books.
  3. Based on the content analysis of the publication, it is fixed that at least 30% of texts is dedicated to science.
  4. Based on the content analysis of the publication, it is recorded that at least 30% of the texts are written in the so-called. A scientific-popular style, that is, the authors report the products of scientific creativity and at the same time "translate" this information into language, understandable to non-specialists.
  5. The presence of authors and members of the editorial board of people known and recognized in the world of science.

The magazine was included in the review, if it matched at least three criteria.

The market of scientific and popular journals comes into contact (is in relation to intersection) for some more with 6 journal markets:

With scientific specialized journals with which they have a common subject - scientific knowledge, but different audience and language, style of presentation;

With specialized journals, such as traveling, which publish popular articles on country and history, but have another spectrum of tasks, not popularizing scientific knowledge, and maintaining the tourism industry; On the same basis, the review did not include health journals forming their own separate market;

Children's magazines that have a cognitive function, but another language and other audience;

Educational and pedagogical journals (in particular, the magazines of the "School Press" publishing house), which are part of the infrastructure of the education system and therefore are embedded in the market, functioning on fundamentally different laws;

Magazines of general interest (male, women's, youth), in which scientifically popular issues may be present, but, as a rule, it takes no more than 5-10%;

Industry magazines.

Taking into account the above criteria, the following 36 publications were included in the review:

  1. "In the animal world"
  2. "In the world of science"
  3. "Around the world"
  4. "World Pathfinder"
  5. "Amateur"
  6. "Earth and Universe"
  7. "Mirror of the World"
  8. "Knowledge is power"
  9. "Inventor and rationalizer"
  10. "History in detail"
  11. "Machines and mechanisms"
  12. "Science in Russia"
  13. "Science and life"
  14. "Science and Technology"
  15. "Science of first-hand"
  16. "Science in focus"
  17. "Our Psychology"
  18. "News of Cosmonautics"
  19. "Popular Mechanics"
  20. "Potential"
  21. "Nature"
  22. "Nature and man"
  23. "Technique - Youth"
  24. "Chemistry and life of the XXI century"
  25. "Ecology and Life"
  26. "Young naturalist"
  27. "Young technician"
  28. "Discovery"
  29. "GEO"
  30. "National Geographic"
  32. "Psychologies"
  33. "Beasts"
  34. "Moscow magazine. History of Russian Goverment"
  35. "Military Historical Journal"
  36. "Motherland"
  1. 2. Classification of popular science journals

The field of scientific and popular magazines of Russia is divided by at least 5 grounds:

By start time of the publication: on traditional brands with a more or less long history in Russia, and arising in recent years;

On domestic and foreign (licensed);

According to the degree of scientific, that is, at the location on the scale: "Respective-popularity";

On the versatility of the content, that is, at the location on the scale: "universal specialized" and, accordingly, on topics;

2.1. "Old" and "New Brands"

Old and new brands

No. p / p


Year of the first exit in the Russian Federation

Year of the first exit abroad


based on N.M. Karamzin in 1791 renewed in 1991


Resunted in 1989.


Resunted in 1994.

World tracker

Restored in 1998.


Young naturalist

Inventor and raciacalizer

Technique youth

Military Historical Journal

Young technician

Chemistry and life

Earth and universe

Science in Russia

In the world of science

ScientificAmerican-name of the American version

News Cosmonautics

Ecology and life


Germany of the same name

Popular mechanics

english PopularMechanics.

National Geographic

First-hand science


published in 7 countries

Our psychology

Machines and mechanisms

Science and Technology

began to be published in Kharkov

Nature and man

New Scientist RU

History in detail


Mirror of the world

Science in focus

Based on ScienceFocus magazine (BBC)

This table shows the history of the emergence and further dynamics of the market of popular science journals.

Of the 36 editions included in the review, 4 have a pre-revolutionary experience, 9 - Soviet, 4 were based in the 90s, 11 emerged in "zero" and 3 publications - in the last 3 years.

That is, the market of scientific and popular magazines of Russia is a young, forming and it is likely that its formation is not completed at all. The arrival of new players is possible, especially since there are relatively free niches, the presence of which we will consider in subsequent thematic analysis.

2.2. Domestic and foreign

There are 7 foreign brands in the market of popular science journals ("Science and Technology") published in Kharkov and extends to Russian in Russia and Ukraine.

The only foreign brand appeared in the USSR in 1983, -scientificamerican (magazine "in the world of science"), the remaining Western players came to the Russian market in the post-Soviet time - in the late 90s and in "zero" when the Russian advertising market was ripe and His coffee segment.



Moscow magazine. History of the state of the Russian

In the world of science


Popular mechanics

World tracker

National Geographic


Young naturalist

Science and Technology

Inventor and raciacalizer

New Scientist RU

Technique youth

Science in focus


Military Historical Journal

Young technician

Chemistry and life

Earth and universe

Science in Russia

News Cosmonautics

Ecology and life


First-hand science


Our psychology

Machines and mechanisms

Nature and man


Mirror of the world

History in detail

The domestic versions of foreign scientific and popular magazines that appeared in the Russian market today are dominated today, having almost one and a half times more cumulative circulation and dominant in the advertising market.

