Elena Kasyanova: biography and life of a talented chanson performer. Elena Kasyanova: biography, personal life, photo

Elena Kasyanova: biography and life of a talented chanson performer.  Elena Kasyanova: biography, personal life, photo
Elena Kasyanova: biography and life of a talented chanson performer. Elena Kasyanova: biography, personal life, photo
Elena Kasyanova and the "Boy" Group

Elena Kasyanova (Dmitrieva)
38 years old, p. Novaya Usman (Novousmansky District), Russia.
The repertoire is based on touching stories("The Arrested Wedding", "Cinderella", "Excellent and Clever Girl") or lyrics with elements of stories ("Courtyard", "Girlfriend"). Music is arranged in disco style.

This group is based in VORONEZH.
The second soloist in the group is Vera Myasnikova.
An incredibly successful combination of lyrics, music and performance. Very melodic albums with nice lyrics and of course voices. The feeling that well-selected hits and not just albums. It is a pity that it is so categorically asserted that there will be no more new, but apparently there are certain reasons for this. These two albums can be safely enclosed in a golden frame and into a collection of the best songs ...

Answers to frequently asked questions about the group:
1) Does the "Kid" group exist now?
-> No more "Boys". And now Elena is singing with Bryantsev the Younger.
2) Is there a 3rd album planned for this (or next year)?
-> There will definitely not be an album.

3) Why are there no concerts?
-> There are no concerts because this project was a studio project.
This means that the group did not perform anywhere and did not give concerts.
4) Why is there no biography?
-> While it is just not enough, and there is no point in writing


(2004) Youngster
(2007) Second album

Fans of Russian chanson never have to think that they will listen to something new for the current day. Russian open spaces are rich in talented, sincere people, who experienced the sides of life on themselves, from that they sing truly soulfully. How does the beautiful gentle Elena Kasyanova, who creates a good competition for the bright Irina Krug.

Lena did not set herself iron goals to become a singer. But in the profession it is not accidental either. Her feminine voice and soothing charm could not fail to be noticed by people who understand chanson, and the country first heard a young extraordinary singer 10 years ago. But first things first.

Where stars are born

A place with a population of about 30 thousand people in homeland automatically called a city. But not New Usman, Voronezh region... Today it unusual place- the largest village in Russia, which does not want to become a city. The village is located 10 (8) km from Voronezh, and it was there that the girl Lena, Elena Viktorovna, was born in the Dmitriev family on April 11, 1976.

Lena spent her entire childhood in Novaya Usman, studying at school, and a resounding graduation ceremony. The childhood years were Soviet, by the age of 15, times had already changed, and by the end of school, Elena had grown into a beautiful, lively young girl, always attracting attention. Nearby was the capital Voronezh, where the Usmanian youth regularly spent time. It is not surprising that already at the age of 19, the beauty met her betrothed, and by the age of 20 she married him.

Meeting with Roman gave Elena a different surname and beloved daughter Leroux, who appeared in August 1996. The young mother already bore the surname Kasyanov, and it was under this surname that she became known to all her listeners and fans.

"Kid" and "Cinderella"

By 2002, Russian chanson in Russia reached its peak. Mikhail Krug, Boomer, Lyuba Uspenskaya, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Novikov, Butyrka. In Voronezh, they did not lag behind fashion trends, and Alexey Bryantsev, an active, insightful producer who knows how to write, was responsible for this good songs about life. He had already given birth to the well-known collective "Far Light", and was looking for female performers for the new project, since the first group was male.

Lena approached the production idea in the best possible way. Slender, short, with dark hair and a firm gaze, but a melodic voice, she perfectly fit into the concept of Alexei's project, because the group was called "Boy". The talented producer himself wrote all the songs for the project. Her close relative Vera (Myasnikova) was taken in a pair with Elena, which is why the duet acquired a beautiful harmony.

Group "Boy"

The repertoire quickly captured the Russians - lovers of chanson. And how not to notice two beauties with a bewitching image, singing about the real ones, difficult stories from life, and not the usual sugary songs about love. In 2004, the first album "Boys" was released with 12 songs called "Little Boy". The work was so heartfelt that the biography of Lena Kasyanova instantly ceased to be the subject of relatives and friends.

