Famous artists leave the theater of Oleg Tabakov. Oleg Tabakov Theater leaves famous artists childhood and junior years

Famous artists leave the theater of Oleg Tabakov. Oleg Tabakov Theater leaves famous artists childhood and junior years
Famous artists leave the theater of Oleg Tabakov. Oleg Tabakov Theater leaves famous artists childhood and junior years

Rodion Cheonkin, National News Agency, 3.03.2007

The Moscow Theater under the leadership of Oleg Tabakov, a gentle-nicknamed "Tabakcoque", on Thursday celebrates anniversary. The theater marks 20 years.

It would seem that this is 20 years? But how many in these two decades the theater has grown up actors, respected all over the world, known to every person throughout the sixth of the Sushi, loved by millions of spectators outside geographic categories!

In the theaters, it is customary to list the actors according to the alphabet, allegedly not to disappoint anyone; In "Tabakcoque", no matter how to list - still it will not be possible to rank in popularity, nor at the length of years, nor in the age basis. Cherry on the cake is one, and it is tobacco, but how to share further, it is not clear: there will be no pieces of large or smaller. Just listen: Vladimir Mashkov, Marina Zudina, Evgeny Mironov, Sergey Bezrukov, Evdokia Germanov, Alexander Mokhov, Andrei Smolyakov, Natalya Zhuravleva, Mikhail Khomyakov, Sergey Belyaev, Alexey Zoltsitsky, Olga Blok Mirimskaya, Marianna Schulz, Vitaly Egorov, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Olga Krasko, Yaroslav Boyko, Denis Nikiforov, Igor Petrov, Sergey Ugryumov and a few more tens of names, whose alone will turn into the thrill of any person. Someone comes, someone leaves, choosing other paths - and therefore the theater lives. The youth comes: then here you can see Daria Kalmykov, here Lina Mirimskaya appears on the big screen more and more often, Jan Sexteke receives the "Triumph" award, Fans of Ivan Lykova already occupy a service entrance, a great future criticism of criticism to be completely new troupe members. Listed all the actors are impossible. This cake is completely different, there is no confectionery and not bakery. Oleg Tabakov and his chocolate factory.

It all started from his course. A simple mug, which he organized, being the director of the "contemporary", in 1973, when Valery Fokin, Andrei Drozin, Konstantin Raykin, Avangard Leontyev, Joseph Raikhelgauz, Vladimir Poristev, Sergey Sazison: All those who are currently affected by theatrical The atmosphere is not only one of the capital, but also the world. In 1977, they were handed over a coal warehouse on Chaplygin Street, 1a, which they disassembled on their own and made a tiny basement studio from it. The first performance was "with the spring I will return to you" on the play by Alexander Kazantseva. But for a long time to exist, the basement did not give officials, closed. And only in 1986 the order was signed on the creation of the Studio theater.

Andrei Smolyakov recalls that period when he was forced to wander without work after the ban to play in the basement, suddenly learned about the order of 1986:

- The discovery of "Tabakcoque" was a holiday for actors. Then because it was already practically lost hope for the opening of this theater, and all that seemed to us, rushed into oblivion. And so, suddenly, allowed. It was joy, happiness.

Then they, disciples and already real actors rebuilt on their own anew anennial Salchik for 110 seats, and the theater earned officially.

Of course, this does not mean that exactly on March 1, 1987, the doors of the basement on Chaplygin opened. The formation of the theater was not easy and sometimes held on one enthusiasis of actors, treated at the greater account at the studio school at MCAT. A. P. Chekhov on the course Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov. But from the first play, the viewer arrived everything and arrived. Theater glory grew from every second. From some moment you get into the basement with a simple viewer it became impossible. "Sailor Silence", "Biloxi-Blues", "Auditor", "Mechanical Piano", "Square Boccottar", "Star Hour to Local Time", "Passion on Bumbarash" - the lucky ones watched them several times, scenes from these productions He studied by heart, replicas became passwords for dedicated.

