The Son of the Great Producer leads abuse with life. TV presenter Sergey Suponev: Creative life and unexpected death Why Kirill Suponians hanged himself

The Son of the Great Producer leads abuse with life. TV presenter Sergey Suponev: Creative life and unexpected death Why Kirill Suponians hanged himself

He is very similar to his father. Another ten years, and he will become an accurate copy of Sergey Suponeva - good, charming sympathets. That particular the audience remembered the leading programs of "Star Hour", "Call of Jungle". Two years ago, Sergey did not. He had a son and a small daughter.

Son Sergey Kirill got on television very early, at five years old. Therefore, now, in its 19, has the experience of the leading multiple television programs. Dreaming about the quarry of the director. He studies in MGIMO (naturally, at the Faculty of Journalism, True, International), engaged in music, smokes "Captan Black", goes to "Daewoo Nexia", which recently remembered. And really does not want to work ... on TV. On an interview, he came with his girlfriend.

- We are already six months old with anosha. With her, I learned to be serious, responsible. We are learning together in MGIMO. I noticed Anunty a year and a half ago. She seemed to me so inaccessible, I was very afraid to approach her. Somehow still decided and wrote to her on "ICQ" that my name is Cyril and I want to meet her. Since then, we are together.

Before exploring Ane, I did not know that there is a real movie that there is Tarkovsky, Kalatozov, Fellini. Since I became interested in a movie, I have one goal - to become a director. Tarkovsky somehow said: "The only way to show your feelings is a movie." I agree with him.

- What about television?

- Do not really attract. Television is a drug, and I don't want to feel like a dragdiller. I myself will never sit down for the TV.

- I would not work on a popular show, if you do not like it?

- Would it. Because of money. But it would not be. When I have children, I will be free to watch TV.

- Even the program "Star Hour"?

- No, "Star Hour" can be. This is the same educational program. But such very little.

- So, the profession of a journalist does not attract you at all?

"I don't want to do what they will order." I want to come up with something yourself. I know for sure that I want to have my own business, and not depend on someone. I can never sit in the office, sort out the papers. Now there are few real programs, all some kind of artificial. On the last Tafe, when I found out that "Star Hour" will not get anything, I got up and left. More worthy programs in this nomination was presented ...

- Your first experience on television is the "Nam-Yam" program, which you led to Nastya Strezhenova?

- No, the first time I appeared in the program "Marathon-15". I was then five years. And in the "Nam-Nam" got when I was ten years old. It entered the morning gearbox for children and lasted five to eight minutes. The concept was papin: I and Nastya were taught the guys to cook breakfast from improvised products. I could not really cook anything other than scrambled eggs, so we learned along the way, along with the viewers. Letters of the following content came to the editor: "Everything looks so terribly: mayonnaise drips on the floor, hands are dirty. Look like Makarevich is all beautiful! "

Then the program "maybe everything". There, I no longer wanted to glow as the son of Suponov, so I came up with a pseudonym Vehopus (my surname, on the contrary). My co-host - Alexey Vostrikov represented me as an offacarious Greek fisherman. We found people interesting professions and tried on themselves what they are doing. There were very interesting programs about Digger, Zlornar. But the funny story was on the New Year program. The director had a friend like two water drops like sting. We decided to make the story "Sting in Moscow". Allegedly the star flew exactly on the shooting "possible everything." In Sheremetyevo, we "met" him, slept limousine, guards, everything, as in life. And then pseudo-sting played in our studio, and I accompanied him and my co-host. Linden sting very naturally opened his mouth under Faneru, he performed the "Cowboy's song" and dressed in a cowboy hat. In general, everyone was delighted. Email responses were mass. And only one particularly attentive viewer wrote: "Something your sting is not the LADA clamps on the guitar ..."

- The last project in which you participated, closed quite recently - the program "100%" on ORT. Your colleague was Nikita Belov, now famous DJ.

- We invited stars, discussed all sorts of topics, for example, with Anastasia Volochkova Rules of Good Tone, and with Dmitry Dibrov discussed the topic "Money". When we asked him how much he needed for happiness, he said: 43646 rubles. Apparently, at that time he was needed this amount.

- Have you entered the institute easily?