The cumulative one-time monthly course of licensed scientific and popular magazines is 964,500 copies. The cumulative one-time circulation of 28 Russian scientific and popular magazines is 628,847 copies. That is, on average, every Russian analogue of a foreign journal comes out in circulation 107 166 copies, and domestic circulation 33 097. (Discovery made magazine is excluded from this analysis, since this is a Russian magazine using a popular foreign brand without a license)

At the same time, the absolute leader in this market and the domestic magazine "Around the World" is an absolute leader in this market. Its circulation is almost 40% of the cumulative circulation of domestic (unlicensed) publications. If you do not take into account "around the world", then all other domestic research journals have an average one-time circulation 5 times less than licensed logs of this category.

However, it would be a simplification to believe that Western content and brand in themselves guarantee success in the Russian market. In zero years there were several unsuccessful attempts to edition in Russia licensed research and popular magazines. For example, Russian WecessionsPoLarscience, ScienceIllustrated, orNewSCientist / Lomonosov, who tried to publish, but have not been held in the market.

In more detail on the participation of popular science journals in the competition in the advertising market, it will be discussed in the fourth section of this review. Here, we will limit ourselves to the breakdown on the group on the sign of the presence or absence of advertising in them. Such groups are three: "A", "B" and "C".

These are 7 scientific and popular publications, successful in the advertising market. The advertising market for them is the main source of income.


Around the world
National Geographic
Popular mechanics
Science in focus

(The measurement data of TNSO 6 editions is given. The discovery magazine is missing in the TNS panel, a content analysis of the July number of this magazine and data are extrapolated at half a year, therefore, perhaps the volume of advertising this magazine is somewhat higher.)

This group includes publications who take certain steps to enter the advertising market, but the volume of advertising in them, as a rule, does not exceed 2-5 bands.

These are magazines: "Amateur", "Science and Technology", "in the world of science" (affiliate advertising, so you can attribute to the group "C"), "News of Cosmonautics" (also affiliate advertising or advertising of the founder), "World Traffic Parish" , "Mirror of the World", "Science and Life" (also on the border of groups "B" and "C"), "Chemistry and Life", "", "Science of first-hand", "Motherland", "Potential "(sponsorship).

"Knowledge-force", "Nature and Man", "History in detail", "Ecology and Life", "Nature", "Earth and Universe", "Inventor and the rationalizer", "History in detail", "Moscow magazine" , "Science in Russia", "Technique - Youth", "Chemistry and Life", Ecology and Life "," Young technician "," Young Naturalist ".

2.4. Scale: "Results-Popularity"

It should be noted that the place on this scale does not correlate with the place on the scale: "Interesting is boring", or "bad - good" magazine. This is the topic of another review. We analyzed the formal signs of content, and not its taste characteristics.

To determine the location on the scale: "The scientific relationship" in this review three criteria were used:

The share of scientific topics in the total publications;

Scientific and popular style of presentation;

The presence of scientists and well-known popularizers of science among authors and members of editorial board,

Based on these criteria, 3 groups of logs can be distinguished:

Group "A". Actually popular classic. Editions in which the share of popular skip themes is above 50%, among the authors more than half - the existing scientists, most of the materials are written by a popular science style. This group includes such, for example, the publication:

"Knowledge - power", "Science and Life", "In the World of Science", "Chemistry and Life of the XXI Century", "History in detail", "Science and Technology", "Science in Focus", "Popular Mechanics", " On the "Pole of Scientific Research" are the publications of the Russian Academy of Sciences: "Nature", "Science in Russia", "Earth and Universe", in which the style of material presentation combines elements of scientifically popular (publicism, imagery) and scientific (formula, graphics, tables, lists Literature used, etc.)

Group "B". Score balance and popularity.Scientific topics does not exceed 50% of the total magazine, among authors at least half - journalists, and not scientists, scientific and popular stylistics does not exceed 50% of materials, such genres as an essay, report, etc. are widely represented. This group includes main publications that have a large commercial success:

"GEO", "GEO", "NationalGeographic", "Psychologies", "Discovery", "Ecology". The "pole of popularity" can be accommodated, for example, "dilettage", which is composed of journalists and guests "Echo Moscow" , as well as all magazines about animals, intended mainly for adolescents.

Group "C". Conditionally popularly popular.The publication included in this group does not fully comply with the criteria of popular science journals. The reasons for each of the three editions are different, so let the comment on each magazine.

"World Tracks". Despite the presence in most directories and reference books in the "Scientific and Popular Edition" heading, as well as the appropriate self-positioning, is rather a tourist magazine. There are practically no materials popularizing science.