There were also difficult times. In the mid-90s, Oleg Tabakov realized that they could not feed everyone, and came up with the performances of several people, which becomes the next "know-how" "tobacker". Now performances can also go in thousands of the halls, and in the basement, and in the small beggar theaters of the district centers of the Moscow region, and on the main scenes of America, Europe, Japan? Problems, because of which the theater deprives many leading actors, there are now: what to do, "Tabakov's children" grow and want more. But the backbone remains the same. And the basement on Chaplygin is the same. More beautiful and equipped, but the same.

The best performances of the troupe were awarded prestigious theatrical awards. The big half of the actors no longer holds in the program due to the instructions of their awards and regalia. Yes, and here, programs and regalia, if at the celebration of the 15th anniversary five years ago, nor the hall nor the foyer contained all the guests. Higher government officials literally stood on the tables. Therefore, this year, the other theater of Tabakov - MHT them. A. P. Chekhov. Around the connections between the two theaters, which Oleg Pavlovich managed, walks by anything of those who are not reinforced by rumors about the jealousy of one to others, but all this fiction. And the basement for Chaplygin, and the artistic in Camerogensk friend is friends, go to visit each other, put performances, stirring the troupes of both theaters. So there will be a cabbage, and the joy of meeting, and congratulations, and everything will be in Tobacco.

"Our business is" tobacco "," Sergei Nikitin was sang once a big friend. And it seems, especially on such days that these words can try on many, very many, not necessarily associated with the scene, people living in different points of the world. Congratulations, "Tabakerka"!

Oleg Tobakov was created by People's Artist of Russia. In his repertoire and classic, and modern plays. Today, this theater is among the best not only in Moscow, but also in Russia.


Theater "Tabakcoque", the photo of the building of which is presented in this article, began its existence in 1978. His creators - actor and director O.P. Tobacco and artist D. Borovsky. They found the basement for the theater in a residential building on Chaplygin Street. Pupils and teachers of the workshop of Oleg Pavlovich in Gitis with their own hands cleaned from the garbage and painted the future of herring. The hall was very small, it consisted of only 10 rows. Initially, it was the theater Studio, which was led by Oleg Tabakov. Then she changed its name. Gross to the theater "Tabackerka".

The troupe was determined in 1974. It was then that Oleg Pavlovich chose adolescents to teach in her studio. Children trained under the program of the theater university, they were taught several items: stage traffic, acting skills, etudes, speech, etc.

The most talented students of O. Tabakov invited to his first course in Gitis. It is these graduates who amounted to the first Tabakcoque troupe. Among them were: Elena Majorova, Sergey Gazarov, Larisa Kuznetsova, and others.

The first play "Tabakcoque" was put on the play "and with the spring I will return to you ...". The young team immediately became popular. The audience fell in love with him. But the Soviet government remained indifferent to him. The theater was denied in all requests. As a result, the artists wandered over strange scenic sites. As a result, Oleg Pavlovich was forced to attach his actors into different theaters of the capital. After that, he scored the second course of students in Gitis. Of these, the second troupe was formed.

The theater "Tabackerka" returned to his basement. The rehearsals began with the new actor. In 1987, Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov achieved a state status for his theater. For many years, Tabacakerki troupe has been replenished in the main graduates of Oleg Pavlovich. So, at one time, such personalities came here, as Vladimir Mashkov, Sergey Bezrukov, Yevgeny Mironov, Jan Sexte, Olga Krasko and others. The first three broke into the cultural life of the country is bright, rapidly and forever.