- Is it difficult to do in MGIMO? In the same place, the main thing is the creative contest, which I wrote, as we did "possible everything"; written on read books; And English - I was fine with this. In school, the Englishwoman did not plant me for a long time for the desk with the rest of the students, I sat on a chair near the door so that I did not interfere with anyone and did not do anything. Since then, English is like native.

- Your grandfather - Artist Yevgeny Suponev served in the Satira Theater. You did not want to become an actor?

- No, the actors are hypocrites, they try on other people's faces, I would not want it.

- I was told that you were invited as a leading in the updated "Star Hour" ...

- Two years ago, the program wanted to restore, looking for the lead. When I came, I was told that I was too similar to the former lead, the same appearance, a conversation manner. And producers wanted to see another tripping ...

- You have a good car. Himself earned on her?

- No Unfortunately. I get a little money, I help my mother invent questions for the program "Armchair" (Mom works on television, now it is among other things - the project editor "Factory Star-3"). My questions fall into the sixth and seventh group by complexity. I tried to engage in translations. But they pay little for it, and the time goes away.

- How old were you when the parents divorced?

- Ten. It was a difficult period, I don't want to remember this now. Most of all I was worried about mom. They lived together eleven years old, met even at school, Mom waited for her father from the army. On me, the divorce affected me less, because with your father often saw each other, we went to relax, he helped us as he could.

- Which parents went to school meetings?

- Nanny or Mom, father was very busy. I am a spoiled child, in my childhood was a capricious, therefore the belt often received. One day, my father took me for the fact that I called one boy fool. From the second class I was kicked out for bad behavior, I was the only one who went to school in loose clothes. I did not want to wear a form. Then I was transferred to school, where my father studied. There I took the mind, although I learned it does not matter. The kept tell me: "Your dad studied so well, take an example from him." And I knew that he was still a hooligan - stroll lessons. And once even set up a chemical dress ...

- Father helped tips on the weak gender?

"I remember somehow he complained that the girls were not perceived seriously. He said that: "Probably, you are a lot of clowning. We must do everything in moderation: a little to be clown, a little serious. " I remember this advice.

I can not say that I did not use the success of the girl, but they perceived me mostly as a friend. I remember, I was friends with three girls and one day he kissed him with all three. In this, I was a frivolous ... (laughs.)

For the past two years I live yourself. Mom moved to another apartment, to her grandmother. In my free time I play with friends in two groups on the drums. I was drawn to music after the tragedy with my father.

At the end of September, the Son famous in the past TV host Sergei Suponeva reduced the scores with life. It is said that the cause of the suicide of a young man was the depression, in which he fell due to a turn of failures.

The drummer of the Romeo group must die "hanged himself in an apartment on the autumn boulevard, where he used to appear very very rarely ...

The body of the former graduate Zhurfak MGIMO, the television employee found an unhappy mother. On this day, 28-year-old Kirill Suponov, along with other musicians, was supposed to go to St. Petersburg to one of his concerts.
Cyrill survived the tragically deceased father for only 12 years. Family friends remember that Kirill loved her father very much. And when the parents of the ten-year-old boy were submitted for divorce, he threatened that it would be thrown out of the window.

Then the guy managed to stretch out of depression, but when his father died, Kirill closed.

Recall, Sergey Suponev, leading programs for children "Starry Hour", "Call of Jungle", died on December 8, 2001, without having survived until his 39th anniversary of 50 days. In that ill-fated day, a talented TV presenter and producer went on a snowmobile Seliger's lake. At some point, the snowmobile brought, and he crashed into a marina at full speed.

After a terrible tragedy, the son of Kirill lost interest in life. But youth helped him overcome the psychological trauma. The young man moved to a separate apartment, began to play in the music group, dreamed, like the Father, to conduct children's programs. But all his dreams and plans remained unrealized, they say that in recent years, the mother even was afraid to leave the son of one. And often asked the aunt Kirill - the TV presenter Lena Perov - look after the nephew.

However, and the consolidated sister of the deceased Sergey Suponeva Elena was on zero. The ex-participant of the popular group "Lyceum", the actress and the TV presenter itself was depressed. And in March of this year, he also tried to commit suicide to commit suicide, cutting himself a vein. The wound turned out to be shallow, the artist Naskoro had a help, got behind the wheel and went to his psychiatrist.

What would it end, unknown, but 36-year-old Lena arranged an accident in the north-east of Moscow and thus turned out to be in the hands of doctors. The girl was placed in a psychosomatic compartment, where those who are inclined to suicide are usually sent.