The songs "Arrested Wedding", "Little Boy", "Cinderella" became cult songs and attracted not only ordinary listeners. The widow of Mikhail Krug, the famous Irina Krug, who had already gained popularity by that time, wanted to re-sing “Cinderella”. And the songs "Dvorik", "Write", "Powdered" were so liked by the organized fans that they began to appear on homemade clips and selections on the network. The boys began to turn into Cinderella.

Free swimming

The duet became popular among connoisseurs of Russian chanson. And "Kid" successfully recorded another album "Second". It happened already in 2007. Lena sang there already practically alone with the support of male backing vocals, and this was the first sign to the breakup of the group and a solo career. Of course, no one suffered from this, the project was simply modified by mutual consent of the participants. However, the songs from the second album became even more popular. These are: "Guitarist", "After all, you loved me", "He wrote in the snow", "Last year's snow".

The second album also has 12 songs. This is the last release of the duo group so far. The group was exclusively studio, did not think about touring, was limited only to private performances by invitation. Alexei Bryantsev, the producer, had other projects, and the members of the group had the opportunity to finally take up their personal affairs closely.

Lena realized her dream of a small business, and was also engaged in raising her daughter. Unfortunately, one. Valera's dad turned out to be a specific person, and the family did not survive. Valera, on the other hand, had grown up completely and needed warm mother's care, and Elena tried to do everything for the girl's happiness. By the way, relations with her husband's relatives remained good, so the daughter did not have to be isolated. Lera grew up in prosperity, studied, the family lived in Novaya Usman.

In 2008, there was a moment when the native producer suggested, it was, to Elena Kasyanova new project in a duet with his new ward Alexei Bryantsev Jr. The couple recorded the song "Hello, baby", specially written for the release, and Bryantsev Sr. was already taking the song to the release companies in order to give all the airs, as Irina Krug intervened in the venture. The producer met Irina at the airport on friendship, and when Krug was in the car, she heard new entry... The singer wanted this duet to become her own, and Bryantsev Sr. did not give up opportunities.

In the photo, Elena Kasyanova and Alexey Bryantsev Jr.

The song was re-recorded with Irina, the new duet went on tour across the country. But the Circle was not enough for a long time. After 3 years, she refused further cooperation, and her partner was forced to continue singing solo. However, the listeners wanted exactly the duet format, and the songs of Bryantsev Sr. suggested a couple to be performed. After all, they were about tender love and bitter partings. The producer realized that no one could continue this line better than Lena, and asked the singer to return to him if she could.

Elena did it. It was 2013 in the yard, the daughter was finishing school by that time and was preparing to become independent. Nothing prevented me from returning to my favorite work and trying to win new listeners. And she more than succeeded in this.

Present days and future

The duet with Alexei Bryantsev Jr. was completely different from the previous Boys. After all, Lena has turned from a perky girl into an adult confident woman. Wardrobes have changed, outlook on life has changed. And the singer's voice began to play maturely and tenderly, the songs performed by her penetrated the very soul of the audience. The audience was completely delighted.

A petite brunette, beautiful and eye-catching, next to a low-voiced, courageous partner on the stage caused such satisfaction among the chanson fans that since 2014 not a single concert of Alexei Bryantsev Jr. is complete without Elena Kasyanova. The duo has already traveled almost all over the country, visited the Baltic countries. Concerts are scheduled for 2018. The songs of the duet became just hits. The best of the songs:

  • “I still love you”, 2016;
  • Love for Two, 2017;
  • "Disliked", 2017;
  • "Angel", 2018.

Separate albums of partners are not expected yet, there are no video clips. Perhaps, similar works in the future, while the singers are focused on the development of material. However, now Elena is no longer afraid to be left without a partnership on stage. Talent opened her long-awaited path to solo project, because the audience fell in love with a gentle chansonnier with mysterious eyes and strong voice forever and ever.

Elena is very close with her daughter, and her daughter with her. Until 2015, Lera, who had already graduated from school, was almost a complete copy of her mother - she wore a similar hairstyle, hair color and makeup. The daughter worships her mother and calls her the most beloved person on Earth. This is not surprising, because the mother gave her daughter everything she could, without putting personal life and ambition first.