"Nature and man." Positions yourself as a "scientific and popular magazine for folk reading." The style of most publications is not scientifically popular, the morality intonations dominate, there is religious topics. This is the only magazine in which for money you can publish your poems and essays. Rodnik's heading, which publishes poems, is more appropriate in the literary and artistic edition, or in the district newspaper.

"Beasts". This is a children's magazine, which is trying to adapt for children information on zoology, animal ethology, paleontology. They turn out.

2.5. Scale: "Universal-specialized". Classification on topics

On the subject, Russian scientific and popular magazines are divided into 5 groups:

a) historical; b) psychological; c) about animals; d) technical; e) universal.

A. Historic.This group includes 5 scientific and popular magazines.

1. "Moscow magazine. History of Russian Goverment". The oldest historical and local history magazine, founded by N.M. Karamzin in 1791. In the XVIII century, it was the first Russian magazine with critical bibliographic and theatrical and critical departments. Bent in 1991. Circulation 5,000 copies. 96 lanes. Published with the financial support of the Department of Media and Advertising Moscow.

2. "Motherland" is published since 1879. In today's format since 1989. 160 strips. State publication established by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. The Board of Trustees consists of 15 governors, members of the SF Strub E.S. and vice president of AFK Sistema Kopeva V.V. Competitive advantages are derived from state status. Additional competitive advantage: The magazine is included in the WAK list for publishing the main results of the dissertations. The circulation in the output is not published.

3. The "Military Historical Journal" is published by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation since 1939. The publication was resumed in 1959. 80 bands. Competitive advantages arise from state status. Like "Motherland", included in the list of wak. Circulation 4 200.

4. "History in detail." Published since 2010. Included in the Russian scientific citation index. 98 stripes. There is no advertising. Circulation - less than 1,000 copies.

5. The "diletant" is published since January 2012 with the support of radio "Echo of Moscow". Circulation 15,000 copies. Advertising - 2, 3 and 4 lanes.

Niche of popular historical magazines is fill enough. There is a clear discrepancy between widespread interest in history and relatively small editions and an audience of the popular historical magazines in the market. At the "dilatant" there is a chance to fill this niche, because it is moving with a support on the millionth audience of "Echo Moscow". If the "amateur" does not use this chance, it is quite likely to appear in this niche of new players.

B. Psychological.In the group only two scientific and popular magazines:

1. Psychologies Russian version of one of the most popular French magazines published since 1970. Russia has been published since 2005. 162 stripes. Oriented mainly to the female audience. It is published by one of the largest IDs of Russia, HearstshkulevMedia / IntermediaGrup, which is an important factor in improving competitiveness in advertising markets and distribution. The campaign to promote the magazine in the start period was one of the largest shares of this kind in Russia. It takes 2nd place after "around the world" in terms of advertising among all popular editions. The real circulation of each room imported to Russia in the 1st half of 2012 amounted to 196,368 copies. (average).

2. "Our Psychology." Publisher "Noosphere". 156 bands, of which 20 lanes are on average to advertise, including advertising psychological services. Real circulation imported to Russia 29,200 copies. Authors - domestic practitioners psychologists.

Psychological journals have the greatest success from all thematic specialized groups of popular science publications. They collect advertising much more than others. They have the greatest circulation and audience compared to other popular science journals (except naturally universal). This is explained by the fact that the structure of interest in psychology is radically different from interest to most of the other sciences. If interest in physics, astronomy or history is based on curiosity, then in the interest of psychology, the practical component dominates. Slogan Psychologies "Find yourself and live better" and the very name of another magazine: "Our Psychology" talk about the motivation of readers is better than any comment.

However, despite the huge commercial and reader success of emerging psychological journals, they most likely not cover all the need for information on this topic. In this niche, there are still chances of achieving new editions.

B. About animals.In a group of 3 scientific and popular magazines (do not include dogs about dogs, cats, aquarium fish, since they relate to publications about hobbies):

1. "Young Naturalist" is published since 1928. Volume 48 bands. The dynamics of the magazine circulation is indicative:

1929 - 6,500 copies.

1978 - 2,600,000 copies.

2003 - 19,000 copies.

2012 - 8,000 copies.

2. "In the world of animals" has been published since 1998. One of the founders is the presenter of the popular telecast name of the N.N.Drozdov. Circulation 20 thousand copies. 48 bands from which are sold under an average of 5 - 6 bands. Advertising profile: feed and animal exhibitions.

3. "Beasts". Publishing house "Watermelon", Nizhny Novgorod. Circulation 30 651 copies. 20 bands from which advertising is present on the 1st cover of the cover. Target audience - children of junior and middle school age.

A feature of this thematic group is their orientation mainly on the teenage and children's audience and their extremely low circulation compared with Western counterparts. The reasons are most likely objective. Love and interest in animals in Russia is significantly less common than in the West countries and are, indeed, largely the lot of children and adolescents. The appearance of new successful players in this niche is unlikely.