The theater "Tabakcoque" The repertoire of his audience offers the following:

  • "Storm. Variations";
  • "Devil";
  • "Every day is not Sunday";
  • "School Zhen";
  • "Unnamed Star";
  • "Actor";
  • "Sister Nadezhda";
  • "Emma";
  • "Biloxy-blues";
  • "Wife";
  • "Two angels, four people";
  • "Madonna with a flower";
  • "Marriage 2.0";
  • "Fear and poverty in the Third Empire";
  • "Marriage Belugina";
  • "Cricket on the furnace";
  • "Wolves and sheep";
  • "Marriage";
  • "Story about happy Moscow";
  • "Year when I was not born";
  • "Gull";
  • "Epifanic gateways";
  • "Adventure";
  • "Waiting for Varvarov";
  • "Doll for the bride";
  • "Viy";
  • "Fathers and Sons";
  • "Life is your friend's own";
  • "Three sisters";
  • "Jeppe-s-Mountain."


The troupe employs wonderful artists. According to their numerous roles in the cinema and serials are familiar with a wide audience actuy theater "Tabakcoque". List of artists and traffic troupes:

  • E. Germanov;
  • M. Zudina;
  • O. Krasko;
  • A. Chipovskaya;
  • I. Eidlen;
  • O. Blok-Mirimskaya;
  • A. Smolyakov;
  • E. Kashporov;
  • R. Heirullina;
  • A. Lapteva;
  • E. Miller;
  • N. Elenev;
  • I. Sex;
  • M. Homyakov;
  • O. Lenskaya;
  • A. Usoltsev;
  • V. Bricchenko;
  • I. Shibanov;
  • S. Belyaev;
  • M. Sachkov;
  • A. Limin;
  • D. Paramonov;
  • A. Fomin;
  • M. Schulz;
  • N. Kachalova;
  • P. Tabakov.

And there is still a lot of bright names.

Invited artists

Theater "Tabakerque" actively cooperates with many famous artists.

The following invited actors participate in the production:

  • Sergey Bezrukov;
  • Christina Babushkin;
  • Avangard Leontiev;
  • Maxim Matveyev;
  • Alexander Sechov;
  • Valery Hlevinsky;
  • Vladimir Krasnov;
  • Daria Moroz;
  • Raisa Ryazanov;
  • Rostislav Baklanov;
  • Juliana row;
  • Danila glass;
  • Olga Barnet;
  • Ivan Melnikov;
  • Natalia Teniakova;
  • Irina Pegova;
  • Alexey Knyazev;
  • Boris Carpenters.

And many others.

Head of theater

Theater "Tabakcoque" was founded by his permanent artistic director, the rector of the School-Studio MCAT named after Anton Chekhov, the folk famous actor O. P. Tabakov.

Oleg Pavlovich was born in 1935, on August 17 in the city of Saratov. His parents were doctors. Oleg Pavlovich in high school engaged in the Palace of Pioneers. That is what influenced his choice of profession. In 1935, O. Tabakov became a student of the Studio MCAT. He was one of the best ones. The first role in the movie the artist played still as a student. The first theater in which Oleg Pavlovich served as an actor was "contemporary". At that time, his leader was Oleg Efremov. After the latter was transferred to MCAT, O. Tabakov headed the "contemporary".

In 1973, Oleg Pavlovich decided to become a teacher and teach young people. As a result, O. Tabakov organized his studio.

In 2001, he received the position of artistic director in MCAT named after A.P. Chekhov.

Today, Oleg Pavlovich leads two theaters, filmed in films, playing in performances, teaches and engaged in social activities.

Whoever be, Alexandra did not think: the creative atmosphere that reigned at home, childhood behind the scenes of theaters and on the shooting film blocks predetermined the choice. She studied Tabakov well, especially succeeded in the exact sciences.

After graduation, the girl went to school-studio MCAT. Father and mother, actress, did not mind. Sasha came from the first attempt and hit the course of Vladimir Bogomolov. The mentor of the acting skill Kira head quickly saw in Sasha Talent: the girl taught grabbed on the fly. Alexandra Tabakov turned out to be a person in deep and multifaceted, was interested in literature, painting.