Today Valeria Romanovna Kasyanova is an adult, beautiful woman, beloved wife and young mother. In September 2017, her mom-singer gave her in marriage to a young an enterprising person Alexei. And in March 2018, the couple had a daughter, Sonya, and Elena Viktorovna became a young grandmother. Lera is now a spectacular blonde with a model appearance and mother's eyes and a smile.

  1. Carefully protects his personal life, the life of relatives, their children and parents. There are no direct pages of her in any social networks, only disguised traces.
  2. He lives in Voronezh and does not plan to move to the capital; he loves his city and his surroundings.
  3. She does not know what star fever is, she still communicates with all close people.
  4. I'm glad that my daughter Lera after school chose higher education teacher-historian.
  5. He has many relatives, even in Crimea.
  6. She does not like excessive attention to herself, she is modest, but not helpless.
  7. She was the same age as her ex-husband.
  8. Loves cats.
  9. Loves stage performances and studio recordings.

She also loves to live and enjoy every day. And she believes that she is incredibly lucky in life. This means that new, touching stories in songs and recordings will please the hearts of grateful fans and relatives more than once.

Talented Russian performers female chanson can be counted on one hand. One of them is the Voronezh singer Elena Kasyanova, former soloist group "Boy". Despite the fact that the group broke up, Elena continues to perform solo and in duets, periodically delighting fans with new hits.

Elena Kasyanova, singer of songs in the style of "chanson", originally from the Voronezh region, the village of Novaya Usman. The singer prefers not to name the age, but fans still found out that she was born on April 11, 1976. Information about Elena is scarce, the woman tries not to spread about her life, believing that the biography is too meager and not interesting for discussion.


Elena Kasyanova was the soloist of the "Boy" group, which was popular in the 2000s. The group was created in 2002 in the city of Voronezh by a local music producer Alexei Bryantsev Sr., who also founded the collectives Butyrka, Far Light and Pyatiletka. The second vocalist Vera Myasnikova, according to rumors, is Elena's sister.

The girls recorded songs "on the topic of the day." The repertoire was based on touching stories that were relevant at that time: in “The Arrested Wedding” a young girl falls in love with a hooligan who ends up in the dock from the registry office, “Cinderella” told the audience the story of a young beauty who fell in love with a major - as it turned out, a killer. The songs are arranged in disco style.

The group seemed to have taken ideas for the lyrics from news reports or the press - they are so realistic. The hits of the "Boy" group were performed by young people with a guitar in the courtyards, the words and chords were learned by heart in a couple of days. The guys tore the strings, the girls empathized with the heroines who fell in love with criminals and hooligans: in the 2000s, when there were no social networks and the Internet, such gatherings were one of the few entertainment options available.

Albums of the "Boy" group are a successful combination of music, text and talent of the performers. Separately, it should be said about the voices of Vera and Elena: simple, soft, and the manner of performance is more reminiscent of a fascinating story.

The "Boy" group broke up, having recorded two albums, the release of the third is not planned. When asked why there are no concerts, Elena replies that the project was a studio project: the group initially did not perform at open stages.

Fans regret that the girls no longer work on recording songs, but note that the released albums are recorded conscientiously, each melody is a hit. Some songs "Boys", for example, "Cinderella", quail.

In 2007 popular performer the chanson planned to record "Hello, baby" together with Elena. However, the circumstances were successful for Alexei, and the widow, Irina, agreed to the duet. Creative union Bryantsev and Kasyanova will be formed, but later.

Personal life

Personal life, like the rest of the singer's biography, is closed to journalists. Whether Elena's heart is free or occupied by one of the men is unknown, but it is known that Elena is a mother.

In 1996, the singer had a daughter, Valeria. The girl is 21 years old, she is a student of the Voronezh Pedagogical University, a slender attractive blonde model appearance. In features, the girl looks like a star mom in her youth.

Valeria recently got married: touching photos on the girl's page in "VKontakte", where the mother straightens her daughter's veil, dated September 2017. Joint pictures with his father are not posted on the social network. The wedding took place in a Voronezh restaurant located on Moskovsky Prospekt. There is no information about Elena's son-in-law, but judging by the photographs, they are with the bride of the same age and height.