Technical.The group includes 4 logs:

1. "Inventor and the rationalizer" is published since 1929. Circulation 3 112 copies. 32 bands. There is no advertising.

2. "Technique - youth" is published since 1933. Circulation 48 920 Ex. 64 stripes. There is no advertising. Published with financial support from the Federal Printing Agency and Mass Communications.

3. "Young technician" is published since 1956. Circulation - 4,033 copies. In the period 1956 - 1961 the circulation was from 300,000 to 2 million copies. 80 bands. There is no advertising. Competitive advantage: the magazine is allowed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to use various educational institutions in the educational process.

4. "News of Cosmonautics" has been published since 1991 under the auspices of Roscosmos and the troops of air-space defense with the participation of the permanent representation of ESA in Russia, the Association of Cosmonautics Museums and the RCC "Energia" named after S.P. Korolev. Circulation 8,500 copies. 74 bands, of which on the 2nd and 4th covers are placed advertising.

This thematic niche is most likely filled. Relatively small circulation and audience of magazines in this group are explained by the fact that interest in the most attractive technical object - to the car - is satisfied with hundreds of specialized automotive magazines. The prestige of the engineering profession significantly decreased compared with the Soviet period, which resulted in a decline in interest in the technique, which today was transformed into interest in computers, software, etc.

D. Universal or polydisciplinary.The group includes the bulk of popular science journals, 22 publications.

Universal publications


Beginning of publication



In the world of science Licensed Journal
AROUND THE WORLD Journal of the Russian Geographical Society
World tracker Rather, tourist than N.-P. magazine
Earth and universe

there is no data

Journal Ran.
Mirror of the world
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER Classic N.-P. magazine. Grant RosPeckat
Machines and mechanisms Despite the name, polydisciplinary magazine
Science in Russia

there is no data

Journal Ran.
SCIENCE AND LIFE Classic N.-P. magazine
Science and Technology 6 183 Published in Kharkov. Priority of military-tech. Subjects
First-hand science
Science in focus Licensed Journal
Popular mechanics Licensed Journal
POTENTIAL Recommended by the Ministry of Education

there is no data

Journal Ran.
Nature and man It does not quite correspond to the style of N.-P. Grant RosPeckat
Chemistry and life Classic N.-P. magazine
Ecology and life
Discovery. Uses the name of the popular channel without a license
Geo. Licensed Journal
National Geographic Licensed Journal
New Scientist RU Licensed Journal
  1. 3. Thiems and audience

Data on the tyrases of scientific and popular logs According to the degree of reliability can be divided into 3 categories: reliable (certified and past audit of the NTS), the stated (information in the weekend is not certified) and the false (circulation declared by the publisher does not meet the real, established NTS expertise) :


Circulation, Ex.


Around the world Circulation certified NTS
Popular mechanics Claimed circulation
Psichologies. In the weekend, false circulation 238 571 copies. (Medium for 1 half year)
NationalGeographic Claimed circulation
Discovery. Claimed circulation
Science in focus Claimed circulation
Geo. Claimed circulation
Our psychology 29 200 In weekend false circulation 65,000 copies
Mirror of the world Claimed circulation
Technique - youth Claimed circulation
Science and life Claimed circulation
Beasts Claimed circulation
Machines and mechanisms Claimed circulation
Science and Technology 6 183 In weekend false circulation 22,000 copies
Ecology and life Claimed circulation
In the animal world Claimed circulation
Amateur Claimed circulation
World tracker Claimed circulation
In the world of science Claimed circulation
Newscientistru. Claimed circulation
News Cosmonautics Claimed circulation
Young naturalist Claimed circulation
Knowledge is power Claimed circulation
Chemistry and Life XXI Century Claimed circulation
Moscow magazine. History Claimed circulation
Military Historical Journal Claimed circulation
Young technician Claimed circulation
Potential Claimed circulation
Inventor and rationalizer Claimed circulation
Nature and man Claimed circulation
History in detail

less than 1,000

According to the editorial office
First-hand science According to the editorial office
Earth and universe According to the editorial office

Magazines "Nature", "Rodina", "Science in Russia", "Earth and Universe" in violation of the law "On the media" do not publish information about their essays in the output. According to a strange coincidence, the law is violated by those publications, the founders of which are either the government of the Russian Federation and the presidential administration, or RAS.

There are no reliable data on the audience of scientific and popular magazines of Russia, and for most editions there are no data at all. Therefore, the market analysis is best done, relying on data on editions. The main media measurable, whose audience of the press, TV and radio is recognized as the main currency, is TNS. Analysis of the TNS methods. Comparison of the data TNSOB audience with real editions of publications shows that TNS information is not about the audience, but most likely about the awareness of the brand of publication. It is also an important indicator, although this substitution of the subject of the research itself is a serious problem of the advertising market.