On the course with Alexandra, children of stars studied:, Maria Evstigneev ,. Teachers allocated tobacco as the most talented on course.


In 1987, Alexander Tabakova was awarded a diploma. The teachers advised the favorite to stay at the university, repeating that an excellent mentor could come out of Sasha. - The teacher on stage speech - persuaded the most, but Alexander sought to the scene. He joined the theater troupe led by the Father, where her creative biography began.

The artist was debuted in the film "Chair" film, the directors of whom Oleg Tabakov and Vladimir Khramov became. In this formulation of the Studio Studio, Tabakov, Alexandra entrusted an episodic role. The frame appeared with the famous artists, and. Bright image got.

A year after the end of the university, theatrical actress Alexander Tabakov tried the strength in the cinema. Directed by Vasily Pichul called the girl for the role of Lena purple, the best friend of the main character of faith in the social drama "Little Vera". The ribbon was filmed in the hometown of Pichula - Mariupol.

Key character - Marinina faith - brilliantly played. All actors who played the main and minor heroes became famous for the whole country. It was famous for the young, reminded of himself and.

Drama, published on the screens in the midst of restructuring, had the effect of a broken bomb. Ribbon, the first of the Soviet showed a frank bed scene, alone praised, and others criticized. But the picture brought the creator of prizes and rewards from film festivals in the USSR and abroad. And the heroine of Alexandra Tabacan, who remembered the phrase "I am dragging from him, as a boating on a pack of Dosta!", Caused a living interest in the person of a beginner actress.

Next year, Pichoul again remembered Tobacco, holding a comedy melodrama "in the city of Sochi dark nights." The picture represented cooperative cinema - a new phenomenon in the Soviet cinema, whose flourishing fell in mid-1990s. In the tragicomedia, they hardly moved all the artists from the "Little Faith".

Natalia's main characters played, Alexander Alekseev-Nebraba, Andrei Sokolov and Yuri Nazarov. Alexander Tabakova Pichul entrusted a small but bright role of Masha. That's the whole filmography of the actress, not counting the episodic role in the short filing "Other Area", in which the Keenebet Dmitry Grief took place.

The career of the artist in the theater, headed by the father, was not rapidly: Oleg Pavlovich did not indulge the daughter with the main roles. According to unconfirmed information, leaked from theatrical crowding, Alexander perceived Alexander that his father trusts bright roles for the year of the older Marina Zudina, and she advises to succeed independently.

Slapping the door, daughter left the "tobackerka". Coming out married a citizen of Germany, left the country. In Germany, Alexander Tabakova, having learned the tongue, settled on the local TV channel, where a TV presenter worked for several years.

In the early 2000s, Tabakov returned to Russia. In 2006, she got a radio host on the metropolitan radio station "Silver rain". In a duet with a Russian journalist, a musical criticism and radio host, Alexandra led the program "Mishanin". Tabakov appeared and on the Russian TV as the leading project "went!".

Personal life

Alexander Tabakov and Yana Joseph Lifers, student of the Berlin Theater Academy. Ernsta Bush, introduced a classmate Alexandra, actor Gennady Hungarian. Lifers took the Russian wife to Germany, where in 1988 she gave him to Polina's daughter.

Lifers took place as an actor, screenwriter and producer. The man is multifaceted and talented, Jan Joseph became famous in his homeland and as a director and composer. In the middle of the 1990s, 7-year-old daughter Polina Lifers starred with his father in the comedy "I - BOSS".

Soon after returning to the Motherland, Alexandra Tabakova broke out a novel with an actor, then a little-known actor, and today the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. 8-year-old civil marriage, according to familiar couple, was not cloudless: Tabakov allegedly demanded from Ilyina to leave the actor who did not bring money, and go to the business.

Relationships went to a dead end. Fortunately for the fans of Andrei Ilina, he stayed in the profession and starred in dozens of rating films and TV shows.