What is it? Is the terrible confluence of the circumstances that caused terrible consequences, or mystical pattern? And did not hang a danger over other family members? We asked for an extrasens and clairvoyant Daria Mironov.

- Judging by all the signs, and this is the history of suicides, unnatural deaths or deaths ahead of time, the curse has hung over this family, which is transmitted by the family. This is a destructive magical effect, aimed at a group of people united by related bonds. Such a harmful effect may be distributed not only in the now living, but also not yet born members of the genus for seven and even thirteen generations. In this case, damage to death imposed a woman, and she goes along the male line. Most likely the reason was a betrayal in love. I am talking about the father or grandfather Sergey Suponeva. Perhaps a man and a woman met, and then a man threw a woman who was actually a sorcerer. And the generic curse is her revenge for which she used black magic. For a magical ritual, damage to death uses grave land from the cemetery.

You can get rid of generic curse yourself. It is necessary to order a forty-head for health in three churches at the same time. Three, because three is a sacred number for magicians and for many religions. This number has a direct connection with God. You can choose churches intuitively, and you can find such churches that in relation to each other form a triangle. The geometric structure will make the effect of the rite more powerful. Forty days after the service, the energy engineer completely gets rid of the negative obtained from the outside. It seems to be tuned to high positive frequencies, and as a result, energy shells are safely restored.

And let the fact of the order of the fortieth about health in the three churches will remain mystery to others. In this case, nothing hurts the action of the rite.

After serving, all close relatives need to take a new mirror, women - round or oval, men are square or rectangular, and put it on the night under the pillow. In the morning you need carefully not to reflect in it, put it in the package and go to the intersection of three roads. To split it there and say: "I come and leave." And then leave without turning around. And to pay off the curse, each family member needs to make some kind of mercy, charity.

He is very similar to his father. Another ten years, and he will become an accurate copy of Sergey Suponeva - good, charming sympathets. That particular the audience remembered the leading programs of "Star Hour", "Call of Jungle". Two years ago, Sergey did not. He had a son and a small daughter.

Son Sergey Kirill got on television very early, at five years old. Therefore, now, in its 19, has the experience of the leading multiple television programs. Dreaming about the quarry of the director. He studies in MGIMO (naturally, at the Faculty of Journalism, True, International), engaged in music, smokes "Captan Black", goes to "Daewoo Nexia", which recently remembered. And really does not want to work ... on TV. On an interview, he came with his girlfriend.

With Anya, together for half a year. With her, I learned to be serious, responsible. We are learning together in MGIMO. I noticed Anunty a year and a half ago. She seemed to me so inaccessible, I was very afraid to approach her. Somehow still decided and wrote to her on "ICQ" that my name is Cyril and I want to meet her. Since then, we are together.

Before exploring Ane, I did not know that there is a real movie that there is Tarkovsky, Kalatozov, Fellini. Since I became interested in a movie, I have one goal - to become a director. Tarkovsky somehow said: "The only way to show your feelings is a movie." I agree with him.

- What about television?

Not very attractive. Television is a drug, and I don't want to feel like a dragdiller. I myself will never sit down for the TV.

- I would not work on a popular show, if you do not like it?

Would become. Because of money. But it would not be. When I have children, I will be free to watch TV.

- Even the program "Star Hour"?

No, "Star Hour" can be. This is the same educational program. But such very little.

- So, the profession of a journalist does not attract you at all?

I do not want to do what they will order. I want to come up with something yourself. I know for sure that I want to have my own business, and not depend on someone. I can never sit in the office, sort out the papers. Now there are few real programs, all some kind of artificial. On the last Tafe, when I found out that "Star Hour" will not get anything, I got up and left. More worthy programs in this nomination was presented ...

- Your first experience on television is the "Nam-Yam" program, which you led to Nastya Strezhenova?