However, in the absence of other data, we give the TNS figures about the "audience" of 6 scientific and popular magazines that entered the TNS measurement panel in September 2011 - February 2012:

Name of the magazine

Audience (thousand people)

Popular mechanics
  1. 4. Research and popular magazines in the advertising market

Information about the volume and advertising profile in magazines is much more transparent and reliable, since the method of calculation (content-analysis based on price-sheets) is visual and verifiable. In this review, you can allow inaccuracy that arises due to the fact that the calculation goes without taking into account discounts. According to TNS for 6 months of the 1st half of 2012, the volume of advertising in the most promotable scientific and popular magazines were such:

Name of the magazine

National Geographic
Popular mechanics
Science in focus

Absolute leadership in the advertising market "Around the World" requires a separate analysis. Some success factors lie on the surface: 150-year-old Russian brand, providing a 5 million-line audience-recognition plus modern management and orientation on business promotion on the advertising market. But the main success factor that has allowed the publication to use all the advantages mentioned and converted them to commercial success is undoubtedly the change of the owner in 2000, when the magazine acquired the CEO of Video International Sergey Vasilyev. Thanks to the connection of the capacity of the largest seller of advertising, we managed to create a modern publishing concern with a powerful sales department that produces several magazines, guidebooks and other products.

The cardinal difference of popular science journals from many other presses segments are that they do not have a corresponding profile advertising segment. Women's magazines correspond to women's goods, male - men. The automotive press segment is quite obviously focused primarily on the car market and related products. Etc. Research and popular magazines such a specialized market advertised goods do not have. We will not live on advertising telescopes.


Popular mechanics

National Geographic


Science in focus

Homeopathy, Pharmaceuticals, Medicine
Auto, Services for the sale of trans-ta, auto parts
State Organization
Specializer. Max
Media (TV, Radio)
Financial management services
Clothes, Shoes, Accessories, Haberdashery
Digital, household, largest, photo, video technique
Printed publications and other printing
Food, Grocery
Employment services
Perfumery, cosmetics
Advertising brand
Fuel and lubrication mate
Mass spectacles
Public funds
Electronic games, it, software, computer accosaara
Services in the education system
Trade organizations
Services of hairdressers and beauty salons
Total share stripes,%
  1. 5. Distribution of popular science journals


No. p / p


Price Retail

Price subscription for 1 month.

Number of exit


159.04 - Russian Post

12 times a year

800 - Russian press

12 times a year

World tracker

62,10 - Russian press

10 times a year


133 - Russian Post

12 times a year

Young naturalist

247.67 - Russian Post

12 times a year

Inventor and raciacalizer

182.62 - Russian Post

12 times a year

Technique youth

114,56 - Russian Post

12 times a year


209.07 - Russian Post

12 times a year

Young technician


224.24 - Russian Post

12 times a year

Chemistry and life

178.03 - Russian Post

12 times a year

Earth and universe


800 - Russian press

6 times a year

Science in Russia

700 - Russian Post

6 times a year

In the world of science

136,38 - Russian Post

12 times a year

News Cosmonautics

226.40 - Russian Post

12 times a year

Ecology and life

315,19 - Russian Post

12 times a year


61.20 - Russian press

12 times a year

147,81-Press of Russia

12 times a year

Popular mechanics

95,20 - Russian press

12 times a year

National Geographic

87 - Russian press

12 times a year

First-hand science

240.30 - Press of Russia

12 times a year


79,88 - Russian press

12 times a year

74 Press of Russia

12 times a year

Our psychology

75- Press of Russia

12 times a year

Machines and mechanisms

116,45 - Russian Post

12 times a year

Science and Technology

62.40 - Press of Russia

6 times a year

Nature and man


304.92 - Russian Post

12 times a year

213,49 - Russian Post

12 times a year

New Scientist RU

81,12- Press of Russia

10 times a year

Science in focus

121.20 - editorial

10 times per year


113 - editorial

12 times a year

Mirror of the world

150 Press of Russia

12 times a year

History in detail

370.89 - to the house of Rospech

12 times year

147,33 - Russian Post

12 times a year

Military Historical Journal


180 - Russian press

12 times a year

27.82 - Russian Post

24 times a year

Moscow magazine. History of the state of the Russian

144.69 - Russian Post

12 times a year

You can highlight 3 major strategies of popular science magazines in the market of sales of the circulation:

  1. Publications are commercially successful, the main income of which is advertising. Accordingly, the income from the sale of the circulation is non-critical, the circulation is important, the audience, which means the retail and the subscription price is as long as possible. Retail - 80-130 rubles; Subscription - 70-10 rubles).
  2. Editions for which the sale of the circulation is a substantial part of the budget. The pricing policy of these editions depends on the choice of tactics: to sell a little less, but more expensive, or increase sales by lowering the price plank. As a result, this category is characterized by a large price variation: retail from 25 to 300 rubles, subscription from 28 to almost 700 rubles.
  3. Publications, which for a number of reasons are outside of market competition. This is, first of all, 3 scientific and popular journals of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who have a guaranteed reader, since they are included in the list of wak and in the structure of the motivation of their reader audience there are not only curiosity, but also pragmatics. These magazines extend almost exclusively on the subscription and have the highest subscription price: 700 - 800 rubles per number.