Elena Kasyanova now

Currently, the singer lives in Voronezh and performs solo, as well as in a duet with the singer Alexei Bryantsev. Planned for 2018 touring concerts Bryantsev in Russian and Latvian cities, to some he invites Elena to perform such hits as "My unexpected joy", "Piece of happiness", "I still love you", "Midnight call", "Sweet poison", "I I won't give you up ”and others.

Joint recordings sound on radio "Chanson", are published in popular thematic collections. The duo's popularity can be easily explained: Alexey and Elena are recording simple songs about love, which is familiar to every listener.

Uncomplicated words sink into the soul, mainly the audience of Bryantsev and Kasyanova - men and women over 40 years old. Although young girls are also praised by buying tickets for concerts on social networks.

The duo does not shoot official videos, but on YouTube there are dozens of mini-films edited by fans, based on the songs of Alexei and Elena. Most of these "clips" are for the song "Disliked". As a video sequence, craftsmen use either personal photos or cuts from love series.

Elena Kasyanova is a wonderful woman and a talented singer, one of the few who performs chanson really well. That is why her fans are interested in learning about some facts from her biography and see her photos not only from the stage, but also from everyday life.

Elena Kasyanova


Elena Viktorovna prefers to hide her age from the public, but true fans still managed to find out the date of her birth - April 11, 1976. The future singer saw the light in the large village of Novaya Usman (Voronezh region).

Lena spent her childhood in this wonderful place. She attended a local school, and by the time she graduated, she turned into a real beauty, attracting the attention of others. The city of Voronezh was located ten kilometers from the village, where the Usmanian youth usually spent their free time... It was there, at the age of nineteen, that the girl met her future husband Roman, and her personal life changed dramatically.

Elena in her youth

By the age of twenty, Elena married her beloved man, took his last name, becoming Kasyanova, and in August 1996. gave birth to a daughter.

Many fans of the singer really want to know more about her. But detailed information v open sources absent. Elena Kasyanova is convinced that her biography is not so unusual to talk about her, and her personal life is a completely inappropriate topic for public discussion. However, we will still talk a little about this, no doubt, a talented performer.


In the 2000s, among connoisseurs of chanson, the group "Boy", in which Elena was one of the vocalists, gained popularity. This team was founded in 2002. A. Bryantsev Sr. Short in stature, slim, dark-haired Kasyanova - the owner beautiful voice, perfectly fit into the newly-minted project of a music producer.

Interesting! The second soloist in the "Boy" group was Kasyanova's sister Vera Myasnikova.

Elena performs most of the songs together with Alexei Bryantsev

The basis of the repertoire of the studio collective, in which Elena sang, was made up of actual and very touching stories at that time. One might get the impression that the band drew ideas from the press and news reports for their songs - the compositions were so realistic and, at times, dramatic.

Interesting! Alexey Bryantsev wrote all the songs for the "Boy" project independently.

Much to the regret of the fans, the band broke up after recording two albums, each consisting of 12 songs: "Little Boy" in 2004. and "Second" in 2007. However, connoisseurs of chanson argue that each of the compositions performed by Kasyanova and Myasnikova can be safely called a real hit.

Do you think Elena's career was successful?

  • Interesting! Famous song"Cinderella" from the repertoire of the "Kid" group quail I. Krug.

    In 2007. A. Bryantsev Jr., who is famous performer chanson, planned to record a joint song with Elena, which would become the beginning of their joint work. So the light was supposed to see the composition "Hello, baby", however, in the most last moment Irina Krug “entered” the case. After listening to the novelty in a private setting, she wanted to become a soul mate creative duet with Bryantsev Jr.

    Kasyanova and Bryantsev on stage

    The producer decided not to miss the opportunity to work with Irina, already very popular at that time. So, the song was re-recorded, but with the participation of M. Krug's widow. Soon, the newly-made duet went on tour, but it lasted only three years - Ira refused further cooperation. In her place, it was urgently necessary to find a worthy replacement.