No, the first time I appeared in the program "Marathon-15". I was then five years. And in the "Nam-Nam" got when I was ten years old. It entered the morning gearbox for children and lasted five to eight minutes. The concept was papin: I and Nastya were taught the guys to cook breakfast from improvised products. I could not really cook anything other than scrambled eggs, so we learned along the way, along with the viewers. Letters of the following content came to the editor: "Everything looks so terribly: mayonnaise drips on the floor, hands are dirty. Look like Makarevich is all beautiful! "

Then the program "maybe everything". There, I no longer wanted to glow as the son of Suponov, so I came up with a pseudonym Vehopus (my surname, on the contrary). My co-host - Alexey Vostrikov represented me as an offacarious Greek fisherman. We found people interesting professions and tried on themselves what they are doing. There were very interesting programs about Digger, Zlornar. But the funny story was on the New Year program. The director had a friend like two water drops like sting. We decided to make the story "Sting in Moscow". Allegedly the star flew exactly on the shooting "possible everything." In Sheremetyevo, we "met" him, slept limousine, guards, everything, as in life. And then pseudo-sting played in our studio, and I accompanied him and my co-host. Linden sting very naturally opened his mouth under Faneru, he performed the "Cowboy's song" and dressed in a cowboy hat. In general, everyone was delighted. Email responses were mass. And only one particularly attentive viewer wrote: "Something your sting is not the LADA clamps on the guitar ..."

The last project in which you participated, closed quite recently - the program "100%" on ORT. Your colleague was Nikita Belov, now famous DJ.

We invited stars, discussed all sorts of topics, for example, with Anastasia Volochkova Rules of Good Tone, and with Dmitry Dibrov discussed the topic "Money". When we asked him how much he needed for happiness, he said: 43646 rubles. Apparently, at that time he was needed this amount.

- Have you entered the institute easily?

Is it difficult to do in MGIMO? In the same place, the main thing is the creative contest, which I wrote, as we did "possible everything"; written on read books; And English - I was fine with this. In school, the Englishwoman did not plant me for a long time for the desk with the rest of the students, I sat on a chair near the door so that I did not interfere with anyone and did not do anything. Since then, English is like native.

- Your grandfather - Artist Yevgeny Suponev served in the Satira Theater. You did not want to become an actor?

No, the actors are hypocrites, they try on other people's faces, I would not want that.

- I was told that you were invited as a leading in the updated "Star Hour" ...

Two years ago, the program wanted to restore, looking for the lead. When I came, I was told that I was too similar to the former lead, the same appearance, a conversation manner. And producers wanted to see another tripping ...

- You have a good car. Himself earned on her?

No Unfortunately. I get a little money, I help my mother invent questions for the program "Armchair" (Mom works on television, now it is among other things - the project editor "Factory Star-3"). My questions fall into the sixth and seventh group by complexity. I tried to engage in translations. But they pay little for it, and the time goes away.

- How old were you when the parents divorced?

Ten. It was a difficult period, I don't want to remember this now. Most of all I was worried about mom. They lived together eleven years old, met even at school, Mom waited for her father from the army. On me, the divorce affected me less, because with your father often saw each other, we went to relax, he helped us as he could.

- Which parents went to school meetings?

Nanny or Mom, father was very busy. I am a spoiled child, in my childhood was a capricious, therefore the belt often received. One day, my father took me for the fact that I called one boy fool. From the second class I was kicked out for bad behavior, I was the only one who went to school in loose clothes. I did not want to wear a form. Then I was transferred to school, where my father studied. There I took the mind, although I learned it does not matter. The kept tell me: "Your dad studied so well, take an example from him." And I knew that he was still a hooligan - stroll lessons. And once even set up a chemical dress ...

- Father helped tips on the weak gender?

I remember somehow he complained that the girls were not perceived seriously. He said that: "Probably, you are a lot of clowning. We must do everything in moderation: a little to be clown, a little serious. " I remember this advice.

I can not say that I did not use the success of the girl, but they perceived me mostly as a friend. I remember, I was friends with three girls and one day he kissed him with all three. In this, I was a frivolous ... (laughs.)

For the past two years I live yourself. Mom moved to another apartment, to her grandmother. In my free time I play with friends in two groups on the drums. I was drawn to music after the tragedy with my father.

Singer Elena Pereova became one of the heroines of the new release of "Hanging" dedicated to the TV presenter Sergey Supona. She told some details from the TV presenter's life.