Due to the current situation in the retail market, all scientific and popular magazines that have not having high advertising income (and these are all classical "Soviet" scientific and popular magazines except "around the world"), turned out to be actually cut off from retail chains, that is, from their mass reader . In order to place a magazine in 1 (one) Kiosk Network of the Metropress agency, it is necessary to pay 3,000 (three thousand) rubles. The kiosks are less "delicious" agencies are cheaper, but at least 2 thousand rubles for accommodation in one kiosk. The kiosker will take a maximum of 10 magazines with a vacation price of 100 rubles. That is, retail sale for publishers is a pretty serious cost of expenses, a lot of scientific and popular publications. Overcoming this barrier can only powerful publishing business concerns. The exception is only "science and life", which is present in all retail chains with the "magnificent seven." But this exception only confirms the rule.

6. State policy in relation to popular science journals

Russia is a signator of a number of international agreements in support of science and culture, including the Florentine agreement on the duty-free import of materials on education, science and culture.

Regarding scientific and popular magazines, public policy is manifested in 5 different forms:

  1. Direct financing. Rospinger grants, with the support of which scientific and popular magazines are currently produced: "Knowledge is power", "Nature and Man", "Technique - Youth", and "Young technician". "Moscow magazine. The history of the Russian state "is published with the support of the Department of Media and Advertising Moscow. "" is published with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science.
  2. Foundation from government agencies. "Motherland" is established by the Government and the Presidential Administration, the "Military Historical Journal" - the Ministry of Defense, the "News of Cosmonautics" go "under the auspices" of Roscosmos.
  3. The foundation from the Russian Academy of Sciences have "Nature", "Science in Russia", "Earth and Universe"; From the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences - "Science of First Hands".
  4. The inclusion in the list of VAC and the Russian scientific citation index (RINTS). The list of VAC includes "Nature", "Earth and Universe", "Motherland" and "Military Magazine". RINTS included: "Inventor and rationalizer", "History in detail."
  5. Recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science for use in the educational and educational process of educational institutions have "techniques - youth", "Ecology and Life", "Young technician".

All listed forms of state support of popular science journals, except for the direct foundation of government agencies, have the right to exist, and could have a beneficial effect on the development of this segment of the periodicals, since they create counterway the influence of the advertising market and thereby increase the autonomy of the field of the field of research and popular Press.

However, the above list of addressees of various forms of state support cause some perplexity of their, to put it mildly, in no way of us. It is hardly possible to cause issues to support such editions as "knowledge - power" or "Young technician". But what was so loved by RosPinger officials, for example, the magazine "Nature and Man", leaving a lot of issues regarding his belonging to the category of scientific and popular publications and placing articles for money? To eliminate the subjectivism in this matter, the criteria for state support should be clearly formulated. In the order of Rospinet of February 27, 2012, "On approval of the criteria for the selection of recipients of state support for media provisions" there is no mention of editions that popularize scientific knowledge and, accordingly, there are no criteria for helping these publications.

The lack of a clear and self-partition state policy regarding scientific and popular magazines can hardly be considered the main problem of Russian media, but for most scientifically popular journals this problem is very relevant.

7. Is there a market? (About magazine and journalistic corporations, competition and struggle for the autonomy of this field)

Completing the review, I will try to answer a somewhat sacramental and rhetorical question: "Is there a market of popular science journals in Russia?"

Under the market in this case it is understood as some competitive environment in which manufacturers actors (in this case, manufacturers of popular science content) are struggling with each other for obtaining the maximum number of readers and money. One of the important functions of the market is an information function, that is, knowledge of market entities and produced by products. As part of this study, we conducted an expert survey, to participate in which the main editors and general directors of all magazines included in the review were invited. The expert questionnate was invited to give a brief description of each market entity. Not everyone responded, which is understandable. People are extremely busy. But we got a dozen one and a half of the response. Almost all experts, at one and only exception, could not give a characteristic of more than 3-5 editions of three dozen included in the review. Moreover, in a number of cases of assessing our best experts (and who can better know the publication than a competitor) turned out to be erroneous. Not errors of opinion, but fact errors. That is, leading specialists in the market of popular science journals do not speak information about the subjects of this market. It can only mean one thing: this information is not needed. And this, in turn, means that there is no single market of popular science journals.

The publications we investigated in this review do not see each other in the emphasis. Even those that are obviously located in one niche. On the website of the Rodina magazine, the first phrase of the presentation sounds like this: "Motherland" is the only popular historical magazine in Russia. " The Magazine "Dieletanat", which appeared in January 2012, presents itself on the "Echo of Moscow" as the "First Historical Journal". What is the competition? What is the market? Each of the 36 magazines is the only and unique!