Polina graduated from the MCAT Studio School, but did not become an actress: he received a diploma in the specialty "Theater artist." The girl participates in art exhibitions, collaborates with "Tabakcoque" and the Studio Studio Theater.

Alexandra Tabakova now

According to familiar and friends, Oleg Tabakov, his relationship with his daughter spoiled after leaving the family. A collaborated 34-year-old marriage with Lyudmila Kryonova perceived not only she, but also the children - the son of Anton and the daughter of Alexander. Sasha at that time was 29 years old, brother 33. Earlier, the cheerful and sociable, she closed in herself, the divorce of the parents did not discuss with anyone, and the father did not learn from his life at all.

Communication between daughter and father stopped. Rumors that Alexandra and Oleg Pavlovich speak again, denied the Madre himself shortly to death.

Alexandra Tabakova did not communicate with his father for many years

In 2017, the Tabacakerque Theater was 30 years old. The "Channel One" removed the documentary tape on the anniversary about the brass of the Matra, calling her "Oleg Tabakov and his tobacco chickens." Journalists told about the theater and did not bypass the personal life of the founder of Tabakcoque. To the question, is it true that relations with the daughter of Sasha finally recovered, Tabakov answered dryly: "No, it's not so."

Anton Tabakov, like a sister, who did not communicate with the dad for a long time, found a common language with him and made friends with the second wife of the father of Marina Zudina, the only one's brother and the sister of Masha.

Funeral Oleg Tabakov

In March 2018, the country and millions of fans of Oleg Tabakov learned about the stars. At the funeral of the father of Parapazzi vainly vainly the daughter of Tabakov. The coffin was noticed by Paul and a little Masha with her mother, arrived and looseless Anton Tobacco. But neither the first spouse of Oleg Pavlovich, nor Alexandra Tobakova on a farewell with an artist in the hall of the MHT did not see.

In some confusion of fans of the Grand Artist, the information of the "First Channel" introduced, where four children came to say goodbye to Tobacco.


  • 1987 - "Chair" (film play)
  • 1988 - "Little Vera"
  • 1989 - "In Sochi, dark nights"
  • 2003 - "Other District" (short)

Oleg Tabakov Theater Born in the late 70s of the 20th century in a small basement. He was founded by Oleg Tobakov. The first troupe was students of this talented actor. Today on the stage of theater There are classic and modern plays.

History Tabakov Theater

The Tabakov Theater opened in 1978 in the basement of a residential building. Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov himself found this room. The basement was raw and littered. The director and his actors themselves cleaned it, painted and led to the corresponding view. The hall was very small - there are only ten rows. But there were many people who want to see the performances of the theater, and therefore, so that to get here, I had to defend a big place. The first stage of the troupe was a play "and in the spring I will return to you ..." Alexey Kazantseva.

Initially, Tabakov Theater Studio was called "basement". And then was renamed to the "Tabackerka". The status of the State Theater received only in 1986. The authorities for a long time were indifferent to the new troupe, which appeared in the city of Moscow, and did not support her undertaking. As a result of this, his first artists Oleg Tabakov had to be released at different theaters. And in 1981, he scored a course of new students. Among them were Nadezhda Timokhina, Alexander Mokhov, Marina Zudina, Alexey Serebryakov and others. It was they who made up a new troupe of the "Tabakcoque" theater. Renewed rehearsals and shows of performances. The previous settings were restored and new ones were created.

After O. Tabakov managed to pay attention to the state's attention and achieve subsidies, a part of the actors were returned to the troupe, which was included in the first appeal. Many artists serve in "Tabakerque" from the very foundation and so far.

Over time, the word "Studio" was removed from the theater logo.

And today, the best students from the courses of Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov School Studios MCAT, where he since 1985 has been a rector. He teaches himself and in the learning process reveals the most talented, which and takes into his theater. But not only his students take a leader in the troupe. Here are graduates of other theatrical universities. Oleg Pavlovich is famous for its ability to find and disclose talents.