Sergey Suponev / Photo: Frame from the transfer "Starry Hour"

About 17 years ago, Sergey Suponev leads the leading children's gear. He rode a snowmobile under Tversa and crashed into a river jet, which was covered with snow. The 38-year-old TV presenter died instantly. Up to this point, many believed that Sergey had an ideal life. He was engaged in his favorite business - the popular transmission of the "Star Hour", "Call of Jungle", and was also the head of the Directorate of Children's Programs ORT. Shortly before the tragedy, his spouse gave him a daughter to Polina, but unfortunately, he could not see how she grew.

Recently journalist Yuri Dwell "Sergey Suponev is a friend of all children." He talked with the co-author of TV host Alexander Goldburt, Leonid Yakubovich, as well as with Suponov's sister - Singer Elena Pernov. The latter told about how he communicated with little gear heroes, and also revealed some details from his personal life. "He really loved the children and adolescents. He was his own. He even with those kids who participated in the "Cast Jungle", communicated to make them a little more adult. He joked with them and swore them, "Elena shared.

Suppev's sister with warmth remembers him / photo: Shot from the film

more on the topic

What happened to the Russian TVs that were popular in the 90sIn 1991, a new era came in the history of domestic television. I collapsed the "iron curtain" and most programs began to do in a western pattern, although, of course, there were enough unique copyright projects.

Also, Sergey Evgenievich's sister showed Dudu archival pictures with her brother. She was talking about the son of the TV master Kirill from Valeria's first wife. He graduated from Zhurfak and worked on television, but in 29 years he put his hands on himself. According to the colleagues, Suponov, he was an excellent father and did everything to communicate with his son more.

His memories shared about him and Elena. "He had a difficult period in life, and when Dad left the family, and when the dad went away. I think he had a movable nervous system, like any creative person. Just someone finds the strength to cope with your brain, which is the main enemy of man. All doubts, all complex perceptions are everything there, "she told. According to her, Kirill was very similar to her father and they were very friendly.

Kirill was very similar to his father / photo: Frame from the film

"Recently, in relation to life, he was ascetic. He had some jeans, alone shorts, one shirt and one jacket. He threw out all the excess of the house. He revised his life in such a peculiar way that it was alarmed. Extremely rushed, "said Suponev's sister. According to her, later the son of the TV host began to live in the old apartment of his mother. In that ill-fated day, he was going to ride with her mother on the car, but then decided to rise to the apartment, and the parent was left to wait for him down.

"It was not 5-10 minutes, and Lera began to call him. He did not take the phone, and she rose upstairs, but it was already too late, "Elena shared. She noted that after the years, the first wife Suponieva was able to survive this tragedy and realized that it was not her wines, since Kirill could not continue to live, told the sister of the TV presenter.

The body of Suponian-younger found his mother Valeria in the apartment on the autumn boulevard. According to a woman, she left the house for 10 minutes, and when he returned, her son was already dead.

Neighbors argue that Suponev appeared in this apartment rarely. Investigators, having examined the dwelling, did not find a suicide note. On the fact of suicide, a pre-examination has begun, according to which the issue of initiating a criminal case will be resolved.

After the death of Suponeva, Kirill, who in childhood was often shot with his father in television shows, became more closed. He graduated from the Faculty of International Journalism MGIMO, was a striker in the group "Romeo must die," was going to become leading children's programs on television. A series of failures on castings often introduced a young man into depression. According to friends, after the death of the Suponian-senior, a young man became more nervous and closed in himself: he was bastard than his father, and his death became a terrible blow to him.

This is not the first tragedy in the family of the late TV presenter: In March of this year, Sergei Suponov's sister, singer and actress Lena Perov tried to cut the veins. The ex-soloist of the group "Lyceum" entered the hospital with cutting wound on the wrist. In the afternoon of March 20, Elena Perov cut her hand. However, the wound was not very serious, and she herself had helped themselves. After that, the TV presenter was frightened and went to his psychiatrist. However, on the way she fell into an accident. In the hospital, Perov was delivered by an ambulance from an accident site on the street of exemploying, where her Opel faced the Mercedes SUV. As I told Perov in an interview, on this day she broke up with a loved one, and it provoked a nervous breakdown.

Sergey Suponev, Head of Children's Gear Directorate Orth and leading program " Star hour", Died in December 2001 in the village of Unimonovo under Tvers. Surging on the ice of the Volga on a snowmobile, "Yamakhu" of the 38-year-old TV presenter, and he crashed into a river marina hidden on the ice at high speed. As a result of the accident, Supones received severe injuries that were fatal.