The "magnificent seven" of scientific and popular magazines successful in the advertising market competes with each other, as well as not to a lesser extent with other advertising and successful publications from categories of women's, male, consumer, automotive, etc., since the advertiser does not buy Content magazine, and his audience. There are no individual segments of advertising producers specific to popular science publications, and if there is, it is the crumbs to which the market will not live.

Classic, "Former Soviet" scientific and popular magazines are fighting for survival through the struggle for a subscription and building relationships with officials for receiving publications.

Magazines of the Russian Academy of Sciences and state publications are generally out of the market, do not depend on anyone, except for established their bosses.

There is no single market of scientific and popular magazines, because it disintegrates several sub-markets in accordance with the categories of publications.

However, there is a market of scientific ideas and the market of texts that are popularly set out. This market has a huge army of consumers. For its development, infrastructure is needed, magazine and journalistic corporations. Simply put, well, when those who write and publish texts read each other, write to each other reviews. When sometimes they say a colleague-author: "Well done, old man! I reread your article twice. " It is useful to sometimes say: "Something you, a friend, in the last text of the rooster let me go." All this was: and the club of scientific journalists (there is also today) and the "Centaur" contest. The competition seems to be resolved, and the club would be good to give a new impetus, try to transform it into a collective reference group, which in the mode of constant discussion and discussion works to increase the plank of scientific journalism.

The development attribute in any social sphere is the presence of a dense communications environment. The sphere of scientific and popular journalism is no exception.

Many people are interested in news of science, but do not possess special scientific knowledge. For them, there are popular science publications, many of which have their own sites.

National Geographic

This monthly magazine is the official publication of a national geographical society based in the United States. He has been published since 1888, and since 2006, Russian has been added to the number of its language versions. Among the main themes of the magazine are geography, biology, culture and history. On the National Geographic website you can get acquainted with the announcements of articles, view photos, video recordings, blog entries, and cards.


GEO log has existed since 1976. Since 1998, he is published in Russia. This journal is dedicated to expeditions and travels, as well as nature, science, culture, ethnography, psychology, etc. The GEO website publishes articles, travel reports, biographies and interviews, there is a photosmunity here.


This monthly magazine, as follows from his name, is devoted to psychology. It was founded in France in 1970, and is now published in a number of European countries, including in Russia. On the official electronic page of Psychologies, you can read articles about psychological health, self-knowledge, relationships with spouses and parents. There are tests, polls, a rubric, in which practitioners psychologists respond to readers' questions and much more.

"Around the world"

The monthly scientific and educational magazine "Around the World" is considered the oldest in our country: it is published since 1861. His subject is geography, ethnography, biology, culture, history, biographies of famous people and much more, including cooking. There is an electronic version of this magazine, as well as the project "Encyclopedia around the World". This encyclopedia contains over 1000 articles. There is a daily Internet edition "Telegraph around the world", where articles are updated every day.

"Science and life"

The monthly magazine "Science and Life" was founded in 1890. The subject of "science and life" includes different spheres of science, as well as their application to ordinary life. On his site you can get acquainted with all articles published in the journal since 1997. Also there is a forum and online store.

"Popular Mechanics"

The magazine "Popular Mechanics" exists relatively recently since 2002. It is devoted to news in the field of science and technology. Here you can find out what new happened in aviation, automotive, space, production and development of weapons, etc. The site of this magazine provides its users with the opportunity to keep blogs, view videos, communicate in thematic communities.

Few people know that popular science journals that have been inherited from the Soviet era still live, although they are experiencing difficult times. It is not for sale in retail to them, but there are no advertisements for them. Scientific and popular magazines live for funds from the sale of circulation. So in Russia, a unification of the profile press was created, the purpose of which was the development of its own distribution system. Magazines "Science and Life", "Knowledge - Power", "Chemistry and Life - XXI Century", "Ecology and Life", "Traveling in Light", "Young Technician", "Science of First Hand", "Machines and Mechanisms "Forced the Commonwealth of Research and Public Editions of Russia" The Right of Cognition ". One of its main tasks was the development of a distribution system for such editions. Today, the interest in popular science journals appears again. In addition to legendary publications, new, no less fascinating appear. Quality scientific and popular magazines are needed by researchers as well as schoolchildren and students. First of all, it is the expansion of the croargroor in the adjacent areas of knowledge. At the same time, magazines change qualitatively: more illustrations began to be published in the publications, some changed the gray paper on the gloss, advertising appeared. And yet problems in the market of popular science magazines mass, and the most important of them is the future of this market segment.