    Bryantsev Sr. did not think for a second about who to invite to the place of the previous singer. Elena Kasyanova, after some deliberation, nevertheless accepted the producer's offer. She returned to the stage and began to win the love and respect of new listeners.

    Personal life

    Detailed information about biography and family life Elena Kasyanova is gone. The woman tries not to reveal herself to journalists and does not display personal photos. Therefore, it is impossible to say with certainty whether it belongs to this moment to some of the men the heart of a singer.

    Elena raised her daughter alone. She broke up with her first husband

    However, something is still known about Kasyanova's personal life. Create a strong family with your first true love failed. Husband Roman turned out to be a very specific person, and the family broke up. Therefore, Elena raised her daughter Valeria on her own.

    In 2017. Lera (the girl is very similar to her lovely mom in her youth) got married. She is happily married and recently became a young mother. Happy parents named their daughter Sophia.

    Let's take a look at some Interesting Facts about Elena Viktorovna:

    • Kasyanova is not in any of the social networks... Although, it is likely that her "pages" are registered under other names.
    • Elena has relatives in Crimea.
    • The singer just adores cats.
    • E. Viktorovna is a very modest person. She does not like excessive attention to her own person.

    Kasyanova enjoys every day she has lived and believes that she is very lucky in life.

    Elena Kasyanova now

    The woman loves her with all her soul hometown Voronezh, and despite the available opportunities, is not going to move to the capital. Talented singer continues to work together with A. Bryantsev, Jr., and at the same time develops a solo career.

    The creative duet of Bryantsev and Kasyanova is in demand among viewers

    The collective was created in 2002 by the music producer Alexei Bryantsev (Gr. Butyrka, Gr. Far Light, Gr. Patsanka, etc.). By 2007, the group had released 4 albums, the BEST album and the MP3 album. All albums were released by the Classic Company.

    The sound of the group is distinguished by powerful energy, dance rhythms, modern sound. The group's repertoire includes over 50 songs. The group has been successfully touring Russia. The songs are rotated on radio chanson Moscow and other radio stations, and are regularly published in popular chanson collections.
    Music, lyrics, arrangements, production - Alexey Bryantsev
    Vocals - Valery Voloshin
    Back vocals - Ivan Orekhov
    Guitar - Andrey Zhuravlev

    On stage the band works only live: vocals, guitar rhythm, guitar solo, keys, drums, bass guitar. V concert tours To make life easier for local organizers, the Five-Year Plan mainly travels in an abbreviated composition: vocals, guitar, keys, drums.

    Most famous songs:
    "On the Shira-Abakan stretch"
    "And at the time of the year"
    "Let's light the vagabonds candles"
    "Student", etc.

    The history of the group's creation, in general, is rather unsophisticated and especially not replete with the wonderful transformations of Cinderella into a princess. Petersburg musicians Dmitry Bykovsky and Eduard Kharlamov quite often flashed in many nightlife as performers of tavern songs, until, as they say, they ended up in the right place, v the right time and in the right company... As a result of this concentration of several creative personalities a union was formed consisting of: Dmitry Bykovsky - vocals, Eduard Kharlamov - keyboards, Alexey Chetverikov - backing vocals, Alexey Bryantsev - arrangements. The result of the collective's work in 2003 was the songs that were later included in the first album of the group, the name of which actually gave the first recorded track - "Five-Year Plan". This song practically determined the style and manner of performance of the collective. Well, we, in turn, hope for mutual interest in our work on the part of you - our listeners, because the songs written and performed by people who love and understand this music have always enjoyed success with our people. In 2007, its soloist Dmitry Bykovsky left the group (Dmitry Bykovsky is now an actor of the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater in St. Petersburg, starred in the famous television series: "Cop Wars" parts 1, 2, 3; "Mine" parts 1 and 2; " The Life and Death of Lyonka Panteleev "and others) and a new vocalist of the" Five-year-old "group, Valery Voloshin, appeared.

    The new composition of the "Pyatiletka" group: vocals - Valery Voloshin; guitar - Sergey Lazarev; keys - Alexander Khvorikov; drums - Alexander Sechenykh.
    V currently the group "Five-year-old" is recording its sixth album.