Many performances "Tabakcoque" go on stage for several decades. For example, such as "Sailor Silence".

Many artists often show the initiative of the director. Khudruka does not interfere with such creative manifestations and makes it possible for such a self-expression. Among performances in the repertoire of theater There are such, the directors of whose actors made. A special atmosphere is reigning in Tabakcoque - trust and understanding.

Not only troupe artists take part in the production. O. Tabakov often invites them to their performances of eminent actors from other theaters.

"Tabakcoque" also cooperates with directors from the part. So, for six years, Mindaugas Carbauskis worked here. His performances have repeatedly conquered prestigious awards.

Repertoire Theater Tabakov

The Tabakov Theater offers its audience the following productions:

  • "Marriage Belugin".
  • "Sailor silence."
  • Sister Nadezhda.
  • "Devil".
  • "School Zhen".
  • "Two angels, four people."
  • "Actor".
  • "Story about happy Moscow."
  • "Waiting for Varvarov."
  • "Fear and poverty in the third empire."
  • "Madonna with a flower".
  • "Mirror over a married lie."
  • "Unnamed Star".
  • "Adventure".


Actors Theater Tabakov

The Tabakov Theater is famous for its talented actors. Many of them are known to the viewer in their numerous roles in the cinema and serials.

Theater troupe:

  • Alexander Kuzmin.
  • Olga block-Mirimskaya.
  • Louise Husnutdinova.
  • Evdokia Germanov.
  • Jan Sexte.
  • Marina Zudina.
  • Anya Chipovskaya.
  • Pavel Ilyin.
  • Pavel Tabakov.
  • Daria Kalmykova.
  • Avangard Leontiev.
  • Rosa Khairullina.
  • Raisa Ryazanov.
  • Eduard Chekmazov.
  • Natalia Zhuravleva.
  • Alena Goncharov.
  • Igor Mirkurbanov.


Oleg Tabakov

Oleg Tabakov, the theater of which is one of the most famous and famous in the country, was born in 1935 in the city of Saratov. His parents were doctors. Since childhood, Oleg Pavlovich was engaged in the theater mug at the Palace of Pioneers. He graduated from the School of Studio MCAT, where he was among the best students. For the first time, starred in the cinema aged 20 years. After graduation, he became an actor of the contemporary theater, in which in 1970 he took the position of director. In 1973, Oleg Pavlovich founded his studio at the Palace of Pioneers. In 1986, he began to teach in Gitis, and the first students became the student.

In 1978, Oleg Tabakov founded her troupe. The theater has passed a long way and recently noted his anniversary.

Since 2001, Oleg Pavlovich was appointed Derukomo MHT. A.P. Chekhov. Since then, he controls two theaters.

All his life O. Tabakov was an actor, he played the performances and filmed a lot to the cinema. In the Soviet period, he was one of the most sought-after artists.

Theater address

The Tabakov Theater (its main scene) is on pure ponds: it is Chaplygin Street, house number 17, structure number 1. Nearby are: Consulate of Latvia, Polyclinic No. 5, educational institutions. He is surrounded by the street Zhukovsky and the Big Charitionevsky Lane. The theater has a second scene. Her address is Small Sukharevskaya Square, house number 5.

New Tabakov Theater Building

In September 2015, the new theater of Tabakov began its existence - "scene on Sukharevskaya". A part of the performances are transferred here, which already exist in the troupe repertoire. Also, there were several prime ministers. Among them: "The mirror over the marital lies", "waiting for the barbar", "Unnamed Star".

The new Tabakov Theater was solemnly opened on September 15. And after 12 days the first collection of actors on this scene took place. The first play, which was played in these walls - "Sailor Silence". Director - Oleg Tabakov. The roles played: Anastasia Timushkova, Fyodor Lavrov, Maria Fomin, Pavel Ilyin and others.