The magazine is popular containing information about the foundations of sciences, on theoretical and (or) experimental studies in the field of science, culture and practical activity. Its functional purpose is to serve the dissemination of knowledge and self-education, to promote the formation of the scientific worldview and expanding the horizons of the reader, to popularize the achievements of science, technology, culture, art. Along with the information of the specified nature, scientific and popular magazines publish materials of practical, entertainment and literary and artistic content, which once again emphasizes their wide reading orientation. Related signpost on popular journals, which publish various materials with various topics: culture, sports, life, construction, building materials, home interior and arrangement, such as the topics about carpets, where to kite outdoor carpets and how to choose them, Read more , as well as with the subject of leisure. Such magazines are focused on a wide reader audience. Their topics covers a large range of issues from various spheres of life and activities of the Company. They are very diverse in design methods designed for attractiveness and practical use (for example, patterns in fashion magazines). As a representative of this species, a whole group of leisure journals can be called, which usually contain publicly available information on the organization of life, a variety of forms of amateur creativity, various hobbies, publish materials about theater, cinema, artists, athletes, etc.

Social and political magazine Publishes articles and materials of other genres related to socio-political subjects and are relevant. It may also include satirical and humorous works, as well as information of the industry and popular science character, it has a wide target orientation and is designed for a diverse mass reader. They can be both specialists engaged in social sciences, and, in particular, political scientists and other categories of readers, showing interest in public or political life. Such a magazine in a specific species can be focused on the youth reader, and the women's audience, and certain groups on professional or party signs. In literary and art journals, the main place is occupied by artistic literature of various genres, as well as critical and journalistic materials that are aesthetic and ideological impact on the reader. The described types of mass magazines can be divided not only taking into account the diversity of the mass reader, but also on the signs of regional, national, departmental affiliation, as well as the publishing organization.

Electronic catalog of popular science journals The most complete log directory with references for free download. Here you can download both fresh magazines in 2010 and completely rare editions miraculously survived.
Electronic versions
popular science journals
Annotations of articles and materials of the magazines "Nature", "Science and Life", "Nature and People", "Technique - Youth."
"The boundaries of infinity"
- Online archive of scientific, popular science
News digest about man, land, universe, technologies from various scientific and popular electronic and paper editions.
"Science and life"
- Scientific and popular magazine portal
News Science and Technology, online interviews with famous scientists, video. Archive of the magazine since 1998, materials of the fresh room. Forum.
Catalog of scientific and popular magazines Self-renewable electronic library of books, information in which users add consonants with the fact that they do not violate copyright rights. This site only links to other resources.
"Knowledge is power"
- Scientific and Popular Journal
Materials of fresh release (events in the world of science and technology). The history of the creation of the magazine. Photo gallery. Archive since 1998. Collection of covers since 1926 details of the editorial office. Subscription information.
"Science and Technology"
- Scientific and popular magazine (rare publications)
Electronic versions of rare scientific and popular publications about paradoxes and riddles of science and technology.
"In the world of science (SCIENTFIC AMERICAN, - popular magazine Publications on the news of science and technology, technology, scientific theories. Journal announcements, selective articles. Archive: Room Contents, Paid PDF Files.
"Young naturalist"
- Scientific and Popular Journal
Announcements of the rooms. Materials of the latest issue of the magazine. Information about subscription. Contact editors.
- Scientific and popular online magazine
The magazine about the world (both real and virtual) in which we live. Thematic archive. Discussion of materials in the forum. Timeline.
- Scientific and educational magazine
Library of articles. Information about the journal.
- Scientific and cultural magazine
Materials of the fresh number of the scientific magazine of a wide profile. Archive of issues since 2001. Information about the newspaper. Contact editors.
"Elements" - a popular site about fundamental science Scientific news. Nature of science: interesting articles on physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, etc. Library of publications. Calendar of scientific conferences and symposia. Science support programs, etc.
"Popular Mechanics"
- Elemented Magazine
Articles on technologies, history, weapons, etc. Archive of numbers. Subscription conditions.
- Scientific and popular portal
Research and popular articles and news on space, health, technology, environment, etc.
- Portal about science and technology in Russia
Interviews, expert opinions, announcements of events in the field of science and innovation. Innovative projects. On the Federal Target Scientific and Technical Program (leadership, participants, etc.).
"R & D CNews"
- News Science
Electronic publication dedicated to science and modern technologies. News feed, thematic publications, research and reviews. Forum.
"Computent. Science and Technology "
- timeline
News feed on science and technology
"Vivos Voco!"
- educational project
Publications from scientific and popular science publications in the field of natural science, literature, history, languages \u200b\u200b(nature, man, etc.). Texts of rare publications, review of new books, links.
"NG-science" - an application to an "independent newspaper" Publications on the development and discoveries in various branches of science, history, etc.
"Epistemology and philosophy of science"
- Scientific and theoretical magazine
Information about the scientific and theoretical journal of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Information about subscription. Rules for authors. Contact editors.
- Online Magazine
Publications in art, literature, science, philosophy, etc. Galleries of images.
- Cognitive video site
Videos about new technologies, the Internet, the future, etc. Interesting author's video translated into Russian.
"DXDT.RU - science in pictures"
- Entertaining Internet Journal
Overview of illustrations for scientific and accomplishing Internet publications with copyright comments.
"News of Science and Technology"
- digital library
Messages about the most important and interesting events.